PRINTS THK NICW8 WIIILK IT IS NKWS ?iWMilw A wty w ''f Sfewa"awaw i mmms cjamttmmtmc tmmm--vfmmrmrn Nlnlli YearNo, iMMft GERMANS BEGIN Federal WATERLOO AND BRUSSELS ARE BELIEVED TO BE THE OBJECTIVE POINTS OE LATE MANEUVER ii.:i.ii.v:i u:m:iui. wovk will Ill: HTAKTED AT UtYtlHKAK l.r,-Uut. ! lite MrilUlt Vwrt W KrM Jcctt, I'M l l IMIrtrO tl.rjr llrlug llrlil tt llrwfir FwT. lUttln Aitilm My llu Jrftum ('uiMttN I I'ruiremiatl m II V. lUn4. IMBUT HkWN,. Palled l'l jWrtlra lllU'tiMia. Aug. I tr ir..4.trt). l4Ullo latrtt ote IK n (urword wuiriwul ttf lit (trffMuh trvup U In pruetva by It ml Iff Urn-, ttllli Ia.uhm-, Walrvloa td HruMfU itio objective point. .! iiuuk of (IrrtUAM iMfaalry, uppurtnl by artillery, cavalry imI uulur)rU rurpt, lt reparle-1 pre tag lit llclgUM aHpual. U bo line! tviijUn IImI iIm getter! smI ulll Im imtemt Ml itaytighl tfl imUy, Tho wr uflk ar tbe (Ivrmaa riiuliUi (i fur are In ucm of 10, 000, UiMri thousands o( prisoner In tip of tti enormous (leroiSB irengtb, l Is only a question of time uhtll tbr HelsUn resistance li crush, d. Indications am (but front re mm and lb English force are pre fared to ((bl If lb lislgtaa lines rr penetrated. Tbe location of Iblt force l kept Mertt, but lb war of. ntc says "Tommy Atklaa' will give ut,mt account of himself. The !,( form are still bln bom. Warded, but are holding out. United lm thtrvlrw IICIU.IN, Aug, 13 (rlolaypd brtniM Joubly cniord), Th German d. vnc lonard Frnc li proctdlnk I lannml. und ib loi bln itii llned wore all anllclpaltd, aayn lht wr office, Tim ofllcUU add lht (bo forward Payment Is Building Charge Not Dee "Hecretary Laae today ordered loatMMHimt 7Meat of bl!Unc tharge iMmillaig Um lawuN of rub He notice iiadar Um reelamaltoa teualon act. "Circular letter f olio we,' Tho aboye teUgran waa received ly I'roject Manager J. J, Camp to day from Comptroller Kyas of Ibe reclamation aervlee. Thla la tho first direct benaflt to bu derived by the water tuera from Die paaaage of tho exteoilon bill, The pnyroeat which the order postpone waa to kave beeoae due tomorrow, The pttpMmt order, It la M deratood leeally, la far the purpoae of Wqz Official Subpoenas San Francisco motoractil continue along tlie Hum ,o Kcttrflkl 111 rle,l, nd lbo y the (( Dial tlio advance toward Pari ttinttftUt tt)uw that the claim of'OeftSiatl dliUt are (tttl'tll cgrtid U'ulted I'd" iWtlre IIIU'HHKlJl, Aue II The new.- apers uxilgbt printed rumor, at tributed to (5rrmn prisoner, ibal fieri. l tor, Kmmlrl, committed iul ci'to, Thl l Mid lo bv foltid m rebultr from ibi (tnrl iitH fnr torn uf liU 0rk In llir Grit! (tnlUd l'i" itortlr I'AHIH. AU, II Tb nrtMl Ccbllttc U rKrt4 from tb Vw' rcton, l tm ar oRtrx rtlmlnj( iht lb Kfeiitli won hvt afltr nv d) of rtliilft. turlinc "bon ,,,r Gf-' man tfUrmt'led to retake the routet txoipleil Kunday by the Trench. ti ! riltttA thai Itin trtirh nf fanilkn vttrk vn tutuiftnr. hd that ' tlio (lermam. In addition to bavlnrx poor ammunition, bad their rapid flreri repeatedly Jammed. Ijlr dlapatcbee ay the Krencb . made repeated bayonet rbarce, and lnJt ibat tlio Trench bold Tvry part' and dominate the valley llim' fnmi Itlitte t Mr. and Mm, (leorae Walton Mid 'auiblrra, lleatrlrt ini Kntb erlne, who have ben oJournln at Kale l(ld( for a wk, returned borne late IbU afternoon, llerr o a VWl Sir, i. H, Key of llakenllnld li iere aa tlio aueat of her brother and UteMnOaw, Mr. and Mr. Oirar I". Wllley. Mr, Key baa vUlted the Klamath country