i IK i v .M:fr U4& lEwmtta Hrall PRINTS Tl IK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FAULT OFFICIAL NEWIPAMX ihi Eighth Vi'nl- Nil 5tit7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914 mh INDIAN SERVICE VETERAN AMAZED AT British Poloists Take the Cup OUR PROGRESS MrlUII.A,Ml tUMI'l.ll IN MiHS DIM'IIIICI III SI. it hit llrml of Imllali hiliiHil nl Ilie Agem? I N Altliillililli IMtltlli. ulor, Making h Trl Oie Hi. Old HlAllipllIK GlvtllllW -iia)m tlirrn U Nothing ('mi llulil 'Mil I'iMiiilt) Hot I., Vim H'aKlnitiil A man m tut hn been .i(i (rum the libmotli niuiiltv (itr more Until a core ( year, nr Ira fur thai mat ter mi 'l imm i" "ml Hi" "til him it I. uiiii mill ollmr In t)lliifr Lit )ul heir III") Uiwl U ''. 'uld b ur imI IJ-Ullll IllrttOlirr. A 11111 W'll !, I.rp n loll (line. llUI who Hiim thai Oil city Oiling llilliK (All It rtimll) nirptUnt. nrfutdllic It) O c Mrl'arlaiid f 8ti I'ritnrltco. Int. with lil daughter, MU Pearl McFnfUnd. U motoring through thl country. (r MtTarlaml i Iin-I tit Hi" In-, iiuti btHl at Ui" Agency during I'leVelnnd' ni( admlliUtrotlnit Ho w Mini III Albany, ami pout some ltl III Central and Hoiltheni Oregon JtlttCe leaving lirf It" h been III . butlne In California, and l mi the' ll.trltiutlne agent for the Mllrhell rnr for California and Nevada ()( rnur I ha brn hearing of the roanelluu growth f jour city." ,e mlil today. Ijui J ,1'rr ' (hat any place could take nucli lrlde In the iil'l days, 'he town wan a little uawll along the fiver, the house out of low ti. atut what few hack (hem were beyond ll referred io a "trlngton." "Why, In tho Umn I wa i the Ssency I've ramped many a time on Kiuunil thai I now rnered hy your modern buttie building At (hat lime It wn clear out of town "There U no uo talking, (hi (own. MA.JOK. BAR.fiC.TT. Tlil picture llit lliiiuh iId Wain wild ll tail loiniirrow for trillion. Ixrliie with u Un- liiirrusiuoiiiil iiolo troih . won from tlio Anixrltsn imui ai .i-ailuw llrnok. I, I . In (wi mrsiulii vlciorlf. TIlU In Ihc CiinJ iUrni viirfrrrt hy Aiurl'a nt Iho tuitul of Uiu llrlion thU jar, ami oin tu wonilrrllis If llm yntht flip. h"lil hr liirp llSl. ami Hit HavU Iriinl nip, won hy Mcl.ourhlln anil llarkni lam )rar. art alto to u lakrit nwJ to Mrltlah t.'ifluifii ami ntlilolp (hit ' ! i-" ITT ij 5 KLJi3H .MmAU; a nlprT1 .p BiMrriiJi i r3- "j.iiv ui rKfv.:Hr j ". 'J J prsAK .hi j-' -- vr-'.i "MWm aw 'v'BrSK -B'i BJBMm'ii 1 Wfl iHi mmrWm ? m ii uvHHunLvi nii-mrm-m- ".r,r, -"wti KmKMTK3$ Wtie:I?!Ws. T l Jll? v - r v tyjiwBjiJ!a ajiigrv 1 111 sM&fel dBt" IS VI BfflrflJr6frVv. ' : 'JJi . m M ft fcggsgyini' '" -w-rca-a i .. - ii vacfLncKiw" r r i . i."n ! 0 '" "wf Y rSv i !"--. CAPT. W&XZSFkJ8 vmsf- mmmmmm i1 29Rm,. i73t i ks o.w mhhvik. 'mrM:M wts ltwvSillv iMiiml V ,Fft SShElEmIK. mtKmW V!K imHMiiBlAv " Yl l 5Sa TOMPKlNSON WMUi"- " 1JUiMt,tiMiJWjiiMWUPii-iiiMiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiw h iii ma ii l i in iwrr wiTiiTBMnMfliriiTTnrr '-r i"" - - i VILLA-CARRANZA TROUBLE ENDED; NO EXCITEMENT lil'KRTIBT.t H1Y AMERICA IB I'ARTIAIi While lluiiu. Today for (he Flrat Time Ailinlc Thiit There I a l'olbUl(y Thai Hit Mediation froceediaca Miiy !! u I'dllure AtlmlnUtratloo Ih I'lcttM-il M tin- C1ermi Up of 1 1 it- IUIk-I Trouble. ORDER SIMMONS RELEASED TODAY MAX tVAXTKD IX KLutMATH KAI.I-H OX A SKRIOUS CHARGE 18 TCUXKD LOUSE IX WYOMING TODAY ENTIRE SUPREME . JUDGE VOTE TO BE RE-CHECKED CANVASSING BOAHO WI1XL TODAY I'nltcd I'reiu Sorvtcn WASHINGTON. June 