u. a WATCH THE HERALD TOMORROW FOR THE RESULT OF THE MORAN-JOHNSON BATTLE &. &tyv lEu rottta 1HraU Vl PRINTS THIS NEWS WHIMS IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEW1FAPIR 'HC ! -g V -' "f Clghth Vr.tr So, U.tuU IS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1914 REBELARMYNOW MARCHING TO A6UASCALIENTES VU, 1 Mil. I. UH; Ml IIMI IN ATI'M'K Inlrrwt MflWcr Krlllrl Ml HiiiiiIm- i) Id' Rrln-I 'tiiU Wli'tiiiMiii ml..,- Will M- Klilr.J Mi.li. id ,.,t, I i Unit. Mini HilM.nl HllilKf. llla . UoImb Mrtllnl In ('nullum' il.f I lam. "" ii. i iiiiu;i It) N. t.l.Vlll.l. IHUR (iJ.H)uli Jt It I", iulir. It r.riirfal VlIlK llllt IDUMl'IIK l"ilfl (ll lli" nit '( Ilia riitlin nruik luni.l ACMiM llrlitl- Wi-lit lllr frrlal (:r.. alt. Iliallii; (or (llrir Imll hiaihI ueouul llic linail ri II" i?lli it Miauli ft M'trlilf. Ott 111 . If a uii.l i .cru in alUil, (ho Ml. Ill MltlfN nir n a (i l). : Villa talir U ititulliG Hip Rlll8' trmnanu ( (Sen-' oral lUrrun wm ! N C VatV n.AtiJ ThU l tiitlnne in n jukmIit-j fa 14A IM1VI rlEHIH I BMnilf. WIIW ...i .i . -.. in. iiiiiiiuiiunniiM iif uini lUlKHl ha lr tlmn 3.0IIU lli'll Irll in til romiimnd Hoimt (if llir uRlrlaU lirff do nut IhlttU that th- llilf(i t(Miw lll dw frnd At (alrntr. Thiy ) Hi rltfAU pirfpf l maki th'lr Ut .Unit At Ourfriain. an almiMl Itupr.-rr. nhlti natural loiiintallon Vill. ,.(.... .. ,.i. It... rirhl Into . t.t I'm... . ..... ... ....- .... - Metlro City a nulrkly b Milliln. llelulf. In tell llir lalp today In liaiurd Ornrlal Nali'la n mltllary en.pniiir il y.mnirttt 1111). Ai'trn iilttr.'ti. andfedfial ire- illar wern pPt?utpd at minrU Mail) ......... ,.. (Conltnund ou pact) 4) No Prospect for an Afternoon Passenger b ,. .i - i - ArrurilliiK l Wintu rrfUvnl f nun .upeml lh Himi iniary at Weed, . nml iii iiiiltii of It h low earnliiKa the railroad uitlclaU by Hi-rrninry lwla "' " '"" " "" ' ,iinrlrii linn hpeii innlnlaineii W)ldi. of il.i Kliimatli C'li.iml.or of . Wo Hlliair-truxl that uiudltlons ('iimmertt. titer U not murh '""""Liu mmui wnrrmil Ui reHiiuipllou of of tin afternoon paimmiRer erliu '" Weed tinliis mutinied. At till dlreC lion of Ihn Chamber of Cninmerc Wyliln wroto lo Chnrlea 8, Pei. I'"" seiiKir irartln iununKir, nml James O'dara. illstrlet fteUlit and p-nm-iiKer umiiiiKvr, iihUIiir If iIhtii a u possi bility of tlm anrvln belnit renumed, and pnlnthiK mil Hm tour Imnr delay at Weed for trnvelora between Call fornlii points nml Klamath Falln. mm... ....t .r I...... illi.u'M .,l IU'l I,, " V' ,..'.. "Contlnuod falllnK off In our earn- i . .. .. ...... i .... uiK" uinuu ii nereitmrjr nun .... - ,-v..i mwnt tin. Weed brnnrh what we l.nvn donolt.) Im any Increase In our t . ol . h.i on nearly ..very nllmr portion of ll.o P..r lino, tho train now o,.or ilm. o ' ' . I.,.. ....!..., ,,u ll.ll 111' IIIIUJOIIL'lll'rt II H It lllll system, namely, roiliu-o our triilu ser Vlco In fit the rcvotitiii ilerlveil, which wan nrcompllshoil by tlm wltlnlrnwnl of trnlim Nom. 41 nml i'i. Willi only one train mi Ilm brunch It wuh Im IkmnIIiIii to iirford cIomii cnnniirtloii with trains both from polnta north anil south or Wood. All IIiIukh cnif slilitroil, It wuh deemed aitvlHiiblo to mnlnlalii closo connection with Iralnx lo nml from tlm north. To compan ! for tho Iny-nvor to passcnBora from Wood to points south, wo decid ed to continue to run tho Oakland Klamath Falls slooper. Although It wna used by very few pnscncr lo and from polnta on tho branch, It akorded a desirable, placo In which lo CHAFL1N SMALLER STORES TO OPEN lit (,iil M v. I II. II. MM , I I.MI'nlt Ut mrrii mi . n: n.w.s wii.i. Ill MHTH. I iilltij 'fi R"ivtrn M.VV Vtllllt. Juno 20 I'lllMlrliirs bin r..t.fl.litl Ifinl liirul nf lint (linfllii ' iiuiii8rli will rrilillnui business' Mm moio tlmn a temporary liltrh , ( liflin win nrtniiRo nuii-wir m (,, , ,,, ,,, 0,Knlimg , John I'lialUu's lorllllie "III tip ill, itn dixrM&l nf the MMiicaiilinrH. ami! ,!, mjhubj nuirrni 'irfilltt llmi iho firtn will he iirntiKT (linn it. II l IcHevrd llmt llm forty llioim-l mm empiujiH, in iin i naiiui more' - 'will be idle oiiir a .