i 4S lie lEu imtttg t'wftJ ' PRINTS THIS NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I'Hl Itealft VELLA-CARRANZA BREACH IS FAR F OM HEALING ILLA ,M.W rti:si il i.i (i mi s io MAOAItt lining In WmIioiiU, Hi l'l Mllli.u) 'tit- ir t'lrtl(lc In CtllllllU III!' Their AttniU I'jxin jiiillnn., ()il Alt la l.iti-l I'lolil Hurt In In IViir Putin ham In Hli-p In himI till Illlll IWlllr llrtirl. il. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1914 Prim, Ffra rm in ii .M.uoit i.iaidi: i--ni:hr I'lioi'dsirios i iiiiml 'rii Hirl(i- M: VOIIIC. Jiinrt 20 Aftnr "day nisiii.iii of ii National iMaiilmll Communion, it win mi iuniiitr.il ii, at n fourth major uneiii. Iin Ik i-ii practically du ll il ml iitinit TliU. It I under. timij Hill In: lomiili-lnly iirgan iil this full nnil winter H u rtnicwll-r certain Hint a iiew mnjiir leaguo will bo or Lniilir.l, ' mi lit llitu Joliiiniiii, pmlilpul uf Him Aimiilraii l-ragm Tliu clrrult, It la plan ii'm), will ho uinilw up uf four 'fkiim from tint liiicniuiionnl I ruKilu mill (our tram from Hut Aiiit Icon Atiorlallim :i i : ! First Photograph of Shamrock IV. fctfSSSEZK&fc t'nlUd Press Mcrvlr vera cui'A Jium ii" (Lin U iM-lliMnl lit In llic iiimiiillllni! i( ...mc otrif nit lilili "III Ioitc lii irnnillnll. AltUrtN IliHil I lio rnpllnl' m) Ii.' I lilrtil) rtiinlliliK lr fttllili, it iu illation, j .Mi'llrnll iiMin help nrr l(liciill J Jlliliiii mill tlitullliiB AturrliAit ln.-. , I'ur III" llml llmf hit tlif ihiiiM'j lion l"J I lip t'ltltril MflH, IIii.i.i' t.x.ct mi' plllnglug I'll ('(IKKHKp "Hi ttio linllia fn'lll tliti fApllnl. ' - .WANTS TO GET ! HIS SAW BACKi 'uim ami iii.i.u r.in nios is piled in ntrriT copht AOAIXhT IIOXA.V.A .h.UVMILI. OPERATOR I nllcd Pfmss Hcnlco XIAOAKA PAI.Ltf. Unl . Jmsn :o The follow Ine tlrti)riil mad to. dsr by a Mm I run rfnlceain "Tim Motrin rwuul a l El l'o I ttltcraph itml friim prlr! mintage IMrrrrpIcd at Jaurri it W Inarnnl llint ihrrr In m truth In ihc r't"rt thai I In- Villa unit Carfntun factions havo mlhialrd ihnlr tumble hs Ixunt it proclamation, addtrswd jllurlon ny lu Hip American peoplx. lit whlrli huitho w (fiK-nlili (lonrral AiiepI- n rrl- i!rnl of Melrn " j Thftn l nVPtJ" iiriwprt ( a hrrak j '.ti nil flip rntlfriPiitft utioii Ihr fall- j "10 nf mmtlAllun Homn lion lhl . Hui-rl.1 will Taki-n m Hi" Utt niltiiin! ami Ml hli riiTii) in rurppi Ami-r-' ir' tiiotKiHlon A rlnlm ami Ji'lhory netlon fortlm rrturn uf a circular , vluiil at 1X0. Mat riiiiiiiiPiir-tl In tlm circuit courl thU nllrrnimii hy Ctmrlv llor Itill of Dairy II K NlchoU. ho iiticratr-i n mill ttrnr lliinaiKa, In the ilofr-iullint Tt.n toltipltillil ItllrEfH that Morion liMtliMt Hip Id A 1 Slack, who Villa, ntirrwanU ilJ lh mill tt Nlchou. N'lrlmU will no I rcltirn NEW IHFATER TO OPEN WEDNESDAY .f-PMUPtt-T - J--'. l.t-a-i m " ii rt-.iiau'f tUTIttTV I TtMllHf "- 1 T SPECIAL TRAIN SCHEDULE OUT IIODKO VISlroltH niTTWr.KX HKItK AM) Ui:KI AM) IIKTWCK.V UKHK AM KIICK ACCXJMilO IMTKU II V ItAIUtOAJ) IIL-T IT WIMi UK A rX.VO FA KM WORKDAY Soured pcsalmhU, "human crab" and knockers read no further Provided ft doesn't rain, tomorrow ought to be the best week-end of the rear. Mesldcs being Sunday, and and therefore a holiday for most of u, tomorrow will have fifteen hours of daylight, for It's the longest day of the year. According to tbo government weather bureau official and oth ers of their Ilk, Old Man Sol will bo on the job longer tomorrow AMERICAN GOLD All arrangement for the