.il w. u iming itteratf. i PRINTS THE NEWS WHILK IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPK y;BOW"W"''l''"' fivmiswvtmmmrfM-mmmms3tMimjimmirtg.n 5: Nletn Venr No. 4T KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,! MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1914 m JAPAN GETS INTO THE GAME STRONG v Not Much Change in the Alignment of Annies in Europe NIPPON SAYS GERMANY MUST QUIT CHINESE CITY China Looks Upon CONGRESSMAN PRESENTS RESOLUTION TO HAVE BRYAN PROTEST THIS MOVEMENT BY JAPANESE inlU'l I'furt ffVk TOKIO, Aua I?. Japan Im I llO Uttt bjf MIHHt. Augul Jil. lie l uri tl rttx of iMag Tu, In th In War wild J a (tall, Japan nastm Aawrtra that eh lh latter' far fUMrrft pcc4la China. TwUy tit Jpeare Href U rw "f llw ortnr oip nlxiartl transport ht luHp ilMM up. li U rtrrt) thai Germany will mstum. I mUJ rtM fltrvlc WAHIIINdTOS, !). C, Aug. 7. Connr.nmin rirlUln of illlnul today Itilroducvd In tb houa a rolulton tlrttllng Htratary of lai liryan to I'rotwat agalMt Jo pan, brui of b ulllaJuum luud to nrmnr. II tuirtd Vktl tbla moT on th part Booth to Speak Here Republican Nonbeefor Senator Here Wednesday Willi AMUVH FIIOM I.AKEV1KW am) 1101.1) meeting that i:vi:nin(i. mektingh aijo at hiiit klamath and meiiiiii.ii Uvbort A. Ilooth, republican nom liioo for Uullud fltatvs senator, and a Huitttifirn Orogon pioneer, will nrrive Weilnsdny from Lakeviaw to atuuip KUnintli county, Wednesday night ho will iwlil rose a public meeting at Uiu oporu liousoj Thursday ha will "Pi.uk at Merrill, and Friday at Fort Klatnntli, In llio Marly days Ilooth conducted '" Koro ut YoncalU, In Uouglaa coaa iy. und he la well known to aaarly aU ( tba ploaaers. I arter yeare he dovotad bit attention to lumbering, the mult being' tba Booth-Kelly Umbering company, eg of tba big- This as Jap Move to Get Foothold umI an ultimatum til Gnuay that rlitr ulirtttrr Germany Mill ablatio p provlnto f KUuthau, China, r go (i propo ( MYt front Gsrmaay n. and rvrntaally restore tlaem u tuplrtrly manned, and several corp . which art urkix nttti prutWton trJuw to comply nltli m ultl j Of Japan Iwiku llkn a "arltk atap," j "In tttlt ay," ha aafd. "Jiipan plant to gain a big hold on Chta lerrliorjr. Antartu aboulfl that lb larriiorlal tlntr or Cblna It unbrokao." The rwolutlon dtrcU VcrUrr Drjan to Inforu 3apa iUit Atnar lea "vlavra with concern tba) tranafar by fore of arroa of any CldatM tar. Robert A. Botn t concern In the elate. Mr. aoolb hat -retired from the active manage ment of the conwra. V.-:.Bamamamgaami ' S'-'awPaaaamgaami BjlQHHHHJ ritory to Japs or any other foreign nation " 'i nlttd 'r ttertki PEKIN, Auk. JT.Tb Japan ultimatum ha stirred China. The Cbtnt bellev Japan plans to sell lb German colour. o Chinese troop tve gua to Klku Cbu lo forestall sty outsiders aad retake the provtnre for CM. Uulud 'Ptas aartlt- -m. ,.i.. WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. J President U'lUcrn eirvMl hi unfit attadftJ Ibftl Japan It acting In good faith In lir effort to rt-store KUu Chau provlucd to Chins, and thus trvne China's Integrity The pttatdeut would u"Icum th t qui!lou bo further. )! ald one of hU dull, under lb neutrality law, t vii in rafbt lo ipt us opinion of tb Japaueie ultimatum to Germany "5-10-15 CT." STORE TO OPEN JTACOMA HAS It rilaTAJUNa FOR j ncgi.sxsi MEHK. n cox. NKCTCD WITH INDKl'KNDRNT CHAIN OF TORCa A five, tea and flftaeu rent store j la to be opened In Klamath Falls. 