-. day I" iu,,,,,y '- """Mm of """ 1u", ...Hull I. -.."rlr. l W .milled t PJ Ju"r" t'1,itrl" M'N'ar ,mJaj additional n-n-nrr tMii-ed to a Mlpiiliillou, iirmidliig tlul !'" 'all) t"'"l of Mlllilil precinct III HOK E TO START SOONi; CANNERY ; iMtis'iltv 'M',,()M,)t f))f Bbm nv w,H,kl. hi: in Mfcit.nKiv within a wi:i:k oit ti:n havs at tiii: MKIirOIIP. Jutif 2C - AttlM. ii- .. ItiPf Mill l.rein In K r tni !1). ami llip ltrl rannlnr. IU ", 0,re loemihoffl' . nrcmdliiB l an ni.i.liilllrt-llli 111 ninitn lir It. M lloW" ill.tmrii imity and twriily-llro will Im. iit)iinjrl at fir!. Afirr ttm loeanht-rry rrop will ruiii" beann nml tomatoes, nrreaitn Im-Iiis oIkii'! MP 'or thrni two prod' itrln. Pmi-iirsllv t.11 of ihn machinery lima lirrll llmtalleil. Ultll till) I'VriMI- ..--.. ..... tloit of tho hnllpr. I III (ur llin It. lii M MrUliiiiM', a "oil I.ikiwii ;t. i. ....... m.i.. lii I.'imI ulirlil frmn ,vlt,(,Mlla wlt., , tt cnlleil lnl rr , aupoiii of nm rattlp. He ,.mh, in rriiiMii unill alter tlm KIKh' .ltldil) )mi,ntiimiil nrlcn on Urn liraneh, us j)uu run readily reiiiuo tiiai i an only too glad to furnish any nervicc that the publle IndlcateH by Us pat rim.lgi' la needed or desired." Th,.. following H tlm K'l'ly "'it t')' Mr O'dam "Hob to advise ilttit whllo o have realised that thorn In a (onsldurahlo Iny-oMT iiooeSHiiry at Weetl. wo have . .. I I....-., Im Hull ;:s,:::n i-;; .i....". . - Urn inYlii wrvlco o 0, """ ";"" 'l.iv.iiver. but as thorn does lint spoiu .lllljnih i1" ...'... ,..... .-.-- i,. v.mr. when (hero was nil imui ,,r.,."'r:TS!r . tlonal train, tlm earulugH boliiK o mw I ..tlm. im- mi Int'ieaNO In service. ..q...... . "Wo Imvo cut down tram nerico m mi ninny dirforcnl incnmu's wnen. did not pay llmt w cannot sow our ....... ..ip ui UiIh time In Increase tho HorvU'o o tlm Klamath Fall hrani'h. "Willi Pullman aorvlro and tho hlghost class of oiiulpinont that tho train now runnlnK . ' "I1,HV "" 11...1 n... u-inmuth Falls branch hnH tho llnoHt local passengor train thoro la on our system, and I regret mm m miming of the train Is" not up to what It should bo." BENSON McNARY EE ON THE VOTE RECOUNT l llt( IIT Jl IN, I I. irsi ss tiikcimah-. It'11' l'Hliillil.iti'k lur .ItMlii- ol llir Siijiii mi' I hum Noiiilimliun lliildi' 'lll.ll I'l'llllll I'll'llllllk in MllllllO. mihIi I'liiint) mi. I 'Mire,. In .Minion ''unit) - 1 1. 1 1 It.' Iti-.i",iiii:ii'il lit Hit" i-Mirnl 'li. j, , . ,. . i , .1 ..ii .,...,, .,fl .(M,,.,,!! JU1IC i M nil noitiuli i uuiit)' mill l lir in pre jiiiiiU in Marlon count) In- re-can llxtpll. 