1 i. (pj lEutftthuj lUraUi KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS iiwm n wiii in 1 1 mil irrifimiitran Ninth Year No. u.iMU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914 GERMANS RETAKE MULHAUSEN AND TROOPS MASS TO INVADE FRANCE; BATTLE ALONU MUESE HI hhW.N HHU'I-h ADVANCING lOWAIID I.EMIIt'lMi VIA HTYK VAI.I.KV W Mtllh-W lnu fHtttlUt ,t" llelne1 M4illlirt It- lit TrrMcti Mt-i. Hf l-l TrlnMw, Au. irU Tr- An IMr lUck ljf lit C.ar'a I'um. Ill- lUlll I i:ix-rii AImiUm Country I tH4 Pf rUrvire PAItlli, AUK ll-"lbe kkf uOlco iu,ta announced itiit the French bat bn (-impelled to evacuate Mul baliteii, aflcf isktne from the Hr wan, The wnt t iorc whteb dnre4 utU Nell llrellath r PUbl back lu Muhub Ijjt an overwhelming Ueiraan (tuto nd er lufrrJ out of thai city They '" DatUtin In the ubtirw. The Gorman arm)1 ml lb u( ,S'eu irdcb number over 300,0001 o cording la Ihe talroi dvlt. Tb oulromo of Ihe Mulhtiea Bgbt ! Knloul aflei the Herman plan, tor It (b Herman ran repel lb French and Join thU army to I be Lorain rw. Il ran attempt ati In tatltiu of Frnc via lb southern af Tb Joining Ml tboe (u fore It) sh Germany a unit u( bait a tallllaa tttfb. ThU la blee,t (u be lb forc f Hit wbkb Germany bail ottlhllr planned lo laved Prases, Uti4 Pr fervtr PAItltf. Aua. 11 The a: S Adutiu tonldbl liiat ittn (lermaba ar advancing inarJ tiiolnjr. bfe tb7 tll altaMpl 10 CfUM lb Mu4. KrooiUr engagentvola r pro sriitb al .oat-, Monltttdy uil WrIIU, tit franc; and Vtrtun, to lloltlum, TbU Indtrau a 0rmiu tu ntotamcnl 10 Tort nlranr lu t'ranc? arrt I bo Muh. There ar acanl datalU gltru out, but official admit that t Qraan (ores It vry large. I'nlud rM Mrvtr IXINDON, Aug. II, Tb gorani. ntent pre, buroau ut that two Herman cavalry dlvlilout ar oper allng near Tangra, llalglum. The Herman aro entrenching along th Hie First State Wide Primaries in Ohio United Pre aamoa COLUMIIDB, 0 Aug. 11. Kyo of politician throughout Ihe country wero turned toward Ohio today when voter caat their ballola In I ho llrl alalo-wldn prlmarle In the hl lory nt Ibo alal, Tho national a pel of today' prlmarlee la due to former United H'atea Bunwlor Joinph rirakrr, of Cincinnati, who aeeWa to "comn back" a a candidate for tho republican nomination for Dulled Hime lenator. Koraker' candidacy make the re publican aenatorlal fight atand'out In national prominent. He I op posed by Warren a. Harding, of Marion, former Lieutenant governor, nnd Ralph D. Cola, of Plndlayformer coiigrman, Tho queatlon "Can Poraker como hackT" and "Cb he afae tho ory of the Standard Oil letter!" are helm atkad by ovary politician, Ha made hi Ight a an out-aad-out ttnd'pattor of the old school. Hard lag alwaya haa hots a itroBg taa portor of rorakar. He eatored tho lthr ,Imi-. qui) larso forte are ' l"tltiK llcUlutn via lit" Luxemburg froiitlr The k'ihimoih confirmed the r Hrl dial Ihf llu.-larn are advaticlux tnn itir lit r VHy, inward t.rm dure j United Pre Hervtce I'Altm. Auc. 1 1 - I'ldiilne U prs jllrally ri-tillliuniik txHrn llir Frrinii inl Kir Herman- at AUare llotli ,iar nr Ifwtnr heavily. I'nlted lr Kcrvicv imi'rllli:i.K. Aue I) I'Uhllns U 111 rri north t tb Mnrr to .