Wt lattfttftuj Mtvalb PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLT OFFICIAL NKWSPAPim mvKmmantmvw KKmmmsmmamMfmminmHmmMsmaK Taeacr Ninth Vest .. JMMO KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUSTS, 1914 Today's Devlopments in War Zone uuTj-irii "",i"i"i""j -- - - British Troops Are Landed in BelgiumPortugal Declares for England German Troops Landed in RussiaKing Albert leads Attack on German Flank, Forcing Retirement Austria Sends Cavalry to Aid Germany ENGLAND'S ARMY IS READY FOR ACTIVE SERVICE; 22,000 MEN NOW 60IN6 TO AID OF BELGIUM fOMtiiitiM.'!: or ntu.Nttt ,vn umji4m war officii ftirrrkiM inii.vr Mtlp ,rrr t lth oo.ooo Mm l.i the Fern- t.'oollorol Have Alrdy IWrn C'tMMNtaMttarrrit by tiree Hfttaia. Frrsnlt (NKrvr IM. i U tAadtag Modo at Ttire putts Today ft, r. I'frw tUrvlro UMMIS. Aa eV To fretoJer 4 say 1mv4 ineJolluo) traulerlosl Ih atppnrt of PnrtOgOl OOCMHioally Ttot was o Mg dKtralioft Im lb iluuttfafr f tjrpatl, s4 to r OOVo ha uOJrtrO In eSM&Uli Itirrr I'ulitJ fit Aervlra I'AIUrt. auk. s.ltrltUh tran. ofl, convoyed by two belllrtblpt sod ihr rruler. landed 11,000 llrltlih regular ( Ottend, Calais and Dunkirk. French officers directed the lnd In operations. Ttil force will be rushed lo Namur It' fttit lb Belgians at that point, bould they b forced to abandon Umc The British and French war ofsct conferred In tendon Wednesday, At ibal tlrae they planned an ldlllon, but withheld announcement i( It. It I admitted, though, thai the Undlng party U oaly an advance guard. England has already commandeer d ship sufficient to rush 100,000 rotn to continental Europe with no delay, flrlllah reserve crulMn are patrolling the English Channel. CIum 10 'Krteco MUt Ulllan Mtllta, of lha HlllU Orygooda con pan jr, la In Ban Kran clco at prMnt. MUa Htllta will com bjnt builBMa with plaur, for while lo to Wittrti fuhloa center anil w order a compute millinery line lor Ibe coming aeaaon, Minimum Wage Law Effect in j United PrtM SanrlM OLYMPIA, Wuk Aug, I The or der of the Induitrlal welfar eoamta loa Ming the minimum wag ot tel ephone glrli over 1 at a week, kd theM under II and of meettagera M II hi la attet today, ThU mlalmuai U applicable to aay (a ever 11 la aay MUbllahgeaat oksi4 la Maetloa wlUa aay tat or Ulegraah eoaaaay aad - - . i ! MlV HHKTlitXtW TOMOHItuW VKJIIT ' ? There f n't Im a l.li ill u gn Inc up In II"' ilr r suddenly ' uMng lh Mi II JOU prr te (trance thine bpp-nlnE In the ' tVy iitnff nlihi Qf turp, U towoiro" hap 'n lo b rtoudy, If alt iB Hut If U nllii he.tilJ iw rirr, (( inmt n)lh1nt, Totuorruw nlsht, acrillne to uffiftalt of Hip nvsl iilirit.ltjf), U iho oup nlht In Kip rr tbat IbuuMnJa o( mutrrloiu Hut" a tantoor and stuwUn iar, ; whlrh rrm to vmcrtn from the ' tomlelUllon IVtui , makr thif parnf. liru bans tow over Urn ' rmirrn i". and tomorro', If ! he ru aorordlnic to bl ron tract, will iid InnuturrabW toiti trrak and wlncatum (OttieU ncn ib Vjr ty fiw mlnulM, Tho trAki Icatn lit their trail particle which pat rn llnuallr around, th tun. 6ERMAN SAYS IT IS A SKIRMISH tm'NHK!.MK IS OUIIUK (iF HK. I':n:u kmhahn hkcmhkh TIIK KKIHUlTIi KKCKIVKI AKK FKOM KNKMIKM United rra flerrlco WASHINGTON. U. C, Au. . Tho Oermait etnbaMy hat been ro opened, with llanlel vou llalmhatuon. rmbaxy counaellor, In chro. Ilo conferred a lon tlwe with Secretary llryan today. He lutlila thai tho flihtlni at Mega li merely preparatory aklrwUhlnc And not a (lorumn in'iukt- or teat of atrength. He aluo point out that all the now it coming from Kugllth and Kronen nourcoi. Washington oonioqucntly Includaa oBloe help. The reguUUo afottlag tboae un der II appllea both to boy and gtrla mitoyH la any oaaaoltjr hi the tl aaktM or toUgrapa aertlee. It alao HttldM tuat giru aad uoy ttmdMM 11 aaiiilnved In talacMBh. tel OfUae, mercantile, art oUyry or NMagor aarvice atu a wora artiar thaa I a. . or lator thaa 9. m. tftK,,mmmm mmmm ..-...