Emutmi ItamtUa PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAM ATIt FALLT OFFICIAL NEWiFAPE ;'WHBTWiHITWWW' mmiw """ KimmBMit!nimMiatmmatrwrmTTmtfinmwm-nimin Ninth Y , M4K . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1914 ARMIES ON GERMAN FORCES HAVE BEEN FIGHTING SINCE DAYLIGHT: ATTACK MADE ON LEFT WING l.tUlliN Mll. NEAR WATERLOO tt i:e another great FIOHT tirnuan AHllinU Is TtuM i'ry U Mn (mmiIiIo tf llrrliiB Arm Will FlgM Vntll UIm. fwMitoaxMtlMg ty llo (IrrwutM Mn("M ai ly brwh, mm) i-ta TwUr ltuuy It AtU-k wn Amy' UfiWIag My KARL u WltMANIi (IWrlla CN-mapua-tntl I'ntttKt frrM) HOTTCROAM, A. IS. Oec Mr u i!) until kv i:HV MAN rHiM at botriac arm W Ul. Tl. wv ! U wml r tetvra wtoa Ml th llHiil for. eta i TaaraAey. Tb to wlaHast ts IM.MW Mt i lab It al. IWn a mi Called LONDON, Atw. U.--T ostclnl bur admit that (to atorta of tb. Qermaa forte lo acaatrat Ik alllV Utl wing In Belgium to Slgalflcanl. Kapfta unit ta In Kaetlehmea not io act too kucb. They My tbe Oeraua la ftolry U woaaVfally eMcleat, aad (bat Initial revere are o ladka lloa of aHtatat tatal. Colttd rreas Bsnrie IinUMIOJ, Af. !. Ta stag U all aat, aa! Ik prologue started fr what li capected will b a of lb Moodiest aai mom decisive tltl sine Waterloo. And It will U fought ni far from that butoile bMtltground Hlnc dsybreak there baa Inu con tinuous cannonading, 0rman long roc artillery cowlat th move ments of tba Infantry. Tb Belgian line It from Dim to a polat la ! lu Luiomburg aaat of Naaur. Tba rrsticli rctrtM and tba CaflUb forcM tro rntar4 at (lablooi, MolRlan ravalry naar IfaaaUl at ttckej and rtpultad raeoaaoltarlBf (lorman cavalry tbla foraaoon. Tba oormtn advaaca la alaw, avldtatly wltln tba mautaf of a largtr hmmum Mli-IIW 4MMMMlMHM. Pr Bertie Says We Need Sidewalks Foslofice Inspector kvestiplinf for Delivery While tba reclpls of tba KlasoatU f silt pottoflce ara atora thaa aaough l Juttlfy tba free daltvary of mail, (btre is not muck etasnea of tbla rvlce being Inaugurated here by ""do 8am until tba sidewalks are counseled up and made mora tkor ugh Ihrougbout ll)a city, according I" D, H. Wood, pottofnea Inspector, ylio bu bee Investigating here, faJ. Inwlag Postataater W. A. Deliell'a Pla for free delivery. Waai alM etajaw that all of tba fori tiifoto Aiirntptlne lo Urtk lliiouab. Otrwtn UblaA iua ot(U io kl tk utatl4 of ih liclclin lln frrtft4lr (Utt ruorotna Tbvy -llrtd Jfoto ib wild tmulu of Bl lltn rattlt)'. Tltat lt tilutlluo It cotuldaml rloM l Indloitnl by ih wr tnr tiiilftt(lti( jlo Mipro all i( frttm lb float. Tbli U utrtt In mean tbm lh" Ucwn urn In tnurfe wllb tll4 foftM, nfsil that lb next fortrt invuirfii by tb Ovrmttin lit Inrohe ib .niltc nriuU nf ov ral natlont. Il U IJlr4 lbI Ibv tmltlf w Uii ntrral it. lii (xtar tbe (Jrtmn Infantry1 aUTatiffJ In tn offort In entclO tb itramo Uft wine of lli allt, tovtkl of Aulfj. and II U ad Ut4 tbat lb aaat rat attack may now Ih la iwaavraaa. OBcialt b IU tb tltrwaaa ataa t drtrw th, rtxrwm lft or tba lta back ate' Aatarary. SUES TO Mil A WELL DRILLER CLAIM AMI tIKUVKKV ACTION IH NTARTKO AOAIXaTf JOK CO. klhos rum wmxvta nv . x. DAVKY A claim and dllvry action waa lad In tba circuit court aialott Jov C4atooft tbli moralng to racovar a wall drllllat oat at, raltiad at MOO, wblcb Davay chtrwi It wltbbald froai alaa. la aldrtloa, be atka damaf at ib rata & II par day from July 16th. Alton K. ridar It Daray't at tornty. No More pxaat AJaM tba Moaai lata Trata Unttad Praaa Sarvtca IXR ANQELKa. Aug. U. Vacla Sam took It upon htBttlf