M lEuimma literal! PRINTS THE NKWS WIIILK IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEW1FAMEK rrw Miiy't'TO'lwirfcjTi .w"v"mw9ntts.uvi.'ffib:Msmmife'. Nlitlti Yrat No. U.51.11 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914 fto BIG BATTLE RAGES IN BELGIUM News of Movements of Navy Are Withheld SEVERE FIGHTING III MANY POINTS ALONG THE BELGIUM BORDER; THE ALLIED FORCES ARE IN BATTLE MWwwVNWAAAVNMWA OMMMAMN00M0WMWW0WWW Berlin Crowd Going Wild Over Kaiser at the Beginning of European Hostilities 'jllack, tn tnirv. with UjUnlf) tup ilKllisAM. hMIM. IMP IN thi:'!"- ! !!. llllr i -Jl. atlki arm) x'm ruL?iJ tu tbp I HUNCH MVI'h ll.titli (tnl ' (CHAP It KM l.l. l M ..urn l(7 Pfcgagrtrtrt,! IWlm t'uught 'ri ( totT., Wltrtr .left. .n Admixing. tnwl CUlm Vlty lor lb I rMlt Tm Who tr lUttltag (It tWrnaat III IWI (Uli PtttMle UI.VtHl.V, Aug. lit. II U bellevr-J itutt IIk n-rt grwel balll of lh Kr uu war U tun In proa;, (irurral lun Mixta, mIUi Otrrv i.rriuaii sway rorp. I tonUMuSag the lntritn-nt of Lie, .iftottier 41- Utu4t tuw rr-rl the Ma- bear Tutjitr ami Ita atltaaf.nl luuant V(rrlii ami llruaacla, A itUalrli frvwi Maaalrtrttl rrpurt heavy artillery Rrv aC Toagrr-, fol low lag the fail of IJtgr, aavt It la be lieved lltal Uw tlsiwsans have moved Hip Ulral Krwpt) gweva the. The aUtoe, It la beUevni, will wof ltr Ihe tWf of Hnsasel. I utuJ I'iim Kftkp I'Allltf. Aus. 12 -The lrmi. tlcl rtuf today (truck at a gap lb Ihe I'lrntlt Inrtirirailotu rtorilt of jVeitlUH, Their adtlt a cticl-J ft( M)Utf, brr the llfbtltie U 4r, liollt Mm bate ctrat UcUfltt. and vatalrr tUf are crntng lb , tire (loot of th Uttttutt lort, The war office data lltal lii ft'tebth ale holding a bPr line be- jlwean Mulheuwn ami ib frontier, United Pre ttervlre LONDON. Aug. IS. A NUb dl. patch hm Prince George ol Hervta e itrlou.ly wounded hlle watch tag lip AuitrO'tfmUu nlii ( lil Cnlua Vtm rVtrrlc CAHIK, AUK. 13. II U omclAllr (tinouhctil thai a nfl engaiif mmtt I liclti foulii al TwIUtuoni, Hrltlum, whre the arnana mmuH til lit lilln irootii at daylight. Tlio ar olrlca announc that llio vticngmii( l$ "aarlou," 44a: "The lUlglani havo bn oner Kilcallr rmlitlng lh dermaiui, who I hllrU 1'rr.d Hrtlc IIHUUHKIJ. Aug, II, TbP ar at fir atlmlu a general German ad i4U U urugrmilrig. TIip Ocrusan (orrva and the cavalry advance or (he dermana am lighting. It I heller ed that the lighting li el of Tongre and aouth of t.uvatn. The war oOlce cialwt that the rrcuch troopa now fighting the Oar ntaa In Ilelglua are winning de clalvely. It waa officially given out that they are driving hack the Ger man ad vanc. ThU atatmnt did not mention the location, hut elated thai aeveral (5 or man gun had been raptured, and con elude with the follewing: The Ucrinnn retirement haa he romp more pronounced." Tim uar office hold that (he gwn MMWVMMMWMAMMMMA (Continued on Pag 4) Art Exhibit Pleases Klamath Has Resident Artists of No Mean Ability A great aurprlio awalta all (hoio attnndlng the first exhibition of the Art Club at the library building, for there are ou dltplay palntlngi, paa tl., water colors mad other forns of art work, that for detail, perspective and Idaaa conpar favorably with tho work or artlits of note In othof llacei. Th exhibit will ooXluua to morrow and Krlday, aftarnoona and avvulngs, and (hero la no admission charge, All or tho oniric had not bean ra tflvod today, but tha palatlacs al raady thsra ware many In auatbar, and covered a wide range of aubjeeta, frost poeee aad