J samfmmmmi mEPaajHI K wwraw HraUi WW -4 PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FAlXl' OFFICIAL NEWlPAPUt iUi jr-t ".&&- 9 .. uT aaaa-aat ,-".., t.. ,fizr.. Clglilli War No, U.IIIMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1914 Pries, Flv m McNARY CONCEDES THE PLACE TO JUDGE BENSON; BENSON IS LEADING IN RACE BY IB VOTES v o,in or i;itiirii:i-N mu.s is mum: inthi: iti.tui si oi roium.wi nil vn . (II ill llie ltrilut ii I niiiilrli-- l'.iri tilt lllirl tin I nb'ii Mill), Willi li ll. fl In Id' ii. u.-.i iiiliioii 'linn n.i. ciiiiHi) Cuulit Sill Mukr l.'llt Mlflli IrM In Cut DiiMII lllri 1-r.ul AlllmuKh ttn mallrr ha hrm In Hip Air till'l lin bm.li ir(iUi (mill ) for III" l't IllOllltl, It tonka to di, a though Klfttltalh mint!) Is u hat ft rallllliUle IDT JUHllc-rr Of Uio uttpmn court llrturm from Omul nmiity's ttclitrk Uil murntng Ihi'I idn dicuvry of dliCfrpailt) Tbli rate IIIim) lit votes. i Ik' now IrmU VlrNary by t vulea A iMegralu m I" !"! b) Judte llrf.mii tilt ttllrrniMiii front liU sou. Arlttur Hrtisnu deputy uir!iiio court rlrrk TltU Mated that Justice. Mc Vary todav ronccd ll-nton nomi nation. According li young Unison's lli" Rural Credit Measure Is Headed for Row' (Mvraid Stxwlal tirtrlc) WArtlllNOTOS, l C. Jum U I'arm crvdll IpIIHoii fm i" b" hdeil toward a ahfttp I'onUit bi tvpm tho.o for aud opposed to o frnnictit loan Tlw llulkli) Until bill lulrtxlureil In iho houi I the rwult Of the drllbi-rnlloii of Hip joint aiib-commlttcn of iho two branclira of conrr.. It tonlaln. lu pnrt. Hm prlnclpli' of gnvrriiinnit loan for Mm bnmlll of nitrlrultutf. uhlclt thn large farm urnatilittllou have ronlelidl for lu Hit rpi'Ct, lugplher a lib llm Kllllnit t iM" Plvleltur hill. Iho u'w hill tail !' vn a n partial triumph for fariiior. Thpa orvatiliiilloii ire lirartk" ttlly Ullllnl III allpporl f Iho hill ' iroJiirmt lie ltniiroMntulhi lUthrlrk of Ohio, who ha led thu fight for govorutut'ul aid during thu !' 'w0 )ara. Ill perltont propngntiun for tbU prluclplo I wolt KnoMii, uud in hi roearch, uprechc unit wriuiiR U mainly du tlm'creUU for iho geii ml underatauilliig of that dhUlon of the farm credit nuosilon. In an Interview li prwntM hi Una a follew: "Kverybody know thnl oil the leading uallnni of Kurope nro dolur Excuse Jury Till 6th Attorneys Agree to Posiwning the Law Docket w llecause thu farmer who are em panelled on the Jury for the June tern of the circuit court are nadly needed at home right now, nnd owing to UlaeatM, etc, the panel I "'' enough to Justify drawing uddltlonul nnmei from the Jury Hat. Circuit Judge Demon thl morning excused all Juron until July th. Thla waa decided upon at it confer once between the local attorney und the Judge thla tnornlug. Al conent nd to this. Wke tka Jurors are called agelu t,i.llll nil I In l.-tlll'l tntlilllS hull i 11 ! iii hi il ami itI'mI IimI tin t lliiiti (ounty return Milium len. I . II. . . DELIRIOUS MA IS WORSE TODAY mim: iikioi'i.iii.ii, who km r. I. It ri.HM 'till. IIOsl'ITU. io. lit), M Hi l' WIIM I) tslo IIIh MMK I'iiImi il.i'ii' U u cIihuki' (ur tin' liftlt-r. Mlk licliiughor. u Inciter. who 1 itl lite HlMtMmni hospital HH il IIiIiiiii trriiiu, will lie taken btore Uio riiunt) rnurt Hint ixamlmd a I--hls jiiIi All 'tTily nnit .' lit.lu lii' raw'il In a maniacal ) nitit I no lullrr today DiloiiElur was taken into the lion pllal Saturday, ami apmt'nil liupruUtiK until Muiulu) iiioruliiK hfH In- Iicialllv aUililclll) irni'd. ninl jumiiliiK from n window nt tin liiMplul. inn otr tti Hoi rlprlnitii hill clail unl) In hi nUtit uhlrL Ho rnuKht by (Iromr Noll atui Joint lira Hi nf IVrl Klamatli, Mho wrrr- on thlr ) to tou iiiutr lor the farmct than I hto Btkoil our government to do. Tliow? who aro potted, and are not more ln lermtod In tilth profit oil Interest Ihnn III thu future of our food nipplr, lmr topi'i"l rnltlliK goerninenl toniia cI.m toitUUtlon and oclalliu. "My hill I tlll the h.