18 Ilex; J here that Villa's demonitra Hon, a a result of which he won his fltii from Curranziu and will lead tin rebel forced against Zacatecas, has I Followlne the refusal of Oovernor West to Issue requisition for Jobs Simmons, wanted here for desertlnf his wife. Sheriff Low today telegraph ed the officers at .Sheridan, Wyoming, to releate the prisoner. This was upon the advice or District Attorney Irwin. It was a more serious crime than desertion thai Hlmmona would have 'been tried for, had Sheriff Low been given requisition for bis return. There It Is be- tg strong evidence to show that he is a bigamist. SImmona. who Is the son of promi nent Douglas county people, married month afterwards be Since that time, it Ii 5 la Order to Settle DetaKeir Mm Draw. Chrt lUra, SwrcUtT M Orders CofK KaChtt twtm Beasoa LeaTe for fclws hi A rr , to Vrgeat TtHgM lHr Wnm Olcott fr. ilic Dfllav In thl rltv Januarr ciarineu me suuaiion. u now uji,i, . , controlH the military forces, and It lstdMertl her t ll,..,it lia. II yiABrin flint thtt ttft . . l . .. .... ..c.v.. tu ....I .w .. m..- .-. ... - jsald. It nas neen lounu inai simmoiu ceesor to Huerta will use mlllury . . wlfe , Portianrt at the time he rUIC. mnrrtoH htvrt i i IJesldes the wife in Portland and t'nlled I'ress Service ., Smn,0ns here, it Is said that Kl. I'ASO. June 18. There In no Simmons had another woman living .HWMltavittmt nt MtlApnAua na n roillf nf imttk h(m ir, hnmMtMfi iTtV the ending of the Vllla-Carranta af-'.mlles from Sheridan, Wyoming, when loir M'tween partisans in jaurez. ir-it. a arr?sieu. ne roruauu wu- reon correspondents close to viua say ,jnan, It Is understood, was anxious io hp recounlscs Carranxa as the pollt- come here and testify for the state in leal chief. case Simmons was returned bore for Americans arriving from Chihua- trial. hiia say there Is no escltement there, Lme tfai4 aiterBooai the check of KUawth rewtf'a J supreme court cwMIMts M pleted by Katowgooae, G Lap. AaUe from the noted m few deya ae, mhlth iWw' Besoa foor to, ae ottar were found. es Justice of the Jec H.'SaawfOOM NEW CHURCH IS KENO NOW CERTAINTY SUED POWER CO. COURT HARRIMAN LODGE TO RE-OPEN SOON mid nothing to Indicate a counter revolution bad been planned. The attack on Zacatecas begins not later than Sunday, Villa In supreme command. It has been Inferred that Carranxa has ordered General Natera, recently named over Villa, to report to Villa. i:ri:tk.n ' vkw kihi-'ice lilMTRmUr ll 'Hi:8HTKR- iass at Mi:irriN While the question of n slip for Its locntlon was not decided upon at last ratmol be held bark, with the wonder- MAN DIMWII-H UlUJAIlHl.SCi THE ful start 11 has mane, uie innrieuwi ptrli iif lt rularnu. and the creat country behind It Why, ou ran feel I tin booster spirit of irOKre III the very air. "You ran always tell a dead tow when von hit It. hut Klamath Kails !' far from being dead-U I the best, inwn w ham itruck on this trip." . . . .. , .....i While here MrKarland looked up '"hf. meeting, tne .n.m. . w.e Captalii 0. C. Appleeate and Captain Jcongrcr.Mlon of the Hr.t Presbyter. J. I'. Lee, both of whom were In thejinn ihurcb discussed the erection of n Indian servlcti at the Klamath Agency nw rir(., frm many nngU-s, It Is when he was. They all had a niOU((, nuua opinion thai the pres- happy meeting " f Mr "?,?, Is loo small for Clio congregation, end W. TJ Lee. of I m Oregon-CBllfor.,""" "" nla Auto comiHiny. Mr Lee was a. A, Iho coucliulon of the meeting lusted employ., of