'I'lilu means lhal Uu. .ntcs rant Mar :'.lh at III" republican prlmarlo-i in u-ii' prt-rtnru will lip rwoiuiWi!. Tim fiiuiiu will nil bo m ruin In the I reieiiru of a clrr nil Judge, and tin ii l e.perled, will decide who Ik tin- ;i.imlin-e ii ntictlloii tlmt has been In EORT WILL HAVE SOME BIG TIME ItACUs, tliVTIlsTti, STRKia CAR- XIVAU UAXCIX, UOXIXfi AXD Wlll-MI.I.NC ARE AM. OX THE I'lUMiltAM (llcraiU tccUl Scnrlco) FORT KLAMATH. Juuo 6. TIllliK are KiilliK to Juki tear Iooo ill tho Wood III, it Valley Monday, and for four i1j) tliele will bo Joy uu- ronlliipd. The "1IIK July '1 hue" starts then, nml already tho town U hxlllK put In xliaiio for thu lereptUm of the many KlieKta tmiK-eted. From all account, It will be SOMh lime. At tho end of It the V ood Kl- er Valluy people, with their boiit rld- nrn und iniiii horse will HocK to Klamath Falls, to try to lako all Uu prison at the F.H. Hodtni. MIM Ida llrower lis been e.eceu, a ijueeu of tlm carnival, and for the (our da)a of her reigu tnero win u tula lime. A merry-go-round has, . . : been mil up. and tberu will bo many amusement features of this charactur. A few of the prises to bo awarded follew: Mucking contest, $100, wild horse race. lu each day; best bucking home. 2f. fancy roping, G each day. hulldoggltig, 10 each day; bull rldlng, HO: liorsu races, 200; auto umhllo barrel race, 1 r. each day; .iimmtilill.i em: rarx. $T. ivich day; tlirco-mlli automobllo race, $50; mo- torcyclo race. $10; Indian war dauce, r.. font races. 8 to 2U years, iu, greanwl pole, fi each day; greased pig, $2. CO each day. Thorn will bo pony, sadttio noruo ....I riiiinliiK racea. For tho horses entered two or more times and not Kittling In on the money, thoro will bo .'imsnlallou purses awarded inurauiiy. Mi.. Klamath Indians. Bovoral bun dled strong, are already going into - - - -, tiuriuK in" o""i " peto In all of tho events. Thoro will ho u tug of war between mounted teams of Indians and whltCB. Kvery night, thoro will ho a big dunce. Every day thoro will bo a bal loon uscenslon and pnrachuto drop -" that Prlnovlllo, Slcnn, Fort Klamath. Klamalh Agency nml peruana Klam ath Falls will all try for tho r-u purse. A big now dimco platrorm naa neon built at tho grouuds w It ore tho car nival will hold sway. In addition to tho other events, thoro will bo a program of boxing and wrestling bouts Wodnosdny after noon. Johnnlo Copelaud of tho Fort and Kid Josso of llutto will bo tho main ovont. and thero will be several other fast ones on tho card. AGR Crack German Liner in Collision " mimmm 19HIHMHBiHHIHHIHiHIBIiHB3BPA? (CopyrlRht, 1911, by The North (Jerman Moyd steamship Katsor Wllhvlm II. which left South ampton by way of Cherbourg for Now York, was In collision In a dense fog with the stix-1 steamer Incemore, a roaster, and was so badly damaged that her commander raniior hack for repairs. The collision occurred In the KnalUli channel. Thick weather pre vailed all day, and tho fog was very heavy and low off shore. The Kaiser Wllhelm II, bound out, and the Ince more. bound In, were following courses thnt brought them close to gether soon after tho big passenger vessel got htralRhtened out In tho ANOTHER SILVER MEDAL CONTESTi 11w Wlx UK mxn SUNDAY CLOUD. I TKRXOOX AT SAINT COMMOlMHti: XOSLER'S UNIQUE' DOMICILE Two more silver medal contests are to bo held by the Women's Christian Tenipotanco Union within the next two days. These are declamation con tests, and tho young lndy wlunlng is awarded a sliver medal. When there aro sufllclent silver medal winners a context will be held for u gold medal. This evening a contest will bo held nl Hound lJike. Sunday afternoon a .-.intent will bo hold at Saint Cloud, 'tho residence of Commodore Alox Nos ier, this sldo of Shlpplngton. Tho contest will begin at 3 o'clock, and! the publle la Invited. GARRETT NOW A si .