MOMUV, jt;,N;ua tu rAOK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS ijijijijxru"uT.i.rtiii"u""i"Tr'r"r i-" i " MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic lhrscin Suits IS and 19, WhltB MuIMIbr ttumcW) CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS IN8CRANCK Member Orcom AmocIbUob Title Mb A. 8. LOWMAX OHIBOPHAOTOH Itooms 11 Mid IS Klmt .National IUnk llulliUn Klamath Kails, Ore. The Evening Heraldi O. SMITH, 4ltor; Published dMl.v tuttpt Bund? by The Herald I'ublUhtcc CompBy Of Klamath Falls, t lt Fourth sitrssrt Entered tb postoffle Bt K1bj sth Falls, Ortcoo. tor txasmtloB thrvJCRh th mull m Becoad-clBM matter. Washington's Ride Repeated by S. A. R. SubscrlpUon trm by mull to ay 4d drs In th Ualtfd SUt: One jrwr M.00 Out month .10 OEO II. HAYDK.V. OptidAB Offlc. Uoora 219. Odd Fellows Ilulldlnic KLAMATH FALLS. . . OIUCGON MONDAY, JUNK S2. IPM AXtt STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Phone 115 Ofllca and Retldcnc. NV cor. th and Main CLAYTON E. WHEKLKH Pti7lrlaa and Sarfraa Osteopath $pol;lotheraptt (Spinal Treatment) OQce beuse: 9 to 11:30 a. m; 2 to s n m.; eTcalns. 7 to Herald's Classified Advs. United rnsss Sertlce rmtnKurHiA. Juu 22. -Thr raomboM of the Massachusetts (bar ter of the Sons of tb American Uev olutlon planned to learo here today on horseback orer thu same rout fol lowed by General Geons Washing, ton when bo left the Quaker City charge ot the Continental Army at Cambridge. WasUluston maJe the trip on horsebnek. llrlgndler General I Philip Header. U. S. A., retired; Kd- win . Crandon ot Dcuton and Henry F. londeron ot 8prlnneld, Mass.; werw the tueu who were to make tbe trip. The present plan U for the Utile party to make the sara stop Wash-I Ington did on hU historic ride. At each stop patriotic and historic soci eties of each nlnea will retfcUe the three men. and memorial tablet In honor of the Father of hi Country (will U dedtraUd. Military aud patrt J olio iKVlvllea will Ih Joined tu the uetMcauon cervinanie ny siaie uiimm oricauiatlona aud town and city offi cials. The party plan to arrive In Cam bridge on July 2, the 139th anutver sary ot the data on which Washing ton reached that city, A tig delega tion ba ben planned tor that date, when state official aud officials ot tloston and CambrldKe will Join, The tlooton chapter of tbe Sons of the llevolutlou plau to take a prominent part In the big Cambridge celebration, which will be held under the historic 'Old Kim Treo" there. George V. of England Celebrates His Birthday United Press Kerrlce lou.o Guard parade, ill Jamei '-. .'''' 1. 1ml r,, Vtln ' LONDON. June SI Klntt George, In the of the king, .jure,, and ',."" '""'''' r,,,,,,h" '. It Is omclally celebrating his !lh birth, nil member ot I),. royal Minll, at " " ,?f , r J 1 ,""' " M day today, although a a matter of ,e.., In tendon MnZ STiX' HuKo of Teck a,ol .r,; , J e ';M"" ' MwiWBty,.u,,1.tai h II.O)0l,Ker 1'tlmrs. U,uM l, ,indM ground ,iu, a ,, ,JJ n.l K,k up .ihIIIuu , ,tl- ""; Hou Just above tu aitittil(r !. Great inmri aunmtuj ,ur in. (PopuUr cetemouy. and n,0r ttlj """ Klug George, wearing thu uiilfurm .Btnrul,.i .-. . . , . "w hit rtftlelU year Th. aclu.l atiul- . ,,, ,,, ,.t(rf .,( ,,, (,,,.,,,,,. eilv.. .,... wm ! B,w. I T.---, ,,., vt IIUMU ., lWl. Attit itcir. .,r I. fci.. ..I .... . " D 1 i e alleltUel t rr ttrr Arthur tif.r IoIIim swnrnicit ..,,!.... " - "HVIP fact ho I already ulneteen d) Into ft.1. rtftlMlti vmm 1khn Hrlu.t nlllit "" """ - oi ro, one, m ruin oi uie iueutuer c vrary. Juno J. lounu uie ma Uttards. rodo from IIUKItuham I'al.'ttie mule busy to receive the congraiuiauousi v of thtt ruler and people of the worltl.J 00m0Wm00l00W0AA FOR RENT FOU RENT Svn-room home, new ly papered and painted. No. 1113 Main strict. S V. S. WUcy. 1. O. O. F. Hulldlnr. 