o tuning Iteratf PRINTS TUB NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER lllulllll V.'r 'No. '-i.lll'H KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1914 Prfc,ltTe mh it MEDIATION NOW CLOSE TO BEING DISMAL FAILURE Hli:UTIKTH AMI AMI.ItH t V III : W 1 1 I : I . " I I 1 1 I : I EXTENSION BILL COMING UP SOON I (ii hoi(, i.i ni it is in:. I l i:i ll WATER t'nl.'IIS Art Ml.'( I'lllIM (IINCIIISH. MS HlSMlIT Zacatecas, Where General Huerta Is Making His Last Stand BLUE OARSMEN VILLA SAID TO ' ', o following MllT Wtu t.-Cl'U'tt lim-il.ail Mmii.U IWllt.' llt.il I'iml. !'" Hwr(or) Albert C Elder "f ' ., ,. .. . itho Klamath Waif Vit'T AMoctalluli .l Prr.l.lr.il M.,.1 II- ..ii.ll. (rm ,.,,,, N. j , litiloiialM Iliirr0i Ittimtliil " am tlutl to writ. Hint I lie roin-' sllr.,1, awl .till ..' Ilwlj,,,",r0 '"' "" "f l",, U",nt' '"" Kilml for u rtlto of iiocilt r- whirl. ' rtioy I!!1"1 '''""0--,')iJmI eiuil.li. Hi.-rctlamallixi hill lei !.. ! rrll. Irlrul l "t.i"'l ' ,Wldi.r. .1 mill oIm1 on In Iho Imll.' jit Id UioiikIU Hint n tut.' lll I"- had jllio latter prt of tlil r.iili 01 Dm' 'patty part of July " fulttd l'rri HeMlC ; NIAClAllA FALUL Out Juno IK I Tim fallum oi tl." tii'tlimi.tii cH(ini rrln allium t-ottntn llir Alii.'f Iran ' and llurU delKat rW t" l !, iJeJ trrMOiullabty. Ttirto la a falltl hiw that llir iih-ii atnr tliBtiufhr.ii may choo tho pri. I tUtutial .rn)lil,ttt, but tin' American, tw ftrm thni h "liall I 'iiiltn. UmmlUl. i STEAMROLLER ON THE BALL PARK ThoXrvltan tJfkKatr. tiBr tiwfjiiin t, intirrf MINVrRllTI IS I M. dtldrtily f-rfrtl, ahll ill.')" art lliiiiltli lliry rKjftr.t n (allum I I 's IIIHTIlAfllON I- MA.. i; imiwv men si'itr I sr III tMlD - , i i tgTrafc 'THnli' ""iSii' till1' Vj'jnB 61'' SfliMT ,-r-,n V "h."i--jS - tJ&iTivSm BB3?l--tiviBBaarx. ,- 7T , m' -' P' MtSB TAKE THE RACE .iMUVAitn cnnw is defeated is THE A.V.VUATj IJOAT HACK O.V I TilETIIASfEK CHIMSO.V MIOSII tt'l.V NOW BE SUPREME MILITARY HEAD IS SCOUTIXa BEFORE ATTACKINa the crrv I'nlted i'rcss Snrlc NEW LONDON, Conn., Juno I9 JHeporta From Orer Xortitcra Bon1- Rpfore 25,000 pectators tho Yale itinlvcraltr rowing eight defeated the Harvard oarsmen In the annual var sity raco on the Thames. In the content between the Fresh- in. n elghtx, th.f Crltiison team won f ary Indicate That Cmtait aait HIh Cabinet Made All the Cokce. r .loni Demanded by the Foraier 0..:!au AtnmualtloB Froaa the Atit::ia Is Ruahed to the Frost. NJURED CHILD Vntied Pros Service I El, PASO, Ter., June 19. DU" hutches from Torreou today Indicate llll I III. II I IJI'LU 'that General FrancescaVllUhaa won llll I III 1 1 flll 111 II every point In hU controveray with AhTIIOL'OlI HADLY IIRt'lSKD AH ItKULT OF UEl.VO HUX OVER, ORVIMiE HAMILTON IS Sr.KIOfSLY HURT .Ta&t.l .ntaAin t tl A,IA.Itll jttonalUt force. Carranza has agreed to Villa' ul timatum that Villa is to have supreme control of military affairs, while Car- NOT ranza wilt be supreme la civil asTalrs. it is oetievea tnat t-arrania uecioeo to accept the situation gracefully, and lose no time haggling. ! After being carefully watched for Pulled Pre Hrlr WAHUINUTON, D r. Junr 16 1 ,.,o,.dc,-VV.Im and notary l.ryan ,R mrdlall.ni. M -r ih - " )u , ,, tl u IIB ,llP r,Kl,lar .I-.