PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Wcp lattfttmrj IteraUi KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWtTAPM rx jifmro-frnTTtmii,Ttifirir-mitriiiniHiii n inn i r"T"r"T"fflninrn'nT,m'Ttnriii aimm r i ' I'lgMli Vrar Nu. JMT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1914 GERMS BOMBARD ALGERIA - v Hard Fighting in Belgium, Germans Defeated t ,,' v 7 TTT ( I I ---..- .w.. ,....'. im.i ""' ' wi.i.1..,! - ........wi. .. linn. HWWMW. jJ- II. 1 WWWWWWWWW 100,00f l Germans in French Territory Monarch Who Make Up Triple Alliance !?'.. (iwtvwNV em: unit: 10 ir.u.VTo ta nv h :n tiourv ,uju:umist : aii im'i p lluMtan HUtfc Hm 1- to lit I'lM-ltrfwft Ttti IMcUim I ll1 It. (mImi tivrmaiia With (Irroi Lew llmi)t tVxnma4r-l.t1itr 1 tr i ttrr ItnlruciloM uf Ow (ief)' t.'hil4 I'reae (Ntlc t.Nr,,VrtXoPI.:, Am. ft frit tmmm IwUy that Un Ms pbortt Imm b rlcMnt in warvfcj kit thai lb HmIw B)w toralr lM ItUfk Ha he brrn btrftln lip, Ualltd Pre Service VIENNA, Aug. ft. ,uHrU liar liuulrr xlgrt a IImhUd tll liter Leathers'. TIM" altlp Ml AOO ft mut lit ulrtitaa m klllrl. Tlio MfprUn rjt ib (Urmim Oft their fcrl They frUlHl nfCfly liU! fJrCltl (QUlcx) U) lb (ut li wnlefed on them The rout a (otluwt.l li a rtrftl rv tt The tr of the (Jurmnn col umn u (otta(t by Haitians and lUUKttteflnC Of Ihe CtrtC ldcr tfrrametirett Untied 4 Press, tftrv Ic t'.Ollii, Aug, &, Latest ntwd shoe, rUbting W l" general. The tier. wan Ji U reported fcestler The FrwrM fi using the rtm of pise In out, strong VklrmltbersTa cunceal lb wtfl defsnA On tUu lttil be.y r4r. cnxntcg Hi (Vrmmi ma chits nt. v A muuwi ffrtw in r jwcp lbt Uo Osriwn ro roaklce rt muck on Iftr cnlltn Krcnth Ha bounilrr Itnp Ttie imc W "Tb. (rron cuvalry h fvcbp4 MorfooUlnc, lbe rreArli afnty r plulctbem tb!rp, Tbo litry h imiifxii (1crmn aro i Meur lhoj JnO M(HUn, def-mln btm ritxr mVi rfiH)KrJ klllwJ mil wound- d." United l'ru iMnrtr i fU.ittitPrMi mlc llOMK, Au. ft. krmr lMi .( .f AHIH, Au. t-At Uybfk to- Ijr NMMrO aMlltortU h UmiI b lb Uernwu -rmr urpu i land and vraiK ar attatklw w4 In JMlx. Tho adant charid aoJ maiMl Italian ntwort, ! Itatli ! kr rapuUrd by long rn artlW lahljMrt U tamkkrrtl lb war car, to i' I rtctr4 to rMMta Mirtl. Uoltad llr lUrtlca IIUUKHKUt, Auk. T It flghllB In lll(lutu U bKomini ,avlr, 0r tnnojr'i ColoRtto array hf croad ibp boundary and ma re had on C)nmnteh and lbr dlvldtd, l0 advanra u tnada on !.! and .Vv aBur by (ha two division. ' Fitly tbouiand Uarmant atuckvd U( wharw lBf000 Dalilana ww tattonad. Her y rlibtlng wu n ied In and ; , artUUry 0ra tarrlBc. The Qtrmann wara rapula d. Uia ou both tlrtaa wora bavy. Tha Qarnat , ratlrat! and built en traochmanlf , within rang o( tha city. Th bomb- ardmant of the city con tinued fr0m a auttclrcular position. Itaehu ,,DK (rom tha main army Mt tlrt to vUa and burnad It 10 lha Kroup ,j. Similar action wa lakan 1,11 '.ram. ll la ranorUd that war klllad In th conflagTa-'i'or.a. Tha attack Uo; lo Uotate Irynifu bifort. Qarroana not ralln Ui lr- lton to ramaln within lha coun- ry'a bounds ar arrcatad as spies. 