H.miim.u.j(xia0iluli PAOn TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON -r PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic Physician Suite IS and 1?. White Bulldlas FhoMN The Evening Herald V. O. SMITH aMItor Published dally eicept Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company of Klanuth Falls, ittlt Fourth Street whole being rvlleted by vivid rotor iiiiMoilrtl IMi'imlf In Fint n I FR WRFKTI.Y SERMON IsST "' '"""' """ omTIw,, 'TA Sons of Corf" By U. J. M, Slabbledeld, Pastor First Petabyte rUa Ctittrvb Hi IT, MICH a..4me,t lull ,, nt. I .? turn-. r id iuiir. juil,. . " " . 30 Tim Information ""isu CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS IX8CRAXCK Member Oregon Association Title Mem A. S. LOWMAX OIIIROPRAOTOR Rooraa tl and 18 I- lrt National Rank Bnlldtng Klamath Fall, Or. Entered a: the pestofflre at Klam ath Fall. Oregon, for transmission through the malt u tctnd-lee ostler. Subscription term by mall to amy al- drte In the United State: One rear 11.00 One month 10 KLAMATH FALLS, . . ORBQON satuhiiAi, jcxk an tou The earnest expectation of thclahlp. tor it manifestation creature taltcth for tho manifesta tion of the son 'f Hod." Unmans, S IS. of Hod. I . t . ... a i.i a I. k-u... lutlW iir lilt. I I'M 11 lllliittfAl Hal III MM... 1 . I With rug 01 till ". Hllll li" !" " .-..- ... , ,. uuunihuiea tilhiiH . 'perfectly attuned the mail lio leads Hie i lnleniii..nl turnm t tii..,p..rty lies thai u t.Mvnit V ' ' checkered llli' with bl I'Hior half Chamber of fummeno, whlfh ended t ,0 assessed r..r iu ,,, , JJ t f...,t ..MUM-idiir n iimt mi doubt iii I'tru U.I vW, bebfore rvttiriititat lini .ain. u .u ..... ..... '"''In. 1 ., tu n. mm terv often ,l Hi Freti.'h capital will visit the ,jja.iil to the .'"''" ' Tim grentc.t Jo)a of Iho tie fur- Oiitmle Clmtireum. rimmhrey. Cli. impitned, mid eit..idie b. ," of tlu. .on. uUhhiis U Hint etery thing I luillt iiil. Ktlnit. Mont HUiie HMd UkP ,, ,(,, M (lf lrota . . .... ... . . ..'ll ., 'fl.w Mnfl in r.n.-h lUrL ........ ... .. ""' lo II- i... it., a ikiiiinui.iiii .inn til n irrir ........ .. ; .-..-.-. -.. ...... uii.Vip iii iiii rvt..-.t. Th.. miim...iiIIiii .if I Im .ml iiflxu 1 I...I.. i.n,l niliir rliiiiiK unit iImIicIK JllH" 3(lh ...v ..,-.,...,..- .- ......... n.,.. ....... r --. tmti out of ll iiil. and ttlf tft fur Ihn itlRttrntl rtiontt ttri I'atrh'tl olll !...w...i.. i- ..... . .i.....! u.. Hii li.. . i. ...i.. .,.... ,i.i,.il.i 1,'rtr Iiiiiii-.v i .(littlr Information alHiut llir The ubjct of our tint U creatur. ,.!,. ,,v ...Whi. ..I r.l..rr.l trull rm-HtUomili II... I... W I'lillu.e. iima jlu thl chapter tho aiHtle dcnU thl arJ u, UWH, ,, ,lml,,y n t-rt,u blaioiir.l on Hi- lrr t.akBrttn4 of Mln. jthe croatur.il etiolation and dla w (,1, ,, Krn out uf a iienrorlvtl'n modrrnUt iltnliie room ! I i- ..-, ItHtlnlwcnt. laul 'ak out of nlJ,,lni(,,0 lhcn , naturally follow 'alrtl Kn , u,e liitilll of lh yr. Hou.tWrrnltiK rtutiii. DMl bHdgo ion etiK'rlenctj and frvuu hi own ob;tht any expectation bjel upon II )nv tun oil ) pir '.ortAttotu. He tuuuiM that etwrr'Joe not rei on olld a-rouml vn .),,, vir iiuted ihina l dx- .crvature ha .Itullar etperleucw and . The cry of th world (or nearly two orMri, wh ,p ,amr rrlly arct. ' ... .. w . H . 