PRINTS TUB NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS V 2umftt0 HmtU KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEW1PAPEK lilghlli Vrnr - N"i " U. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1914 Pries, Fire s IS TRYING TO iiA MESSAGES ARE SENT BOTH 10 VILLA AND THEM TO CEMENT DIFFERENCES CARRANZA ASKING PREVENT SPLIT WVMVMVMVMMV'VVMMMVV'MMiMMIMW0MWWH OVER 200 DEAD FROM BATTLING OVER SHOOTING Just a Little Reminder Rodeo Three Days Off t?tt: iltliirl liffc that tijn Villa-Carrauia .juatft i wwt urulr. It u ottt1y olairtl In Jauioi tlul Villa may brrsk iikmiii.tei'tiiistiiui'iim: (wretr r ?w M, liirrWI.IlX I.-IH:Hh Marl bm iHli-iititi rmolutlon. ll ) Irarned from autliorlllte per- unt that Villa lia iMii-d an tiltlmu- j Wlla WU- l'rvnM Tlim lllliMM.a( , Ct,,raut4 ,. flBiio,,, , 0-r-llm Mmr (rl, I'm. linn li llt Bidd Uup pending a reply ' it..ii i.. ihr UHlm-tuui IMIu-ml " uium-iutn U ranchi-d Hi most ' !( I'mUIMI Plr-Menl ti) III ,mMllUll"UIUl MttllMt) Milrl WIIk.h Plri fur UlM-rrllOM. t'ullo4 Press fertUe WAHlllMiTM.V, D. ,'.. Jmi iU. 1t, edwdaWlriitUw U bringing pr-. un lu pmll btrefc Iwtwr-n l,'r tnma and Villa. Tim JunU ! Ir Wlla"M "If nw--gi In tn.lli, ivit UK Milh ilirm tttn l hr ak until iti rilltthHi la rtdl, .Vrvrt1hrtr a wv irtolwllun U Inured, II Carte-M ami VlIU fill, lh" (uavra Mill MiluUctll itrmauil lli-l Alurtira yrtlrt ",p lurlguM Mttkw. Mguruua laucuASv. ll il'mandi (lint a UPt)r (l( ammunition br xrlit llJI mnltatrl) from Tomplto, and a, de mand i list Me I'arratulilaa allow Villa lu m llif tallrtiadi In Carratua irirltori-. llrrrUiitm- tlio I'mamUt havo re IumhI !i -rmt tile Uf ul Itirlr Ultra, a N.I liate (r(H)iiii)tl) brld u hlp ttni coin, to Hi? front A TON OF SALT BY PARCEL POST 4aB 1 ' 'Pi - f iff. '',. pEH Jk ilK Kv k'9k3Hs' &! KF - -- xr r Bk.CbH Vr IV pfiLAMHA rr(niim WIHDQiH tBi t m -"fffiMWBWKr BBiHWMrilBWgtiWaWiiflaaTBa1-1- i CHBHfHaJJs'TS T'','"?(i'ft7iftijdBvSWwS?"3f -A " flBLSRiaZfibabaBaBHBkMH9Va CBOATIAX8 AND SKRVIAJfS FIGHTS w ' 'tk Grand Dak. I 'W i 'Ul l'r t I.JblXK i .. BaaajU ?.:;- ?r, t ' a ' --Jjr ii Ntrtaa -( g, H aBtaaaBBBaaai ' 1l jMerzegorUla Ctty I Woody Klghtia Lata Wlra I i That the Cltj U HarUf m 1 ' of tbe Bluer War Bates Waa4 I Over the AmmlntUm oiAm BAILEY TO SELL CITY BUYS ITS BUBONIC PLAGUE WEST VIRGINIA MIII'li:XT COMKK IN I'lMIM MT IllfltllO.V A.VI I.K.IVI TtinAl" I till MTIUW, CAU--IH IIAUU:i HV ktaui: Hum oonilrrnl llil mornluK wiiy I blwt l'i rtnlf tOllltKO.V, Juno 3U TIip Urvak' Utwrau Villa and Carrauta I Uiuuetil( 10 l wol rlwui, VlIU b wra Coirm (bat Im U Urn of Ilia Iroaltnctil lltat lie aUiJ j lili nchilua fntluor ham icCflvcO,: auu lt not nglit utiMI all aifJ.tfucNi;xo tra hcutca wrro uipiI un hu ar lUd. Mrr III Ue. U wa larnM iul itm Catrani toilll Uial fni;tarril l m foiunlbU. and that tulttton U rn roma from Monurr U,in ihli Uif. hlimicnl ra a ton Tnrrvou U confor Willi Villa nttv ( alt M.ntallvv anil In urtlle all I ho differ- flio anil. In riOimind anckii. ann rnrr, It lUiMlhlfr. TliiT H rtn'pi"lit In.t nlelil frum Ml. llohruu, con hr ur at Han I'cdni r'rldajf r rtl-;gn..d m a ranrti at rtlrn', Calif., urdar. hlfli U aontliMt of Tnlf UVc nnd Miulli nf Canicll tiiwlomti" TIik aall SPECIAL TICKETS t.UIKXT IVII.1- (IIVKV A IX CIIAXCK i TO SAVi: HV TAKING ADVAXT- AUK OK HKHL'CKI) 1UTE8 TO AMI lltOM TIIK HOIIEO Hulled l'r Hartlca IX I'AMO, Ta, Jmi 30 II ulll W hauled lUo rnllrr illaiic li' la, lh tAt:ri Imtlnc lli mall contrail. U'lu'ii Kl.