( TELEGRAM FROM ANNAPOLIS AN NOUNCES THAT KiaMATH ROY PASSED ENTRANCE EXAMINA TIONS AT ACADEMY According to a tolegraiu rocolvod iminv iiv his father. J. H. Garrett, of Urn Garrett Construction company, Sturllng Oarrett passed successfully tho entrance examinations at tho United 8tnte3 uaval acadeiny at An nnpollB, Md. Ho Is noWenrollod as a mldBhlpman, and has commenced his Htudtes to bocome a naval offlror. MIDSHI PMANITE I'nderwood & Underwood.) channel. The Kaiser "Wilbclm II is one of the crack vessels of the North German Lloyd. Sho was built in 1902, and when she was launched held the record for size. Her trial trips showed that she was possessed of remarkable speed, and tor some time sho bad Uto reputation of being the fastest boat In tho trans-Atlantic service. She held the records for cast and west bound passages until tho Lusltaula stole her honors. She Is 6S4 feet long. 72 feet wide and forty feet deep, and Is appointed lux-Us urlously. She registers 19,361 gross tons, Captain R. Dahl Is her com madner. RIDING ON PASS CANNOT RECOVER AF-.THF. FEDER.U. SUPREME COURT RULES THAT THOSE USING FREE TRANSPORTATION CANT GET DAMAGES WASHINGTON, D. C, JuJne 26. Railroads aro wot liable tor Injury to Interstate employes or their families riding on passes, which contain stipu lations that the passenger assumes all risk whllo being so transported. The supreme court has decided and held that a pass Is not to he regarded as part of the compensation for which tho employo worka, but Is In reality freo and subject to any conditions the railroad may impose. U. S. ATTORNEY IS COMING SOON OLIVER P. MORTON EXPECTED FROM PORTLAND TO TAKE UP ANKEXY DITCH AXD OTHER MATTERS Promise of further effort toward the nbandoumont and tilling lu of tho Ankenv ditch Is contained lu the an nouncement that Olivor P. Morton, loirnl ndvlRnr of tho PaclllC division Of tho reclamation service, ia expected hniA noon. Thn matter of closing tho canal was taken up with I. D. O'Donnell of the reclamation commission by the Cham ber of Commerco last week. At that tlmo ho asked numerous Questions, jra - s - Portland, regarding the matter. BUTTE SENDS OUT CALL FOR HELP MOXTA.VA'S OOVKIt.VOIl AI'HKAUS TO I'ltKHIIHIXT FOU TIUNSFKIt OF ItlXlUiaitH TO THAT CITY To'l'ltnVBXT DIHOIUtKR United Prea Stnrlce llCTTP. Until. Jnn 2C The tax Icrnor today wired President Wltaon, nnUliiB for tlio transfer of regulars 'from Vancouver, waahluglon, to this city. President XI oyer of the Western Federation of Miners ta atlll at Hel ena, and la being guarded. He still maintains that ho will return to Butte and re-organlzc the miners. The city officials tay that If he takes this step that the rioting will break out anew. and troops will be necessary. UP TO JAPAN TO IF T 1.VAT10.VAI. OFFICLALS HOUJ THAT STATK KIGI1TS ARE SUPREME. MATTER MAY UE SUBMITTED TO THE HAGUE COXFEREXCE United Preaa Seme WASHINGTON. D. C. Jum S. America baa done all she can do to settle the California antl-allen land bill dispute. If Japan la atlll dissat isfied the Nipponese can reopen nego tiations. Officials today admit that America considers It a point that the govern ment cannot interfere with the state's right to legislate. This bars future procedure. It is expected that later Japan will that the matter be submitted to The Hague tribunal. COURTHOUSE FLAG POLE IS SECURED IS NOW ON THE WAY TO KLAM- ATH FALLS FROM THE UPPER LAKE WILL BE RAISED NEXT WEEK Instead of being draped on the front door of the court house, the Stars and Stripes will hereafter he displayed In the court house yard from the ton of a 75-foot flagpole. A pole tor this purpose Is now on Its way down the lake, and will be erect ed next week In time tor a flag-raising on the Fourth. The new flax pole Is the result of tho patriotic activity of Sheriff Low. KVellne the need of one at the court yard, he circulated a subscription list and aulckly raised