special iiraln to be operated between Weed! land Kirk on the day of the opening ! or tho Itodeo bate been completed. than ho has been on any one day ,'l'hu following schedule from Weed ! since a ynar ago. tins been arranged: ! Tomorrow the sun rises earlier 1 leave Weed nt G a. in.. (Irttu IjiUo and sets lalr than anv nthar 7:25, Dray 7-55, lit. Hebron 8:20, day In the 35. - '.Macdo'l 8:25, Dorrls 8M5: arrive atl SGOINGABROAD TO BE LOANED j-n Wall Street 31en KipUta Tht Mtrntf U "Cheap la America," ami Tkwra Are Cliaacea for HJthcr . brouil Tlio GovenUBMBt Klamath Falls at 9:30. After the train reaches here It will (So direct to Kirk, to get the Chllo 'qnln. Fort Klamath and Kirk crowds, jit will leave Kirk at 11 J 13. reaching here at 1 o'clock. From that time It I will be used In transporting the crowds to and from the Itodeo Ground. L'", virfj:Wv "'wi,lM It 'iffil&&ti 3br ft y xrps&$t .fcM. M " I' r-IISllSl If SSSI III Ml' Ii i 5V- T-l . T.'t.K u V -J i - -ar-w. w fjrt3JJ'' ' C!a. X. . WOOL GOES OUT BY THE CARLOAD CI. II l'KOM AHOUT SO.tMN) SliEKI' IlKIXU Hllll'I'KD .VOW FROM KUUUTII FA1.US AXD FROM MIDLAND O'DONNELL HEARS Of ANKENY CANAL JMKMUKR OF IttLAMATlOX COM j MISSION" PROMISES TO TAKB VV TDK MATTER U1TH HEAD. QUARTERS I ullpti l'fp HrrK TOItltltON. Juiip 30 Villa and Ills Ian am mill hero Washouts hnr ""layiil thu di'iarturr. mid trnlrc Himmiiriila ( iroi nr lui'olhlo tl was Iwuiird loday Ihal Villa l illoalUricd Hth iho cMlislltuiliiiialUI 1 junta nt WnshiiitEiiin and Iho ropro-1 inlttllvm nl .Maeura t'alU, and In-, ipnil to sunl his own ilclrcaiM 1IIC IVITIAIi CIKKIRAM AT TIIK Oltl'IIKl S TIICATKIt WII.I, (.O.V- Msi' or tiiitci: vai i)i:vu.i.i: Mis AMI MOVIIN J Tho sheepmen are not near so wor ried now as they were before the Uuderucjod tariff bill passed, -lor dest tVslgnrd 'Vxclusltcly for speed," .rival. Her mast lop thnt of the De- '"- "- i"""'u "-""i were n 1 ,. , 1... i-.i. ... . made about how tho Went would en Shamrock IV Is not nearly m hoautl- amv "-' "v":" 'CKl- "'" '"""'- "' """ . tho bow ... ,," "" '"'' jf,.,, and thp itesolute by seventeen t0 tne 0-ns after wool was put (til a. her tlin antecedents MchoJ-L. , , nTca exclu8lve of Ual. on the free list, none of the sheepmen kon. her deslKticr. Insisted on 8acrinr-,00n suamrock IV has about have received loss than 16 cents a inK beauty, for oxmnplc, by cutting 10.000 sijuarc feet, while the Defiance ','"uu1 f,,r u,elr v,ooX' and most ot off tun fici of tapering grace In order has 9.S00, the Vtinlte 9.400 and the Ulem aD0Ve u,al "sure, that Its ttt'lKht liilsht be saed In itesolute 8,200 comparison to tin- American contend ers for tho honor of defending the cup Shamrock IV seems a very formidable All phases of the Ankeny canal matter were discussed at last night's meeting at the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce, when 1. D. O'Donnell, of the reclamation service, was present. As a result, Mr. O'Donnell, who left this morning for Portland, promised to take the matter up with head quarters, and try to bring about the closing of the water way. In addition, ho dlseussed the twen ty-year bill, the reclamation ot swamp land and other Important matters, Several local men also spoke on these uiattirs. Yet Shamrock has! Tno shipment of wool to market less length out all than both the Va nl'.o and Uellance and Is only three feet longer than the Resolute. Among tursii is j uim M.iniM.i.,,lnj. ,,ft( (j,,, m)w mi Amorlcan nrwspor man in wltntn