0. T. Cllnganpcal has leased the (ore room ta the Bristol building, near Third atreet. and will have the sew bustaaaa open to the public by Septaqibar 16th. His family will aoon arrlre to make Klamath Valla their home, Mr, Cllnganpael la bare from Ta ct) in a, Ills store will be connected with the Independent chain of fire, ten, fifteen cent stores, and his buy ing will be with that concern. "Kuyk" la Lucky Eugene OunnluNIno deer In soven days Is the host hunting record re portml so far In thls season, mndo by lir. Khorlo Kuykendall, Del Kuy krndnll. Al Kent and Charles neck- loy, a party which returned today' from a trip to the Uinpqua Klver valley, Parklug their rqmp eulp uient on burros, the party weat eighteen miles beyond Elkton, on the Loon Lake trail, A couple of days were required to make the trip In un.d out, A considerable quantity of Jorked venison was brought back by tho hunters, Al Kant la Mm Kuy Uflndall'a halt brother, and Del Kuy keudaH Is an attorney of Klamath Falli. ' . , ", i ',, ,. India's flnauclal dtHculttts have caused serious abarraaameht to th pearl market, Human Side of I s. ! V aaaraEaBHUaJaHBaHBaBBaBalBHaBitV llMaaHaKlP ' aHZBilalaaaaaaHPPI ' I BatalaBlB iyjS3KSBMKtWSI0IIK!ii BaBaBaBaBBaBaBKBaKaBBaBaBaBaBaBBaBaBaKriMS7a?vIbv aaaaaaaaalaaaaaMSiiaaariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalPla? Ji jjja BBaaflaHaBaaaaaaaalBBalaB aaBaBaBaBaaaKIBaBaaBaBaBaBaaV BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaaT i 'tVjflaaTaTaTaTaTaTB .... BBVaBBBBaVaBBBBBBBBaV' NsXJBai f JK)t$T''wK "" "aBBBBlBBBBBlBBBBlBBBBlBBBBaaMaaLAS BiHaaiiiHiiiiiiiiH&Syl LaaHiaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLw'jK BaaHBaBaaiBBBBaiiiiHrKl? BaLaHBHBBLBBBaLBBBaLaRBaSttB aLVaiaaBLBaBLLLLLKlWQ . gLaBaliHiiiiiiBv'J''--J I IBCagaBaB . i I Dcipito tbc flrcont of the "War Lord," who U now trying to devas tate Europe, bo has a human side. Ho has many recreations besides making plant tor war. This photo graph shows blm la ono of these moments. A farortt p&itlmo has been sailing about the Ilslttc and North Boa In bis magnlQcout steam yacht, tho HohcnsoUerB. In fact. A. P. Hutchens Killed When Elevator Drops The Dead A. I'. Hatcaie. The Injured- Frank Duty, Tom But, Fml Brow. One man killed Instantly and threo others more or less injured, was tho result of an unaccountable drop by the elevator at the Farmers' Im plement & Supply House, at 3:15 this afternoon. A. 1 Hutchlns, th Duftys aad Brown had jutt loaded n wagMi on tho elevator at tho second floor, and were just atnrttng down when the drop came, sendlug the elovator and Ita load Into the basement. Hutchlns was between tho wall and the wagon, nn.l It Is believed that he was i rush ed by tho wagon's movement. Four of bla ribs wore fractured, and he wan otherwise, injured. Coroner Earl WMtlook took .ihnrKO nf the remains. Brown and one of th Puffys weie taken to Blackburn Hoapltal by Dra. Cat bey A Johnson, It waa found that Brown had cut th aatlr length of his chin, requiring tmral etlteh &m00mi'00m0m00000m0000m0i "War Lord 99 the fcaUT Is aa enthusiastic yachts man. Several times It has been reported that he might challenge for the ' America's cup, but be baa been too h.iuvfnrlhX Mil Tirht lh Utaw. has sailed against many smaller American and British' yachta In the waters about Germany and Great Britain. ., and his right aakl and right arm wero atso hurt. A tooth waa drive through Duffy's Up'. The cause of the accident Is un known. The cable was Intact after the fall, so It la a supposition that the drum became released. Mr. Hutchlns haa resided in Klam ath Falls for many years, and he leaves a family. He was at one time In the wood aad Ice buslasea, bat fr tho Inst six or eight months haa been connected with the Supply House. I WUI Lose Moustaches I Hairs on the upper Upa of John Siemens and Jlmmle Lytle will be aa scarce as the Belgian hnrea are alnce tho war, after the members of a certain Spring Creek party of va tlonlsts return. The two young so cial leaders spent Sunday at th camp, and they were warned, upea departing, that th spars growth on their upper Up, which they have so Jcaloualy guarded from troeta, rough towels, ht, aa ta we ting remarks of th envious, must com el before ta eamr rtarm. GREECE AND TURKEY TALKING SASSY; GERMAN LINE PUSHED NEARER NAMUR; FRENCH MOVE United ITeee dartue LO.VDO.V, Aag. 17. .10 tea ad .Jcre ay Creace Baa lcat.inrtl an iiwrtwa vi nc riffm wi asrnn imkj; croaauac JHUgana waiaiiuh g-Mfc- talwr. Greece. It la saaeaaced tkat tf Tttr. J a tato aBato Mawaiagi tat tM key la awf la Greece wfllarceattaa j -,,. -m . .., Late U the day Greece rlrtaaJly bailed a ulllialaw to Tatfkrr f4 lowtac taw cautier waraaas UiM if TMrklaki tmona msm utnmdr Im ! Karla, Greece wfll act wltli her araay ( aad aavy. The aaoMHiaUmi la ceaaaleie. - Bf Karl roa K1XGAXD (ilartia Corraapoadaat Caitaa Praaa) (Copyright by Uartea Praaa) THE HAGUE, Aug. "Tk "iwt innwuiy wrouj aa ac&aow t - gdjNieaf oTWnadaT aaaJIJUam' dtr. and-handed It to . .....