Eht lEunmg IteraUi 1KI NTS THIS NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS i igMli vn(i.v. ,hi;i KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 I'rice, PIt M'NARY AGAIN IN LEAD;ERRORSARE FOUNDELSEWHEREi HI MlN hi l N III MIMI IKHNlMIN lll VI I'llllllll III I'"' Ititllllia I fill il iHMik riiimi) i'i.hni, i. .Kiii. it Willi 'I llM ltl'"H''l I til ItW II ,lli llrf-rr iMllllle, I In H-llelll M.lll Mil- AinM-llt 1,1-flll tin tin N. I' N M f M. Mil I, lll.ll IIHt 11(1 SIIM-NT I .!U-. I'lr.i fct t ti AHIIINnrnN i C J.ii.i I tin Innnu- nf l (ifi-a. hi it Ul.t I lila I.H..I llinf ili.reil Mm I' ilinllin infill fll-f ItttU t.,iiiil i ill n- M i uiiiciiilixl ami ml'i ' .. In lit- ai-llitl" Irt.t lllelll I lir ..I.- tmUy ttua 3 I . in l III- n.i-al lilll la ttn r-ml '..I II- Iif I'll--. lit tit I ia flu ii )u i t-i i i 1 1 . iuah ( 4 Shamrock IV. Being Launched at Gosport, England GREAT TIME AI DAIRY SUNDAY M.AM Mil lllls lilt H II M. I im.i, i..mi. imitsi s w it, i, in M llll III Nil I I'l iiii iti:. mi lltlCIl III I t'lllled l'f rWlr" KAt.CM. J Mil" 13 Ttr ..iu..n te BdBlll ulltftril III the HrO.UO ill N'af rurn for Ju'.trt. nf Hip iUiipOo rorl. which U .It" rUwrnit iNitlllral , totili-l III III" hllr "I dromon I MrNat HOW lead, lleftwo by ' olr. acrontllic o Ml"M'lj ntibrft. lir oilvtfm rrcetifd toda) by MrNarr from per.on. ho f-clir-Vmi ilit. tally tircu lit n number of rouMI Y- Irftlar OVrttlK to Mil rfMI "I IWOiy ntr in MiilUtnnmli county Hni rat- rTrdlte.l 'th lead "' "even ...... .i. i.ii,uii-.r i.iticrain a!ln I lil ii Many friim limn; in,i--"--- .---.. , .-...i ....... iriill t MrNttrt 'and lllldrliraml -III be hero riva titftPf f --"- -,..-- 1li KaKlw. a fust team of Klumotli ratitie.iora. miilcr the me or " rd )iiu )Ul nf trlt roles llllver. ... meet ill" wa.rj iim. Another pffr r-wirl-t (mm H-ho are aim good i tho natloual co MrNarr fH )! In llWr 'game After itil entile tlif Federal. ruiinly It t fpinutcj Mint m a clirk tlruitin lot on vot. Ii!kiiI caim u niwtttl lll.llllll tljMtl.ll N'l Iif ) (Alii). Jun.. 13 Willi ( ball CBH.r iill I lu- l'Hi a tll a koimI Wild Vti hw nrrangwl tf. Hutiilay nf 'ipinmin iirimi lu ti n llvi-l) turn- lliiiinniit ilP ' N' l iPllj? m - f$J?S"' ak -. 'W f & 4am i iirT O aamW 1r v bb1" - ASSnM- I l aV aaSlaV aWaTQfcaaBiSCMt'' ftii ' BkMaaaaaawaBBLaasBVBa7 t3aBBlBBBLBBBCiaaBBaau9aaa4BTBaVBlBVBlBVBflHBlBBlBlBlBlBAkMjZ bbbb -f 1 ?rW. ' ' . 's'!n raX''9afSaCaSaaaSaiSalHflk' 'ftfJKBL A . ""S"' .. "" ,t flf; '"Vffl'V'a'l"ill JBLiHaWLWaaaaaaaK-atBjp I'KSTIVAI. IIATMIOX : ,. -mx,, uiocKs t uKYo I AL uKttlx FEUD IS ENDED BY A NEW ROAD I'nlteil lrei Service. I'OUTI.ANI). June 12.