SfoN i. rt- i-'jj ',t' iM f A- .., M - PRINTS THE NEWS WHIMS IT IS NEWS Eh Kgjiiwwiliffituiiiw"Wlrirwiiiwi---- . new. r . Mglilli Ymr N. IMft Eurotttg iterate KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t xe..ist s-.i .j. z. Vft . -1 .- tj- r -" - -r KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1914 -a ASSASSINATION MAY LEAD TO WAR v iMWWWMWWWWWMWWMWWWWWIil AUSTRIAN ARCH DUKE IS KILLED; BELIEVED THAT EMPEROR WILL DIE; GIGANTIC MURDER PLOT IS FEARED, l.. 4 lid dwelling lime Win IMIKV MIHVIA.V A'l AFhTIHAN rrrlid II U reiwtnl thai vi-tt UIMM AUK fUMIIMi 'hrLV'nni,"U.",.l?r4'...-. Ill" J,UII" IM fiMMU'l ll HIH' 7u;o Men Highly Considered for Provisional Presidency of Mexico t'HINJI'K.VTI.V . l,arKM In .oral quarter. Im( I u , nn ln.ff.i'lli am! lli fury ut the unit- u iiirfeliii: Ji u fsiH that time will tut a taurine! wbn tttc to.!l- of Him mri. ltiitl.lt ,lHl "' " su' "Wnp' ftflm "'" arm) luminal LblltJ l'l Wnl VIIINNA, Juno ? ---Tli aJ!tia While Mali) AMtlilll. IWtlrti 'IImI TtiW Will lad Wat' That Will I'twiitMi fwin' lUiumUil' lLtUual l,WJrr K) the Killing ( (Its llrlr.AHMirut Cm.U i)H4 I'reo Ki-rvtfn WA8III.NOTON l l . Juit S' u,li DaMcr. Pt-tMml Wlt.iul rM tin lollinr ' - in Friwr Jorf. "I am drrj.ly uhiK-fcwd Ity tl ntro elnns murder nt lil imw'rtttl liir.h h- It,., mill riiiVi. ami rOMMirl Bl III) n.u of Airli lk I'tan rr4fu4. 'Mfhjn (minis, I eU'Hil (he m Mr l lli AntrlM tltninr. and liU trrt fotidnlrne of the Mim'iii moutMle II". lli lurh t H tinil pijilr of Atm-rlm." -jf v hri.trr, at 8ivi Hwt4r b iPti" . ';"'" '' ' LONDON. 'JUii alrThmnii ''"l1 Itarrtuy. L'ncbml'n forroio.t taw v It U li (4 that nt-il KiHvcitir j,M, B1(1 (irseumtor of lt Ainl 'rtii Juwf will uwtimlili In '- ivtnrii Itif-ntp CrtritlMtf. M)it ihMi. or Oi itemlrs Tii j'itie t ivrdinHini Ktfatt) HrJfi t ttll JtUi'J Ulltlrr ,.l(rf. tin. JINWKUH if wr III luaiital bw, tiit iriMit f l"i r j:iroM. It miu illllii n ) '"tl llm iw iirpVrtil AuiUf'-Hcrrtnii rliii ,ni.ry ntiitU of wur ilmurr in ti Hir tiai w'it urt'Uil, Ptlntli'. 'irl Kuropi lis brt-n Icmmh-ih-iI Uy li! wb I ao imuer Bfrr. inr"ininml)ii Tit rrH"'i!tit-'ws ifp mi (iltirM ll0trl, I'mlilllrr-il ! ljlfiitfl " .. t i.l - l. ...i..ir I iJPWOItl IIU irHif, m- 1'inpi"' . jfVu 11414 momuic irniu imp MMi.mi f l Uflil. Tli iKtpiiUf- hltt ft UeUIPnatlttP. lllOUKll MJflllHl. Itmobiimlluit. It l frrct tli hoi rtlbr nuil llp iil il l Iwi luucti for lb ouuwmr TL ln victim, of tin' alii Were trturiiltll! fftltu li ', wl.ru lrluli flrwl ollr lnl l'"lr , ...... ...i.. ..-. .- .l. .tnkn nhuv'C.MlMIXT Oil XITIIOl.tH.l.s I MltlHi fl'l ! T. ,-. - - - hU wlff mUpil liU hmlr lit Iit nrm.( dJ jiry4 unit 4, hHIioukIi Ii wim mnrtnlly wtiund4. ' An noon ln 1I1 flu Vault l: (tax. and dM btfom lln utt rwrhM rd h)rlclnti. "Htiphlp, you mut lUo lr Un i of ttio children. wrw til dyliiK ord. HI thn that July Hvirl mn Ttio coaeluitvo orgkblied nrUD. . ,,,.,. r Arm mill ninii . irom oi iitiiik. " --- -- i,nit ,,.,,, , ,JZ ',! mh who tiro nluliirlii our curcu,0 nuplo l'. "8U ' Bon, HRKAJKVO. Juno Sti.rhoro M mr - w ";," 'IT",,, us. 000.000 a ,car In Ho .! tttii rodlltiK Biollt td UiDlahrlnknK of valuo In tho lrto crop. Tlio chincn n"K '" " .,., 'n nflo.000 ionr. I iwnim i:uib hi. T--.