'thounand jvr ha been for more . . . MK irlp of eeru linen MpcctAtlon. Kverywhero ho riudi.,. . .... .. , ,hj .. ,,.,i "" ' '". " '. .' . ., ... jmllacent u ,, tltVKU lnuod. " lo- WliiirM my U,t,j ,, a Ml'UllMI.I.IU,u,,,j,,;;7iy A I .... ...'" -. . tviTT 'I' li'lr-BofHuM,.,' Legal Notices I il-3 h hlli-rl WmV " llitllrtlloii l.i Hiilu.m I',,,,.,,.. I'umuaiil lu u,4iu,itm . . GEO IL !LYDKX. Opticiaa OScc. Hoom 21, Odd Fellow Dulldlnjl T'rr '" ' """''ChrUHIke men. and the need for' - huR-i ,-ru,B tahl ami the. ...llrP t l ir.llt.rw iumwI and adui-icd br ih- ...,'' (men oxpeUuR thai which h ha e. chrutke men ha never been greater i ,,,, dtntnK table hatp Hie tempt- In the 1'u.iiitr wrt of the Hlale u( Cuuucll of Hie m, uf KUnnik vm pvt.d, o he gencrallte aud ajt than today Our foreln mUtonary ins tAket embroidered on their i'the oatuo.t expectation of the crea.leffort of a century ao. or half a Cen- ,j(r4 , (0 iel ba.ket rtlUd with Orefiim. In and fur Klamath (". mm the tit ur ufjuft, .-.? fountr. I""1 du l't'cd b) u, B ! AND HTOP AT KLAMATH FALLS OBc and Residence, . ,,- NW cor. 7th and Main Phon US CLAYTON' K. WHKKLKR lniynkUn aatl SonrroB Osteopath SpoadylotherapU (Spinal Treatment) Office hettte: 9 to 11:30 a, m; 3 to R p ta.; eTealngs. 7 to S Date. 1... Weather CuailltloM for Jm Max Mtn, Weather .S3 S3 Clear ture walteth for the manlfetallou of '" ' "?n' ,0 vn ,no "''' wl marble fruit upon the buffet reflet-tn ( .VuHte U hereby niton Ihal Iho un-1 "'. l.ei.U; (,t( u i.t, ,..., .. h... ,. ,v.lJ'u chrU' to ,ho t"thn nation. iu fharm( tt eided mirror turns .Urlcud. hatliu been duly apimliH.l"ullifc"lU "l I" ,i,rd t,, ,, ,. lue of Chrl.t the Sou of fitnl and,blU ,,t ,, ,,U't ,,,,,, Wa LhrU,'bliln.l the blllTet on tho olherwl.e . i1t, j ,w rtiuiity Ufl MJ"r,, Jm,,:B "' tl"1 d 'U. tl U it. Lhn h;h..r-iwk of thoouoflMkcmrnnmlowrn,afarrrtU,',:,,,'' ". rl frame repeat. KUmath rounly. tireeon. admlnl.Hat. ncp- "uner .,f Mmu tni f0.i rZ' lml It our bi .cholar .ayl1'' lo lh l,w,he wlu,tt thc "ittf He ame ba.V.t devorallo.i Injor ,,( H.e rut of : M. qmm.r.,u"u '"' ,u 4U "i1Ibc II, f.t hai he mean children of Ll ho '" UV"t ,0 ,h" ,W,heH ,n',e ,b')' ' 'lf'" 'dece-wd. hatlni! .jualltt.d a. .UCh ad- J4 " J'. ' ' l lUe br 6, j ... iik! psVui hrry n"y expected the man who ,n ,hp vitchei, U whr Hm imKlerm ' mtnUttator. all tr.tm havlnic cllm ' w.ltii,.iiiiTOlB,Ht, . THK KLAMATH FALLS 8TKAM LACXDRT Guarantee first claaa work u well aa fint elaaa strrloa. If you hare- occaslom to muXt complaiat and do cot gt Im mediate attention, phone D. B. CAMPBELL S. 9. 10. 11. lis 15 IS 16 Wood! Wood! BRAY BLOCK WOOD Block from local mill 16-lach Body Wood .... lC-laca Limb Wood 4-fL Bodr Wood 4-ft Umb Wood Leave Order at Sqaare Deal Scar P. C CARLSON 1H .S3 .35 .59 .50 .45 .53 .CO .65 .71 . . . .3 . 4 S6 . ,S7 . .