i ' , 03 Wqv lEtranttg Mttuib PRINTS THIS N12WS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Clglilli Vmii Nil a.IIM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY; JUNE 13, 1914 Pries, Ftra RE-CHECK GIVES BENSON BIGGER KLAMATH VOTE P. M. REIDY IS IN BAD SHAPE KI.IM 'l 1 1 I W.l.s s IMlliT I II in I I lli:i(l, l.ltlNH .11 III A Remarkable Photograph ot General Huerta, General Villa and One of the Maderas, Taken When Thes$ Men Were Friends , Ol.V.WM.S I'IMW I'lil It Hilt till. juikik ! nm lit N olid Wniil mill WikmI llhi-r I'l-rrtnrU Iti Initio oil lull) Mirrl (Ur Itriiwiii lour Multt fdltwllrinily I'lilllll) t'lrlk Dtt li Wlrre the HffirUi) i'( Mtale of ll.r Dlmitrry. Willi lithrr coiiiiIIim lit the Ul rtndlug dlscrepancl III lli precinct all)- sheets mul tliw county aUtracU, Klamath county tm alio caught tli (rir. mul come to ti with an fcutPiule'l rult In tli HnouMcNry (udIp( fur tl" republican nomlu Hun for supreme Judgit Mt night Attorney J II. Carnahnii and Deputy County Clerk Clin. I Lap found two trute which lll give Ilemon four UlOff VOteS, Otto of Hi" prior U In tho Hrwnd W.fd precinct In that precinct lien- .u U received &t Vlttr, but llio figure in the total ere read 93 h) tlit tmilng lnvaril. The tecum! mWlakc found In i.rtieckliiK the tally sheet In Wood llltrr Precinct. The Vole wi 36 for l&sun. but Oil to ot the tall)' sheet II a written a 33 Deputy Count) t'U'V t'ti De Iji ha Mrd Heerelaf) of Wale lien W DlfMtl uf llio ml. lake ON I II VIK.i: (ll IS HWIMII.i: iti:iM. mii:ii cii.HKiil nitli hi'iim imilinuil iii i fake ilnrliiituit "tuiii. wlmrliy u Ll'IIK lleiltll wiilimil vutH yOlillid nut of lao.ouo, I' M. Hvld), former vlu- president nf ihf I'lm i Trust mul Hav ings ImnV, ha ( Itiilletiil li the frdetal grand Jury at l AtiKtie lli ha born arrested In llaliluiorr It U uuili mtood that Iteldy U a Icgml to have Impersonated a fednral officer MI. LASSEN IS ACTIVE AGAIN hl'I.PIIt'ltOLtf ITMIUs AUK POUIt I.NG OUT Ol' Till: MOU.NTAI.N. Mi:.v itirrtits ruoM mixing I'lUK AC1INO l'l' ) 'fir if Jr"w iSTPl Eiv mmMXpmmamr, 1 i. ' 5 r j r. w , jr ? . , rx&mr--jb w- &fxcshi ! sap"" StJ'-i f i MwjJK m NEBRASKAN SURE EXTENSION BILL WILL BE PASSEO IN WKK TO APPLEOATB, WW KAID HOPEFUL ( (iii-i! itinun From Mldillo Wntern Siulf Wire That I'rnlrr Special llulc. Allowing Unt Two Homn lor Debate, Mtaiure VIUil to Water tVn. Will lie Cp for a Vt Nl Short Time. n THREE OTHER BANKS CLOSED Uultvd I'rcM SorTtt ItCUDINO, Jniiw 13. Th nix mon ' tthn rrp mUltiK near lh iiminU of ' Mount Ihm-ii at tli tltnr of th nro cl crui'lloii )ft"id!i), rwicln'd liKfol ufvly thl nrtarttuMki. 1hiy wol ulthlli halt amlloof tlif iiulir at thuj tiitio of the trutlou. ' I Hloin the l" of uuniukltK f! aioiind Hum. TIip) ilppnifd II u li-.. to ttco. nn Hip hiIcmiio n mor ni. o Miayvd nml totik jihotm:ratli Th.. primilon thU mornlnic na tli ttiirtl yrt AhP foil nl hip loroiry .idiKin at Mineral, nlxtn-n mllia ' who hrptoforo .. , lllU i100ierai,!, i, atio&n (Seneral Huerta. now oivuldent of Mexico. At hU left Is Gerald Brandon, a var correspondent, I MrMholJuUr IS""'". Ul,n,o Mad,ro. broth.