-- -. 'WAR ON KILLING USEFUL BIRDIES I'Oi.vis hit Tin: r.NoiiMou.s TOW. IVACTIUI IIV INSISTS xiiixi: miins i'iti:v ri-os . H-a!RJLt.nBK- ' .., -t . i IMS o .- CUT THE WEEDS EXTRA ROOMS IN BEEORE RODEO CITY ARE BEING PLACED ON LIST $ aii:aka.ck of the citv caxi UK IMl'KOVKD 100 1'EIt CENT I IIV THIS ONE THIX AGAINST THE LAW TO LET 'EM STAXW -JmA'i VO NOTIFV f ..'.XlWJt'iS; u,ihki itrsrr inns jj kit, the dcuicuil for Itooau WW .M Hctn Installed at Rodeo HoftAatuw ter to Facilitate Work. ttcdeo hatbands. Hodeo handker-l wh'.efi and other-wild and wooly ad-1 Crowd ThU Year WU1 Be vtrtUing stunts are great to whoop Ul intercut In the big show the last of ilia iv1i .-inil thn car the EOod ceo- ...... . . - - j pie of the town arc .Investing In thU fore Be Greater Telephone S sort of frontier finery today snows; that they all want to booit a locaH thing. There'a another way that a big boost ran be made here, and that U by cutting the weeds which may have been allowed to grow alongside the walk and curbs. Cutting these will not only aid Immensely to the opin ion visitors will have of the town, but will also reduce the Are danger. Regarding this, tho city has the 'followlnc erdinance: "It shall be unlawful tor any own er, agent or occupant of land border ing on a street which has been im proved by the, construction of side walks, to allow weeds to grow In and around such sidewalks, and It la here by made the duty of such agent, own er or occupant to cut such weeds at the direction of the chief of police. The wt-eds shall be removed from a ! space extending from the property illne of the street to the curb line of The nenaltr provided is a fine The listing of rooms for tho ac commodations of visitors durtas tho Rodeo began this morulas at tho Rodeo headquarters. A register baa been opened and a capable sua nlaced In charge. Aa effort will ho mnito tn make a cakvasi of aa BlaCkf jof the city as possible, bnt every resi dent of the city who can iMoaaMsw, one or more persona la tattr hfait. are requested not to wait until eaHea upon, but to telephone headeaartera. The telephone number la 148. . - There will t eloae to two tkoaa- and more people la KUmatav, Fatta this Fourth than last, aa tala will mean that every borne that eaa. pos sibly accommodate a visitor will have to do so. or a cood ataar Mold wlH- be compelled to sleep la the street Rooms with address and price eaa he (listed by callbw'ap T&i ad If ther ranging from 5 to 1100. or Impris-j should be filled later, tlie ISEWCRL FELIPE sasweesassseasseni ANGELES. vit.A. .... i i 1.1... in Tnrrnnia Is called, as a delegate to tho Onrral KelljH. Anfiolcs and Luis Carnul ' ' lr ; u Jl would have peace conference at Niagara Falls. Cabrera are Mi considered by the proceed to ba Ullo, j gatnst Ti,t. fact that Carrania would not