$7 93 93 49 75 35 39 34 40 37 39 3S 46 46 37 47 55 Clear Clear in. Cl'dy FL Cl'dy Cloudy It. Cl'dy PL Cl'dy Clear PL Cl'dy Cloudy 1L Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear ,carricu tne bimmik in d a i.niiii ll( ray hln. howeter. wnn cacn 'agtiiH ald defeated uf h4tovr "hih .irre, isr4iet 4l Mn hate alway existed a mani- raa ttn(1 ,ho n,Uon tt ,u, ,p (o a,h MWf, aecorate.l amB r ,tl,hc . ty dlwled ami - w Main .irlin ;tUt. feutlon of the .on of Ood. Thl ,. to be a Chrlitllke nation ' h ttll appropriate motif that I rar.roMmru , (fMeUt ,ld rtalm duly :. Wwd.n ,rftUo ,u Vi lw.au. mv. w. .-.. ,.w j Thal ,h(9 cr.ture ,houla pra aifM throughout the acrd pteclucl. verified a by law re.jultl. wllhlii ,t -s" Mld ,lr. 4b4 .j. larjcly out of hr ned. o bato,WIU,,tMU0R ot lho ,on, of (Jl)a u. ,. aM ;mo,ih. from the dat. of ih flrt put. ,"" '"' Wi4ft tfitt, um,.,., npnl rm I tlivil nrfiVlilaaat flii html .. . a . I ii..i a. t t ..a..... a . 4"t Hotel Arrivals Hotel Hall H. II. Hoyt, Merrill; Paul Urowncl. Oakland; T. Waller Walker and wife. Wm. U. CurtU and wife. San Fran cisco; G. P. Keller. Hoy P. Burke. Do- naaza; J. L. OrlOth. I.. K. IlemUm. Kafle Bldge: T. IL Pollock. Portland; James T. Chlnnock. Bhea Luper, Sa lem; L. K. Walker, city. White Pelican E. H. Clarke. Paul Drenkcl, l-ke-vlew; L. Darby. Portland; W G. Ed- I wards, I.. J. Klemens, Willow. L. A. Smith. H. Sanders. Oakland; J. P. Bowden. jo Anuele. Fred Opp, St. Louia, Mo. WOOD Block wood, load 3.00 Block; wood, doable load . . .aMJHI ie-lBch Oreea Slab . ...92.75 16-iach Dry Slab 9XSO Dry Slab, 4-foot $3.00 Buy your green (tab early KLAMATH FUEL CO., OBce&eSMate- O. Peytoav Mfr Pboae 187. To booat Klamath couaty aamd j The Herald to yoar Eaatara I frlaada. MBS. A. PETKBSTFINKR'S CAFK Not much atlver, Bat pleaty to eat, For a two bit aaeaJ It caa't be beat. iao Sixth Street YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE RESULTS B, H. E. 7 I 4 1 Klltllay H. E. San Francisco 1 Oakland 3 StandrldRr and Clarke; and Ml tire. n Los Angeles 11 13 Z Venice 1 4 6 Muaser, Love, Ehmke and Brook , Flcharty. Ilarknes and Elliott. R. H. E. Portland 8 10 0 Sacramento 3 10 3 KrauK and llrenagan; Klawlter and Hannah. learned that God provide for hi crvature alt thing they realty need. and when we discover a great need Iu tho soul we naturally conclude that God ha provided something to wwl that need All through the age men have felt Ihe need of ome manifestation of the tons of God Tho old Greek and Homan. when they were In a eml savage tale. earnestly expected a manifestation ot the son of God. In the hour of defeat and failure the soul of man naturally long for divine fellowship. When wc art? disappoint ed and the soul I full ot sorrow we naturally turn our face toward heaven, and long for divine, fellow- only natural. It I natural that the world should xpt men to be Christ like, and we are. hi wltnese. He It certainly I going tome whn tieaiion ( th. notu-c m said admin-i"r, tf trading i iho tuuiiit even the gayly colored quill t"?n on .raiur for allowance and approval 6fde in a Uit. .