- ,C n'M'- ' ' '7v'V ' ,'v i MATUHHAY, JUNK III, 1014 i THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i-Mta txM foJ Xet & 7Tffio-$ IT? my.j mm r I'll.' following tin (Mint of Dim Klmii- ti I utility litHHilt of li Women's i uri.iiaii 'I'tiinin'tniirn Union held on iirdity, l Oram M K rtiutiii, linn n huuiiiiiiiIciiIimI rtm W (' T. I' llmtltule wim loild UlalO M ,: VllllH'll 'lU'Ntdll), Jlllln , i, rn tlrlgnby. t. tut ii t x pililini, , .fiiil, J U Mnon mu.kal ill. ictinr mill Ml 1'rciirh pianist Tim nitlnt! ii'i!iil Willi devotional inr- llr (tiiir u( nullity iiiMU-ntloil mlil in Merrll, MIm farl'tiui Mm 1 K Iloyd, local itpiniil. Krtc 14 trtrt of llm yin' okr V Iipkbii ii )rr In illil mid '" haw (iiiuIk ii hftlld I'luito nl't. Ml French. Hecollectlutu of IMllll Hull Hunk. ., lulu pfritldelit (if llti'Kitii W. C , Mr Hooker. Ill split, tif trull i. .tllli. (iiiilf"t many dirrii utile, Hlie HM urtialtlt'll UllllloIrT l tlin H. tlal flltirrtl. Hint llrUllut tier llfh III iiiiurMiig Hi" (Impel nf (hrll nn 'I W. i T t work, liiflupiirlne inmi) m a iMtrr We Ml fmli'iiiii mini tiisi All kiw Mt Henrietta llroun, tin .lain pteoiileiil, Ilifir loyitt upnirl J II Maaoti i rail mi nddreM mail it tij ir It (' Coffee II Mated Hint tin bail not for flftteii )"sr Klwn it drop at iiitutiralliie: liquor lo n patlnm In Mi'inur) of Lilian M N illxt- Ml lain national W. l T I' ptr. lilrtll Mr HloWnn. Maine llliu iriuu daughter, riiitiinotirril lirr irntumiB piitilli tf at the re of SI HU I'mitre WllUrd's rlioin urrrtir. Bllll devoted ltr IKo III itlo A Weil Dressed Man Gains Respect We help nir-it il U""t lle In triiili iirl) lllt-il. (mf rttnlltr ljrr. tiraMllflll (mi. rn, ili'iilllli' IjiIIiuIiik. itaxt' llrlM it Imllit our InrKi' fol liittllilt of nlUfti-it viliiiii, V mini )inir lnuli- itumiuli lliit uuiifwiili-iil Inlliitiil '! !( itl iIkIiI irli iitimhwiJiI) n, rimilali'itl Midi illnlll) III fnlirlf unit tortiiiniitili. lriilnu (iinl ri'imlrhm m-il' nmt iHHrl)' ilmir, Loewe Bros, Tailor I V f "l ,i IH). J, UMWAI.T, Pre-. K. M. 11111111. Vlw Pre-, anil Tree.. HKHT i:. WITHKOW, KefrrUry Surveyors and' IrriRation Enginccri Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING MAI'H, l-IWIMH. III.UKI-IIINTH. Kir. KLAMATH I'Al.LH. OHKOO.V Start a Savings El2 aamamHaPr' 'V'il h aalalvmal smatatataHaVmalalamMHCFi t riioii s ai KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TOTF uro Soili'l) uiilltr tlmillil I i III liefotit 10 ii'ilink Km. mitn) iniiriiliiK In Inmuo pulillrnlluii uuimi of luiiii'tiutKti ntiit inoliltiltlon. In ln-r ilimli tlin vr It It rllilmii nruiy jlina liul ii uruit liwili'r Mwlul Coiitiwlii " Mm llin.i Hiir liiilil Tlli llinilal riinii'l wntlt U llio lior WOlll IMDIc-lllllDI lijr which HOI- illf nn. iitoimrcil for ilm iniilillillliin tirtii)- Tim coiumt ii,mIm-(i tinni A. M. r. in toli-niine prolitliltlnn. iiml !lili in iIovmIoi kkihI imlitir hiikiiK- 'r. ' Nocmililo pniywr, loil by Mm. J. II. i.Manun. J A ilullciou illniinr fi Mril ul liiooii to lotlj-.thn i.)riiii, Mr l'iii , nmil.i nn