-i iniilli tlio rim Ar.iiI S. n tnlctii'l lliis WVihI Special Ituves PnlU Krlduy mornlni; for to Kirk nnd way poluu, J llnlloy will bo aboard with full of round trip tickets Four Police Officers lor the convcnlonco of p&Mcngurs at atatlonn bi-twcn Kirk aud Klamath I'nlU ivliu uuut to lako ndvantago of .tlio round l rip rate. Tlio round trip faru tuivm each piittvitKcr iullu a llltlo, and these ; cannot bo procured at atntlons whero I tluro M no HKitit. Kor Hint rt-anon Mr. Huiloy will Ink- n supply ho tin to ucoommodato tbu ix-oplu KollInK on at iimall U I ttoni. LUMBER CHEAP OUTBREAK FEARED IN DRY COLUMN COLWeil. VOTliS TO TAKK AO-i.SKCIIKTAKV OP THE TllEASITBBR I STATEWIDE PROBI L-W VANTAGE OP SALE, AND PUH-: SENDS SURGEON GENERAL TO ; United Praaa Serrtca UUDA PK3TK, Jun 30. Orw S0 i have been killed and twlc tkat MM br wounded at aloaUr, HrMfskda today la a aattle betwaa StinrUaa and Mohammedan Croatia vnt tk oiwajisliiatlon of Grand Duk Fraaa , Ferdinand. I It l reported that the city ot Moa tar Is barnlBC Dlipatchea to Bud' Pesta ay tha Croatlaaa attafkoi tk 'Servian quarter bearlac bauan . blazoned with "Death to U Multr- lona Servian." ( Vouns Sarviau oppoaed tit' KC ,vrsa of the marchers, pretiaKatfaai ta batUe. For a while It teemed the I would be victorious, bat mr ot Croatian Joiaed Is the which waa carried on from tke he , ' tops, aad finally the lamea wete.. atarted, aad coald not be esMst culahed. WILL t It is Impossible at this time to esti mate the casualties. 1. r ): ': it CHASE 10.000 FEET OF ROUGH J CX)MMON FOR USE. NEW ORLEANS TO MAKE THOK OCGH INSPECTION BECOME EFFECTIVE AT JOD-i NIGHT THIRST PARLQRS DO ! United Press ServMe AX AWFUL BUSINESS TODAY METKOVITCH. Dalautlo. JttM 10. I The bodies of Crown Pdlaee Fraas , Ferdinand and hi consort ajTlred Wluii it comes to taklnK iidvantaBoi UnUed "" Service United Press Service here today, and were transferred to a of hnritalti sales, tlio economical WASHINGTON, u. C. Juno 30. , GH VHLESTON W V'a June 30 , parsnip, tne entire popalaUeB ot tke housewife 1ms nothle on tho Klam-.Sccretury McAdoo today ordered Sur-',Tho statewide Drohibition law Dassed!c,t5r remalnln uncovered wklle tke scon General Blue and Assistant Sur-.'ijj- tb0 legislature goes Into effect at bodies were in the coalaes of tke geon General Crell to Naw Orleans, midnight, so today 1 the last day town K atli Fulls city council. At lust night's meeting tho members voted to make a purchase of 10.000 feet of rough common lumber at (he Savldge stock sale. to Investigate reports of the appear- thristy West Virginians will have to' sQuadroa of warships, escorted ance of bubonic plague In that city, j quench parched lips at public bars. tth funeral ship seaward. Tke akla ' Vessila to and from New Orleans i After tonight It will take an awful. wun la M w" reacaTiess ea Tho mailer was Drought up Dy(niust an be fumigated. nerve or a real pull to acquire a Jag Councilman Owens, who pointed out, 4, Rucker tears that thejhere, that the lumber could be secured fortl)lllgua aUuaUon u threatening all the! The women prohibitionists. Cover-, 19 a thousaud feet now, while later lluj city would have to pay $16 or more. Gulf ports. HOOLIGAN NOW Mayor and Co una I Clash Over Size ol the ForcelDUy OffR www MAY BE BOBBED Tie clty'a regular pollen farce lonalal of four patrolmiui for ihn mi muter months ul lonat. This was I'pclded at last ullhl'a mi'otltig of U10 ouiicll, ufiir Mnynr Nlrhola and