-t hill to re lieve the uutiltn "f high cost of mon lry to the farmer llut t he had I o mo experience In r.ettliiK Iho right Uud of leglOallmi Very often the oor.eloui ml the psychological moment t R"t the t0t they run. It In lor thnl reaaou that 1 have noiiiifed my tiplrt for thu Hulkley HollU hill The hill contain three 'item of subliminal Koornmeui aid fthlrh lll h of lmmene advautnge . n, Wmi mid South, particularly, I It open poaslbllltle of good every. nvhere. II cotunin nme " .. could ho expected with the many opln lim of confllctliig Intcreit. It has In touch of mutuality and Improving ....,.i...i.i eaii ho made which .should not sorlomly conflict with tha opinion of thu mnKer of the hill. mxpniise of operation nro low, the bond lo ho iMiied aRiiinst inorigngaa are oll fortltlcd, and should sell at n rate which should reduco tho Inter Mt burden to the borrower." It I expected llmt the criminal dockot Will we in'iw "- - -- that ome of tho rrimlunl matters bo- .. lis i.- im.iiiu isr is 'iiiininu. uuu lug considered uy too gruuu jm n... b leaiiy tor trim, Tho Juror will ho kept busy thl term, for the law docket I uuusually heavy, lu addition to the criminal came thnl ro to como before thl .a . 1.. ..!. HllA term of court, tnoie mo iwcn low rime awaiting attention. ,...! ,1... Iiikv la iMillnd. July Olh. until " " " " Judge l3euon will devote hi utteu- tlou to tho huiR or equiiy wavwip. American Polo Team, Which Is Playing at Long Island Governor Caballero Demands Ransoms aivf1 Gov n nor l.ul Cnballoro of Tam pleo, pit fd In charge h the constl tutlonullst after the federals were driven out, hu liken the remarkable, action of demandlug very heavy ran-, some from busluc men und other.' on the ground of being federal and. huvlnu aided the federal cause they mimt pay to escape Immediate oxeeu-t Hon. Thl I the atory of rather Man uel Vlrnmoute. who remained at his post when other prleata had fled on ... Mini dm on the coming of the constlt .UtlOIiailSl. A oou hh 1 vvn arrested tho rob- !el demanded 60.000 peso for my re-. leiiue. threatening me with execution; If the money was not forthcoming. 1 1. had no money, and I knew It would I ' ho ImpocHlhle for me to raUe tho I amount. I told them thl, mitt tnoy unsworn! Hint I wa a traitor, that I had aided the federal, nnd they would Hhoot me If my parishioner did not ralso the mini, 1 collected altogether U20 pesos, and a all the oilier priest had lied to Kurope or the United State, I had no hope ot getting any more. When 1 offered thl sum to them they laughed at me, refused to accept It, nnd told mo to preparo for execution. Tho dovotod women of tho parish came to me with tho fund they had raised, but I re fused to accept them, because I know the sacrince It entailed. Thou they went to tho rebels with a similar offer which was accepted. They had almost enough to pny. I finally old my fur ultuio and raised 7, BOO pesos, which 1 handed over to tho rebels, who thereupon released mo. I am a Mex ican by birth, horn nt Jalisco and ed ucated In Mexico Coty. I camo to Tnmplco six years ago, and waa never bofore molested. I want to go to America." Stilt to tocovor f 92, alleged due on nccouut, was commenced by the Klamath Iron work against W. U. Kyle. E. L, Elliott Is attorney for the plaintiff, fijtft fiIr 'LBBBBh '"' SSBBBBBfiPffiiwiR9HvSl I Sa Pi S-aaaaaaaaata? '- 11 lSowSo B This Afternoon to Defend the Big Cup HEARTSONGS TO BE THE PROGRAM I Ti:itT.IXSIKXT WILL liK GIVKX Tills i:i:.XIX AT HOUSTON'S OI'KK.V HOUSE' FOK HKXKriT) OK (it'll. I) Ncarlj all of the clii's inuslial ul- 'ent will appear during the recital to 'be given Mt Houston's opera house this evening by the ladle of (Jrace Episcopal Guild. The program Is un- 1 der tho direction ot Mr. ZumwalL I i The heurtsong of the past century, Itec-illlng many fond memories with, itiiIr nhiliitln HtteMness. compose the program, which ha hecu arranged tin follow 1 See-Saw Crowe Margaret dimming, Margaret llargus. Helen Hamilton, Flor ence Morgan. Fred Goeller, Austin and Ueatrice Oale, lieatrlce and Catherine Walton. tu the Gloaming ...... Harrison Miss Vera Houston Duel -Post Thou Love Me. Sister Ruth Haydn Mlsbca lieatrlce and Catherine Walton. Dream Faces Hutchinson Mlsa Elizabeth Houston 5- Duet Alice, wnere An muu; Ascher Ii,,,, Mill ira. it. v. i wm, ..