Sfjj? lEuntng IteraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT 18 NEW8 KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWltAKft f r-'lres1wwwFiTOigaiu Ninth YearNo. U.U4I ( ;-isHB'Eui-i" -, fsnszrauziKsssQBsacrraBiaiBes mm"1 " TTTT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 10, 1914 GERMANS TAKE LIEGE AFTER A HARD STRUGGLE; FRANCE AND AUSTRIA AT WAR; MANY SCRAPS Herman iuiUiia factory, with Pv MONTt.XKOItl.V TROOP I.NVAIU,ftra' . I hJ 'plane HefldU. nxhilrie U rrMIl At l.ll. Al'NTttlA. StiW IS ,mtmir ADY HOME FROM WORKING TO GET EXTENSION BILL FOR MIGXATURK OX IT SOON DAI.MATIA 'IsMlM I Hret i I.Mtmtlwura. UrtuttloK lit Wtr Frum Pari. Or"ll MmWh IUhL, Mar IU frt In Itrlalum Im m Few !, Orftrlt Take OrrtnaM Arruplaae IVtlury sail Alrttl UblUd 1'rw. br-lo PAItlrl, AUs; 1.0- Prance ba d. rUrr.l ar on Auttfa. TltU fill liitaed tl,o rliir uf Au.lrla lu el plain siltUrtorlliho imi ..f AutrUu troop- jffruugh HwllcrUlld on I do way in o AWatlsn border. J i.r.I pr lUnlc. luU'rlriKLH. Auk ID "The Iter 1. (t rot- hold tl city of l.l-s Al )c( MJIBo of Kit fori ar "till held br th tUUUfc tUl 111") Mftl tACr wiled lit at( ltldrndM if rh oitsrr It U rpe;ied that ih Cf. inn will l u iulr ruv lute u.itt: All ( I tbtf ran I r a trUf)n forre anil IE wmtt jojf ri Usfle.1 rto re j t'nlud I'f ckttin. nrirli) If Ulan a rvlce Aug oTh Monte bav tciiitd tlio Au- are rorupln( Scutari 111 r OBlf mitf 1 llmnt lo Mn futU at Inlfcl - . M out IndenulUly All rl tuliplled Ttir sited llelgtan and iml airf moving fufvard ttie Ocrraiut hack,, Tit tilt hold lUge, but will b adt -are aduiti a the fotta trel the rfeda and the a poaltfoi lo cut (beta (net tvlng rman btr (O COO- 4 ! IN even if I bat Ihsre .1 tatr t ib. (on 1 u)UtJ tw Ut a Itrtftp taif Uo rata rr an4 01 (4ihI Uj monnlnl Uklt)( IB u Wr4 It h lnrtraM (UfiJMrwftn Itn of cw ttiunlrailon at wtorml jlot. blown nut brll(r and In otbr ry lntr' (rJ lth tfripftailon until lb nrtnani at In danir of tl) tatw Ut4 (ram hlr tuppllM. bjr itorm." rrnnIM BMlltffjr, up. fanlrf, ar ai i uorlb or tho tbkt tby ba Tt4jab.y InvatliHl Au.tfla, and ar horn In Ualiuatla TliU (orrnon tbpy arr4 Din Amirlaiii at Tr-b. "nJciiMine man) mm I7 HrT( I'MIA, Am 10 -Tim ti.nlan (alion (lair that ho AUttrlan iia atiamlohfJ oflnM to ru ilir lUnube In Ibo (ar nt tin. Hrlan drfrnio. and hatr rxlttcd. Irlne lit- nla Kaiser Wilhelm and His Six Sons Parading Through Berlin Streets I . N I , ! WiaElrJIHiBaiyaaliiCTBMk-f,,:K ""sfflHIWl'if-SSTvs s ?t'?V:'77 H SailinaC.SaiiiiiiMiZarBaViVaiiiraVc f'jElVB vi fliHAa. V.lm ffll&ai. A-;VtiH aaHaKiaPfllfiB'M 1 A-B"IBlBBHHt5W 9 aRSiH Pa Tblb 4 f ''' ' .IIHB i ? V V A IIIHTl -M r- im lB, MMMflA' SlfFJ iiB .'HI V ik iWmm,,Z9 B" A Fll' aaaaHHaVM.TaiiH-H I WIM Wu OnMly M k A m Ci tew Untttd l'rM rrM LONDON, Aug. t0 Tb ercattil battU of modern tlmw. It to vi lird. ti oon b rouftit In lid' eluiti. Thn rvnaot-ihlii tbtro It lremlr rlfl.l, but It U known that ib Crunch and tlrrroani ar Mobil lilnc at Namur, the llllan b. tlruttfU lrr that tbo (ierinab " batllttg al l.