Inii.r.iilliu; lulk nt iioau on 'tint iilium of 'OrcKOii Dry Chili," i VVIiitl III- W C T. f. nlionliJ .lo -II..V. i: ('. Itli'linr.W. It wiu eliiitrn Ii)' tlin IlltnoU voln llltlt wiinii'il toti-il i.l 'J pi'i iiit il iiiiil (il iir r.'in ir !.Mii 40tnl CO ...r c.'iil Hi. ii ml 10 ci rt'iii ilr Tlin Imliniti'iii or ii)-ii-liotnn voui In ()ii-oti. lUlo. 133, oou. Tint VV (' T I. woulil ilo tll lo vork Willi tin' lnilinnriit wi(i. , KU)rrltllflr I'tril I'rtprnoii liowrtil llml nt I-nl I l.'O.UOU mililt lii. ui.'ilt lit (In. toiliMimt of Klaiiintli I'allN III ii )Mf Tbi nrliimU clmt f Su.llUO HH IIIikmi a imirli iiiil In nalooiiH im In iilurHic ilu clill'lii-n of Klnnmtli ("all Hi tlir .tlHitiftitiirj' M'lioulu Vet Mime I'HM'l" tlllllk ' incil limn M 'loon, for Hi.- fl O.Odii llrrnm. in ili) iiii'tit to u f iiii'ii, nint tra.l." luouctit in tiiuii. 13 CO on 1 1 (ii)O wnlllil my tll llfrnur Mr Vaitt'ii "lltfccuof WliUkcy on tin- liiilittii Ailnlicralliin of W'tiU Iff " Ttn'rn Imvn lirti four linllim ttnir.!rf t.t .in I) ilict rHiull of itrltik- iIiik WliUVttjr linn n lU'inornlltltiic 'f' frrl on Mir run Tlu pun- Knitiick) MllUkr) In nilullrrnlnl 8i'r M TTPOlK-l: .KWHUt fvrounmy Mipply ttstlon fur llio llirlfly inolnrltl. Krryllilitg hrre In dp cifMi your running re -itirs snd Incfraw your rumfuru sml plrsturrt. We peciilite In "NobbyTread" "rcs TWm lift i rt m ImIsi tMrni 11m Ositri Sltlti Tli CtmftMj't rtftUr wtnssly ptUfi ftutU 4 sm. lkl-BUT y tihsitaMl ii aes ttU ! 5,000 MUes WHITE PEIICAN GARAGE Account Now lii'itlu to snvu now by dopos liltiK every extrn dtdlar with 1111, mid to It, iillow the Intorest wo pity ( I per cent compounded il every six months) to ruiuulu mid old ugu will not llnd you homeless 11 ml forlorn, savings bank gtj " sifsswsjssaseeHnssssPlW Jf--m in i -jBllMsrw m MB ' "HllllllHtll OtiMTruiivn." Ituv J. H. Htiilililutli'ld (lod rommnnili'il Hint, mnii mIioiiIiI kvnp the Halitdilli fori 'iimn'H kdoiI, History uliowii tlicro tun Ik pii it lower maiidnril of morulu when tlin Sitlilmtli Iiiih not ln-wi olim-rvil. Holo tiy MIkh llfimoM A tllirl Of ('Olllllllttw. on lllMOlll- tloim of ytiip.illiy to Iter mi.) Mm. Ilnrlnii, Tim llmtlliiti. ilrmcil with W. (J. T. I', biiMllrtuB, Wo tlauk .mil onn hIio mmUtiid i our I'lcnldi'iit. Mr. (rlKby, lit tnnk- ItiK Hip itmllHiti n Hiicr. Mn I..-U MrDomilil mid llltlo daiiKhicr Joniina, rcturnril to their IlDNiiiirii hoini. today, after it plcaiiant tuo ikit dirt-ni In vltltliiK lelullvr nlid frl-iid ' i J WViliiiwday iiftpriiooii Mm. 8. K. Martin unli ftiliu'd n few of lr,C. frlciiilN lit tir siihurlMii homo In Mi-r rill Mr Mtu tin IU.ti In Klmnuth I'nll. iiml i lie trip hsh made In it lit on. Tin' pit wns tin informal one, mid tin mni'liliicn Here ilrlvrii by Mm. H. V. Martin Mrs l-'inl Hchiillook mid Mm Clms Miirtln. HrldKe and rro- Dint uen. plnyed until tho middle of I lie iifteriioon, hIicii lunch was served oil Hi.. !. mid after partaking of the dellrecles the ladle Went on l fclKht'seelng tour Ihrough the Wiley Among other plnreft visited was the Admits ranch Thoii In the party ,ueie tlie Mesdmnes ('has. J and S. I. Martin. Hll.is Olienchnln, C. J. Itobert- 'on, I'rei! Ooeller, It. II, Anderson. It. i: Smith John 1'arker, Kred Hcliul- ,ork, lien Wllhrotv, I.) lu Mills, Karl Whitlork. t'nrl Cofer, Tims. Hampton. C M Itiuiuliy and Krmn llosley. , Merrill Heconl. ' Marking the clone of a highly sue- T-ji.ful and lumructlxc season's work. 