, fi Ste HraUi PRINTS Tl IK NEWS WHILK IT IS NKWS Clulillt VimU No. U.IO'J KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE25, 1914 Price, Ftw VILLA'S SOLDIERS TAB IMPORTANT CITIES w r W - & S5, S"wL ZACATECAS IS TAKEN BY VILLA AFTER 2,500 ARE KILLED; FEDERALS BLOW OP RAILROADS TO THE SOUTH UTl'ltl. Till. m W h MIDI! Tt'UHDW MRU I. sVs uiti: Willi- IWllPtitl Ttt.U y.n.tMHI Ixlnul ltmr urn i't k rtiiini, mi. i llir riu'tl lit ll"l'l llir II'Ih-I I'uim lUuk 1'imu Mli I II) III Pinlir llir 1'mnnui' u( III Mrli 111 llir" liSr, I blLd I'IMI rWfr m to:.. J mm 34 -A-riline ir t-.utill.liMl lilrrrapIiU mmiuutilra tmn Icnm the tnuh. ihr ruiiiltoilot l( lufrc raptured Zrl"f Two iU) lilsM. VHU lirl (ruin hrr- it$U morn tat. rtllilln Um fulrrl ! at ; AuO llllrj end I.UUfl .ounJiHl, ntiil hi, ii. u (m m 100 Ulllr.l ami 3oo WtlUKllr.l ll W lJi-lpr.l lllkt llr UII- MrtlllllSlK lilt WI u J In 1.1. itLwirh.. Villa M hrlUwH.-., Pir.-rtlce ,, .,-. NIAGARA I AM. I. OM Jnuu it, 1 ' ' i: ri.mm, nliir lnln una much tnunllluii anil pnilioiit. , . 1 ' lledifo lliojr arualed llic cH) lh fdiU iljtnmllr4 Ut irlueiiul lUlldlli. Man) al blin tipn Ibo lcHirl0U irbpU nulled In. iibcrl Itnfrim nd nn oilr IiIkU uir.rri, tlli a iriiiiint ol llirlr tJii liunda. aro rtrrlne lowmd Astf. Cnll rnlr l( nnrtU lUrrnn. U tl ' VrlBto Jnlli itiolr tuliinmnd llioioj lor a ll lnd icln.t Hi" robul. it' I. Ullmr.1 lll III") H1 '"' pr,' 1U OOn truuu llirft'. bildi' 100 ilold ' ic and pvort tumdied rapid (Ire sun. ! Vlllj bi h rommand a I .0uu( UiKilKi. lt!dr., (innt-ral uouni' in rnmnikud of an arm) u( 1S.00U AccordluK i..m.lllull.mIUl t.cad.1 UUrler Imru, a(tr tlir bad bm-n, . I. .!.. .ti.lill Pltl.l. 1 Min.nirrauio irm.......R .-" , rn ami uun'i riiuhiw, . --- lodcraU back to lln city b) a clianto In lilcli til ontlrn command of .'J. nou men tiartlrlpatint, Tuwla) uoon III artlllory ullt-nrnl Ki ' l,' fedoraU, Prom thl limn until tbo ell) 'n" nvaciiatvil, tticri' wrrw rcpoatodl cnargrt up mu nut u) i"'' i ' IWl,u.rn Vdi-ratlon of .Minors, der Manclovla. Ilerrrra. Ori.. f , , rar ,U HodrlRUM. TIimp ro,nmWn.U.r- ur- ,r xs ,,,,,. sonnlly led IIilho nssaulls. and Villa '" roinuiKiiilcd Uikiu and llmlr in dr."" """" li.ritiM ii 1 1... tin .. i i.tliltill of lmlrl", "" t ! . t. . ...l..ld ltll ollc rouraaa ho had over wllm-snod A. lhr- n.Ml .outliward lit. fod.r-of llaluchlalmi an. nomadic In lliuir ..,L.g nil ,,, llitnil not lu wcok .1. deauJyl ItrrlSu It will ImblU ami .lnpi..lnl Mr lh.li H;-ll- M , WIM llU ropl). I holloa la lealnowl IH rnliroa Mm ()f nKr,(,miri) j -.j rr,KMrU) In the past ":;. "r, . ::'.,': ;;,,;,.,. ..... nMW r mnu .... ,Mi.it...a ... n. ...,-. .. Dunsmuir Weed Train Will Take In addition lo Mivcrul liiinilriiil res IdunU of Weed, Ilm Weed blind, the Wwd baseball learn, etc., I ho Bpeclal, train to reurh hero on tho morning of July 3 will carry large delegations from towns as far south as D"' mulr. A lottor to this effect was received thia morning from Vftwi by offlcora of tha Rodao Amusement Association. aBTCSrJriBeSBeBeBeHHaBflMI irinl llli (or tl' hv b f. fit t rtt-ltV I poplin itm ruMnrv llml "I rMenla-Jm ;..,, nl c,ffnw . r ,oi. In Oil rll'. lli (prllnc in erriwlne Hiat Car-1 VniUi I'rtM Service rans lll rl i nrsulMIc ltc waSHINCTON. 