mumhrra of the rouncll hud n lltlti "run In" on the question. At the inotlng Nicholas named Hank Wilson for another yenr a pa irolmnn, to aervo unlit J. ul& This nppolntuienl wns conrirmed. He (hen appolntod Pnlrnlmnn M. M Olienclialn for 11 llko lerm, and Owens moved Its confirmation. This ws lost for want of a second. lingers then staled that the four man pollto forco wna mil iieoiU'd miirli iih olher IhliigH, Ho siiKKOsied Hie using of tho fourth nmn'w salnry for the Improvemmit ot tho HhlppliiK ion rond, or hoiiio ollmr nuodod Im provemnnt. "Tho mayor has Iho iiiiiliorlty to iippolnt 11ml dlsclino th police forro nnd I am trying to glvn Iho city the best protection possible," Hiild Mayor Nicholas. "We hnvo money appro, printed for the payment of u fourth man, aad I believe we should use it for this purposo. If 11 tire should break out In the night and not be dis covered by a watchman, there would be a creator loss to the city than the salary 'at tke fourth pollcsmsn. "Despite all that could bo done, Iho illy would b short of protection with iliri'o pollciimuu. Tho police aie nlroiuly working overtime to patrol tliu city, nnd (hero Is n provlslou lu, tlio I'luirlur that one must be at the r.illroad station whun tho train comes in. ThU would tnko still another ..:.. ...i ........ I """ "'" I A now nun iruni nil' Mirei in hid ,j v,v..-- ,, , , ., , .l. ..... , .u.i tnr . .MARTIAL SOON added to the Upper Lake fleet by the Ilia IMMIia. I in ,.11,'wi.n.w.w w ,...'( nlRht men nnd one day ninn to patrol 1 I IIUIGADIEIl GKNBIUL'S OPINIONS) 1 HKGAIlDING THE ADMINISTRA- ' . . I TION MAY CAUSE A wnini" Uulted Press Service NEW ORLEANS. June 30. Mem bers of the health are preparing to make a war of extermination on bu bonic rats. They plan to place a con- ,nor Hatfield and the legislature have .alternatively been blamed for the new law. UPPER IiAKE CRAFT IS REBUILT, HE.CHUISTENEI AND RE LAUNCHED BY NEW OWNER. TO MAKE EXCURSION Tim's J 1 excursion boat has beeni On the Way Home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoagland stopped nvpr nlffht In tha rltv lust ntsrht on creto barrier around the lnfeted area the way home from 4n aut0 Mj ,n and drive the rate toward a center. Centra, an(, Ea8tern 0regon m .. .1 ,!.. am, .,ak ko.ld,ii W'nan . BUU IAICU VtWi UUICI VaillCIBi l.UVU. the rats poisoned, No new cases ot the plague have been reported. are trapped they will bej Tn,bet haa women carpente. Thursday moralag, and wilt 1 to Vienna by special train, wklek will arrive In that city by 10 o'clock tke same night. The bodies will lie 'la state la the Royal Hofburg Chapel uatil amMaiakt Friday, when they will be laterred la tbe chapel on tke arch duke's Am stetten estate. Archduke Charles, tke heir anaar ent, represents Emperor Fraaa Jeeef at the Interment. I v" I A contract has been let for the bow $20,000 Grande Roade hospital. BOMBARDIER (lie town. "1 think you nrc-iiinklng mistake In opposing this n'inHilutmcmt. I want lo enter n protest, nnd to jjo on record lo that effect. It Is not kIvIiib 11 fair deal to the city, myself nnd the poo plu who liuvo 11 rlulit to ilemnnd pro teitlou, "I mil willing lo take tho cussing, nnd tho pollen will tnko tliclr shnro, but ni tlio snmo time, all of tho peo ple wimt pollco prolorllon. Especial, ly Is It bad to cut down Iho forco nt IhU time, whun thero nro so man) trnnslontH," Momhors of tlio council evidently f.iit in accord with Hie mayor on tho need of n larger forco at this