&lj? i-uemnn literal? PRINTS Till' NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ;IkIiIIi Year N". U.ltll KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Fries, Ft? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1914 U, S. MARINE IS PELICAN BAY MILL j MISSING; TROOPS WILL BE REBUILT ARE AGGRAVATED IS LATEST REPORT Coronation Chair the Militants Unsuccessfully Tried to Blow Up Auto Hi Hiilriol Kllli-r ZACATECAS WILL REDFIELD SAYS llt M M HI l-ltl lltl. I U'Hi: ll " vn i hii in n.it itd i idin nil III. I.rlielttl llli.lt'H ! I'MI-Otlti: " ILilU , ,!, , M.ini.illi Mlnl.i i M) Him It IM.ui titi III"' I '.M I ( I'm1 Ill, Irtllil 'tU) III' ll"lllxl till' tniiet "I the Mi'tlum t'.iiint.iinlt I Itl Itllll lilt' 'll.llu l I'l'llll Ml" !-. Inl ii mi Amlni.li. t'Mll.d I'l"" Kaffir f 'tlllllll. It t Jllllllll ) H Pi III fill (II) Hint Ktltuil Hi Mr. Muili n"ii lli' H)lllx.lll) lit tin. t'ullimilllll), nn. I mi lill.-i nl ,..i.liiit.e In (.illlnu Nut html. Tl.ii !4itln ft.tv t.ttnlmr .n.f.utit ii tt.tsHIMITOS, l, .. June U.I. - j,wmlll anil plaillUB l.ltl. tililiii -m t.ritrtul I ill.-Kiu lot. lll llin While bunted down Slllllls) aiirnui. -ill H,,M, il-i Ptl.-te Helot 1. 1. II.I..I.. .. '-"'" Information to itii. . ., eten to tho director f n" ,)irmlH.r ..I U.e mumIm ...M.-. HI",.. 1Ua(taU( chamltvt of Vammw, .,, . ,-rti.. U.l Kiiiiiilrt). tlin.li tia. iM-rn morlB (iy jh,j, ) Morn.ui.oi. the on iuImi iliii) llin'' "' '' " iifirot niiij iimnnKfr j( the uii't rf.--reitte, ntnl Irfl III illte mitt mn Hit fotntltioil lliu illfwlom f u.e imiiiitlmi nl liU , ' liattiber or Commerce motor..! 1.1 -)(, MUM iiirtlmi. iii Mounting if IVIIroil fit), thv lIirlflllK HHIr smlt the .lull. Iiad lrii held under ol- meiil liullt up uttitlli.l tin mill lijr i wnu, n,p iuH.inl, hi. iiKtiul mitu) ami In behalf if tin i-u.i ,w.ll..nlK'lMMlnlrt .imrlllmiif. of Mmnntll Pall, liter oilui'lfl . Mr Moririiwii tli ili"!' uipihy lulled Pf irlt 'Hip U rommunlly fwl for ....... kiiiiv I....- i Ii U be. mmiiaiir oter the lau.uvu !' nun- vr;iiA in jwho " . ".. - le..J hrfo Hial HucflUtA. r .ly. litrli al.u iuU owr 300 mrti .nlti l jirnwiUn t rmcaerttiput uut f wurk ,9 dttLH Ull H jllftSLLLLLLM lLBIBtyfit H "T..Z miii i i nr"- " SWBHSBSgESKI-JlsflKSBll Hill )! ! ; Allicrt Wiinl of lllilw.ll ha n ! no4l uny of gettltiK rlil of nqulr- rclit that Infont hln raiifli, atnl one In wlilth IiIh .itilomntilli' pluyfc nn Important part. H fclmtily ilrUoii up to n (niulrrvl nolo, with a rulilior pipe ntlarhi-il to the fxhnunt plpp of tils ma- ! (lilnc, Itim'rtK tru- lioiif Into tho hole nnil ittartK hl engine. Tho jv rumen of the Ksirollw kill the ' i(iilrreU In thin manner he ha. BE ATTACKED IN ! NEXT 24 HOURS1 TIMES HERE ARE BEST IN WORLD l)i:sl'KU.Ti: VMSVIM7T IS KX.'llKPWXSIO.V LKAVK8 FASTK8T IX I'KCTKIt THIS COUXTR1' ret rid of them with pohioii - AlMira IMalliilealer rid hi place of the pentB after i many tinyiircrMfu! attemptn to Villa W'lll Hate IU.UO0 Soldier Tlio Hi-ml of the DepartmcBl of Ctimmtertr GRANNIS WANTED IN ANOTHER CITY IteheK l.v.irn Tolu Tlmt I lie Fel- nil tiurrlnoii l Well Armeil, ami l Itieitlni; ItelnforirinentH Daily, I'rom I lie Soutli ItrlM-l Delegate Iamvc for Ontario. I'olnt to the Reporta of Imperta nml KtMrt to lroc Tlito, awl r:letantlate WiUon' Comteatla Tlmt the 1'jwIc Hpoken of Here l "IV)cliologkal." ' i f United I'ress Serrtce United I'resi Serrlc -Villa's WASHINOTON, D. l r? Tuna 93.