- I.ouUo Benson. The Laird o' Cockpeu . Old Scotch Mr. Arthur D. Hay Solo and ijuartet chorus-- Svveet Genevieve Tucker Miss Loulso Benson, aua Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Walton. Mr. Upp. -In Old Madrid Trotere 8- Miss Marjorle McClure i A Warrior Bold Adams Mr. Lawrence Mehoffey 10 Duet Flow Gently, Sweet Alton , Sptltnan Mrs. Thomas. Mr. Hay 1 1 Long, Long Ago Bayly Mrs. A. J. Voye 12 Male quartet Tontlng Tonight Klttredge Messrs. Walton, Mehaffey, Kin near, Upp. 13 Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep Knight Mr. J. B. Mason H Danube River Aide Mrs. Bert Carl Thomas 15 Tho Mlstle Bough .. Pantonine 10 Duet When Ye Gang Awa Jamie Dcmar Mis. Zumwalt, Mr. Mason 17- Good Bye, Sweet Day . . Vannab Mr. Harold Kinnear l Dreamt That I Dwelt In Marble Halls Balte Mr. Don J. Zumwalt Suvvanee River .,,.,... Foiter By Everyone 18- 19- Ooat are said to be entlrley free from any Indication of tuberculoala. t A. R. Pinchot Opens Fight on Perkins Amos It. Pinchot has taken the lead (In a tight to drive George W. Perkins .out ot the chairmanship ot tho na- out 0f in,, cuairraansuip oi iuo na tioual executive committee ot the pro .... ... n.. t... ' Dlnol.nt igressivc uarij. v,u Jiaj .mvuw gent a 4,000-word letter to the mem- n,cr8 0( tQCI national committee, to (Theodore Roosevelt, and to a few otlw Jor leaders, denouncing Perkins as a I menace to tho survival of the party. nnd calling on them to oust him from the dominaut position In party coun cils which he now holds. This letter vvn marked "Personal not for pub lication," and It was not until recent- lv tl.nl Dm tnrt liacnnift known that tho periodic rumhllugs of discontent' with "noss" Perkins had Anally taken dollnlte and tangible form. BIG BASIN MILL WILL OPEN SOON HARRY GALLAaiWH HERE FROM ,..- to take CHARGE. CH1LOQU1X TO TAKE CHARGE. THE SEASON 1LL SOMJIE.NCE OX MONDAY The West Side sawmill of the Big Basin Lumber company will open Monday morning, cutting up the 2,000,000 or more log now In the company' booms. Harry Gallagher has returned from Chlloquln to take charge of the op erations, He Is now buiy getting a craw. . mmmmmmmmmmmrmimim Sgfrgy ' ' '" leaJjejjajeysggj Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaw -V. laa9ls9aaeaVggggW.4 gFaaaaaawCr Taaaaaaaaai gaTfBaaaF '"'Jaaaaaaaaaaal 1 waHJHi WILD HORSES EOR RODEO ARE HIRED .IIIIIITV HEAD AHi: HKCCItKD rnoM n. o. vixso.v outlaws' UWXKII 11V S1LS CUA.XDLKH; TO HK TItlED OUT Th itodcn dlrectori have juit docd :i contract with It. O. Vinson for thirty head of wild horsea, to be-ufet-d ur, mount In tlie wild horse rnciui during the ltodco. In the wild hone rac theitf untried stceil are saildltd, brldlyd and mounted at the cunie time by the entrant, and the mglil of eighteen or more broncho In a hunch, pitching, bucking and run a uwuvu, i. ut, mw... .- nlns, I one of the big Uodoo thrill. In addition to these horses and the outlaws secured for the final, the mn.nrn M nlll IMiI iPAM anil Icord and '"""""" - Simpson to Jlalln this week to try oiii thn lima Phanttlr mannllrs. i . . w These men hate Just returned from a, tour through California with a Wild West how. and In addition to Rim Rock Johnnie and other local horses. and Orlnly Murphy. Jackson coun-l ty' outlaw, they 'acquired a lot of mean horses In California. " Ramsby and Chester Ont Caaipiag. 