'. ' PRINTS THIS NKWS WHIM IT IS NKWS nvtrnttg KLAMATH FALLT , pta OFFICIAL NEW1PAPBK 'M sx. rai jc s lUltlitti Veiir .h. !Llli7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 171914 Prt,Frf eh Mtaih SPLIT BETWEEN CARRANZA AND VILLA IS BELIEVED SERIOUS; U. S. . STARTS INVESTIGATION WORK Geo. Brandes, Who Can't Understand Us nii:it,ti. opinion h urn mi. militahv i.i:.in:it ii.ts THICK ITHI.CITI. Ni'w I'om.' ! Men tti M Wutk fur (lie ('iitll(tllliiinillt lltstiliiinii't Ma 'It ftflllll (M'l,llll, llll Nni Mont I'mhii die HoiHIi Ik (ilii-u Onl. ('mwoltlli I i 'I lilitiutit III Hit it liicd llit Tumble, (( iti .v. ij. I'.Mtiu: iHun CutrixJiHl'itt) 1:1, PAHO. T . June J -lrplte , UnrUmtU'll ill Villa-. agrliM lllttt tlmfn It lllllllllltf liUl iuri between Villa mill rrriii, thirl) Carraniuta were arreted ' day by Colonel Or lielna mix! i"5 lit li ronton where VlllH M tUtllWtd Tliem lllrll were rmploie ot Hip UUIOUI. li O II e. and (lip telegraph Una that handled itia iiir(M from griM'irr tho limit Tli ptuialili Of .utile of lit liivMasr ffOW Hip front l atd l be one l Villa' nu.i for dluftlUfartluii llt lll prubahl) V. tlimu men who ru ntrd tliv (elertnlin Public opinion U tlitit mI.vu lli all ieiSWm il Ik, n. i.i liutr Kiimn o strong' II. ill lln) ilo (nil t tilt) U II irftirj Hi Mile tliHli.i'lte R I he) illil in tln In jcuiuliie t tir-it work, nml u ihiiok (flpller Kill Ihe (l)llt n"lli' member-. II) MHn III Irolll III lllxll iiHIk Itafllll '.ubatoii U tin (liter u( ilu iifieii' Jii.n l'riiilill runic Intit iiiiiiic ri-ri'iii I)' when In- ili'llUTiil IVrrrtlii.i flic, note In llin A. It I', imdijuir. hi S.ar. oia Pull. I tiltnl Pr HerHce M'AHHINGTON. I) r. Juiiu IT The inliiiliillrtlti I grentl) worried i (iter idr new iiiro In retoluiioiiary , rlrrle In Mfo All ol the agent alour tin liunlT iititf In-1, ii iifitiT"l Ii rrMirt rreaMllur, tin n pluno ut ' Oik iltllallim Tin' M'tiol Junta lii'ii' li frd'lti'tl mi iiim. (nil ifiin ihiti Ciirniiiiu'n illioiiiar) lll hikkiIIi mil lln- .lift)-nillr BIG FIVE" SAY KLAMATH IS 0. K. HHHHH1111& vvf IHHHHHHllllV REBELS WITHOUT A NAVY; GUNBOAT GOES TO BOTTOM s fc to Revolt Against Carranza? ri:iti:it.i taki: xavai. (;.(ji:.mi:nt iio.voits i:.v. 'oillrrri of I lie lU-hd (itinhunl, Wlirn I Tliry Smr Tlutl Definl U'lm liiiml.) I in-ill. I.'mliil Tin li- Live- Aincrl i'iiii HurK'.'ii An AltruilinK l ''" WoiiiiiIiiI Sullur Mm or lUitlt ut tin i.mi1hh 4'miIiiii. I Junu li iL'iortd to N.1I y N.C PtHt. Ol" IM)ltTUM WITH A COMIHXi:i WIUISIIT l" OVi:il TWKI.VI: HUMHlKIi. 111:111: ri hhii I (icorK Hmtidfn, Mlio It arnonc tlio. . , , L . .. ... .... ... "wit. walrlieil I (tiled I'rtii .Srt UAHI(.'QT(J.V, I) C, A1l111lr.il Hounril tinlay tho iuvv iliiuitiiliiit tlut I In.- federal .iiiiu.a( l.uerri'to ami tlte relicl nuii-'" itoat liuujiiio cdencetl In battlu yea-1 (li'lilii)', off Tirflol)rnMi. Tlie Tarn-' lll hiii tiiink. '" ' ' Till wuh thefifctUclxhc- nuval iu- j luaKfincni of tlie (evolution. Tlio IohkJ ot the Tamplco lcar the conntltu-l tlnn.illt c.tltwvlitually without j r "vy. ; 1 . , ? f Tliero were ijn kllleil auil twenty Kdillliliul, Tlio (nplalli and chief en- Klneer of tluftTaiiip(ri, UUeu they lau'i 1 1 In' battle lib aKuiust tlieltl, tuuiiultteil miklile. ; - , I The v,urhli New Orleans and the' , torpedo boatH I'erry and I'rcbblel hero near the scene of battle, and It Anion the in mi) louilnU ulrvud) HJtlt.ti cleat UP. It will bt found Hut Jrrtwinn In lo KUtnotli roiiniy, tlio Villa tonlroU lh norlli of MmiIco.jIiiohI ntiiumniic .iiinici ye c. The. plan and .rop of Vllla'i. apilareiil'countered came In Tueday from l.u roup d'etat U .till a my.lory. AiiK.