-b dldrd . .land ..i by H .r-ttnt( jj (n,)rf 0 ,., ,, ,0 ,'"'- 'miKHith U that pottlon of ilio field It was niilinuiifrd that If mrdUUoti wfi( lp UM u , lllay . srooii" tutlatMW. WlUnn lll maVr. a nt . lltljJ ,, for( f WP arp i work lunit, taklnc puWI-" ""' M t"w'!idi,) iMiltlnr. Ihr. diamond In hae fidrnff. on all h Itni'"'! I" arcom- ,or ,.,., CBin wm, Montneur-. ptlili, rtr. i ndditlon to the oUtniwr labor-il It It hclloved that an mxin an nirtll- rM ant ,),r ,.fforbi. J. II. dnrrett' ilonnlletM and tlenerat lluertu Is soon mndi a long detour from San Luis Po atlon (all. If It i'K'!'. I"' l"1"''1 I1UK0 t.'am rolltr U at th ground, jto b foiicht at Zncntorns. a Huerta tol to tho wrst. The attack on Za Hiatr will lift Hit. finbarfiit on arm.',,,,, ( dnvotlnR tho "iflcrnoon lo jstrunghold n tho road (o Mexico City enteens was begun by General Pan thtu hrlptne l norlhcrn rnln.!. it lmthlnK down tho rldire, etc. The The photograph tthows a lo of the fllo Natera, recently placed In corn it alto fparml thai lin this l tloii" ,orUcf of the big machlno were ell) tnU.n from a hill aboo It Tho mand of the central army of the con l(McfS's (0ffM will fttla't. l'n,HM,,dniiatHl by tlarrrtt. and he has told .Urautlful old Mexican town U in a val- stltutionallsts. fieneral Medina Bar army at Vnra Cru for a reprisal n,p (ram Ih.'y ran use It at other jle) surrounded by loft) mountains. In ron, tho Huerta commander, defended . i..,.,n.ii u in rcadliip limes durliiK lb.' season 'tht. renter of the picture may be seen tho town for tho federal government. II n iihi MVi-wi....- -" tu mwt such an rtnereetic), a It l 'several hours by Drs. Johnson and . Cathey for signs of Internal Injury, lOrvillo Hamilton, the little son of Councilman J. H. Hamilton waa this afternoon pronounced In no serious danger as tho result of being run down by an automobile Thursday af ternoon. The machine passed over bis ab domen, and there Is naturally sore ness as a result, but none of the or gans were affected, and Orvllle will A battle which may result declsbe- cd to approach the capital through Sta in Hi.' flBhi between the connllu- cntecaK and Guanajuato Their armies bellovmt that llurrla Mu,a ranter tall beforn tb Americans than Hip rebel., and lll ti) n '" mon, the cnlhedral with tho rlKht tower Iteports indlcato thnt 10,000 men InoKi'ii In half a reminder of the re- wore In ttu assaulting force, and thnt olutlon of Madero After tho ronsti- they had preIotisly cut the remain- MMurryrlr Kmlurnncc Hun Tinlay United Pre Uervlc Fiti:i:ioiiT, iu , Mny uf ,,C '"l dUlano motorocle rldrrs of tho Mid die West wnre entered In the 130 mile enduraucr. run to b. held today under tho auspices of tho Preepnrt Motorrycln Club. Alllla Juiisupalcullls of Itoekford, tn. urn married the other day to I..-,.. ..Mu fllll IL Iritlft I ' . ...... lir u-.ta nvnpciod iln would buelii the south. Constitutionalists declared ni she women Hiii" - ." . laltacK on San l.tila Potonl and then ko that to escape from Zacatecas and make their "way south the federal Tim dispatch 'tutlonallHt tool. Tnmplco and Saltlllo ItiK railroad communication to the Tho Women's Aerial I.omkuc of I'liRlnud has offered a prlso of 15.000 10 the first alnlor who tiles across the Atlantic ocean on Into Mexico City. Hut they decld- 1'iport are now pulnllng out thej daniter of puttlni: too much power, I Into llchl automobllvH. ' DSM IS NEWRODEOBADUE DENIED IN CASE' HAS QUICK SALE Jap Exclusion Dp Soon ,hpphi:mi: copht iu'u:s on run-uoovruit ! AiikK.ii i thi: HAMnr.u I WTIOX Bryan Is Conferring With the Coast Delegation w CALIFORNIA IXSKIMA. WIIU. ..iiujiav' ' IH FIHUTINH Tin; i""'"' OF TIH-Hi: AI.H.NS, H.Wrl HIS HILL IH TO 1115 IXTHOIH'CED lV the (K)MMirn:r. o immkiua.i TIOS MATTr.RM. United Pre Servtc iifiuiiik'rlTflV.' ii. ci.. J line 1!