e&V Ste iEttati iteratf PRINTS THIS NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS - rrs-.,T -"- - tttttit KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER :$ v&-y &i HlfeMli Viir V. UIU uf' " " ' vjgfjaaT.. r -- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1914 Price, Fire VILLA 8 TROOPS SKIRM1SHINU IN CITY OUTSKIRTS utim y..'.Ti:H. on -m iirv OF MK.VH n I'lllluU l'rr Bvi lei l.i4ililir rutin Hi.' I'ioih IimIIihIi'i UAMIINOION. K. I , Juiu 21 lln.t Villi. Will ,) .... l... .,...l,,","",",, w',,, WA """" " 'uutnem of I limit I'nluttr, I'm.i Kilun llttliHr nl tVwinnut, liiJMitUlii'X. Will SIlllp.i ami Ml-I.ait vUnnti Up Von l-r H. "Mr. ri. Maitwin. In Mlr liiliitillil'r rwiwa" Trtlilplro Itliiiini sM llipt. Ill) I'rll fit Hip llllli. Hulled I'' Mervlra J.U'IUV.. July Ul, Uwitii itn U Mart. VHU' MMlllitrtilUI UKrnt, nii.'it)tuliilln rar nmilltrtl lltAl lilt ttlli'itKMMI tin IV irllr.1 llm fnll.m lltU ilUmtii (linn' Ilia, nl I'ltnrnla "Will kJMt Ilir Kriirnil anl aaalu.l Aaiatrcao tillliln nil In. in. I am rt.ltltilrttl uf urrr, I'lnirtiltl t III.' Illllr. ixntll ( Ai. , tatrraa. 1'l.tlrU I'fean HolVlra IAt REV., Jtin.t li Tito -nn.llW' ilunall.u rr.ori Hint ihefo am tlr mi.br. in pitter-" l.9ir.ti VHU' mtVJltfo fiUatil atlit III" federal OUl- nl I'ltnrtila, n aUbtirb (li '.amir" r Tim eammlllpa afn null. VHU U hurrylus from I'rwiilllo, Thr Criirrnl attack will pfohably be in .Id tomorrow, VHU ba 1-pu awstllric ilia arrival nl mnrn artillery. II U Mill knnn wlmilmr (Mirral Nairra, irrmity iiUr! uvrr Villa ami limn 4hivI, will mxipcratp Uli Villa. ll U ramped tmr Villa's ml v-anre guard. Today VHU "IrrJ UoUcrl l'.Qilt ra, t'urrttiiia'ii mnriilrtiiUI oenni, itisl ip lnipinl l imwmiI UiKrttil Mrllru Cliy h)H '.aralMflii fall. Ihli liiJIralr. ilml lie mIII rarrx u Iho ralill.ftlsil Up liaa titlllllir.l. tKiil'l lna l( CarrxlKa'a r'rflluii IV.ultr ha. uul VHU In awilit an nt" fUli Hh Cntnuua. anil ital kHj III III In oMiprmlc wtlll CirfJIi- for lllp K'"l f III" MUsn I VHU tin IniiRrr irtPt In C'arAla 'my rlilrf " lln now rail It I in 'Mr Carrnnta," ll U rrpotlr4t llul Urnrral (Inn iIp, Um rjttc fntninanJor III clilt'f nl Oio iinrltipaal illrl.lnn. will CatHUtn Hau l.uU I'ouml lrnro Villa rmrtin llmri. UiilleJ l'rM Bortlro WAHIIINUION', l ' . J(i S t Tnmici a rumor U rurrnil Itml Villa rat.turwl Zncalisaa HnlunUy, nlliT n liari) nhl. Jmirf ilUtmUlira il" ' runrlrin IhU, BaylliK llm nllarW In pi'i-l-l In innrrow, Tti Vl.lt Tlirlr lkt.1. Tho Mlapn Jih. mid l'ilm DrUniH am lit thn flty, UHIns Hh Mr. mul il. U ii..M..ii fjiH .. f..av iltiiM 'Vhty il a. iiui ii ini mi im Ian' t-'. - Mls.t.s Urlsroll t .n tls.-lf ny t.. Illy, lo Ni.Pii.1 II... Hummi-r mHIi lliflrMi- m aiimi . " "" father. Dan Drlsroll. I''"-''" '' x "U',, ''rf,"",,r"- Mickle Says Pure Food Law Is Joke PORTLAND, Juno 24. If Htero over wiih u pMivlnt'il, crlppl'-il, rhoii miille, uiiuomir, iloililorlng old law, It la thu food Nlututn of Oregon, accord hiK to J. . Mlcklo. And Mr. Mlcklo huouIiI know, Ho Im thu hIuIo dairy mid food coiiiuilMHlotier, mid ho hits to work with tint luiiiuuiru every day. Tho commissioner Ik gntltorlng data for u coniprehonslvo now law, which ho wants soino to frame ami Introduce nt tho next sosslon of thu loglslaturo. Iiu has been studying tho Inws of oth r status and Invltlug consclontloim linkers and restaurant men to hulp him In his work, "We itoed nu outlrely now muns uro," mid