-,. - . -,., How Recruits Are Taught to Kill allmlmlmlmlmlmHlemlSB aaV''liflBiaUaH 'v i! -. !? gBHraataHHalaKalHeaB allllH-wlgHgVglll gBmememV-i-'-'gamememVflamWM BjBOBeBBaeBBeHaBmBBWmel 'flaaVX' V 'BaameBV ggalKlllF 4mt Th ra ItuMUn rrult, who U held a a roerve for time uch a bato come In Kurope, It tlne bur rlid Into the srat tnobllltatlon campt of ihr cir to maVi up tho uornoui army ot t.StO.000 he It now gather ing for tWont agalntl Oermnny or attack on Auttrln. Thoto troopt r' latiaht actual imp of tho hayotu'l long bfore thry crcn get a uniform. In the cate ihown In the photo UVKHFOOtr Th l.tulUnla U r. pedvd SunUy. It h nent a wlre- lewi thai It la protttHtlnK ufel). I'AHIH TtWi war olBcc anuniiuree that Czechs today attacks) meiiitem of the Bohemia rrglmenta ulto re- fuaetl to light Menrta, and executed llieiu In front of their regiment. LONIH)N Work of converting the liner AqulUnlA Into an armored cruiser luta atuiied, llunilretla of Americana ulio rro Inwkwl to sail on her art atrandrd. WAHHINOTOX Tho govcrntwent today aanounceJ America will not in. j WAR BULLETINS nother Recount Asked in Benson WUll a tie, Just aigwl a slip ataMam to couat awllola U twewty.fowr prtlacta, Ketrnlt to be twal, Havo writte full par ticalaiw. Tht ahova telegram, Just received by Circuit Judge Hry L. Baaaoa -J-J.--- ,--. --r ,-,-,- j-j-g-M-g--lfla-s-irr. graph, the recruit U (tabbing a duni my figure with a bayonet, under the luatructlon ot nonsronimlktloncd of- ncr. Hit I taught the rltal place In the human body that he way vtasie 'no strength. Kverr Huultu tolJlor who wlthttkudt a charge ot uerman 'or Auttrlan Infantry will know where to place hla bayonet, to end at quickly (a Htlble (tic earthly carcvr of hit foe. tfrfrre ulth the detwHura of rvacrr- .,t .... d.iM-li t .. I ii.in vut l ,l...w go In ahlploadt, imleaa they become organlsetl and armed military bodlee. VIK.VNA It U aaaoHiiccxI that Austrian cavalry haa beca sent to co operate with the GerauaM against the French. Tho ilettlmttloa of the trip I not divulged. NlSli Tlu ir oWce auitouucvd that tho AuatrUn force have bees driven out of Sen la. With the crown prluco heading tho mala division, the Kerb assumed tho oaTesulve and re pulsed tho Invader. - McNary Tie front A. U. Kmmon, tho Portlaud at torney who l managing his post electlou campaign, shows that uvou now there Is to be yet another delay before It la finally decided whether Baaaou'or McNary la to ha a-ropub- KMMMMMAtWMetWWWWe (Ooatlaued oa vac l) .ur J -U' ' JUtT." J TJU UlJ"IJTr JTXTnrLTVTjnrt1 JTJl GERMANS STILL POUNDING AWAY: AT LIEGE FORTS 'I'ltKNCM TltOOPH KI.V"OnCE THK HKU5LI.VR 'Kins of IUllum IVraonally Lada Catalrr Charge. Which Write, the lirn.mn. lutk to UaIb Dlrbk. .. , . ,. ,.., K.rhn-rt Ttl There WU1 Mc Quaiirr of a Million Prracti to ItrUtau FulBla by Moaday It'nltuJ frcn Sen-Ice I HUl'SSKUJ, Auk. i -Willi King ' Albert"1 pronall)' In comtcaad, V.iA- ;lan caralry today attacked the Oer- I man flank, hemming these troopt bo- 'lren the forrst and the drlglan field artillery. . Slmultaneoutly the fort becan a I bombardment and the German were compelled to retire on the main col umn near tho river. Jutt at tho end of this, French troopt arrh ed to rvlutorcx- the Del giant, and more ana constantly ar riving. The Belgians are confident that Uege can hold out indefinitely against the Germans. I It Is estimated that 100,000 French! trooD are now lu Ilelaium. Br Men-! day It U expected that a quarter ot a million wilt bo In strategic posi tion along the frontier.