W$t iEtttfttmij Mttuih PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NKWlPAPia I'.iitiiiii Vrr No. a, ail GERMANY DECLARES Kaiser Money Is Being AIL PARTY LEADERS SHAKE HANDS WITH WILHELM II; WAR IS BEING CARRIED ON TOWARD WARSAW ihiuiia.v KtM Wll.l. MUM Ml TltlX)! AAINT Tilt: ii:uma hiKii: )nN TrH" flrtfl AdvaiM? ul IIMMkl MM I tYfMKIP Vllrr Ur4. leir at Um MlwplkM" v ttMJa OrftcUl Afv lUamni for Umi Ttuwbte tiy H'Ubolm ta HI Hpurtli Ttxtay Untied I'rfM Werwe HKilMX, Aug, . lftlii Ituil llir IUmUm war mtttUlrr ami !( irmitltl fur lite trouble Mtt that (ImiMUy huuIi) right Uip rwllf tourlil If nrwrnMry lu itrfrmJ licr bnwr, Kulu-r WlWirlm oiiel Ui r mIiiu of lit HrtrlutUC ml wtiMi war m formally ilftUN again! Fntttr awl IWIgluii), llolorp llio knUcr Hrtpl lilt rr'li cople of "The Whltn Hook" contain ing all lite mtag esrhanged bn iwwii ltuU and Germany wcr dl trlbuttd Wllbelm rirI tlul the Itumlan war mlnWter, "b IiU nrklii du tllclty," prntnttcl pcare, He ato blamed I'rtHri) end UI Franc lan iml in trlkn Utrauih HvUtuin, fotdnit (Irrnuny lo net, The kaUr mioaIvI In llin Irnitrm of nil imlUlcnl faclUum lit undo ol (tilt time, wtiil llipy rt4)onUri If ktuklnif lilt hum) In tokfti of brottieriitHitl, UulttJ itmm KtrrlM I'AIIIH, Aur. i Kllilln n-nr l.uipmlxiiirR l rporlria (Inrrnmi bikI Krtnch nvlMom cUitinl l Iiik y, but tti rciutta nrn not known. Kronen nvUlora ltv bpa l to l.unyvllla in attack the 0rmmt Ul rlrlbln that Iim bpn hovering over County Is the Defendant Mailnjutd on Highway, Trial of the aull (or i)auM bruiiKht aialntl Klamath rouuiy by Curl Htawart comiuauced llila fore noon on lh circuit court. Hollo 0. drawback nnd W, M, Dunrau appear lor Stewart, and the dcftma la be-InK conductad by I'roaaoutlni Attornoy John irwlu, Htawart, who rvaldaa naar Midland, uaka (or M,000 dawiRKM. H bIUim that lait wlntar hla horaa, In ahylsg away (rou aoasa Mtcblnary, collldad with a poat aat to tha highway atf that at a raault hla aakla waa (rac- fcisv nwkJS '-Tjirars hwwmwmo Says Hell Fight the World to lite tun Al Itylleht Itit. tMMcltilo hlrw nin 'n ,h 'I""" ot ' rt';i Jarijtira rhurrlt, drmolUhlME Itir wall 6hl Vllllnc OflMfi KlII-( UaltoJ Vtt Henlw lli:UI.IN, Aug. Drpacr from l'tm at that Uvrmtn tnfaulrjr near . lt-.sr arabuthrd C(Mark trout. J TtiOUth BUtSJ- wtrt kilted kttd wound ed, liio ItUMUtt rbrrJ frpratedly until rrtubo-t I The advance euru surrendered, fll tho tttaln UMjf retreati-d I United l'rt Krvtc IIOMi:, Aue, 4 Tlin rroy U nr. t motillttej. (Irrmanr'i ttpral lo !lmlr o rrointlilrr her nvuiralltr tt)4 tu brvn Unorrd, I'blKxi 1'rtM Honkc I ItKIU.IN. All I Tlin ar ultl tutet llil tp4tatrtir IhiIItaIp ttir (IrriiiAii turn' luo mllr from Wrw nntl u fur hr not liwni trrloilat) upMrtl, I Vrw It tt)tily foritrtnl , Unltd l'rM 8rrlc PAItlrl, Auiu i- It U rriorlf.l thai tlciirral Met arrfto4 rncinWr of tl. French r mx-lvty In tlerlln ami nxrriltctl llism m ilr. The forclju offlfo aiinouncc that Ocrmtn crutr aro bomhanllnit I'hll. Ilprlllo In AUarU, but tlirro aro no ilrtallt UnltPtl Trw tkrvlft) I.ONOON, Auk, t. Heavy