.'. a s 1 0 ic PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Eh WW P" WW iW'iWJWWWMiminLir i -a i:iahiii Vmi No. u.ioi ' "3EP- ' T-T -f x -v ituntng itenitfi KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWIPAPBK t - srrz KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1914 Mm,! JOHNSON BEATS MORAN IN THE 19TH i "WH00P0PR0DE0 FLEEING TROOPS SPEAKER CLARKE NEXT WEEK," THE LEAVE WOUNDED SAYS WOMEN TO " AWWVWVWWWWVVWWMMWV BIG SLOGAN NOW1 niun hit vorn iiiu matt-, ha mi HIT ItUXTlXH i'i:ii:iim imhiuim. i uis i, n:ir.s iti: ahamiomnu i:Vi:ilVTHI.N(J THAT WIM, IM. BALLOT BY1 917' Did He Frame It With the Black? fFAKE!" IS THE CRY HEARD AS I THE TWO HEAVIES INDULGE IN aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan aj i Mem: I'l.-iiiniss ritr-si:v.i:i to united rt Sctk II) WrarUig H""!" k Cloilia, !(-, j,'i.'. f doi Hal lUntta nr Million., and li) MirU air Hip rfrtl Dial the fnlif .... ., '! t-i lillu Akiid I'nllriilr kiT ling II.Im llntiw' " " lll Hurt Mug to Ourtrlnlo. IliU U Willi Hi" lt"lr 'mIui, KImimIIi n imtiiMl rilliinliiii, mid It I. line Fall. IV...lr ,r I'mwl (.. Vh..'"' ,,,n "-rtl.. "Ill iimke llirlr Ul mint. Tr l'i lr Fslr" J..r 27 Torrnui, rr.!,l'-"''' "" "'" """ ' '') inti Hi Hun tln Win lit furSU 'I hull. wtinl Vimix, unit Hut Visile a .Vle ! Ill fviillll' 'lllllK l'l1lllllt- III V'llfC. fur Siirtraitr When llio lsiie I. I'i In MU-niiii. I'llllri Prtt Hervlcv '.ACATKCAH. June WASHINGTON. I C, fti'imto unit house J ii nit 27. j today were . . I Mi ' 'I'l'! IW"'' ! k HIMII' fill" R-UV M1U ItUHRt; IVUHJ V 13 mto that lim wim annual lUn frUflr6, uoo, ,,. abandoning the- rrtlplinl of sown 300 petitions.. Mh. In jifrii-. rilJr. Hal. l(rr m,nirj , dt-nifnylng u- from thirty-eight Mate, ami signed ( itfunda). pp ami ammunition by mote limn a hundred thoun.iml nu fiirettiirn that dut- Tlio VHIuint. rommnmliil t Ci-n- tlllirtin of bolli (-. iti-nitiiulliiK mo- lliir tl). ilirfp t lw a r,h' I'h- Agiilrrr. Ilnmrldpii anil nmn luRrncv. ( i 1 1 I i ""' Mntlrto arn In t lime uriil( Vci I'mtlilrni Murvhnll for iln f Wr.iPin M'i li"W " ,prvM, villa, wlin u liren forrrt uri mut iwVor Clmmji Clark for ruint 10 imii", IU IhicUIiik i tatiK i0r,i iln uiiiih i, iioiitn. tt-fWiil ihf ii'-ii'ttiiilon nrf.' All rr SUllirrtl 0f- Atlicmc Hip otllCrrii ptpflilrd li Uip 111.1111111: Um l-lllll)llH, which a um all urf Ui WrM, V,irniu rM a IJpnrnl Antonio lnsdid l) lr Anna Shaw, Jam Ad i fnnn Tp. trar ,,Ira ,t, rmiiia,,.d oiipnf tlicill!- damn, ami mIht of national prowl1 far i.iiJ Iirar, ,H'"-iom iindiT l.rttrral llarrnu ih-ikp. WASHINGTON WAGE LAW IS EFFECTIVE irrrvalliui. and rci-pft Itlrk, rlilPln, bulilirr Bint ulliT iTtli'tiU'l- (atuip Hid It lli )iiur Mirmiifj, Hie (art' that In addlllon lo Hip wild uliJ hi) luO, thrm will ln a ratltlltK bA.oliall (atn viy (nrriUMilt? Alu, llip (act thai KflJay Ihrrr lll ! a bit Url iti)o In 1 1 morning; AUo that iIip, itmrni un Main lrrpi lll ln run-, rrlrd Into a .lalirr hall KrUar anJ f WOM,:v ;M..0vi:i MKIS ,alurJar ulattil. and Irro tuu.lr wilt, txi furnUhrtl? I.lkonl.o Hip fart thai l,rtr will lp dally hallouu a(-pnltili. !rl. wlr ,icr(iiniiaiirr ami uthpr luuu (alort; Now, If Jim crt all llir.c Itillld