- A car rler plRcon, taken aloft In the li.iloon "Million I'ninilntlon" In Hip Rrne IVillvnl r4rc. arrlvt-d thin afternoon with a niemaKe Htnllni; Hint tli- air craft was xtrurV: liy lightning, anil Captain Tom Kerry anil It pilot were . rloimly Injured. Thu tnesage added that the lialloon wan wrecked, and loU In the woods. It a.ked for Ini niedlate aid. hut failed to give any location. STflVi: AXI IIIWI.V AUK MK.niATOUH Tin-: SPORTSMEN DINE WILLIAM FINLEY (llltr Kniucli N Carried lulu Quuriil. -iiiiii' 'eililMirliMMl liy Atlorlieyx, mill All Arc Aicireil That u W Itimil Should W IjiIiI Out auil !: tnhllalii-il hy Hie Coiuily, to Knil IIik Tnmhle, lTllti:.VM(i AM) IVSTItlTTIVi: "A plain rror ha. hwo found In . ibe :t frlnHI lalb hlr). fount-J v. A Rri ill . hi. In I tin n.. I IV lln i ruMll nf I' liRllal tin U In hi Ihhk nf I'-i- "aln .u l.t III. h Sli I I nlllllS . k i,-iiik tl' --i" d 'fiiding thr cup have not hi tin important yacht ' The Ions he en Riven out. nor those of the Chal llai t!i of the acl jUracted much lenK'r it has hwn estimated that the iiini.t.-n and had ticvn the cause of couetructlon of the Shamrock IV will I..kii n..r, ihm et to lilt Amei . ,.i,t.rati1f cointmnt amouK those tpake It necessary for her to give the : I'lip Tlii iilminKriii'li a Mjw, , 0,. ., yachting experts larseat of the American boats four loktii Jui n !.. a dippliiK Into' Though tho meanurementa of the Inches In time. She munt beat the r"'lll pliy tint lllldi-liraiid nine, and a ,. ai,.r i MrlioUi.n'a lihlphullillni; Hire,. arhu which are now com- largest of them by four inches to win i.rd.. at Uimport nngland The hli pttlng In American waters for tlie a race. After sundry and dlveme warrantH of nrrertt, nubpcenaa, etc., have been nerved on alt of the parties concerned, and the olliiom of the law have worn a v.-ell deflneJ trail from hero to Crys tal Creek In the nerving of thco pu lieru. the Urown-Wyland feud U re- TAI.KS SIADi: IIV XATCItAMhTS potted nettled. U MOTION 1'KTl'ltK MK.V AT Word to thin effect in brought her by imtrict Attorney John Irwin and I.OCU. li.WQUirr Attorney Charles Stone, counsellor for the Wylandg, who Journeyed to the An Informal banquet was tendered upper end of Upper Klamath Lake o William I.. Flnley last evening at Thursday to look Into the trouble and the White Pelican hotel by about bring about a settlement. It la under tw.nly-flve local sportsmen and st0O(i that the charges now pending friends of the former state game war- before the grand Jury will be dla den. .Mr. Flnley Is now In charge of I missed, the biological department of the state The bIg troJbIe between the nsn anu game commission anu aiso i ,, .,, ,h wvl.nri famltv h. In Iho rhekln In HariK-X cmni-J A) , tu, bad tiiirun lu thin lclli tr tlm rrfOt" rlHCn McNr' le (l) a, ,u1K tuuudnd up. nlid will In hi tiller lUlci, and add otm to llnoi 'iriBlt ui by lin-al rldem, and one f itlm rlduM lu the employ of Hit. Itode.. lit thn rrflirktnc III Harney '"",,tMorlatl0M The crt will b- lit tr. tho rrrom rrdurn Mr'ary'n "'' to tin. Klamath KnIU Itodro. by three, and add nil" I" llenmitt'ii t tlt ''Hie) All Ciiine llaik. In Vamhlll rouuty MtNaty U ri" Mr am .r,. b,,rt HIimii and on. juried to have i-nltied tn ijuulur. arrived lat ulKht from tVu- Tlip rrrot apparrntl) r.lve Mi'- lrn (.arurnln. The rtloans ImM- beu Nary a trad of pvii 'UvIiik In I'fesuo for the pant l month r ai. but the weather In that Vrttdltt llrll.. ivlcliilty out KeltliiK too warm, no Ml.a Hadl A liitieloii tll not ()j(,y ,,,,Pfc,., up