today to pravtut tpoonlag on tba faruout bit. Wilton trail. Upon complaint of tba Juvtalk Protective Attoclatlon, tba govtraaiaat'a flro wardtnt and foraat rangara waro Intlructod to kcp tba byway alaag tba trail closed to lav. Ing cottpta Hundreds of parsons from t.oa Aagalas. Patadtna and . otbtr cltlaa traaip tbtra nightly dur I Ing tba tumaitr. houses are not numbered, aud says Ibat until this Is attended to, the getting of frvo delivery will be great ly hampered. Ha will make bis re port lo tho poitofMca department, According to Wood, It the down town section of towa fully complies with tho requirements of tbt depart meal, II l possible that frea dellr ery will be started there, and the outskirts will bo served with mall as aey grow and put la tba neeeeeary sidewalks, lights aad aumbara. . EVE OF DECISIVE STRUGGLE I"" "" i'- Namur, the Next OAVIS CUP IS LOSTjyj tlKtYUTIAtl MA TMRiUJ KT1UICHT HBTH. Atlt. tiuuax ctmx-itiai law uko OV TUB TOUH.VKY NKW VOHK, Aua. 15. Uncle Ham lout still anotaar 'sporting koaor to Great Britain, wfiea the Australian team today took the Davit tennis trophy, Indicative of the world's cbamplombtp, from the Americas team. Tb deciding game of the tourney wat tbli afternoon, between Noraan E. Brooks of Australia, and It, Nor rls Wllllaiat of Pbllsdelpbla. Tba vltltlng plsyor took all three sett. Yetterday the Auitrallsns took tba doubltt. TELFORD TO BE BURIED SUNDAY FUNERAL SERVICE WILL MS HELD FROM THE FAJOLV KM IDKNCK ON CONGER AVENUE IN THE AFTERNOON Earl Wbltlock aad members of tbe Telford family returned last tghl from Frsdeuburg Springs, near Jenny Creek, brlngrng with them all that Is mortal of tho late H. C, Tel ford, who passed away Friday night. The funeral will be held at S o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the family residence on Conger avenue, Bear Main. Iter, J, B. Stubblefleld will conduct the service. Returns to Reddtaf Mrs. Arthur Uvermoro and child ron returned today to their homo In Itoddlng, after a visit of several woeka with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L, Carter. Mrs. Carter ac companied them, Dona Froai Fttlilag Alexander T. Vogelaaag, O. M Williams and W, J. Cunningham, woll kaown San Fraactocaas, cam lu yesterday after ashlai at Rocky Point, t jMgajajMMrjiBMMBlMlaBlaHBVBKaBVB (aaaanflaaaaBaalBaaaaavaaTaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaB tMvBHrMBH laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaavlaBaaiaaaM gBpjgjgafeMMHBajaflaaaaaMAdB laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVVaaaHKlB iivaian WA.Tiyf-rwmoB in kkiwut cask looks ... ii ....., ran Gty Germans May Avail M CAUSES A WW II CASE AT BOOK IURKKD -ROM KVI. ukxce- ihscmahok ok juhy 14 HKOUKSTED vr ' vi-. When Manuel Vlerra picked up a book Ibat wa on a table In the cir cuit court room tbla forenoon, he did so to look at the picture while Idling away a recess, not to read It, as he Is not verted In English. Never theless, his act put an end to further testimony In the Krlegb case for the ! day at least. i Vlerra, be It knows. Is a member j of the jury. The book, a treatise on safety devices for Jamber concerns, had been offered la avldenc by the attorneys for Krlegb, but bad been ruled out upon moUea of Attorney llrock for tho defeat). When court roaveaad again, I) rock made a motion for tha discharge of tba Jury, and the continuance of the caae. The plslntlCa aaunssl ob jected, holding tbat Tlarra's act would have no weight oa the case, aa h cannot resd EagUeh, and would