THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MimAY,, r AM TWO PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic PhyeteUa Suit II and 19. Whit nultdtag rhoMN The Evening Herald V. O. SMITH. Mltor CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Members Oregoa Astoctatioa Title Mea Published dally eieept SuBday by The Herald Publishing- Coaipeay of Klamath Falls, at 115 fourth Street Entered ai the postoflce At Klw ath Pali. Oregon, for traasmlsatoa through the malli aa eecoad-claaa matter. Subscription terms by mall to aey ad dress la the Ualted States: One year . It. 09 A. 8. LOWMAN OMIROPBAOTOR Roosae 11 aed IS First National lUnk Hulling Klamath Fall. Or. tOne month ...... .10 KUt.MATH FALLS. . . ORBGON Fill PAY. JUNKStt, IU14 Miss Mary Browne Again Wins Tennis Championship GEO H. HAYDEN, OpUclaa Offlce. Room 119. Odd Fellow Building AXU MTOP AT KLAMATH FAIXS Phone US Office and Residence, NW cor. th and Mala CLAYTON E. WHKKIKB rhyslciaa mkJ Sargtoa OMoeila Sposulylotheraple (Spinal Treatment) Offlce beuse: to 11:10 a, m; 1 to s p m.; evenings. T to 8 . THB KLAMATH FALLS STKAM LAUNDRY Guaraateas first claea work ma wall aa flni claea aerrtce. If you have occaaloB to sake complaint and do cot gat la saedlate atteaUoa. paoae D. B. CAMPBELL MRS. A. PETERSTEINKR1J CAFE Nat Bat alesKy to eat, PoratwabUaMal It cast few beat. 19 Btxlb Street Wood! Wood! BRAY BLOCK WOOD Blocks from local bbIUs 16-lach Body Wood .... U-laca Limb Wood 4-ft. Body Wood 4-ft. LUab Wood Block Wood, damped. S3 load (Extra on hill) Leave Ordera at Square Deal Store Oar BtxUtaasl Mala P. C CARLSON u WOOD Block wood, load 98.00 Block wood, doable load . . .0435 lsVaack Gtoea Blab . . . .88.75 lsViach Dry Slab 88USO Dry Slab, 4-foot 83.00 Bay yoar sreca slab early KLAMATH FUEL CO., Ottoe 060 Mala, O.Petoa,Mr PtMMMlS7. We Have Uptown Agencies at the following placca: CENTRAL BAKUER SHOP LOWERY'S BARBER SHOP STAR THEATER CIGAR STORE SUPERIOR LAUNDRY 1815 Mala Street Phone 123 KLAMATH COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Wa furabin all kinds of help at abort aoUce. If you waat work register at A. PIETERSTEINER law Butts St. Pbeae 844 Wcwtlier Conditions for Jaw Date. I... 2... 3... 4... 6... 6... Max Mia. Weather .12 S3 .13 49 .35 75 .59 35 50 29 4S 34 7 53 40 S 60 37 9 85 39 10 71 3S 11 67 46 12 5 4( 13 74 37 .i3ittttiii9 &, 19 86 20 79 21. 23.. 21.. 49 .65 31 .C7 35 .64 49 .S3 4S ..3 ,.60 4S 43 Clear Clear Clear PC Cl'dy Pt-Cl'dy Cloudy Pt. Cl'dy Pt. Cl'dy Clear PC Cl'dy Cloudy Pt. Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear PC Cl'dy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy IV bbbbbbbbbbbbQbbbbbbbbbbbb sbm Bbbbb JaaTMiSaBBBBRHIgeWBagejagea rmMVOmTM H n aPLaBBBBEMJTBBBafcBBaaBBBB fcWT&tf ijr, Mt&dF, dBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBaBBBBB BBBBBW iBSBBNBIJ D XaBBar ?'. 4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. I !KvMtV Ml $ ?$zb Wr 'Oj V' JUaaBaaaBaBaBaaf " ( Uk-JJUF tit-1- .MmmL-B ffllW,W bbbF ibbbbbbbbwV - ,ir,1 ft ' ' "bbSSM MJMbKhSBBuSLt"'Bbi r - - aaBBBBBBBK A " . IB ftflrVKVHrBBBaBaBaaaM " til SbbVIbIB I tf KllallllallH V VbbbMbT I f , aaBBBaaf'aaBaBaBai ' laKaVT J . bbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbb1 f, hat bbbh H ". r BaBBBaBBBaBwaBaaBBBi V BVj $fc fBBaBrBWBBai 3 aaBBBBBaBm f 4 I .H H HF BaBaBaBaBBaBBaBaBBBaBaBaBaBaBf 9 tg?c--rrr?'