u imfna Herald PRINTS THK NEWS WIIILR IT IS NICWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEft y,.irn'?wi.iini'rtny'i"itn'im-'i'iiinriiijnr Nlulli Year Ni. U.'Jtl WBMWiwr8MiiwwiHiiMniaiMiMWjqttaaiar mtmmmstFjarixiJvaa tWJlta , .-;,-B TCTlTTT.g KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914 Eh TEUTON'S ADVANCE CHECKED Germany Charged With Cruelty to Prisoners MMMAMVVMMNNN'SVV'SMSMMW''NNW BELGIANS PLAN 10 ASK OTHER POWERS TO ACT Liege, the Scene of a Great Battle): and the Belgian King ommuH hav tiiuatmevt ATHOCIOfH n Cl.lrtil lf II, ll"al lli(tl t,'iMt u( Aw"'1 ti) lip lift l!Mrri 1)1 Hrn VioUlintM Ilir .efr,iwU l Itlf Hague Mtt Mrtoc, TrKIOM hentl Willi III Trtmc Tbtmrd CltllUto llltl'HKi'lJN, An U The U. cuti r wAInc MTUirni chrr ihi Uo (rrmh trp r toiturins ilillUtti and bwjtlti wounded tarn. Twd? plan (oflUUUloU ! a4k III h;M'.f ! SsSlSRS 13 Iztiitviv If waking rn(pl acalmt urt Aul tit, A totmulllve hd4 l)' Hip presi dent of the OfttlOfc! hlk rtiuM of Appeal n&OutK llul It lis col' UICll pinlllta d.tlCo III tlOI4JhlU if ttxuocot wiiorrltt ilp German ! lo and imrT liatn Inrilrlcnl Mnxlllr on tlctclaii cl'Un. Tlinr till'KO ltil the art ar ill' rri violations of the Genera and Th Hague MRrromoni, ssKirePlsSMHn I HsBW&tiBWKsfisaiBsQvBaiBBaHBaflHfU v ?V -s gsinsBisatfcJiffldW!iuf BBLaBLasflasaKMMLsaBaaU SsaWTT llfiasaSsamnsnW3Titir llf agSBBBBBBBBBm wwBB3pTyc f.i ..BLQiaBflgsnnnnnnnnnnnnBnlaiaankvcr bbbbbbbbbbbj Mk(Um v- HBHpjH'!: aLaLaflaj fjaBLaBLaBLanBLaaLaV j !rfHlTi' ? 'AksaLalBaLaVnipat&v'Jji v H BBBBBBBBBfcfciiaJi3BIBBHI Belgian War Office Admits Germany Has Only Begun to Assualt the Enemy's Position Oil, Yoa yXmtermtkm ' Of court It tt warm, and tome folk will tll rou It U lb warmest iwalbor evr la Klaaatb. but at tbat 93 4cree Un't ao bad, and then, too, look at the compatlon we ara en- jloxlDR. It nay & (be flnt time we over bad such weather, but, br the toV'ru. It' thi Qnt time we were ever ablo to bur n!c. tlc, Juicr water melon for fifteen and twenty-Are feenu, and under tucb clrcunutaneee tbu weather It all rlcht. FRANC(MBMAN FIGHTING IS HOT NEAR SPINCOURT I'n.ui Malln Will Halloa, who eiprai(r iti Carr rmiKb beyond Matin, I hero on a tul nnu trlii. Th city ol Lire boro tt brunt J of Hip mllllnrr oiMTAilonn In ttt Kur dfifan r for iovrl ln. Onn of Ibr lltttett klncdnmi In Kuropc tuc refnlly ilvdfd Hip nallon which ln olvrd tuelf In war wlih no fitwer than Ova (uvernmenlit, Tim catlunt tWetmo of Men by thu fore- of ICIncjanil trooii They lent 100.000 afler Aiopri n icn a rfviawon 10 nc wieir nnt tepuiae. Klne Albert hlnv Ixmu'Ip of Kuropp, Thii Herman etf toot the field and prepared to atillmrlllrH thnueht that the lilnsdom hold the IncroatlnK Germans till SO, would be overcome by a few thout 000 frenchmen cam to support btui. RAINBOW SAFE IN HOME PORT K.lt FHOM BEING STREWX AS VIIECK.GE ALONG THE GAlo IFOKXIA COAST, CAXAOIAN CRUISER IS O. K. DISI'ATCHES FROM PARIS SAY THE FREXOi GERMANS WITH HEAVY LOSS IX AUSATU3T KD THAT AUSTRIA WIIX TRY TO FORCE ITALY TO jKMX WITH GERMAXY AUSTRIAN FLEET IS CLEARED BNOXJa5D EXPECTIXQ A GERMAN XAVAL ATTACK nAUIQ TFNNIS KUMATU IIIPFQ Timber at the Fair: matches begin; him for keeps United Pre Serrtce ? ROME, Au. IS FoUowtB the a. Bouncemcut of Easlaad'a decUraUet) of war acaiMt Aaatria, tb caktee 'nu called lato le lorn teat alkc. f It to expected tfert AaetrU win de ;auuid tbat Italy adhere to kr Trifle 1111... nllana .il mlA JM.lnl. mmA GensaBj. Uadovbtcdly, late will be reflated. Southern Oregon Counties Plan Unique