lit I DAY, JUNK SMI, I It 1 1 THE EVRN1N0 HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAObV Veal Demand Gets Attempt to Assassinate Czar's Family Bigger Each Year I'liltrd I'mo Horvlrn WAHHINUTON. II Jim 20 flit .Innaiid for veal has lnrwiil rapidly, '' H"1 ""' M "'" uM'lil Mtf rilv lailKlltrlr.l bill (lliH)i- ami of I""1' ''I'" n" w"ll. ll,lt" rait Mill "" "' tor r,"ln ,s ,0 I'3 t.tirll tilitx '" I'1"'" months (ill) " Tlili tjuolntloii (mm I Iim lain.1 rarmet HiilUllii l' Hi" I'liliiui HinM iltirtmuiil of egriruliui.. rorau thai tint tlm lrtnr h tin limit") rliti fr'd, ( I imunllr mum (.riitluM" I" nmrkl t)i lnir r dual lilirjllr." lv. llilill III illtl.l I iiilun iIikiii mti ii 11,11111, .mm. f t,, 111 I Kill III It III. fin. (I all i in Wlill" tlio iiiimbiji of calllo Ini ili ttnnmil. I In. iliiuinijil for uu-at !n naturally crriMn until urn nut liovi I ho i(iuru nearly roatml. Inn Hie imrkittn, ilml tlm) may pr.nlit" . t,i,M r lluxil Hid how biiylliK iniiii) . nllli. that wurn riinnctly fnl Tin- tntm.r. wliu liiniinrly bought htmlr nm i i-t ratili' as (imliirn htun irtn romp-Hi d ' psy lilglmr irlf" fur surd mm. (r ,i tnhfi tlilnnrr Hiiiumle NO RUN, NO HII GAME IN DOUGLAS YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE RESULTS iioriKiiiiHi t'A. m:i: iiami: in WIIM'II ON'I.V -Vi:ST.i:HJIir Hsu I'rAncUcJt luvrinw v,tx Titiuit pitch, h'?1';'' i:it. i:i)iu: nmi, it it i l Anei'lM III i Portland I llur.lii't dint tlrrxtkn Krnn n rut (VmilKaii It II V t ,, .. ,, , . Iltocram.nto r lh fll ilwt lr hr thirty- )Aj,i., ,. ..... I h 2 6 o o i iiin'iu nnu nciiinnu; inn mm hum. it. h. i: ...... 3 3 I S 9 2' Ate yrt or loner . bball W.f Kri-mr ami llannali; I'much and lory, i'liufc lief flrnt no-hlt, Alexander. nruii em HumUy, mIipji tho lotsl' ' team. Willi IMille ftu.h pUrlilng.' Marrlacm lv Inrreaird IS tr . titlml r,m of (Hmda!. and jr"" '""' "'" '" "' """'"" Piddlo l-u oh tho Nut 1 1. Htiln croMitUd Probably 3,000,000 of the (irafn Out, m, rir uu-r ll liu.l.l""1"' 1'"1""1 "" "r" "-' in nine llllllllE. Hn llnnirn, tltf " rlcrt .Uyr f.n il.o Wlilue immi.j rw It U mil t,.ro nro l.ioci. t.ttlnfi m Hi fmi f iht It.i. Wlihi"1"" fmlllM lllt only mr chll.t mc). lo mm out In tlit tlilnl Innlne, ob"! i of lloh' fl lnliooU nirucV llan-j Thrfn am ovrr T.000,000 ft-mali m on ilt arm, waUltic lilm tu ilrm.,1 rMdwIimfru In tlip CiiIlhI Ktatn. i llntiM-ii t)lo r-i.inl, dm idi. nct rr-r 'TTrT7... gr7T5Y:-y::vr-yBg-;-ai FORT HAS FAST TEAM FOR GAME hTAIt 11.1 Mi 1'I.AVKILS I'HOM XKAIt and I'Ait aui: o,vrm:iti:it to iu:i'iii:si:nt tut. vooi uivku Mimtoi'OM.s m:iti: huxdav Viewed from every dip, curve antl anclo Sunday' ball game at Modoc!"'" lraPfoeraont. .1'nrk It hound to be a hummer. Hero ccrtalncd and dteralM4 th tlonato sbnre for which ch lot of lot, block and acre Bf9 shall bo liable for th laprortawit of KlghtU itroot, from Mala to High itreot, High street from KlfthMi to .Ninth itreet, Ninth street froa High to l'roapcct street, Prospect afreet from Ninth to Upham street, Uykaa street from Prospect to White aveaue, Wblto avenue from Upham to DeU street, nnd having on tho 8th day of June, 1D14, (lied In tho office of tho Pollco Judge of said city a etatemeat thereof, which said atatemeat la known and designated as the "PRO POSED ASSESSMENT IIOLL" for n tho way it shapes) up: Kort Klaamth lias gathered togeth er an aggregation of ball players with tho expectation of winning tho $2G0 pursp to be pi ay id for during tho Fort NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that said Common Council did by resolu tion fix Monday, the 29th day of June, 1914 said dato being a date apoa which a regular meeting of said coaa cll wilt be held as the time for hear- Klamath celebration. Walter Dixon, i Ins and determining all objectlosa to 'the manager of the re-organlzed team, jsuch assessment, and having heard must win Sunday's gamo In order to and determined such objections, If Instill the proper amount of confi dence In players and supporters. On the other hand. Manager Duhl cannot nfford to let Port Klamath get away with anything at this particu lar time, for a defeat Sunday would 'bavo a decided bearing on the gato receipts for tlif big games the fourth and fifth. ' Neither team can afford to lose, therefore the fans may expect to see cne of the fastest games of the season. OBmmiWfl'B''T'irJZr I'mhii I. fl t ilul'l (uniiil HiKl.r Anusliuli, (imiul Diufio-, Olg.i, Craml DiicIu-m. Tatjnna, G'miul I)uUhs Muilc Iloltom -CVAit'tlUli. Another AttvlllM to kill Crnr XICllO- track ixnluik-d beuuatlt It. Ilia czar's ror. coll.-inscr nllrrtr lu.n ihr. Irn. I of Ittimln and all hlx family has tra'11 WBS u1 J(i- T'' train jfd how near she and her family had jjut tuin made. i family -ri r. lurnl mer ciinrli of llinimniilu a I Kuctrndjo Ktnckholdrrs Slcctlnc Notice Is hereby ghen that a special nuc-tlng of the stockholders of the I. Itllo Klamath Water Ditch company will be held at Us office. 207 Odd Fellows' building, In Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Saturday, July 11, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of acting upon tho question ahead was wrecked. After the cxDlo-Ibien to death. Efforts to dlncoicr thn ' .. .. .r The exur and hi , .. ,. lraln , ,U)Id w.,1. p.,prtto of tho plot are Ia0IE ntamath "palVs, Oregon, ling to their sum- rel mimIco men and Coxsacks from made with greatest secrecy. It is be- th,s 2-lh d of j 1314 a MU to KlnB;lh0 ro)"1 t.ral"8 '"1 t,)r0UKU Ule Uwoa lhat J'1 Sffllals were con- " LESUE UOOERS. Secretary. 1 Html dl.lii Imil lr tiM 1... .... r. nl au. k,. .t a. 1. i L. I tialurn from luuiurjHiuc ioukuik jor mo porpcirai ctrncua as 1110 plans 01 ino cxar were 11 Tu ii f tll nilt mi'O Thn unt-ili u tic lmtitil ni thr Ino iamam mm. I li train A n-rlal went ahead at! Kunili n.uit. The cxirlna, who has 'route taken entirely different from tho lirutiYttuti A Imiiib placed ou tli(lnfii In n constant nightmare of tcr-one originally planned. any there bo, said Common Couacll will on said date proceed to assesa the proportionate share and part of the cost of such improvement ia accord ance with tho benefit accrued apoa each lot, part of lot, block or acreage property. Each and every owaer of property liable for the cost of Back Improvement is hereby referred to kuch assessment roll on file la tka office of the Pollco Judge for detailed information. The boundaries wihtla which tka property lies that Is benefitted and la to be assessed for the cost of aald Im provement, is all that property trims adjacent to the said streets aa far aa improved, and extending hack from the side lines of said street to tka centers of the respective blocks lylag adjacent to said streets so far aa Im proved. Witness my hand and the seal of' said city tbls 16th day of Jnne, 1914. A. L. LEAV1TT, Police Judge of Said City. 16-31 h Utirr fiirrd Aftr tl.i nui a vl nor rrlir tltnl - Itim-lnifr. Itrtlow. Th hr i:illi t t.0 atrli In n ,,V Vork flty h wr rirl mi.t om'n studying nlckrl iAt" ('Ii.s.miI olid lrt rrj DdiikIuk rouiil) will flnUh ptanklUK lul nut At Mrllnllaru Hip lunl imr Caintm mouiitalii. Grandma Never Let Her Hair Turn Gray KI.PV llllll LOCKS DARK, THICK, gray hair disappears, and, after aa- The force of laborers has been oilier application or two, your hair) doubled on tho Hill terminals at become beautifully darkened, glossy FlaTel. and luxuriant. You will also discover ! dandruff i gone and hair has stop'ped The Lane county hop crop this falling. 