V-J .' - a ,&$ PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS WILL RECOUNT OF CLACKAMAS VOTE GIVES TEN MORE VOTES FOR BENSON; OFFICIAL RECHECK NFXI iii'-icoMi: wii.i. in: is imuiw i'viii, 'i mi: ruiii: in- this ni't.'orr III r.irl) Ctrl) lli.llilur Hllflf ,rr U It ItiMliriUllilt Hi I lin lti' .ill nf llln llnilUI ltilillti. Hi.iiir I'tiiir l I'uuihI, Willi Ii (V-illuii- Hip .Hrwill.K Willi ll ll llrrh Iraiiifi f 'lliU Itnri. .,.,.,., I iille.1 Pi--. HM HAI.KM. Jtllln Ii An iitiUul t ' 4 cUri. of tim rtiirn iii nil ih- rutin- If... ! kIIh Ia 111 tin Kiailn 'fill I .. i t ,ii.ii.,. i.,il. ir Ju.lft. Uh.il--. Mi.S',r) or Judg- .r """" ,w t0",rf n" iirmx i.. U-M...M iim ..'" "" "'";u- "l'1 "' ,mm ,of uH.lh ,.ubll,i. .iou.I.k-. lor Ju-.lr,, ronlrucl !, liwi. wrord b ..I .1,., ,t mium . II.- i.ilier ""' 11' "" "la " '" '"" ' .urn,,,, i,c,i moih o v,U ' Utflunii.c -t .!. h n t'o.ini t'Url. Ilium Mlw otjUac""' Vr Mini n "ttr in tlir count ! II.P (Kllllary VOIr lhre tltel llrliMini un mur roir tlmn bp i rtri I trtdltnl l(li Tlili rrlip U'Nnr Irail In tOj tote CITY HALL WORK STARTED TODAY M.woit, iei.ic'i: Jitixji: am ;itv k.vmm:km MirrKMMi.M: wnt:m: it MiiAi.1. hi: ihiii.t maki: fO.VTIIACT H.1THHIIAV ' liln lfp. ln renldoii here. Tin. vi-art toenlloii of tin- i ell) ,on vUll In- home toiilnbl. llo nl hull on Ihti properly im ln lomrr of (J Hatwiu to Bet reijtiUltloii bforc ro I'lftb and Walnut, ttm orilclally 1o-'iiitc l V)oiiiIiik lirmlii-il upon tlilii tuornltiB by Mayors N'lchoUa, I'iiIIii- Jiule l.nltl ami c.y EiiKiui-or Mceau .. ,,r,,,,:,.,:;- :. ; !:. : t Tin. btilhlliiK U I. ful Oil I- lit I -.. .. i ulll ... I. tAti Mlf....ll fat.it . , .... ....-..-it a ....... nf .Ii. WHI VII V HIIIWIHIRi !' ' " f.-l Hilt b li.ft ou tbo Walnut lr'-t Adjudicate Rights Anna Creek Dispute to Just who nro entitled lo take walor .i . from Anna Crook Is a .mention that U to bo settled by tho stnto water board. Jiuneit T. Oblnnock, tendeul of Water DIvIhIoii rnnclioil hro lust night from Medford, ami will hold hearings with n vlow to adjudicating tho rlgbts or tbo clnlm ants. Toimiriow iiiurnliiK Clilunnck will bold a hearing nt tbo Hotel llnll. On Wednesday mid Tliumilny ho will bold hearings at Port Klamath. Tho hearings before Ghlnnock arc (be result of differences between I'mw ft Htrntton, Dnn Rymi. niclmrd Mel base, Frad Cronomlller and K. I, and Wm. T. Burni, who nro undwr ll Melbime ditch, nnd tho Deiitons, Oor dons, Fordyces, lleckioys, lovors, Lliks, Connors, Copeltnds, Nlchol Ma, Orri, Plton-8lsore Co., Ban- Eh tfwao RECOUNT BENSON-McNARY Ido, uliil I rni) lfi Mill to ail dot! Id tU u IU), wlilth Mill chtt forty ferl Im ii ditto and luriiuul This Ij-uu iiinl luutiliilii winch wa irisii'iiU'tf tu tile ll lftl )iar In til !) I'lif'txil ih Km xnlir of lh unlit, unit ite l.)i ai IiIIik the .htialii'B. Juki llitldo lt.i (iruiHil) lliii A iirx o( tiio ground unit insult. unlay, nml Cofer llroili-u, I lit con- Martin 3i Hltontl)- j l wort- No time U to tr loit III Hit rrnilun (if ill bUiil. tin It I KJ li roillpll tit llj Jsilliat I. wrtonllMS t Ho cum ran Tin tmlluuiito authorltlm the in) or uliil hI1" Judg- tu inirr .tu.. (diarau ulili t'ufiT llmtlur fur ll.r ci-t I Kill itl llu bulldlm. h;i4 .n-..