thlr dudn. tucked leach tho Miller Hill rltil ii" 'rnr- 'ii.r prld.. and Joy under their arm. lor a liiarrla.e llrelintj n U.ued ihU nml lllKrJ ,inr i Klnmnth They imirillue for the wrddlni: of Ma i ttrr arcoinpnitti'd hy .Mr A. Illarhly ChJIcoto and Ml !ouUoti Mr of u,,,., Calif., who uxpecta Chllrutn In a hiother of IMitiund M moktl htr hutntf ln ,(,( city Chllcot.. of thU city, and U an ni-1 Klnerr. OORHEES GOING TO UMATILLA GO. I'lOMXIt i:tilM. i:k i. thi: CON". STIUICTIO.N or Till: KIMATII ritoJKci', (Jirr a tiiansikh iito.M i.o;ai, iii:i.i AMERICANS GLAD TO QUIT CANADA KLAMATH NDANS JAILED IN CITY AlniOl (.11 Wlll-UT CHOI'S MAY III: IIOfNTIKl'l., THK COST OK 1'itoni'crrioN i.kavks hut a UMAI.I. I'HOKIT SMITH A.ND HOWAUO AHK TCHX- i:i OVKK TO THK 1'IUSOX OKKL I CIALS HY JACKSON A.l) KEK- gon (iUSOX Isuae S. Voorliees, itlio has been lo :iKUlaul project englncur of the Klamath project for several years, iteiuious for the return uf many connected with the biological survey of the agricultural department of the 'United States. Other guests were Mr. Moomaw, Herman T. Bohlman, E. A. Salisbury of the Educational Film company, and L. M. Hutt. A most Interesting and Instructive address was made to the local sports men by Mr. Flnley, who outlined the possibilities of the state of Oregon as a retreat for the sportsmen of the 'coast, similar to the position occupied I by the state of Maine with the entire .New r.ngiana siaies. ruiy minions of dollars are spent annually In Maine by the sportsmen of surrounding states, said Mr. Flnley, and he pre dicts that this can be equaled ln Ore- If a proper system of propoga- llon and protectlou of the game Is 'carried ou. Mr. Flnley was followed by K. A. With the Salisbury, who explained what the been as to roads. There have been several charges of destruction of fences filed against the Browns, and Wyland and his employe, Clarence Hunt, have been several time baled Into court on charges of obstructing a highway. While up the lake Thursday th at torneys took up with all parties the advisability of laying out a more suit able road, and all agreed. The rottU - for this highway has been select and both factions will sign a petition to the county court, asking to have the road established as a county road. Her- for i VUll, PORTLAND. June 1 -i i. 1A .A.,. .lt American farmers who migrated to charge of first degree murder Hanging mouon injure i-ropiu .-. uu.B Canada, attracted by the big wheat over his head. Thomas 0. Smith, alias from an educational standpoint, and will noon net or his connection with cropn ,H1!!lilbK. there, are found lu a Williams, a Klamath Indian, was gave vivid descriptions or the great this project. He has Just been lMlK-'report of a commission appointed by biought to Portland by Deputy United .feature films he had secured In Klam lated bv the reclamation service as ,, ,. , ..iiHieiwn.i. The stm. Marshal C.eoree Jackson and ath county, depicting all the varieties .,"------ till' Illllltl VI '' '" a,., ..-..- -a-.