Mcr-nrUml lor.lB-l nlKbl refr....a.nU wero nerved fl'l year, or more, managing a l.rge;by .he men of the congregation. part of hl business, nnd lealng only J . to come hero nnd go Into business for, lieiv . ...... iiimseii. TO.MASSI AMHHOfJTl DEMANDS W. I'AUL JOHNSON HAS ONE YEAIt 100 DAMAt.Kh KOU AHHO- LEASE ON RESORT, AND SAX GATION Ol' A COXT1WCT II Y I'RANCISCO HOTEL MAN IS IN KERNS HHOTHKIW CHARGE OK IT .' ....,. it ,i r'itii MrKav. thnnager of the lum- reached hero last night from Han tho .lend company, am J A-e-ranclsco In I.U big MIlcMI. and will rrbra. jolnl n..re.en tntUo rom this go from hero to the Klamath Agency. .Ilslrlrl. are hem rom Un lb orbw I'rlnovlllo Tim Dalles. Portland amlllrt here In connection will, tho inui 1 : Al'ha, v .iUfMloi, of tho embcslemont dirges : , nnilnst School Clerk ItourKo oi v-res-i 11 I. ..HI tl at .. hair fro... the tall enl. now being hold before tho grand of hi M,l is ... ,' ..rouge. -Inrt- Jury M.nr U re her, animal thread Known. '.I" -r ln u'9 mn,,,,r' Suit to riocr H00 damares unaliut the Reno Power company was commenced in the crlcult court this niorulnc ty Tomnsal Ambrogettl, a loc.tl stouo mason. Ho Is represented hy W. H. A. Uonner. AmbroRctll ulloges that tho MOO represents his profits on a contract for ihrt erection of foundation, hend K'Uo. penstocks, ote.. for thu power eoMimny at lis Keno plant. The com pany, he alleges, asked him to do tho ivork, and entered luto a contract, wuereby he v,ns to receive $1,500 for the work. I It Is nlleged Unit after Ambrogettl I had hired men and expended money to prepare to do tho work the com puny abrogated the agreement. NEW AGENT IS NOW AT AGENCY of Keno, Justice of the Peace . W. Gowen and Deputy County Clerk C. F. DeLap, will thte atteraoem cosa nience a re-check ot the votee cast far .all candidates for Justice of the su preme court at the repubUeea arK mary May 15th. Thie comae aa the result ot the following order, seat to, all the county clerks la the etate by jSecreUry of State Boa W. OMon; , ' "By reaaoB of the tact that the county cieru ot a asusseer . counties of the etate aevtoea the eec retary of sUU that errors troro mum in th official eaavaaa la their eoaa- tles ot the vote east ai the arttaajry nnmlnatlaa (deetlOB Mar 16. 11. Mf candidates of Ue repuWlcaa party far nomination for the oaee ot jaeuea.eg WILLL4M II. FREER COMES EV FROM OKLAHOL AND GOES TO RESERVATIOIN WATSON WILL , LIVE HERE United Press Servle NIAGARA. June IS. The Huerta delegates today publicly charge that America's Insistence that a constitu tionalist be named as provisional pres ident as "tantamount to abetting, and even exacting fraud and violence wmtam B. Freer, recenUy appoint In tho elections.' . ,,, jenf n ,h Klamath In. 13 BU)IVi UtVUWVH w . The American delegates are pre- . resarvatlon. succeeding Edson paring their reply. The gist of It Is Watson reached here last nlgbt from i. i. II ( -.....aiii On l a taw 11 Itnil. . . a . . inni. ii is netuasarjf w ....... w- .(luthrle. Okla.. where ne naa With W. Paul Johnson as lessee and Frank Daniels, former manager of the Sutter hotel, In charge, Haxrl man Lodge, on Upper Klamath Lake, will soon be opened to summer tour ism, fishermen, etc. Daniels Is now nt the Lodge making arrangements for Its rcopetjlng. Acrordlne to Johnson, this will bo the lust vear that the resort, which wn selected as a summer home by the late B. II Harrlraan, will bo open to the public. Hereafter, those own- 'lug the property will use It as a pri vate resort. Johnson had difficulty In 'securing a lease this year, and was c.tlled to San Francisco recently be cnuso of a threatened breaking of the agrooment. stltutlonallst nt the bead of the pro visional government to prevent blood she.1. been supervisor of reservation!. This nornlng he left for the Agency, to 'get acquainted with conditions before asumlng the superintendence. United Press 8ervlce Superintendent WaUon'a realgaa- WASHINGTON. June lS.