tnm uwn Wednesday Villa ha taknti a fancy Willi the chair located nt last, Manager Archie Tlndnll Announced to- the mt Orpheus theater night. Tho now , pit.) noun Is arlUtluilly decorated In red mid cream, mid has many new- novation lu lighting, ventilating, tic For I lio opening bill, lu ml ill- linn to thu pictures, there wll be lhreo vatn!i'llli acts A six piece or- Hum riiii im 0xn. ( t'lilted I'mss iterrlcK , 1'OltTI.ANI). iiJiio 2 Hoclety nif urn inn mi ihpv i m ! - . . , spring meci of II... I'orllan.l Hunt """ ' " Club hero this nfternoou The best "Wo do nc-t Intend " "'' horsim In Iho city .ro niioriMl lu ihVMIIn acts conilnuously.' said llndnll. various enis. which Inrludoil a "llui will have th.-m from time to niiartor-mllo dash for polo ponies. 'I lino " Iwo-iiille relay race, n iiiarler-mlle! dash for ponies with Juveiilln riders nnd 11 burdU race. County t'lerli II111110 I'iiiiii (IrmiU I'll". I'hllln Htllts mid ulster, Miss Blllls, Imvn rolurneil from an auto irlp to (IrnutH Pius They repori n splendid lime nnd line road I),. Ijips Iteiuni. C It Do Lap and wife linNo returned from n Ult with Cllza Ihelr son Chester nt Ashland Mr Do Lap Is still Micntlonlng, but it is u IIcumI tliat he will be buck nt llui court house Butuiday Aircraft Have a Wreck Dirigible and Aeroplane Collide 2500 Feet in Air I'ullud Press Borvlcn VIKNNA, Juno 20. During n dem oiutrntloii of nlr crnfiti lit tho uvlatloii Hold boiwi'iin Knminloriif nnd Klsclm mend today, u mllllnry areoplano rumiiiinl tho Australian dlilKlblo I'm'' hdvuI when about 2,500 fi'ol l ''" nlr, Tho iireoplano rluht-uiiKlud muldoii ly nnd cruslioil earthward, colliding with thu dlrlglblo, vshloli collapsed mid Inuuodlutoly took llro. Thu two machines bcciimo untiinglod nnd dash ml to tho inn Hi. It Is believed Hint tho Mooting gear or tho aeroplane wont wrong nnd tho all ci aft bocmno uninuuugoublo, cuus Ing Iho accident. Hiinoii occupants of Iho dlrlglblo and two men In tho neropliiuo wore Idllm). Captain Vloublaioulii), iui of tho most prominent aviators of Kuropo, vwih one of tho klllod, whllo tho othois ..,. r.iur HmiimmiitH of tho navy, clll onglneur connvctml with navy, and two mvchuulcs. FIRSTCOMMUNION "NEWS" IS NAME OF FORT'S PAPER AS MORROW has started here, and every day there I Is at least a carload sent out. The clip of 50.000 sheep In Klamath, 'Luke nnd Northern California Is be-f .Ing hauled to Klamath Falls and Mid-' land for shipment. Among those ship- 'ping now are Dave Edler, Capt. I. D. j Appiegnto. Connor & Murphy, Alex jllCTTE VALLEY Flttpatrlck, Multoy &. Co. and Jack! DORRIS NOW ON LOCAL EXCHAN6E LAIUiK NHMIICR WILL RECEIVE " FOUR PAOU SF.VKX COLUMN PUR- KAt'RAMEVr OF EUCHARIST AT, SACRED HIUItT CHURCH HUN DAY MORXIXO I.ICATIO.V WILL MAKE ITS AP PIMKAXCi: FRIDAY EVEXIXGS. OTHER IX)RT.EWS McAulIffe. Tomorrow will be u big day with the Sunday school of Sacred Heart church, tor a (Herald Special Sen Ice) POUT KLAMATH. Juno 20.- -"Tho large class will receive 'ort Klamath News," Is the uamo that First Communion, and other children ,""" """"-"-' "'" "' 'i"-' , soou to be published hero. A num- wlll make a renewal at this time. bcr of mlwi wcro suggcstt!U. and Those lu Iho class are Charles Riley joro submitted to tho Commercial Oarrett Konop, Edward Javerosky, Club, but It wus fouud that "Nows" Wallace Ardles. John Oodard. Leo- was uie tine mosi in oemanu. cranu doro Cerue, Albert Oodard, Louis halcldo has becured muchluery, otc, (loriio, Cecil