- Prospecta for tho consideration ot leKlslatUm with n vlow In ' R ll,o Japanese. OIiIiipho in I Indus fiom tho United Htates nro hrlKM. ' iiirdlug to CoiiKiussnmn John I- 'lK" ei of California. H "l""1 ,0,,"y nwl tho matter would coiiio up within monlli. , This la u innllur Hint Ih piRi" with prospoctH for liilfiiuilloiiiil en (millemenu. For HiIh iiw" I """J been aldetrackod and "ooft podiilml before upon tho solicitation of the ml mlnUtratlon. According to llakor, President II Hon, Secretary llrymi, ImmlgrnUon CominUHloiiur Cuminluettl and othera connected with the udmlnUtrntloii huvo beeu In conference with tho Paclllo Cot Uologatlou aovorul Umoa of Into, dlnouMlng polnta In tho Uue HKgSLtv h vlgm f IgftigeigB y, ZrWEMm ! im ill. m John V., HnUer RUTTO.V, SHOWING HALDV CJHKEX ACTIXQ DP, I PLACED OX THE MARKKT BY UNDERWOODS PIIAR.MAOY soon be up and out again. army, whose numbers were not given. would hue to cut its way through the cavalry brigade under General Do-, As a means of solving the servant mlngoArricta, which had reached the. S'rl problem. It U suggested that a lclnlty of Zacatecas from Duraago. ,aomesuc compulsory service ot me The second attack on the city will "nes or. military conscription in uer- bc made before Sunday by the con- raan" be started in this country, stitutionallstas. General Villa will be In supreme command of the revolu-- Great Britain in 1907 produced 24, llonary forces C74,1"0 gallons of apple elder. United Press Service TORREON, June 19. The advance guard or Villa's array has reached Calera. There will be bo geaerat movement against the federal force at Zacatecas until Villa aBd his subor dinate officers have a chute to eon- suit Qeneral Natera, who led Um last Cght there, and look over the gretsd. All of the ammunition shipped from New York on the steamer AstllU has reached Villa. As a result the reeek can carry the fight to Mexico City without delay. Home From Eageaie Fred Dunbar returned from Eugeae Thursday night, where he haa eaajP pleted his Sophomore year. Fr4 will be busy again this samaur la the Van Riper Brothers' grocery. "Get the Farmer Money "-O'Donneli Reclamation Commissioner Says It's Up to Town to Help tke Cmtry The farmer on the reclamation pro jects, although hold to be a poor farmer by popular opinion, U proven observation that the general soil here Is splendid. "Another thing favorable that I no ticed Is the fact that tho Klamath to be above the average by the gov- j farm6rs nre all anxious to find better ernment records. What he needs Is methods of farming. All of the meet capltnl with which to provide market 'ings we held on the project were well A.ir.ilnL iii mUli'iiH received from, Snleni, (he supremo court 1ms denied . tho motion of tho respondent for n J 'nle atesi Hodeo boosting novelty dUmlrinal of the appeal ot tho suit of iuo Hodeo button, manufactured tin. Klamath Lumber company for lMU Underwood Pharmacy, and HKiiliisl Stella M. Hamber. .placed on salo thlsf morning. All day Tho case was taken from the Jus- there lias been a big run for tlieso lico court to tho circuit court, and wan 'images. appealed from the circuit court by W j ,r,u jmlU)1)i wi,ic, UB Uiade to or- M. Duncan, attorney for tno nimoer . r ghM it) dnt0 o( UlQ Uoiloo nna concern. 