before and I much Intprexed with It. Hoy la llrllrr Hurls Maton Jr., Ibe four year old on of Mr. and Mr. Durge Maton, who baa been In a precarious condi tion owing lo throat affeetloni. li much Improved of late. Postponed Until New Public Notice giving the reclamation aervlee and water uaera aaeoclatlona an oppor tunity to rearrange their accouuta to compliance with tho new reclamation law. In addition lo the Herald' United I'roaa dlapatch 'regarding the algnln of Ibe reclamation extension bill, Bee rotary Klder of the Klamath Water Uaorn AiHoclatlon received tho follow Ing wire from Congressman Hlnnott yesterday: "Hoclnmntlon bill signed by pros! dent," And Hie Herald received this one. from him I "President has signed the reclame tlaa kill." lEutntinrj "nnYMnwiariWsan'T-nn KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1914 MMWMMMMIMMVMV AMMWMMtMMMMMMMVIMHMMMAAAAi Three Foreign Cruisers Awaiting for Prey mmmtammmmmmmimffgmgt!f'ffSKKKtUftK!!!SS!!S!SSS!!SSSSTSSSI!!!S!lV'i .5Wi''VlammmlJt r:JyjrffgtBmw KS'lXPIgi&llmBemngflB fMmM.mmm I mmSm 'wmmmms i r w&mMmi MAtvr ..?" 'vw j,- a"i rT.n.f.-; . irt, . Mr- n"1 mmi .ap k vjaj.:. a r eak.,Aaa?: ,. 'iM??t:? saw. ? .. .h7 r " "'r5.vissii' a ussxi-iK. . "c-fnry - . r i. ..ji . r T"- v tu " .r x ' . u . i ,, .- c Sj( jij. u y a c -( iv k? uja iBait.j j-'in' - - -r- m. e t. l ' "Fa. a Jm -v - -zu -""' - s Aai5 rYr"ii .. ." ' w u & - r.vvA&&Muaii ilIOIlJtl.tK& ! .. WTarlASarmBKKnMife msmtL: iiMAuh . . ihih l i A-A.. JP' .a' .?- Ka.aBBV. r O, Tyi J ' .JA I ' K J SB..A V HB t'rtj-i y . K V T-. Ik .K.. X i" r ' .te, K S v . - ' JT" r .! J s.XZL J9T,m f f vj ' VffiJB-W.1; 'ifcieVjvT E'ammlammmOigtmmff I flfiaWDaWiaVr V katmmmmmtmmm 3L V1lgtm(V71l'eBlmVgmmV ' BBI4gm(mmmBgMLgtllmmm A JgfTNAW'1 PlNammWl'JPlfitak 4. , amlamVllmmHBlgtmmmBSItSA i19K .-i -'-.-' 'iVgmi HBWTPB.C7mmgWar J battmmmmL RB g J4PBieWaem,iyrNlMge I r!flP9gtmmmmmmmmmmmfkU IHeMammmmlflgtmmmmm .T-MGt.lSH CCWIStrt LSSCX A 7 (f?3:k4' CfcgMAN CgUIStR DttCStKW frV , ,r;;ZPiL. 1ST S7 -, , i 1 I'.ople of ibe Atlantic cltlr hae been eirlted for evrral d) over the prence of ieven for elKii rruhera alttna to ratcb llnrr of Ibelr enemle coins to or from New York, llOMon and i'bttadclpbla Tb Dresden, the Mtrnbur and the KarWruhe, Oerman warhlp. tbef Derrick, the Ijho and the lAncaater. Ulnnitlng to tho llrlllah Rovernmcnt, and tbo French crulter Conde are the e4tel ra captalna have reported J Vet their preence baa not hindered j aeveral faat veatela from slipping In I and out of New York. The Cunard' liner I.ualtanla, th fatet and one ' of the largeat liner, slipped out in the dark Tuciday morning and head d for Liverpool. The President Lin coln of the North Herman Lloyd, a Oerman company, arrived Tuesday. Hut the dana-er of the cruiser has been sufficient to keep In port the newhargssl. was held In Europe. Vaterland, of the Hamburg-American It was expected that wben the Brit line, the largest vessel in the world jlsh, German and Trench cruisers H. C. TELFORD PASSES AWAY HOATflUILUEJi UHKATHKtl BM I.AHT AT CAMP IN THK MOUN TAINS. NO FUNERAL A R. HANOKMENTH ANNOUNCED Word ns rccolvcd todny that 11. 