(orvtlall tbn Orrmatu In br.ldlnc tht ouniry. the alllcj liavn mutrd north trutu Nautur 10 relnfnrro lh HrlgUu t-'rtnrh lrmi' r)bllnt al"in l.l-icr Untied free Hrtlt IIUUHMKIJt, Auc, , tUv arof nra tda)' kIv- Ih" tolluwitK ror rcrint bullriin of Oerratiy' lfM at t.iecr. Inrludlnc Huntlnj IMa4 . ... U.OOO V'uBtt UO.OOil I'rteoleer . tl.OOO t'nlud l'r Hervlce T. J'fiTKHHHUIUU. ut II (cen Mirrdj j-T1io JttmlatK have been uc crfut 0 far In klrmlthln( on lb AulrlaltUMUb border, and hav (Orved the AUtlrlan to evacuate tUdlwtllOw Tbe Auilrlabt occupied Ibo place tovvral day ago, but lbv have bm forc4 to rUf R.R. COMMISSION SENDSMEN HERE K.xoiNCCia or thi: ht.ite HOAHD WILL AHtUVK TOMOIU UOW NK3IIT Tt) CIIIXK COM. I'AXV'H VALUATION I.IHTH The flrat atep toward an lnvetl cation of tbt rata charged by the California-Oregon Power coinpiay her will aoon U taken. Tomorrow night two engineer of the atate rail road rommlaaioa will be here to check VMMUMMMMINIIIMIW (Coatlaaaa oa aaga ) race after a conference wun ma former aenator. Cole made hit Qaht a n protection!!. In thn dentocrntlc senatorial tleht are: Attorney (lotieral Timotny ri. Ilngau, running on til record in of flc; former Congrt'man John J. Unli, of Columbui, who advocate gnvernment ownerahlp of tolegraph nm; nnd John h, Zimmerman, or Hprlnndrld. Two warm guborimtorlal cam palgua wtro waged. Onvernor Jamea M. Cox, aceklng ronomlnatlon, la op poaed to Congreaaman J. J. WhltacreJ wbu nttacked Cox a tho "builder of the groaU'it political marhlno In tho hlatory of tbe atate." In tho republican Hold aro Frcuk n. Willi, former congreaaman, of Ad, and David Tod, of Youcgtton, former tate aenator. Hot of their apeechv have been featured by de nunciation of the democratic ndmln- Utratlou. a I.. Harford, candidate for the nrncraulvA nomination for aenator, wm not oppoted in tho prlmarle to- 7. New Implements of War Are Tested by the European Powers mmmmmmmSl! Jfi lmmtf t!mmmmmi mmmBmmmmmmmlmSSSmmmmmm ' Th Itrltinb nubmarinr, tbe Herman dlrUlhle balloon and the French aer- oplane are tbe new lutplcmenu of uar ucl In the great Kuropean out break, While l lie to have been la ex Utenro tor ome year they have not been Heart)' tcited. A few aeroplane were uted In tbe HalUn warn, but to thoe people hardly emerg4 from barbarUa and tar behind In the march of civilisa BENSON-M'NARY EACH JAIN VOTE ItiCCUUNT K PIlKClNCTtt IN MAK ION IS COMPLBTKI, HUT MANY MOIU. I'RKCINCTrt AKK TO BK countkh With the rocouutlug of tbe vote In tho vtlpula'ted preclncta In Marlon county, Circuit Judge llenon and Jullco McNary are still tied. Each gained a vote, according to a tele gram received by Uenion today. lu addition to the Marlon precinct recount hava to ho made In the fol lowing preclncla: Kovon lu Multnomah, three In Oram, two lu Lincoln, two in Wash ington, four In Tillamook, two In Hood It Ivor, nnd ono In Jnckion nnd Lane count lea. Home From Nevada Charles Uuldwln came lu lat night from the vicinity of Virginia City, Nevada, whore hu tin been for u year In tho Interetta of the Klamath-Ne vada Mining company. Ho say tho local concern' mine ha many ad vantage ovor othom In that section. Here From lloaansa Professor ltay P. Uurk, principal of tbe Uonnnsa high school, I here attending the narton-Oonanin trial. Collnpslhlo towers, adopted by tbe German army for searchlights and wireless telegraphy, are so light and compact tbst two men can carry a tower that extends to 110 feet. tion tuch modern implement of war (were not understood, much I ma ap-predated. In tbe tut of airship tbe Oermana have (tuck to the dirigible balloon, following the lead of Count Zeppelin. The French, who quickly took to Ay lug after tbe Wright brother had hown tbe way, aoon dUunced the world, and they have carried experi ments with the aeroplane much ALLIES AUSTRIA MOXTKNKOIUN AND SERVIAN TROOPS ARK VICTORIOUS IN BOttNlA. EXPECT TO OCCUPY HERZUOVINA BOON United l'r-J Senrtca CETTENJK. Aug. U. Monte- nearln and Servian troona have mov ed Into the Interior of Bosnia. A general anti-Austrian uprising la ex pected there, with tbe revolutionist