1. C, Juhu 25 VHIn Iim taVin 'untircnii AillrolnK iho VlrKltiU KdltorUl An- AiiiiAtcull H mrdlators lwv r(M(iniili)ii thin nricriioou. President r.!Ht no n.uritr-i thm l'fmnniviMin alil thut not with liU connent i .rnilltiK iIkIphuI-" Ponillnic ,j(iulil ilirre bo nuy pontiunimont lu mint (rom lilin no iu'eollatioi.t will ,u, lrll)il program :ih laid out by tliu Imi lirlil niliiiliilxtrntloii MOVER SAYS HE WILL COME BACK; It.iM-ciiirv-rnl' WI'STIMtV PKIHMt. l ATIOV OP MINIMIS IIII...AI...V. i inrrit 'Ml lll'ITi: 'IO COM. iti.oiUIANT.ATION United Press Hcntce MUrri:, Mnnl . Jun S6 Word (rum llidi'tin l to ilm i-ai-ct that It Is the lutfiitlon of I'n'ildont Mo)er to ........ .. n. .ii.. in iruiinUitw the ruor- .. r . tirnncli hunt of tllf ,, I '1 u gronU'i pari of tin- population , in Neighboring Boosters This Hinted that Ilium uio Mivenil hundred oXCiiislonlHU lu slKbt l tlieso towns, who woro anxious to sou (ho Hodeo and ball guinea horo. In addition, tho Weed boosters have ordered sovernl hundred spoclal hats, lu be worn by tho contingent 'rom tho box factory town. These headpieces will distinguish them from tho rest of tho throngs hero and will bo sou vend a of tho trip. sm Special BENSON McNARY BOTH CLAIM JOB III ( lll.l 1. Ml V LOOKS I.IKI T II. WRIDA'ICS WILL III.. t mi: wiiriti: itucnrvrs wn.i in: m.mh!. 1 nitt I I'rciM Senlcu A !.! u. Juno 05 - -Jlldgi" ll.ni i ii. i, .ii ,t Ktafnaih 'ill tl-t i.n , i m ii-xiing lor ttio rrfiuMlcnn nomiii.i i' ii i"r justice of tbi uu ii.r .. i't l i.ii... MrKitry bellow Id, . iUi.fi JK.i- i' in liW (at or. 1 1 rtrlierfcnl conn! uf il a apparently how a id- I m imo tandldiiies nut -it nulcm In to tli't lite un lml prerinei h O II mm, (. 1 1 ! lll III lltltl IO i it ! ot .inr An ! it.. j.l ii lii n.il Ij-rn K i ! 'I P03IP0NE TRUST PROGRAM I fiti-4iii:.vr ".vs wai: ro.M.l I'l.incn. iHiMi wii.i. ;ir' t (Vh1ITClUi'.l iiti:t:iM)Mi AND CO ItmWAHD I I "Tin moIIiI biiuliion mvii ( Hie tin- Hun nro back i( tlu iror;rain. and t lirll It I rulilliluUd lilixlmitil Willi Ktt IU coimiltutlonal frreilom and ro' 'lurwiird. and wht-n It doe Rot It, lj 1 it oplicit)- n litiklnc! rolvnl uniirecc-l Idcntod in Amcrlran history " ' uiANAMAkTPQm II fill nillflllLll UillU W------ i RECOGNIZE UNION i'Bii.ai:lpiii.n says bocke iklleb .made great mistake in the miners strike in col- ORADO PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Juno 25. "Should 'inpto)eis lecoguUo orgiiu Ired labor?" John Wauamaker mis iiMkod In the couoo of his examina tion by the fodural commission on In- JtiiitrlI relalKuts lbtawb ,., iMd.n.i.u.. u.t , i ,..J i. ,.... ,. I,, tlilllK CIUKH Ul U'dUUIB in vw..,..fc ... ! labor and capital both have the right to organize." Wnnanmkor added thnl ho might bu w mistaken, but be considered that John, u aUo llovltles tlmt commlBslou D. Rookefoller "maila a great mistake M l(( lll)l0,Ulll (Uk adjudicate all