In mind, Uit't It (uh! Idea lo pI out Add nhtMU t llltln bit; Tlil la a rr( llar Vrlrru Juhllrc, anil thn prnpor iIiIiik to do l to "wlKMip 'rr iii" In bUlno Wratcrn Uthlon, and thn rk romlbK li" oppii dpulcuatixl (or Inat imrfKM. Klatsilh bu a chow that U .ccoml to lionp, aitd It U Up to llio pvoplo to dorr up Intwrp-l. Thr fi Hoil nal band, Itodeo handkrrcblofn. Ho. lto builoua, mid many oilit-r kixji! novclllm. Ilpldi, ilipro ar (iu .itrlitlr dpcoratnra In Klaiualh r'alln, mid Iota of bunting to tin hail ami thn color ars I'urplp ami WIiIIp. Mrrt. (or lUMvo. Mr. Krancla It. Oldi, who haa brvti irilliliiK rUtlvi In Hacraiiifiitu, la Ham (or lli Hodo, In riH-ol.lllK Uip ilrlrKatlon Sppakrr1 CbrL ulU: Woiiiiii Mill !' vollni; In 1 U 1 7 In iry latr of thi t'ntnn (or national onupm riunriii;o l an Inevitable un tln rinlnif nn. I Iiojhi ou will ton Hiimi' In thn ltreM-ul pi-atflul vw to' atlalii our ciuU If llnj i)UihiIou f COUlra tip III MlMOiiri. I will support It. For ulx lliminancl )far tho men t lmo bipii trylliK to run Hie world. i-tvrtll- lHTllllSIIUrTH IN 4...I .(mi,, think I.um. made a m. IA.NTII.1. IJi.tlM.IMI.ill.AI 'i,., , ,.. , .rln I luuu. oll THATSrATi:.Mt'NTMi:illUrri:il!wn improve tho conJIUon ol th. tlirr AT lMsr l l':it Wtll.K litimmi ram." On TiU'Mlay the nutTrwlUii ftlll uinrtli to I ho Wlilto lloiiso to Klltlou United l'r Sortie l'r.Ulrnt Wllmm (or coimldpratlon OUVMIMA. WaMi.. Juno S;.-i:(.jof Uip Monili-I wnmiliifiit iH-fort-con-. (rctho toJay, 110 will bo iho legal j e ailjouriip. minimum wpkly bkp o( ulrU ovi-r! - IS Kara of agw and women employed' In Waahlimtoii nierianlllo c'tablUh-J uieut. umlor au order Uued b tb luduatrlal McKam chiiiiiiImIoii ThU nur naa dcciiloii ou alter liliineroua ronlereiifea between em pin) em, piuplojea and roprwieulath. ul thn public, nl which .xlmullM ! tliuoujr vtaa Klven by woiueu ahowltiK hal It com to provldo th.-niHi'lVeit mnit I'llillTIUtS rArlll-vs IAJ.- With food, emtio nun Biieimr. Tho Inilimtrlal wvKaro roniinUiloit wa created by tho ulato leKllture ' lout year WIN IN 12-JACK --IN 15 -MORAN niU.XCK IX TIIK OUTCOMK THIS MOHXIXO I'ltO.MOTKHS IIAVi: 80,000 IIUUSK III IS IS IMV misMW-L .a3aBiiM WKmmPmmM HV " SiBaaaaaaV "nSfilR Baai bbbbbbI'O f 'JaBBaH WnH BBBBBBBb.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHa"" 'vViiBBBBBBBBBl-SlH BBBBBbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTVirnr' " " jIHlBBBBBBBBBBV"T(irf?t ffLUBL- ''MbIbbbbbIisP. bbbbbbI PB bbbbbbT tiXH M IbbbbbbbI ' mm f mm &' SOME HARMLESS SPARRING WORK C! SKVKIUI. OK THK OPKXIXO HOUNDS SMACKED OK ItKAli FIGHTIXO Aflcr Tlint, Thougli, the Tm-o I'arhj tlcinoi Hcgati to I'ulT and Slow Up, mill They Derolcd Tlieli Fighting Time tu HuuglnK on In the Clinches. Ilf-rcife Givi-s Joliuou the l)-cllon on 1'olnti.. Cy Spoclal Cable from I'arls, via San! Francisco) I'ARIS, July 27. Were prlteflKht tun of the world tho victims of a gi gantic swindle tonight; This Is the question being asked as tho result of the Jack Johnson-Frank Koran heavy- j weight battle tonight. And the (ans I say "frame-up." 1 Tho decision was given Johnson in tho nineteenth round of an almost list lists fight. The referee said ho won on points, thus