- . A marriage- Ilrelme was iue una .,..,..,.,.r lu ,-harK" of tho construe- f ..,,,.,,. ...i.,.,.. , ml i.rovlnco lodged In the county Jail to await the or duck, geese ana suore mrus, irom States grand me siage oi me egg anu neais io uie i final hunting scenes. He was very complimentary In his Oiiniili'Milu'. Ill M. Ilir -, ,, , . - . ivlir(1 ' "" iwiiwihiu'ui ....v..v i -- .w-r,-- . .--- Mrs J. A CIibMbIii. a ell Uuouii .iiiurnliiK t" l-e I l".rrtr h ami worn t1 ()f Uu Thro(. ,.. llnl.raiou ji lurl1K tll0 Illhl Vear was found to be action of tho United Klamath n.unty plonerr. Is the Kiet th Hhlw The lad) U the daughter un ti() l,I,nIli w.lch will furnUh ' .r n,nU u buaUol or C2 cents f. o. b. Jury, nf her .mi, Circuit Court Clerk Henri:.' of Mr and Mm W I hhlxe. anil in-r wul(,r for ,tl) Wlt (a,lMlllu 0f tlic,ul imlulr) ,10llU. This leaves u inlgh- Smith U charged will Cha.laln. Hhe miiiK In il '"'" l.iihand-to-bi. Is part ..ner nt a inuti ,.,,, ,,roJt.-ci. t) Um mnrK. according to tho de- Ulver Ulaf OI10 of alo llonaurn. bartiemhiii 1 1 1. I, mini' I. Ink most respou- remarKS auoui rwiamaui coumy, anu tako up , .Hmitnr... fir farmers ., ...... .i.i n ,i, KiHinath 'declared It one or the greatest homes lillMItu IK .- '--! - - MUU 1 11. tat It w - w. tv .-- .---, .ll ... Lorimer Bank Fails Mr. ViiorhvvH expects lo his new work July I. It is to bo com pleted In about six months. With the departure or .Mr. oor-, ,. , Illiu.i. f.,r Americans Ileal ordered Smith off his place. Klamath'""" . ' T " . . :" " . .. .. ..... . .. : o ill 11 y nisiaun'a, iiiiu iiuu.wc.o -.4. i niieu Mines v,ouiuiisaiuuei , lo gain a profit. ! The long, rigorous a rii.irvnllnii nvnr flu, hettd With winters lime horsoshoe. fracturing the skull, when the e"t,re oast- and breeding places for game birds on hce Micro goes from tho . .... ..I i.i... i project a man wnouasme,, iu, ...... u- certificates which will per-! Vnrs,.,ARn n. Klamath Falls accom- wiin mi eiigiiieeiiim .v....... .. - , . .,.,. , .,. iTnlttfil States I .,..i,i in,.Wcn., nml hu nrlsoner to His description of his fish pictures at Pelican Bay, Spring Creek and Williamson River were such as to awaken the fishing wms on tho reservation i Saskatchewan, the Canadian provln-wi,0 i,ii,u River Real's funeral was en .. ami a ...nil ho I- el I "! , UmwhaH 0ffects. PortlBIlU. favorab y known lo all of th water , , ... .. ,.. . t,rH in the solMug of tho peculiar , T,o com of Producing whi .at lu Jnck;il0Il ..,.i i.i.. Cliim. nasMiiciiewHii. mi' v........ ,..-.... Wnon .. . ' ath Project he him beon an actlvo'clal commission found, has Increased !,,,,,, !UlU -oU UlBt u WM one of the n r. II L L ntawJKr Knl. . . i ',pi. ..f ih. bin features over ti! per cent since 1909, and tho inrKest attended of any ever held on Severed Depositors Are Hurt by Dastardly Acts j -zibT: .,, aT-..r ,..,, UVfVlUI 1viiwwhwi" ii uiu i t u0m jjij rpts a bushel to f.o 1-S jng0n Howard, a Klamath Indian. (Continued on page 4) MARTIN PLANT NOW ON MARCH The Klamath Flour mill began Us Journey today from Its former loca tion ou Sixth and Oak to 1U new home ou Sixth street, opposite the box factory. In order to make room for the big mill to be taken down Sixth street. the telephone company had to cut one of their lead linos and pipe It under ground. The distance from the old location to the new one Is live blocks, and It la expected to take the moving crew two or three days to reach the new foundation. UOtllltMl United I'rcss Service CHICAGO, J.ll.ii 'i Street Trii.l anil Having hunk, popu .. . ..... . ..