otherwise be unsbl to understand the diagrams. Argument were made today and the queatlon wilt be decided by Judgo Uanton Mondsy moralng. CHURCH SITE IS OFFERED BOARD Providing tbe Presbyterians will erect a church to coat mot less thaa $13,000, Major Chart E. Word en will donate a lot for tba edifice aad donate 11,000 toward Its construc tion. Two lots la tha vicinity of Eleventh, and High trtt, near the reclamation servloa building, are available, according to Wordea. Tb Presbyterlsn church haa been considering tho bulldtag of a aew church for some time, aad a com mittee has uoeu looking up available sites. Whether or aai tbe Warden offer will be acceptag ma aot bora announced by tb member t tha building commit. Accompanied by hi sons Ralph aad K. It.. William M. Cake. well known Portlaad attoraey. la bare la bla auto on a tour of tha state. I r-iT mi-.i-... .-. i FIND G00GINS3I , WAS INNOCENT KXPHKW AGENT CONFESSES TO itoruu.va of safk of sisbov CONCERN. MAY BE A MCR DERER According to advices received from Slstou, Bert Ooogtaa, employe or the Schulcr-Knox company, who was supposed to have taken tbe con tents or the company's safe and die appeared, has been falaoly accused. Instead, Clyde Ah rent Is tbe guilty man. Ahrens. who was agent, for tbe Wells-Fargo Express company un til relieved by Arthur LeavtU of this city, has made a confession at the hospital, where be was tab) fat aa appendicitis operation. His oaaoa Is In the same building as that of tbe Arm he robbed. The expert examining the book has found Oooglns' to be In good shape, whtle Ahrens are badly mix ed. Ahren's room waa searched, and a check, suppoaed to bar been taken by Oooglns. was found, besides aome watches and Jewelry taken from the express office. v After Ahrens confessed, be was taken to JaU. lie suffered a relapse, however, and baa been returned to tb hospital. Asked regarding Oooglns. Ahrens refuses to make a statement. It I supposed that he killed htm, and a search It being made for tbe body. MORE AMERICANS TO START HOME FRENCH AMBASaUOOR MAKES .iNNOUNCEMENT TBAT STEAM ER IS CHARTERED TO CARRY OVER IBM PEOPLE United Praaa Senrlc PARIS, Aug. 16. Ambassador Herrlck today chartered tha llaer Rochambcau to carry Americans home. Tha vessel will sail Tues day, carrying 1800 Amelcaac. On the day following. 400 addi tional Tank will sail on the steamer Bspaga. ri-i i. j-.-.-.-L-.-1-i-.-.r.r. jltlltii j.t. r. .u. s ITALY, AUSTRIA NEAR A BREAK hztiiAsvrvs omciALg rom i Af.HTItLAXS PCKMISiiOX TO CROW THEIR TJCMUTOKY TO JOIN TKCT0X9 CutlfM Praa 8nrk nOMK. Aug. 1S IUlatlona b twa Italy and Aottrta ara aioro itralned thin avr today, foltowlac the refatal of Italy to allow four corp of the Austrian army to eroaa Italian toll on the vay to ra-aaforc "the German army figbtlnc the Preach In AUace. Auttrla Oetlareti tbat tbla daaiaad f.a In accordance with the terau of tbo treaty of the Triple AlUaaca. It aly' reply waa tbat It Icteaded to remain neutral, and tbat tba march In pc of troops to opposa beltlccreata ' would b an Insult to Italy. Buyer Crowd as. I awl United Pre Barrio ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15. Buyers from tbe Southwest were poarlag Into St. Louis today aad wholesaler predicted unusually .heavy order. due to. tha toman crowsMLta "fSH-H Mr. and Mrs. Olaa Je Gertrude Jobasaa aaa. McMillan comprise aa which left this morsiar Cratsr Lake and nearby points. WU1 Loae TeamOs Lloyd and Kenneth Thomas will tomorrow submit to an operation for the removal of their tonsil. Tb operations