-r of tho dead ,.U.t. and at the .Hjht Geaernl Vma When the ?hU Xri '" tadcrl " al comman. ihe corp. of rr.l under hU brother. Brandon has no reason to loe Huerta. 8.nce he has been tieit Imprlnoni-d by that official. WILL OBSERVE FLAG DAY That all ot the Middle WfUrs. congressmen are not opposed to U adoption of the reclamation exUmslea hill, which would five the water aain twenty years Instead of tea to pay aC .the coat of projects. Is sbowa br a telegram received this morals from Congressman Moses P. Klacald of Ne braska by Captain O. C. Applecate. In this, Klncald predlcU early aaaa age for the bill under a special rpje, (allowing but two honrs for efefcate. Tho telegram, receded In respoaee to 'a letter from Applegate asking tae Ncbraakan's aid for the passage of the measure, follews: "letter of 6th received. bill Is to receive consideration special rule, two hours debate. To ,be reached probably inside of tkra. 'weeks. Some opposition, nut espaat to pass It. and hope without any oki 'jectionable anaendaeat" hiiiii rUor IttulilniC. MllllMt.'U.MI'.MlAV IIOI.IUNtiri IN hut innliitalni'il that HiU n oul) a ,U HHAIMI.KHISITOUS ..I T'T WOlfmi) irum imv ui ...-, I 'Exercises Will Be Under the Direction of the Elks L ! my ii mj" club MIES omw DICK KLKIU'EU'S ALL STAIt AG CREGATIOV WILL ENDEAVOR TO TAKE A PALL OCT OF THE MJ18. LUELLA STEARNS Ml AGAIN CO.NCKIt.N hTAXD IN LINK A.I.I NIOMT LOCALS Unlttd 1'ress Service OHICAUO. Jlllin t3Kollowlim III1, rlonlng of thn m Hallp Htrp-t Trust anil Having bank yralcnlny. thrc nthora In which Uirlmpr l Munday' vtn Hip prluip fartorn, prn clo-rd by tho hank cinmlnrrii I Crowds of ipiiiltorn nro -wurnilnB iibnut tho banks. Thr ixiIIcp aro krpt Tlag Day," comnu i.orallng tho ,utii-liil mloiitlon of ihe Stars and Mllirilll llirui l"' ""! I n.iifiitird toda that It may he n real utrliii's as tho uatmiul flag, will be vntrntui ll...r..it Imnnriiiu lliroUCllOUt tho -i i f ,ii. I-... In Klnmntli Palls iIih iitwervatic.! lll bo hold at tho,SonK Mulc Star Spangled Banner Orchestra Introductory Exercises Exalted Ruler and Omccrs Sunday morning the Klamath Falls CHOBEX AS HEAD OT GAX1ZATIO.V BIG PLANS THE FUTURE PERCHERONS ARE FAVORED IN U. S. H......I,, r.in iiih ihp fuNorlttt brvt'dliiR iimiiih iiir uniinni -"- - -( -' tmiiy trying to movtitho nnitry ppotilp.MmrM..,, unportiil b Aim-rlcan broea- i... -.. .,.....n... i.. ...i..r it... liwir I .ixrillni? Iii rucriltly KAtliervd ... , ... urean .miks aicuiuro. owra hrup. unurr uireciiou ui iii- i nth Fall LotiKo so, i:n, iiciieioiviu .... . t Audleme to join , Plnaln? i The officers of tho lodge who 111 , team will leave for Fort Klamath to J ..... .... .!-..,. t t inrlr..mntt -in xtl-star aeereeation uath- Exalted Ruler and OBlccrs uuuiuv..?. .;--- " . "" " ' . v.-r t M, i- n u.iiii Exalted uuier; u. it. unaerwoou, jbu iUtciuc vj .,.v ....., . ,v. ... ... - - -- - Flag Record t-. " "a" ij,-"s,oomed Loval Knight: Francis R. revenge for the walloping administer-1 men's Library Club, the following si-i 1. 