-.. ... l-H.ll.' " .Ultl lariy called -win ........'. -" .... .,.,,. t,loy would i ..I ullll.. llll 1KN III 111'"' " .. . I IukI Ainlt they wee Tin. LnHallii'lhat they must l thin. 'Their reply was inui uien vi..n..- ...nsUteil of long Hum uegou- der his supervision. HAMAKERS GET cents In 1911. leaving the rarmer nWas also brought to Portland ou a profit of only 4 l-S cents a bushel. I charge of giving whiskey to Indian i schoolboys. Bird Census Latest Olio Of tin. Iltrgea, ,..... " " " ... " . . ., , ,i.r earliest lllliinlH. cloned Un doors today, nml oi.ey ..... , I ........ I t... J..MIMIW. Imuitri of tint Hlnto rou1 was placed In .ho Imn.i- or ""V"- , rrVlMl , , ,,y yester- ""nank KxauUmtr Hark... . J W' 'J'TiV.!;'!1.! a paid-up capllal of n."." I' , ........... ,..,, f.lirll lOvcha.iKO MAIL CONTRACT in n.n 1 1-. 1 Fred Houston of tho K. K. K. Store and It. ti. Van llellen of tho Regal Shoe Store are In Dorrls today, attending to business matters. Vliii Corn Kxchango lllll-lll i.i... t-.- . ...mi,,,. .... .. .1 . .....It. I It'tlU I I'llllll I'll .. Iiuiuedlatoly ..rter ..... ."- . . .,., ,.,.,,, .. ,..eckH. given on. I BOO excited ..hj-ho - ;'Zw forthcom gather...!. T..,y Jan.....;. I U , ' ,(ok ,.,inrKl, of ,,, al....l ,.li....Ml..l. lir Illllllllllll.l I. ' "" ....I'll., the Institution. Wlilln I ho crowd wan Jammed. mull nppeureil on tho twelfth lloor of ll building In which tho hank Is lo citod, anil lUillln'riiH'ly klclfil oul a largo imnii of kIiihh. Tho glaHs fell on tho crowd at tho front door, nml i doxau woro cut mid Injured. I)ntirtlv'i. wun uiinhlo lo Hi"' ' limn, III Hpeakllig an.lner llurkl hunk hits he. ni hIx months.. Hlx months ago tho olllclnln woro nollnod Hint thoy must not Inutltlltloll." Following a liieellliK of tho direct oih of lh hank, Cashier TI.oihiih Mc Dniinlil gave out the following Hlato. "Tho action of Hlato Hnnk Kxnml.i' ..- ii.,r.iiiu w-iim a H.iriirlrto. Wo oX' peel lo have mutton, shaped up so tho hank can in-open within threo da)H. 'rim lii.B paid iloliosllois ahout ..,. i.'v.U l.r.00,000 wllhln Urn l'Ht fw ilnyH. 0f,n.m" Tiu H Jif. '.u 1 wl hi., tho imst ll.r... weeks fS.. HiildS ll I.HI , , ,,, out, There , under H..rv..lllv rr jJJj' hIIII .! I Oo- polHtors, lUld thin I in p. curllloH that ro worth at the vory i:.UI.AMMIXTII.lM.KKH,smi.',R,",'r,,,,l,l,B- '' , The c-lty of Dorrls expected repairs , KOK THK CAHHYIXH OK 'I'""'1,,,, ,llt, ll0NU,r ,,inut to bo completed, KliA.MATH KAM.S IU,Y MAII .IIOI'TKACCKITKH SUFF BARBERS TO HAVE UNION Uncle Sam Will Accept All f6r His Enumerators ,lnst night so that tho city wouiu ngaui !havo light and water. Several days ago a holt of lightning smashed the ..0 ,, . . 