-For the tlon Is effective July 1. Today be de tlrst time since mediation began, the "led being transferred to another res White House today admitted that me-lvatlon. and stated that he baa left dlatlon may be a failure. Hope haa.the Indian service. He will faove hU not been abandoned by Wilson, but family here and reside. In Mamath tho publishing of their side In the raim. negotiations by the Huertalstaa Is re- say Tried to breitenstein is LOSE WITNESS NOWMARRIEDMAN Farm Experts Are to Hold Meetings Here ,.,... LOCAL LUMHEHMAN TAKES MIN CANADIAN PACIFIC Ol TICIALs '""' M.SOTA Ulllli I ii unit WHILE SO.IOURXIXG IX CALIFORNIA garded unfavorably. BOY RUN DOWN BY LIGHT CAR WASHINGTON. D. C. June IS. , Replying to the application by citizens I ot Klamath Falls for the appointment nf H n. Wilson as superintendent of the Klamath reservation. Commission er Sells Informs Senator Lane that William Freer has been appointed to the position, to take office July 1. thi aunreaie court, aaa thai em ae-. count thereof the oaelal caaraaa br, the secretary ot etate. Is the ana. nce ot the governor aad the state treasurer, ot Ue rote seat far oaajt- dates for aoatlaaUoa to saM osBee; was deferred to a fatare ease, iiBiswg Uie foraleblBg of the coaaty eserhavaff the several couaUee ot the aeaee.of amended abstracU of the votes east hv members ot the repabUeaa forty for candidates for nolaaUoa fur the office ot justice of the smpresae eeart at the aald primary aoMlaatstg elefc tlon ot Hay 15, 1914. you wffi, to ac cordance therewith, he aloaaaa t re ranvass. as provided la Isetlam' M77, Lord's OregOB Laws, aa ajaaaaaA.lr Chapter S04. Oemeral Laws of Oragem. 1914, the votee east at saM oleeUamhy members of the repmhUeaa. party, ( candidates tor aoauaaUoa tar tho office of Justice ot the Mpreaee ooart and immediately auka aa aalai abstract of the votes give tor eaadl- datea for nomlnatloa for mm oee,tti your county aad traasmtt a dalyjwe tilled cony thereof by atall to the secretary ot state at Salem, "The lmnortaaeo ot thai jmands your Immediate atteatlea.1 Circuit Judge Beasoa, who has is ORVILLi: HAMILTON, YOUNG SON OF COUNCILMAN. IS PERHAPS INTERNALLY INJURED THIS AFTEHNOON. Whllo N Hack. Dr F. M. White returned last night trom Portland, where he went in an mito with Dr. Merryman before the Rose Festival. Dr. Merryman will return later In the car. CHARGED WITH TRYING TO SPIRIT AWAY WITNESSES IN. WRECK INQUIRY Dr. Hector MePli"rnon ami I'rof. W, I,. Powers, holh of thu Oregon Ag rluulluinl College, will urrlvu Mon- jdiiy to licglu their Murles of tlliiHtriitud JlecturvM to tho furmurs of tho Klnm- ', th llasln. i Dr. MuPhoiHoii will leoluro on "Ag iluiilttirul Credit Asm.clntloiiH." Ho will huso his uplnlous iud observa tions oil conditions us ho htu found thoni, both lu this country and In Kurope, 'ii.., iwn fiirm uxnerls will lueturo nt Murrlll Moiidiiy night. l Mnl,u " I'ui'Hiluy nlKht. ul Ml. l.tikl Wfdnes duy nlBht mi'l t Miller Hill TIium- day nlgl.i. It Is prohablo that rroiessor row ma will urruugo to apoud tho rest of thu weok hi IIiIh vlclulty. U uch nr- ningi'menU can ho mailo, Mux a. au Call, tounty iigrlcultur.il ugonl, will ,,,,1,11, ti nroKinm Isiter In tho wook, giving Union nnil I'Ucos for tho Powers lectures. United Press Service qUICHKU, J"o IS.