1.. !... nm nt thnt.. . . .ii t. t..i.. . AJ ln via tiiiiuth .Am. Ih.A. nMlra fipn. 'rar. v.rA AlMtAd! woiuuiuiii, .uv w . ioius, Kaieomea i.eauing ivmsuii bu uw uuuv. ...-.--."---. ,.-..- o. worn. At Friday's meeting ot the) Wo- Jand I'roirctU j Order of Elks. i Esqulro and Officers a-, ... uin i. i, ..iii ni 2:30. :Song Mrs. Zumwalt. (lit ! im. " " "- . and the ..iibllc U InMted. Tlu. Elks Elks Tribute to tho Flag (Mill nsacinhto at their hall at 2 o'clock ; W. O. Smith ....! ...r..i, I,. - linrtv 10 thn oiiern aiubic u wn.uc.. 'Charles Mashburn. Esteemed Lectur- The Klamath Falls team will line President Mrs. Luella 8t" ilng Knight; Louis Bath, secretary; . up as follews: Vice Presidents Mrm. A. fataAar UV II Shaw, Esquire, and W. O. Maxwell 2b, Noel If. Dale lb, Baum land Mrs. C. V. Fisher. Smith. Chaplain. ' cf, Hayden 3b, Thrasher rf. Mesner Secretary Mrs. C. P. SUwart. 'ss. Ambrose c, Foster and Browne p. Treasurer Mrs. Charles GraTaa, o... o. -...i cri. hsinn hm . At this meeting too woaiem ouuiaea . ii.. in.2..n ...... .,h.,..v. .......v v . " "- - i who arc utruitelliiE to niter the door Thn ilvpimltors, inot of them work ing people, walled In Urn all of Innt night, and thn police had to imp their 1 1 ii Ik to illsperso Hip KttierliH: Women, wearing shawls nml cnrr Igu babies, pared, sobhliiK, In front of tho hank all night, .r, nnoruiiig i" i""""' -,."--- alntUlli Jul ",, l"'l,Uc b' Ul ,,e inirtniPiil of agriculture ext in favor for Importation ait) Belgium home, with Clydesdale "also ran. i.. l-i i a. is2 ivrcheron Htnllloim nml fiOH mares were Imported. Of Belgium 621 MtulltotiH and gx mart's were brought ncron the water to HiU .......i ul.ll.. ouh 45 Clydesdale . UIIM., ' . lallloii mul '-' "r' w,,ro l",l',u1 Inst enr, and 12S Shire stallions ami house. Following Is the program- "Shrimp" Heparin. Wnltor lllileii, who graduated the ll t. j. au l.u. .,kl.,.nl it. I.i uitnf ,,lnl""l"u ' "' """ "-'"' "l"-' '. ' i.,,,l,t In lfl this morning Mr 8ebntioo,.r.. snire ' '" "... ,', ,,".. Calif., whero hi. imrania now rclde. Tho tolal Imporlailona for tho jour He will meet hU sister. Miss Ainua of high bred horses wero 1.7SJ Uil Hale, at Weed. MIm Hales haa Im-pii lions. Including ponlM. n'l -" iittondliig the UnUemlty of Oregon Imiire. BETTING EVEN ON POLO GAME ... i !..-. m i??7 hv nn ' CroncmUler Visits. plans for broadening the work to iUltUUU ! UU M Mfc M i -, - - R II. Dunbar of congress. Up to that time eai.h col-k Fred Cronemiller. receiver ot the.carneu on. tney auw arnanw lony had Its own flag. -Land office at Lakevlew. came here their "guest night" entertalnnwat oa . FrldsV to meet his wifo and son. Fred itho night of June 26th. i .i . . a n,. .'ibiUaAt.pii inni rAiri' uronemilier jr., wno nas Deen auenu "." '" T, "i:, lU ULV AUU LI-AIL ing the Agricultural College. llll! IUllim UI HIV v-MM.a ...... . jl'atrtotlc Address iSoiig America 'lines, redcapped groundkeopers moved I limit ami waiters with black and !nh!nlng faces scurried in perspiring strinms to and from tue reu oooms IIIGtit:.sr CROWD IX UlSTtHO KMICK TO MK.V1HV IIUOOK TO MKK THE "MII.I.IOXAIUK GAME" I'LAVED Fourteen Inch Fall of Snow at the Rim United Press Service MUADOW BROOK, L. I., Juno 13 Eager to bih England and Amer- Ua stiugglo for tho luturnaltonal polo ironhv thousands on thousands of Now Yorkers and sport lovers from a n ltl... ).i ulnnin nnil nuCtrlC Hltllll "1 nwvo, " m.... .... -.