K Sl PRINTS THIS NHWS WHILE IT IS NEWS PEUCAN BAY MILL DESTROYED BY LOCAL FOLKS LIST TO CALL OF WOODS LnhLU CREEKSAND in M.l'.MII.I. I.WUs is IIII MIMllT lA" MMW MNV i:. ,, ,.,,;,,,, ri'ltMIO.Ns - '('lilted I'IMI tkivlu lrJ.l Oil l'rll l'rtl, Mali) WASHINGTON. It (' , Juno 32 'r..(.r U'rul In I'iumt Ikr I'lllliU ''1 llti ftUifiiM( Court lo.la) dpcldtl III ..ii lit- Mmuixr Wlliniu,, mill 'n,i!'or nJ . ""Tli I'anli, till. ... ... . . ... ,,, ., , California oil lands vorlli '..)o,iiu Wliu Weill Nu rbr l!U Itmic.li (lilt to ll.r IUII damn In Itixil (or llin lntllirilli. Wliitrn did UU fiO )floll) ' " l ,i. Il.tr fttlublo tJtlMllutl WM lu flint rm liltxrt. MtHilI.'t loiln) Vuil tliru follow detailed itirim .f ufce !( (lie 10) crltnl"t. nXalUl.lr fur KIaiimIIiII'. Tim call of Hi? open - lrun for KtaitiMh FaIU jTopto Saturday. N1 Sunday it'xin iiinm ncattvrrd ir and talitv. ome m hipping tr)tnl kaior fur Kin Hy rainbow., other y" ? Mobile. ir IllUtllg Ui lh P-lA mil mi miitiirmles. iihr (ruUliiK I ti-t Klamath hake ami plrnlcliiK on IU luitp, atttl still I'llirm peldlhis i h, iUy ill ranches mll frm ion I Ana mmi of ttu who did not tso uu ) tif tliro irlt iunif-l tui l root i fortlio KUiimllt IliUiKllilr. nix'ii.llin; I m lot I wo huiim In the upon. Vtxiprdny tu tlio firt of thi Sun- d) i'trunlon for tho tiimrr Wlm f", nnd 'jMlt" $ trowd took pamaKP fur tbu rppur lkn tour, slopping l lUrrlmnii l4e d Itocky mini There werp many mnallrr erurlou. Th- . ..; ,, ..Hrr .trumlon. -. t (-, M ..o UUI Mdn ..I thu flutlcnberit. ih o.-w nslUp;' ; ,,..,,. llf . r.,iH,uc mlt ftf n u,,r3r "' ,,rownlUK- u " of Commodore Nat (HirrbMn of th-'"' " ,'' U l " ' W (n,luUc,pn.tty clear to nil now that the younK M.Qund Yachl Club jCt.urrii (Ry wM mlritero, llurnR the drlr- ... . ,. i ...... . Thii mall Iidsl nprar. umier rum-' . ... .. .... . .... i naml ill UApinin inmins, pcn "" .ry rein .uui ratniiy wero oiuor uiiun- day cruUlue Uppr lk" walnr. ndlnll u, nutolsts who lslted tho tops wero made at Kasle Hldr,". Hnc- 'Hhovcl Creek resort jesterduy. . . ... ....I..... . . ... . rlniKn l.o.lBn nil. I other liolllt. A blK picnic illnnnr was a fralurn f eicurslnn, thu membors of iln l'My IipIur Mr. and Mrs Louis 0 Van llollon. Mr. and Mrs Kdmund Unwell Jr Miss Klulo I.oy. Miss Helen Hau Mrs. Tom McDonald nnd ihu tfn,t Joo McDonnld. Mr. nnd Mr- ''" Wilson, Mr, nnd Mrs, A It Muck and Kiiest, Mr. nnd Mm Umniclt Mrtlco nnd Miss Museo, Al Hlnhlmtui. Miss AKtU' Uu, Miss Kitiirt Wells Mid Jlnr ry Ackloy. Home of tho party re mained ut Hocky Point and others went to "Tho Codars," tli palatini IiorimIoaiI of Mr. nnd Mm. II. St. Opo. Illshop. Knrly yosiurdny morning O. A Har ris nnd Ilnrry AiikIIii motored to llock Crook, nnd thoy spent t portion of tho day miKlliiK for trout, rolumlni; with tho limit, AUtmiiRh tboy llshwl In nil I the atrenms (hev rrossml. Hailing wns a sccondnry mutter with Francis Olds, Clny Wilson, (leorgo Daly nnd Vornlo Houston, who circled thn Uppor l.nko )nitorday. Thoy brought In n lino hunch of fish, though. Thoro worn initoniobltoa ronstiiutly reaching Spring Crook, nnd If tho Hshnrinen woro not nil micccuHful