( ieftij,0( j tour desk or lh. rord on jour drik . .,.. .i.,,. ... . ni. .,.. . .. d batil .u(.iu Mj lat.t.. expta ulo follow the exanipl-iiBirnhone may thrnw your whole ttr- ,:HU,t ,uur,r (dr .4,4 U,P" , ;t"My-four ft ij. wh , ,,U(4 which he left u. Hut the creaturo' B)C l0,ro (urntitlrgs out ot harmony '.,. Wlli. bulldine. KUmath Falls. ;M,"a,M bA" ,,, tk Va No -silted th- i.-Me wear a w,.n -t.Of.gon. Ihat bln the .Ur for h.!B",,'BW ,0' ,",ft "! catU .el Iwk until her f -:.Uhtng Is nnl.it ,iri,.ietii.n t ih bu.i..M. of .iid .. e41'" . aijsx. in The wondraifull) lUrrmlng effect of ,a, ,.r, UMt,uwm r m, ,ltt,ko ;fitlet and ncAi, df.tau,. At) l. j(m impiuteuiriti u e nu4f u jibe liialefUl. lu U u.4 0 'and furuithBd In sTurdsat tik U i plain olid t'cir,rUoB. iJcflW f the I'll HI III u It fount 1 1. tj to, (aft III Hid 1(TJo ul (Lt I'ulKo Js4t ( exiectatlon have to do with the Ideal, and a long a there U a discrepancy between the Ideal and the real there will be disappointment. We may took fur the manifestation uf the son of God. hoping to tee him revealed In those about U. but wo shall never eee him perfectly revealed there, Tho who. however. In their llvew reveal the rompl-ted product, however. l.l4,,r4 ,tp (tU ay , Jl)UP ,, irr heart aril I. joy. ,no s wOM y w J(JU Aw,M,ar . , V . ; , ' - - :t..lorr. Attorney ri .r rln. fometh tell. u. hui KLUOTtAHori- ver that friend itiuhand. as he i Im . cut mlndrdly ttlrs to bite a chunk j out of a marble apple on the new . MrrM luipruten.rnt Niitlc him best, do more for humanity than-tut. ,nt cinc to t nulte c.4) f. ,. ' , ,,..7' 'V ... . ld city. rrttetca itci i Utit the most eloquent and orthodox j.,, , ,!- ' '"" ' J '"t .d. lor luithrr d.uil. tuZ preacher who In hi life reveals hint) ..i..n. iiuip , ontcflW mlul, ui MtB)i. more poorly BY MAKCARRT MJUOX (Written tor the United Pre) (Written for the United Press) This is the house that Jack built. Uut Jill ha furnished It alt. The shade of her hair And the clothe she'll wear All blend with each tinted wall. The furniture 1 enamelled With garland of brilliant hue. And what do you think, E'en tho kitchen sink Sho ha design on, too. NOTH'i: lof Klamath FalU. Of.ton. biting .; rtflUJ twt'r:ol tu to 4s n- Notice 1 hereby given that there i(c,ui0e4 B4 determined the piupor- "'f trl I'fapoMl illUtjv. are fund in the city trea.ury tor the UouJU Bfiftro ti)f t,,llcU AK, u tw,rt.rJ ,", nlderd on ib 4it Uj ti rrdempilon of all Hltth street war.! t ,0 Ulacl aft4 Mvtto pflKfyJu, ,M- rants protesieq id usie, miere,.! wiin,hs UaUIo tm ,ho ,Wp,otcmnt cease i rum uam nrrew Bidder, will tc reiutftd Ionian cease irom uaie nrreoi 0, ,:uhlh ,,t Umu Ma(ft , llleb ,bo,r ,.tn,WM,, M$Htt bUbU , i. '. V. U'4U"1' U,sU Uret ,,um K"1 bMfca rll; .agla..f. aa4 M nnJ 3l0h day of June. ,l Ninth trt. Ninth stfeBt Horn lltghjwlll b i.Wfrd .