w pam roim THE BVRNINQ HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, 0KI0ON TUWMMV, JVSH M, u. JUST NOW WHEN THE SEASON RIGHT m You Will Find Thi Store Better Prepared to Serve Your Immediate Wants Than at Any Time During the Spring You Will Find a Choice Assortment of Summer Dresses, Skirts, Etc. and at very reasonable prices, for we did not buy this merchandise at a time when the manufacturers were asking a LONG price for same. In addition to the Golden Rule values we offer in every department, &C Green Stamps are given with every purchase as a token of our appreciation of your patronage. m MEN'S Clothing, Suits and Furnishings represent nearly one-half of this store. It means that the men of Klamath County can buy wearing apparel in Klamath Falls to equally as good advantage as their friends can back in the Eastern States. 10,000-Year Old Skull Found in California WFLCH NO? 10 PUyjMLL HERE Tl'XKOHAM KltOM HHtTlAMl United l're Service UEKKKLKY. Calif., June JO Thjt there lived tn California a much a 10,000 year ago men of a very toler able degree t)f Intelectiml detetop incut 1 the couclustuu drawn by i'ro feor J. 0. Mcrrlam of tho slate uni versity here, (root it careful study of the. skull of a (iff UUturlc human belug found recently In the ajphalt sink nt I. Urea. The professor said that there could be no doubt, from surrounding geo- i I approti-' the, of hTATIM THAT OUMJOVM I'MK NOM WANT TO KKKI' IN TMK AMATKt'll HANKM , lustcAt Indication, of the I mate age lit which Km utrnrr lkutt lived, ( I tn ttii suio tlt ere tho boor of, j lower animal. recognised a belong ing to the same period. 1 The skull, a Merrlam pointed out, Ju out silently smaller than thnt of jltl? prteO( day man, Tlio forehead i I high, mid f ram tlio lie of th brain ' Irbvllv ahA iilUttr in.rftl Initlfaltittiri ,r fH confident that th head' 0wB.;,lr,-rJfK1V,,,"f lfcrlti fur the mo imiii iti. n uifivr .jh,i airoui Johnny Welch, captain of the Uul- Vrll)r of Oregon baseball ltn, and pitching marvel, will not dun a Klam ath fall uniform and fling against Coin's aggregation from tho hoi fee lory iiiu. Although he foreore school fur hustings thl spring, he la .er belonged to tt type of far (rum un intelligent being. PRESIDENT LOSES HOPE Or ENOING TtHKI) OP WAIT1NU KOK CO.V OKKKK TO AIXIOUIIX, I'ltKHI DCVTM KAJI11.V IIMJIXM SCAT TKKINO fr'OH VACATION rt MUST CONNECT UP WITH SEWER TWO WKKKM NOT1CKTO UK UIVK.N ,rTKH WHICH TIIK CITY WII.I. DO TIIK WOUK AM) PUT A MKN I o.V TIIK PHOPKKTY United Press Service WASHINGTON, I). C, June 30. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson will probably go to CornUh. N. II., toward the end of next week and the president may accompany her. Their daughter, Margaret, will toon go to Madison, Wis., to resume her editorial work. The departure of Mri. WlUoa In dicate that the president ha prnctl: ally abandoned hope fo congress ad Jorunlng before the clout of tlm turn- For the patt three year the city of Klamath Kail hat been endeavoring to have all home connected with the! sewer. Home hnvo done It, and tome j hnv not, hut the city will wait no! longer force w be retorted to. ' , The council at Ut nlght't meeting decided to glre two week't notice to ,all to connect up. At the end of Ibat time the city will make tho tewer j connection and die a Hen agalntl the property for the cott. tlealdft thl. the city now hat the power io arrctt offender aa4 Im J them. Thl la provided for In the nuUnnce ordinance. I.'ugeite, and h decided to keep hit amateur tlandlsf. Ytterdy a telegram tent to Voftiun Mottchenbarher, the ttar catcher nt the tlulvertty teem, to re Mum and play lire In the eerie, MotChenbacher I to teach In (he high ichiMil licit year, and he can be uted a a backttop thl teitton to an advantage. Mottch wa aked to took up hit team mate, Welch, who I alto well known here. It wat thought until late thl afternoon that Welch would he here. jt year Welch lost three uut of twenly-oven gamee he pitched, The jear before he pitched tQty-four gamoe, and won them all. EPWORTH LEA6UE HOLDS MEETING OVKH THItKK TIIOIHAM HKI. (IATKM AT TIIK TW'KMiT.rUTH ANNIVKHMAHV AMI IMlXVKN. THIN I.V CI.KVKUiMI "You