Mr. Mickle. "Thoro Is no DYNAMITERS 1ST SERVE SENTENCES 'III Mill I ( OM H llll S N TI.NC I' I Ml It, III ' IUI iti hi vh r iji) io i,i- i s AultVIl I IWOHHOW tip ilo nKt t it Id nuiiililtT ,..i. a inn, fur mmillto rlcnit'iii) mi tv rt4i i( enlmral" tlttoua for ulin Hir tin J Paul MnrrU. ITIif other ili'fritdnnu, no nut mi dull, tit not co in I,-.ivriiaiutli In mnriow Till rnriial) cinl. the .NEW SODA FOUNT JUST INSTALLED S4IIT lltll i:u iultl WiillKMK.S Mi I OM'I nio. h CI.UsKII Willi, I ITT IN M'l.l'.MHIt i:w ri.vrnu: T-. ..- CaitJ) loi a clixril (inn 1 k taut itlctit until 1 nVliKrk iwl!t. .-tiltn I), II. l-itox, lln .mrUiur. int n tfow of workmen t..latlt tin' iii'W It-fmit Irt'li-iui fouii lalli. ktmwli a Hip I'll ill Cnunlrr t'nillltalll. Tim I'Uinu. i. '! l-li U 'ilt! ItaW Ian iitilip. uut"l wUli lito auil ifrlr- of vfMr (ittiiitup iti..lnlP, con- lalin a rnirisraiur, uiric up rrrom ralilurU. an ! rfpm Urlrk lank, II liii iuttt., l rrii'lioit lril Jam, two llik nml a int-iil Bl.l rut r Tin- fiiiiiilMlti li t.Miitl(nll rtiiulicU iilnl tiaintil) urtniiKi.l tttnl In lite Inn: ci iiiiiniuin in Kiiiitiiprn Om r. u ORPHEUS THEATER I Xi: l'l IMiIM: I'Olt KLAMATH I'AI.IJ. IS lMi:it MAXAUKMKVIV OF TI.NIIAI.I. AMI MAHLINO. MOVH.S AMI VAl'HKVILLi: Willi an upi-nliie progrttiu f thr trtiitlc.HU act nud four renin of mo duli picture, thn tlrpheii theater will lomiirrow ulKlil Klvo Im Initial show. Tlndnll nud HurlliiR, Hit' iiianKrs of thn new sliuw hotue, lltleniled to open tnitlKhl. hul deeined It ti.hlHnblo In iOtH)im this fur one day. Tomorrow 'h bill tonsims ' ii"' , , i .,,., uulnMlh. nc.a nu.l f.mr r U f h iNuiiltaiy sliindnnl lu Oregon Mr hitk 1 olios iiini reHluurnut kitchens to Hut tti to, Tho law luuAOa It nil I" (ho L....iiIi.iiiiiih iii lie iniidn by the cum- regnliillniiH in bo iniidn by the cum- in I nil I (.tut I. "Now, llml would Im all ilKhl If It giiMi the eniiinilsHloner power to en- fill I'll his rulliiKH. It uoesifl. IHO ..r,...m Httitn law conslslH of a loiiK string of sopnrato uiueiulmoiits. "Thoro Is no otto eompinhenslvu niensiiro with it power of enforcement applying lo tho whole, . .... llwi .WlW'.ll' III "THO CIIIUHP KIVIIIK " ! l"" i'". enrouo our legulatlons rofoin only to i ,.r n... luw. Tbeiu are uimiy uinomlmtuiit lidded lator, which 1 hiivo Imsoliiluly no ituthorlty to enforce," OPENS TOMORROW Grover Cleveland's Daughter Presented-at Court of St. James "-- M i i i i. . ... I, lulling .aallllllllllHalllllHalllllmAallllllllllllllllllll aHB9K I ' S-w- i;ilXM.ss i - - MlM Ksllipr Uetvland, dauKliUr orfof faHlilnnable women ut the court, the Uti' Prtldi'iil Clewlaud, was Tho accounts which have come by iriiliHt to King UiHirgo nud Queen cnblo say she wore a white satin gown Mary tln other day. She made one, with a tullo train bordered with sll of the brilliant fltturos lu tho display, vcr and chiffon. RAILROAD SUED BY INJURED MAN i iJOIIN .s.WIIHIt, IVII. WAK virr. iiiiav, coi.mi:nici:s actiox t itccovine roit acciii:.nt at vi:i:i iv si'him; I TIiioiikIi Hay & .Murijliian. John! (Ileialil Special Senile) Haulier, u Civil War veteran, lias com-! SAN ntANtMSCo, je 24 Dallas uieiic-d arlloit ngiiliiHl (he Southern I y ,s ,,,,, ,,m cU). offlcllUly t0 en. I'neillc to recover $2.a40, costs and u.r ajl aeroiUIle , Ul0 -round-the-ilainaKM rosultluK from an accident wor avutluu race of tho Panama ttl Weed, nlteit Snuber was struck by iac0 exposition. a freight