nMllalo at Niagara Falls, by l'resl- required him , to aWe ral "" M.Le0 t0 an ,rmUtlco wtth the feder- dem Wilson and by General l'ancholua in u.e u. ' jaU hafi mado It lmposabie for the u".1 I . i.,' ..i .i,t.nf d( 1st between them. r Id ls,e"pou,:- den-, Oonoral Angele Is cral AI.IS.IM- name has bevn more li,;bt so utter . e . lhe!prKtlct., but he gave up this to join .i i.ittiii. ihA int lew uavi, euiu ' ----- ,., . !.... w.i..inniett nm has nrooaDlv l ' ln -- I ... . ., T- .,. -. DM,mt. th .mediators lo receive mm. no I'VSSIMft'W .. Ho has been lawyer in .Mexico ur. iw ii., onment of from two to fifty days. CHURCHES PLAN i UNION PICNIC ARRANGEMENTS BEING MADE TO CHARTER A SPECLUi TRAIN TO RON TO CHTLOQCIN LATER IN JULY (ten should be so notlaed, so'taai tho I rooms can be caaceiiea on us ter. I Art Club Meets. , .A ! This evening the Art Club BMeta la - ? sV ' nl.o T.lhrnrv Plnh rnnma CI. P. Staw. ' '-'' p- . , , -, -. lt ; .. art will show stereopticon views or sv the famous paintings and sculpture of ' :-" . i.uuiu nuu riuiDuw. . ..,w- ' v. . ',- VH- Dowa From' H W. Oliver, a slaao tuaar. la here from Roseburg to spead the asaaiaiOQi,'..jgi In Klimith Onnntr. Ha ataraai4si'U ''?'.:;. to locate here peraaaaeatlr. via...Al.l tJi.. lul Ncrtlitit i uMuiiK'nTfiv it c Jmi -9 tln news lthlu the lnl few uas. ami n '" csiieelally In ' the revolutionists; and has probably L "? I1 I ,, I!: .", . ad. aupatsu- from .. WW " of J"-.''' "J 'LI a'fortune. He Is said to bo ark flags afo hung trtJtn all or.i" """";', '.... ... .ri.ij..iu Wilson would bo sausneu '".".. ... i..nMiiv. nd an ablo and vigorous man, who would hu..d.ng. .ro. It N Maa.r-l.-4in. . " -" ; , lll(l, y rumors and reports u no m,- r-'Vita:. Mexico without the blood- the MnrraU will U Held 'r ;- ; uawcoma from McMco, o'o' r ',": " .nlllleP- ... over the thirsty methods employed by Huerta. 10IU. "-; " "" , .:.;....;: ..,.... to ihotrcct Ual Villa lm rar .", ': ;- - .,dfred aulh0rlta. Of course, since both men are consti- proro. Inrlmllna many wo- WKirai v. " "I" .,",,, ' .,.-.,. .uunceil that (U-tieral AnBclca ias,or. ...... - ttulonalUU. Huerta will hardly agree have boil placed under arrwl. ! 'i,w. -"- " . ,,.. rcc0K,cd by him u provniona ,u. carramaUo accept them, nor will Carrania. authority M.ort lhal thoy havo tn; u.u. . m , nl T,w BellfM, w. remove , w - lneton anJ w recont. who uimself has an ambition to be- Mld.ure that tlila U ai.l '- - ;; T'"... ' ..vornl days ago from h, poa.uono., -"" ..Rllnremo chief." as, como president. ..lot on lli part of the "muni - -" '--;".," .ctlnc secretary of war by carrania.,., - ; ...nniii mem iiini m'run.p.j - - nr.iiAjr.vu, jiiih' w. , .i..,i.i. . much rioting by Austrian mobs this America,. ok. afternoon, and acor of Hervtan FAST HORSES Baby Drowned in Lake Little Italian Boy Falls From Back ot Launch AT THE TRACK Tho cotton boll weuvli costs mo cotton planters ,80.000.000 a Tho treo Insoct posts costs u.e ..."" , ...... ,,B cor. other locations .. r,n. Ami - .ir whllK IIIO KHUa- -.... .".