PRINTS THE NKW8 WHILE IT IS NEWS -vwettjijame MMium Ninth YearNo. U.USO GERMANY Armistice Is Asked to Properly TEUTON GUNS ARE SETTING FIRE TO THE CITY; FRENCH TROOPS ARE BEING RUSHED TO BELGIUM man cum and lite llrttlftii fori i ' - u lmjHililo in minltr to their n)i on account u( lit" nrluc and 'ftlol'HAMW or wol'MUlli li:jtht. Is the ra.on the German U i.viN iii.twi:.:n rm: ;"", ,w"",h: rul,'- , , King Albert tl rcl-otlml lit be. oiltt.,V(2 UM'I hMlUllnic regarding the armUtlre It" ,'U aald that he fear ttm Herman ( imlElit taae ailtntllntr of IhH time l Klr 1., twitter Appalling '" u' lrf"-rmrnli or to change !., ft. worming it, (lit o.rr j ThM B MUeW rfi mftd) tjJuiu Ot IM(Ul) tJl. Ocluwallng " Ut night and today by the Mm -M Xlghi fM - Wood, Fed (Ierm ,orr"" Tbo '1!' patch i rnt oui ty Ihn I.lege On. ti. itte iJffiwmi' Night Aiurk ' lie lrUflratti Utili4 IT lUrttr uorri.'itDAM. Aug. 7. i w of- iirUliy roeitrowd io,Uy tl lb tier Hxut rtwwi prtnre ha rwt Vr trr on liU iy to riimrwuwl i( th Clrrwwan army Hi Mm. United rr tUrvtce IlKHLIX, Aug, 7. "Hhir adiervar r. rr all jYeluwa ut our development, lull ho Mill flKtil lu Hip roil, rvrti Cttt rlil full of rnrwilr," .,!.) proclamation l-nrd i,-U; hy K1t Will. rim. UulUd l're4 rtrvlc imumu:ij, auk. :, Atir hr dy of fltitlnit. and a heavy lt titn Iho kaUrr'a aide, h (Icrman arllllery I lfilay nhrllltit l,ee limit with lone ranxn (tin. Many ftroa havo hrnkon nut a a rraull, and lhr lalac of Jnatlfo and Dip cathedral of HI. I'aul harn -n damatrxt. A dUn(ch from I'arla atalc that at lead ihr Ur army cort havn liiwn iiUpatchrd from Kranro to aid tlio lleUlan at l.lftCf. They arv ft trcled le ! In linn lomorrow, TIip war ofTicn today atated that the Onrtnaita at n admit their I" I 26,000 klllrxl and wounded. It Waa oftlflally announced that (Irrmany lm aaVed for a twenty-four hour armUtlco at l.lein. It la ho llevm) that thU la to allow Ihn wound ed to be rard for and Ihn dead hurlml, In clmrgoa today, thrco reKtmenia f Uhlan'a w'r' deatroyed hy the tvr rifle llelglan Drtt, Thouaatida of uoundud am lylnc, wrlthlnit In aouy In tlio open aparti between tlio (lor- Broadview Farm Is Sold F. 0. Meloy Disposes of V, l Kviuu, field raiiroicntntlvo ot tho OrvKon Nurry company, at Or onco, Ore, hm purchnMd tho placo known a "llroatlvlew," thre nillen tail ot thU city, "from F. O, Meloy. Mr. Kvan U an oxporUuced hortl wullurlit, representing one of the old. oat and beat equipped nuraerlea on the cout. aB4 it la hla Inlantlon to OTh I "Ten (5rtnan army rorpa, with cav. airy ielnforcwenta, ttrtd acros a mlmnl trine In n attack tin th fort tl night The mine were de- lon(Vi), ami a whole battalion u( German were kllUd Twelvn huml fr4 wouniltxj wer tcki ." TtiU tDortttni another lro Her man tint" UuKblcrti, throtiU a ItrlcUn warjeiitcr. Tlio defender lmutalM tlto vacil lation of ina outer fortlrtratlon. and alien (he Invading forrr ruthed In Ihey were tratHH-it In a circle of fortl ficallnnn lletrn Ihn arlltlerr and Iho Infantry riro, ttio (Irrmana nrr alnicxl onnlhllatod Tli lletctant rnntured twrnly- () M4 THIRD STREET ASSESSMENT UP MKKTINU OK t'UOI'KltTV OUNKItK OF TIIK IHSTHICT AND .MKM IIKItH OF HTItKKT (XI.MMITTIN IIKI.I) TONIOIIT The aortlonmout of thn auru m nit lu (he Third atrort Improvement dlatrlct, any roniplaluta asalntt a raameltl ltvlrdthea and other matter perlalnltiK to thla work will ho contdered tonUht at a joint meet Iiik of the atreot commltteo of tho city council nmi thn property owner In tho dUtrlct. At thla time matter thai nrn un Nettled will ho talkod from all aiiule and ltltd. Tho meetlnn will bo hold at the city hall. Ranch to Norseryman put about nlxty acre ot hla new placo lu fruit, tnoitly commercial apple of tlit. winter yarletle. On tho place at preiout there aru about SOU upplo tree Juit couiIuk Into bearing-. Mr. Kvaaa will ttko lm mediate potiettlon, and hla muuy frleuda are wUhlng him all klnda ot auceeea io hi new vesture. lEimtma KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914 SUFFERS ' aW"e yyyMWWW'MWVWMMW Military Auto Trucks Used ' to Mobilize the Czar's Army 2JLMalHyVHPPi'aQBaiBI P tlHBFHIIH ' i ! i I nil ' IM a 1 . All throuch the