0. Telford, who was taken seriously 111 at Fredenburg Springs near Jcnuj Creek, died last night. All of the members of the family were there at tho time. Details of the sickness are unobtain able, owing to tbo luacoeasablllty of the camp. It la known, however, that the stricken man had soveral hem orrhages, and that Wednesday night ha took a decided turn for the worse. Karl Whlllock left today for the Springs to convey the roiualns here. The funeral arrangemeuta will bo an nounced later. The passlug of Mr, Telford ia a source of genuine regret to nearly every resident or Klamath Falls, for although he took ao prominent part in the city's affairs, he was ever FORWARD aeaboard II aS '.. s' MA.'lt' 5 " " II -"Ti'' t.-Wf. , ,"W'lr m. itt vigsTTrTa, i Jfie S.MCUSM and the mot coatly. The Imperator, of this same company, the socnd J ready to aid any movement, aud his ruin rmuu. w awn uv.- Ings hero wero characterised by all as thu work of the practical Chris tian. Ho was a prominent factor in the Presbyterian church. Prior to coming to Klamath Falls, several jesrs sgo, Mr. Telford resided at a rants 1'bji, and at one time ho waa In charge of Coleatln Springs. He was employed aa a carpenter when be came here, at the time that a num ber of people were aeadlng away for steel boats for local waters. Concalr. Ing the plan of establishing a boat business, he won success from the star;, and this summer, In addition to building boats for uso on all local waters, tbo concern haa been shipping to other places. In addition to Mrs. Telford, deceas ed is survived by three sons, Hay, Harry nnd Wilbur, sad one daughter. Miss Jessie, How to Sharpest Bcleeora In the Septomber Woman's Honie Companion Hppeara a department en titled "The exchange," In which con tributors kIvo practical housekeeping suggestions. A New Jersey woman tells as follows how to sharpen scis sers: To sharpen scissors, take a bottle and cut with the scissors as if you had to cut the neck off the bottle. This Is effective. Ifrrcalft WilViAWWWwwMMMWMWMWWMWWWWWWWW immvaimmmWVnlBPJIaM liiiRi'JJil-L i !.rS i ' ;r f :l' s CROlSCfc; 'BLRWICI, came In sight or each other there would be a battle ou the Atlantic coast, which would bring the Euro pean war home to Americans more directly. FOLK RANCH HAS BIG HRE LOSS bKVERAL BARN'S FULL OF HAT DESTROYED, ACCORDING TO ARRIVALS FROM THE OAZEIXK COUNTRY The Kdeon-Folk company suffered the loss of several barns full of hay, according to reports brought here to day by arrivals from Yreka way. Tbo party had no particulars u to the complete extent of the loos, or the cause of the Are. An Immense amount of hay Is put up at the Folk ranch at Oaselle ev ery year, as this Is one of the Im portant feeding points for stock In Siskiyou county. Called lo Oakland Mra, Don J. Zumwalt and Miss Hetty Bell leave In the morning for Oakland, where they are called on account of the condition of the former's sister, who waa hurt la aa accident. MOVEMENT Wholesale Men E It H A V IT TOO Ml'CH WAK Just what has happened to Ibe Associated Press, with ft men on tbo Job In all parte of tho world? Is it possible that they havo broken down under their twenty-four hour vigilance, or are all of the force busy get ting out the "reliable" war new, or gathering up the wreck age strewn along Ibe California coast by tbo fatal mishap to the Canadian cruiser Rainbow :! which reached the Victoria har bor all O. K. yesterday after noon? At any rate, the Washington office seemed to be slumbering f yesterday, and tbe biggest piece te of news of tbe year for the Weet e and for Klamath county, the ei signing of the reclamation ex- e; tension bill by tbe president, . was misted entirely. And when ; a query was sent to tbe Assoc!