'the Klamath Literary Club held Its! minimi pintle Wednesday afternoon nt ?andy llench. on I'pper Klamnth ' Ijike. hlrh proved in bu n highly on-J Jo) able nffslr. The refreshment! 'Mere all th.u could he dexlred In the 'way of n picnic luncheon, and Mrs.) .('amp and Mrs. Illrhards, In charge of tlin arrangements for "eats," ero MWMWWWWWWW (Continued on page ) J JUHT ItKlHT llatlilng Is tho cleanest, most healthful, mom enjoyable of sports, especially In our big pool of nice warm mineral water. .,. DPK.V DAY AND NIGHT Tubs In Connection roi.i.ow' Tin: chowd LKAKN TO SWIM Till: WATKH IS JUST IUOHT Hot Springs Natatorium WHY, MMMHnmMMM PUT THE DII'FEUENCi: IN THE HANK. THE SAYING HETWEEN I'OKII COST AND HEAYY CAR CtST IH "VKItVKT" FOR THE PRUDENT I1UYI.K. HE KNOWS THE FORD NOT ONLY SAYlCS HIM DOLLARS, HUT SERYES HIM II EST. IT'S A IIKTTEH CAR SOLD AT A LOWER PRICE AND RACKED WITH FORD SERVICE AND GUARANTEE. Five hundred dollats Is tho price of tho Ford runabout; tho touring cur U tlvo llfty; tho (own oar soveu fifty r, ii, h, Detroit, completo with equip ment. Got catalog und particulars ftom George Klamath Falls, IKVTU WW . - IsSBSSSBMSBBaSMSVM'k-- At the Churches I'ltxi Crtiiliylcriaii Church 'Corner of Third and I'lno BlrenU. J. 8. Htub hlcflcld, pator. Hiiperlntondnnt of Hunday nchool J II. Mniion, OrKUfiUl Minn Vera IIouMon. I'renldtnt Clirlitlnn Kudeayor Hoy I.al'riilrly. H ii ml a y ncliool bt 10 u. ru, Chrlittlan Kndr-avor at 7 p, m. Church korvlcos nt 11 a. rn. and P. in. MornltiK nuhjwt, "Hlndranccn." I ' CvciiliiK nubjoct, "I'hllrmon." I I'ruycr tncctliiK Wtdntudoy cvcnlnK , nt M o'clock. ' Vou :ito cordially Invited to all of tlicij Kervlccii. Aapeclal Invitation Is tcxli'tidcd to trunKr, ! ! CIiuhIi of ChrUt KrlintUu Service , aro held on Hundny morning at 11, o'clock and Wednesday evening at 7 30 In Chrlitlan Science Hall, In the Jucolm block, corner Third and Main trpet, upitolm. The nubjcct for the U-mon for June 14lh will be ' Hod the I'rcxcrver of Man." ' jHrniu MrtliodUl Kpliropl Cliunli Corner Tenth and High streets; "K. J Illrhards, minister. Hunday school nt 10. (leo. J. Will- I ton, niipl. Children's !(' service at 11 a., in. Ivpwortli leagiin at 7 p. in'., 11 M. Chlkote, l'res. ' - i:piilnr. song mid sermon at S p in. Prayer meeting Wednesday night t ,s o'clock rt,rUtiu., rimrdi-Corner of Ninth ami I'lne streets. Klder S. O. Har lan, minister. Itesldcnce, corner Tenth and High streets. l'Uono 147. Crouching til 11 a. in. "Children's Day Program" at 7H5. lllblo Sdiixil at in it. in., (leorge A. iinydoii. KiiperlliU'inltiil. Wcdnediiy at ii p. m prayer hour nml Illbto study. Hear In mind tho Slate Convention