time of tho year, for uftor ho changed me Obenchaln appointment from a yenr to an Indoflulto tlmu, the council, with the exception of Hogers, counrineu appointment, 'launching of the Annie. Laurie by Its; 'owner, Captain Joe Guthrie. The! boat will make excursion trip TO FIGHT TONIGHT Big Parade for 4th .4J M to I 1 litilted Press Bervlce WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 30. Lake poluts all summer. Court martial and possibly dismissal Tho Annie Laurie was formerly fiom the service may result from a tho Hooligan. It was purchased oy recent spooch of Urlgadlor General Iciuthrlo and completely rebultt by Evans, acting head of the Eastern Dl-'hlm. vision, it the speech was correctly" re- ported. OIV for Ynniliill County Accordlim to reports reaching Pros., Tom and Will Roberts "' Ident Wilson, Evans criticised tho ad- mother, nccompanled by Jesse McFa J, ministration, ridiculed tho Monroe I left this morning by auto for Yamhill Doctrine and declared that America J county. Is becoming meddlesome The president has written to See re-1 Tho Port of Uuipqua will enlarge Inry Gnrrlson of the War Department, Us boundaries In order to make need asking whether these reports are cor- ed Improvements, rect. BRITISH FANS LOOK TO SEE AUSTRALIAN HEAVYWEIGHT TAKE THE MATCH FROM THE BIG FELLOW IIMI Is II a 1 -?.! .J W?--a I VTui oe nisioncai, tonnerau un rrmnai : f l . i h'm f-. , S-vJBft Xtil. . One ot the big features of tbe Ro deo will be tho opening parade on i .Friday morning. According to mem ber ot the Rodeo Amusement Asso ciation. In the line of march there will be Portland designs to spnu tho rull road shops at Holgate avenue with u viaduct costing fUO.OOO, tke rail roads to pay aalf. liandoulmB voted to bbuy the local made an excellent showing against water plaut und build a library, 'Joe Jeannette. J The Australian la picked to win to- Brooks shopped a carload ot logan- night's bout. Euguie Corrl to to rat berries a day. leree the bout. United Press Service LONDON, June 30. Bombardier itnintt Vlla -nra franiwinMv rtnfitnt. .j.,,..1.J..k...i,b i.rtrt. two brass bands, the Klamath Falls nled to meet Colin Bell of Australia and the Weed bands. Be.ide. this at Olympla tonight in a twenty-round ' t,rr,nf la, t",nB "ntSi for the heavyweight eham- a rendered by Captain'. plonhlp of the British empire and a,flfe n1 drum corp, $10,000 purse. j The procession will also revive the iiii. who 1 a bull tighter, recently 'spirit ot the Old West. There will be l r ,. old prairie schooners and stage coaches, and the ribbons over the tour aud six horse teams will be ban died by "Uncle Jerry" Martin, John Schallock, Captain Applgt sad otk At nlnnBAru. whn vura hla faoir 'La" '. '' tPl t. ...l A.. ' ..' "3i't ' , .(, VjKf.b Besides these modes of travel, tke ,,..,;''' pack train, so common la Kleistk'a 'r 'tA'i early history", will be preeeai. ;Taere; 'f will also be Indians, wkers'aad':,'... -l other Western charaeter. " , i,, $ J Nearly every business .keaae'li; t-t Afi, town will have a teat la tke MflMav C'Vty A prise na beea oirerea wcvitttn-f-Jm, decorated. Tkere will alM. number of decorated M .. W W- i . ' JW.'k .. W; All of the lodswa of tke aMjr wlH 'ka 'Wn'ri ..u.j nii..i a' k''a;.?-" . f.. ' "" m t , -jfj ! mMMtntA Tavull'ai'feB f S ' m..mWtr'gW AaOY7K most lnteresttag. ,Tke aaa weee aeaeaaM tura oat. k'ti- JvTTT J "'..'' JfiT; A u h nrP ' ' ," " - '-t.,4e s.Vi-l.i - - -" . v--i Tff-.-v, x.rzrsxfc:: 7TBPCg3sagiy4i3