-le, to nli mid ruilci. The tftl-liiflH. niiiunatliiK from' Tho home of Hie "lllc l'le ' U In JUItlllo that Villa bad rMUned from I'ortland. but tholr prenent auto trip the utmy to Income oernor l the Tom the .outlmrn city They went Ulc of Chlhualiua 1. dl.crtdlt.d HU.to LonvMinehw for an outliiK. found a aKnt .aid Villa will Klw tl... Amer-.barRidii In a bin I'ncXard car and lean pre a alatrmrnt concluded in drive home throuRh tho ThU uiaiitfriito. puhll.hiu the lounirj iaue leading ti tewdt and the placo he mid III. army mummed, tin not yet reached JnureK. The Villa revolt thun far hna been MooitleM. Nor ha It fatnieil a dl iiirbanc In the tvry Uy routluo of Hi rallroadi, teloisrapht, tc, excpl that new men art operatlnit tho tol Ktaph line., No word aa to occurrence outb of i hern U allowed to leak out. Villa' American attorney here, a) that nlH ol the book and paper relatliiK to the butlnr ot the conMltutlonnlUl MKN.irinl, If not the foremott lllrrnry critic or Kurope, tho uuthor of a Shake pearlan work of the hlRhent Import ance nr. t authority, can't quUe umler itniul tlie United filalen and Ameri can The doctor sailed away from here the other day nfler lecture In ne vera I cltle, hut he left more hi iled than helnre he had t'ecn th Culled Htate. N'evertheJeiu., he wai a kindly critic, ndmlttlnr. that hi In- formation wm not complete, and that) he was only giving hi impre&tlnnM lie ald It niMimeil that American, were ilaici to the telephone Musical t comedlcit of the kind ii; i.osed to ex hilarate the tired hiilin man were loo much for him ll rolled hi eyes In horror at tho recollection of those hn had seen. Kor year Dr..BrandeV euemlen have kept him out of tho chair at tho t'nl. orally of Copenhagen that should hao been hi. The chnlr remained vacant because hi reputa tion vrni so formldablo that nobody I would accept a profentorlat that had been refused to OeorK Drandes. He even went to llerltn and resided thoro !for several year. It was only quite tit urn nil 1 nni 1 il'reccntl' thAt r)pnmnrk owok t N A M M I h 1 1 11 n II I fl li i'0"'0 nf "hftmo nn J trlcd ,0 nu,ko up II 1 1 III LU UUnllUlnll for decades of neglect, Honors were Hhowercd upon OeorK Hrandcs. hon ors to which he hail by that time bo- Inl91l with Interest by the American inrs. The New Orleans and the Ouorrero rescued the (iirvliorx from ihe Tumplco, and suriteoos from the Amerkan ships are on the Guer rero attending to the wounded In the party were (.' II Salisbury. ( 'tux Johnson, Frank l'arson, Chas. Hlchiird and Joe Ainestoy. The com bined elKlit of the live I more than 1,200 pounds. 'TOURISTS SWARM TO MT. LASSEN KKUm.NG I'KOlOiK FOltWABO A PITI'ITIOX TO WASHINGTON TO .MAKK VOLCANO A NATIONAL I'AHK MRS. KEESEE IS ................... 