- . irntn. bv iiiitomobllo and trolley cnr,,repreiui:u tluotiged to the Meadow Brook pnru toda) for tho llrst of tho games which will settle Btipremucy for I9H. Eiiilv In tho day tho tlrt train loads nrrlvud, and from thou until tho According to Park IIiiiikoi H, K. Moinyer, who Is horo from Cistcr l.uko National Park, thoru wim a fout-Uen-liith full of hiiiiw In tho Park mi Wednosdity. "This snow melted fimt, luiwover," said Moinyer toduy, "and 1 Ih-IIovi It softened up the crust on tho old hiiovv mid will hutten Its departure. ii. Mdiiivnr HtutoH that I2C Htu- ilewlrt of Portland high schools plan to vlHlt Crater Lake July un. iney will go In vl.i Moiiioni, in iiuiuiiiu bill. ..... Mummer ParKhuisl of llio uraier l.uko i-oinpiiny IcnvoH ronianu aiou- day for Uio prk, u l""1'" '"H '" iiMiiUtH'HH for opoiilng tho hotel. i'lm leKlsler nt licniuiuaiiers where refreshments for the throngs i 1....1 i Meru pruiiuvu. it was baicly noon when the last seat was tilled In tho stands, and more than l.uQO automobiles wero parkea near by. Every one ot tho seven roads lead ing to tho Held was a solid stream of vehicles of all sorts. It was one of the blggi-bt ciowds over seen at any similar event near New ork. lit nna more than tit. to be compared to the Jam at a world series baseball gamo. Now York Society with n capital S" was there, tho United States and ilireat Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, nil were officially MOREY APPLEGATE HERE ON A VISIT Up From the South. D. M. McLemore came In last night from Southern California and Mex- llcan Points, where he has been pur- Irlinolntr rnttlii. LOCAL MAX TELLS OF EXCITING (XXDITIIOXS IX MEXICO AFTER THE OCCUPATION OF VERA CRUZ IIY U. S. New Face at the Gun Store. Louie .Martin arrived from Medford Friday, and has resumed the position he held some time ago In the Gun Store. Here From Lakevlew. Circuit Judge Percy L. Kally of .Albany, who has been holdina; eoart at Lakevlew for Judge nam, re turned Friday, accompanied by Court j. Reporter Richardson. It la nataflp. that Kelly was brought here as a dark' horso to bo used la the Lawyer's laa. un tomorrow morning, but toe Jaaje denies the allegation, and says he la waiting to see If Benson retaras ay Monday, If not. Kelly will open the I June term of eaart Wagering was hoavy along tho cub house verandu, tho tingling uncer tainty drawing out big money. Odds wero at oveuB, however, for tho untried teams as teama made limn of tho game they cumo In uivrl.,U au) one's game. That was thosetitl adH.PHcUiiK to suffocation tho spocU-lmout when tho hall was tossed Into n.i.1 will iiMian is aoixiriuro. '-., '"'.:,, lmU( lH,.i 10 visit