lower studies to land asanas and marina views. Among, tha paintings and drawlnna are many of Crator lake, Upper Klamath Lake and other local views, Following Is a partial (Ut of the tmtranta and the subject or their work on exhibition! Mrs. B. I), llarlau Fruit picture, Ue Thou My Qulde, Hock Bound Coast, Dog, Christ Child, Hock or Age. Mrs. Keuo Clarke Kimball Hoses, Apricots, Moonlight, Old Homoxtcad, Crator Lake, Old Road. Mrs. W. A. Delsell IMnraoh's Horses, vase and flowers, Mrs. 13, 0. nichards Yellow rosos, old farmhouse, ocean scene, The Stream, The Forest, aheep, Followed by tha Wolves, The Challenge, Mrs. Hlner Applegate Oranges, ajejwjwMww'1'1 (OMUnnad en paa ) effsBwaffMIKJMHBRlamVBffa iWH' wflBBiHHnBniminVflkminDinTflBP fat Tik MsaaafVVminH 2snKX iBeH, snsnfinininininininininininininininini VsnininininBinin&Aininininininininini 1 ; HfeHiMHaBliaHMHHH - BLbSt 'CbbiS Hemsmmmsw 1 B ;v FTHl ' ? LLnLnLnLnK F B ssnsninininininHrininininininim nnnnHsBBSSnnnnHnMsBB f I v t - -snsnimiminHft. I ensnininininininininininininininininim KLHBlmHHf-Y )ksninininininB9BsBBHL.3PinK rsknknknknk,VBmeBnknkarsawsnV1' f T'TaVaknknknknknknknka'lknVhskSI'' jaliinwnknvRVwHiinkmkmK aBBinKEaBBasHBI: VaLe" LaainininHVCa.i.Mf .iasnaMnMaaM,'emnnnnamnMiajnjnnnFj 'imt; 'KiUktMrvrSSifstBflKKt ' 'snsninllHnHkaSVS'" aHk iHlimiawamffvHf 1 aa'aTaWaBTaVBal - UK awaWsyS-3r .MS? itl'-TilPtSKt t I J JBIIfjlpb- GERMAN CRUISERS OFF CALIFORNIA COAST TUESDAY roKTLAND STCAMKR attlXJCD BVTVEM Aiitioagk N"ew of the Mevraawala of ib BrUteli fleet te gapptfaeed. It la K salad Tkat th Cnateeg f Sejajatdrwai Haw t North I Mercl I Called Presa Serrtoe SAN FRAMCI8CO. Ae It. rtvlag craiaera NanlMrc aad I.lspslr edt Farailoaea. The stammer Baaver; fraaa Part lead, eeaveraed with th Algsrme oat Cap Meadactaie yesterday. The Brttteh arelaer SMwarwater ta also nearby, and It la bettered thai Preach cruiser Montcalm is' 1 araeasw near hare-.'1 It U baltevad that the peeKtoas ot tha Freaeh aa Bagllsh shtoa af sss that a juacttea could be asTaslad be fore sundown, in case oae or tha aiheav was eagactd In tght by tha two Oar- ThU I ouo ol the tint war photo graph to reach the tfulted Statw from the continent of Kuropo. it how a llerlln crowd wildly cheering KaUer Wllhelm shortly atter Aus trla'a aaault on Servla. which Ilia nermau know meant their country would shortly bo Involved with Rus sta. With tho attack on Sdrria the war fever rose to dangerous heights In Berlin and It 't tho uttltuda of tho people at much aa anything cite which has kept him on tho coure he has taken. Wherever he has appeared In the streets or In public since the declara tion or war on Russia he haa been al most mobbed. Saturday night atter the declaration against Russia he drove In from Potsdam with the kals erln and the crown prince and crown CALIFORNIAN IS MUCH IMPRESSED PALO ALTO MAX AND PAHTY ARK MKRr. LOOKING OVER TMK COUNTRY. HAYS BK UKE8 HOUTIIKRN ORKOON "While I am loyal always to (ho San Joaquin valley, 1 can so some great possibilities and wonderful op portunities In tho Southern Oregon country. 