vaat country dla trlrta of Ituaala not covered hy rati roatU huudreda of military auto truck llko theu were ani out Thurs day nlfihl to hrlnK In the rrnrUl of tho enormoui army of the uur. Unco tbp order for the mohllUatlon of 1,3X0.000 troop waa limed, It bo cam neceiiary to urine the tarraera iand the moujlka Into barrack. Kren I where there were railroad the truck were uxi, 6caue no road wouia UIMKI.V Churchill, befom the lioua of roniinona, denlctl that pn trnl naval rnmKetnrnt had occurrtHl. M.lia It l iriKirtnl l"t tier man and llrltlah ahlM have rntPMretl In hatllr. off the Chliieau maat today. VA8IIIT. sHH-ntry llryan ha nxtdvrat wiitto redlr to VIIn' medlatloii offer. Ttieaw aiv aalil Io txi MKMtly "notJrm of rectla," and CALEB TO TAKE ON DAIRY TEAM I.OCAI. IIAKKHAI.I. MA (J NAT K ADUM HOMi: NKW TIMUUIt TO HIS KKDKHAL STHUCTLRE AM) lM AFTEK A PUIU1U Should Cale. Ollvor'a Fednral de feat the Dairy team Sunday, there will be, u caih prlio brought back to Klamath Fall. Accordingly, the Fed aro putting In anrae real practice work now. Oliver hai added aaveral fatt men to hla lineup. T. J, Jackion returned to the Fort today, WAR BULLETINS SIT HXgTT'Mr- W,WsSM pouej tho cars neoetary to (tthcr 'auch u vaat crowd, the larcot army 'ever aasotubled on earth. I Thcae auto are now tpccJIne all over Humla amonc poatant who pr- ihana hav not yet learned becauto few newaer reach them of the Imminence of war. They will he dragged from their plough, carried Into barrack and put In uniform and hurried ot! to tho mobltltlng center of the army It I iindcrMixxl (hat none arc favor able. l'AltIS Premier Vlvlana liaa U auct n pnftamtlon urglnK the vtornru to aave the- harvest while the turn are In the Held flghtlns for their country. NKW Yt)ltK Ttici crtilacr Tonne re) left loilay for Karopc with alftern tona ot cold ivtrked In ninety kc Thla I to n-llovei American abrotvd. LOCAL MEAT CO. CHANGES HANDS HAN FltANClSCO I1UTC1IKR I'Un C11ASF.A OF CR1SLEK J STILTS. THEY RKTAI.V THE PROPERTY INTERESTS . Tho Critter .4 Stllta moat market paased Into tho ownerahtp of D. J. Deamond, recently ot Ban Francisco, when a do! wiu closed through the V. l. Johuion compauy. Tho new owner I now taking an Inventory. Crlsler ft Stllta retain their prop erty Interests, disposing only of the business of the Hales and Palace Buurketa. - ,-' . IteraU HEAVY LOSSE; Care for the Wounded RICH AND POOR SEND MESSAGES TKM-tfltAMS OF HYMI'ATIIY FIUJM Al.l. OVKIt TIIK NATION ANI (,-0NIK)M:NCI FlWiJI .SLOIS ItlCII vritlCKKX l,RIII)F..VT t'nltcl I'rca Scrvte WASHINGTON, I), C Aug. 7. Ijitr llil aftrrnooa (he White IIoumt nnuouuceil that the Wilson funeral will he private' affair Monday after noon. .After the terrier here, tin? re ntal na will leave on a apcclal train for Georgia to be Interred there the fol tuning day. United Fre brrtc WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 7. -Hundred of telegrams of sympathy. Including many message from humble home, and flowr and con dolence from, the dweilon am tsa slums who were helped by Mrs. Wil ton, aro pouring into the White House today. All over the nation flags are at halt mast. WlUon and hi daughters are bear ing up bravely. Relative of the family are arriving, and the White Home gates are doted to all but them. Tentative plan are being made to hold the funeral Monday. It Is prob abto that the remains will be In terred at Rome, Georgia. WAR DELAYS HIS MOTHERABROAD LOCAL TAILOR L1URNS THAT PARKXT, ON HF.R WAY HERE FROM AUSTRIA, IS HKLD AT .MOUTH OF ELHF. Tho European war 1 being forcibly brought homo to J. A. Goldsmith, a local tailor, by the receipt of tidings to the effect that hla mother, who left Austria on her way to Klamath Fall aomo time ago, Is bolng detained In Europe, Frau Goldsmith, according to her ou, had reached the mouth ot the Elbe and was ready to embark, when the German Meet took a position out side the harbor and 1 keeping all commercial ships Inside, at least un tlll after the Gorman &rmy mobilisa tion Is completed. Goldsmith says bis mother Is ad vanced In years, and he Is also tear ful lest sho run out of funds while detained In this way among strangers In a strange land. Chefs