; &$? lEuntna literal!. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NlWtFAPIX -'ywwwjwsa?ar - a-jw -y waa: "ws&fcEX" t:iltl Vrwr .V. u.IWi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914 Mw, flv SiPar 6 GERMAN WARSHIPS REPORTED SUNK Italy Orders Mobilization for Emergency WILSON ASKS AMERICANS KEEP COOL Russians and French Are on German Soil Wat GREAT BRITAIN LATEST TO GO ON WARPATH MMAMMMMMMMWW " m y MAAAMV MMAMAAMMM EN6UHDS ARHV B SHtPPING M NAVV ODDER WD WAR TIHEOROERS - - n i n -i.rir .ru- j-i.aj-.ri -i. - .-L--Ti.nj-j--r,-jjTj-LnruirJVw -rxaru-u-ii-w-i- i-anraTi-a-s-a-i - r -i ------ aa owouv i.sVAitioN' of inium'M trt CAt'Nt; run Tin. rmtitr tiii. ltpkii kuiuatii laki: In TO HE I'JilUl is ii.ttwiMi t'riMMiii:t i.i'm- tiKit to r.trroitv 1 ' A tasrln onw inaug- I Wt.vOrwr.l ltrXft FvWM North Uti OB Up"f KlaMath Uke, when Tlbtfllhtafcii4MC!fVM," ' .". hUUr4 ll . -. ........ . . ... . i Khlpplnaton. iowi a largp contain ,ln ilir- rarlod o( urobr Tln ,.f . wiM ,.! by !,awUr . from ll. W.d Undine, .iittulrmlt) TutUy, MmIi !1itU ,! td U trip without mlibap. . A iUufi Utitf . Manager Robert JA, JuhiMou of lli Klainaib Manu fitltHi&g MHUPabi toJiWecUd Ihn ryv i.rtvJ.',,,,r vu'v'trf ,,,1"i" ai ! """"" mo ri ron . n.n.i i... w..i. AlUttnMl a hauled (a liio Weed WWIIM MM lMT( -W , LONDON, Aug. 3, -Tb N , landing by auto truck, and snippet! ticker nl(sae naval battle '."" tHO "H " " "" ... raubi today on h North ! Th "" B,t " b - j4 ,'lbp r.fo wn handled hat rausod ar il ports .ti U.rw.n ar - '" iraaajwi. .bit sunk, and l llrl.Lb ,b " ,ho "-' ' Tb ihlja Imi .wanulatlurl company lll enlarK f.,' ih. ..,t,-.n. i... lx Mi.t cf lor lUo l.l.. .-w - - H-WMHUf - w tw-n ututilr to roaflrtu lhl r-tj(l mu I Uolua I'taaa Mnrie t.ONIM)S", Aug. 3,-.KttUn4 baa drilled upon r Thlt tom a Uio rtMull of lha flormats Invaalon of lUlslom, The llrllith ambataador In llorlln dctnandrtl rpi (or llllut'a nu (tnllir and lnlrllr TttU Kattr Wllhaltn rfUMd. . ('ukIu Im IUHi Wlrr 1 While out riding and enjo;le( a( trll In tlt country yoalerday, Jo II MtAltUlvr and Katbryn Wll llama loat one of tholr hor, white, Jo, In aiumi'tlnc la capture tl, hur. wtilcli had tot loo., bccatupl ciiUuIhI In a barh lr tvatv, Tbr hor had hvn put In a corral at ' or.p l Id aprlnga t(i mllr. Ihta aldr of Hwan Laki and bad nucaped. In mnulnic them down, thpr wpr I'ollid I'rtaa artle WNDON, Aug. 3-Thrf admiralty auumrd control of tba wlrlca to- ''000j0&00 (Continual on ? ) Rulers Directly Concerned in the European War juNuLL SAM NOT 1 TO MEDIATE IT F - ,' ,':! FA''A 1 ' r-a-a-a-a-a- Bml& tg.$'E. aaajB;- ,l .iz'Pl 'muf -iJHa-a-a-a-aH ISSftJJ'S-l-E WSwtfe &I&P' "k .?iJ( ka.a-HllB-HL-ar3i-BL HaBPBkl-a-aHuilk-Lw - I'jirflHiteMjf'lMt U-a.-a-a-L-BlC?Wln'iJy LyHLaaflHI"B-aaiQfH-l iJC j,-!ifipiaavs,-v p aBffa3t WBBvJ lKPIJal-PaHfeaai!KaBl 9jriHMjL iBBlakr IlWkwiiKlatfakBJllial H y W'J jiaI-aB' I. rVHa-a-a.aBl LP W 4kPB $&tPKF 'MP-ttlya-a-a-a-aV ff t, rV1iiiii'W JFi)Wj .7lEBanaLLLLLLm y'IALHLLvHmjI ?aw ,-' ITaw tBj - JvBkBBMBBBBBBBBBBBJBM Ha'htllB T-i-aM-a-am-H-H-H v f !UflBBBkBax MaiSTEaaaaBaBH IBam -B-aa. faaaaavaaaaw jlBjBjBjBjBjaaw r$rALsaaaaaaaaBM aaaaaAiaaaamaaH KlKUf LalMkiSLiaiaiaiaiaiaii klalalaA.lalalalaH 'tiaEH V 9 'dHIJIJIJIJIJPJIJIJH fiilalalalalalaAlaH VIHmKE t.wMHIVH 2!9LaLmLLLWal ,v J-a-a-a-LSa-B-Bi 2aB9a-aW K" "iKflS5iM t T ' v . W fjHPPPPPPPPi" fciY "" r dfft4-a-a-aa SI. . ?w: l a. vAirt-aaamiJF-4'h-a-H - i 'it . M-t-jajaxa-r-a-a-a-a-a-aE-V aaaaai .- aasraaraaaaaaaav wv aaaai r , VV3k ) IPtTxTiiHiim IH "C v. la'- 1 i -A -l-a-a-a-L iaV JLi.mii ,mm I "" ' ' ' Bk AMKItlCi OFFERS TO TAKK OVER ' GKItM.X EMBASSIES. MAY SE.VD SHIPS TO GET AMER ICAXS HOME SEVERAL ARMIES INVADE GERMANY; BIO BATTLE IS ON ALSATIAX COCXmr ATT4 BT rXAXCB rauihl In a barb wlrp (inc aud To VIpm ln Jirf Tlirc t the munarcha moat cloac- croly cut. Ou of lha boran ott c00crnBa tbo war botpn Hr. clear away and lha one ha raplurd U and Attitrla. Krappror Krans No Hit, No Run-Nearly t. .w til ii. iwlr-rt &fir hn vol nn tilm. I.... .. . l- 1 . . m Btakil mtkM whn They aay no moro hurpbark rldp:J,", u '" "" " rlshl away jhai papJ througu more wara man any ruler In Huron Up Is i-old, ty rannical, aud inarcltvas, and It has bn hla ambition (or more than half a century to extend hit domains south through tho territories now control!