ira nrlna aa heard of Yorkahlr at day break. II l bullayml that tbp (!r man anil Krench flria rlaahtHt, UolUd I'raaa Hartle IIKItl.lN, Auk, i. Accotiiian)lnu thi' ilnclarallon of war aRalnit Kranro, thw war ilepartmant clip Krnnrh nr llvttlcn un Hip front lr, alUiM Hint aruviAfVWVVyir""""'"""f""" (Coatlauad o p ) 3T Asks $2,000 Dannies lured no t to ptrniuneutly crlpplo him. Tun fault i tho county'a, Htewart contvuila, becauvo tho pout lie IlKtmtly loft ntniulliu In tho county road, The followlnc Jury wah aworn lu tui uftfrnooti, and la now haarlim tho ovldanc In tho caae: Jack Coll wan, J, U. Hhorl. Manuel Vlerra, A, 0, LowU, T. M. Cunnlimhaw, Kred atukal, Prank Iturna, H, it, Hall, T. J. Jackaou, E. K, Klrkandall, Johu rorbra and Mllaa Llpptrt. m-ir tl' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1914 Sent t. Europe to Bring Americans He WWMVMyWWVVWWWMWMMMMAiWVVVVWVWMWMWMNMWWW Three Rulers Who Are Parties to Triple Entente and in Limelight (r Mrliola II, of ItiU.U It n KPiicrat lluropoan nr breaks out a a nuU uf tho Auttrlan aggrva kIoii ou Hrl and (crmany'a declara tion of war BRalntt rrnnce, the Triple Knleula (Ureal Urltaln, Hutsla and France) will "l agalntt the Triple Alliance (Ormany, Auitrla and It aly). The Triple Kutentv, which a cre ated at an oITipI to the Trlptn Al liance UUmarck organlted during tho r'ranco-l'ruttlau v,ar, a an out growth of the HuMo-Krench alliance, Knalaiul Joined after an understand-' lug waa reached between the repub lic ami tho Hmulan. The nnt font of thn Triple Kntonto coulnlii greatiT populations than thote of their nlllrd rivals. Thiy lmo far greater wealth and lulutry, lint they hUo contain elimeuts of wonkn'cas, They r kcntlored, nnd .to two Join territories. THREE BRING IN DEEfl MEAT rOHTMAHTKIt AND TWt) IMH.TOIIH AHK AMONtJ THK KIHHT M'CKV MKN OK THK HKAKON; OTHKRS MTIl.Ii t)l)T According to W, A. Deliell, Dr. L, L. Truax and Dr. Prad Wetter field, tba woods' ara full of deer U "' aaaaaaaaaVvviLBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal vS- 'aRvSBHHSl1 H WK-mPa-----KP'i lafl Si aHBaHaaalaBallllllllUlaBlw BallH t& fBalllllllllllllBKAaBBlllHll JbIIIIIIIIIIIIH aaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflEftV LalH M FklJKtXj s MnLU - i.lllHiKlLitlllllHjPOaBI I -l BaaaflkBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB '-Waaaaaaaaai W 1 -' aaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV '' -f iLaaaaaaaal W t aaaaal aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVR t JuasiBaaBBBBBBBBa 91 ; .V laaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKi ''TSH & Li Laaaaaat.aaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV-A. .ilal aaaaaf 1 ilatHLMftallllllllllllllKt Vi.lH Rfeyrtt?yi " WAR l.Wirgr V. of Grrat IJrtUln Prraldeni I'olBjcare of Franco None of their rulers hao shown anywheri near tho ablllt) dlsplayd by KaUer Wllhelm, though It has been stated tho caar Is really tho power In the government of Husala.i I'rntldvnt I'olncare Is not regarded at a great Kuropeau statesman, and King Qeorce, for tho first