- -- IlUtl.imu.vw.. a v. - ...-..e ih'i'"" nvrrv. viib.. iiwv.iv .. HenchliiK over tlm nll of his father's liiunch lo trull his liny hands In Hi.- waltra of Upper Klniitatli Lnkis Paul Kmarlc, ttgud a years und months, tho flou of Mr; und Mrs. Jot' Kerrnrlc, full Into Ilu. witter and was drowned Inui tilKlil. Tim lake Is In Iiir drnKgeil for thn body. Araimpanled by Itla .little-W und a small daughter, Kerrurln win ui torlns; ou tho lako Hunday ovettlnif. lis states that serornl times ho re proved the boy for wanting to piny In tha water I While on the way homo Ferrarle's launch ran alongside that of another Italian employed at ihlpplngton. and !ntt racaa hero, baa been brought In by C Snelltng of Yalnax. In addl 'tlon ho has tho Indian stallion "Cli max" and "Squaw Flat," n fleet brown mare. J Louis Qerber's fleet chestnut nib' '"Oorgo" will also make an appear ance. In addition mere wm u .-. fleet horses from Fort Klamath and i.ninn QnnriAv schnol excursion 'Guesta Front .. ni.ni t ,hA i.to.r ntan to be Mrs. Cbas. Murray aavt UU1 a ouu y-m- - - .-... , -- , .; talked by the churches of the city, tier are visiung asra. abbs w aarreu. Already arrangements for this are JMrs. Murray's sister. ,; being made. It is the Intention of those in charge to charter a special train to run to Chlloquln on a Sunday toward the middle of July. The whole day will be spent there. A one-way fare for the round trip, It Is believed, will be secured for the outing. P. E. Schwabe. In charge Of the l German Immigration work, cnaasstsd, j with the Oregon state lautlcratloa. commission, has been Inspecting tlie. Oregon coast country In company trtthf f -.-.: .i prospective coionisis, wou axe Mwaanw locations on low-pricea iogga- aw tfjH burned-over land. i'" m Find Corpse in Cabin i... ..... limn won. talking and not giving tholr entire attention to tho children. Tho occupant tu i" ,""l' boat looked hack In time tu set. u n..i.. .. !),,.. tiinitilo Into tlie wilier, .iiii.i. i'. .'" - , i tibntit 100 feet offshnro. iietweon ui. Long Mtlt.i and I'ollcuii City Plains, i...,r..i.. Hteltod. tho father of tho little fellow rati his launch Into shoro mid let his dttuKhK'f get uui uaiorf .... .......i ..,..!; r.ir the hoy. II)' that time ho hud K"ne down Mr tlm last til"1'' . . . i.i tn tho other launch trlod tn roach the little boy hofore It was too late, but boforo his boat couiu 0 brought around the child had gono to a watery grnve. . ni u'nrms. army wlro worms, loaf hoppers, ami other Insects cost tho nation annually more, millions than ran bo counted sepa rate! v. i Dr. Hornadny urges with all his grt ability hcKe ,-.---, li0rsc8 nt the Nina Catches Two. t WHEN ... ...... i..iivi nnnrn START at...., " -. The New ,Testawent contaln3 B MKin' 'write-up of a dinner party, at which i wi...j ..fltA mhanA tli n on t reft :miUl!lUUes iUttoiuu, "ww .. v ! i..l n in am nil flallP!) had horses, there consi.iu ; "-""";;- Mrs, In addition to :.. i r ,., Mnral.nll iTnuso did not Rodeo i ..... ...i.w .i.A n'ft . . .in.itn followers tho enactment aro niso iv -.