-yc'.'Taf National Credit Men Talk of Regulating the Trusts President of the University of Wisconsin Tells Difference Between Big Volume of Business and a Monopoly , United rre Serttce , UOCIIKitTKIl, N Y.. Jum :i Muercv and Ut trade rtmtU4oi uiily o, titu it m) ,p itr,tlt ta . 1.. .l.M.l.l.' h.llll ... It... llli. Ii.iwlk I 1.1 .. It-.... ,.,, .,..,,.,.,..,... vn. ii. ...,- ..tic '.-uim-iiiim lliOl BCUHH4 n tftH,,. (Mil Mvt tlU(lnM4 hH'll l tntlrri'lluM HitMIK III atUt v Im r ihili , uf munoi'olr. 1-ormlMlou fur c.i-r.,',, l'u,,,' '"f"1 " "l-'l Wi l Ui. dfM or Hi. ,lMlr uM tlou of ll Utter. Iiutead li( rvsulatcd 'warVel U roHirulll. TirUly tli pd ! llm rommitiu fMiMtwllllim or rult.. wirtnojHily. 'I'"'1" ullUtlr viMttulltn ltai. ww , inn .(n am ti ,.r r.,,,.,,..,. v.a. today m the tutlm of j r '' t'"'1 ha Urn apfrutml ii ih. L,, ,7 the tru.t problrm of tho country hr! ' ' ' 1'h.I Uk nu ( ,uuM u trr (mm MUrk h. ., Imldrnt Ctmrlca It Van llt.o of th . Impljr Um th adntlulilralnr immt .im.., ru-Hlimi u,. l() ' 7 Unhenlty of WUcon.ln. In an ad.1"" ,,,tt, ,,v' ctrlwl of all hu.l- rwmr rlfr.t iv.,i,,..... drrea at the. annual mvlln of tho '. "' ,"' b. bwmtw ear of bu.inr.. .mM t n j National AMoclatlon of CmhIU Mrn. f iaUttd. or brcatH of ropr ,i , (r a, tlll ." . .... tint. K-iitH ..t.1 ullli iiiit.ll.. .... i...i I . ..... u w nnre may o Krvai macuiiuue oi Uule. and nut monoiwilr." ilctUtcd I'rMtdont Van HUc "lndrd, It U Iti'tvittlon of comiotlllou. (itohlhlllou MUs Mary Drown, the tennis cham pion, ajaln eatabllsbcd her right to the title la the matches In Philadel phia. She won from MUs Marl Wax ner of New York In the ladlTtdual match played there. Prerloutly she had, with her slater, Mrs. Robert Wl). llama, beatea Mrs. Edward Kaymoad of New York sad MUs Edna Wiley of Chicago la the double. In mry same In which Mlas llrowno played she showed marked superiority over her opponaata. One Weak Spot Many Klamath Falls People Hava a Weak Part aad Too Oftaa Ita the Back. Hotel Arrivals Hotel Hall Rhea Luper. State Water Board; X. O. Curtis. H. O. Kuhl. A. J. Foster. D. It. Patterson, Lakevtew; T. R. Pol lock. Portland; W. A. Kinney and daughter, Mrs. Kffio Walker, Port land; If. H. Hoyt, Merrill; William Shannon. Pelican Day; G. H. Elvldse, Dunsmulr; J. H. Kelleshan. Geo. H. Martin, Los Angeles; Mrs.Jory Beach, Mrs. D. Cronemlller, Fresno; C. II. Stutter. Uoker, Ine Cowan, nirerslde, Calif.; D. M. McLcmorc. city. Whito PeUaw I George E. Goodwin, U. S. Engineer lng Department. Crater Lake; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hook Jr., C. Wright, W. O. House, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. tW. Porey, Hoqulam. Wash.; II. E. Doncarlor. San Francisco; Chaa. E. Snook and wife, Helen Jean Snook, C. M. Snook, Preston E. 8nook. Oak land; Fred Starr, city. Many people hava a weak spot. Too often It's a bad back. Twinges follow arery suddea talst. Dull aching keeps up, day aad night. In such cases a kidney msdldae la needed. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary Ilia. Good proof of merit la tho follow Ing itatement, John H. Baron. 304 Mechanic Et A'hljnd. Ore., say: "I hate used Draa's Kidney PI lit oS aad on for years aad I hara always fouad them a srleadld ream dr. LUa a great many other elderly people, I bare ktdacy aad bladder trouble. Doaa's r?"r.V For sal by all dealers. Price) SO cents. rostar-Mllbara Co.. BaCalo. New York, solo agaaa for Ue Umltaw States. Remember the Beast Doaa's -and take bo other. (Paid AdTartHaioBt) Mercy Hospital. Eugene, will build a $15,000 training school. Clackamas county will establish a aand and grarel plant at New