H.tTUIIDAV. JUNE-JO, llllt THE RVEN1N0 HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IMdB REMOVAL FURNITURE SALE i'iM Some Specials i:illr fell mnltir, M'llill idgr. rrKtllrtr 7.., wile rl . .Mailing ". : '". rtunlnr 7.1, )oiir tlmhn tf many tlrlir . . . . $5.50 50c ui: iiavi: kemi: ,TTit.wviivi:ii.tito.m.s i. '.oii'iv;irr. nr. iM'i.nuxu roi.iiivu rots, camp stoves, i-omioiiis. ul.kets. irr We are going to move to larger and better quarters. Our present store is too small for our increased business, and we have received such inducement in the way of low rent, in a modern fireproof building, tnat we can not afford not to accept it. We have never had a sale before, as we believe in small profits and more sales, but, rather than move our entire stock at a heavy cost, we are going to cut out profit for three days, beginning Monday and con tinuing on Tuesday and Wednesday. THREE DAYS OF OPPORTUNITY Some Specials Extra hII built miIIiI oak m-wIiik iwlw, cheap at. AA our regular prlcf, 91.7ft, ile price wilawU 1'nrlor stand, solid oak, reKular 2.7.-, vale Qt price. fl.OD Porch reclining clmlrs, strunjj and durable, rejtnlur 82.30 t ". ale price lf V les Our stock is complete and includes everything in furniture, stoves and ranges, rugs, matting art squares, bedsteads, mathrwie., springs, couches, cots and hammocks. Everything will be marked at a special price on Saturday and Sunday and at EIGHT O'CLOCK, MONDAY MORNING we will be ready. Be on hand early. Remember the sale only lasts Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-three days, that is all. Willis-Johnstone Furniture Company SPECIAL PRICES INCLUDE FREE DELIVERY Ull Big Ad Convention Comes to a Close slonnry tfoclvty meet Unit Thursday of ,vach mouth nl 2:30 p. in. 1 Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 'owning at 7:30 p. ru. ' Cluitr praclico Friday ovoiilngs. ' Ever) ono cordially Invited to all of , the.e services. 1 " was Kind v, lieu tltoy said uulo me. Let us go Into tho house of tin Lord" Psn. 122-1. j ' - - , iCimrtli of Hie Sneicd Heart Corner ..... ....... ,.,.. nr,i .msIim con-, Worden avenue and Donald streets. UiiUtd l'rM Urvlr '"PIK" . Rev. Win. McMillan. S. J., pastor. TOIIONTO. Owmdn. Juitn 20 - Ah- !"'' ,0,u ..n..,i ,,,,,1 1 P'1 -M,,M nl S:30 "' '"' Mil, hono.ty 1" mlverLlnB. ., "Our good.. -r , ' ",".. JtnR" nA """diction at deal bu.li.-M method, to bark It u.;.uf .lmtWIg. '","";l;7hn,,cO,u:30 a. m. and better der..andlnB be.,,-,, j.l'. "' " " J rU f "ru i ccliollcl Instructions every Sat-adven.ler- and the .w.Pl-r imb- " "' ' ' J ' , ird.y and Sunday morning t 0:30. ILum v,nr .tronfily ll,,,, "''"''V.. A".,? ..,.", 1 Week day Mass every morning at " n.e K today C .1,0 ten,., -,;"' " ' -Th. r".. ' Sft&d ....'.' .?......; AiriaiidAd-'fmiurfd iiniducu nmi iiioir Bnrvpt, .. ..., 011 10 third ,.. men lw romprl.o the H im' ."""' ",r, J . ',t..,,lln value." 'nil.!.. .Me.uuml nmirl.-Servlfo. In laird club, of the nMQfimion re --- , coilft (U Juip o,( ftl 3 ,,. ,. At the Churches tlrft MettuMlUt ICpUcoNl Cliurch Conmr Tenth and Hlli streeU; K. 0. Hlchnrdi, ralnl.tur. 10 n. in., Hlllldwy ncliool, tleo J. Walton, Ktiperlntemloul. 1 1 n. in., prtiarlilUK. Hubjuct, "Voto Dry," ttiu llrt of n erlo of temper unco Hcrmoni. 77 p. m Kpwortli l.enK. ' M Clillcottt, preBldollt S i, in. S n. in Ir.K. tho 72d I'Mlni. il?,V..."V ...-. ..i.. Phono H7. Ml.. Ida Moniyer will h...k hi ih," ' - M . , ,, ., "" -rv.ro Smiday JJi,. nt,berUa,Ur..,on,0ror! ' "' TWrt and I'lno BtrootH. J. . .