- . IUAMAUMU zau, Juno .-. viiias; .o.i..iv..w.,, . w., -- . -attack on Zacataces will begin wlihln ("America was the last nation In the ; . . r-i I Iu.v.hI.1 In inter thf World-Wide deBfeO uweniy-iour iiciurs. iinmuuiiicnuunii"".- ' 1 . . . ... -.... ... U. Mm tn atttftft" reached here this morning. aion, auu u . .- . ,l 1 i.t a .n- itrilllAtn n Ta1IIII of sI.T UKi: AfTHOIHTHLS Alii'.' vnia has learned that tne sirengin --"--- .sl.Alt(.lll.(. I Oil M. LI. s I.N-jmeBi Tbcy nave forlJ. cannon .and j "Furthermore." be added, "Ar- Dl.ini, WHO lltlMMi:i KLAM-'over 100 field pieces, with plenty ofjlca felt the effects of this depression I ... .tho tonal nf sit nations. I $&v TMMW kith ilia Anirrlraii trtHitu Tho irtr tl.ili r(rn Alnfllrati unit Mlr imtHta l aruir An Amorlrati marliip. ! iiani" )a twrll wlllihfld. dUi-irrd. dial nirnrt. Itx that l"' IU "'-' "" (ale of iIip Ute I'fltate I'aiW.. Killed ir tho fedrtaU. The Alrrlrl1 ilUtl hOUlrd qurallotl t tlr MetlCnll" lKrdlli: IhU man. Uill tli Uttrr Jerrr.1 them The Attierlratt lmy are ttttttllX BIlKer rl but limy wrip ordrrnl not Hi limtllltlrti r'relltiK that Hnerta U tryltiK t Intro Kiuno BltarW. Uetirrol I'uitnlou I. liluui.tli Hi tMlt ll '' ' tly he rfiil H" Meilnut rommalid er reJlet thai ll" American lall' train lord Mi-tlcn City nhuitld run a far . Tettttilmlrraii There H ould Iw eay 1" mhuh For threo d. llin otllpiMU "In'". II,.. Melratt hate l-eetl urekltll! an i pportunlly to iari mtmeihliiK. ii. .iit.M'i.11. Mriu fiirthir than nier. horiU of nyimntth). and lhe urfemd to Kle thnl fltinnelnl aid I tie) Kill Id. Mr MurteiiMin's upprrclatlon of thU o hwn l) Hi" l!uertiy f ll utiorl .h of than). lie ! ured the dtrectiirn that already me cutipany a oiilderltiK plan lor re-i hiilldini: ttiolr ruined plant sasfissa Tl,. B . ..f ti,e militaia ultrn- tho konu Mas that upon h.ch Jacob 11 ' ' , resit d Ms head at llcthel, and It as -......- in i.ti.H tin lirttnlti ancient ' ...... .... ..., IS1 " " "" f rnrcinalltiti rhutr the oilier da) In carried hy I'hsraoh's daushter, whoso ' heart Moses had touched, to bpain, V.-imIluler AliUty had a greater ef -, w .uc,. t was borne to Ireland and f.ct on nubile mmllnient llian an)- then to lona. There Is little doubt . . .i ..,,. ir to mant'lhatSU Columbia laid his d lug head ;:;;:!;;r, s .nn.na'wnna'J.Pot, . Th. ,1,., , k '1 '...., n.,,,,,!,... ltl. the mon.ilook It to Sconce and enclosed It In a c. The corona,,.,,, c.,ar. In. Uelf.oo; chair ; O-"' " - .t ...wiciailoi.. In. Derlinps. me niii,i'" ....... .....