Era. There are two klaoa of Chllcoie wrltea tho kiad that aays. OSS Mate. Down From ReserraUoa. Garfield Jack, one of the leaders of the Klamath Indians, is down from tho reserratlon, attending to business matters. Tho announcement Is made that by an agreement between the department of economics of the State University and the Central Labor Council, a cam paign will bo tken up to solve the problem of unemployment. You Be the Judge WE ARE PERFECTLY WILUNO TO LEAVE THE DECISION WITH YOU. WE SIMPLY ASK YOU TO GIVE VALLEY PRIDE FLOUR A TRIAL. IF YOU LIKE IT, ORDER IT AOAIN. The Pennsylavnla widow's pension fund bureau Is entirely managed by women. Herald's Classified Ad vs. WJW100WW000WI00WI0 HELP WANTED WANTED Lady cook for employes' men. Call or write Asencr Club. Klamath Agency, Ore. 2J-7t Manufactured by Butte Valley Milling Co. I FOR SALE IN KLAMATH PALLS at ASHLAND FRUIT STORK FOR RENT NICE, COOL ROOMS, with hot and cold water. The Claremont. 2C-12t MISCELLANEOUS "ir rrtr-yrt'nnnnnnrynnniwnnnfyfvvvui MONEY to loan on real estate. A. It. Wilson, 617 Main st. 2C-6t 11 . r. JtOJSSBB? i KgMm H ' IHFtSBBBBBBBB1 To boost Klamath eeaaty aead HBBHHJ M BmU a an, WmmtMam mBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBE! Economical Buyers who deslro 1 to get the full value of the vacation L months will 'not put off visiting the SHEPHERD PIANO DHPOT These Hot Days BIUNO TAN, SUNBURN AND FRECKLES. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR BKIN SOFT. SMOOTH AND WHITE USE SHASTA SNOW CREAM THIS IS THE CREAM THAT TOOK THE "BURN" OUT OF 3UNDURN. THE FINattT CItEAM YOU HAVE EVER USED. PRICK, 80 CENTS believed (hat by far the erraiir num ber of the larke urbanisation fall thort of monopoly. Only If n unio (bat If alt the great combina tions of industry am monopolist, do4 tho conclusion follow that thoy should tw destroyed! Not only do I hold that not all largo butnnu Is taonopo llstk; but that concentration up to a certain point Is to give efficiency. "If wo retain freedom of competi tion, permit concentration sufficient to give efficiency, allow reasonablo tfo operation, and prevent monopoly, this will require reculatlon just a It has been necessary to regulate tho rati roads. This done, the Sherman t will bo forgotten. Has there been any prosecutions of the railroad for violation of the Merman law becaui of collusion In flvlne rate? And yet everyone of u here knows that they are just a flagrant violators of the Sherman act as any other elms of cor porations In the Palled HUtrS. Are tb freight rate the saroo for differ ent roads between any two points? Are the paenccr rates between Nw York and St. taut Identical on nil roads? Can you do bttr In price by traveling over the Pennsylvania than over any other read: The ralo I the same providing the speed Is Mm name. "For a number of years It has ap peared to me that tho Interstate com mcrco commission and tb numerous state commissions having control of public utilities and the pum food com mission clearly point tho way for the neii step In tho solution of our In dustrial problems. The most fundamental difference between tho United States Hteel cof. poratlon. the Standard Oil company. and other very largo buslnnue and the public utilities. Is that one class has been declared to bo vested with a public Interest and tho other has not. Every bunlnes that Is so largo as to bo vested with the public Interest should bo subject to control. Not only so, but wherever dlffersmt companies or group of companies co-operato