1.. ..11 ..Hi.. m fnr aim til ' as Torreon were .elred. simultaneous-,cofXTV ("Ol'HT IKSUKS tlllllKH wm. P,,,y ""J"""' ly with tho setture of thm at Jaure. yesterday. NAMIXO WIIMIW Ol' UKIUIITKI) .vrioHXi:v as hih ciiilihikxh' (iUAHDIAX (lulled Press Service WA8IIINOTON, l. C, JJtme IT. (leneral Venustlano Carania. llin "Jefe Hupremo" of the Constitution iillst cnusn In Mexico, ha four very wcthti worker for hi causit In Wash Intton. Though they hau' no onirlal statu there with tho American Kov- iiri.tni.Mi ii.cst sitiw nni iiritViint lluilit from ae'lni: 4Uli department oillclnl. ; 3.000. To.lhlrd of this belo.iKS .oclally, Usunlly a Mexican revolu-H) tlio children. llonary Junta work o secretly that - " ll Is dlfflcult lo lenrn ever ilia name We.tniinsior Abbey Is now the heat of the iiiembuic Tim constitutional-jllKlitod cathednil In Kurope. Mrs Itoso IC. Keesro ba been ap pointed Kuardlan of tho children of heinelf ami the lalo Henry II. Koeseo. An order to thl effect ha Just been issued by tliu county court. Thu Koeseo estate Is valued they celebrated his 70th birthday with much pomp and circumstance. And the other nleht he told with a sar donic m!le of tho appalling ennui with which tho very thouiht of all those celebrations filled his soul. "I couldn't aland It," he said. "I slipped away to Pari1 and let them celohrnte." United i'ress Service HUUDINa, June IT. There are no new developments In the volcanic ac tion of Ml. Lassen. According to a lepurt received from Volta tut utorn liiK, a small black cloud of smoke U couiIuk from the crater, equalling the volume of that of Monday. The smoka has beeu steady over slucu tho eruptlou Sunday. The smoke cloud cauuol bo seen here, owlug to thu hue. TourUta uru pouring In from all di rections, eager to climb the turbulent mouutalu and see what they can of tho volcano. Residents of Iteddlng have com menced circulating a petition asking CoiiKressmun linker to Introduce a bill In congress, making a national park for the volcano district. .! ni i Cannot Go for Prisoner Where la Ihe Dog? Two of tho most prominent busi nessthat Is, younc business men of tho city stood on the corner of Main nnd Fifth last night looking for n lost dog. Mala nnd Fifth must be n very poor place to find lost dogs, for nt n late hour the two searchers wero mill waiting, nnd while they waited thoy warbled, "Where, oh whom, Is my little doggone," Governor West Tells Low TherelsNo Fund for Trip If u criminal geiH out of Oregon, he need not fenr nrnmli there uro no funds uvullablo for his return. This U tho presont statu ot af fairs, apparently, for HherllT Low re turned last night from Halem, where lie wiu refused a requisition for John Hlmmoim, urrosteil hi Wyoming, and wtated In Klamath Falls on charges uf failure lo provide for and desert ing hli wife. The governor gave ihe following willteii stiiloinonl to Lew: "There bolug no state funds to cov er expenses of returning Slmmous fiom Wj-omlng, aud under present law Hlule olllclals are not allowed to audit claims, requisition papers tiro not allowed." Simmons la still In custody. It I possible that, the county may pay tho expouBo of bringing hlui here to stand trial. .Cost of Colrado Btrfke As a rosult of the strlko In tlio coal Holds of Colorado which has been go ing on since Inst September, eighteen strikers, ten mine guards, nineteen iiilno employes, two militiamen, three uon-combntnnta, two women nnd twelve children havn been killed. It In estimated tho loss amounts to be tween 110,000,000 and 113,000,000. Orient lo Ho Sold At Wichita, Knna,, on July tl. the Kiiusus City, Mexico and Orient rail road will be sold nt auction. Tho or der of sate was made by Federal Judge John C. Pollock. Tho price set Is 10,000,000. The system will be taken oved by a syndicate of English