In (nlrhliiK Iho limit, It wna Iiocmibo thorn wnii bo much unit and lores thrown In tho wnlor that tho trout hnnkorod nn inoro, nnd lost thulr curiosity. GoorKO Chnntaln nnd u pnrly nutoed lo nounnxn, Miss Mnrlhn Hnrwood, Mlw Vlr Klnln Callnhnn, MIsb Kloronco W. Howen nnd rhlllp J. fllnnott epont n highly dollghtful dny na tho guoHt of .1. A. Maddox, who took tho irorty ovor Iho honutlful forost ruu to Klumnth Hot Springs. After tho rotum to KUmnth KulU, Mr. Mnddox wn host At a dlanvr pnrty. Mr, nnd Mm. IUr- Ste ESPEE WINS IN OIL LAND SUIT ' " M l'll,'MI- n'1 "'' hi M lh mi i .aim or iiii it it now) uuu Miti romi i.tii.i iiim mo tnii roa.l tllli' wju litiii-r i'.ui tlm( of iiuUliSi' persons irio ne a rival tlailu. ' Bint ai llm Ktt'i mucin n tiestlKrlll ill Kr JUllr.C 'K If u wlflioul It.v.-VllKBlliig f .r lull). tl, L TOMORROW AT 8 - IWIDI llll.ll MA.v, WM... in: III l.lt V M( III.H IIKAIIT lit ItCII UA I Ol Ml li:l IN Ills TIN IWIII.N". fli. fmi.rHl ..f (tirt lr.1.. f M S'nn liar, who was found ded lato Krldny.' i rill bv held tomorrow mornlnK at S o'clock from Sacred Heart church. A re.iil.m mass will bo held by Itev ,. ... .,,, 1)111. ,..VM.l.tt..l ... e.,,my - fuum. in I. . cam,, nar Hhipplnuton. and apparentl) died nmwn.mmri aiou J;;-1,, ' '- ";"" ' i i . i . . . - .. .. . ... Thi'io ort thrn launch loads oi .... wn)falvra which lslted Wcr Main- at., 'uk, lllrd lT,n, .lerday. (Uo m,.ihIh belnR Mr. and Mr Albert " ... . ... ... .. ... ,,.. M women, .Mr. anu .in. .. i. !, . ... Warden J J fiiriwr. .mis i.ouiso nar-i other launches. Tho part) visited n number of rookor.es. and saw many, oung pelicans nnd shags, mo) rt- pint t lint tho blrdn uro not nil nest-, Ini; lu largo colonics, ns lu provlous SENNAY FUNERA icars. but io more ncauuivu, n;.i-- .m. nn ..n. ...... HllntltiK more huutlng to llnd thom.'lly motored to Klamnth Hot Springs and w adorn to go ashore. New Superintendent Praised lloinco O. Wilson, supervisor of i.uiinn loserMitloiifl In Orogon, Cal ifornia nnd Novndft, nnd fotniur supor- !.,,..,.,. ...i of iho Klumnth rosorvniion, enmn In Saturday evening from itoso- i...r.. i.. bis niiin. on his way iomnno im luapictlon of tho Fort llldwell res- oivallon. Sunday ho ran up to im Klamnth Agency to call on Mr. Freer, tho now Buperlntcndont. Speaking to his friends, Mr. Wilson oxnruiHod M docp approclntlon of tho hlRh compliment shown him by tho effort inndo to socuro his return hoio. Ho stntcd that ho would nlwnys Imvo u very warm fooling for Klam ath county, as he ipent vo most lEunfng KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1914 Police Are Puzzled Over Girl's Death Tlio llliliorp imllii' iuhI muny tliouMiiilii of person of the city urp tiriuin'J owr ilio iii)tcrIou Oi-nlh of Ml Kltn (! WIhut. n prt-H) utmioK rnpliiT, whono body m found lu Oiirilii Creek, near Iho city. I Tbnt (ha elrl wm murdered nud htr body thrown Into tho water U n nccoptcd as u fact All doubt on .! . ...- ...o.ima.1 fpMti llm ' score .. ...... .- minds of tho deteclhe by tho Went - "Cation of a hnl picked up In Curtis Cni-k n half mile nbove tho spot " ., , .. h..r.. the Imdv was discovered, as the d , t . 