29-2t . THE KLAMATH FALLS 8TKAM LA0XBR1T Guarantee) first cUm work a wu aa first cIbm Mrrie. If you haa occasion to make complaint and do not get laa medlate attention, phone D. B. CAMPBELL FOR SALE FOR SALE Good second-band piano. standard make: very reasonable. Call 53S Walnut ttreet. 17-t FOR SALi: Two heaty loggias 1 trucks. Enquire 621 Eleventh St. 23-2t MRS. A. ca'fk Not rETERHTFIXKR'S BBBKfa aUser, Bt pltmlf to et. For a two bit anessl It cmI be bssat. 19 sat Strtwt MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wlsblns the service ot a t ladles tailor or dressmaker, call up day or week. Satisfaction guaranteed. 16-6t LOST On road between Klamath Hot Springs and Klamath Falls, a ! mixed brown coat. 3.4 length. Return to Mrs. Will Adams. MerrilL l-t INDIANS GOING TO "BIG TIME" KK1S AUK AGKKKD THAT THE CKIKtlRATtON AT THE FORT WILL BE A UVMMKK OTHER RESERVATION NOTES Oretu. who own the Klamath Falls Music House, were visitor on the Klamath reservation last week. Ralph Tlce baa gone to Crater !- National Fark to work on the road with his sll big horse. He Intends to work there all summer on high way construction. Subscribe for the Herald. (0 eet a month. (Herald SfajcsaJ Berviee) KLAMATH AGENCY. June 32. lllg time are expected at the Wood Rlrcr "Dig July Time." to be held at Fort Klamath June 2&-30, July 1,3. A big crowd U expected, and the In dians will turn out en masse. We all agree that Fort Klamath la a fine place to celebrate, for it it a natural park, and a fine place to spend the susamer. After the Fort celebration hundreds will go to Klamath Fall tor the thrt day ot th Elks Rodeo bigger and better than ever tbla year. R. Madaee. the piano tuner, and H. There are Iwe Bhasle of lesserre. ChUcot write the Blast that r" SSS Matau Wood! Wood! URAY BLOCK WOOD Blocks front local smllU UtBCh Body Wood .... U-Ueh Uah Woe4 4-tt. Bo4j Wood 4-ft. Limb Wood Lefe Or) 4 Hs P. C CARLSON 1M so another dale had to be t so that he could accept felicitation In proper style. Today the telegraph and potal system were kept buiy conveying the congratulations and acknowledge ment. 1'latfi werv Don on all government building, aud salute om lired at J the naval and military stations, while UrltUh warships the wurld over deck rd themselves out In rainbow faslituu There were m?ny military paradre, the most Important being the brilliant ceremony known a "trooping the color," which wa performed on the WOOD lUuch wimmI. load .M-M Itluck womI. doable toad . . UM ItVtsKh Oreeei Hah . . . .LTa ItVtaKtt Ury Ma t30 Irry HUb, 4-fuot M.OO lluy your green slab early KLAMATH FUEL CO., (HMco BM Mate. U. reytesa. Mfr Fttooe IsTT. ii- irw Miiioii, ir vini-m; ruu;ii twv, w oi ur fti SAVK'IIMt; We'll Tiiko Your Mont Ortlor Over the Wire ,M hKi,i:T ':th fou iii i'iiomci VMMiiu.uinq sKuviti: uv fiieNi: tut in i'Kiihon (hikh hash ,s Hysu WITH tll'lt 111(111 (IHAtli; Miars. IMU':. iih; i-iihm-i TtlWN. TtiST l!f, KLAMATH FALLS MEAT COMPANY We Have Uptown Agencies at lite follow lag placrel CK.YTRAL lURtIEK HHOF LOWEHVM IIAIUIKU NIIOF KTAft THtUTEK CIGAU IfTtlltE SUPERIOR LAUNDRY Ilia Main HlrrH Ittoate 189 These Hot Da ys IIIIING TAN, HUNUUIIN ANI FlUiUKLrW IF VUU WANT U) KKKI VOUIt KKIN AOIX HMtKmi AND WllirKfHK SHASTA SNOW CREAM rillH IM THE GltKAM 1 HAT TOOK TIIK "IIUUN" OUTOI' WNIItHtN. THE FINT CHUAM VOU IIAV KVKIt l'Hn rin:r, no m;sr Underwood's Pharmacy Coftter Mala ad 7ll (ilwU. KUiualli FIU. ln-o gMMllllllllllllllllllllMlllllHHHHHHHlMW Great Anniversary Sale Starts Tomorrow I All of our latest fashionable stocks of drygoods and