$p, awaiting ui pllci and fp-otifofcanianti. I'nllwl lfa IUrtr I'AIIIH. Aug, 10. TI.p rreucli now bold rVrncr, Colmar, Mulhun, Nni llrnlaavli and Hinuaburg, ecu li-r of hp Herman advance, it la bvi that th UHr lllitno army l now advancing to mot tun Krench. At Mulhauii ( frmcb look tba Uultod 'ra Karvfr I'AltlH, Aug 10 Herman Infantry and ravalry today rrpult4 Krnth ti airy alrU at lngbouni. In franc. Tti war offiro ay that after dc- lrat (Igtittng ttn rreneb baw cap turt-4 ib paaara at lion lloasma t. Uarl, balow Mulbauavn. n l?olll arvrn , l,ON!KN, Aug. lo.Tb admlr.' ally tctiDrnir tb rprt tbat ibi tlrliUb main crulaor aquadron ank tb 0ran ttibmarltti l'lf., Tbi of tbo alnklac l bllv4 to, b the Nonb U. rnmi lrfi lit Itlgtitt ' Klwr. nw n I'rlnrr rmlrrkit U'llllam, I'rlwrc I'lCrl Frinlrrirh, I'rinrr Adalkrt. Vrime .iugiut, I'rinrr l)nr. a n1 I'rioc Joarltlm. Jum beforp iltfl Kuropran crUI llrrllu and rxclttd wild eulhualairn. ramc, Kaltrr Wllbvlm and III alxiXot unty the kciMr blrawlf but the ton paraded at tbe brad of a tary prctnion tbrougb tbo itrcoU of itona. PpaBajgaHplpBmmmmm!aBWSa mlll-iiltrlln iopl art proud of the aU ff-K. p.t. IM t-l ..I... .ict. ft.A a HW UHltVIIU, HHU IMV ANOTHER TRIAL IS AT A DELIVERY' Back freaa WaaklMtM. kr wg aat by tko Kbuafttk waUr uaara to work for Ua saaf f Um ne- ilamatloa staavtoa Mil, coaaaa AM Ady. prcaidBt of tbe local aaaoefa- Hon. SIbco he has beem la WaahlBf ton. and largsly throagh kla tferU. tbc bill, which preTloualy h4 paaaH me senate. 1 bow tlireagh the hoaae. "The bDI aa paaaed by the hoaae .was amended to require payateat of i a 5 per cent lastead of a X per ceat InsullBeat by the eatrraMa. aaM jAdy. 'Thle doea net aJTeet te Waai jath project. I "Aa aateadaieat added aranrMea! made a atriklnc.tbe kaiter called thee alx aon Into a!,lt esUautea aad appattlaaaiaaH I conference and went pter at leatthj'or " work gaaat b MhflftKtai aa4 fth nmiMHA nf wrr I m. t.iiA. 'imrnnJ hv m.- I - t" 'r--... w " wmm wwvwBi """" m vmtwmm 1VVT JUi r. me uiumaium wu e be Uld n ,0 tb.m hU wn0,. , ,UrU. Thla w by the Gersaa gortrameat to the csarfand hU hope. (reclaautlaci aarrla greee aaktec far awcayrtatla atka the riTera aa4 haraara or ataUIar lam. proreateat faaaa. hat alataly raaairaa t Hill II I I alfB.1 III llllll I I Hal llllaBl icmcnwa 10 ayaroTO t U kalier at their right, picture. NDIA TO LANGELL VALLEY HOPPERS BUSY a . - - . 7 taa& REVOLT SOON?! BARN IS BURNED! AROUND SALEM laew coaTeaa eaaU raaaal tkda art Wedntada. A lUg Trewl lUblblt of local Tbumday and Friday aluruoon and cvanlng at library club room, Third and Main, Tb public U Invited TWO I'ltlMINKIIK, Itl'MII.V I'M. IM! HACK KAW, Altl. WATCH. Kit IIV IJItl'lTV HUUHIFK AXII riRi: ciut:r HINDUS r3H'IX)VKO ON COAST j.NO DKTAII-S ARK G1VK.V IN MKS-I.NIXE ACRES OP POTATOES AT AltK LEAVING HURRIEDLY FOR TUB OIUK.NT, MUPPOSEDLY FIOHT ENGLAND TO H.GK EXCEPT TIUT THE TEN ANT, GEORGE NOBEL. LOST HORSE AND HAY I THKASYLCM FARM CXEAXEO OUT BY THE ACTTYE UTTLE PESTS fork lu Ibxotrr I Another attempt al jail breaking ASTORIA, Ore.. Aug. 10. Ktery cJaaae. The aeaata wtu ceaear laUtMU aa ameaM ay ta aeaae.H Ady eaa tlaaed. 'Tala would ragrnka aa further acUoa by tbe beaae, leartac tbe bUI ready for tba areaMeat'a (!