- -- JH.t l.l the company .III .1" - i re narkablt, r.d.c In the nr.l. The till lWard I. capiureu u anu .. .. ATI! PAI.US I'KOIM.K The Klamath county authorities are not the only onot who are looking for Jack Urannls or Uranas, who. dur- MnK ibe brief career of the "House of Jlerry," got Into the finances of sev eral Klamath Falls people. The cur- tent issue of a Jewelry trade Journal trarns all Jewelers to beware of Gran- nt, who is representing himself as a manufactured agent, and belling Im ported novelties. According to tho publication, he worked the Sail l.ake Jewelry con- cenrs, and is botng sought by author- ltli.a. lie Kate a number of worthless ChCCKS, wmiii jeweirjmeu ne uumu i . mm ni vlth. cashed. The picture with the;Unlted Pre,C! .mmnnltinn. tthe least of all nations. . ., .i. -t - iioi rtn.i "The rcnorted dullness in trade and forced dally from the south. Villa will, Industry Is psychological, as Fresi- with 19,000 men, will attack as soon oem tvnaon saj. . .ti -. .... .. . ' a,.rnm MnTiltaH am in ImnOrtS. "X- a ntoouy ngni is ex- " .............. w . mil bo known for cteral do). II U teptirted. thouch, lhat a box factory wlll be built b) lliu company, to I'm tide el another nifthod of timrketlng the lumber which I In inaiir place a .in.. ..t. lit., market. A lit fsutnr J"l'l tlirouRh tl,,. winter mtinlliH. '' hl wouiu glt,. mill further empluyiiiini to the lenliletils r I'ellcan Clt), all lai em- (iloyeti of the lumber company. The ntiwiiinrcint.nl f Iho rompati) re- halillllatltiu plan are beluK awalleti with Kreal Itilcrcil by tho illliens of Ktnliwilh I'alU. chair was made In the ,car .300 for U off ,. hU a ne ' "J.I 1. was pa... forlment which binds together the whole cart I in: and gliding he two leopard. m iiuaniuir. v uiuuui iihii w - noetod ports, etc., prove this General Natera. who led the last as-i "Other nations suffered longer and sault against Zacatecas, arrived today to confer with General Villa and staff regarding the most advisable tactics for attack, etc. empire. Its Iron rings, battered sitr-j . ... .1. .. I.I..I. !... f.11 l.llt. race auu me nt - r.rtlclo Is tho same as that of the man who left hero lasl winter with a few hundred dollars a local man loaned him to purchase suits with and sell to Klamath Falls stores. r..nt Its solid mans asunder bear wit ,.. m its lone migrations It thus UlllliK llrollirr. IMwanl Koler cnm up from tlhlco. where ho I In nihool. l vllt a ronple of month with hi brother. W. Knler. The proprli'lor of the I'-M"''- "l Cbemwalde, a mll I'rmwlan lown wn far from llerlln. il"e hi tei makn Hint organ nm-fiil v"" n '" tructlve. Two da a week he tin ii. tl...,..r,.l Atifxltser nrllite.l oil only tine ttl.le of the paper, that It he ued for wrnppliiK up protlnlon wlihimt any dunged of innlnmlsiatlon from printer' Ink. 'ami 3'iw Td for making the ttp. palm lug and Kll'llKK ihe chair and protm- ,ng a U.air ro er ""--" ;illlllllollllw, , ,,, heart of the Kngllsh ::7::z:jr fable, depend A tho legend nn u. :. ... A llrltuh Industrial army of 1,700,. 000 I In propecl a it result of a I proponed working alliance, belwmn miner, rnllwa men and transport worker, with a tlew to Joint notion1 In future tllnpute affecting one or in, ire of UiosiHtlon PARADE FOR THE RODEO OPENING ' tlon of local candidates at Thursday tcnlng's meeting. ' Thu entortalnment committee- Is ar ranging entertainment for the visit ers, and there promise to bo a big .time. The local l.lKs wno rci-emo tlslte.l tho Antler's Club at Lakovlew received such roynl treatment that .i . .h.Iaii. In t.rnvo that tho i Klamath Fall bunch are not so slow, liiitMirlntit detelopmeut of thu alt braks were demoimtrnted in recent ex periment on lh rentislV!ium rait r,...l. when it twelto-car hteel train. nearly l.ooo ion In weight, running slxl) tulle nn hur. 