'plant, and sine, that tlmo tho peopio IIONAN'.A. Jiiiiol2. Thocoulriiet au(1 (.nniKs for their light, nml have for tho carrying of tho mall between n uaUig W(Uer from th0 oW wejj8 Klamath Falls and Illy has Just been I )mU( b0()U ()Ut of uso luco n,0 iiwnnled Karl nml Mont Hu.uiiker. lllsUlllutl0 0f the pumping plant. They havo Just been notified that , , their hid has boon accepiou. For tho work of transporting mo itm, r(.i- Slimmer, until to and fro for 11 year, tin. Hani- .i.slli left this inornlng for nkurri will recolvo C,987. 'Shiiata county. Callfornln, to Join his riiihor on the Yt.rdy ranch. Leslie bird census of the United States Is tho latest suggestion from the United States department of ngriculture. The INITIAL STKP IS TAKKX IIV KK.iC01lntlng 8t,0uld begin this month and , .. ' ...... .... I.I...I In. .am MiMiiirhnill thn COllll- M.i.i' itA'oit wn:i.ii:iif in- .) " '""' ""-- 1 localities. They will select their WASHINGTON, D. C, Juuo 12. A trained observers, and, following an United Press Service I SKATTLK TX) JOIN THK THAI, l.AHOH COUNCIL CKX- A. It. Wilson Is In Portland attend ing the Oregon Association of Title Men. Tho convention, which opened today, will bo In (tension for three or four days. exyecta to return hero next Septem ber to attend school. (iresl.ant Is to have a Jelly factory, United Press Service fjK.VTTIiK, Juno 12, Believed to bo the first of Its kind lu tho United State:., :t movoment Is 0.1 foot lioro toda to organUo a union of lady barbers, with n view to ulllllatlug with the Cunt. al Labor Council, W. H. Hmlley was lu from Merrill toda to make final proof on his home stead near that place. Tils witnesses were J. E. Book and W. H. Todd. try Is Invited to assist. lu the announcement tho depart ment says: "The object Is to deter mine how many pairs of birds of each species breed within doflnlte areas. By comparing theso figures with those of subsequent censuses It will be pos sible to ascertalu whether the pres ent state and federal laws aro effect ive and game and Insectivorous birds Increasing or diminishing In numbers. voluntary observers are relied upon to furnish most of the desired data to tho department." Tho Ilrst step of the department was to ask 250 of Its correspondents to act as census agents In different outllno of Information furnished by tho department, will tako the census. Correspondents will he asked to se lect fairly representative territory In their localities, and to note, among other things, tho kinds of and pain of birds actually nesting within a re stricted plot. And the census taken aro warned not to Include bird, which come Into that territory simply for breeding purposes. Each correspondent Is asked to go out early in the morning to count the male birds for that Is the hour tkey do most of their singing. Sufrage Is to bear no part ln the bird count ing, however, for the depart est fcM decided that after migrating la over and tho birds are settled In their. summer ouartera. "It la safe ta ee-t .''l -.-. . .- . - , slder that each male repreaeaw breeding pair," ( A, r v. cash for emergency purposes 0 U and loi.Ht faro value."