CIom CMVcatloa United Press Service BOSTON, Aug. 6. Six hundred ot the classiest chefs ot the countrr. tomo ot who "can cook In four lan guages," who havo been attending the convention ot the International Con vention ot the Stewards' Association, which opened a three-dar meeting here Tuesday, today attended the closing business sessions. Tea Pouad Boy A son weighing ten and a half lounds was bora today to Mr, aad Mrs. John Roberta of Mills addition. If Augustine Birrell to Explain Attack The brunt of the explanations of the flfht Snnday afternoon In Dnblla, when the second battalion of the King's Own Scottish Borderers killed several persons, must fall on Aug ustine Blrrcll. chief secretary tor Ira land In tho the liberal cabinet. John E. Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, who has heretofore worked la harmony with the liberal government. demands investigation and action. Mr. Birrell stated in the house ot coaa- tson that the order to shoot waa not given by tho officers In charge ofthe battalion. 8e Good Wheat Prospect Although the war Is rushing tjpod prices up now, the wheat crop to be harvested In this section should pre vent a flour scarcity here, according to Frank Graybaol, a well known Merrill farmer, who Is here attending to business matters. He says the crops are all promising looking. I Home Agala Will W. Baldwin, who recently un derwent a minor operation at Black burn Hospital, was taken home yes terday. Food Prices Even in I(laMthFa!k Klamath Falls people heartily agree with Genoral Sherman'a cle- ebrated deQnttlon of war, even though this city la several thousand miles removed from the scene of carnage, and there Is no danger of a call to arms tor local men. This aversion to the boom and clang ot battle Is due not only to a desire tor btotherly peace among all nations, but also tor the eJfect that BUMe Hohenzollern's little fuss la hav ing on the supply ot foodstuffs. Take sugar, for Instance. Yesterday sugar was selling at 6.75 the sack. Today It U telllag at I8.7G. "The price of sugar to the retailers has advanced a dollar a sack la the last forty-eight hours," Hid A. D. 4gsgsgsgsgsgsgsggegegsgf KLAMATH FAULT OFFICIAL NEW1PAPBX GERMAN SAILORS SAIL BRAVELY TO A WATERY GRAVE ITALY ORDERS SHIPS FHOM HAKHOHS Imeteael of rtimrilat. Owbmss Mbit Sail Tents Waetw HafMak Fleet to SiaUe jL Cvsalselsmf He. porta of; tkw Xertst Sea Hatjle. OaaaiMea Crasser P m ftitt at fMfVeBe Called Press Servtsa Rota. Aug. 7. la lursaaaa wfc her ataad for aeutrallty, IUstjr UdssT ordered all Geraaaa waraalat' Ansa Itallaa aerta. Catted MESSINA. Aug. ?. WRa gunners ready, taesr darks titers far actios, their tags iyiag. sad tfceir beads playlag "Die Wackt asm Rhlae,". the Geraaaa cruisers Gooses aad Breslau steamed out of the aarssr today, although the British Mediter ranean Beet Is kaowa to be waltlas Just outside. The Geraaaa were gives the eaotee of remaining here dissraei, tkroagh out the war, or go to sea. They chose the latter. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 7. Maay sesreao report that German aad British skips clashed la the North Sea. Some clala It was a glorioua Eagltsa victory, bat these reports are aot coaArmed. Reports say that Oeraaa sklBS, varying from sevea to electees, were sunk and the others surreadered. Churchill, of the admiralty, today denied that an eagagemeat had oo curred. United "rets Service SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7. The Canadian auxllllery cruiser Ralabow MMMWIMMMMMWMMWMMMMaWMM (Coatlsied as i) Are Soaring Miller, a well known commlesioa maa today. "The dealers are aaylag today, and there la every resins, te expect eight dollar sugar wlthla a short time." The maay armed Beets that are patrolling all waters eager to aref upoa the commercial sales ef taesr antagonists are a eoaataat msnss Is all the maritime trade, la a fSssR, all lEsurancs oa vtsssls has bees celled, aad maay Tessela hate ordered docked uatll after Us war U eaded. United Freet ferries A innaf vntf Am 9 km Maa fit' ...n .,., mm - -. J - ot the dMteaKles et! sbtosssL. tks rlsea et fsesttaSa ars Tela to tiiirtillr eree s ' f, i. , , i 'Sl vw y'l I iSJi'; ,?L '- if'