ladies' wear will be sold at a great reduction in price. You will find more genuine I bargains than ever offered before. Nothing is reserved. Make your selections early i i i i i i i 8 MILLINERY This means all trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Trimming Ribbons and Bands, at prices that all can have a new hat, or at least their old one trimmed over for the Rodeo. Muslin Underwear in all qualities and prices. Night gowns, Princess Slips, Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, in best of quality and daintiest of lace and emroibdery, at prices that will be a great inducement to you. Our new and up-to-dte Shirtwaists and Blouses we are offering at prices that will surely tempt you. GINGHAMS 8 l-3e Ginghams, Sale Price G l-2c 10c Ginghams, Sale Price 8 l-3c 12 l-2c Ginghams, Sale Price 10c 15c Ginghams, Sale Price 12 l-2c 25c Ginghams, Sale Price 20c 15c Riffilet, Sale Price 12 l-2c 12 l-2c Percale, Sale Price 10c GLOVES Kayser and Niagara Maid 16-Button $2.50 Embroidered . $2.50 Tucked $1.50 Plain $1.25 Plain $1.00 Plain .$1.99 .$1.99 $1.29 $1.00 . .89 $25.00 Black Silk Mora $17.50 Black Silk Mora .. $20.00 Ratine Silk Lined $16.00 Bell Macan $14.00 Bell Macan $13.25 Cloaks $10.00 Cloaks $5.50 Cloaks CLOAKS .$16.00 .$13.00 .$14.00 $11.00 .$11.50 $10.00 . $7.50 . $4.50 SALEM PILLOW SLIPS 22c Pillow Slips, 45x36 20c Pillow Slips, 42x36 .20c .18c PONGEES $2.00 36-incli Pongees .$1.05 $1.25 36-inch Pongees 98 $1.10 Plain Crepe de Chine, 5 yards $0.10 .60 27-inch Pongees 48 DRESS PATTERNS $15.50 Brocaded Poplin, 5 yards $12.50 $10.50 Brocaded Crepe dc Chcne, 4j yards $8.39 $10.50 Brocaded Crcpc dc Chcne, 5 yards $8.00 $8.00 Figured Crepe dc Chine, 5 yards $0.40 $8.00 Plain Crepe de Chenc, 5 yards $0.40 $12.50 Crepe dc Chcne, 5 yards $9.75 $8.00 Charmuse, 5 yards $8.40 $1.40 Brocaded Crcpc dc Chcne $1.10 $1.25 Figured Crcpc dc Chcne 98 $1.00 Figured Crepe dc Chcne 82 .80 Figured Silk and Wool Challies 05 $2.25 Mora . . . $1.89 $3.25 Mora $2.89 $1.50 26-inch Chiffon Taffetas $1.29 $1.65 36-inch Chiffon Taffetas $1.39 $2.00 36-inch Chiffon Taffetas $1.79 $1.00 Tub Silk 89 $1.60 Brocaded Silk Ratine $1.15 $1.25 Silk Ratine 90 .50 Wool Challies 42 $1.25 36-inch Mcssaline $1.00 .80 26-inch Messalinc OS $1.00 26-inch Folia rd 88 .60 36-inch Wool Crcpc 48 .60 38-inch Wool Serge 48 .80 52-inch Wool Serge 04 $1.25 50-inch Wool Serge 98 $1.50 54-inch Wool Serge $1.20 $1.25 54-inch Wool Serge 98 DON'T FORGET THE REMNANT COUNTER. THERE ARE SOME RARE BARGAINS TO BE HAD SUITS SJ0.00 Navy Silk Mom Sun a $122.00 $20.00 liuiprcu Cloth Suit $19.50 $21.00 Tau Empress Cloth Suns $10.00 All other Suits and Cloakn at urpriinKly low prices FANCY SILK PETTICOATS New Stock Just Received $4.00 Silk Petticoats, Sale Price $3.10 $3.75 Silk I'ciucwiK, Sale Price $3.10 $5.50 Silk PcttioKiH, Sale Price $1.19 $2.50 Silk Pcllicoau, Snle Price $2.19 $2.25 Silk Petticoats, Sale Price $1 .99 nMBMmM .swsMsiiiissswaissassiMsis.wp1 ' "" DRESS LINENS .60 36'inch Ure Uncus 19 .50 36-inch l)rc Uncus 12 .35 36-inch Dress Uncus 29 .25 36-inch Dres Uncu ,. 20 CURTAINS. LACES AND SCREENS 60c Curtains, Sale Price TTlSc 50c Curtains, Sale Price 42c 35c CuriaiiH, Sale Price 27.'ie 25c Curmiii., Sale Price 22Jj 22c Curtains, Sale Price 20c 20c Curtains, Sale Price 17jC 15c Curtains, Sale Price I-Jic. 4ac him iJuer Curtain Drapery 'c 65c 45itictt Kep Curtain Drapery 50c!....i. ii- i i .-. v ur'.e v..uu imuwiic itcp urupvry oi;' 25c 3Ci.lnch Creton , 22c 15c Creton 1 2' jf 12c Creton 10c $10.00 DRESS PATTERNS TO BE GIVEN AWAY AB SOLUTELY FREE. FOR PARTICULARS SEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOW i STILTS DRYGOODS CO., "where the ladies shop;;