lEuntnn IferaUi PRINTS THE NEWS Wllll.K IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER c a t-mt-mt ,ar Hmwup n m"mm a JrtiMK. - .-- w bt r-.i.f. jarsafar, ,aw3.-is h Mhlli Year No, 'J.4JIW KAISER TELLS ITALY Uhlan FIERCE FIGHTING BETWEEN BELGIUM AND THEGERMANS m:iu,i .jntiti;iiM ti.su or )it.M:it.i. i'Iilan lutmtll), I'mtdltl rd Allllle) Cum bW lit Allk Tr'Pt Hn iuai,, InrUrllns tl-) U. Ilttf jr.-l Hf,.llna Olrf li"Ur- It lim of Hlfili Alir tjuu. Ttt" t llrlgUll l't'H AtMttti'ltwt Jl rutt-l t'is Wmlir IHtUtiiSCtUI. Aug. mjbrvak a snutieti for uott.uu jj Altor ib lenal for Uir rouol of Hto ! Elliott lot the pUlutlrt terminal ,rptBa hattto at l.lree, tho llol- 'rt! Hie trial (it (Itf action of M Kttln CUtt flshllUE ttuliUiftjl)' o tUj itU Ucfg aealiiM IVntK Afattl tM inotn ilitaaldtt ln )"! aftrf ibo Jiir)' t urtt lit Tit outlying fnfl ocro vacated. Tl. motion granted It) Judg (its 0mn nt rendering ilxtit uu- ItctwHt tclislllcr Til Otrmait had lh fatten lit IU nMlt'tt llie Ulr Ullirhli-l vi ItiMp, a It it otP dtltlC rfTrrlltol) '"llutmaul llfrry" flcurrd Aram ttxth lloilt urmln wro rlnfifcl uor,irr lite rnttnaitl uf ih Jpfutin tiitUl 'firm' ttKlt in afttWO' hi cl.tim ito In ili? aliortUHJit itt ttf ilo oealimi llm mintillitimonl. anil tMclu . ratk tlrftttatt rrelrtirbl. IcmI Iijt Uit- I'ofC linmelil uli In trrmrr (or rlodi rfiil UltUfta. Jtcnuralnj llm llnlclali l. lu iho Urrry rmtrrflt itrtixi, under u(iHrt U lltp '!' man itrtlllrrr rirr Tlj made n ' ocljr tltBfgo liO HolKllltll a. alrmlli llito a Uoins rtatraiter) llUlan litfattlt) and ravaltr c-' isf.-ratpd lltt llm tile cum t( llto (un ill ah nt.nult ttl'ott lite rhafgiliE iriHtimr ami Ultlaii' rommattd a aiinllillaloil Unit wcro falllrd or. Hiiundrd, and Hip remainder cap I tlfrd, ll la Imllmrd dial llm (Winann 0Tt I'trfaflttK fur n nUlil mtaull t'nlud I'roM JWrtic HIUJri8i:i.H, auk, 6 A UIk (lor matt oii.Mltit, flxlnit ttvor tlto furtlric-j llntti, aa wrrchpit wlirit a llrlclatt IiIkIi biikIo kuii aoitl nn mplonlrp altoll litmus!) dm noloMf, Tito xan oilnded and tit machine Ml, killing a rrti intimated M about ljnty-u. It U Aiiiioutirod that tho Herman Int.tn, hlllod mill Hounded at Vi, woro 3, too and Iwlco Dial numher In thii vicinity or Meo. I'nllod I'rcM Horvlco I'AIIIH, Auk. CKrnch mid dor' mitn irotiu uro clanhliiK In inuny lilncua nloiiK lli hordor, Nnncy ho I'llnli ro (tiled ulih French nnd Oct ttinn wounded. Tho war omc lnalt Hint lh Ocr County Is Victor in Action for Damages A vordlit for tho defendant was re turned Into court by tho Jury In tho suit uf Earl Htcwart ngulust Klamath county for damages. The Jury return, d a ssnUd verdict Inst night, which was opened lu court thin morning. la this action Btowart sought to re Goes Thru Belgium malt halo tint 'Bl- UUlnf Hue f Pffttrh fort, and ) that this mornliic French to airy urprWd the (Wiroatt lrixjtn at lllourc. Ullttne moral t'Mud lfe rtorvlro IIKIM.IN, Au C Tl ar rar today admit that Ottirfdl Uhlans and b reclmottt of Undota ire trap (led by tho lMclatu and touted NON-SUIT IN THE BERRY REVIVAL ArcoitM.v i tut mi. n-usriiT Mill nut Till; .uht IT whka hTi:iMirii.tii,ivT cam: in w.i,i:i i.v cufrt COURT TO NAME , EXPOJOOSTER COMMITTEi: I'HOM CHAMllCIt TO UI.STKH WITH COl'NTV JIIMJE TUN EVEM.VO O.V THE MAT TElt A Hireling of ureal lniHirlalirr lu Klamath count? will to ludd thla at mlng, when a cominlttrtt from tho chamber of commcrro, comiioncd of C, M. Onelll. II. II. KdmoinU, W. A, Didndl, Will T l.w nnd lU Uiumia, h confer with Hio county couri ro KardliiK mi nitroirltlon nnd the n I'oltillnn of a nun to beitn tho work of col led I iik Klnmnth coimty'a vt hlhlt for Hie I'MiinmA-l'nclltn Inter nntionnl Exioaltlon. Thl wrtH dune nt tho luiilftntlon of (leu M, ll)lntid of the Oregon com- jiullon with the chnmUvr of com- ,--,t-t--'-,'M-"' rrV-L-trvXnjTji (Contluutd on l'o 4) lover $2,000 from tho county, He held thnl whllo rldlug a horse uloug it county road the liorso shied, col lided