Ewmttn Iteratf PRINTS Tl IK NI2WS WHILIC IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEW3PAMW Clglill. Vrwr No. J.IIIW Prion, JNt KLAMATH !?ALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914 mh BENSON MAY BF NOMINATED BY SEVEN VOIES; McNARY WILL ASK A RECOUNT OF MULTNOMAH VOTE roimtiiline prlod of 1 V 1 3 Thin. IIIIKlll MH.'OVI.'ltEH IN Mil: tht-rc v.,-r 1.221 bunlimiu rnicrm, ,,..., .... .,.,,. ..,. ,, ,, li mouth. nealim! 1.330 lii April. ' mill I, hi In Juuunr), while In May n i'tr neu l,2lfi rniicni wern furtrii' t ' uapud. Ward Liner Antilla Has Reached Tampico with Armsfor Carranza ?5S5r:,3SHS3se tOUNTV HEM'I.T f iL T ' v s X N. 1 1 f ' ' K -17' ,-vr - SJSsiif!feX,?a UW --; .ija-a.-OTim.i ---j 1 WWHtf' jOT- -&EswWWW uWISjH MAN WANTED HERE MOVIE MAN MUCH JAILED IN WYO IMPRESSED WITH KLAMATHCOUNTY '.mux si.mmovdh, charged with DIMEHTIOX AXD XO.V.SUPPOIIT, AHHESTEH OX HOMESTEAD oi't from .mu:iui).x ii i:. wh-u i.i ii iin,M,.f A ,,. , ,,..,, twm vjn ,. I'liuU a MlsUkn nl Tmi'M) Voir riinnimil lu Ihu trmlltiK claim. In ulilcli' , ,tw i.cuii. iv, on. rn-ri,,,!..;'"1 '-; "'"- "".! .(on wlllt KKK; manufacturing rUmil llm DUrrrrnrn IMng llm ,lilt.( jimutlvenclvs, (in tlm fitlmr hand, wrre! mlllm NumlKTof Voir- Itru M ttly Urger 322 against 31k intul among ngnu, broker nml firms dm Tolly Hliwl. f a ,(mur cliKrnclcr thro were no i-b tli mi H6 fulliirn, nr 31 morn than .. .. . ... ....... '.a )-nr mto, i L'biuu rrc rwrTico .,in, .... i il... WAKIIINUTOX. I ' . Jmio H -- ".. """ r" "" ...:.: ....,in..i I-IIUTI.ANII. iuiio II llrnr I. ',,...,,, ,,f.u.,,,,.1,,,.rail,1,rilmiilo!Bi-cr.'lar of Sny I)4iilU lion Jiml d"'! ",','r ' .. ,.JVV ,V . ,.,., ' t.Pta i l" ' . : . . . ..1..1-...1 .i i..iiii :i K". ""-" ""- - Sheriff C. C. Low thU raornlng rc ctIpI a telegram from Sheridan, Wyo announcing the arrest ot John 1 fi. Simmon, wanted In Klamath FalU .on cliaree of desertion and failuro to .miiiport his wife. He was arrested on 8KES A liAHGE CITA' IS THE NBAR FUTUBK J. ,'!tIIT,W'' a homestead C5 miles from Sheridan Several dayu ago the Wyoming au thorities wired that they bad Sim mons locatod, and Sheriff Low has been awaiting a telegram, preparatory to starting East. .He leaves In -the morning H..H..I Hf Hrir niiza nml llavlrla. which unloaded forc tinker General Amarlllo nearj simmonB, who Is a carpenter, was 4 m . ..111 t.. . -l I l If a (. a-i..t It In r.v rir.yt nil .. -. . . aa ifiuiiiviiTiiv ii i i. tl many rtiiiuil. oi uraiiiuiimoji iwr ucii- . uiuuu. inira n -i-v. married last lal l. A lew monins aner AKIIIMIKI.N. II I , Jllim ll - ii,,,,,.,. l..,lin k.viriI llu.v ulll I,.. :i ii ii Ih ila tptl . I,.i i. ,n.. ,... t, I. I(ll Hilt I Itthu 1" maniTtM. t" . uccessful minted that he has wives elsewhere, tlons he-jan.i lnav le irifj for bleamy. inlllo. rebels i jjosII Um 'a lusl TI10 . .ii.. .i iku. i. iu t , nun ifliif "iirri enr ,11m I'm, , escan- . . . .. - I.... ......... .li.k All-fil..v In wn. ... ii'at.i ii,wii ilium. i,tLM;i:ii k..u n-i- iik ... iai. w.. .. . . ...I.. . .. ..... 