Building In addition to a 0 x 00 fool space at Mid right of Hit south entrance to the Oregon building, and space In lha 1 (cultural and horticultural palaces, the Southern Oregon cauntlt'S, Douk ).', Josephine, Jaokoon and Klatuatl., Mill have other pihlbltt, according to Hccn.try l.owls Wyldo, of tlio Kliun ftlt Ulinmher of Commerce, who ro tii'iiMl last night fioin ntlendlng tlu KKvtliiK of the Southern Oregon ni scrlntlon to plan for the IVummK I'nclflc Kiposltlnn participation. The countlaa linvo decided upon un nvlary, stocked with live fish mid gnme, which will bt located between tlio Oregon building and the bay, Klamath county la to furnish all the Umber for tha construction of this. It will bo twenty feefwlda by at least ICO feet In length, and will be of Klamath pine poles and bark covered Uba. This building will contain largo kIms show tanks In wklok will be Placed rainbow trou from Klamath, waters and varieties from tkr atta. ties. There will be alio accommoda tlous for tba wild fowl or thla gratt region. In addition to Ha use aa an uklkK building, the Houtliorn Ort'gon ruutlc structure wilt be fitted up with rustic seals, etc., for a resting place. All of the tlmhdrs will bear plates tolling tlio nnturs of the donors. According to Mr. Wylde, George M. Ilyland. director of publicity for tlio Oregon Commission, Is very much Impressed with Crater I.nkn, which ho ssw this year for tlio first time. While thnro, ho mot Mr, Klser, of the Klsur Thoto company, and arranged with him to provldo four electric transparent columns showing vlewa of Crater I.nkn National lark. Theto columns, four foot square and twelve feet high, will be placed In tha Or egon building, Klamath county will thoroforo be represented at the exhibition by an oxhlbltlon of fine grains nnd grasses, fruit and lumber, with motion pic tures of Klaamth scenes to ho taken by tho Miller Photo company, with tlio Crator lake columns, to say nothing of the Southern Oregon avi ary nnd the reat pergola, nindo ex clusively of Klamath county timber, together with a good supply of liter ature telling facta only about this wonderful region, wom.irri ciiAMrioNHitir is at STAKE IX THE GAMES START. IXM TODAY AT XEW YORK COURT AFTKIl A HRIEF SOJOURX HERE IX Jl!.i:, WISCONSIN MAX PACKS HIS RELONGI.VaS AND lUUNO.S OUT FAMILY I UiiltiM I'itw NEW YOHK, Aug. IU. Anthony Wlldlnv, the pticHomlnal star of tae Aiotrnlliui tennis team, won the In itial i-t of llio similes luattlin In the louriiAiiU'iit thU aftemoon by defeat Imb It. Non-U WIIIUniM, tho young llurvnnl plu)er. Ills iinv 7-A, U-U and fl-H. , . , United I'ress Sorvlco NUW YOHK. Aug. 13. Tho Davis cup mntches which will determine tl tennis chuuiplonshlp of tho world bo- gun here today, whan tho challengers mot the prosent title-holding United States team ou the courts of the West Sldo Tennis Club, Moro than (i.OOO spectators crowd od the newly erected stands to wit ness tlio mntehos. There was a bril liant turning out from Newport, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington society circles. Go to tlio Coast O, n. Cleudonnlug and family today for coast points to enjoy a cation by the sea, left va Confident tbat Klamath Is tho com ing country, J. J, Rtetger and wife, and their son, J.,J. Jr., and daughter, Miss Frieda, reached here last night from Oohkoth, Wis., to make their homo Mr. Stelger waa horo last June. He was srraily Impressed, and upon his return home, he decided to cast bis lot with ui. Accompanied by Capt. J. W. Sie mens nnd It. E. Smith, the newcom