'oriysl mtn and alavnn wontcn are WlBK hold. Whlla andssvorlng to ntr France Ur Mulhaussn to Join the French way, nitn uihtw i ii-v Ittrn captured and shot. bftltsd I'raat aWrrlca PAni, Aug. 6. Fighting on tb rdar baa conunuaa iQr n our, a nunaraa mousauu i " T anterad tha country batwsan ul aud Cptnat and are coustructltiB chaa. Lossaa ara hsaty on both da. Tha Frsnch woundaa ara ue- g carad for at Nancy bbbBVbbbbbIIIh BaaaVf ' JJbbbIIIIIIH BaaaaaaaaaWBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailBBaaaaaaaVJaKgaaaaaaaflH ggggggggggilBliaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi bbbbB " 4kaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBH bbB aBBBBBBBBBBKaHljBBBBBBfll 4 Sfe aaagaBBBBBBBH v!lHaaaBaaLHalljli ) 1gS'''3CBH gggBtLjaffIH3 H ''toMBagallllllH aaaaaaaaaaaaaHBtaaaHgaaBBi 1 fnHgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI gaBBBBBalaiausSggaBBBBBBBBBBBBKV liaaaaaaKagaaaa Bygaaaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaa. IaaaaaTaaTaaaaBwJf gv f gl fxam x ggaaaaaaaKrgaaBj aaaasHgwl ig? aTawii'lVJBV gaaBBBBB&aaTaVI agBkPf gaayj.''-;'-!aB gaaBBBBBBBBaB aBBBBBBBBrM"' V gHgvlHBIkgl gKgggB I KklC(t"1l BjbbbbbbHbb f i wLMPCKO bbbbbbbbbbbbVT JSr!. President Offers His Services as Mediator us. win is REPORTED WORSE MAKGAKKT AXD JESSIE, HER TWO DAL'GHTKaU. HAVE MOM HKXT FOR PRESIDENT CXDCR KEVKRK KTRAI.V EVIDENCE CASE FINISHED EXPECTED CASE WttL BE IX BAXD8 OP JOIT RSPORK TO NIGHT WITH HEXWTJOX OF A VXRDfCr IMO V VICTOR. HMMAfWe Kalior Wllhslm Is the dominant .n occasion In which lh Triple Al liance might bav bean uiad against peace. Now ha como another oc- 1 United I'rrss Barvlcn IIIIU8HKI.H, Aug. fi. Utest r porta slate that tho nalglnns low.i gained a awoaplng victory nonr Hpn ovar the Oarmtn, completing wiping out two aarman raglmnts. ThaOer mans war advancing In arifiorad trains. Tha Belgians had posUmJ ar illlaryman along tho route. Unex pectedly lo the Germans, tint llelglans bad laid mine under tho trnli, which wore exploded at an advantageous point, Tha locomotive drawing; the train anil the two forward can were com plalely demolished. Immediately the Helglan artlllarymeu, pluoad there for the purpoae, opened Ore cm Ike re alBder of the 0r n force. Itcd Ptraa Service LONDON, Aug. 5. Advice from II state that sea firing commenced daybreak. It I believed to be m an engagement, uoiwecii iv tlh nnd Herman acoutshlp. 1 lha main portion m m jihi Dee, ll I iKilleved to be at the moutn or i... I Kibe. Mayor Margate report trem lendou firing on tin tea figure In the Triple Alliance (Oor many. Austria and Italy). He ha maintained the Inheritance of Ills roarek, who organlied ihe Triple Al liance for the purpose of protecting the Integrity of tho Oormsu speaking peoples of Oermany and Austria, chiefly against the reprisals of Franco after her defeat In 1870 and the pos slble aggressions of mighty Russia In the future. The Triple Alliance has maintained the peace of Europe for more than a quarter of a century, Tho Hi at frc fid Uultc l rrM Henrico i.o INDON. Aug. 5. Tho people huyut euor t lirleeii and Ueroandod that Klicn'- nade minister of war. United I Pree Bervice TOUt lUON, Aug. n, ueniwiis at tacked nd bombarded Algeria from tho sea thla morning, but the lirltlib Malta do let headed them off. They re turned t o Algeria and nttackod tho Kmnch i liQUaaron. uuring