- , p, ,, wor hour IMi'HVU llUIIUIt ilie.0 .ervlres. Aspecl.tl Invitation I. extended to .trniiger.. idiuitli ul ClirUt SrltlUU-8erl. ttro held on Sunday morninu ui o'clock and Wednesday evening nt 730 In Christian Science- Hall, In tho 'jarob. hlocU. comer Third and Muln lr.itH. uKstalrs. The subject for tho 1.ohou for, junoSWt vUltmMUthlliilvere. In cluilliiR Man. l'.volvil ! Atomlo Porre?" ! "No Kooin nt the Inn." Come and hit a. reason together. l.lder btucUer. Appleuale In nil AlitoUl. Tho latest man to Join the ranks of tho "Intrepid pathllndera" la Captain Ivan 1). Applcgate. Today he pur chased a Ford TouilnK ear from Geo-Illehi. ;., Wednesday, prayer --'!.. ""eidence corner! Inn, mlnUter. Hesldence, Huporlntondont of Huudny school J. II. Muion. Orimil.O Ml. Vera lloiuiton. 1'ro.ldcnt ChrlHlInn Kndcnvor Hoy l.nl'rulrle. Hundny .choot nt 10 n. ui. Church .orvlco. nt 11 n. m. nnd MnrnliiK Miihject, "Tim Hiiiih of Clod." KvoiiIiik Hiihject, "Tho U of the K.rth." lrnyor mootln Wedne.dny evonlng nt 8 o'clock, You r oordlnlly lufltod to nil of I HlKl.. uttlil V Tho sltito eonvunllon "t Ihe c''rl8 Uru churrli will mc't m Turner. Ore,, July S-1C lluplUt Cliurdi Corner KlgUth nnd Ciuinl BtreotH. ov. n, . . pnntor. , . ... lllhlo Bchool nt to n.in. o - l)ny, 0. It. Da Ml'. Biiiioriiiiunuom. lroachliib' nt 11 . ' 8 ' "' every I.ord'a Day, unless otherwise noUllod, Womun. Home nnd Forolgn mi- WHY, simi:s J& cemi: .r' : & Mm Vff JUST IWOHT U.ithliiK la tho cleanest, moil healthful, most enjoyaulo of .ports, especially In our big pool of nice, warm mlnoral wntor. . . . OIM'.X 1AY AND NIC11IT . , . .Tuba In Connection lOM.OW THi: CI10W1) m:.hx to bwisi Tin: WATicu is auRr hiout Hot Springs Natatorium Who !u the last twelve years has heard "Goo-Goo Eyos," "Coon. Coou.j Coon." "won't You Corao Home, uiu llalley?" or any of the raittltne songs I .... .loi.iilnr nl ihnt time? To COttlC "" I-.,'"." -- ----- . Imoni up to date, who would dare sine "It Looks I.lko n Good Night TonlBht", ioi 'Treacher and the Uenr," or who remembers these, which wore whis tled and sang but n few year.i uko" On tho other hand, who Is there, old I or oung. In tho United States who dots not know "Just a Song nt TwI IllBbi." "Old Kentucky Home," "In tho GIonmliiB." and those other grand old songsT Thoro aro not "popular songs" hlch take a sudden hold be- cuuse. of some syncopated lilt, ana thou have u irejneudous ruu for a fow mouthB, but thuy are "grand oiu bongs," which havo been sung tor ceneratlons. and which still onduro, with all of their sweetness of molody laud theme, long nfter the ragtlmo mnso has passed Into tho discard. Our fathers and mothers. In their court ing days. Joined In singing these old melodies to tho accompaniment of tho melodlon or tho square piano, and they wcro old familiar airs at that time And today, after tho young peo plo have rendered "Get Out nnd Got Under," and other Into numbers, tlio sheaf of gaudily covered "popular" sheet music Is piled aside to glvo place to n book of tho old favorites, after tho suggestion Is mado by some one that It's "tlmo for somo real mu sic." Tuesday night, however, tho old tlmo hemtsongs held the entire at tention nt Houstou's opera houso, nnd as Bluger lifter singer rendered some of the old numbers, seldom sung but nlwaya remembered, honrty applause greeted nil. nnd enchores, such a. ,"Last Uuso of Summer," "Silver Threads Among tho Gold." "Believe Mo When All Those Endearing Young. 'Chnrnw.' "Comln1 Thro' tho Bye," wero also liearu wmi ueuruuu mw I . "An oi.al fnnAD Inner olnPA MIHA OSU Ca "" i.vvd w..n ".