'rcar will bo $350,000. (5ra), faded hair, though no dis- Start a Savings Account Now mmmW C i K ilcln to save now by depos iting ovory extra dollar with tin. add to It. allow the luterctt wo pay (I pnr cm compounded tnl i'crj six iiuiiiths) to remain and old ate will not find you hmnolpt nnd forlorn FIRST STATE M2 SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH KALLS. OREGON i cuhsv, with .sari: Tia axi) Rrau. Is n g!En of 0d ag0 Md M we ,rr us )0 youK Hl ,',,,u'lt lall desire a youthful nppearancc, getlt(l)KO DECORATIXn " " ' I ttilt Mf AtlCA s llt We. aMi C MM.t wMy wasw " st m;viub uufac uuu ' Wli.n you darken your hair with 'sulphur, and look ) cars younger. ,8.11:0 Tea and Sulphur no uno can tell, t bccauo It's done so naturally, so -9 sw Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Klamath County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, having been duly appoint ed by order of the county court of Klamath county, Oregon, administrat or of the estate of Eliza M. Qulmby, deceased, halng qualified as such ad ministrator, all persons having claims against said deceased of whatsoever name or nature is hereby directed and required to present said claim duly NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the city treasury for tka redemption of all Sixth street war rants protested to date. Interest will cease from date hereof. Dated at Klamath Falls. Ore., tkla 2t0h day of June, 1914. J. W. SIEMENS, 20-10t City Treasurer. I Paid Advertisement) 'oculy. Prupnrlng this mlxturo at homo, though, is musay and trouble- lhi I We build and decorate floats. Fancy and original designs for win-' rjae,i as Dy iaw required, within six (months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice to said admln- !dows, fronts, poles, etc. Hubbard, Free- & Tern HUger ISuildcni r.i.iS Decorators otne. For CO ccuts you can buy at -aj, an) drug storo the rcady-to-use tonic j 30t called V)utli' Sago and Sulphur Hair Itiitiunly ' You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through )our hmr taking one small Hlrarid at a time Dy morning all new Pauamn-l'aclnc souenlr! it's n curso Tor- tho money, 1 ,'aVo ordcrs at Palm c,Bar Sl0re At Mcllattans. I Phono 170. 25-5t IMJX J. ZUMWAI.T. Prr.. K. M. IIUIIII, Vlrt. Prt-. aad Trcas. lir.UT K. WITHIIOW, rWrrtary Surveyors and Irrigation EnRineera Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING MAI'H, lM.NN, III.Ui:iIU.NTN. Kr. KI.AMATII KAI.IJH. OUHOON dUNE WEDDINGS jams1 gb -si mmv-jt .JL N.