(.. recf i uuic, uui uun no pruaaisaBi. I tee aaucr recetTaa ueraru la taa I palaco garden Wedneadajr, aad after . .... . M . . ' shaking band, conferred for aa hour. The kaUar vu loleaiB aad oarncit, and after bearing hU Tlaltor out. he wrote bU reply. Wllhelm rolteraud hfls declara tion that he has alwaya nought peace, and blamed Ruula for the trouble. He thanked Wilson and aald the of fer would he considered. Oalted Press Service BRUSSELS, Aug. 17 The Ger man Infantry, in aa Irregalar Ua. covers the eastern Belgian freaUer. aad th Oenaaa cavalry I active. Aa admlaaloB. that the Oermaa Ua haa bees poshed forward towards DInant, fifteen mil from Namar. la regarded significant. Late today the German advance ta reported halted. United Pre Service LONDON, Aug. 17. The war situ ation Is tense. The bulletins banted by the government refer to men May Locate Bakowski Tripod Is Found Sow The finding of a tripod three-quarters of a mile from the rim of Crater Lake yesterday has brought the mys terious disappearance of B. B. Ba kowski, a Polish photographer, again to the limelight. Another search is to be made for the remtlns of th missing man, who has not en seen alnce he entered Crater Lake Na tional Park In tho winter of 1911. The' tripod, which shows the ef fects of exposure to the weather, waa found about three-quarters of n mil from the rim of th 'crater by aa employe of government coaatrueUoa camp No, S. Th man waa wading from Sand Creek to th rim whea a mad th discovery. ' By th time b reached th rip. th day waa too far goa t Ftrailt a search, but thla Is being mad to soraflBMBU la Alaa, aaa) Mm im Om of tkM talantt to Ua aa tractiT eC tk "AUte " ar tUUry u tka Kittwn' Mmttrr. .. liilailai aaaaa aeata at Malimaa. Tatoaaffa the raBertority af taa Fr ta m aera la aatfas (U.algtC Oae aallatta kaa taf faUevlac: "Taa Fraaaa fteat Jkea mat ta Adrtetle far aartk at taa Oalf at Oat tar, taa beat Barker taen, walaa taa Fraaaa aaw 4aaJaa. "Taa aaat aaaat a taw gaaaM Aaa- aSt- I Vmitat f aarnaa Pjut. Aav MTfca tamta tat- 1 tmllM -, aatUi aagaf S3. Uaa tafaatry tkia Tata la tB- g .uajara raaavtaa eaataraa. ; Tk Vraaai lataaaa mrm S - " "" -www log slowly oa Oenaaa eelt. where there are eteaaea, aad taa casualitea rua lata Thitaaaa-W The SghUag- aaata of Malaaaaaa U desperate. The rraaaa. after hailing taa Oenaaa treaeaea, aaarg. ed. aad la the aaad ta aaad eaaaua tar, the Qenaaaa ware foraat aaak. Freach aarealaaea are aaatltag the It la believed that a Mcgaerala ; gagemeat (a dsveleplag la the mala armSee Get Oa Mr. aad Mrs. Chartea V. : Mr. aad Mr. Weetey O. ataalta re turned Ut aetarday tramt a fort night's huatrag amawMwa Lake, at the seath fork & Ream River. Tie party caught treat teaameraaU. aad Stoa bagged a deer. It'a a stay A taa pound oa arrived aaday moralag at the home of Mr. aad Mr. Andrew Vetaeh. Distance Fr Lake Rig day, or will be mad tomrrw r during the week. ".-- jjfv J. W. Bail, who aaw kwlil before he entered th park. ay thit in inpee juk nan mamaaai much the oae Bekowekl had Bakowski. mad th trta'f to pork U Jaauary. 1U, to Mt wlntr plcturte of ta' lak.'! her and at Fort Klamath wramd.Mg to tak a eampaajM or gM, hM be apuratd their eaters, ms til trip o saowsaees, aad raA4f m eVecU oa a sledge. WImhsnmI rtura, areh waa aaaaa'ail Mda. Maaketa aad feed twM th ha4ertt aad rtm. ' it h m td cut im a faaaw, waleai weight. priBtUa JMb '.'Pl"!; iviiiinjggnfi jt ' Msmaai swg4ga ami's lawr'wf&.f - watr ver a.hi tost hftom, -" ' 'scf&lj gK t. i r (