time In his short reign, has Juat essayed politics with uncomfortable results. Ills con ferences on the Ulster questlqn, held within tho last (ow da) a. have been the came of criticism and even ridi cule. ou knows how to got them. Though uio season i oiuy mreo uaya out, eacn of them hat a deer to hla credit. Deliell, with Frank Ira White, J. W. Ilryaut and Don J, Zumwalt, left Friday for Duck Lake. Deltell was the only member ot the party to bag a deer, and this he did before break fast time. Dr. Truax made hla "killing" at Soda Springs, near the Upper Lake. Dr. Westerfleld and Fred Peteraon returned last night. Westerfleld shot a fine buck near Cherry Creek. III oh lluabicae Fred O, Maloy la In from Broad view Farm, d It peeing of farat prod ucts, and atocklat with treeerlea. BBBBBBa A&Mji'aaaW aaB bbbbbbbbV " dLaBBBBaaaWJ BBBBBBBBBaV. rBaBBBBBBBBBBBB aattttttHaLalllllH ! aaHLaaaBLWaLaHHHal 1 vs. FRANCE, BELGIUM 0wWWWWWWWWWW0WWWW00WWWWmfW PRESIOENT SIGNS PROCLAMATIONOF U.S. NEUTRALITY MOXKV SUNT ON ClllWat TO AMKRICAXS Cmrrxmry CiirmKjr It Ptacrd la Varfcnu Aaaeriraa BaaJU. Moawjr tirmt to Krof It to Cmh the ChrcJu of AaarrkaM Who Waal t to Gfi lloaa. Cini ay Sajra Tear. Utm Matt Remain UnlUd Pleas Scrtkc WASHINGTON, D. C Aag. 4. I rrealik-ftt WUtoai Jut after boob to. , day atgacd as offlclai proclamattnai of bcuiralhy on tlie part of tbe L'Bltd Ktatra tovrarU Austria aad Crrmaay, j and tuU, Kraace aaul Scrria. I United I'rtat snrlca WASIIINQTON. D. C. Aur. t. The White House today announced that the money being sent to Europe I to cash Americans' checka and thua relieve tllstrciu, Secretary McAdoo of the treasury department will appoint fiscal agents to supervise disburse ments. The German embibjj- has notified Secretary lirran thai until mobllUa- Uon Is completed, all (oralgnors. ln,- cludlng tourists, must remain In Oar many STOLEN AUTO IS FINALLY FOUND 1'KI.ICAN CITV DONIFACK LKFT HIS CAH IN FRONT OF THK OR.' I'HKt'M IN SAX FRANCISCO RKCOVKRKI) AT COLMA According to a card received by Geo. lllehu, Ford agent, F. C. De Chalu'a Ford car, which wa stolen In San Francisco on the night ot July 2Sth, bns beta recovered at Colma. DeChaln, who Is proprietor of the Pel ican City hotel, will return next week. Ou tho night the car waa stolen, DeChaln left his car on O'Farrell street In tho city, and with friends at tended the Orpheum. The car wot taken while the party were enjoying the show. NYw Caady Factory Klamath's lateat product It the "Sugar Bowl" brand of confections, now being made at Claude Coae boom'a popular thirst emporium. A complete candy making department haa been added, and under the capable direction or "Helale" D'Lou hy, freth candles will be made dally. To Boaaata Sheriff 0. C. Low left today Boaaata to serve lefal papera. for Defend Honor Servian Chief of Staff Arrested by Austria The petty politics of the Austrian attach on Senrla were Illustrated la the arrest of General Putnlk. chief of staff In the Servian army, who was arrested at Gratx. while he waa' making preparations to return to hU country. He was In the Austrian town legally and he bad committed bo crime. 