- Dcepltct their losses, tho Germans continue their fighting. It la believed that they hopo to overwhelm by their big force. Late this afternoon 11 was reported that the Germans are distressed some what by the non-arrival of supplies. Belgian cavalry are now attempting to cut off their communications. AUSTRIA REFUSES TO AID GERMANS CREWH OF TWO WARSHIPS OR DKRE1) FROM MESSINA ARE TOLD AVATRIA IR XOT WAR RING ENGLAND United Press Servico ROME, Aug. 8, Italian olclaU de clare that the German cruisers Goeb- en and Breslau, steaming out of tho harbor at Moaalna yesterday by It aly's order, wirelessed the Austrian tlect to assist them tn escaping tho Kngllsh Mediterranean fleet awaiting them. Tho AuatrUn naval oScera replied by refusing the request. They aay Austria la aot at war with Kaglaac, The Frtach ana English comblaod fhots are betwoea the two Qfrataa and tho Austrian naval base at Trieste. .FRENCH, GEAMAN TROOPS SCRAP PAIUKl.lXK I.VV.Ull.Vfi ALHAfC AXIJ LOIUUIN'K A.VD TAKK CITTT SKASl DKI.FOItT. UIO BATTIX XEAK MfLIUfSKA United 1'rea Srtit-a PAWS. Aug. S. The French army j, todajf intadtng AUacc and l-orralae. Earlier In the day. th Freschi Uorcea captured AUklrtcb. a German ,town lwnty mM fcuh of M(c(t J The Ioim on both ldf are reporiid heavy. iL'alted Preaa Service PARIS, Aug. S. The Frack.arejlCaUt p"- atucking the fortlScatloaa gturdlngl the atroeghold of Mulhaueea. aUtMUM 40,0v our tnllfi touthTHl of Strac&bai. A Urce Gtraan forte u oppoeU-. THREE THOUSAND WIRES RECEIVED ENTIRE WORLD SYMPATHIZES WITH BEREAVED PRESIDENT. M.VXY LETTERS FROM HOMES OF THE LOWLY United Preoa Aerrtee WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. a. Three thousand telegrams have been received by President Wood row Wil son, condoling him tor the loos of hla wife. The king ot Sweden Is tho latest European monarch to cable. In addition to these, there are thousands ot sympathizing letter, mostly sent from the homea of the poor. Home Tonight Mrs. H. L. Qlem, wife of the ager of the local Wcstera Union of fice, U expected home tonight from Spokane, where she has been visiting relatives for the past two months. Mr. Glem has rented tho E. B. Ramsby house In Hot Springs addition. Cop Given for Slapping a Man ROME, Aug. 8. Policeman Qugll- olmo Caracclolo Is today M00 richer for having slapped tho face of Dep uty Dogonl, a socialist member ot parliament. Caracclolo also will re ceive a medal as soon aa It can be suitably designed and coined. During the recent socialist strike In Italy, Deputy Dugonl found hlataeU at tho head of a body ( deaseaatrat ors. In every conflict wkn. the police or military Dugonl maaaged' to es cape physical muwlag up, aeeorttag hla immunity as a member ot aarUsv. meat, aad defying aayoae to touek him. 6ERMANY TAKES THE FIGHT INTO CZAimiOMAIN DIO FORCE RKTOCtTCD TO MAVK UUTMKB TOAT M. Uee Ie COfSXUMOm ed by waraalaa, hav oanatat a ama4 lag at Ehoasoa. havo roaahael aoro. Tho fore la aaarahiac tawarg Ma slagfors. bnt are aieflagTwtUt fores Kuaslaa oppoaJUea. Should too Oonaaaa take that cHy. they wUl aasoxswct aaM i itHiai with St. Potofok)TeV -aJB. United Prooa Sorvloo ST. PETEKSBUKO. Aug. l.-jrCoa-rlagbo- sunt sktractahUg to occmrrlmg tweea, the Genaaa aad Ruaslaa cav alry along tho frostier. The Gorman cavalry to aoBportoi by light aad gteaatatai artUlory. wUoh U of ectivety dootroyta aHUMaaga. Tho Gomaaa have raided aad buri ed two Rnaaiaa'cKieo, ,, UaRed Prooa Sorrteo BRD80ELS. Aug, I. Aeoordiac ta the war oslco. Qoraiaa artaiory f rtac at Uege U aovero, but the atafhooaaa- shlp la poor. Tho Belgians ore nearly accurate. and the Belgtoa. nag Iris aJghtf successful. oaabUag tho (uaaora to drop sheila oa tho Oersaaa algaal aviators. The sfliaes plaated by the ttlflaaa have atoo doae deadly work. Ome at the decimated rogtmoats to reported to bo tho Oraadeaburt guards, oaa f tho crack orgaalaatloas. Miss Bessie Oswald aad Mrs. Bat ter of Oregon City, who have boom visiting Mr. aad Mrs. A. C. Lewie. have returned hosae. a Purse Dugoal'a blul resulted efeettre uaUl he met Polieeiaaa Cariaelela. The latter decUei that walla the as aty'a body athskt bo lavlolabse, ab would Uko a ebaaoe that kto fat wasa't, and slapped It twtoe. laTHkac tho furleua deputy totor la laBf aaM face back to aarUaasoat. nasi abaw' It to hla eoUoagues. , - Deputy AHobeUl. a foUow , member of pafUassoat, bat I to a faettoa epfosaa to aba took up a MbsertfMo f eomUlbattaas. feiaad ldd oaa ciad to purse aad tho abasjal, ati i ' Th ,1 I i t "