nt Turner, Oregon, July 8-1 C. Churrli of Hie Sacred Heart Corner Worden avenue and Donald streets. Hev. Wra. McMillan, S, J., pastor. First Mass at 8:30 a. m. tllul. l... .! rtAnritrtlnn nt I l,l(( ...MMO Mft.1. .MV'W.fc..w ... lo 30 a. m. Catechetical instructions every SaU urday and Sunday morning at 9:30. Week day Mass every morning at 1C. Services at Merrill on the third OUUUIIJ - tl ai VM Om.,lni rxt Afih mnvt tt llaplim ciiurcii corner cisutu urn Cannl streets, llev. A. F. Simmons, pastor. lllblo school at 10 a.m, every Lord's Day, C. II. De Lap. superintendent. ('reaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. every Lord's Day, unless otherwise notified. Women's Home and Foreign Mis sionary Society meet first Thursday of each month nt 2:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednosday evening at 7:30 p. in. Choir practice Friday evenings. I'veryone cordinlly Invited to all of thene services. "I wns glad when they aald unto tne. Let us go Into the house of the Lord," Psa. 122-1. For any Itching skin trouble, piles, ! eczema, salt rheum, hives. Itch, scald hoad, horpes, scabies, Doan's Oint ment Is highly recommended. 00c a box at all stores. Tlicro am tuo kinds of Insurance. Chlltote vi rites I lie kind that paya. 11:1-1 Main. Biehn Oregon . ir- je n tir-J-vrsa ' un.ii "liatl-s; -.w. t.,,..-. .t-ffifcK.Trv-- iValues His Punch at a Million Many Believe That Big lly UMt NIIKHIUA.V (Written for the United l'ress) NBW YOHK. Juno 13Ono million Mr. iron dollars thai Is the. value rrank Mornn, tho I'ltUburir "white hopu" places on a knockout punch In his cmnlriK bout with Jack Johnson In I'arU. It is altogether probable that Mo run's pretty blonde coiffure will be slightly moused before he plitu ovvr that coveted sleep wallop, as th big FltANK dlnge is known to have a kick that would make an army mulo look like stiro enough piker. 0 WrTaWaA 2.. rf-jSftl yi t 'J iaaaaDaPSb?f HiaaaaaaH aHMHsHFiBHHeLV JilBnWMlsBsBsBsBsnV fK H. z4yv. . m 'TjsnsBsnsmW. I sJ3Mas----' If contldenco can win the mill, then exes. Moran has It corntkd right now. The ! The bout lc scheduled to go 20 only weakness In his armor plato otjrounds. Whether It will last that long assurance U over confidence. ! depends altogether on "le wallop." A haymaker on Moron's part will echo around the world, for It will mean the supremacy of the white man In the rlne aealn. c..i. i.tn... ..-in lift ih urhltn UUVU M W.M" "... ... Mi ",- . w man's burden, dropped by Jim Jeffries 'Smith. Jim Hrlffin, Eugene Corrl, at Keno, July 4, 1910. It will cause as big a ripple as T. R.'a charge up nn limn hill nr the announcement that pente Is declared In Mexico. The battle for the title will be.Malson I-atltte. another suburb. SICAN PLAYING PUZZLES REDS INDIANS SAY KLAMATH FALLS 1 CAN'T IKl IT AGAIN OTHEK j NKWS NOTKS FROM THK RES.' KRVATION ' ' (Herald Special Service) KLAMATH AGENCY. Juno 13 Surely thero must have been some- thlus wrong, or tho Slcan Indians, T. J. Jackson, John Lee Hall, Clay would have made even n few runs off (ton Kirk nnd