retaining his title. Neither man did much real effective work, but Johnson's boxing was the classier. A few of the opening rounds were fast "and furious, and it looked as though the end would como soon. A slowing up came, though, for the mo- rushed Into clinch wbMMrcr k could. Moron's round. Seventh Rowd. r In this frame the black kept kU stomach better protected. He laiiedj C1 one that caused Moraa's aoee to eantrtj blood again. There wa stuck cliacn- iug. Even round. Eighth Kooad. t In this round Johnson betas.' tir show the effecta of hla four years otp " dissipation, and to tire. Moras kit him repeatedly, and JohBson gave no 'Z,1 return until near the end of the round, when he landed three flrce uppercuts. Moran reeled slightly, aad; sparred carefully the real of tne, the round. Even round. Ninth Round. , Sweeping swings in this round gave' way to much Infighting. Johnson was puffing bard at the close. Evea round. Tenth Hound. ; "S Johnson took the lead In 'the start of this round, and Moras becaa to tire. The white man's face was badly bruised as a result of Johnson's ckop-5 ping blows. Johnson's round. Elevealh Hound. "' Moran acted more MksToaa kysao-i 'tlzed than like a fighter In thU rouad. Johnson hammered but face eoastaat ly, but he did not Johnson's round. Twelfth Round. seem troubled. nt.K MOHAN OF IMTTSlU'ItG, WHOM Till: I'ARIS FANS TO SI.KI) l'l AS A I'ARTV TO A KII,0(HI lMtlKI'ICHT FRAMK-Ul". Seaildo will lm' day shingle milt. a 200,000 per TORLOCK FLOOD 50,000 March Chicafo Sees Monster Sunday School Celebration ClllCAdO, Juno 27. -Wnvliih' Pn iiuulH and ImnnorM bearing Hit key note plirusu of thn convention, "Jesus Hlinll Helgn," thousunda of men gath vted In Mlililguii nvi'imo (or tho pn rmle this afteruooit thai was (ho sih-c'-imiilnr feulurea of the fourteimth In triintlonal Humluy Hchool eonvoiitloii, liolillug a wmk'H Kenslous herti. IMwoeit 40,000 mid 50,000 men, It wus estluittted, wen- In lino when llio parade moved. An escort of mounted police led tho way, and behind them came 1,000 miirchltig delegates, given Ike place of honor, soveral ihousnnd marchers from Illinois, Northern In iHaaa and Southern Wisconsin Bun day schools, and big delegations front nearly every Hunduy school In Cook county. ICach of tits larger delegation! wai provided with a fcaad. Thn piinulfl wiiN planned n u KlKan tic diinionstriitlou lo Iiiipiohh upon thn men of Chicago tho (not tlmt more 1....1 h oou.OOO men tiro unending umi.iav uptiool In North America. The convention IobiIom dwlnrod It would bo tho greutest panido In tho nimoij of their orKftnUalloii. Ilrlef coiiferencos of colieiiuim groups iro held thin forenoon, hut Hillvllli'H wero Hiispomlpd this niter nmiii whllo Iho Sunday school dole KntMi sought llnron In Um crowds tlmt tnaswHl along tho lino of march. In Medlnah temple, where tho main HOHHlons of the convention nro bolng held, u hlslorlcnl pageant will bo glv .... i.iiiiit. twenty-soveu Sunday till ,w. .." ' , Whoolt from Cook county taking part. A number of deuotninationni mni wiJI be held at the samo time In other parts of the city. United l'r Service I'ARIS. Juno 27.