will bo performed at th offlces of Dra. Truax and Hunt. Socialists Protesting ProduKtiN Tbe following proclamation baa Just been issued by the socialist party of America, over a signature of Walter Lanterslek executive sec retary: Tbe socialist party of tb United Statet' hereby extends Its sympathy to tbe workers of Europe la thtr hour of trial, when tbey have been plunged Into bloody aad saaaelas conflict by ambltlon-crascd moaarebs, designing politicians aad scheming capitalists. We bid them to consider that the worker of the various nations In volved have no quarrel with each other, and tbat the evil from which they suffer poverty, want, unem ployment, oppression are Inflicted upon them not by tb worker of some other country, bat by tb rul ing classes of their own country. We bid them to take thought be fore tbey allow themselves to be used blindly by heartless and In human despots who would spill tb blood of thousands. Inflict pain aad sorrow upon millions, devastate) the land and act back civilisation la or der to further their own WTtavH plots and schemes. The socialUt party of tb United Statea, In conformity with tb declar ations of tha Intsraatteaal aoelalUt movement,, hereby reltcrat Its op position to this aad all attar war, waged upon any pretext whatsovr; war being a crude, aavac a4 aa satisfactory method of acttllag. real or lmagtaary dlfereaeoa batwaaa aa Uoa. aad destructive of tha Meal niimnai abasi ssaa sni cone eragstr -Hsaaamsraastii. , "JJ " ' ' !!' i "" ritianltr a-a'-amawasajahl,jtrt:. - , " w - j CZAR PROMISE!! TO RE-ESTABLISH ANCIEPOUND IMCES PHOCIjUlaTMlr CO. IIBMJO DCKaVt Ualtatt Press st. pcrtuuMrRo, a. ts.- Csar Nlcholaa 'today iaaa'asl a paaV limatiaa conlrmbig tb r irt aad by the grand data that a wswli restore tba aadcat klasjd ' I'taad U Ut. PjI will rMla loyal to Baaata darlac tha war. Tbe csar addrasssal am Uoa to all Us labsbssaat f aat rjalted PARIS, Aug. IS. Tha' war oV annouacea that Cossack at tha Dniester river traaaatl aaA tTiT't"J ed two satire reglmaaU of Austrian cavalry. Decry War of brotherhood aad haasaatty which the latacaaUaaat movemeat la dadlsaUd, Theeoeullst party of tb UaMad Stat beraay esrprecscs K ccadws natlon of tha rnllag cla of lar op aad pout aat to tha world that hy, their aeUoa la thla ariala taay hava conclusively ateroB that taar ara ualt to admlalstar the) tBBlra of natloaa la such a aaaaar that tt Uvea aad hapasacaa at tt jiagl may b aatavurical , Th aodallat garey af tt Uaitad Statea hereby ealla !( aU fratsa bora workiagmaa aais)sBB; fa th country, partieaiarly t-aam, aaa whose boat gorwmasaato-' ar a gaged la tb praaat lrlB.'to hald Joint mass msattaaa for tt purpaaa of emphaalstng tt fretatitttr aad solidarity of all workinf null. Ir respective of color, ert raaa or nationality. W sail tt go clalist locate throaghaat tta Maairy to promote each amUaga M ft all aoaolbl aaatotaac. Tha aoelaltet party of tt UaMad 9Ut hereby pledaes M taj gaa. port to U social partla f Br- opa la aay MHm taar aaafM tbkafe it aesissary to dHB tt) ggeaaa th mhs of pea aai f smoi vf amoac . I Tha soelaliat aarta al "- ---- Stats hereby caH apaa taa aaHsaat admsaistrattoa to peer taa) mm- laaaasa af tg yjg aao Hm Im immeaWaaaaaaaVlar ariag mom taa Aaasaaaccaaaat U aWtaa Wlah lav EaUattoc. Otawr MaaWaa Gar aaaay aa4 Aaatria Exaaaaaal ta Jaan Xoactaace aaal Ptalatk iattaaaa U Afce. BaaatoM Acatf- wIBBsBt3ssWaaBW aMaMdsiflstBiBaapwsvm&aAMsatMfi k tmmiBMtw saasc.-vwvmvmaar saaaaav asaaaaj-- eataatuuas thatr awa wsBsTsysV of this