'K'HI't'd Willi- In It own leiiRlh of itlioui i.w'w ''' The pellagra dUeaHe In the smith I In be. InveMlgated by Dr F.lUabelh Mtiucoy of the Carneglo Institution When the straw hal llrt appeared. In 17$ I, It " tt"r eNfluUoly by women itiiiir.o coMMimx wn.i. oni'.ul t'VSll llll'.l I'lHl Tl,,: IHr'anco will boon hand to greet the tis iu:niii.Ti:i vinni'i.iw iv Tiii:ior- I'ltocr.'vSioN' SELL OLD SHIPS TO BUY OTHERS MISSISSIPPI AXD IDAHO WIU. HF SOLD Tt CHKKCB MOXKV DK IHVKD WILL CO INTO XKW DIIK.lXAU(IHT much worse than America In thla de pression. Of these, notably are Oer many, France, Braill .Canada and England." RedQeld stated that the bnsaper . ..1 K HHAMl. i. i t. ... a...i.. crops nave creaieu u wiii.ww United Press Service .,..., ,. .i..i.Mi rht MAZATJN. June 23. It is re-'j farm hands He .,, tlut tBe ported that the rebel forces "nde"-' arket prce3 are aH good. ; General Alamlllo captured Zapotlan) today. I ...... IteralU me utu sjojo- The primlUve days, la the atoralsg of Time, when physical strength dom inated and mental strength ill Jaat beginning to develop, are recalled by a two-reel feature, "Brtrto- Feree," which will be run at the Teaple the- ater this evening. This drama of the" caveman's day Is commended by tbet critics. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 23. For the first time since mediation started, the constitutionalist represen tatives here are sanguine, and they believe that at the unofficial confer ences scheduled between them and the Hucrta delegates, an agreemnt can be reached as to tho provisional government. A delay will be taken at NMagara. Falls pending the arrival of the Car- rantlsts. Columbia University Is giving le-, vrui tn students nroflclent In laun- ' dry and housework. A college co-operative store has been authorized by tho board of re gents of tho Oregon Agricultural Col lege. The firm will carry a stock of books and student supplies. United Press Service and it U expected that a big attond-j WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 23. Thu sale of the battleships Mississippi and Idaho to Greece for J12.000.000 has been authorized by the house by a MORE OUTLAWS EOR THE RODEO Salvationists Hold an AD Day Service For Iho Hi si ll' I" Hie hl'0 of I the llodeo, a street proUMilou will bo, glten to mark the opening. The pa- irnlo Mil l" ,ft::, on ,hl' morlll"B' In ihlsparadothoSi.ini of Iho Old '..