Matt. Charles MiiKulie,,""" ' awn,uK type uuu ouicr oquip John Schubert, John Andrews, Pctor "'' fro' Snl mncUco. The paper, Motschenhncher, Stanley Snntninnii. ;'" 8 l0 u Iour I)a8e. seven coi Joscph McDonald, Francis Provost, "" Journal, will bo published Friday Perry Provost, Walter llniinon, Mur- ovehlugs. and will soon make its up- rni" llniinon, uinrenco wigiu. iiurry ."".. llolvlu, Mrs. Sadlo Dreher, Margaret Schubert, Mario Davoir.'Oit, Pearl Wight, Mario Carrlo WlK.it, Elizabeth Applcguto, Ellon Kouoi, Knthryn Mc- Andrews, Veronica McAndrows, lleat- rlco MeAndiows, Lorcna Ardles, Lor- olto Konop, Loonii Oorue, Roso Ood ard, Mildred Wight. Ruth Jllttlngor.i Harriet Lawienco, Anntn Lawrence,, A ' time for tho "Illg July Ilesslo Wieks, Ireno Santnmau, llei- " " "r. ll'') ls ory ..l ),,, ,,o .UIIUIIUI1 Illlll lU lUIII-UUJ U'lVUIII The coiumuiilon servlco will bo at' tho 8i:to iiihss. After this, tho com municants will bo served a breakfast i y no .... ... '- D7""; war dances, and try for tho prize in a In tho afternoon they will enjoy a ..,' . .. ,',, , ..,.. plcnlo as tho guests of Rev. Win, Mc Mlllan, S, J., their pastor. TWO BALL GAMES SUNDAY'S CARD AFTER THE MOXTAGUE-KLAM-ATH FALLS HOSTILITIES, FED ERALS AXD DAIRY WILL TAKE THE DIAMOND HONE COMPANY LINES CONNECTED WITH THE HELL SYSTEM'S WIRES THIS AFTERNOON Mrs. M, Mucklln, lundlndy of the hotel at Chlloqulu, has eularged tho hotel's capacity through tho building of an addition, containing several rooms. There will bo a housowai til ing before long , lion will be the most successful affair of the Kind that the Fort has over held, Tho Indians nro coming in full foico to participate iu tho races, the Andrew- Konucdy Is putting in ma chliiory mid a plant to mniitifacturo'oial cash prizes nro to bo given. btlckuts on Coos Hay, . tug of war contest with tho palefaces. There will be cowboys from till parts of tho count)' hero to participate In I tho bucking contests and tho bulldog- iglug and other events, for which lib- tho'ed til (ot. The skyscraper limit litis been nils- Portland from 160 feet to 200 . Lumber shipments out of Colum bia uiver pons aggregates i,ws,uvu (eet, and Coos Uuy 0,310,000 for tba last two weeks of May, Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tom Walters will announce the bat teries for the Montague and Klamath Falls teams, aud for the next two hours the local fans will witness the most exciting gamo of ball staged on' the local diamond for many moons. At least, that Is tho way tho dope fig ures. Montague has lost one game this season, and Klamath Falls has ouo defeat n questionable one at that. Tomorrow one or the other will be clashed among those losing more than ouo game. Klamath Falls fans are certain tho slim end of tho scoro will bo for tho visitors. All tho loyal fans will be on hand tn extend tho proper amount of en couragement to tho home team. Any way it can bo figured, It will be some game. Immediately after tho regular game tho Dairy Cowboys and the local Fed erals will stngo a contest that ought to prove Interesting. Dairy claims to have a team en titled to mcot tho Klamath Falls first team, and Calo Oliver says his Feder als, with tholr strengthened battery, will take euro of tho cowboys, Looks like It might be a game worth seeing, i (Herald Special Service) DORRIS. Calif.. June 20. The .final twist and splice connecting the , Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany's lines with the Butte Valley lines was