tuv wowx (Oi IttUluesl M Mf ) caslon Austria would not have dared to sitack Serrla did she not fee) sho would be backed by Germany and Italy In case of general war throughout Europe. Frans Joseph la not considered a great statesman, but In the many year of his reign he ha een every trick of European diplomacy and he has been able to steer his country through a aate course. The king of Italy ha never displayed qualities United Precs 8ervlce WASHINGTON. D. C. Ang. 5. It Is admitted at the White House that Mrs. Wilson, who baa bees suf fering from nervous proetratlos for two months, Is much worse. Oa ac count of this, the Mum Margaret and Jessie Wilson have been sum moned to return to the capltol President. Wilson Is undergoing a severe strain, owing to Mrs. Wilson's Illness and the European struggle. hummer Courso 1st Doawetic Sdeatc A four weeks' course In domestic science and domestic art will be given In the high school building by Miss Elmer about August 17th for tke general public. Tke claaaea will la dude cooking and aewlng, the actual expense of material to be Bet by the members of the classes, but use of building and equipment will be free to all. The course will cater to all grades of cooking, for beglaotra as well as the more advmaee. eat tss same tn domestic art. Further in formation can be obtained by calling phone number 160M or seeing R. H. Dunbar personally. Aaam sHsMeBTaMjHeHgffJ gffSS gaeaBBBB-BPap-- The evidence oa botk aides la tke suit agalatt tke coaaty keiag bretagkt by Earl Stewart, la waick ke a 11.000 daaugee for tke areaklag of a leg due to a defect la tke kickway, waa finished up early talc aftaraeea. Wttneeeea were Introduced by tke defease to akow that tke pUiatlk knew of the defect and that tke ktase waa his own. The case ot tke ac cident waa a pole which waa left standing near the road. Rolls C. O roes heck, attnrnar for lbs 'nlsintiff. has finished hJa ara-SPr,Mt mTit Katfnt fcjn Inrv smif W laT Duncan, hla auocUte. had coaweacea " -T?1? to bla argument. Tke case should go to tke Jury tkle afternoon. SEND MESSAGES TO ALL RULERS NOW FIGHTING UaUed Prea Serrlee WASHINGTON, D. C. Aac . Wikwa kaa atteeaate to warrtag eeaatrtea crisis brought about by tho kaiser's of statesmanship to make him a pow- demands In the Agldlr Incident wu lerful Individual figure In Europe. JUDGE EXPECTS DECISION SOON IIKNSON HKMEVKS TIUT LOTA WILL UK DRAWN .IX DAY UR TWO TO 8KTTLK NOMINATION l'OH JVlKlEHHll' Juilso Henry I.. Hanson, In an ef fort to rluil out the situation regard ing the tie vote and extension ot time, requested by Judge McNary, tele phoned to his eon Arthur In Salem jesterdny but was unable to hear what ho ssld. Tho Judge believes that the ex tension of five days' tlmo has been allotted by hla representative which will bo up tomorrow. At this time, unless new developments arise through the rechecklng of other dis tricts, tho lota for the nomination will ho drawn tomorrow. Tho fact that he haa heard nothing from ttaleiu convinces Judge Benson that no action beyond tho allotting of the time requested baa been taken, but ho expecta to hear at any time the onset action that haa been taken Chaoaker Meeta A special meeting of tke chamber of commerce wilt be