when bo put President Wilson, In tho clllmg for indemnity by prlvnto par posltlon of having to send troops ( tlMf hal ti,0 uied States, In signing Colorado." ,,l0 KU.omeiit. walNed all claims for rubor linpiow! EklnhlUhmeut. A wlmlesalo h well as rotall husl- nimrt will be can led on by I. P. Tabor ut his Fourth street emporium. Work men haui Just completed Btioiving, ... . . ,... the room adjoining has uoon '"'- T:.T"Zn' i. C. nected with the main room ny a nig turn eiuoi.-u. .c .... .... urcb. and an extension of the bar er Golf championships started hero to through this additional room makes day on the links of tho TweaUskl 1 It possible for twice the number of I Golf Club. The preliminary rounds thirsty to bo accommodated at onomro to bo plnjwl today. Tho tourna- "" ' I........ ...in nni.llmin Inmnrrnu' nnd Sat- llnw, Miss Ann Forsyth has accepted tho position of policewoman In Aurora, Illinois, Resolute Winning m itvtHibiiHKt 3 VNaHMaaaaaBK -3S iaTy ST"tV ' V Itesolute, cnndldatofor cupdefond - or against Shamrock IV, made a beau- tiful night an bo crossed the line. winning on tho Sandy Hook Course . , , , . , ' iiKsiJiai mo viiiino. niui ner main- sail spread on ono bide, a big balloon ueioro by a vessel an)here nenr herliocallty. and if Klamath county Is for ..n ..... t .... .1... ...i...- i i ...... . . i ' Mill Bpn-ail on tho other, liur lurgest J.b out lu front, with a balloon jib on the other side, she tore through PROTOCOLING PI FARFR IMINFTi wnwmi.i t i PltlLSII)i:.NTIli:Lli:VKSTHATXOW'.MA BOUGHT (MB IIST NIGHT, I Hi: INTERNATIONAL FEA-j TOOK OUT PARTY OF FRIENDS TIKES ABE SETTLED. THE FAC- AM) i.uNGED OVER A HIGH TIONS WILL UNITE United Press Service WASHINGTON, U. c, juuo 25 I 0ltlclalsi.ro greatl) encouraged over tho signing of tho International sec-i. tlon of the proposed Moxlcuu pro-, .. . ' tocol latl night. As u rc3ult. It Is ex- peeled that Huerta and Carrauza lele - gates ill get together and settle the Intutuvclnu strifa. Tho luteruatloual section of the protocol, which was ratified at N'lug- iiru Falls lust night, provides that America, Argentine, Rrazll and Chile shall recogulzu tho new provisional goNemmont in .Mexico when It Is funned, nnd that this will bo formed nt tho mooting of tho Huerta aud Car- , dolcgatcs ' ludumnity ou tho part of tho nation. (iuir ('liiiiiiplouihlw Stmt United Press Service KINGSTON. N. Y., Juno 'J5.--r.Wlth i t .1... l.l i.ntfAft uf till KOl IHPiii ..n.w... w . - unlay. Over 100,000 women pay taxes In Michigan. -t-l ,' " With All Sails Set tho water. Tho sail area was so great that It dwarfed the vessel her- Relf Sll seemed in the distance a nl,ere spfc "vere1 wltU ora" wings. In this rare she beat the fast- .., ,i r., ..,,. , . . i. f v.i. v l. M.HVU UIG L44W LUUI2C 1 ln in taci, ner time was much tertl.au that of the 90-footers which raced for the cup In tho past. ilNITIAL AUTO RIRF IS FATAI I1IUL. IV I II I Ilk BLUFF IN1X) THE OCEAN (United Press Senlco SAN PEDRO. Juii 2il. J.tuaiiesu n8itlrmt;Ii (hU morulng fouuil lhe . ... . .,...,, ,ryat!i, vM.n ... .