-Cliurgea hao boon placed buforo thu roynl coinmU hIoii iigulnst tho Cantullnn Pacific rail road olllclula to tho effect that olllchiU of tho compniiy Imvo attempted to gut James Onlwiiy out ot tho country heforo ho could appear before tite rommlHHloii. Clmrlea Halght, couusol for tlio comimny owning the Storatad. to.ti lled that Oftlwny, who was quartor miiB.or on th nmi'roa of Irolnnd, wntt on thu bridge until midnight t' the night of tho colllalon, nnd do- cltireil that ho had knowledge of mo (net that the steering gear of the Kmpr.is was In bad shape, , You girl who have beeu wont to .vii.1 lnnniue ues ut tho stulwurt form of Dick llrleteiibtoln; who huvo slghod when )ou hsurd bU uume mentioned - ou hao waited too loug when you figured that 191C would bo leap jeiir, nnd a Klrl who has nover seen Klamath county bus captured him. AdvtuM hao heon received irom I,.... ,. .,ia .f tl.r. u'Atlilltisr of OJU 1'IUIIVIVU W. ...w ...--.- Richard Urletensteln and Mamie Pet- oi son. Tho bride la irom rarnora Pnilrlo. Mlnneaotn. This wedding conies as a complete KiirprUo to the many frlouds ot the young lumberman, as it was conceded hero that his heart was sinewy uu muue from auy effects of D. Cupe's arrows, K . i i : -. .' u.u isee-sawing wa jnun mmrnrg wa Innminatinn for over a moath. left tklh morning for Salem, la resaoaee to tel egraphic summons received last algai. It la believed that the Judge will re main In the capita! uatll the reMK at tfce official re-cheek Is kaewa, est HJg nomlnatloa settled. Struck down by the runabout used by the Uulon Oil Company's trav elling representative, and run over hv two wheels. Orvllle Hamilton, tho little sou of Councilman J. H. Hamil ton, is being watched by Drs. Cathay nud Johusou for signs of Internal in- Jury. These will not develop until Into toulicht. Tho accident occurred In trout ot the Riley building. Accordlug to wlt nMsou. tin. car was runulng at a mod erate rate ot speed, aud the driver was uuuble to stop his cur. aftor tho llttlo follow unfortunately chunced to run out In front of It, not uotlclng tho car. The wheel, passed ovor tne boy'a abdomen. Montague Is to Play m Sunday dwitxerlund employs about 65,000 men In her metal aud machinery trades. In twenty generations every per 8on.haa,131.076 direct ancestors. lv Montague vs. Klamath Falls. This will be thb contest staged at Modoc Poiut Sunday afternoon, ac cording to announcement made this utiurnnon hv Manager "Scoop" Dub.1 of the Klamath Falls Invlnclbles. Dubl has been at work for several days to secure this game. From what travelers returning from afar have to aay, the Klamath Falta team will Hnd the HoBtaguo aggregation much more dlmcult to down than were the Cblioa.uia aa- gluee.s and the Stcaa Bfjkvea. TliS little town where oae get e. Yreka is said to, harbor haseball talaat this . - . . trimmed Etas Hills. hleC4e4ra4; nllini. inivni amuatd fWArA. K rf" US I ""' " - , -.If, Wrlckt. Hoatasnta'a shiaSaaeaal , pitcher ot Utt seasoa. Je 'sUM.-Jlffc. J H will k umJ la ska aa-.' ' I w ... - -w--,-.,-- , r ,, '., t w .e 4-. 1" the team. la tne game nere aaay.fr. The Klamath MH team M lug sightly. IaaAMUoattw Is hewg pat tato Upteg i "m L Sunday's Jr XfJIy, V" ', 3?J? I, vi