'Schrtver have gone to Spencer Creek, where they will camp for some time. Mrs. Ramsby's son, Carey II., is in charge of the hatchery there, and his daughter, Myrtle, accompanied bar I grandmother on the trip. Want Noose United Press Service ' BERLIN, June 16. Agitation has been started In Germany to abolish .the axe and the block. Of all clvUU ed and cultured peoples, Germany is the only country In the world today v hlch has retained and atill clings to this ancient form ot executing the death sentence of the law. Even Rus sia, so often characterized aa be nighted, has adopted hanging. France, 'often termed the most enlightened na tion, also still clings to its tradition ally grewsome beheading In prefer 1 fence to tho less spectacular and mare refined form ot hanging adopted by tho greater portion of the clvlllxed world, and to electrocution In vogue In the United State. But France makes some claim for refinement In the tragedy of a human life by the fact that It execute the law' sen tence with a machine, the mechanical Fort to Have a Queei When It comes to a matter ot roy alty, the Rose Featlval at Portland will have nothing over the "Big July Time" at Fort Klamath, for a o.ueen I to be elected, to rule supreme over the tun on the four days, beginning June 29th and ending July 3d. Frank iSalcldo, who 1 in from tbe Fort ar ranging ome ot tbe anairs tor tne m how. sava that there la much tlyalry among the admirer of tne fair girl of Wood River Valley as to who will be queen. A spirited vote is expected. The Fort Klamath celebration will be a bummer, and keep the crowds buar. A band has bean engaged to furnish music, and In addition to tbe contests each day. there will ba daac- ins- in the evening, and three balloon J ascensions and parachute drops by I. t, Bnerman, wno u work during tha mat oonnty fair. Tha IFREF TEXTBOOKS FOR SCHOOLS IN CITY ARE VOTED FOU.NTALV IH AGAIN Oii THE BOARD Has Keen Connected WHh tW Ll BoArd of Education for tlM I1 TAtclvo Veai-a, ami tU MMB U School Uror TemoM Lack mt la.v IvreiA la Maalfested Vote That Was Caai. by ts LlfM ca The jranjmar fCDOOl Of AiajMHaV 'Falu are to furntB tTM u, fcoolu . tha nuDii-. Thlwa decide Mom-T Hb hr thm .. at th dUtiiat ' .L .. - .- .- te vha by a tote or xsu to s, the fflMUM M aubtnliud, at Ueraa- . .. ...... . AA aa nuaJ selecuoD o iMjuickna, a. Klftmath p.n, u oaa of , ta irat ,Q Ul6 iUt'lo ,dopt fra. taU book. The same quaatioa waa vate on In Portland Monday. : . r.i At the school elecUom tha Uzaay era alio re-alactad Ptaaaut IV Faaa- ),. a Kinlur at tha uhaal anard iHa won by a large vote over B. U.r 'ChUcote and Mr. Maad Stalk, waa opposed his. ''" Thla U tae tweirta year taa air. Founuln baa bees coaaeetedwiU the school board, aad. he ie nilder-r ed on ot ita aicat TalaaM aVapa)er (Coatlaued am Pag 4) Instead Germany I : a guillotine. aaerely at a.!MaJlaaa hat human agency. Tbe acblse daea the reet. J in Rumuv aocletT still rlaa MM of undeslrablea by tha etaalMa I primitive operation of everia"UU head trom the body with an as swung by brawny arms, Jut a waa done in England in the aya.ei Maryf Uueen of ScoU. Quelen.aaata' Henry VIH. Tbe kuuaam btrteSiit? block ha long bean abaUabad tat Rngr - land. In Germaay taa waa naa jaaaw and still U to a large ertent, taat'a order to make human asaenUa "a - check upon crime" and toptove a de terrent to murder. It eboaM MJfttr rounded with as raucb horror aa a slble. Advocate claim that tae'gUe- tening axe and tbe buwk-robaad block are a areater syBbol of that terror ot tbe final act of law the hangman' m I .& Canml l It 'll it i J Klsmath Indians will ataa.aeaear'la tribal dances, etc. iAIiaUaVUivaM ai ,an w-a iiib a up,. for a baseball tournament for the Southern Oregon cbanuionshlp, wKtt a purse of 1 50 for tha winning team. There will also be a tug of war aa- tween mounted wbttaa and1 -aaunte Indians, and for tbla there wIUnI prise ot $150. ' ' (, Some of tie ether Teals ami KMf , follew: ,,v Bucking coataat, 10; wist hafsa:Jl,-,T;l race horse. flS; faney awi'smapi. .v day; bulldogglnf, riding. su; n moblla barrel autoaaolilUi threa-mlle anteawtto,iwtV.li maV.J i lorcyua raee, f e. ij2 alf, fl.fi mlam'iaftr? ' .. ? J Ji i in I m H' V J a s us & ev a Vh m M a' i- ,'M . ri isa-1 ii. - t? ' v. r u-r iA-ny-j f-ee-, Jf