Are the Doctor" Wha you buy a 2-ceot ilimp at the poetofflce, you are paying big price for a square Inch of prettily colored gummed paper If It' only paper you want. Uut you are buying lometblng oUe. You are paying forHKRVIOK which will carry your letter from Klamath Falls to any city In tho United HtaU. HtatHMttje&'': -'--- ,' ar Vi c S When you buy n kilowatt of electricity from tho California Or egon l'ower Company, you get with It a commodity which Is not moasurod by tho muter, but which tout u grunt deal more tlmn the kilowatt of electricity. TliU commodity I HKItVICK. BerVlce Is tho kilowatt of electricity delivered to you wlieu, wltrrti uuil liotr YOU want It, not mIicii, where and how It I couvenleut for ua to give It to you. IT IM TUB UNEXI'KOTKI) MOMKNT THAT COHTri MO.VKV TO IIK fKKPAKKI) l'OII. . California-Oregon Power Co. MT. LASSEN IS ACTIVE AGAIN IIIIKIMTHKTWKt.frTH KKDITIOM iW TIIK CAI.IHUIXIA lKAK. HMOKK AIH.'KNIIH OVKH THKKK TMOUHANH KKKT Untied I'reM Service CI.KVKI.ANU, Ohio. Juno 30.--Three thoutand delegate from !.( ortli league of the Untied rttafe, Kugland and Canada iuoM In Kpworth Memorial church here today to rommemorate the (Menty-nfth u nltenary of the founding of the r)rt Kpworth league In America. II or. Worth Tippy, ptor of the riret Kpworth Memorial church, In hi opening sd4re, called attention to the fact that the delegate wer celebrating the founding of the league In the very church In which the flrat of the ocieU mm founded twenty' rtve year ago, "In tbo twenty-five yeere," ald Itev, Tippy, "the Influence of the league ha eilended over the whole civilised world, and they have grows from a membership of le than twen ty-ftte to one of over 1, 1 00,000." Krom Cleveland awl of the dele gate will go to lluffalo to attend on July I and S the International con vention of Kpworth league. He Rtally Feared a Wire of Praise gSlrl'BgW SgtSV'MsPSjgslllllllllH tfSSST vBK9BlBSSSSSa tHsiilltwaBsiSr Wilson Hands a Jolt to the Suffragists United I'ree Service ItKDDINO. June 30. Hmoke rose 3,000 feet above Mt. lateen today, darkening the eastern sky, while a cloud of athea blacken the slopes. The smoke cloud was visible slity mile. This la tho twelfth eruption of the wtlrano. May HewottHCfi Vwimiiit Itulr United Treea Hertlce l'i;i:ill.O, Colo., June JO, After a year of operation under the commit Ion form of government, the cltlien of I'ueblo are voting today an the question whether to return to govern ment by a mayor and city council. In Kltnlra, N, V., women taipayers attend the meetings of the common council. New York has over 10,000 girls who are walking tho streets looking for work. (No. 1911) Node In lUnkruptcr In tho District Court of the United Htatos (or tho District of Oregon, In Bankruptcy, In tho Matter of (leorgo W. Cnln, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of (luorga W. Cain, Klamath County, Oregon. Yon are hereby notified that on the 27th day of Juno, A. D. 1014, George W. Cain was duly adjudged a bank rupt; that tho first meeting of his creditor will bo hold nt the often of J, 0. Itutenlc, roferoe, of the above court In bankruptcy, nt Klnnutn Valla, Klamath county, Orogou, In the district aforesaid, nt S o'clock p. ., July 14, 1914, nt which time creditors may uttond, prove their claims, ap point n trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business na may properly come before the meet ing. J, 0. RUTHNIO, Keferee. lOftlh AWeUDreMed Man Gains Respect We het Mew of good Uele Io hevtMM well dree). Ooa. sorvaUvt etylre, beautiful wool, rne, arlmlllle ullnring?, hnve Utiptd we build our large fol. lowing of aallan patron. We want your trade t lining ti giving ituamnliMNi lalloml eer vlro at right priceti irwaonatiljr low, coanUlrnt wlUi uallty In fabric anil workmanship. Cleaning and repairing nenlly and properly done. Loewt Bros. TrsiUra I'ralse In any futm U replble lu almost anybody, but therv I one oe patr man who relly feared It, Thl it WlllUm O tfhepherd, the ('titled I'lm cormtx'ndenl at Metku City, who gVe the world the first tiding of the landing tit the nartn t Vem Crut, and whose article from Vera Crui are of Inteu interttl to all of the