-iI l h-IJouiiuhI itirMliig of the imm ell Saiurdn) iiUIh On -m-oiim uf a fbMUr be i"'i" in be bon.1 ol NO REQUISITION FORJ.H.SIMMQNS iMiEiiirr 'u:i.i:itAi'ii.s rnoi h I.I'M THAT THIS JS IIEI'UMEII. .sin.itiii' is i:xi'i:vn:i home -luSlllllT Ariofdllil! I Itil-iitrmn re-cehed from Sborin l.o, ClnTior Wol ban refiueil n le reijutnlHoH for John Ii. filmmonii. tbo Klmuntli couuty man arreted Bl fihfrltlnn, V)o., ou cbnrite of fnllurp t" upport '' ilesertlon of JIPVCMI " " " .I.ihIk- N 7T, Monday (inliiK. Jno Klllll!! NO II. 15th. at N P. m. Work, i.ntorod Ap- . ... jirciitlce lo. Clumtam. M. Be Settled by Water Supt ,l,.r.o., Wl. Cr;;C,;?antc;;' Hmnrts. Loosleys, Hrannnns, t aicnens, 'JJ,; 8hhN. Moons ami Mw't u t,mt VCU,. who aro taking nuporln-jlrrlgll,,m Wator from Anna Creek No. 1,'niroiiKb tbo HlmttueK ditch or oinor ditches. The Melhoso ditch poplo contend that thoy nro entitled to 2.G00 Inches of water from A mm Crook. This, the) emilPiid, thoy re unablo to have di'lMrvd lliom, owing to tho tippro prlatlng of waters by others. Roiiii. tlino ago this matter was hiisii ditch people asking for nu In Junction to rostrnln tho defendants from appropriating witter fiom the ditch In sufficient quantities to deprive thorn of tbo a.BOO-lnch How they claim. The matter was luter takeu up wltb tho state water board, and adjudication was decided upon. Euimftuj i sk, . KLAMATH FALLS, SVHNiW'VSSJlS j British Polo Team Which Defeated the Americans in Saturday's Game ,j&i3ffiambMU2a Thl iitiOtORrnpli of iho Ilrltltli uoln tenm, which took Saturday's pine from the American team at Meadow llrook. I. I h tuken f dny before the contest. Captain Locket was substituted for John A. Traill. Insane Man Escapes From the Hospital Ht-voiiiliiK HudiU'iily a victim of dc--geiit, who Ihes near tho hospital, and J lirltim tremens. MlkeDelouKber. lti at oncu gao the aUrm. , , , , ,.",. T' , , ... ' Delougher has b.-on drinking hua-, okk't. Jumped troupu'becond stor)., ,. ... I , lly of late. Fearing that he would be .Undow nt tbo lilackburn hosiiltal, I. ...... ., ., ,... . i . -. cI '"' ' -"-". " " mer the Hot Spring bill He was coon on thu Tort Klamath rosd by Deputy ShorltT (lroir Niell and Jus- 1 . me oi mo rc.ro juuii ui-ssig, ... ,., in(t he loBEtfr.a mnJ began to Fort, nud captured ami brought tu)XWINt,r, Ho told ho.pitul nttondantal i town In thi'lr utito. ' Meiiutlnio tho city ami county po- lieu olllclala erU ncourli-K tbo country fur the man. Ilo wn tu to Jump out of tho window by Mrs. M. Sar - ' HERALD IS STILL OFFICIAL PAPER - VOTE OF 8 TO tt, COUNCIL, IIY A DECIDES TO CONTINUE Tin: CITY'S ADVEHT18IXQ IX EVKN - I.N'Cl I'AIM'.R ' S- tJV Tho Kvoulng Herald hus ngam been awarded tho city iirlntlng, and T . w(ll bo designated as the "clt)JofficIM .u.u'iiimn.ir" fnr Mu nuliUcfttlon lOf all Falls for the year ending Junel 1 19ir.. -. j Tho contract waa let at mi adJou(v i Home From "U." ed ineellug or tho council Baturdi' Robert RlBga. a freshman at tha night. lds nud nllldavlta of clrcu University or Oregon, came In 8atur lutlou had previously beeu filed b day night for the summer vacation the Herald and the Northweetwn.,A.neaeon. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE mmssmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmi2!immm utthlll null i wmviia, tuaiiub'.-t . ii took tho man In from the streets Q - J-jl Saturday and routined him to a bed.!(llll! u- . , , r,ltri,. fc.,inftl ThB, il'til. mni-iilno' Im vvUii n ln p Ait 1 1 V ull ub I rlKbt. It was after he weut into tho bath- nfterward that after he wont In there "tho)" nuno In with n ropo to hang him. nud ho Junuied from the win- I ,()W ,0 Ueloughcr Is again nt tho hospital, Jholng cared for. though the Herald's bid was the low- est and Its circulation the greatest, the council split on tho ote. Rogers, .MnUiews and Lockwood voting In fa vor of awarding tho contract to the 1 Herald, and Owens and Hamilton vot- 'Ing nKiilnst It. jlloKent Gets Stuck. ' When Dr. Fred Westorfold and Clarenco Motschenbnchor left