'r ' llll.lplaM that there was IluctaM that there was 'tm enouKh water In tho law I . . ..I.i. tltr.ttlni tiArl nnB rnir, si iu u.siiv .....v,r.... ... .. ...... .... l.nmrt am Tlti.ra.l uisappearnuv-v in" "" , day, Juno 4. and her body thrown ( ellhcr Into Curtis Creek or Into the. ..... l.Mlf .. ...It.. Iintnur Thn ilUl0erT I - ' .v -i Ir i... i.n I. llm irrw,W minnnrtft Iho . " ""' ""k " '"v "" . f"l ,0 TofTo M.ycr fr"' tbo band of '"" Th. no ce say that tho lint could not - , . 'tun,, in'ii carried so far nn tho bay "".;-", ,,,., .., nil ,,, wlnd ,. ....... r-ini. u-ill '" rew nft((rn0 nt 2-30. at " l0 ' r Mrs. C. K. Soltt. (To Shoul CrtpW. Sunday. by Wilson plonsaiu jeniH hero, but that the ac tion of his friends horu was taken without hU knowlodgo. Wilson now holds n much better position und rocohea a greater sular), nnd from u huHlnosi Btnndpoliit tho uppoliitmciit could nover Imvo hoon considered by htm. Mr. Wilson paid a very high com pliment to Mr, Freer, Iho now super ilntondent. Ho said ho personally know him to ho a good man, and ono that would perform tho duties of su perintendent Bntlsfactorlly,'!and that both tho Iiidlans and the peoplo of Klamnth county wero fortunate In sc ouring him. ,a RODEO PARK IS READYTOR SHOW m:.viim cai'Ai'itv or ciuxn'roitsunt klamath ivu,i.s wi. srAi is i:x!iAiii:i nci.0K.( t in: i ok nuc.'Ki.Nr. co.vnisT is madi; mmai,i,i:k Thin afternoon a irow of uorkmen,) und'T tlitt iit'trlHlon of Harry StllU, C(Miiil'l..'.l tin- IniproMimciiU ut the Itoik-t. KroiindH. uIhto Ilio IMk will hold tlH-lr IiIk dolu' July 3-1-n. UV h:to tuken out the boiea thai lam yiar ohstruetod the lw of many In crand tiantl Vuitu," uld Hurry, Iho Rround. AIko, w uf Incrcnucd ' (his xfatlnr; capacity, itddliiK C 10 Boats. "Wo hap hulll nn nnna rlBbt In, front of Uiti jiranrt (Hand when' every I'Vciit will he plainly v!Mb from ov ory ct This corral U 400 fwt lonrj by 200 fi-t wldo, and Ik substantial i-noiiRh to hold nn olophant. Tin-re's no bncklnK broncho thai will ecrj niakf n Jump that can break that' corrnl. "The track for running race Is Ini dandy condition, "and If some of the record are not mnaghed to sinlther-' cn then I ml my cuws." Mr. StllU l much enthused over ihu brlsht proHci of thl year's tivt'iil Ih'Iiik (he Krcaleol vjr held In thu ctate. G.O. P. COMMITTEE NOW ORGANIZED It. A. IIMMITT IS C1IOSKX AS THK CIIAIltMAN OK THK COUNTY rnXTKAI. COMMITTKK AT A .MKirn.vn satuhday The republican county central com mittee met Saturday at 2 p. in., and organized by the election of tho fol lowing officers' Stato committeeman. Geo. II. Mer nnmii! congressional committeeman, Abel Ady; chairman county commit-! toe. K. A. Emmltt; secretary county committee. C. T. Oliver. I'nder Instructions of tho state committee thoy tilled all vacan cies In tho precinct committeemen. Following is a list of tho precinct committeemen as elected and appoint appeint ed: First ward. Chas. S. Moore; Sec ond ward. Harry. Ackloy; Third ward, M. Motschenbachor; Fourth warn, u. A. Kmmltt; Mills addltlou, II. U Hoggs; Shlpplngton, A. Nosier; Wor dpn, F. H. Downing; Tlovna, 11. E. Kerns; Odessa, John