cur. ' , , , ,, .., , , . tjptalu J. 11. Wordou, an aviator Snuber was on his way hore Jrom j,low wth )0 Ml,x,can fe,,era, Brmy ,, Kentucky. Ho stated that there vns,,0 bl u p)ott ani, 10 macnne ,8 mi wltl'lle, bell, brakemnn or any ' 0:,ijeii "il0 Dallas. oilier wu.iiiig gheit when the freight1 ' . '. , .. ,. began In move. FRACTURES LEG AT LUMBER MILLjPETERSON GOES WOltKMAX AT Till: I.O.N'U I.AKK PLANT SUFFERS ACCMIENT THIS MORX1XO Wllll.i: OFF-' HKARIXO FROM A SAW jciHTV SCHOOL SUPEIUXTEXD- j EXT CALLED TO SAfcUM W1KK M. Fiettlmul of Portland, emplo) oil WILL VISIT FRIEXDS IX MED nt thu Long l.nku l.umbur company's .'ORI) AT SAME TTMK plaul nt ShlpilnKton, suffered n frnc turo of thu thlcli whllo nt woik this motnliiK, ofllieurlng from thu nw. a piece or wood, nil, uy mo moving saw.i struck ! retlliiiiil. Thn litJiiroil innit was ttikon' to tho llhirkhtiiu hospltnl, Tho fracture wan i educed hy Dr. Hamilton, tissisteu hy Dr. Cntliny and Johusou, and the Injured man Is testing eiiHiiy. I'.iht for n Trip. Mis. Elinor Hrown hits goiio to Col- (initio to visit friends. Hein Fioiu "TlioCcilniH." II, HI. (loorge Bishop Is horo from "Tito Cedars," his splendid Uppor I. it l.o homestend, i tSTHEIt CLEVCLkNP' DALLAS ENTERS AEROPLANE RACE I i:AS CITY IS THK 1'lltST MAKi: H.NTHAXCi: IX 'ItOUXD-Tlll.'-WOItl.l) HACK IH'lUXn THK i KXI'OSITIO.V muchlue, mid will back his flight with ' $230,000. tllo Is thu llrst aviator to 'participate with his machine In actual warfare In the Western Hemisphere. TO GRADE PAPER Oounty School Suporlntondent Frod ,.u,rsou , NVf0 i,aVo gone to Med foril j tliclr auto. Mrs. Petorsou will ,..,,,...1,. thoro to visit frleuds, uud Potumou will go on to Salem. Tu( scl0ol inelnl Is culled north to Ltluml ,, County superintendent's . c(mvci,t(m nud to grade the papers In I tho recent teachers' examination, He I w ho nwn two weeks, nud during , mo Mls8 M A carloton will !mvo charge ot tho superintendent's otllco. Denver hdiool girls huvo voted tor limit tho cost ot tholr dresses to 18, - SERVIAN KING QUITS THRONE! ii,i, ncAini is Tin: hk.vso.v div i:x iiVAiiKD Kixo ii:Ti:it .ton l' HVUSd Tl'lt.VKI) OVKIt TO tiii: citowv 1'itixri: I'nilcil I'reM Service imi.r.UADK, June 21. KltiK I'cter toiljy nliillrtiti'il Hit- Servian Iliromj In fawir of tilx son, .Uil- crown nriiicc. tTIic iirliHO will take ii)i llio arTalm of ( ulnto Imrnuillately i HI health Ik tho rcasnti aulsncd fori tltc nbdlrnllon. , TO PARTICIPATE I'Allt X)MMI.SSIOXKU TO THK Ollli:.T 1TXDS SKVKX XATiOXS AI'1'IUII'HIATIXO MOXKV FOK tiik i:.vi'orno. (llcrnliJ Snctlal Service) SAN KItANCISCO, June 21. Titos. Hi. Stallsmlth, L'nited States commls- bloncr for the I'anaina-I'aclflc exposi tion to the Orient and Straits Settle ments, has returned from an eight months circle of the globe. As the result of his visit tho follow ing natious hue accepted the luvlta-' Hon of the president of the United States to participate, and bae appro-! priaieu tue sums nameu tor mis pur I pese: China, $1,500,000; Australia, 100,000; New Zealand, 1250,000; rhillnpnlo Island:., $000,000; Cochin and Ind'o China. $300,000; Java,! 