so that they control the market for any article, their transactions become vested with a public Interest. "An Interatato trade commission should be created for Interstate com- lion, become tr.Ud lh public lu-'mCrt lu th puhllc lri (errsl Tho llillUllte In COUttOI o butlhe will remain with the hul" v , ties organisation precisely (ho ' ,.,.... ""I"1' " r"M,,, ' a. at present, but when-m ah or-j"1"1 '" '"" " '""t Wuf eanlttalon perform au act which, Ittt '" ' - g the opinion of the appropriate roiu-' NoTM.'i; "" mission under the lowers granted. Is J Nodes I hereby nun lht tou. contrary to the public lntret, that .1st mas contention lll u cl4 twdy may Inlervene. My prtu-al Is (ho Library hall on Wsln tf u (hat th restraint of trade, elihcr by j Klamath Palls, on the 14 44T ,, comhlnitlon or contract, and co-op. at p. m . for the purpo,, 0( S0B, eratlon In tllmUtlon of output. dl. luting ran44ic, for the U .!,' .Urn of territory, or mine of pttrM.'llon and uc, other fcmlot M caiy bo prohlhlle.) so far a they are Inltif row before the contetillen, leal 10 tho Welfare of the public Ni( IJ.IS.JJ h NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLO? TRY MY CATARRH BALM lB.Ui.lly Clears Air P-g, Yo ft,w,t ,.. ,,,. u, llrrallM. rwlyi Dull llcadacholtoa,,,,, sIUn .lt( ...j .,.,, ,.,tu IWMrt lln.. (t,e ., .-""I" I head S4 lif4i; ttrr. lr pAiaatvo, ,u4 auty (Is , Charge and a feetlec of lu!s tfiKilhtiii. relUf comes lmw41lly. IHin'l Jay 'aii teaight itrsf Try "lily's Cream Halm." Oct a (tnatt buttle Anyway, just (o I try UApplr a little In the Noirlls' tiling for breath, ltu ha4 staffei: ml lii.untly uur clogged ie ud n"trll closed, hawking sn4 bios tag. Iiii.-;.t.l-M Air pai'as'ea of the head J Catarrh or a co4. lih its rsatlai will ojnj you win breathe freely; note, foal mucou drutst Itto tbt dullne and headache disappear, lly ( Ihroal, and raw 4rynM I ditUssslsg mt.fiiiiiK. the raurrh, culd-ln-hrad ori"Ui truly needles. catarrhal orn throat will dlaapptr. End such misery now )( n,e small bollie of "Ely's Cream iUlm" al an' drug store. This sw(, ffA. grant balm dissolve by (he heat of Pot your faith Just oece la "Uly'a Cream Halm" and your ceM or catarrh will urly dlstppear. (I'ald Advertlsmsat.) IP ITH hTttllitY. IP YOU'RE TIIIKU OUT. IP Vilt' W.t.NT TO HAVE TIMI We'll Take Your Meat Order Over the Wire AND SELECT PINE CIMH rtlll VOU. PltnMIT AM OIII.IHINU NEItVICE BY PHONE OH IN PIUtHO.V tiOI'J HAND IX HAM WITH OUIt HIOII OHAIIE MlT. PHICIM THE PAIIIEJtT IX TOWN. TKHT UM. KLAMATH FALLS MEAT COMPANY Underwood's PheUTtiacy - Conwr Mala aad 71a Strsjeto, Wlaialh kValla, Oraaea The Entire Stock of Savidge Bros. Lumber Company MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH And for that reason the Trustees are going to initiate a sale on lumber that cannot fail to interest anyone who contemplates any building or operation requiring lumber Rough Pine Boards, thoroughly dry, lx4r 1x8 and 1x1016 - $11.00 M Rough Red Fir Plank, thoroughly dry, 2x4,2x6,2x8-16 9 Rough Red Fir Plank, thoroughly dry, 2x1 21 6 9.50 Rough Red Fir Plank wider than 12 inches and longer than 16 feet at prices to correspond. Red Fir timbers from 3x3's to 12xl2's at $9.50 per M. and upward, according to size and length, but all figured on the basis of from 40 to 50 per cent off prevailing prices. A shed full of finishing lumber and mouldings that must be disposed of. Doors, Windows, Shingles, Lath and roofing, while they last, at extremely low prices. TRUSTEES Savidge Bros. Lumber Co.