-- o- Wore recalled to many by theBo num MKiety notices Miould le In befuro 10 o'clock &U- urtlny mornlnB to Insure publication bers. and to one man at lea:t, the quartet rendition of "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground" brought back viv idly to mind the tlrsi rendering of the song In, Portland, while the Civil War was In progress, and every communi ty in the land was giving benefits, etc.. to raise money for the "sanitary com mission" to carry on its work of aid ing the Injured soldiers. From the Sec-Saw" by a number of children and tho well rendered little duet by the Walton sKtors. the entire pro gram was enjoyable, and much credit Is due the Episcopal Guild nnd Mrs, Don J. Zumwalt for the splendid en tertainment. The program follews: 1 Sco-Snw Crowe Margaret Cummlugs, Margaret Ilargus, Helen Hamilton, Flor ence Morgan, f'red Goeller, Austin and Beatrice Gale. Beatrice and Catherine Walton. 2 In tho Gloaming Harrison Miss Vera Houston 3 Duet Dost Thou I.ovo Me, Sister Ruth .' Haydn Misses Beatrice and Catherine Wnlton. 4 Dream Fnce3 Hutchinson Miss Elizabeth Houston 5 Duet Allco, Whero Art Thou? Ascher' Mrs. It. R. Hamilton. Miss I.oulso Benson, C Tho 1-nlrd o' Cockpcn . Old Scotch Mr. Arthur D. Hay 7Solo and quartet chorus Sweet Gcnovlovo Tucker Miss Louise "lonbon, and Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. Kinnear. Mr. Upp. 8 In Old Madrid Trotere Miss Marjorlo McClure 0 A Warrior Bold Adams Mr, Lawrence Mohnffey 10 Duet Flow Gently, Sweet Afton Spllman Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Huy 11 Lone. Long Ago ,,..,... Bayly Mrs. A. J. Voye 12 Mule qunrtet Tenting Tonight 13- Klttredge Messrs. Walton, MehafTey, Kin near, Upp. -Rocked in the Cradlo of the Deep Knight Mr. J. B. Mason -Danube River Aide Mrs. Bert Carl Thomas -The Mlstle Bough . . Pantomlnc -Duet When Ye Gang Awn', Jamie Demar Mrs. Zumwalt. Mr. Mason -Good Bye, Sweet Day . . Yannau Mr. Harold Kinnear -I Dreamt Thnt I Dwelt In - Marble Hall. Balfe Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt 19 Suwanee River Foster By Everyone Mrs. Clarence O. Morgan and Mrs. C. K. Seitz entertained the Presby terian Missionary Society at the home of Mrs. Morgan on Kwauna Height. Thursday afternoon. During the af ternoon highly Interesting talk, on the Chinese and Japanese were made by Miss Nellie Cogswell, Mis. Wilson and Miss Jessie Telford, and some ex cellent piano number, were rendered by Mrs. L. L. Truax. A piano duet br Miss Vera Houston and Mtes OnU McMillan was well received, as was a vocal solo by Miss Wilson. In attend ance were Mr. A. A. Mehaffey, Mrs. W, S. Slough, Mrs. J, B. Mason. Mrs-, Arthur it. wuson. Miss wuson, airs. S. P. Lowcry, Miss Minnie Sargent, iMrs. J. S. Stubblefleld. Mrs. Phillip., Mrs. C. P. Stewart. Mrs. Charles Loomls, Mrs. Mason-Pease of St. Paul, VMMWMWWMWWWWVMWMWWMW (Continued on Page 4) JSflVKSEIS IV YOUR POCKETIIOOK COULD TALK IT WOULD RECOMMEND THE FORD. THE MAX WHO PRACTICES ECONOMY AXD WANTS UTILITY IN'VESTH HIS IHHiLARS IX THE UNIVERSAL CAR. HE KNOWS IT SERVES HIS EVERY PURPOSE REST AND AT LOWEST COST. AXD DON'T FOR GET FORD SERVICE AND QUAR ANTEE. Fivo hundred dollars Is the prlco ot tho Ford runabout; tho touring car Is live fifty; the town car .even nfty f. o. b, Detroit, complete with equip ment. Get catalog and particular, from George Biehn Klamath Falls, .KIT. i jC Oregon f re "(.w ? - A Of H muVl i)i il LI '& "JA .' J&V n ,i v-)o-K'cMJitff"-' "fi"g ---rrtya vkt