1.1. u. .I....... m. ii. 1.1 In. fid IllLirlliri'llCI. '...',- ......i.i..ik.i ..ii.i.v M.ii..r..r. .... i.i ...n....i. ... rimiii.iiiiii iini ..i... .......k c.i --'--- s .. ...i. . .UB.......' . ' - " i " j i-.m.i. .vi...nK " ......, ....... incillntorii una llic siaie uei'aruueui. lift Kavn MrNnry 61 wilr Tim iirlnliiiiH Hint tln 322 tnantifacttirltiK , , ij,,. eff.-ct that no arms would be frilled I'ress Service . . ....... ...... .. I .. . . . . . . . ....... . ... .....-. ..... I.... I.t Hi IlA U. . .. . ul"ni'iii iiiviim-ii win Hum i iMjuomniit w . " - .ii.i,,,,-,! from ti)0 rmiuil stales to MAtJAltA FALLS. Out.. Juno 11.' .. . -... . I. ! int nf tin wnra i.inr kiiaiunuii u-., ...i.. . .. i, tt... r,iiintri iitm. dint a lir. (irvvliiud) Int by 13 j f 1 0.3 10. 1 S9. n rominri-il with tT. rttr., llil thro MfNnry ivurli nt 39.7S for thn 313 itcfnults a yrnr bolilnd llrnunn ncn. Hit of tbn IS .IIITprnit brnnrlicn II I.'. Wood, nn ! rrauiiUnt f huitlnrM Inlo hlrh Hip tlcm-nt omploxeil by llpnoti. (our..l Um ll.'l illl'l- l dlnclond a nmnller mini- ' . . !.. .. .-.I - .!... I.. ,. IOI1 tftnry. Thoriil lt- Witit of Mullnn-'wr mnurm umn m , - miih rimnlj will bo tbrtl.it.1 off. WAGON WHEEL INJURES BOY i l HiAlit la i nf fivtviwf aiI fn nnlnr Inffi tllltl from IlrOOklytl Mill 3,000,000 .M.i. .,. ....r. -, .A1amiml nf' .!,... l,,..1,UK.I.ftn.,MI,.. tmiiids of ammunition for Hie constl- lm MMcnl, .umcultUss. :ilonasts may not accept. The Amcr-il-AXOKIili VALLEV YOUTH. 8KBI tut onniutk rocciiuy. mo " i ,iimi i.tlnt iiini thov pi-' Umd.Ml with arms botiKhl by the Car- ,, uU ,,rnM grvlcr Ipcct to seo a strong constitutionalist. .... ,....,-m.iil (mm (In. Hl'mlllR- ! ... . ... . "' "' "' ""' ,!... i.. i ,,,,, , SMflAHA FALLS. OnL, June II. sympaliuzor namcu as provisiuuai wlill,. In onr. namely wooli-nn. fie . , Arms company, who nmdo llttlo rouference of Um president, and members of that party tlmrn . no clinnpn Tim best . M.m.t ni,ut I. When the tlmo came ' f,ornoolli lt was loarn-idomlnato the, cabinet. OCSLY IXMUIIKD WHEV TEAM IMt'LIXG WATER KUXS AWAY. THUOWIXO HIM VXDER W1IEEL Ubllnl l'l prlr ttAl.KM. Juim II Jimtiro MrNnry toitsy mill lm would auk n rrounl nf J Ihe ballnU fn In Mutlti'Mimh rouiily j ll will probnbl) iuk m tmvp tlm nit-1 trrt nf op nltMiVnl In -rl ' wuniy. I MrNnry ald bo would put thU up. a a frlnnilly iinuxMUIoii i JndKi, HriiMin, now in iht Inml by ovrii ult. He mM thnl If ltin ili-lii .,.,n B .... .,..,.K.- v.