- Schrodoer's Work Feature of Lopsided Game Tho no-hit, no-run gamo, which l featured throughout tho land wlioiiovtr it occurs, camo nsar to l'lpii!lng In Klamath rails yestar 'ay aftvrnoou, when flchrotdner blanked tho llonsow team, and the locals piled up II runs. At that, soma say that tho wallop '" tlio eighth which allowed a Do oamalto lo get safely or base, was error, Klelder Noel waa none 'cu ncllvo In getting ItIn fact, ho stood as If mtismerlsed Just long otiough to let the ball get beyond lha "itch or his paws. Aside from the work of the Klaav "th twlrltr, there waa liUle of Utar 'l In (he game, aa both sides nade (roqueat wrara. lehrMdnor struck cut thlrtm M walked two. Hough, wIm tkraw for the Clover laf aggregation, was touched (or sixteen hits. Of tlieso Noland, Hay deu and Hchroedner hit doubles, and MoUchenbarher and Bchroeduer each clouted out a threo station swut. Tho (pains lined up In this wny: Klamath Kails Motschoubacher, catcher. tlchroadr.er, pitcher; Dale, first base; Msuuur, second huso; Hay dan third baso; Maxwell, shortstop; Auibroso, Noel aud Noland, outfield, (lonansa Hold, catcher; Hough, pltcbor; Hough, llrsl baso; Chcny. second baso; Jones, third base; But ton, shortstop; Klackus, Hohmoor and Weeks, outfield. Hoore by Inning Ilonama ..,0 0000000 00 Hlla 0 0000001 0 I K. falls ...S I 0 0 0 0 4 9 18 Hit I 4 0 I 0 0 6 n tUlser Wilhelw l.'uijprtr of Optmany hI by 3rla, Orrec), Uulgsrla, and Itoumantn. He hoped that the Turk ish war, In which the smaller king doms south drove tho Turk out of Europe, might leave him In posses sion of that territory. Hut his guess was wrong. The ctar Is concerned In the war bocause It has been his policy to pro tect the Slavs In Bulgaria, Servla and iloumanla. Tho Husalans have tried to build a strong sentiment south of King IVn-r KaragvorK? ltl of ScrrU Auatrl.1 to check her development. King Peter Karageorgevltch of Ser vla, who may lose his throne It the war continues. Is one of the mourn ful figures among rulers In Europe. He succeeded to the crown after King Alexander and Queen Draga had been murdered, and for a long time some governments In Europe would not recognise blm. Ho has now, how eor, because of the aggressions of Austria, won much sympathy. United Prasw Barrios WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 1. It was announced authoritatively to day that the United State win sot offer lo mediate la the Enropeaa alts aUon now. It was hinted that tkia talxht be done later. President Wllaott today seat a amaa- saga to congress aaklag a lltl.008 appropriation for th aid oC Aaew lea aarasuL - t Wilfaav made aa- apaesU ' to. tto press, through the Waakiagtea cor respondenu. not lo publish aaaaa tlonal statements. He held that the United States Is prepared to meet the financial situation, and that there can be no cause for alarm unless through unfounded newspaper reports. "America can reap a great glory by seeing that no one lose his head." said the president. of Bailie Ax AlOrsr Aaw War traa .'v11 PARIS, Aug. . Tbsj Treats United Press Service NEW YORK. Aug. S. Tha daar- Ing house authorities voted to issue temporary clearing house checks. United Pre Service WASHINOTON. D. C. Aug. X. Secretary Bryan said tha governaseat Is considering sending ships to gat Americans In Europe. The Ameri can consuls have been instructed to get Americans to the seaports. ' America has agreed to take over the German embassies in all of tha warrlns countries, with the under standing that this does not preveat similar service wherever asked," said Bryan. "So far. there has bean no reply." moaoptaaes at Loagvy reader d elective aarrloa today ay droppUg aoxaha oa tha Oarsaaa force. 