(. Batata ta a few daya. , "Aftar tbe atcaia of the Mil. pab Ueaettaa B1 be laaae by tbe aec retarr of atate. aa. baaed or mm. According to a telephone message SALEJI. Ore.. Au. lOMor. ia.. U1 be it .tafia f er tbe ra. Through Itollit C (IrtH-.bwk, tbe.wa. mad. at the county Jail Salur- train and boat for the South carrlw racelved today, tbo big barn on the njn acre, 0f potatoes hare beea lle1J,,rtI,, ;wtt oa all of HjKiKam. A Eaattrn Trut company .day night, when I. adore Mauseehell. large number of Hindus from th!,l'rge aicuonaiu rancn in ungeit ,MMh. .. ,w , l"10 """t rejeet. Aftar tbia la today atarted anion agatntt C. K. held for hor. .teallng. and A. 1.. Jelly ami If the exodua keep up much j Valley burned to the ground. " or crassnoppers at the aayluaa BBi,Bd, the water users wUl -- Atklmon to rworer 11600 alleged' Pumford. held for forgery, were UuiW. A.torla lll be entirely de-" " "e occurreo yeewruay. ueo. ". ' -reea m iae r.mrea to express their aaaraTBl by dun ihtu. iwifhi h nmiiv hr rr i.tnvii Ijw aerieu by me r. inaiant. ..-.-,-. .v iru.ui, u vut ik,. - -. -. u . lnd Fire Chief Wakefield, trying to Tho majority of the Hindu em- 0M tarinmg macntnery and hay. ,aiemeni maae oy ur. it. e. u stela- Hwaleew bfet by Hherl aw through the cao hardened ateel PlrJ at the Hammond mill have The cause of the fire ta unknown. r superintendent of the insane A htibtlne iiui f&mmiMJ nf tr. fi.r. nt ih "itfiV" wiih Uriiiiw. 'gone and the balance are preparing " asylum here. Calbey, Kd Dodge, B, II. Henry, Joe l.ow heard the noli while walking ,' .-P In tbe Immediate future. It I Uf" Tljr lirAT ' . A ,oon M the --"PPr made All and Clarence Underwood, has Just jaround tho Jail, and with Wakefield. , alleged tbat the men are returning ,1 f I Hf Klsl I lr appearance the employee launch- vu a ui'unu id auuiuiiaie uiesa oy to India by way of San Francltctx, emerged from the brush, with several he watched through a window, deer to lis credit. Tbe party parked It la believed that all the prison- bark In Ml. Pitt from Wamnlera. rm ware eoticerne.1 111 IliU nlletntil. 1 Hhcrlff 0. C, Mi wa eitremsly glad After Pumford and Maustshell had Ju Ml""1 10 break '" 'ndla as a I to ee them return In fact, he weal worked with no ucc, they hid iuu.r" ol Miin oetng occupied in where, It I aald, a vessel has been chartered to aid In a revolution whlrb to meet them, and served Jury sum' mom on two of the number. To Enlarge the Hatchery State Game Offimli Pay Klamath Brief Visit "This is the beat proposition In the tl for trout fry production. We are negotiating for another Ivaao rom tho Western I'sclbeTLand A 'limber company, aiidwlll io ahead mm enlarge Dm capnlty of tlo hnlcli 'ry." Thus spake 11 K, Cln. alnte Urliitendcnt of fish hatciorU. af ir Inspecting (lit trout litchery at Kpencor Creek. Accomlanled by Hlalo (lamo Wardsn 0, KJKvana ami VM anil Oamo Couimlsionor Dun 'n, Ulantou motored If Haturday night, The parly left tila moralng from Medford, via the dab helm eoi Mructed by the Callfirnla.Orei rower company, where tNey wilt Jffok "tor t,he proposed flshWK Next year there will be from a half in three-quarters af a million youag trout hatched at Ipencer Creek for the Klamath streams. The