'm.,, simrim. "Scratch lm. CCowboy." Iu addition there Is a two-color pic ture of Poto Wilson on Baldy Qreen, and tho outlaw clear oft tho ground. '1 his Is inado from ono of Emmlt Mc- tliio'n rop) right Hodoo pictures. KLAMATHITES WED IN SISKIYOU C0. ..... i.rmiiioi'M of other legislation ..... .,..m, cnnvii. uluillnr to tho on inn . ... Wobb untt-iilloii limn um '' '" Ah a losull, ho acelarod, Um house eouiniltteo on Immigration has "piac tlcally ngreed" to report hlu Jiipnueso exclusion bill, UU "' mlnor nmondmenla. Indications ato that .lapan will re now IU neBotlatlona reKiirdlng tho California nntl-allon Hill. Thin may furnish (urthor coaipHcntlona In tho plau for early action by Congress on tho exclusion measure. 'oiiiteeiitli Infantry Off for Alaska 'United Press Sorvlco ASHLEV.HEXDIHCKS AND MAR-, SA.V KnASCISCO. Juno O.-Tho T X-XAILMARHIAOES ARESOL-'mited States army transport I u ford PMNIZED ACROSH THE STATE. today Is en route for Alaska earning LINE i tho Thirteenth Infantry. Tho Thlr- facllities, or to purchase tho Btock for the consumption of his crops, and In this matter it is the duty of the townspeople to meet the farmer half way, or more than that, and arrange for tho money ho needs. When the farmers begin to progress, then the wholo country will go ahead. This Is tho way that I. D. O'Don noll, a member of tho reclamation commission, sizes up tho matter. Ho states, also, that in his trips over the Klamath project ho finds this ono to bo ahead ot many others, aa to soils attended, tho talks were heard with interest, and the farmers showed a hunger for Information. The work of County Agricultural Agent McCall will therefore prove of great benefit, for here you have men who seek to improve their methods. "This project, like all In tho West, Is up against tho lack of market facil ities. While wo have heen working to improve tho productivity ot the farm, and have Increased the output many fold, wo have overlooked at the samo time the vital matter ot provtd "Tho local opinion Is always that. Ins some outlet for these products, .. ' i - II l In n mn in nfllttf tho farmer Is making no progress said Mr. O'Donneli. "It tnkes an out sider to sco how tho project farmers aro getting ahead, and atten trip over all of tho Klamnth project, I am convinced that tho farmers hero are making good. All aro at work irri- Wbat anil Is It to a man to raise Lumper crops many miles from a cen ter If he cannot market these? The :mn with t quarter ot the croo, who Is closer to a market, has much the advantage over him. "Here Is where thero Is need of gating, levelling, grading, etc.. and it (co-operation, especially between the on., main- hn ao.n thnt snlendld de-' farmer and the town people, for the velopment haB heen made In the last'grenter tho profit of tho farmer, tho more prosperity lor tne town oenth Infantry, three or four years. ;nnted to rollovo "Whon I speak of Two Kluiuntli county couple wmo married nt Yrokn last week, neronl lug to I ho Yiekn Journal. Lust Wednesday Miss Mnud 12, M mid n. H. Martin of this city weroi married, Itov. J. J. Cowen perform ing