4) Early thJ aioralac tha aacw coraa daaaollahed a Oonaaa armored trala by droyataa; bosaba oa It. av Taia to tho irat laaUae la tha worWa kkstery of Uta at- fectlv ua of air craft. Called Pre Sarrlee LONDON. Aug. 3. Heavy Igaltag la reported at Loagvy. Tha Laxaaa bourg dlvialon or tho Oeraaaa army attacked the frcach there at day light The battle la expacUd to ex tend along tha whole froatler to Clry. The Meta amy joUed U tghtlag fore today. Tha Oermaa scoau are (Coatiaaad aa aaga 4) Youngest "HmlUUe" Celebrate Cnlted Preas Service WABHINOTON. U. C, Aug. S. The youngest ot the four "Smltnlos; of the Senate" Senator Ellison D.; Hmllh, of Florence, South Carolina today celebrated his forty-eighth birthday anniversary. This Is also tho birthday anniver sary of Representative U. L. French, of Idaho, born August 1, I87G. M'NARY ASKS A LONGER PERIOD A New Mlsa Oveus The population ot Mills addition In creased yosterday, when a daughter arrived at the home of Councilman and Mrs. lieu 8. Owous, Mrs. Rogers Home Mrs, Leslie Rogers uud her two daughters, who have been visiting relatives In Oakland and vicinity, im returned. In for Supplies Marshall Orr, a well known Klam- oth county rancher, waa a county seat visitor Saturday. JL'BT WHO IH THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR SUPREME JUDGE IS A MATTER STILL TO BE RE-CIDED An extenslou of the time has boen usked by Juitlco McNary, who was tlod In tho primaries for tho fourth republican nomination for Justice of supreme court of Oregon with Circuit Judge Benson of this city, before lota are drawn for the nomination, The re check other tally sheets Is the reason given by McNary. Judg Benson Is leaving tha mat ter largely In the hands of his rapra- sentattvo In Salem and has not al lowed or refused the extension as yet. If the request Is refused by A. C. Em mons, the Judge's representative, the Iota will probably b Immediately drawn. Tho agreement between Benson and McNary was that certain tally sheets wore to be rechecked before August 1st and It at that time the contestants still were tie the nomina tion was to bo settled by drawing lots. They've Gone Caiupiag Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mrs, Henry Anderson and children and Viva and Dorothy Martin left on this morn ing's steamer for Rocky Point, where they will spend several eweks. Mrs. E. U. Ratnsby will Jolu them later. Movo Closer la Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ratnsby have rented their home In Hot Sprlnga ad dition to Mr. and Mra. H. L. Qlem. They have taken apartmaaU with Mr. and Mra. William WhIUock. Landscape Artist Is Here Man to "Do" Crater lake Buqaet best Tadej Mark Daniels, general supervisor and landscape gardener of the na tional parks In the United States tor tho federal government, stopped la this city for a few hours today whll on hla way to Crater Lake on a gen eral Inspection tour of the parka of the Northwest. While In this city, Mr. Daniel waa tendered a banquet at the Whit Pel ican Hotel and waa taken around tha city In a machine In order to glv him a perapecltvo of the location of tha town. Daniels haa also hla private business, which consists of tha taking of large contracts for tha building over of whole cities la order to mak them aa beautiful and artistic aa pas sible. While on tha trio ha oferad many sutgestlons for the beautify- ing ot Klamath Falla. In outlining the new policy of tha federal government to a Herald re porter In regard to our national parka and other beauty spots. Inaar visor Daniels said, "Tha crua or tha whole matter la simply this: tha far ernment Is going to get out from la front of tha people and gat aaaJad them. Every year there are lit mil lions ot dollars carried to ara by American tourists, it Is estimates that 160 million ot this to spent far educational purposes and the rtmiln Ing four hundred mtlllea far sfat seeing and touring the varteas countries noted for their sesaary. "Now it to known that tha Bar-- Ba vender ot his aeeas in a met better bargainer thaa the ' . a) though we arte mnHHM m,i, v oar anwasaa aaatty. m,b eeaaMeV',,, r (Caatlaaes) aa Hg I) -Vv ' ti : m r,r i. itll4, v'. .TVt' ' f 'r-ii .; i"3B