raat nf Mm will be hatchad for other parta of the lUta. Work la to be started right away on building now racks, etc., for taking trout spawn In the spring, According lo Xlatchory Super liitciiiltint CareyJtt. Kamiby, an egg taking atntlonib to be established on tho north fnaC of tho Bpraguo river, whe.ro theXiga will ho hatched for tllntrlliutUan In tbat soctlon, It Is upo proposed that nn egg Ink lug stolon be established at soma potuMrwIicro tho oggs can bo taken frqaf the Tulo lako trout. This trout Ike tho rest of ta local rainbow, eept that It spawua In the fall In alead of the spring, The egga taken this fall will be shipped lo the state hatchery al llonnovllle to be batched, Mr. Clanton expressed regret al not holng able to remain longer, He atatee that thero Is a board baaaUng In Balum Thursday, which aM ajust bttetij, hut he 0l il,MR U October, whM M Will ntt wHb, local sporUmea." saws and retired. Had they cut the bars of the tank, they would have had to cut out the bars on a Jail window before they could get out. After Mauseshell was locked In tho "dungeon" a little while, he willingly produced the hacksaw and frame. the general European war. It It taldi a japanete sieamtnip win carry thei Hindu to their native land. I Will locate la Klamath Mr, ii ml Mrs. h K. Hardin are re cent arrivals In the Klamath country, coming from Holtvllle, In Southern California. At, present they are vis iting Mr. Ilardlu's mother, Mr. W. E. Btelnsprlng, at Fort Klamath. It I the Intention or the llardlus to make their home In Klamath county. WILL SPEAK OF KLAMATH FALLS LIKE THE REST, HE'S SURPRISED ETNA MILLS MAN LOOKED FOR IMPROVEMENT HERE BUT NOT IN SUCH LARGE QUAN-TITIES , spreading parts green, aad It Is be ne veu tbo work of devastation has Jnow been checked. ( According to Dr. Stelner, no other section In the valley has been troub led by the grasshoppers. rote, aad la eaae of apararal by i majority oa a project, aew eaatraela will be entered late la arfardaaaa with tho teraw of the bill. "fader the aew eoatracta. tbe fiat laatallmeat of the -rraitrartloa charge will become due aad aavable December l. 19U. Tble will U t rr ceat of the total balaaee due oa cotiitructloa charge. hose oa tha KmbuU prejeet, "MMaWJaMaajawgagavialaBMlBl (CoatlBUMd aa . Alleges Dental Trust LOCAL PHARMACIST AND Win ARE UOIXG TO PORTLAND FOR "BUYERS' WEKK" TO U IN A BIG STOCK Thlaka It Fine H, O, Hogue, representative, of the Holt Manufacturing company of Stockton, lu the Sacramento valley Northern California and Oregon, who haa apent tho past ten days In this county, left this morulug lo complete his trip through Oregon. Mr, Hogue uiado a thorough canvass of the coun ty, and oxpresscd hlmnolf as greatly impressed with Its possibilities, "Lee, what In thunder are you go-1 ing to do with all the stuff you raise here?" "Oh, teed It to the hogs, I guess." "That's right: feed every bit of It. Don't ship out a pound." The foregoing conversation took place In the Central Garage Sunday after the return of an automobile party from Etna Mills, through the .Merrill and Malln country. The party waa composed of Mr. and Meetimfs 1 Taking advantage of the Induce