Joining the Invaders, The Serb-Montenegrin force ex pect to occupy Hersgovlna aoon. Cnlted Pre Service NI8II, Atis. 11. It Is announced that the Servian allied armies are defeating the Austrian In Rosnln w Ith heavy losses. Popular Pair Wed Quito a surprise wa sprung on the peoplo of Klamath Palls when former Councilman Herbert J, Savldge and Mr. Jessie Anna O'Farroll were mar ried last night at tbe Prosbytorlau ruanso, Iloth are well and favorably known here, where they Will make their home, at least for the present. According to an Italian physician, love causes an Intoxication of the nervous centers, producing a disease that, if not cured, may lead to neuras thenia and eves Insanity. Hops are expeeted to go to SO ctftte m a result of tho war abroad. SERVIAN NOW i itartber than any other nation. While the German army I equipped with a number of dirigibles, the French have !many arop!ani. Experiment bate been mad by tbe BrlUih with both, but tbe Inven tion with which they have bad tbe rnoit aucce l the submarine. They; have many In their navy, and this will iof coure be the opportunity for their NON-SUIT IN THE BARTON LAWSUIT JUDGE BENSON GRANTS MOTION OF THE ATTORNEY FOR 1UE DEFENSE WAS SUING SCHOOL DISTRICT Upon the grounl that tbe plaintiff failed to prove that a valid contract had. been ontared Into between him self and the Bonanxa scnoo! district, Circuit Judge Benson today granted tbe nonsuit motion of Charles J. Furgueon, attorney for the school dis trict. The plaintiff, T. A. Bartou, brought suit against the district to recover u year's salary as teacher and 1500 dnraagos. He alleged that after hiring htm, and he had come here to tench, the director cancelled the con tract, leaving him without a school, nnd hired Rny P. Uurk In his stead. Install Compcaearc For tome time the Orpheus The atre haa had more or leas troublo In projecting the pictures onto the screen, owing to variation In tho power furnished. The patrons of this playhouse will not be bothered In this way any more, as tbe manage ment has Installed a new Port Wayne compensarc, which machine govern 'the electricity In such a way that the current is the same at all times. A railroad sixty tulles la length is to be built la Iceland. At Braaeat there Is not a mile of railroad la the whole ot that Island. STILL MORE WAR irOODSTUFFSSOAR TALK IS HEAROi AND FARMERS ARE I'.VGLAVD A-D ITALY BOTB IAKf: OtMASW ON' AUSTRIA HOI.ia.N'O TKLL8 OKBMA.V' TO WITIIDItAU' TIIOOPU f '. I I'ultcd 1'iw fttrvrc LONDON, Aug. 11. EsgUad nas aitcil tbo Anitrlan ambajaidor to explain tbo pretence of AuslrUa forcr on th Trench border. No re ply boa been made. . It It oxprcted that tbe Dritian ara baidor In Austria will deaaaad bla PtporU If no tatlsfactory explana tion I made. United Vrt Rervlcn i uumi;, Aug. 11. Amim at not yet ar-vwered luly'a demand (or as ! explanation of tbe destruction of Mtailta protxrtr at Anttvarl during jibe bombardment. . A bitter antS'Anvtrl.nn feeling rt (lita hero. "I'nlted re Serv! DRUSSKLS, Aug. 11, Holland fa I preparing a peremptory demand that Ceraasy withdraw her troops tnm the Dutch frontier. I ONCLE SAM MAY 6ET IN T THIS HTXL BE WITH TKK CRT OP KLAMATH FALLS. THOrOU, tNOT, .WITH POWERS OTHER. WOHXD In these day of ultlmatuaas. Uncle Sam Is soon to receive ono from Klamath Falls, demanding that ha pick up a few planks a&d ettanflen asd build a brldxe across taa canal at Eleventh street. Tho eeaactl leak night ordered' City Attorney Rateaale to draft such an order. Until It is knows positively what the government Intends to do re garding this structure. It la Impossible to proceed with tbe