potmuio for buggies io goi m u piiinuim-- -- . . tw ...lies 11.1. .Ida of hogdquitrl.ra.Wn I" lj '' h'" ' ' ,", On ,Uo Medford side u cloaur ap- Momyor. ''"J-.. i,Jrod"' proich can be ua.s." , .oro ro llvo vUltora innlslorod. tor HiaiulH which strotched unbroken In ii long lino along tho oxpnnso of Hiiiouth grwui turf, where men and ponies woio to light for tho honor of tholr country and their flag. Over tho Meadow Brook Club Iioiimi and over tho gay niiunnoea for tho tiicominodntlon of tho players and all iilouc tho rear of tho grand stnuu hi uvely flow tho Stars and Stripes and Uiu Union Jack of the Britisher challengers. In the Held whon the crowds ar- pliiy. Tiki Llue'Up EiiKlund Captalu II. A. Tompkiuson, No, lj Captain Leslie St. a. Choape, No. 3; Major K. W. Barrett, No. 3; John Tialll. hack; Captain V. N, l.ockott, substitute. America Reno Ln Montngue, No, 1; J. M, Wuterbury, No. S; Devereaux Mllhurn, No, S; L. W. Watorbury, hack; Malcolm 8tovenon or H. C, Phlpps, substitute. Moroy L. Applegate, son of Captain and Mrs. I. D. Applegate, came In Frl- dn evening from San Francisco for a week's vUlt with relatives He re cently returned from San Bias, Mex ico, whore he has been for the past three years as superintendent of two largo plantations for tho Pacific Coast Fruit company. Following the landing of marines at Vera Qrui!, conditions becamo very waim for Americans In Moxlco, and Applepate was forced to leave. Tho boat fn which ho loft Sau Bias was taken by'a Mexican ship, and tho crow and all of tho passengers wero hold as prl loners for sovoral days. They Anally escaped on board an r.ngnsii ship and were brought to San Fran cisco. Since then San Bias has been cap tured by tho constitutionalists, and affairs have become quiet again. Mr, Applegate will return to Mexico io look after the business of his com pany about June. 36th, London Plans to Offer His Advke in Home Rile lUtttri United PreBs Service LONDON, June 13. Ex-Piesldent Rooseelt arrived lu this city today. It U hinted that during UIs stay lu London ho will offer advice to the government and to thu UUtermen regardlug the settlement of the homo rulo squabble. The Colonel wan mei ai unarms Cross station by Ambassador Page, land taken to the home of Major Arthur Lees in Chestorneld place, where ho iunched with 130 guests, 'aftor which he was taken to the Lees country place at Buckinghamshire. It was the porsonnel ot toe wees luncheon which caused the reports of , ? r f tlm home rule nlans. The guests lB- cluded Lord Roberta, John Strachef, Sir Owen Seaman, sir Sidney cojtw and others interested la the IrWi I question. o On Monday tho ex-preeldeat turn to London, wham M Premier Asqulth, Lord QnW & A$ or members ot the oabiaet. ' &? On Tuesday nlaht Austea OhaaihT ' . ' lain, Sir Carson, Lord NorlhisMI. im. Jxfi .. r.uml,. nt Ionian tll' ?.-.,. 'U . . .... m m & aA. ; uoionoi. ana it is ruiswa, ssws.sasi, i w-i..i. -u...ii m v--: k. ' A -' irisi4 sn.uivw w, pw ww under discussion. Ha will 1st leaden I ' r$ TfK - ;ts H t-v . rev W if; mtil HK Si i up