ers uro looking over Klamath Falls and tho Klamath country today. Their household goods havo arrived, and they will rent a homo here while Mr. Stolger custi about for a business opening Hero Trout Itkbmoad Joiso Slomene, formerly head clerk In the local poatottce, Is here from Richmond, Calif., visiting his parents, Captain aud Mrs. J, W. elements. Hero From Portland Miss Chlora Rlppey, of Portland, arrived last night and la the guest of her cousin, Mlia Kraaa Hoaglaad. United Press Service VANCOUVER, D. C. Aug. 13. Tho Canadian cruiser Rainbow ar rived In Victoria this morning, con veying the British sloop of war Shear water. It Is bellevod tbat this eliminates the possibility of a naval engagement oft the Qotden Oat. MAGEE'S TALK PRIZEWINNER I II. I-HARMACSI' IS 1'ON. OHS AT THE Al) CLUB'S BAN QUET DURING PORTLAND'S "IIUYER'S WEEK." I United Press Service BRUSSELS. Aug. 13. It la an nounced tbat the Germans last eight attempted to break the Franco-Belgian front and failed. Fierce dent ing followed, with heavy loesee to both forces. The war office here adaalta that the German assaults upon the allied positions has only begun. The bombardment of Liege con tinue, but the forts are still boldta oot. Today It U announced taat the Franco-Belgians took Use) of enslve at Eghesee and la a series of caarsjes, drove the Germans sack npem tkatr I reserve forces. The rapid mwamsate of tha allies' cavalry disconcerted Uw By drlvlajr. the Oeraaaa back, the allies ckeeked the kaiser's advance) upon Namar. Several new auckJse fans, meant- cd ob auto trucks, were) oaptared. United Press Service PARIS. Aug. 13. The satire Ger man army is hammering away at the French-Belslan Uses. Their fores are heaviest -at LuomtMsrc. BeiaJaa. Luxomburc and oa the Franca treei- tier extending south frem Sf4aeert. (CenUnned em pase d) According to a telegram received today, Emmett E. Magee, of Under wood's Pharmacy, who la In Portland with Mrs. Magee attending "Buyers' Week," won the drat prise for the best booster talk at the Portland Ad Club's banquet yesterday to visiting buyers. Talks on their "Home Town" were made by many visitors. Friends of Mage, though, could never dope it out without Mao win ning. They point out the fsct that the advantages and opportunities of Klamath are ahead of any place) else, and on top of this, there Is to he ad ded Magee'a flowery effusiveness la enumerating these points. Probe Food Soaring MayTaxUqw)r,TotMcro United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 1. Secretary McAdoo of the treasury de partment and congressional leaders met In session this morning. It is understood that they practical ly decided to Increase the taxes on distilled liquor and on tobacco to make up the war deSclt. United Proas Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 13. President Wilson today personally wrote to Attorney General McRer nolds asking him to thoroughly In vestigate the apparently abnormal In flation of the prices of toodstaSe. He asked aim to aieertats wssthsr er net this la ike resale of a' . splracy and to detrmlsw upem ser rectlve measures, 11 possible. A Late tkte afternoots. WUaemj also asked the department of ssmmsras to aid la the aaUeaal tavssssgsdtem av to food prices, which the) 1 of Justice started li receipt of the presMesU's mast United t'rtes Ssrvlee i, E CHICAGO, Aug. II. Plsss hssat advanced today deepUs Uto Be drop erCgfeWsf enRs VssM(Ma TeslasirJjr Vw sJaW era! rsselpta at Um iMsaMmPsi. The total ilTiaw hi " - -1- " " tsaassam Mftelull'iMifl T '' i v, n