'But Just aa soon aa he learn ed ot the strained relations of the two countries he sought to return to take charge of the army of hie native land Lewi for California Mrs. L. 11. Schofletd and children and SI Us Anna Wylde, of the newt stuff of the San Francisco Chronicle, left this morning for San Francisco, after spending two months here. Mr. Schofield remains to attend to hit pressed stone contracts. Verdict tor a'IibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbebbbyI Jury Fails to Award Daaages.tr Pears Death A verdict tor tho Big Basin Lum ber company and Charles Thomas waa returned this morning In the suit of Mrs. Maggie Pearson against them for $40,000 damages, over the death of her husband. Ten Jurors agreed to this verdict. Pearson died last winter aa the re sult of being crushed by a falllag tog at the company's camp near Keao. At tho ttme ho was employed by Thomas, who had a contract with the company. The widow la her suit al leged carelesaness and lack of equip ment to handle the lost. In addition to the verdict, the Jury also made special findings la the caae, giving an aatwer ot "yet" to each et the following prepared gueetleaa: Did the deceased Harry Peartea observe aad appreciate the daageretia ceadltloa of the load ot Ibga aat) of BELGIUM 6IRDS . ON SWORD, WILL FIGHT TO LAST JAJtMV U HIUalKPtT : TODAY (Threw Uatte LONDON, Grey, f eeeaaai aahiltter, i day that FaJUaaat ha festarhaty $ that Oeraaaajr Bcatraliti' of Wilajai The uae bees gtrea watH to re fir. BRUSSELS, Aug. 4. Belgium hat refused to comply with the Oeraurn ultlmatuaa. It It reported that the Ga have made a atroag lavatioa Vervlers. Three Gerasaa dlrlgielea sailed over Bruaeela for aa hour aad then dliappeared. , , The king personally comaaaaet the Belgian troops, aad a complete ato bilUatioa waa ssade today. "I will accept the reepoaalbORy that has been placed upea me," aaM King Albert. prealdlBg over a John session. "My couatry haa been la vaded and we will realtt . "Belgium haa proclaimed her aew trallty aad will malatala thla aad her neutrality to the laat drop." The factloa leaden made tUallar speeches, aad there waa aa eathual attic demoattratloa. ar Limber Co. the twenty-tour foot log, la the ea loadtng ot which he waa lajtired, be fore he undertook to ualeed aamef Were the wrapper chalaa, corset binda aad at hooka la use oa the lead of logt, la the ualoadlag of whleh the aald Harry H. Feareoa waa lajtired, tafe aad proper devlcea far the fr pote? "Was the deceased Harry Pearaea, la commoa with the other lahtyaw engaged la the legglag eperaUfa la queatlea, employed, dlreeted, Ma:. troIUd aad aaM by tba Charlea TbeaaaaT " , tMakBtlaa fhuli Saai UtfBHB VVBPBIB VJwvtV Vraar ect the XetaanaHtr ea aWftaai Hi Gaae- KehMr CMel MhMffeY M BBBBB IhtB MPtP t -e The verMet waa ttfaeA br W, Bi- j Simpeea, aa ftrtmaa, a4 aaW 0tm-f ' Jarert: Burt B. BJbvMm, Mi,' Neele. Cart- learnt. Artlnw. ir ,. -tea. Jee arhe Tee fealkm, p. b '' Browa. r. hi. Baftah M M; rVt s Jk' 'T.- I r 1 U