-v mo., .. .i ...w opcrntor; Mrs. Iiura Townsend, his mother; Lora Towniend, his sister, Hni MvrUo ,, Ul the 3urf liear ,. Pont Tlt,lr lleaths ,, 1)etn caused by plunging over tho bluff In un ,,.,tomobile. tho wreok of which I was found uear the point. Harry Raker, driver of the car, was thrown out as tho car fell, and was round ou tho bluff, fatally In jured. linker bought the car last night, and started with tho party for the 'first rldo In tho machine, wheu it plunged oer tho 125-foot cliff Into tho ocean. Wheu tho wrecked machine was righted the body of nil boy was fouuil. The body has not been ldeutltled. but It Is believed to bu that ot a boy who ramo with Raker from Los Angeles. New Electric 1'rvt.sor. The uow Hale Electric Presilug ma chine Just connected up In tho Klam ath Dje Works Is the only model of Its kind wost ol Chicago. The ma cMno Konerntca its own steam by elec trlclty, and steams, prosses and dries automatically and at one operation It is shaped for pressing every kind of garment, from mon'a suits and over coats to all kinds of wearing apparel for ladlos. "!' wjmhywc w yyg-r Tf" T'WI", GERMAN COLONY MAY LOCATE IN KLAMATH GOUNTY THKV Alii: LOOKING FOB IMIRV, lUN'CUES I (ii-rtiiun NVtioiui' Man and German ruriiH-r.CupItnllits Conn- In From Poitlaml l Look Otcr Klatiuttli Ciiuiity U'ltli n Vifvr to Locating a l.'olony Hen- Thrifty Teuton I Mwt l-lrallo S'ttlcr. A German colony of fifty families i may rnaUo Klamath county their lion:-, according to A. K. Keru and 'prank Ott, who are here Xrom Port land, to look over Kiuinath county i lauds. Thia forenoi n it a I'oitland- er went to Dairy to looK. over ihe Shook holdings. "Mr. Ott. who Is a practical Oer- iraan farmer, is seeking 3 location for 'a colony of about flft families," said Mr. Kern this morning. "The mem bers of tbe colony are either natives of Eastern states or direct from the 'Fatherland, it is their desire to en Igage in dairying and stock raising, and e are here with a view to learn 'ing the advantages of Klamath county I In this respect. If the land U what we think it should be, and the prices are right, the colony will In all prob-. ability bo located here." 1 Mr. Keru is of A. E. Kern & Co., Portland printers. In addition he U editor and publisher of tho Deutsche Zeltung, tbe most widely read Ger man, newspaper on tbe Pacific CoasL The thrifty German farmer is the i. . .... ,..... . TVfiA n P I 7PII mm K SirSD R ID BUT bet-jmnate enough to secure this settle- mcnt It will mean a substantial ad - vance for the county's farming pros-, .pects. Like the Bohemian and Rus- sian, the German farmer was taught 1 In his European home to utilize every, i foot of the land he owns, and to utll-' I lie every by-product of his farm or stock, so that he gets the maximum profit out of his farm, with the mini- mum amount of waste. Resides this, he loses no time In becoming un American citizen, if not already naturalized, and his children are sent to the American schools and taught from childhood the ways, principles and language of America. And to go still further Hans Wag