1 expect to return at some future time aud look more thorough ly Into your natural resources," says J, 8. Cone, manager ot the Co-operative Land and Trust company or San Francisco, which haa extonslve hold ings In tho San Joaquin valley. Mr, Cono'a homo Is In Palo Alto, and he haa with him 0. F. Morrell or Morced, W. R. Gerard or Madera and V. H, Gerard or Rorkeley. They loft the Central Oarage In (heir car this morning for Lakevlew, making a pleasure trip through this section. Plans have been oompletad for a 16,000 high school at Ranler. WINEMA TO TAKE LEWIS LOOKING THE PUCKERS DIG 8TEAMKH WILL MAKE A CIR CUIT OK THK LAKE AND STOPS AT HARltmAV LODGE AND ROCKY POINT princess through Unter den Uadaau The crowds went so wild the author ltle could do nothing. The automo biles were baited aeveral times while the admiring Germans cheered their ruler. s"-"-wa--a.a One of the biggest excursion par tics that over sailed on the Upper Lake will be nuerabled on the decks or the steamer Wlnema tomorrow morning, when the steamer hoists anchors for a day's crulso. The boat will carry the children ot the clty'a Sunday school, and many older per sons. To mako It possible for all ot tho children to enjoy tha outing, all un der 14 will bo carried free. The chargo for older people will bo CO cents for the round trip. Buses will mako the round trip to aad from the boat for a& cents, and the first bus will leave Fifth and Main streets at 7 o'clock. Stops for a picnic will be made at Harrlmaa Lodge and Rocky Feint. UP INVESTMENT KLAMATH APPEALS TO CAPITAL 1STS AND RCTRICSKNTATlTK IS SENT TO LOOK OYER THE GROUND S. II. Lewis, of Seattle, arrived here last night In tho Interest ot a group of California capitalists, Interested In colonisation projects. Mr. Lewis will leave for Seattle in tho morning, this trip bains merely a preliminary one. When ha returns, however, which he expects to do In the Immediate future, he will make a thorough Investigation ot condi tions In connection with tha Klamath country, and then report to his com pany. " The government ot Denmark con tributes a regular turn annually to the Domestic Works rs Union. In Norway women are allowed to sit la parliament, but not to become members of tha government. Here for Horse Pautl Brunxer, who buys many horses tor the California markets. Is here from Oakland to purchase mora stock for shipment. During the present year more than 100 new houses will go up In Cor vallts. Owing to the Oarmaa war, salmon pickling at Astoria ha Halted LONDON, Aag. It. MaremenM ! the British and lYeaan asnr are be ta withheld, by tha admiralty. It Is ramorsd that th British. cruiser ssjuadroa. left today tor North' Atlantic waters ape wireless orders Unitsd Press Sernee ST. PETERSBURG, Aag. It. Tha government today annoanaad thai tha Rtualaa teet In tha Baltla haa eap lured tweaty-lva merehsntman. Lsevaafar ! Will Irwin net the wrKar, bat the brothsr ot tha proassatlag at toraey andsa well knowm I aagall Val ley rancher, haa can t Chleago. where h will visit natives. By the death ot Harriet Qlmby. tha only professloaal airwoman In tha United Statea now la Mlas Bianehs S. Scott Big Army in Field Military Expert Says Gcnits Fcrcek United Preea Service LONDON, Aug. 13. According to the military expert for the London Times, a million soldiers and 6,114 pieces of artillery have been placed In Belgium by Germany, This, he ssys. Is the first Una ot strength only, In addition, there nro reserves massed In tha rear. Tha expert says tha bulk of tho German army la north H liorraaae A femoral ad vase la prsgraaaaig "This la 1 tha - ml ataWmhaskH eaaaTSf esaj exse sasym BTarsnt'"ar VI wwsswpeiBwsBBwsBBnn) tha Freaeh cm tho avert astfswate thean a fasoatwnt Mow," U aapsit Aeeardiac to the writat-.tha i fortaa ana prsvant iNav ,TM though, It to pradletcdwttl g, moat frlghtial aad mm or arnica in 1 ", i iJm tory," 7fS l iimnmn BmNetaHaaHYaMaHeHaw.