Improvement ot Eleventh street. The 'council last night made the) ----mwwwwwwwvwwweHwwwiA (Continued on pace ROUBLE Typographical Union in 60th Annual Session United Press Service PROVIDENCE. Aug. 11. Infant ry Halt was tilled to capacity today, when Frank A. Livingston, chairman ot the local committee, called to or der the sixtieth annual convention of the International Typographical Union. State, municipal and civic representatives made addresses ot welcome, which were answered by President Duncan In behalf ot the unton. President Duncan touched upon the growth and prosperity ot tbe or ganisation, Us educational and wel fare features, tbe peaceful relations existing between employer and em ployed through arbitration and con tractual negotiations, and the gen eral spirit ot uplift that prevailed la the 700 unions with their 60,000 members. The report ot Secretary-Treasurer Hays showed over 300 delegates la attendance today. Immediately after the secretary-treasurer's report was made, President Duncan appointed the convention oOcers and announced the standing committees. The financial showiag dealt la large figures f liMM.SI la tho old age fund; fl68,66.ls la tho aorta ry fund, and 176,?10.6 la the ADVISED TO HOLD (AUV ,JBK8 them to meat twk BCJIKFm SaiflKr Cms Vp United Praw tmrrtm XEW TOM, Aa. II tomr jhM cncAOO, Amt. tt t PHnjUHXmiA, Aa. 11 are fwaa Uarw ta Mfkcr en. low. Am- it. a AecoraUg to Akal Aa, irwliwl of taa Klamath Watar Caava AaatMitv Uaa. ta lantara Ula jmmt ktvw Um aaat oMwftty tkay jt tei to raaa Ua aataaaHa Uw aaataaa tft taa priaaa at In ! It tlaar m raCrala. fra naliaHaam aJr. I "Turna j n m AaoalMr Xotefc, aMI Itofrta Tnm Mat mtm Aim 1M Otker rrmlwetJi Arm Alwti Pao t, aaxl Tkia WM Mgflgt HIW eMIv . Vlaartatar Jmi to cMk. Tcttfvigr tte leeal ntaM pHm wm lT. to aapytMlif aaaaV afMMhf,i galaV glaaniT. ota!. 'to nap tiJa aniial prison tor tana nrsslessa cwg the) act twar msjewaBisaswaaV "-"Pti that rsjsawa. K a)tsmi attisahte Her oar fxrmora Wsjsm to esssjnet swe the sal ot asoata. snlm aad po tatoes la advanee. 'Instead they ahowM hold tho same aatlL setkafnotary ataxhet eav UKIpb aia obtained, anal phi sell for cash only.; la than eaoev the aaatat attsM.MaJssesutheisleUe aman'womld. hat the wooMi aHav laat hit. Mr swwftt aad waaM holp to make lowor. pries tar,, tho eeo sttmsr by ttae shntOac .tho speswj Utor oat ot a chaaoa to eoraer aa? oae commodity and ran tho artao way P. "Waatever the laersaeo .aa. nttea ,-,awawijasBaWa ((atlaaodi am Pn 4) general fund-with a total etoae to 11.980.000. Tho Union Prlatera' Heme at Col orado Springs u set. downs at aa ad ditional 11,900.000. It coots about 1100,000 a year to taatatala tho home. The sverag oarataa nor member. according- to todays report, 11 ft.- 049 a year; average death aae. 41.7 and the death rate twelve nor 1,900. These last igures. R was eertala- ed. are, the reault ot aa aotHw casa palgn for better saaltary eoadNloaa la composing roomo aad tho ehoitoa- Ing' of the work day. ;' Loo Aagslee aad WaeUaaaaa. D. C. tbo f rat thing epeaed tho light to secure tho 1915 eeaveattea. Hheh- Ingtoa waata tho eeaToatlea atasta that city celebrates Ha 109th paat versary. ", H Los Angelas waata tho If II smsat beoanso It haa never had aa I. f, V. coaveatloa aad that tho neat year weald ho the attractloa aay eHp delegster. tt a IWsh eety had a htg acssaasajVBBjaJswVaatal aa wwsBBTsavtJaaasaWmsWeTwJ AtlliMtao ttl Woaasait hosssssM Si agSSafaeM .,aspesmaoBi swsawaa .saaa eeald eawjr'itt . HligoMea if'. oaar. 'mmmmm- the 'tatsMaasataaasa'' "'' '; -."r,amawe j..1 ' t tta. &a BK S '! r'sssimsstar ' "-T; ' 4t- ,-r-rfVIt ft