1250,000; Slam, (300,000. The King of Slain will bo repre sented at the I'anama-Paclflc exposi tion by his brother, Kajanl, and be jwlll send also a sacred white- elephant, Siamese dancing girls and other fa - litres (ypicai oi mo nation. A battalion of Slamwe troops is to attend, and tho offlcera will be carried in tho king's private yacht. -innillinil I ll nrm. COUNCILMAN DEAD; WOMAN IS JAILED FASHIOXAHLK WOMAX SAYS THK .MAX WAS ACCIDENTALLY HURT, AXD SHK CARRIED THK BODY FROM HER HOUSE United Press Service STAMFORD, Conn., July 24. Waldo llallou, a wealthy city coun cilman, was found dying this morn ing at the door of tho residence ot Mrs. Helen Angel, a rich widow, who Is prominent in local society. Ballou's head was crushed, aud ho died with out spoaklng. A trail of bloody footprints led to tho womau's door, and Ballou's hat. smashed and bloody, was found in the woman's apartment. When arrested tho woman denied any know ledge of the affair. She said llallou visited her, but left hor apart ment at 10 o'clock last night. This afternoon sho told the police that Oallou was accidentally killed. Snp said sho thought she would bo compromised, so carried and dragged his body toward the sidewalk. Hcrv for a visit. Mrs. C. M. Colllor and daughter, Miss Dorothy Collier, came lu lant night from Eugene with the former's brother, K. P. McCornack, to visit thulr sou nud brother, Andrew M. Collier, nud other relatives here. Mrs. Collier Is president of the hoard of dlroctors of the Eugene schools, nud while here she will look over the local buildings for new Ideas to Incorporate lu the erection of the new high school and now grammar school to be built ut the Luuo couuty metropolis. Alex Stewart, the well known Lan sell VtUloy mucker, Is lu tho county seat on business. ORIENT NATIONS fl RODEO TICKETS ON SALE SOON: iii:,igCAKTi:it.s con r.io .snow TO UK Ol'i:KII AN'J COMMIT ti:ks aui; xasiko to m.st va cant IIOOMS Headfiuartfru for the Itodeo have boon opened lu thu McDonalil build ing on .Main utri-et, next to the Hegal Shoe Htore. Colonel Chester Avery 'villi be In charge of headittiartera. and will answer all telephone calls. A committee on liotela and accom- jmodatlons U to be appointed this (week, and a canvass will be made of 'the city to secure a list of every avail able room. As there will be thousands of out nldo peoplo here during the Rodeo, the people of Klamath Palls will bave to open their homes, as It will be Im possible for the hotels to begin to ac commodate the crowd. Tho commit tee will be very careful in placing the guests, so that only desirable people will bo sent to the private homes. Tickets will probably be placed on sale at headquarters the first of the week. In order to facilitate the band Ming of the crowds at the gates. A chart v. HI also Lo urn do of re?rv , ed seats In the grand stand, ami Uese can be secured bef"e going to the grounds, If desired. FREE DANCING TO BE PROGRAM TO KKKl HIS 1'I.OOU IX SHAPH JOH.V V. HOr.STOX AHHAXGIIS DAXCES FOK PATROXS OF HIS THEATERS j Dancug wjjj Be ,wateV durlng the almost as free as summer months Beginning Saturday night, J, ' Hou8ttm wl announco from tUe s(.reens of gtar Bnd Tem),e thea. )tera ,bat aUer ,he 9how patroM of 'these two popular play bouses can dance the rest of the evening at the I Houston opera house positively free. Those attending on the night the I "dance" slide Is flashed will be given tickets at the box office upon request. (Those not securing these tickets will bo charged an admission at the opera house. "In addition to this furnishing a treat for my patrons, I am giving these dances In order to keep the dancing floor at the opera house in good shape," said Houston. "In hot weather It is hard to do this, the best method being to have It danced