tho ceremony. Tho following day Justlco C. l. JohnKon united a. Homer Ashley ami Helen A. Hendricks of Wood, tho gioom Is owner of a motorcycle gnrngo, and was formerly connected with tho Big Basin Lumber company's nlllco force. I tho farmers mak-, tne good. I fton't mean that thoy aro leeutli, which Is dlsttlbuted along a rolling up great big bank rolls. I thousand mllos ot tho Alaskan coast, ,mo!m that they aro making good on will bo leturned to tho nmluland, i.olr fnrms. and nro putting In tho liirst coming to tho Presidio here. proper kind of improvements. There About 500 men will bo taken to nro many problems In connection with Alaska, nnd tho same number ship ped homo. The Buford has been In drvdock, and after a thorough over- . . - . i .. hauling presents tno nppoaranco oiaingo matters new vessel. A uoIseleBS bowling alley la French novelty. farming hero that havo to he worked out yet. The kind of crops best adap ted to tho soil, the drainage and seep- all these have to he solved here. This Is the same, though, on every project, nnd most projocts have worse problems to work out than you have here. I And from As soon as sufficient money can bo made nvallable for tho farmer to dovolop his markets, the era of pros perity will begin. It ho can pur chaeo tho proper kind ot stock, the farmer on tho Klamath project can feed the stock the cheapest product of the projoct, and transform It Into the highest priced commodities In the market. "I bellevo It Is one ot the duties of tho Chamber of Commerce to develop the farmer's market by furnishing the farmer with the capital he needs. Furnished the money with which to purchase what ha aaadt, taa Klaamatk farmer Is the kind who will aufea ala own market, no country aaa ever built up without Its principal towaa also growing, and It la folly to talak that the town can be built up substan tially without the country being de veloped. The great lack on taa Bart ot project farmers Is capital, aid K the Chamber ot Commerce can Indue this capital to work tor the lataraat ot the farmer. It will have accomplished a wonueriui wore ior mo luuu.a country." Mr. O'Donneli stated that his latest advices from Washington were to the effect that it seems a certainty that tho reclamation extension bill will b passed at this session ot congrssa. "It will be a terrible calamity to the entire West If they do not aaa this measure at this time." said Mr. O'Donneli. "The average tamer aaa not get through paying the project costs, etc., in ten years, aBd twaaty years is short enough time. "Farming is a long time Job for those seeking wealth. The farmer la kept poor until his land Is paid for, adn with tho ten yean for aayvaata he Is kept busy buying stock and stak ing Improvements that would better his condition. With twenty yaara la which to pay the chargea of the -Ject construction, he would a abl ta make tho proper lmprovaasaam, ay " be In a much better shape t pay et tho charges, beside beaaittla ta p town as well by reason et Mag aW , to make bigger purchases aad aay a -; less time, or In cash." ,. ' , This evealag Mr. O'Daaaatt will ad-7'' ' dress the directors aad msmatw aC v the Klamath Chamber of Ciaunfi. . The Ankeny eaaal and other neMt -- wilt b taken ap at tale ttsse, aad tfcevjyL public I Invited t attend ttMjMet-'. . o V; J 2i v i, i c, ' -at, 1 n-r-t gyUy j,i"vyft,j