the city Biimlcy morning to go tlshlng on I Jtmuy Creek, they did not oxpect to 'lmVu ,0 l,ln' tne aol1 Samar,tan' !i!..ni. i.Kunvnr win. thn rolo destined iSui'li, however, was tho rolo destined to bo theirs, for when they nearea tho fishings rounds thoy found Leslie Rogers' oar marooned high and dry i . v.i .nntr In II,. rnn.l With th of three or four other9 who . . u MnM ...M. -ftaii 'proceeded on tholr way to Medford iterato 15, 1914 i TEACHERS' EXAMS HELD THIS WEEK SIs-IOXS will hegix wednes l)AV FOR TEACHERS SEEKING STATE CERTIFICATES, COXTLV VISG THROUGH SATURDAY lCxamlnutlons for statu teachers' in - . ..ill i .ii ii'v-.. ,n,iH.. ' I i .il5 0 t..t ai1 rL t In a Hnnu -rttnnn nf '.education will be under the 'direction! of County School Superintendent Fred Poterson, und the subjects will be .lul'an in-, i.u fnllrifv'a- ' WtiluexU) - KYirouooii Wrltlinr United States (History. Physiology. I ,fternoou Physical Geography, .Heading. Composition. Methods In Reading, Methods In Arithmetic. Tliunduy Korenoon Arithmetic, History of KllucnlIo,. psychology. Methods tn Geography. Afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Literature, PhPyslcs, Meth ods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. Frldn) Forenoon- Theory aud Practice, Orthography. English Literature, Chemistry. Afternoon School Law. Geology, Algebia, Civil Government, SatucJa) Foi onoon Geometry, Botany. -General History, Book- Freight Dullness on Lake. Jay Taylor, owner and captain of the steamer Manama, Is In the city to day looking after the freight depart ment of bis steamer service. Mr. Tay lor reports much activity on the Up per Lake In both the passenger and freight service. . VWiiW" TRI-COUNTY MEET 'NEW GRAND JURY DATE POSPONED;: BEGINS SESSIONS OTHERS INTERFERE! THIS FORENOON CITi- i:i.i:CTIO.N AT ASHLAM TILT TIME liffclili-s This Then; Wilt He an lin- potlunt ttallioait Meeting in Gmnt'ji, l':iki to 0.iii) the Ailentiou of the' .Josejitilno Count) Boosters HaU tr Will l BtttlP'l at Section of (IminhiT of C'ouiraerr. The tri-county boost roeetlng will not be 'held June 23 Advices from other cities show thia to be a con- fllctlns date, to the matter will be de- elded upon at a special meeting or tho hoard of directors or the Klamath Chamber of Commerce to be held to- n8,u- t Reports irom Asuiana guue mere u 111 h. i Mtv Alarlfnn ihnre Ih: dflta i... ...., p,m on an Important matter. From Grant's Pass cornea information that there will be a railroad meeting there on the SStb. .iearorus uommerciai uiuo sug- goats mat tne uate oi ine meeiing se Julys. It I pointed out that quite a delegation -xould be here then, to . . attend the Koueo. TT, Vcd'nrd r.onl l9o 8tale that the recent snow In the hllU put the roads In bad shape, making the trip 'by auto via Crater Lake Impossible ,at this time. The date will likely be! irhnnavA m cnnfnrm with tbA wishes of the Rogue River Valley people, in case It does not conflict with the ar- rangementa ot the Rodeo committee, Back From Vlslu C. B. Coxad returned Sunday morn ing from Prairie City, where he had taken Mrs. Cotad and daughter Verda for a couple of months' visit with rel atives. His old friend. Terry Klnxey. accompanied him on the return trip, and will visit here Tor a few weeks, and show the local fly-casters a few new wrinkles tn the art ot catching trout, Cattle Takes a Spill Quartet of Stockmen Have Mislup W Bmiizi Alex Davis Is carrying his arm In a sling today as the result ot an Ill starred attempt on the part ot him self, D, M. McLemore, Louis Gerber and Charlie Gates to motor to Lan- gell Valley Sunday, using Davis' car. .. i.k .i... ,..i,,i,t,,i