with n post and pornmneutly In jured him, Btuwarl bused his action upon tho falluro of tho county to tnko tho post out of tho highway, KLAMATH FALLS, OREQON, THURSDAY, AMMAMMAMMMSi AMAMAMMnAMMAAAAAMAMMMWMNM ML IIM mrs. mison Prior to Marriage, Was Noted Southern Belle BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBhBBBBtBBhI9IbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 4AaV?BKABW ibbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVjT' BbbbI IfvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW XLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWv hBIbbbbb! llaikiiiiv SGDjji BBBBVVHHBlraKrBBp'x'' H5 BBWMBBBBTBtBBW iJIbI rr aw rr:Jlm iZaBBBfl i. -t -AtiBjf T bbbbbbbIbbbtTbTbiT i JF' -bbbV sbbPbbbW aKbVW'JwI bbbbbW 4JBP'bJ,1 Ttk JWW bbI xV.bbV Sfe?!"&Bi7 Mr.. WiHMlron WIImhi tlullod I'roaa Sort Ice WAHIIINOTON, I). V. Aug. .- Mrs. Wood row Wilson passed away ut S o'clock this afternoon For several weuk alio him been suf. firltiK. Inrgely with norutun proatra Hun Vestordny aim look a turn for Hie uorao, nnd nil of the family wero atiiuuiiined home. Mis Wilson spent a fairly restful night, nnd hud a fnlnt rally lu tho morning The physicians' held out no Itopo for her. She was unconscious the greater s fffltl ft llllllJ.J - IA)N1M)N All coast uwlnts nitort stHlriiiK. Believe! to be a runnltui light btern sctiutatilMi and torpedo boats. AMMTERUAM German alilpst are sttackluK Hie forts at Sveftbors;, ths eatmuce to Iho OuU of KiuUad. .LONDON Tho csMfsi coaasctlag MnMWAAMAMAAAWAMM ! . T.J u lomyi part of the day, and wit kept alive by oxygen No arrniiKementa hae .is yet been mndo for tho funeral. I'rlor to hor marrlago to the prottl dent, June !, 18S5, deceased was Miss Ellen Loulso Atxscn. She was n tu ctnb or uf u pruur.nuut Georgia ftuully, mid was one of the best known Southern belle of that period. There are three daughters. Miss Margaret Wilson, Mrs. Francis II. snyro and Mrs. William McAdoo, sina coming to Washington, Mrs, Wilson has bet actively engaged Is work for the poor of Hi a city. tho ltuliiu esabsMsy here with St. leterburir ceased working this after- UOOH. It U believed Uaat tho Germans have succeeded 1st cuttlajr. these and other cables. LONDON Tweirty.tlve wounded sJsasssesBBgaMiBSslissvl (ConUnued sge ) AUGUST 6, 19M SHE line, But Is Routed Im000000000000000000t0 I, 'IICCT ICTCD NJKIT TMK5 , LI VI NO IX ADJACENT COUNTIES.) hllEHIFP LOW AND MRS. W. H.I ; o it e, MEirr OLII hCHOOULiTES. ' SkcrlfT C C Low and Mr. Will H (Core, wife of a Medford banker, wholof !fcr Bonanza district aa principal Hero o.a Booimat together. etneforc ,he e0Bmeaetd, th, rtt. today for the flni time In forty yeara.j ' ,Mi. Gore it In tho city with ner,":o cancelled tbelr contract with Lu.band and wn and daughter on a!B:,rt0B- and M' r P. Burke, 'ti.ii -Hh ni.i trir,A. w,h nl famr, Barton went to. Mr fore and Sheriff Low former ly resided In Jackvon connty, where they spent their school days. Later he mored to Klamath county and Mr. Oorc married Mr. Gore, who U con nvcted with ihf bank In Jlcdford. Arrlvlns In the city last night for a rhlt In this vicinity for a abort time, she wat axrccablj- surprised to meet Sheriff Low on the streets today, and be accompanied the Gores on trip to Merrill, Whllo both have been back and forth a number of time. It seems as though they never happened to meet tand today was the first time In forty j cars. Pleasant reminiscences were Indulged In of the old school days years ngo STOP WORK ON TULE LAKE JOB AI'fltontlATION VX)K THE YEAR IS EXHAL'STEi). MAX AG EH CAMI IS MAKING KUHTHEH I.V. Vt-sTKJATIONS Experimental work to And another outlet for the waters of Tul Laka Is ended for tho year, according to Pro ject Manager Camp of the reclama tion service. Tho money appropriat ed for this work for tho year ha been exhausted. la the meantime, Mr. Camp will make a study of coudltfons around the l.ava Beds, with a view to Ondlus crolces which can bo utilised lu the