tho necessary funds. HOLLER HUR Cars Can Run to the Rim of "Automobiles can now run to the rlra of Crater Lake by tho Sand Crook rinuaclea route, although It wltl be ubout tho 10th of July before they ,un inn to tho rim by Hie Anna Creek ronto," says George E. aoodwln, .,!.. nf engineers, who is In charge of the government highway construc tion in Crater Lake National rara, Mr nnodwln left this morning for the park, after attending to business mat ters here. Ti,Ar nm 1C0 men employed la .. .. j, i load construction worn, accurum tu h - - - rat has completed throe miles of road HISTORIC SALEM, MASS., SWEPT BY EIRE; HEAVY LOSS THOUSANDS AIIK HOMELESS All A IlE-SULT Buildings That Hate Stood Blaes Ike Colonial Day, sad the Ma fartMr ing District Are Baraed fit MM Raging. But It Progreaa U, llcred Checked Town Urndar stw IUI Law Today. United Press Service f SALEM, Mass.. June 3. Nearly half of tho city Is burned to tfc t ground and seven people are kaowm to ba dead as the result of the r wfcleV broke out yesterday evening. Tlie -loss will reach a quarter of a billleau The whole manufacturing district is a mass of ruins. Hundreds of houses, dating back to colonial times. were swept away, and at leant !, are homeless. The Ore is still raging, bat It Has been checked to a two mile swath, al- ....? Mrnalolari Th III IITB BAS been restored "to the water aupplr, ui unless the wind shifts the Br wiu burn Itself oat-today. The city has been plaeed Ker martial law. The Elghteemt ret. nient. 1.000 strong, baa 1 to patrol duty, with orders to any looters. Dire confusion relaav of homeless people. ased by the ire. did not sleee last sJckt. Mi wa- - ftd about seeking relatives and Wands. A wlerd aaass. degaedlr lililla ed. Is at work, resaovlac ad ma Drouerty. The streets are ,... . .him lib MrriASttt esd H1IU W.f, ., - - . all sorts of conveyances, used la the salvage work. ' Alreadr it has surpassed the Chalaa disaster of 1908. Among the buildings destroyed was tho birthplace of Nathaniel Haw thorne, one of the clty'a moat famous landmarks, which was built Tea be-' tore the witchcraft days. "The House of tho Seven Gables" was saved. WASHINGTON. D. C, Juaa . President Wilson wired QoTsjrmor Walsh at Boston, tendering sympa thies, and Inquiring whether the fey- ernment could help. The birthplace of NatbaaM Haw thorne was saved, as waa th "Henae of Seven Gabea." whlea gT th tltt to Hawthorne's woria-ramea aevw, were saved. Trains Delayed. Owlns; to a heavy rain la caiuawa causing a washout In th YleiakjrO' Kennett, trafflc was delayed TbarMaV, on the mala line. As a mwm passenger train waa a few hoara lata . last night. For the Russian govern it rail- ways some huge purchase are to b made 17,000 freight cars. l,4t aaa senger cars and 700 rfrlgrator ears. Crater Lake Into the park, and will ba moved Id a few days to Camp Araat, th farh. headquarters, from wh'lch polat It tJi work both ways on th road. Aaafk er camp at Pol Brldg la dolac, grading on the road to Fan;' "The extent of our opswan a' nenda a little on the stoa of ta aigro r .- -- prlaUon made by coatrtas,'' mr. i uooawin. a aw yr, " ,.wi iii i ... .it.nitAa tm tM iesssssl .:r ..v I w,.i & wm. w- w w "i mr vt .11 . . .v. .... tm.i ammicT,. r, ana graaiasi ww , ,mT. " .tt ana soma sie 9 iw mun, wmjm,s -. year half the moaey ayataablf will Ui& Ak ,..- . U lWm tMM MM 't used In surfacing laM,aa, aaa asm laasawdar to taa wtaaspm,, amjams -:' i- phx?L'if -, M' - 1: ; i ? 81 sw Vs 3 1 n c m m n -1 & i I! 1i " i , "V. St h . - s -. ; jtt4TZXSXWK&-ZZ& AvjrW!S3aBltf P.'VJli'1h Vt "Hfy" -"lift Vs a jmvr: N