Dr. A. A. Soulo made a tho Klamath Falls team, and would amua maaal I Prompt Service Reasonable Prices H Bm i,. ,,, amj mm ma H H aal 4 i H aaa ir ami I I I 117 a O ! Ti 1? aO I ww 11 .iiiiiii riniiiiivi.il. mm f 1 e WUUMS a a mwhij www pj I Good Printing. I B mm aaa " "af saa I Fourth St., between 'Main" and Klamath I . ' . Blonde Will Slip It Across staged at tho Veledrom d'HIvcr, In I'arls, on the night of Juno 27th, as a curtain raiser for tho Grand I'rlx, the biggest event of the French turf. Tho building has a neatlng capacity of 30,000, and present Indications we that It will be Jnmmed, Admission will range from 3 to ?30 a scat. ' , .,. Johnson naB neen guarantees '--- 000 for his part of tho battle. Moran .. -. MOHAN i w lit receive $5,000. jn addition to atthls, both fighters will split tne reve- nue from the moving picture prlvll- Time only will tell whether fickle i Dame Fortune favors Moran or John- !on. Choice of referee now has dwln 'died down to seven men. iney are Illllv Hoche. Charllo White. Ed ;tranx uotcnei onu Araiei .imurui. J At the conclusion of a five weeks vauitevi le lour. Jiorau win icmo mi 'Paris, and will train for the fight at ihuve kept tho Klamath Falls team from running the tallies up to 20. JThnt's a slaughter. There surely must have been something wrong, and we don't believe Klamath Falls can do It iagaln. I (leorge Isaacs was a Thursday vis litor In Klamath Falls. Clayton Kirk made a trip to Klam ath Marsh on government business. , It was pretty chilly Inst week and ilht first of this week, but It did not uffect the grain, Tho grain Is still j growing, fine and fast, and we are looking ror n utg crop mis year. I (quick trip to tho Warm Springs reser- . ' ration In th Uttcr's mU 'mUr vlsltlns ti towM ! MMirMaVif They say It was a cold risk, ytt tltafA enjoyed the trip very much. Mnk Hirer Best wm burled . J day afternoon. He died at KtaHBtkt Falls. There were maay frleadi tt (tending the funeral, which ma 9mmf, ? or uio largest hold on me reserTuev - Tho bad weather Sunday kept thettr baseball toamn from playing taelr,), scheduled games. "z. " iwi Notice to CredKon In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and (or Ktajnnthv. County. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, bavins; been duly appoint ion oy oraer oi me covin ly rt ui KlaBUI,u county, Oregon, admlalttraU ,or or wUto Qf g, M Qsjlatby, daceased, having qualified aa auca ad ralnlstrator, all persona having claims agalntt said deceased of whataoever ( name or nature Is hereby directed and required to present aald claim duly, verified as by law required, wltkta six mouths from the date of the flnt pub llcatlon of this notice to said admin Istratnr for allowance and approval. Said claim to be filed with E. I.. Klllott, attorney for said estate, at '212 Wllllts building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, that being the place for the ' transaction of the business of said es tate. First publication of this notice dated the 6tb day of June, 1914. J. W. JORY. Administrator. t K. L. ELLIOTT, Attorney. i C-13-20-27-4 h (Equity N0.S85. Register , p.lM). 