(iuiaLY MUHPUY" AXU "HIM West, with It reckless daring and Usj noCK JOHXXIK," HF.SF.HVATIOX winning persotorance will bo por-j T,.,mous, AHF. HIIIKH FOHTHK trnyeil. There will Ho soino espeviui. toto of 174 to S7. and concurred In by tho senate, tho naval appropriation committee granting authority to sec retary Daniels to make the sale. The house also voted in fat or or using tho money, thus derived in building a new dreadnnught. LONDON, Juwt 23. An ull-dny "Ft'Btlvnl of Praise" al H"' f"1110" Orytnl I'alnco nmrkeil tho clltmix ! da) of the liiteriiutlonal toiiKremi of the Hnlvatlon Army, which ha been In oltm In London hIwii Juw' 1 1- Participating l Ihl m'i Hpeitm" demonstration lit th ny'" hlloiy worn S.100 foreign delegule. many of thorn utllred In Hu'lr native garb, and aoino 18,000 delegalo awl vIhII lug HalvatlonlstH from till part of tho llrltUh Isle. From H o'clock In tho inornliiK there was a coutlnuou ncceslon of muntliiK within tho hngo gla "tl Hlml Htrttcturo, and In tho hlg park aurrouiidlng forly-U ovonts In all, and conducted In thirty-four differ ent language. ,it ,,ip mid tho Indian, tho gall) rompnrlHoncd cowboy cntalcade, and iho pralrlo achooner ttlll aiso w bIiowii, Prize nro to bo nttnrth.l for the best tlecoratod vehicles. ei... ..... orltiellial etCIlt Of the day ii... r..enntloii to (letienil and Mi. Iloolli I" the Kiont transept of (ho palace nl 10 n. m.. umltho levluw til the At my hy Hm "'1,,r", nl,a l,l,H MtniT nl f, p. m In tho fooiuaii r.ro.in... Out. of tho most pli'iuieaii"" '- tme m lh ',l" ""irl,l" l,,,",, lK of tho ling of tho varloim na Hon reiuoseuletl Hi h mBriH. from slnlTH epeclitlly erected for tho occasion In thu palace ground. A each Hlaitdurd wa tinmen ... by rliuifn ilelegato tho national na tlon unthem of each slawlurd tho country rircHi.iilwl was played, mid t tho cowluslon of tho lertmiony thu llery starred himner of tho Army Itself Honied out abovo tno o.oe.n tuiio of "Onward ChiUtlan floldlei. LAKEVIEW MEN TO JOIN ELKS I IVi: CAXDIIATi:S FHOM LAKH OIl'NTV AXI LOCAL "MULIIVS" IH Hi; IXITIATLH TIIUHSDAV. l:.Tl:ltTAlll", plaxxf.h A who wa teeolu'd this morning that u unrty of IHo or. inoio candi date will ho hero from l.akovlmv on Thursday night t ho Initiated lino tho r.lku Lodge. In addition to tho Lakevlew hunch thoro will ho Inltln- Over 6,000,000 women's hats and' bonnets were Imported from the Brit ish Isles during the first six months of this year. November Ballot to , Be Another Long One COVTI'STS Jackson count) ' famous outlaw, ..ri.u.iv Mtinihr." who threw all riders at tho county fair at Medford iot r..n l to be one of the big siring r.t i.i.kors at tho Elks odeo, July 3, ,4 and 5. Monday Art Acord, the ox- ri l.nrsoman who Is trying out and .,,,.,. -i.il- bad buckers for tho buck- ..... .......... .i.Miciiin contests, closed a HIK l-UUIM.w- - . .. , ,. deal for "Grizzly" and ror "itim uocn ti.hni.in " two of tho w orst known horses owned by Sims & Clmudlor'a Wild West show. ri. e.iwbots aro bogliinlug to ar- ilto tor Iho llodeo from other points, i.. mi.iition to Art Acord, Karl Simp- sou and Voru McOlnnls. who aro un der tontract to do exhibition riding. loping, eic, Jim Masboy, worlds champion bareback rider, aud nuff Jonea. one of tho best ropera and bulldoggers In Iho West, are here from Stocktou. watting to compete. "Skeoter Hill" Hobblus, tho pootlcal puncher, Johnnlo and Bmi Dobbins, riders, bulldoggors aud ropera, and other frontier stars will ho horo In u very short time. STRENGTH TEST DRAWS A CROWD