held tonight at S o'clock. Geo. M. Hyland, member of the Oregon coBBlaaloa of fair boards la here from Portland with tke express purpoee of working up interest la a Klamath county exhibit for the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Mr. Hyland is director ot exploitation. Everybody Interested in this Beating Is requested to be present. CRESCENT SCHOOL PLANS ARE SENT NEW SCHOOL HOV8JE Df CENT DISTRICT IS TO HAVX UNIQUE PEATURJE IX TECTUM Architect Veghte eaat tke plana to Crescent today for tke aew eeaael bouse, which la to ke erected User thla suBBer la Ubm far tke ngaglag of school next tall. It la expected tkat tke baUdlag will coat la the aelghhorkooa ot 11.100 and will be a traa atruetura. Coaaty Superintendent Peterson said, la speaking of the building: "It will ke asanas a la keaall ot aeaea. A eoey ex iae waa seat to Ue ralen at Oeravaay, Franee. Rasaea, Aaatrta aaa Saglaad la aJa estecta at Dm latt t to tan tk Us at a)afatn ha Europe. Tkeeoataauottaei As oaaclal kead of tha ' aatory to Tke Hagao avaaMsa. i feel It amy prtvlleaa aai daty aador arttew S to say to yea km a satrtt of earnest traaaaaals that I ehoeld a. cob aa eopertaalty to too ake U act la Us Uteresta of aeaso Is ta oa aew. and at any otkor Uais that alcht ke tkeaskt saHahls ao tjao as. easiea auy aarv yoa. AUssaftsaraoi la tai Ubo of troaala ara sobbbS am a way at ordJac sm use sad Lawn and Card Party The Misses Ruth Avery. Maysel Sanderson and Elsie Orem are glvlnr jtne best building In the county wki a lawn and card party at me Avery finished. It is unique In that wkll residence thla evening. A large num-1 1. u imIq. Duitt .. urae to ac ber ot the younger set ot the city have been invited. The average age for graduation among the women students at Cor nell Unlveralty la II. Lesvltt Leave Arthur Leavitt, formerly connected with the Wells-Fargo oce In this city, has been ordered to take charge ot the oce at Slseon. The agent there Is aerioualy ill with appeadl- cltla and Leavitt Bay remain perma nently It necessary. Uaited Press aVsrvwo ' NSW TOstK. AasV .-tkO MeMff Lerrala sailed today' 1'wlak t.tft Preaek iisaivlaai aaoard. Women are suck braver than Bsa, according to Rsv. R. H. Morris of PklUdelpala. commodate tho students for savors! years, yef It Is betas so constructed that wksa Ue Ua ooaes It wal bo a slBple aattsr to build Into It wRk- out defacing Ue origiaal. hut rgUor will add to Ue beauty of tke struc ture" TkU l the district la which the clerk has been indicted for alsase of the school funds recently. A largo aurplua fund is oa hand la tha dwtrlet for sckool laproveBoata da to a ais- tske aade by Uo aansasr lOTaral years ago. wkkk aettsd Uo diawlH eoasldsraU aoaey. 4- Oaltad ' Washingten: a c, Aac i- Dleoatckee rosslvod ky Uo stato do- ...". a- m. partaoat say, that aoas aavo Uo Russlaa oakassy la Ue Oeraaa eassssy ta St. burg. Many are reoortsd tajatad. 1 UaKed WASMINOTON. O. Tho koaos O.. Aa. 1- Mll askiac for a taMaaaM aaV Ilea dollar niarer1aHsa far 1m sli of Ai UaKod Preaatarvtso WASHDdTOM, D..C, Aaf. - iX UajWaVMI eMBWBplp e"a""Bwi sbWSSW; rotary baa boom Hiialijl tor boar wRk lioTHary .Hryai aa aaaaapuaw, k i.. i.iiii' Wk 'i.j Jift. v .iti r;s. (kn yjJ' A $fSk W. j,V