manta bolng offered Oregon dealers .Mr. Fred Youna. Mr. and Mrs. Henrr In Portland this week through the (Young and Messrs. Andrew and John mi) ersweoK-arrangement. Emmett Hull, and the speaker wore Fred K. Magee, of Underwood'a Pharmacy. Young and W. T. Lee. Mr. Young leaves tomorrow for Portland to make was In tbe Klamath country years ago winter purchases for the concern. land admitted that he expected to Bee Mr. iugei na juai uoen notineu 'grout improvement, but waa not pre lum ne win or una ui me twenty vm At Work for U. H, It. H. Fred B. Dunbar and Kirk White. two of the city's moat prominent youui law atudoiits, are now pursu ing a Drat hand study of reclamation condltlona. At present, they are Isklaj up (or putting u) "comuftn carrlera" being employe on fume vveairueuea,, ttlng buyers who will be asked to make a speech regarding their "home town;." Mac has always been a stgen uoua booster for thla city, and hi friends here look to see him hold the Ad Club banquet guests spellbound while he recounts .our advantates. opportunities and prespaeta. Mrs. Magee Will aeenmnanv hr husband lo Portland, On the way back, they will visit her brother at Central Point. . k- - . - w MW. ...,- Prru mr me development mat naa taken place. The Messrs. Young are extensive cattle men of Scotta Valley, and the party win return horns via Pelican Bay Lodge. Fort Klamath and Crater Lake. Ilradle MaJatlsT Suit to recover 1110.76. allseed due, on a note, was conuaeaced to day, by Qeorfe W. Bradley atAUwt D. M. Donnelly. Is there a "dental trust" In Or egon T Dr. E. K. Parker, better known as "Painless Parker," claims there Is. He Is so firmly convinced of this that he has an Initiative measure framed abolishing the state dentat board, which, he alleges, Is composed wholly of members of the "ethical" cult, who will refuse licenses to den tists who "desecrate" the profession by advertising and paying for the ads. Parker's measure would abolish the board, and would allow the grant ing of a license by tbe secretary of state to any dentist who la a gradu ate of a recognised school, or the holder of a certificate la some other state. Tonight Parker will axolaia his bill In a lecturs In tbe courthouse park. Hs will aUo at the same Urns tall of the methods of the "atbleal dental trust," and la addltloa to air. Ing a lecture oa the care aad preser vation of the teeth, will awa extract teeth free of charge without aala by the Parker method. HslwMI be hare two days la the Interests of kla meas ure, to combat which tba "deatal trust," aa Parksr calls the stata gaalsatlon, Is raislaf a fund at ML 000. Parker Is om of the beat kaawa dentists la the United Nttta. Al though he balds sertileatei Ul Nsw York, Caaada. Paaaaybraam.' Gel. Ifornia, aad other taate M waa re fused a license Im Oretaa. Ma belas that this la because baisWsrtlaas aa he has sat to to are tlwrerse." The passes of UMbtM. he aa. will meaa at least !.-aaaea Aaa. ttsU far Orassa. aad saaaaw-asssaa. Ta "traa, Parkar ssalwai, wJlk ," Sswsay.li traat llesmsea smto for lasrsaata to saakUeai aa4 a aa.' lata deatbits w baWas. r aatt the aut. Tbia. be asaabiaAs. basas. the trie . wrk at (m aatj taa. v