on. Hero From the Marsh. Chns. Lenz is spending a few days in the city from his father's ranch In the upper end ot tho Big Klamath Marsh, Charles states that the ranch ers in his section are highly elated over tho prospects ot bumper hay crops this year. Mr. Lenz will leave the latter end of this week for his homo. The new quarter of a mill feet a day electric sawmill ot the Booth- Kelly company at Sprlngtield wns giv en a trial the past week. Montana Governor Wants U. S. Troops United Press Service BUTTE, June 24. One man was killed and live vvouuded In last night's rioting betwoen Insurgent miners aud a sheriff's posse. The historic Unlou hall was also destroyed by dynamite during the night. Oovernor Stewart will probably ask for federal troops. The situation Is quiet today, but ut high tension. It Is ruraoted that there ore further MIDDLE WEST IS HIT BY TORNADO; MANY LIVES LOST I I :riu)i'i:iiTV 1IAMAGK 1IKAVV I.S VEKV Cuuofft iiml Small IlonU oa Lakes Am Capilml, and Wreckage la Strew ing the .Shore -Crops la Mlaap-i-iitn ami Uio Dakota Are Destroy ed Dakota, Totn Hoffera Moat Km . in the Storm. United I'ress Serrlce ST. PAUL, June 24. Meagre re porta obtainable from last nlght'i tornado Indicate that there flay be a big loss of lire, In addition to a heavy property loss. It la feared that as telegraphic communication la re-ee-tabllshed other casualties will be re-" ported. There are many people hurt In this section, and three were fatally in jured. Watertown, S. D., Albert. Lea, St. Cloud and Red Wing, Minn., hare all been swept by the cyclone. United Preaa Serrlce MINNEAPOLIS, June 24 Two are known to be dead and many are Miss ing and doxena are seriously lajared as a result of last night's cyclase. The property loss is about flOO.eOO. s The storm struck while 300 eanees, rowboats and other saall craft, I)le4 with pleasure seekers, war oa the lakes. The wreckage of.doswas ot boats are being found on tho shores. and it Is feared that many drowned. United Press Serrleo CHICAGO, Jane 24. Fifty iv. ere injured, some fatally, and i houses were wrecked by a storaa which swept Watertown this morning. Tho storm moved eastward toward Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin, according to dispatches received be fore the wires were torn out. At Milwaukee a cyclone wind wrecked chlmney.s and crashed win dows. Many trees and fences were blown down. STERILIZATION IS RAPPED IN IOWA FEDERAL COURT OF APPKAXS HOLDS THE NEW LEGISLATION IS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AXD SO IS VOID United Press Service DES MOINES, June 24. The fed eral circuit court of appeals today held that Iowa's sterilization law was unconstitutional. This provided for tho sterilization of criminals, lunatics and others deemed unfit. Tho right against the hill was taken op by Inmates of the penitentiary. They secured the aid ot wealthy men, and were able to carry their case Into the federal courts. dynamite plots contemplated President Moyer of the Waster Moyer of the Weatern I ot Miners was t4ay ,.vi?V'I with lynching If' BverVyg Federation threatened with turns to Butte. A dosultory firing eoila4 :;M' , ;, it lis C1a thAuaaatal Sasutatlii si - a 1' tho dynamiting ot the biiMsrsf,, ?K ;4! ,. All ot the salooMla Ika attar mm1, 'J ordered to keep salo ot firearms bee -t pv ., aewiOTssssssM., , -T , i ri A-'-, " fl 'i & ' T.fll v -yy ,j,i -i!m-myr.fjsiWHttHrg3ifig iJwocw?r;?g rr" ?3g-'S?JWu'J