&! .o jali. J W HU.MK.VH. (lu lifp.jt ,lfs:t, Pro.tl stfeet Med, !0,,), City Treasurer (f,uw Ninth to fpham iri. Uphaw .,.,.. ... ., , . I two dep wrinkle between her lam bent orb. Surely this Is as It should be for our home should be drese4 up with 'a much car and discrimination a our bodies, If not more so Artistic (and appropriate surrounding make .for happiness, and nothing expresses 'n WMM.i.Hd I... Hut.... -II... . . In asking for paving bid. Albany bar bids on concrete paving. All the principal streets of Heppner are to be oiled. Subscribe for the Herald. E0 centa a month. We Have Uptown Agencies at the followifijc place: CENTRAL BARBER SHOP LOWKBYS BARBER SHOP STAR THEATER CIGAR STORE SUPERIOR LAUNDRY 1S1B Main Street Phone 123 Herald's Classified Advs. i00W00WWWWWW KLAMATH COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE We furuUh ul! kinds of help at short Dotlco. If you want work regliter at MRS. A. PJETERSTEINER 123 Sixth SL Phoae 244 Local Bewa appeara flrat ta Tbe Herald, 60c a aoath FOR RENT FOB BENT Seven-room houie, new ly papered and painted. So. 1113, Main street. See W. 8. Wiley, I. O. O, F. Building. 20-2t a woman lldlvtdualllr and ixriun allty a much not even the clothe she wear a doc her home. j The trend toward the modernist .Ideas in house furnishing i gaining more and more. While the crnxe for NEW YORK. June 20 Tho Juncitho antique mahogany cheat and wing bride ha doffed her tell and orange Jchalr I still with u. the newest or blossom and don- modernist ru nil l ure is all onamelled. vnurr iu u.u gray, irory or some neu- rfV.N..iWMN. -..... m fed ned n determined decorative expres sion. She ha started out to dec orate and furnish THEIIl very first really and truly own littler home. Time wa when Newlywed started housekeeping by buying their pic ture by the yard and their furni ture In a Job lot, using tho model flat In the beat de partment store a a working bal. Nowadays the selection of a single wastepaper basket, or even the shade of border on the- dish towels cause tbe bride many sleepless night and 88Si my Vrfrmi TOn tral tint, blends In well with any color scheme. Much of It Is gayly festooned In garlands or brilliant flower and fruits, and thl I especially true nf dining room furniture and bedroom set. Of course this flower decorated, enamelled furniture belongs by right In the rlaa of antlitir, but where the modernist step in and mako it pecu liarly their own I In the shape and the fantastic forms assumed by most of the chairs, tables and cabinets, till they look like an Aubrey Mvardsley dream. Black Is the favorite groundwork for most of the new draperies, car pet and oven wall coloring. Car pet and rug of huge checkerboard square of black and white are won derfully effective In conjunction with grry furniture, the monotone of the FOR SALE i-1,1 " "Jv"w-yiruTjJVxruxrui FOR SALE Good second-band piano, standard make; very reasonable. Call 038 Walnut street. 17-6t FOB SALE Secoild-hand buby car riage, little used: cheap for cash. Inquire at 007 Washington street, near high school. 20 MISCELLANEOUS l0WWWWW0W0WW ANYONE wishing tbe services of a ladles tailor or dressmaker, call op tho Oregon bouse; will so out by tbe day or week. Satisfaction guaranteed. ie-6t LOST On road between Klamath Hot Springs and Klamath Falls, a mixed brown coat, 3-4 length. Return to Mrs. Will Adams, Merrill. lS-H cJUME WEDDING 'Mgfflffll jnjfflre rmRk h9v Ji ESSxirSBUqof to pay It pka-a ua gn-afly to find that our inoet pli-nsant relation wllli liuw.y r our customer date Imtk to a certain "June Weddintf