'In the Circuit Court of thsrStatt) at ' ; Oregon, In and for the Conaty , of Klamath. o iJohn A. Myers, Plaintiff; i T- Mary E. Meyers, Defendant, 'To Mary E. Meyers, DefeadaaU In the name of the state of Orsfea, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of Plata-, Itirr filed in this suit acalsst von om or before the 8th day of July. 1H, that being the date set In tha order at the above entitled court for your np pearance and answer la tha order far publication of summon, Issued la. this suit; and, It you fall to so ap pear and answer, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded In his said complaint, tU.: Far a decree dissolving the heads a rlmony heretofore aad aow between plaintiff aad defaadaat, aad tor plaintiff's costs aad dwharssmaata herein. This summons is published la tha Evening Herald, a daily printed and published aad of i circulation la the city of Falls, county of Klamath aad state at Oregon, under aad by tlrtaa of pa order of the Honorable Heary U Baa son. Judge of the circuit court ef tha itnte of Oregon la aad for the eouaty of Klamath, made and entered oa tha 19th day of May. 1914, tha Irtt pub lication under said order, to he oa the 26th day of May, 1914, aad the last publication to be oa tha 7th day c of July. 1914, being for six consecu tive and successive weeks. B. L. KLLIOTT, Attorney for PUlatlC 211-4 Wllllts Bulldtag. Klaauth Falls, Oregon 28-2-9-H-l J-J9-T a Notice of Peadeacy Vacate a PerUea of Street, la SMataffaa to Klamath Falls, Oraaaa. NoUce U hereby glvea that Tha KlamatU Development comaaay a corporaUoa, dlractly latareatad thara In, and desiring the vacation of a portion 01 rreaericK urm m Sblpplngtoa addition t tha atty eC. Klamath Falls. Oregon, aald porUoav of street named being described aa follews: That portion of lot nine (9), aee tlon nineteen (19), township II a. range 9 E., W. M., Klamath eouaty, Oregon, Included within tb limits at Frederick street, Shlpplaf addKlaa to Klamath Falls, Oregoa, aad aorta of the Shlpplagton spur, descrihed aa follews: Beginning at tha northeast aoraac of block "A." Shlpplagtoa addHtaa to Klamath FalU, Oregoa, oa tha west line bf Frederick street; taaaaa north 89 degrees IS minutes east, M feet, more or leas, to tha west Uaa C block "D" of said addlttea: south along said west Uaa 44.1 more or leas', to a polat II. I north of the center llaa of taa WUj? plngton spur; thence soutawsateHr. parallel to said spur aad at a tance of 12.5 feet from' tha line thereof to tha east Uaa e44jItMk' "A"; thence north a dlsteasa ad 4I.M .. feet, more or less, to polat of nlng. yr5 A.' Will, at the regular maeUaf af tarn Common Couacll of said Mr, la Jaly:., ',(V 1914 to wit: oa tha ta Ur'IMi! 1014. hmuii to tka CsMstsflask'Claaa '''. ell aforesaid, a pettUoa 'ai3iii.at', i- the vacation of that irtdwfa,laaV;,-; v... ...w. --- --v-T-7;r," -v-i-v.., no auaasaaa tfBsaaaBBaaavuat yi , -' m-l m I'-JT ti T.rr-J.Tv' ' say. was. a. wwnBBat., sssBBSBjsa , , . , ,. tvj