- ated Press regard lag it last night, the answer was. "No," despite the United Prese die- patch and two wires from Cos- gresaman Stanott to the eon- trary. s Notwithstanding which, the f reclamation service baa leaned an order poetpoalnl the pay- menu dne tomorrow nntn saen time as arrangements for It are completed under the new bUL e THREE-YEAR-OLD HAS CLOSE CALL DROPS THIRTY FEET FHOM WW- DOW AND STRIKES ON A HUC OF BLOCKWOOD IN YARD ON LV SUOHTLY HURT With only a fractured arm and many bruises to show for It, three-year-old Noland Araett, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Amett, is recuperating from the facts or a fall that might have Injured him selously. Breaking through a screen that he had been pitched against while play ing, he felt from a window is the up per floor of the Hasten House to a pile of blockwood thirty feet below. Ranch Will Be Sold New Concern Also Pluiwg Many ltyeaMiU That Klamath Falls will have a warehouse In all that ,tbe name Im plies Is now an assured fact, for D. J Deamond and his co-operators sre even now making arringemenU to choose one oi several sites available. The warehouse will be operated In conjunction with the. other Interests of the new concern, aad the comple tion of their present plans means u great deal for thla community. Tbe two meat markets Just pur chased from Crlaler A; Stilts will con tinue In their present locations, aad contemplated Improvements will add to their usefulness. The slaughter KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER x RAISE IN PRICE ' . orFOOTCALLF A SPECULATION HEPORTM INDICATE ARTIFICIAL i PANIC New York's East Side Peer Are ft- t ertesj svs a Keenlt of Vp tbe Pricesv Snamv Gea Up Foeu- mtu m Hnaidssd fa. casco. Dtstriet Auesmsy Wlxi lean ass a ! United Preasj .SAN FRANCISCO. An. 14. Jumped naetner iftr av poaada today. It mw oeelo at IT.Ia per hondred. Federal XMattlct Attaraew Moaday beclaa a proa lato tao es of the advance la tlso arte of food stuffs. He haa enepoeaaad tao aaam agera of toeal radaartas aaai naaay wboleealo i United Preaa gerrie WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. Is. The preliminary reporta front federal dtstriet tke dewurUseaU 1 of Justice, ladleat that many of the 'Increase la the price of foodatnfa are speculative and not JostHed. A conspiracy la hinted at by saany of the reports.. Telegrams received by Attorney- ! General McReynolds srstoUi emeet I that meat, egg, knttsr, a toy and 'caeeo dealers are creating aa artl- fleiai famlae. and are age for their prodaeta. United NEW YORK. Aag, 14. With, U 'price of food soaring, tan asopls of the East Sldo are snffarlag from hunger, and many or actually atarr- Tbe also of loaves of bread asade and sold in the Bast Side district aaa beta reduced to aa etaes aad a half. I Takes Mrs. Arthur E. Whitman, who has been at Blackburn Hospital several dnys. has been removed to her home, as her roadttloa la greatly Improved. house 'a to be Improved and enlarged. An agremeat with the Messrs. Crla ler and Stilts haa beaa, entered lato whereby the ranch belonging to them la to be taken ever aa aooa aa the growing crop Is harvested. Messrs. D. J. Deemoad aad;W. P. Johnson are at prcseat ,ia Caleage, but will retura here la a few days, when developments may be asa sated to take shape la the eempletlea of the plans of the new eaterjKaM. Oeorge Watt, geaaral awaafer of the eoaeera, aew la thai eMr, waa Joiaed today by H. J. MeOaart, of Nevada, waa was bate eee tfea books. . M "kJ,JJ&i I