('JMll't i .1 nlwlm irTr mw immw v vmm if jm& h 'J3 1BK 4 -gMif .. . .". . ... ... ....... i.i..untit rt'lntlonx wllli many V our cMomer. bK . c,rU.;, i... ..J Tlio llrst thing 11.0 brlil alioulil Iwurn la that Q. ll ' h a an by far ll.o cliraimit and brat aaauranr.. r . "K- ;;'" ' ' l m hoint.." Hlart liuuarkvriiluii WM by hi.yluK )' '"" ""I'l'l" VAN RIPER BROS. tiayrmsMrqa)jB w1 EafiSal Take your home for instance. Of com? you w oultl like jiiclun-s of Hint, insitlo mul out. Then Mop into Mirtorunnl kl us show )u how ciisily)ou cm make nil tho "piehuvs urn wnnt of oNuiylhing miu caru ubout, with a P rem No previous cxericnco it utcevuiiy, Thteivre the tintple.t of nil e.ttn erns to load wntl tiiH-rale and nie remiu-luihly lijjlit, eoiupaet and elli cient. Prices, from SI. 50 up. Ketything for pholoj' inpltj'nud wo do prompt doM'loping.iiulpiinliiig. Underwood Pharmacy INVESTORS' NOTICE " Ml'sT Si:i,I, as whole or in Mitall lots for c.i-li, ni) iHTxinal ImlilliiKs of IK slmix (par .iltio 100) of giuirantciM cumulathc preferred stock in nit e-tablUhcil, high clas llourUhlng Portland bithlnot house, ) killing ti giiamntitnl :IH l-'r cent scml-Jinnual ditl ilt ml; also -(! sliait (par value $100) prvferic-d stock of haine ihar inter. ) killing V! jier tout quartet ly, or 8 per cent ler nnnuin dii ilend. Hotter than hunk Mocks. Adilrev. or rail on II. 1 l'KKXCH, Hold Xortouta, Portland, Oregoa. latrator for allowance and approval. Said claim to be filed with E. L. Elliott, attorney for said estate, at 212 Wllllts building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, that being the place for the transaction of the business of said es tate. First publication of this notice 'dated the Cth day of June, 1914. I J. W. JORY, Administrator, i E. L. ELLIOTT. Attorney. ! 6-13-20-27-4 h wm I ill nil III fnSSS- WHITE BREAD Sponge Method Tr) the following reclpo preparcil by 1'rofcj.i.or Joseph Becker, the world's greatest chef. . Professor .llt-cXer ttnule a careful test of C'KATKR liAKK Flour for us. anil wo gtumtnteo results If his illieillons for Its use are follewed: Ono calco Flelschmann'a yeast, Ha quarts lukewarm water, 2 tablespoonfuls lard or butter, 1 tablespoon salt, AMi quarts sifted Crater Lake flour, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar. Dissolo tho jeast and sugar In ono quart of tho lukewarm wator, and add to It 1 quarts of rifted Crater Lake Hour, or sutllclent to make an ordinary sponge, llent well. Cover and set aside to rise for about l1, hours In a warm place. When well risen ndd to It tho plut of lukewarm water, lard or butter, the roumludor of tho Hour, or enough to make a moder ately firm dough, and lastly, tho Bait. Knead thoroughly, place In groaned bowl. Cocr nud let riso for from 1 Va to 2 hours. Wheu light, mould Into loaves and placo In well greabod baking pans, cover and lot rlsu again for about an hour. When light, bake 40 to GO minutes, reducing tho heat of tho oven after first 10 minutes. This luclpe makes four largo loaves. Tho whole procoss takes from G& to G houis, ami If followed closely, will produco excellent results. Klamath Falls Flour Mills 'CltATKIl LAKH 1JUAXM" Summons (Equity Xo.GSS. Register 4, p.186) In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, in and for the County , of Klamath. John A. Myers. Plaintiff; I vs. Mary E. Meyers, Defendant. To Mary E. Meyers, Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint of plain tiff filed In this suit against you on or before the Sth day of July, 1914. that being the date set in the order of the above entitled court for your ap pearanco and answor in the order for publication of summons, issued in this suit; and, if you fall to so ap pear and answer, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in his said complaint, vis.: For a decree dissolving the bonds of mat rimony heretofore and now existing betwoen plaintiff and defendant, and for plalntlC's costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published In the Evening Herald, a doily newspaper, printed and published and of general circulation In tbe city of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath and state of j Oregon, under and by virtue or. nn oidor of the Honorable Henry L. Ben son, Judge of tho circuit court of the stato of Oregon In and for tho county of Klamath, made and entered on the 19th day of May, 1914, the first pub lication under said order, to be on tho 2Cth day of May, 1914, and the last publication to bo on the 7th day of July, 1914, being for six consecu tive and successive weeks. B. L. ELLIOTT, Attorney for Plaintiff. 211-4 Wllllts Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon 26-2-9-10-23-30-7 h Street Improvement Notice Xotlce of Filing of the Proposed As sessiucat Hole ' The Common Council of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, having aa- Street Work InvluUoa to SakaUc Prnaoaala Pursuant to an ordlaaae duly passed and adopted by tka Coausaa Council of the city of Klamath FaUa. Oregon, on the 8th day of June, Hid, and .duly approved by tka mayor thereof, notice is hereby give that proposals will be received by tka Po lice Judge of the said city, at kla of fice, corner of Mala aad Seeoad streets, up to and including the Ctk day of July, 1914, at tho hour of S o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Eleventh street, Including all later sections, from Main street to Upham street, Worden avenue from Upham street to Donald street, and Donald treet from Worden avenue to Sargeat street, by grading to the established grade to a width of twenty-four feet, and hard surfacing aald roadway twenty-four feet wide with a 4-laek macadam base and 2-inch asphalt macadam top with concrete earba aad gutters and necessary drainage. All gutters and necessary drainage. All of said improvemeat to be made aad the materials to be used to be daaa and furnished in accordance' with tka plans and specifications adopted by the Common Council, and now om Ma In the office of the Police Judge of said city, reference thereto la hereby made for further details regardtag onstructlon, materials and quaatitlea. Said improvement to be done aa der contract. Proposals will bo opes ed and considered ou the Cth day of July, 1914. Bidders will bo required to aubmlt their proposals upon blanks prepared by the city engineer, and no propeeal will be considered unless so submit ted. Said Improvement to be completed within months from date of aa- ecutlon of contract. The successful bidder will be re quired to give bond la a aum to be fixed by the council for tka faJthtal completion of such improvemeat la accordance with the contract, plaaa and specifications. Each proposal to be accompealed by a certified check, certified by a re sponsible bank, for 6 per cent Of tka amount of the proposal, aa a flMTM" tee that the successful bidder wttt as ter Into contract wltk tka attjr 'a Klamath Falls, Oraaoa, Irakis, tea uaB aitv ua ni, wmw bvimi ww , iWL. be forfeited to the city fa eat af fad- ' .1. uro of the successful 4daraaaAaf-,f'v: .. . Lv t, ?.r . XI iuiu muu.i.1. t v ( y Jf-SVft, The city reserve the jthjMp). ' 4v ject any and all propeiaw. aaaye g- make auch improvement Haeef. , ; " By order of the Comma 01 m.r ' -.ft .h 10-lJth a. fe.jjauiTfawr : Police Judge 4,,iid..Obxa4; '--- T It Mi as? I'll t' V. if! SI fl amBK1 '--vMa' 'IM2JKL l 'T1IM QUALITY H'MtK" .v y. , i Vfti I .! . i MxmW&toks& jrnmmb& iiu tr m " - Mm'