--Johns.nn this 'morning I tho favorite, a to I. In the butting. , Tho big negro claims to weigh 210, 1 bui looks heu ler Moran claims that I hu tips the scales ut 20S. Ho lookH about IS pounds lighter. It Is predicted that the promoters will tuko III SoO.UOO before tho luiue. The dingo Is guaranteed ISB.uOO. win or low, but It Is belltod that ho Is tho real promotor of tho bout, utm, will got about 160,000. (icorgo Cnrpentler, tho European luiMiywelglit champion, IU bo the ivforre. Ho Is nn Inexperienced mini jmiin, nml lo "t Kronchmen, Is ev- cltiiblo, and may loao his head. 1 Tnnlelit I will not tho chanco that I hnvo sought for yoars," suld Moran this morning. "1 " tlio beat pos slhlo trim, and boforo tho fifteenth nuiiiil I'll K't oor u right tlmt win bo worth n million to mo. 11 .un rwillr tho llrst big man that Johnson has fought since ho whipped Jeffries. I will ntti'iid mass tomorrow nt tho Church of Ht. Madeline as tho world's champion." suld Johnson this merning: "I am down to wolght, and I never felt hel ler. I haye my old punch, and nave ..m rnrirotton how lo box. The reli able old upporcut Is still there, and It will land about tho twomn rounu That will be all." DAVIS TROPHY A VAST REGION' PRELIMS START ! lll!NI)Ri:i) THOUSANDS ACRKS OKkir.ST OF TUB TRYOUTS IS OX TO lioth men took this round aa s sort; tlon picture men or for some other of a rest up, and "Oddied la aaostt reason, and from that tlmo on it was j of tho time, exchanging light taps, iai - . . . I . . . . .J - W.aftl.A mA$ more in tne nature 01 two cuu oears.wnicn jonnson uau mw . at play. First Round. After shaking hands at the com- the nature of two cub bears, which Johnson bad : vantage. Thirteenth Roaad. AI.KAI.FA IS THRKATKXUD, AS TIIKRK W1LI, UK NO WATF.lt TO IHRKlATi: DKTKIt-MI.Vi: WHO SHALL DF KBXl) TUB TBXXIS CHA.MKIOX SHIP TITLB mand of Referee George Carpentler, the two indulged In very light spar ring, and tapped each other lightly. Neither was damaged. Kven round. Second Hound. Johnson lauded an uppercut at the beginning of the round, after which both men indulged lu fast sparring. Moran hit Johnson on the ear. Even round. Third Round. The fighters mostly sparred In this round, seeking openings. Moran landed on Johnson's stomach. Even round. Fourth Round. After a fuw light Interchanges, the big black landed on the Penusylva ulan's nose, drawing blood. John son's round. Fifth Round. Moran found Johnson's stomach frequently In this round, and hit It with telling effect. Johnson was dis tressed, but he rocked Moran's head a few times. Moran's round. Sixth Hound. In this round Moran kept up his battering of the burly black's stom ach. Johnson held on repeatedly, and Repeated light punckes were ex-j changed, in which Johnson's sparring; was a shade the showier. Fourteenth Roaad ' Johnson forced the Banting after! there had been some sparring. Tke! black landed freely, aad Moras laawM ed a few .blows. Johnson's round. J Fifteenth RonaA j Moran made repeated rushes at kls black opponent is this roaad, saar which were rotr dmsagtsg. as Jata - son sidestepped and sent Is. coaster nN lAknenn's 4tlltri . WailUfa. rfwuiuws a vuaw.i -y a Sixteenth Roaad. i ThU round was a little medley of( sparring, cllnchlnr "and yery' few, blows landed. The American fast is. the house shouted "Aw", gofos aid fight." Rumors of iU belag a'isA light were also revived. Eves roasd Seventeenth Rouad. i a lltilsi' Constant clinching and very, ugllllUR. m ma. - , Eighteenth Roaad. " j This was merely a very tame wrest- llnir match, with the honors avast "Boobs" was the cry most board from the spectators. ' "If Nineteenth Roaad.; '- ? y& Johnson wins on points. 