completed at 2:30 this after noon. The first message over the newly connected wires went to the Herald office at Klamath Falls from L. R. Robertson, manager ot the P. T. T. Co.'s lines In this territory, who Is In Dorrls today. This connection places Klamath county and the entire Butte Valley In close touch. Tho McKenzle River hatchery Is to be Increased In capacity to 2,000,000 fish annually. Loewe Is Ruck. . Albert H. Loewe, who left hero two weeks ago to attend tho Masonic Grand Lodge in Portland, and see the Rose Festival, returned last night. While away he ran down to San Fran Cisco to give attoution to matters. :u IV LoaaedOut. BERT WOODDEN The Herald has just received word of the death of Bert Wooddea, wSIch occurred early Thursday moraine t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Woodden, In Dodd Hollow. Mr. Woodden was apparently la alt usual good health, but was attaeksa with a fit of caughlng, which was fol lowed by the hemorrhage, and his death resulted In a few moments. The funeral took place Friday from hsl parent's home, the Interment be ing In the Merrill cemetery. Mr. Wooden was about 41 years of age, and was a man of excellent char acter, and highly esteemed by those who knew htm. Colorado Derby Today United Press Service r; DENVER. uJne 20. For the first time In four years the Colorado Der by, the principal stake event ot all race meetings at Overland Park for ears, win be run at uvenaM afternoon. The management has of fered a purse of f 2,000 for the treat, the distance being one mile and a quarter. The record tor this event is business 11:51 2-5, made by Meadow la If 10. the last time the Derby was run. 87.-,000,000 SENT OVER THK AT LANTIC TO EUROPE PWM 000,000 la the SaB-Tnasaty I Cnltcd Press Service ' NEW YORK, June 20. Tae great est gold movement In years has bsetv going on in the export of the metal to Europe. Since January 1 appraat mately $76,000,000 has bees exported from America. The last of an unprecedented gov ernment consignment of 243,000,009 in gold was placed today In tho sub treasury, and bankers were nottfed that beginning Monday f 5,000.000 of this would be available dally. The shipments abroad are la bars and bricks, and If made Into dollars and placed three Inches apart, the exported gold would reach from New York to San Francisco. The Wall street men explain the shipments by saying that "money Is cheap in America, and higher rates of Interest are available abroad." It U predicted that the lowertag ot the exchange rate abroad will much of this gold to return. DIES SUDDENLY WELL KNOWN DODD HOLLOW MAN SUCCUMBS TO A HEM ORRHAGE OF THE LUNG ON THURSDAY MORNING Ramsby Scatters Fish Warden Delaying, Hatcheryman Takes Utiaim Many thousand rainbow and east ern brook trout, just now at the (Ingerllng stage, are being distributed lu Klamath county streams by Carey M, Hatusby, in charge of the Spencer Creek hatchery, and Phil Stilts. Tho work was taken up by Uamsby today. Tbo trout, which were hatched out in tho troughs at the hatchery, are now ready for distribution, and owing r Cij o temperature, etc., It Is that they be liberated la streams or lakes right away, lest a goad .' dlo. f v "' Ramsby wrote regarding tss to Master Fish Wards Claataa time ago, but so far no re ly received. Deeming It Imperative , ta v" -,. take action, Ramsby has started wtim. ; . ,( out Clsatoa's autkarlaattaa baiaijla. ' : celved. " '' f .-J, f r , ,'i.yctj ' X ffil it lit J "i"1" g'it'nMcytfifrJ''''