LOOGKH ESSAYS TO KAISE 75 POUXH HLOCK OF WOOD UV SETTING HIS TEETH OVER A SH.UtP AXE HLADE Aftpr shariienlng a double-bladed axe, and driving it In a block of wood weighing 76 pounds, a logger Known na iiiiakv .loo." this afternoon work ed Uko a Trojan to lift tho block by setting his teeth on tho nxo blade. but was unable to ralso it. A large crowd watched tho attempt. "Joo la a llttlo off his feed, or something," said anothor logger. "For wo have seen him do that trick many times In tho woods." Saxony has 33,555 enterprise em ploying 487,800 male workers. Atlauta, (la., expect couveutlon to brlug 72,500 visitor thla year. Tho voters of Oregon ttlll pass on twenty-four amendments, to tho con stitution and thirteen bills at tho No vember election. More are being In cubated, and tbero will probably be fortv atatewido propositions and per- jhnps twice as many local municipal measures. Here aro some of them: To grant to every person a $1,500 exemptiou on assessed valuation. Household goods aro already exempt. Two tax amendments to allow taxa tion of incomes, "proportional Or pro gressiva taxation." A sub-tax amendment of 50 per ilOO on all above $25,000. and grad uated to $3 per $100 on all above S100.000. A tax on all land not public prop erty. This would tax churches, col leges not owned by the state, and is In lino with single tax Ideas. To creato tho office or lioutennnt L.nvninr to ba president of the sen- ato and get $10 a day when legisla ture alia. rn Abolish the senate. By the state Grange, 8tate Federation of Labor and People's Power League. To abolish the death penalty as a punishment for capital crimes. To prohibit manufacture or sale of tntoxlcatlne llauors except for medi cinal purposes or for scientific, sac ramental or mechanical purposes. To increase salary of members or tho legislature to $5 per day and mileage to 10 conta. To authorize state bonda for coa- structlon of irrigation and water pew er projectt. by the state to the MMtiat of 2 per cent of state valuatloa. To prohibit paid clrcuuUIoa of la itlatlve and referendum petitloas. For non-partisan Judiciary e peti tion of 1 per cent of the voter. ProDortlonal repreaeatatloa hylhe Grange, People's Power League M Federation of Labor. To authorise the governor to re- move from office county oflclou who fall 'to co-operate with him In en forcement of laws and appolat others In their place. To revoke franchises of Portloaa Gas and Coke company, by Portlaas Central Labor Council, , To take over channels of rivers aad authorize leasing of same to cities, and construction of public docks. For eight-hour day sad veatlbitloa of rooms for women workers. ' stringent Sunday law agalast'sjl places of amusement for fan. hy Washington county Chrtstlaa Madeav- or Union. Universal eight-hour day . la tory or farm MMm V li" ",. M. 'ift Special tax tor employ meat ,f wa- employed laborers. , ., ' , J t& s Change electloa law reaawitw MT 3, fifteen days rettaeat'e iai !. .7 U Reglstratloa eertHiMna w, mp ar- yi whero In the state. ,.-4"-r V,. I v' 'f ?' m 2r PI mi mi Sit Su-3 li Ii! t: !3i vt' ' a x -v"tTK -?trn(rvresajtK5T.-v,1,X " :'&? f CHKSWI?