Aiav him.air .lu i.. .v n the helm. It was before the village ot Bonan za hove into view that the talk ot the party drifted Into racing channels. This stirred tho blood ot Davis, and Just to show the other three that his buss could ramble In the gait adopted by DePalmu, Burman, et al, Alex slung her wide open, and threw it Into the high. While trees, houses, telephone poles, etc., flying by were resembling oue long hlghboard fence, Alex' three passengers held their hats ana their breaths, and held on, speechless. It was not until time to turn from the straight road that speech returned, and then Gerber yelled to Davis that the turning point had been reached, "Turning point" In this case was used advisedly, for Alex whirled the steering wheel until the front wheels were at right angles with their former position, This was the turning point KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBft FiHimi VOTE , jijuVlAiVrwIIVi-il-iVI -iT ' "i AT'JXDGK KELLY OPENS JUNE TERM OP COURT Alter Ui SelccUoa ad WMri Im of New InquUltorUl Body, VtoUJag JurUt Examines AppUcMrta tot CM Ueastiip, aw) Admits Three Um- ath Men as ClUxeas of the CaHctl i'v,- State! of America. jrn .M4 '. The June term of the circuit ctrtl as opened tuu aoramg or uixemu Jule Petcy L. Kelly, sltttag Im place cf Judge Benson, when the followtaf grand Jury wat drawn: K. i, c. williaais, (roremaa), Kkav ay, pay farmer. G. W. HoBstoa, KUmath FalU; mf chat f fi tiV Jamee lu Worlow, Mails, i Vt& MrKnsdree, Merrill, taraser. R. C. Cowley, LoreUa, fanaer. A. W. PleL lHaiath Falla, I johjl jiataey, rTTntrnih F-"t. i i Alter belnr sworn In, tte Jury went lnt0 8eloi al -ac ot L Attnrnav Inhn fv-vlti Thmvm r' h ' ";- V7 ,jl-ta;a matter to U UkW. UP Altf?$&-t slon. and many witnesses, iaclua- ' r"n Klaaata aid i ttota Merrill, are here to testify. . Judge Kelly announced UU man-'. inK inai j uaza uesson Will minwit, night, and wlU opa court toatortrMri? f The following Klasuth coasty I were liaued citUenshlp paper, afeir 2 CUIUIIUBilUU V 4BV .VMJ. u Sam Jeasen. native ot OeMtaP! Thoa. Arthur Treloar. native of ataflf;. land, and Steve Kudr, natlv Austria. Low la Back. Judd Low. who recently suKare-i aa accident and underwent an oaeratleei at McCloud, la visiting reUt I veaker. His health It much Unproved. for the swift moving auto, and over it went. McLemore claims that he aaw what ".-. was up, and made a jump. This avi J -AA dently made the auto out of humor, i " PfA for barely hud. he struck the gronnd " 200 feet away, and began to quit roll- nt'lnff. than eGrber lit on top' of him. .... :,.,.. ,,. , .k i 'A.Llk.Ufi u.iu m i.u-7 aw. " t me war, wim iuv wv-pa is ta-v hi, g. kept running. Hearing this, darker,. who was entangled In his duster and 7 blinded by clouds of swirling dust. yelled to all hands to loot out, tho critter was coming again. When Gerber was finally dleen- tangled, the roll was called.and Ales was missing. The survivors- were . utAnfifn-, tt. ItAAVAna tn mam l taar t t could not snot his dissent., ssaeth- - t ered grunt from under the oar1 esM. i' ' -. of his position, and the ear M osi 'J.' i aright, and Davis, wtU'ai iWalt' .. 4ift.lU.rfi.1. arm. waa n-wu-m. - ...'-"i.Li Bl-rt.1 .ft IfcU tlu atuA a-u-aa Tasri 'J. ,''! . " ' m 7" --w rit' and the quartet heardod, tt sW',! j, nansa, waer-t a ,mmmm'Awim mw u cured to m after in ante anA aastst In shape. IUr In ta 4sjr, f s "; the party returned, to I. thm lk WmMi k.. ru,k uU'hs-i'a-sll luBSiaaMrW' i VWW W W - JV- , . -tT - 1w -w , risk his ttte taat.r m.j - - ' f- ft ' - 1 -H.'- 'ZS I w '& f. o 'tfc' M' I klitt J--1 An f :r v y tt t H'l rr -wv MVif