financier. Hero l'roiu I'tne Flat. U. E. Leuiuiou, a well known Klam- nth county farmer, waa In today from l'lue Flat, giving attention to busi ness matters. He U accompaniea uy his sous, Eerott aud Albert Leniuion. VMtlng Sick Daughter. Mrs. C. A. Arnold left for Port land this morning to seo her daugh ter, MUs Lillian Arnold, who Is sick with typhoid fever. Miss Arnold Is In school In Portland, and was taken sick just before school closed for the summer. ,,'!u ctt'v,i i " ' istTiTi i 'rMsiTflT T'f f'rf'iEB i t.r,isJ,iivi-'J.!',i ;isjBSjB&i4MH,'N '3$'&& W,Lm lllWglillislgMe'TT'lliniili'iMBWlMBt'sM '""'" -vp'&SSMR fsflJaSHBMJBBBESr r Cvrl ? X- ' 9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm sjffffffffffJjB.Yv. fQBfBbi&v 4VilaaaaaaaaBl jBjaiLLLBT trii twULI iftMijpniaiJBrii f ' 'bH IpHMIIiflMMMe' SAYS DEPARTMENT OE STATE AIDED BANK OFFICIALS SKVATOII SJIITH'H HKHOLUTION IS DRASTIC I ( (Hayti That the Selxnre of NkarsCHaai - Port by American Marls a4 the DoinlnadoB of tho CmIobm Wtmut Itecelpu Enabled .Veer York Paean- ( 'A' tier to Make Good In fUekjrf I'ro'MMltiOB. 4.1 t t'oited Press Service "WASHLVOTON'. D. C, June 17. Senator William A. Smith of Michigan f today Introduced a resolution ! the" senate charging the state departSBeat K'Uh having actively aided Browa Druthers and Seilgmsn, Speyer com pany. New York banking flrms, In col lecting claims ugolnct Nlcaraugua. In his resolution Senator, Smith de clares thai the seizing of Nlcarauguan ports by ihe American marlaee, and dominating the receipts of the cus toms houiic enable.! the bankers to redeem $C. 500, 000 in bonda at par. The resolution directed the senate foreign affairs committee to laeielre closely Into the transaction.' Tate res olution was referred to. a ceaiaKtee. RETURNS TO VISIT AFTER MANY YEARS t:OGLE ItlVKR VA1XKY RANCH- L.V JUKIXG A TOUR OF KA8T-' ERX OREGOX, AND VTHTOWI ' OLD FRIENDS GKXKUAL FllANCESCA VIVLX Sow tluit the constitutional fortes have control of all of Northern Mexico and big Hirtlou or Central Mexico, Is there to be an internal revolt, which will dettroy Hiclr chances of capturing Mexico City, almost in their gnu.? Thl is the question the entire world Is asking today, following the tepoiu or a split between General Villa and President Cnrnuua. Villa's !itilvitle indicate that he intends to nvuim: friiuieiue control. Some who favor the revolutionary cnue in Mexico fear that lu case there I a breach betvieen the two leaders, there may be delay enough occa klouor to allow Ilucrta to call in nil of his troops for the defense of Mexico City, or to secure ammunition, etc., from abroad. WEST TO TALK ON PRISON REFORM Is with a view to ascertaining what his chances are of obtaining member ship ou the Alaska railroad commission. Tuesday evening Mr. and aire, J' Hoagland and little daughter arrtTa in this city, and made the ftrat step In a tour of Eastern Oregon. Whltof here the Hoaglands are th gmU of' Mr. and Mrs. Nate Otterbeia, Mrs. Otterbeln being a sister-in-law of Mr.i Hoagland. l Sixteen years ago "Joe" waa a ml-. dent or the Bontnxa country, aaa thl' is the first time he has vtoUa hi eM sUmping ground since Uklng up hi residence in the valley ot th Rogue, and the change la Klamath rail ft the country surrounding waa quit a surprise. "Ot course I knew that the coaa- try had grown, and that I.Mis Baldwin Home. Miss Maude Baldwin, who has been Falls waa coming