Totten, Fort Klamath. Kd l.eovor; Odell, Jcsso Da vis; Algoraa, W. II. Simpson; Swan, Chns. Chltwood; Hly, Tom aarrott; LongoU Valley, Goo. Noblo; Too Val ley, Chas. Kcater; Honanta, J. O. HamaUcr; Dairy, W. V. Sodgo; Hllde brnnd, Chas. McCumber; Mt. Lakl, John Koontt; Merrill. Ed Torwllligor; Malln, Chns. Plckott; Midland, Abel 'Ady. MKDKOHD KliKS COMING STIIONG "There will bo a special train of pit- nionn coming from Medford to 'too tho Uodoo, in addition to crowds ut others who will come on mo reg ular trains and lu autouioblleB," oald n.iai.im- Leslie ltocora of tho First National bank, who has returned from a trip to thnt town. "Thoro Is much lutorost shown lu the Itodoo throughout the Itoguo Itlv or Vnlloy, mid l was stoppod repeat edly "and asked- for information re garding tho show, The Elks have ar ranged to mnko tho trip In a special train of Pullmans, which' thoy will uso as a hotel while hore." Herald REV.SMITH DRIVEN FROM WOLF CREEK vi i: is iionsr.VHHTEi, nor-f 1R.V KGGKD, AND VlAVAUt OS' i IIOAKD AN OTTttOIXCJ TICAIX Aflor bclnu Implicated in a number of lawaulu for defamation of charac - tc-r. slander, etc, Uev. Ceorjje W. Smith, formerly pastor of a Klamath Fulls church, was driven out of Wolf Creek: Saturday, nnd ordered to stay jaway. He was horohlpprd and) lier. Geo. W. Smith showered with rotten csks, then be wes placed aboard an outgoing train. The denjomtratlon against Pmltli ua's the result of remarks bo is al leged to have made against the morals of tho women of Wolf Creek. This is not the tlrst tirao such a charge has been made against him. In 1913 a woman secured a Judgment against Smith for defamation of character. While In Klamath Falls, Smith was tho prosecuting witness against Stella Watson in the circuit court. When sssssssssssK?''lissssssssBBB ssBBBBBbVKssssBBBBB ssllllllHiSssssssBH ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssCTl. JmBsssssssssssssssssssssBBbI ssssssssssssssssst-tsssssssBBW sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBv 3ssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBr Montague Team Loses to Klamath ... ...j. ..1...., M..m.i.2t 1UU UOfc IUP u.ca, v.v-mmw w.vvv, ..-. . -.. bunch of players and fans we'vo overlHeaton fanned. Two hits, two runs. encountered, and the splendid treat- in tlio same inning u seemea mo meut by your people helps a long way locals would score, but Inside base toward taking nwny the sting of de- bull br the visitors killed the chances. f.,,. - i Thus susko Manager E. J. Dona hue of tho Montague team Sunday af- tornoou. Just after Harry Thrasher ).! rathnrod in Uader's loug fly for .... oi ,. i .... Avinit.i hill panii. IUU 1141... WMfc u -.. .o .- In w hlch Klamath Falls beat the Mon-. tague contingent 7 10 1. Moro than 400 fans jelled and cheered and en- Joyed themselves for nearly two hours, whllo tho locals gradually tM6 saroo irame tuo n.iuuiiuu oi proved their ability to got out of dan-jboys annexed four tallies, thusly: Af gorpus situations. ,ter Hayden had gone out, Heaton to TIroo and ngaln Bun Browne would MatUon. Thrasher drew transporta getlu a hole with men on bases, butltlon to first, went to second on Matt when things looked tho gloomiest thojson's error, atfd scored when Mcsncr boys would pull oft soma sclutlllatlng lifted ono over Hughes; Mesnor pur neldlng stunts, or Bun would uso both llolned tho second sack, and tallied on head and arm. wriggling out un-1 Ambrose's hit to loft field; Arabroso .t. I ........ ...! ..a unfi nf tlllr.1 WhCll scathed, save. In tho urii, louriu mm ninth. Montague had men on bases In ov ory framo except tho seventh. In all, nluo Moutagucns withered away on tho paths. Hughes started tho trouble wttu a two-sackor nftor two strikes had boen called on him. Under followed with a single that scored Hughes. After Mattson swiped ineffectually at three bonders, Coatney walked, aud Spearln hit to Brown, who throw to Dale for a put-out. In an attempt to,kllI oft Rador, Hayden threw high to Am- GOWPANY SUFFERS A LOSS OF WjOBo.oo; OVER 300 JOBLESS; PAYROLL OF $27,000.00 STOPS i tho Jury acquitted tho woman the jchet - rlng and shouting of tho audl- - tneo waa so loud that Judgo Benon !reatcned to have aU "sted th sheritr. NEW PHOTO SHOP WILL OPEN SOON N. K. IJO.NU, I'OUK YKA1LS COX- XtCTi: WITH THK COTTAGE) aTUUIO, HUNTS lJUIUHXXG FOIt AXOTHKK STODIO t A new photograph studio Is to bej opened in Klamath Falls. N". K. Bend has leased tho building at HIT Main street, and Is busily engaged In In stalling the latest design of Vkyltght and the newest instruments and apr lllances, with a view to being open for business before the Rodeo. Bend is 'well known as a photog rapher in Klamath Falls, as he has. been connected with the Cottage .Studio for about four years. He own- led the studio during a part of the time, but disposed ol it. Prior to coming to Klamalh Falls, ho devoted sixteen years to studying and applying tho art of picture and portrait making W. C. T. U. Meet. The regular meeting of tho Wo men's Christian Temperance Union will !.n Vinlrl Tt.fMtflflv nftArnnnn nt thn j Library building. Bafl Players hrn&o nnilnt Kcorine on the olay. Maxwell seut out a single, uui was ont when Noel lived on a fielder's choice. Noel advanced a bag and Dale was safo on Spearin's error, al though Noel died when over-running Isncond. Baum went out to Coatney. lu the second frame, after B. Smith had singled. Browne gave an oxhlbl- lion ol pucning Dy airiins ouy cu- monds, it. feniuu anu wugncs. in ,iui cwuu, 'w -. ---.- Uushos scooped up Browne's ground er nnd throw to Coatuoy, and, wttn Browne, camo home on tho long two bagger Maxwell sent to center; Max- ii ...a niil.f nt Mm nlntn In an wen v-.". - ii.mni in score on an overthrow to ""v ;--.:... . .... . .. Rader: Noel linen a, nign ono m Spearln. Threo hits, four runs. Maxwell's error, a sacrifice hit and a bad peg auowea tieaion to tuny in the fourth. Klamath Falls added two more In wwvwwwwwwvwwww. . . .. (Continued on page 4) KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Five FIRE STOCK WORTH 1O0,M0 IN TMK , VARD IS SAVED; MILL ' ' MAY BE REBUILT ? Lumber PUnt Ttt Wm Ttuwtag Owl 1 00,000 Feet of Lwafeer ETy M Hours Coe Up ht Sake Lstla Sw .Uy Aftermooa MHl sad ItoeMsi. " ery Complete IO, Bsit