Day." It slum what Bight Goods, Right Price and Right Treatment it III do. The llrt tiling tlw bride should learn Is that finality flood are by far the cheapest end beet aaauranre of a "good meul" and a "happy liome." HUrt hmuekeeplBS; Right by buying your table sufll-N of VAN RIPER BROS. THE QUALITY STORK" Picture Mouldings We luillo your allt-ntlu to our big hlmeiil of llir lnlrl and nettrt In iniitildlng'.. OUR FRAMING DEPARTMENT I miMtern and fully equipped, j llur prlrt ntr rrawitinblr. KJeUsaLh Falls Music House II. OKI'M. Proprietor trvct from Pfth.rct Id While avenue.! , . ; """ ""- '" , , "" White avenue from Upham ,o mil. ""I? ' 7 T'f "W " ' .tree!, and having on Ibc UU day of ct,,M'U ut r,"i,'it' June, 1911, CUd In tho otnee of iu T"' M'-''l t"-1' ' PotlCB Judge Of .aid city a statement '",, lu s1 a ltt " l'ut thereof, which ,ald statement 1. 14 by the rounol lf Its flUUI knon and dtslsnaUd a. Ihe "J'ltO- '"' u utb Iwnotiarat l I'OrtKI) AtWtUIHMKNT ROM." for (rtdntv t tbe roairstt, fUt aid improtemsnt. M1!"'""- NOTICU IK IIKIICIIV GIVES', Ihat' :c" vwl to l atcespwM .aid Common Council did by feolu. u B rertltted hk. ft(Cd ky if Hon n Wonday, the 2th day of June. lltnlbU bsnk. lor J pJ et w U' 15U said dale being a dale upon 'nuuit of H.e pretwsl. a Which a regular meting (it said coub- tee thai Ihe .u(u Mit 'M til win he held- as ihe lime for hear-' Mt t'fl ,fcV,T, Ine and determining alt objsctlon. lojKUmaH. Fall.. Oretoo. W " such asetncnl. and having h.srd d after the ard. ld stsoctl' and determined such objections, if lot felled to the city in tH any there be. said Common Council, " ',"' ",'u' " will on said data proceed lo Umitn'" contract, foportlonato share and pArt of the,' The rlly nsertei the tkt t " cosi of such Improvement lu accord- ,Jl any and all totHU, ii t mice with the betiefll accrued upon mak such Improtenunl UH. cnch lot. pari of lot. block or atresgn' lly order uf tho Common Co' proper iy r.acn and every onr ot a i. I''-""1 property tlablo for Hm cost ot suchl Police Judco ot Hsld City. improvement Is hereby referred to l-ISI h RIGHT HERE Is a package that should Interest every coffee buying f.imlly In tewn: "JBBJBJS"-"5-5l .!..... H,(.,,, Mmt0ft. out revN - hit wiiskt 1 k ri;iit a ar v v. a.i'i IV Wk if it'm MtiitMV, if YoiPiti! tiiii:i oinr. IF YOU WAV TO hAVi: TIME. We'll Take Your Meat Order Over the Wire ami Hi:i.:er hm: cuts mib you. piiomit ami oiii-h0 heiiyici: iiv piiem: or in pi:iihov uoiw iianh in n" WITH tittlt IIIHII HBABK MJiATH. PIIICI.'M Till! FAHH-HT IX TOWN. TIWT UH. KLAMATH FALLS MEAT COMPANY r ttytmm m ontl 114. GRADE FlWlf! " flSS:.y. Oe-odl lidenour-DaherCrocwyCoffl You may bo paying more for Jmt as good an article, Investigate and sue. Hold Only by U 35c or 3 for $1.00 SUNSET GROCERY Flwme 200 These Hot Days IIIUNd TAN. 8IJNIIUUN AND FIICCKI.KH. W VOU WAST lO KEEP YOUIl HKIN 80 H". SMOOTH AND WIHTI5 UHK SHASTA SNOW CREAM l'lllH IH Till: (JltlJAM THAT TOOK Till! "IIUHN" OUT OF HIJNIIUIIN, THK FINEST OltKAM YOU I1AVIJ KVKU l'rt,:P' PRICK, HO CliNTH Underwood's Pharmacy Corner Main and 7th Hlreela, Klawatli Falls, Oregon