Herald' reader. rttiepherd had htd wurk getting out a coded message, owing lu the strict censorship, li w after he readied that he ha put te4l over every owpapr man In the world that ithapherd began (o fret, lest the United I'ff.s wire congratulations, and spoil til" rhanco of getting out any more war ite under turn inno cent rodlng a "film forwarded " Kurthermore, It would tiato meant Imprisonment by the Hur.rU faction Jl'llUfd I're Hertlt WAHHINOTON, l, C. Jtti 30- 'IVKlarlitg that equal sUCrage U ijurliMi for the IndUfdual slate and 'not the frder! govt-rnment t e!tl. ',t.lrfil WiUon thl afternoon ttr atcl ijulte a nsllo when a delegw lion of co sutfrsieettfti IIhJ on him at the White I louse, After that tlinnt tlm ptrsideul lefu.ed t let the omen liKkle hlw upon that opinion, and he abruptly tuthrd on his lil and walked out of the lUit rHim, teivlng '09 women r.tulut and gsptne in the greatest astonishment TUt Ton-id ivit&ttr toafisj hn o'rhl Us Or Util tt I'rtlt4 frosting 1130 ooo Theater Guide HiMOr fur the Itudew, 1 C- It. Miller, of the MllUr I'boto rini(i4ti) . ifamo In today from M'Cloud )hct bo Is busy in photographic wort; II will remain until after the j Hod co. Houston's Metropoiitafl AaHseaests essssssi1vswei'ssieststii ' HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK I.Otfl.-lioien Klamath rtls and Wilson itrtdge, small boy gray, coat Kinder please return to I'ubllc Library, 0-t STAR THEATER ODlXL. AMI IIAKT Slofclog, tsanrlng and lUptt Ktre .(M-)4llc Cocurd) VUttlng llrulher. MtNill II, MuhUrd, brother to John ny llubbtrd, the movlo machine oiKir ator, hand leader, decorator, vocalist clerk and good fellow, came over from Medford Ust night to visit with John ny and take In Hit big lloiloo dolii' Hcott U nlso an omrntor, nnd manlpu. late the picture machine at Med ford' leading show houte. HOW "Tir HELPS SOREJP FEET Owl-hy feel, turtllog frel,we. Un trrt, sly fcrt, smslllag feet, tired fert. (lovd'hy eurttt, relluuses, bunion and raw slwu. M) mere shoe tight-' orst, n mar llmplag with pain or drawing up jour fce in aevnr. "Tl?.-!.; msrlVI. act rlfiht iIT. "TIZ draw out all the Here. Fniin Hllvrr Irfike. Ou achroedcr, otm of tlm in in I prominent cattlemen of the Hllver Lnko country, came in Hunday own ing and left Monday for Ashland. Ho wilt return In Klamath Pall later in the week and will act a ono of the Judgee during the ltndeo. polMtitmis exuda tions which puff up the (ret. Use tH," and for- Kl your fool mWry. Ah! huw rn- fartahle jour ft frrl. Oil a 3 rwnt at of "ny." now at any drulst or ilcjurliiiitit stoic. Dnn't suffer Hat pl fwt, M frt, fwl that nsvrr swrll, iu'vcr hurt, inner Rtt tlrd. A jrMr's (iKit comfort guaranteed or j nioi.ry refunded. fOI.I.I.Nti AXH TAYIAIH Aii.lrall.it Kiilrrialnri. .tlngrr and lu.lnniH-nUll.U 0'IU:i.t, AMI IIAItT InliiHtocliiR n nr cc of Slnglag. Talking. lUpid I'lrr ArrobeUi t'ouvc-,l, "Tlie Clutlns of Honor," I'rtlhe Drama In To I'trti "An Amin-llrml legend," SellC Drama Iih oil ItrKgle," Olograph Comedy "Just lhJ." Illograph Comedy Ailmlulon U.V AFTER THE HONEYMOON r1- f " fnl iyZrM Bnstftarisngggr - j t ' k. l."Wsl-Ti.. . .' L .j'aiwil , I ' ' gfl gf I 4sT Wl: Bl ggflfgggffggggr ngegnvg i i Sf g lrn'ee w -vShT I gf - W I it H BagLggav BmaV gggftk 0 r? (H t I VAfgggggH I BWBBfiT kaisW,'sJJIpItfajlgj jffglB, stSLgggf gaaL I LjnnigKvnpSwV lggm sis ' ' NO HMAI.I, I'AUT OK YOUIt DUTIICH Irt HIHtKCTINO TIIK OHO CKit WHO HIIAI.I, HUI'I'I.Y YOU It DA I I.V MKNU. TO YOU MAY WK NOT HUOOKHT THAT WK HAVK A UNIQUK "sUWVlOtt" WHICH DOKU NOT KMI WITH HKM.INO UHOCKHIKS AT "HATIHFAOTION I'KICKH." IT K.MIH ONI,Y WHKN UUHTOMKHH TKI.L UH "YOUK M1CHV1CK CAN'T IIK HI.ATI" IK) YOU WISH THIS KIND OF MKHVICr VAN RIPER BROS. "TIIK QUALITY STORK" TEMP LlC THEATER "Sltoiguu Jonee," Srllg Two-Ueel Sin-clal "Alioiwl an Ommgrs" lllograph Comedy 'Tlio lttrita." I.ublu Drama . MATIXKK OAlliY AT ! 1 l I, I H'KN'HKH iMtrroiucs MERRILL OPERA HOUSE ! Merrill, Ore. MOTION' I'ICrUllKS TUKSUAVn 1 AMI KATU1WAY8 'Tlio Ailvriiturvsi of ldmhurger and SMitter"A Mexican Wr Cow ody In Two Pnrtm. "Mystery of Hie WlUte Car," An Intvnso Drama In Two ran OHI'HKUS Hl.X-1'IECK ORCHBSTRA ADMHUON, ISO