Sosae t tbm OuibulldlBgn Wen Saved. The sawmill of the PIIcaja liar Lumber company and the planing ' mill, machine shop and boiler bouse were completely destroyed' by 0r Sunday afternoon. The Joss, esLtaat , ed at 190,000, is largely covered br insurance. The lumber in the yard, wort close to $150,000, and the 4TT kiln end lumber sheds, coatslaJas othtr lumber, w ere saved. Tbsre war mt- eral care of lumber close to UM Bill, ' but nearly all of this lumbar was ; saved by a Southern Paclflca-giBe, which answered a telephone suaiawaa and pulled the cars out of farther danger. Jnst how the first stariad U aot definitely known, but by -way It hi, ascribed to sparks. It broka aat fas". the back room of the saw mlU, a4 spread rapidly "through tba Mc ar-HM' structure. Three streaau eT haae, supplied by the plant's 760-Allo-r-- mniute pump, were played on tba -ra, and a line of hose was run froas. tba pump of the steamer Klaaaath Tba Klamath Falls volunteer fire depart ment Joined In the work, but the -ra had too much headway. The reme and other citizens then devoted their efforts to saving the other buildUujs and the stock, and they worked Ulee Trojans. Any loss by fire or other causa la a. blow to any community, but it la sal- dom that KUtmath Falls people havai felt as keenly any loas aa thay have the loss of the Pelican Bay. Lumbar company. This plant, which was ea ot the -finest in the West, dally turned,, out 150.000 feet ot lumber, aad gave'' employment to over 300 people. fta. payroll was about 137,000 a raonta., Besides this. Manager H. D. MorUft-. son and his associates. In the two years they huve been operating bare, have given their financial aa well as moral support to any worthy effort. and their treatment of their employ aa. has been such that every man working. for them has at heart tho intereeta t his employers, and there has not bes a hint of any labor troubles of any kind. "Just now, I am unable to say whether or not the mill will be re built." said Mr. Mortenaoa today "However, we have a big supply of" logs In the water ready for cutting. "I wish to thank the people of. Klamath Falls, firemen aad other-,. for their noble efforts to save owr ... t I. ... aI..a f la ha . blow to realize that after being la ojp, erallon less than two years, our splen didly equipped plant Saturday run ning full blast, is today a mass of smoking ruins, but through this cloud -there is a rift ot bright sunlight, . wo think of the heroic and uasslisb work of Klamath Falls people to aafe us from total destruction. It to saV, a sulrlt that is making Klamath fMta. rocolvo praise everywhere." ,$,jy The steamer Modoa waa aet aaaa-?. moned to the Ore, when tba Mtttyeal. iinwn hut was nailed la the aw alaauT' - down, but was called lb the . ,. ., , 1V. ,..i' .ti anu romaia-u i- ut- -. " - - .fT.fj. . I ready to play hose oa aay freea wit" ,g . .. 'nt'., A dthk. . Am Visits Her Vaagater. Mrs. Nate'ottarbata x it 2i;i1iSl wvmm I daughter, Mrs. Levi t m. h . ranch, aaar f(L V S. aH-SWAW.1 Tm:!rziiz:r&.ziir, wmmmtfz A I t ? o A uV.. KT (V yy' is.- I rm s.-v'v: t.ff J' V 3, JK3, f-i "..MP -!.'. "' V '" Ui'sUS3lE7 rvKl