draining of the take, aud will look Into conditions lu couuectlon with that part of tho project. Ho will mako it detailed report to tha chief engineer durhiK tho winter, aud the work to be doua uoxt year will then be out lined SUIT AGAINST SCHOOL MONDAY MAN WHO WAS HIRED, THEN FIRED, SEEKS TO RECOVER A YEAR'S SALARY, EXPENSES AND SOO DAMAGES Much Interest is being manifested in tho outcome of the trial of the s'tlt of Thomas A. Barton against the Bo nsma school district to recover ssj- MUST AID GERMANY THREATENS TO GO TO WAR WITH ITALY; THE LATTER INSISTS SHE IS YET NEUTRAL t tary and damans. The cas U icbcd uled for Monday. ISarton wat ehon by the directors I'oii.inia. and was at the schoolh-us on the odYnlng of the term opening, i . tl..W .11.1 .1.- ....... t In hit action, fllxl Ihrnnrh Hnalll And Manning. Baton aaks for IS iravellins expenses. 1900 salary as4 i 1500 damages. SCHROEDERTO LEAVE SOON RECEIVES WORD TIL1T TICKET ll.la BEEN SENT UV TACOM.. U.VAUER, WHO IS IV A HURRY i FOR KLAMATH I'lTCHER tflce today cabled the British forslga Klamath Falls will lose her new'oaice. reiterating former sUUmsaU pitcher without giving htm a chance !hat Italy Intends to remain strictly to show what he has If the transports- Hon bald to have been sent arrives 1 The message notlaea England that before Sunday. her declaration of war sgalast Osr- In a letter received today, Schroed-'many and Austria dosa not altor It er, of tho Western Trl-State League, laly's resolution to stay out. who was engaged for the locals, but H Is expected that Germany will lias been ottered a berth with ths Ta- coma League at a higher salary, was Informed that hts transportation had been sent him. It also stated that they wanted him there to pitch Sun day If possible and to have his arm In good shape. Schroedcr had accepted tho offer, providing transportation v.-as sent and he has been awaiting the answer. In case It does not arrive tonight, ennabllug him to leave In the morn !ng for Taeoma, which he will have to do to pitch there Sunday, It Is probable that ho may lay over and pitch tor Klamath Falls. Ferry O. DeLap, manager. Is en deavoring to get a gamo with one or the California teams and believes he will be able to book SIsson. "Army" Invades the Big Klamath Basin By M. A. McOALL (County Agriculturist) The past seasou seems to have been a specially favorable one for the de velopment of Insect life In Klamath county. The latest pest to make its appearance Is the "army worm." While as yet confined to a very Urn Ited area, and not particularly serious as It now studs, the seaelhlUty (or Frit Five Ctata IF GETOCAXY DBCLAMM WAB ON ITALY, ITALY WILL ( ATTACK AC8TSIA to TUb EflwM to Great BriuUaw Mtmrtrng Tkat Dee Ni Msl fcm WU Use Two Paw to tk Trtfle , Kaiser With Give Itfttr CaUl to Units Prsa LONDON. Aug. . GerBUUsr lua Isaud as ultimatum to Italy to fulllt l her obllgatlona under the Triple Al- rltance and help Oermaarand Aostrta. The kaUer has set the Umi Halt at midnight. If the demand is cot met with by that time, he will declare war against Italy. It Is bellevtd that Italy will refuse. umieo rress aervico ROME, Aug. C The forelga of- 'neutral If there la say possibility. declare war on Italy tonight. it this Is done. Italy will declare war on Austria, and attack rlfkt away. l'ellcaa Bay Dsusces Next Saturday night the third of the Pelican Bay dances will be glvsm by tho management of that popular resort. These dances are to bs a feature of "The Bay" this summer, and aside from the delights of tho dance, the trip there and back ovtr the moonlit lake Is a most enjoyabla one. Miss Mabel Carney has been ap pointed to train the high school pupils In Minnesota to teach la the rural schools of tho state. large damage is preseet. Per reason a brief descriftloa a4 tfcf and its GoatM la give. The "argejr werm" ie a the larval atage 4 a'lsvfe worn to dark la MMMMAMMMMMMSIWSinMaSMSaSSSSSM (CeaAlsusad est rWSsW"eBFemBjpm mamy ft? rl f ' : S i.l o