to th front," aaM siting friends In Portland and at- M.r Hoagland last night, '"but I dlda't WILL TOUR THE EASTERN AND MIDDLE WESTERN STATES IN THE INTEREST OF THE UNFOR TUNATE PRISON INMATES vUttlnir tending the Rose Festival, returned expect to find a city where I ha left I i-fA e t last nlghL. siriuBiuw.. ,j SALEM, June 17. Governor West I left Monday tor the Eastern and Mid dle Western states, where he will speud his vacation delivering lecture before Chautauqua and In the Invevs ligation, or reform systems, lu differ ent penal Institutions, according to In timate friends of tho executive, ami he expects to ho gone for sevoral w ooka. Red Hair Twisted Him So Enraptured Is L)eweTlutHeTakWroHTn "When the Klamath Falls delega tion, on their way to the Rose Car nival at Portland, reached Weed, thoy Beyond stating that he would go ,fonnd thlU au the lower berths on the Sue on Note, Through J, O. Rutenlc, tho First National hunk today commenced suit against Jounu Sparks to recover $143.1)0 alleged due on a note. In addition the complaint asks $25 at torney fees. ' Family io Chlloqala. lloy Mooie, one ot the new owner of the general merchandise establish ment at Chlloquln, today moved his family to their new home, Koy hai been ut his new place of buslneaa for several weeks, aud Is much pleased with th people and tjh trade. straight to Washington, and that ho would decide there whore he would spend the rest of his vacation, tho executive ns non-committal on tho ubject. Ho declared that he would Po'tlnnd Express were taken. The ouly one In the party to have mnde ieervatlon fo a lower compartment waa Albert Loewe . -in I'oriiana bsprtwa i consult with the Interior department I , d therebv hangs a t8U ol wiiu miuwon io u uumuc, v ..,,., j.w..MH hMiitv. a missed train matters which are pending, and thatj nn nppropr,ate(, berth then lie would glte a few lectures ou prison reform work and Investigate prison reform systems In several state. Where the lectures will be de livered U unknown. Fnends of the oxeilillve declare that for some time hq has bean con sidering entering the Chautauqua work, and his appearance on the plat rorm during vacation1 will be In the nature of a "tryout.'' Politician be-' lleve that hU, mission to Washington While the passengers on the first section yero occupying the tables nt the Ashland eating house, section No. 3 pulled In botween the first Mo tion and the depot. Mr, Loewe, who had been devoting himself to a red haired beauty he met on the train, failed to note that the train nearest him was not the one be came la on. When the conductor called ''all aboard" Loewe mad a iylai Was Jjr appro!; t M Mrth. TIifeVjjS lm1tfa$$ aboard th second section. la thr meantime the reet of th party, aat being Infatuated with r4-halr4f beautles, had boarded the irat a--Hon and were oa their way to Part? land. j When Loewe waa missed, Mr. W.i B. Hall ImatedlaUly approptteMa mat covoiea tower nana. ductor explained that overtake th train a Jtaaahan.'' ff&tffl Mrs. Hall sent hint a wtrtlMalJaifpn him tor the us of' thh;:atjfe, ' warning him of her prwesMt'taVppM1 r k In case th oond se4ll aHff H , '', Roseburg befor ta aftiiiHiH Mat, ,- As It haepeaejd.'Laew a ; catch up wlttU,9'"JmtM''i Porttaad waa rajjw am;aM enjoyed th to war ai win aV Mf pt0 up. Law m,mm" beach, ralM4Mt JaaavNais) rf-' y -.(,'' "'"tU " Wf . j ,' I! MA w. if tJ f ,f,s-V,H- ( in .