3 r lilted Press Service HICKMAN, Calif., Juno 27. The 'i'urlock reservoir broke toduy Hooded an Immense area, It Is estl- ,ucnl Qt ti,u National Lawn Tennis As-! Relief Pours to i United Press Service 1 '1 ar, i.uuis. juuo ji. me ueuiruii aud hui chumnloushlo tennis tourna-l mated tlmt tho crops', canals and lat ernls were Immensely diimaged 11s a result. Witter for Irrigation will not bo iivtillublo nil of July. More than 100,000 acres of alfalfa mny spoil as a result. The siillluii)s Iiuyo boon opened, ami tho overllnw of tho river haa been turned Into tlio Tuolunm Itlver, .fiAlit lli.l. r..ikAil (!.. ImlflV on Ti'IiiIa ' A courts III Forest Park. Winners will go to the national all-1 comers' tourney for the national title at Newport, August 24. Tho Newport matches will decide who Is to ropreseut tho United States In tho Davis cup competitions against other nations. Park Commissioner Uwlght L. Da vis, douor of tho cup. expects to enter tho tournament. r J olmm San Francisco Among First Cities toCoririile Trubhplle Ftro, Tho lire department was called out v.i... today In answer to an alarm directing s'",rt U,,,U' , f tM them to Seventh street, near the Ca- Kdward J. Murray left thla morn dlllno garage, where a blaxe had galn-(lng for Woed to make arrangemenU ,i fi0n, hMdway In an old mattress. (or the shipment of sand from his pit and some other trash, and was threat ening a barn. Tho blaxo was quickly extinguished. at Hoey (or the new city ball. He has beou awarded the contract (or furnishing the necessary sand, etc. SALEM, Mass., June 27. With tho smoking ruins of halt tho city coollug, tho work of seeking for the dead haa been started. So far only six have been reported as dead, but the search ers fear that othors will bo found In the ruins. The relief work Is proceeding nice ly under tho direction of Governor Walsh. The Red Cross baa estab lished hospitals, the Salvation Army has charge of tho bread lines, and dis tributing centers for supplies have been arranged. The atato and nation baa come gen- 1 erously to the aid of tho suBerers. HoHton yesterday raised U,. ao-i sides tons of provisions. Has !- " cica was one of the first aHtaoj'to v H f tbo come to tbo aid of this strMkea'4iT trlct. ' -$ Old Puritan Salem, which U thought would bo swept Vat hr tbo tire, Is "unscathed. Tbo Naumkeg 2.000 people, sustalsod a loasal S3.500.000. U UI mediately. Tbo aXaadart..,WMWr mtuM. astlBaataa tao aa 'aaalaaas H .4 ..a iMMI " ' .V'? , .,.?r, fj vjiyis,V a' f .'t .W? tateod a Joa;ol,;'' ' lllho tmlt$l-i. mm',-. ,,jm w .-. I,,- '"'aasaBBBaTi m i 41 " 1 1 M ni 1 ii t" i .fit A I M r-.; w I . M ;' t& m f, i.aat-. rTO1 M: maaaaQ , . ti -lafeasa 1 T 4r SbbbbbbbbbH dtHaaaaaaaVsl lV '. ' - daaaaal ' t f -. I JaaaaaaKl " r aaaaaaaaaaaa jmwaitorntor$XZJmm .awreu "c " - !.vei,t."-si