-- - attempt a similar teai win. w - !. ! 1 V.? n, that will put a stop tolcrounda now. awaiting tho saddle Lma troul MUl Nna Noel caught at Ul ivi." "-" . ... ....!.' .... ..-Ill, lr,... n.....l, a.inilnv MlgS iSOBI. tho ruthlons killing or rounms, mi... .-r(lces to bo netu in vuuuevn . birds, doves, tho bobwiitto quaii aim Uu uUCKjllgi iiulldogglug and oiuer Insect-entltiK lmre u,,,', . :spo,.ta. ti,0 inrgeat string thus far la Uint ot lUuey Brothers of 'Swan Lake. t.,., ,ii tlrst tlmo slnco loganbnrry Tl0J. brought In twelve horses tor O....I.,.. PrW Sundnv. Miss roei, Harry Anglln and Harry Kirk spent most of tho day trying for trout, nut the two llttlo ones Miss Nina caught represented the day's effort. W Wadena WM cnlturo has hocomo a flxed Industry In tniCK venu. among tnembotagrto on,y , Wlllametlo Valley, tho fruit Is ,.TonBO KUl Hatol 1 loslo. The von J at cUs8 0( RuB. being RhlPPCd to tho kosi in .- Mighty" and Jn..,..B - mj. " l.ia wWch tormn 77 per cent ot the quantities. During the Benson at dM mo. t hey have , e ght horses , " foJ0Bt . least twotity-nvo cnrioiuiB .i or ciiatm mm ""' ""B" ' ; ...l...,n. 111 ClCBKO. HI. L.OU1B, I.IU- W am HI10OK U WUII "'. coin Neb.. Kansas City and uenver. fa,0us sprinter, "uick ttusner. .. iredy. Mr. Hawthorne has "Tulare Masrs.3srs: The United States supports 221,433 ..koj I.lkewlae. 150.000 saloons more than all the churches, hospi tals, colleges and high, schools com-blasd, That William Brltelnbach has been different times, but he could not ba wandering, demented, through the forests and hills for about three months, was the fact established to day, when C. A. Arnold, his f&rmer employer. Coroner Whltlock and Sheriff C. C. Low motored to the John Sparks tltnbenclalin to take charge of the body of a man found there Sunday by two men. The body was in a deserted cabin. Arnold at once recognised the Mirnsn as the remains of Brletenbsch. who was employed in his wood csmp. and who disappeared from there last March, after leaving a note to Arnold, stating that he was going 'away to die, and not to look for him. A search has been mad (or the man at I ...: tM found. ? ,. ,' vfir According to Whitlock, BrlUlaback '.' 'M' .- a.,... AtmA -titti aV sffV-n ' .". aM1 LB UfJCU uU IUVU. on sww-ae e p sai in this it la believed that be baa been '' .' ... .. ... . - .w- viii- !. k- , I; -iti disappeared, finally dying ros, atarV- tA 3: atlon and sxkausUon. 'ArnaM;--'; S i.... it... nrimlh ' la -p. ,.,,?",.' T,v"r"rizrzLzrtZ',wmi ue wooo cup w- ,-,. ybpj:tg nrovisiODS. - ... J , tvr& . .. t.. - .fc. -' ..w 1 ' officials found a eaarg o:,4ffasii.; What hautondsd to use tMg-MBBjw mystery,' . . ,-.,,.. ?J-tJ m At tnaf Uata ArMM' lowg'nats nt-fntii hs-''abiasarsa 'ti hsl'-1"''' com out to tk oajM U Wtag VmWit towa and' hare ktsa inisihiit so . - his saaRy, Ho had boon atsnt Off; Til W ly attkattlnta r x ' (- ,vH; -, '.' .--A.A $frrffrA r ,tK'?"pw'w,'Tw-A4iJ' lBWHB-WWPWOi0 -mi- f zjf -as"r , ;. .jKJiq tS-..