ner. "Dutch" Schaefer, Bauman. Schang. Zelder, Schalk, Baumgartncr, Kuhu, Zimmerman and others who have made history In the major leagues, nro fnr from being of Celtic descent If the Irish do monopolize most of the big John In the big cir cuits. Tho whale has tbe thickest skin of inn- livini? rrvature. its iiiue in places attains a thickness of fully two feet. Gigantic Store Fails Receivers Appointed for United Press Serrlce NEW YORK, June 25. Receiveis were today appointed for H. B. Chaf lin & Co,, one of tho biggefct dry goods flims In tho entire world. Ovor S2C.000.000 are Involved In their fail ure. Federal Judge Haud named Jose Martlndale and F. A. Julllard as the receivers. They are under $COO,000 bonds. They assorted that the retail subsidiaries will bo taken care of. Terr&&wmim&Fi:n&3' Mv'V'nfkm IMPORTANT POINT 0NRAILR0ADNOW IN REBELS' HANDS SAN IX)L'S POTOSI IS CAPTURED TODAV 1'ctlt'raln Ixwe Heavily, A ceo nil it to DNpalilicn Sent to ToiTeon Umtr'-' (a Korcen Are RetreotlM Toward Agua Callentes, Where tbe Jfcit HIS Battle of the PrewM War WUI lie Fought. United Press Sernca TOHREOX, June 26. Tha consti tutionalist troops under Gcnaral Gon zales captured San Luis Potosl, ac cording to dispatches received thia morning at rebel headquarters. The details of the battle are sot given in tbe dispatches sent. It la reported that the federal lotaaa were heavy. Tbe defeated Huerta army la re treating toward Agua Caliaate, where ' several divisions will moslllM to make a determined stand agalaat tha constitutionalists. i Agua Callente and QuereUo ar tha I only federal strongholds there ara laft orth of MtxIco clty NEW MORNING PAPER TALKED L., - , tvn.,,,a wlllxur'm RELIEVE CON GRESSMAN' LAFFERTV W ONE OF THE HACKERS OF THE RUM ORED PUBLICATION . j POrTLAnd, June 2G. Of tha many rumora floMlng about Portland Mft rcgara t0 the establishment ot a uow morning paper In this city, one la certainly true, and that is the proposl- , tlon Is being talked about. According to Attorney L, M. Lep per, whose namo has been connected ' with the enterprise, there will be so Immediate steps taken toward an In vasion ot the morning field so far aa ho Is concerned. Financially reason- alble parUes both In Portland and out side, he sayB. huo been loeking: over tho Held, but have not as yet come to. any decision as to Just what course they will pursue. Among the rtimors current respect ing the proposed morning dally la oae to the effect that Congreaamaa A. Walter Lafferty Is to be obo ot the principal DacKers. anu inai u win uot (independent In character. id?! Chaflin Company Twby It Is understood that thirty big bunks here held tho arm's paper. It; Is probably that 2,000 buka Jaa-f where also handled some of the Hra'a business. Tho Cliaflln company haa' Wg, branch houses in many large cKIt la, the East nnd Middle Watt. .It teJav' possible to state whether or ei U other stores of the cowr will to closed Ma result ojf tk fetltftl t a frisniiiv Miuiiv aeiHioB reeBaaa T". ".".""' " ..:..: u' i two banki :ptcy auRa, t M " " w, m' i r 1 I P m 1 s i ii si U Ii ' :v T2