- ,-,,v - --- mt.Ulntri this aftenioou. t waslearn-tdoinlnatn lim cauinci i.ii.ii w ....1n t.v Dm er.ii.i. f.inbrftp. ,.., tl,.. ....r..r In iro to I ho CUKtOlll mtuinium u.. .........v. JliiK lumlHT, mriirntprs and roopur. luiune In NVw York for Ms 103!!' J '" tboy liavo decided to treat the ! Elmer Watts, a 14-year-old Langell MILK CLARIFIER AT LOCAL DAIRY limine in Ni-w ork for Ms clearanc.. " ' ,..,., or ;rvir ;,,. lm went forth and had no - -- - " -"--;;, n Genera, ' Valley boy. U In a critical cond.Uon tioubl. It. wuinB 11 '"- " , 'coscd IncidcnL The mediators re- villa has established field headquar- " 0I a j un clear.nl for Tnmplco tie tort now confcrPnf0 w,,h the Amer- tcrs hwo. nm, repairing the rail- Wednesday. The horses were hit bed l1:0"" ! ""' al .ln repn.en,at.veS,at &:30 this even.rondR 80Uth. , a heav, , l cart, with a - .v...... - -.-. w ----- k;- -- - - t 1--A-w!r-from Natora Uta that-tbo"""" ""V ""' Ilr)nn made omn objection lo the aammi coo Mmu on the' One of the wheels passed over the C?;w(Vt I,rcss sr ouUk,!;!.s or. Zaca.af; Th0.b.a,tu,: boys head nnd stomnch- ..ln, i.im from Elvlnc the hlp MA..VTLA.V. Met.. June 11. u.o was si... K.uK , u.u.. .... "-"T. IIC Wlfl -l f" ' I Ii would turrr. m n rwount of ilm lii, niJi:trritiXAltl.E MATTKH IH . .. . . , I ballot in any iiiimr touniy ni" to present him from giving 1110 snip ...'. ...v.. --. --.,,,, jher pipers, The German vessels Yplr-, federals have surrounded the rebel with the message. DUN & CO. SEE A BETTER' OUTLOOK WIKNtlY IIKmitTS THAT HM)W HUT t'KltTAI?; IMI'IIOVF.JIIENT IH I'HEVAI.KXV I.I'MHUH- INHI'S THY IX riXK HHAI'i: HCMOVEI) FHOM THE MILK WITHOUT LOSS OF AXY OF THE HUrniHI'AT OREGON SUFFRAGE Notice to Creditors GATHERING IUUAY The Ull lumnnllon to bo added to Urn equipment of rttraw's dairy is a ri'iitrlfugal milk clariller. Just In- stnllpd by Um Haldwlu Hardware roiiinntiY This iiinchliii' oiablUIies a new high standard for ijuallty In coinmer rii milk, us It thoroughly cleanses .1... mill, nf nil fnri'lKti matter, whetli-l Irr It bn In the milk us It comes from' tlm row, or Ki'ti In le "i" niter-' wards. It can bo seen in operation J,,!,.; dairy, i.ud has a capacity of U suffragists from all par of to MEKTIXO IX "I.ITTM: UHUHCII" AT HAI.KM IS IX THE I'OHM OF A MKMOHIAI. FOH WHAT HAS IIKKX HOXE. HALKM, Oro., Juno 11. Hundreds IIimMkm l.o,prtn...u...u u....... .- f k ,,mlr throughout I ho coui.ln Mow'. 11m , ,.,,.,,,,.. r0cess Is sure. Fllur..s arodecreiisliiK. bolli im il.roiiKlt centrifugal regards tho vf.lumo mid Hut wiiouul. mrhliw Just Installed at Dim ot tlio heallhlest buslnessoH n M.wrM , liiiwn Is In lumber, despllo tint lociii''" , ,.k T, u lH ulk ot stagnation butter fat from the num. 1111s i only one of many special machines Installed by H' Straws. Ouce uealn tlm folluro rrcinl for Um United Stales riUcloMW progrcs- slvi liiiprovi'iimnt, commorclitl de-; fsulu .luring May, as reported in II..' ' 1kMuk S. pounds (I. Dun A Co.. inaklim tho best ei- A u"','r """ ,,, Mr. Ilnd blblt of tho yoar, front numiM-lca. was born this mornlnj to Maiiupoini, ami nisu snuwun. j rv f onlrnctlon as compared with tho cor- sl.lo nt Spring 1: statu gathered today In the llttlo churh hero In which the llrst suffrago ahsorlatlnn In this statu was organis ed. Tho meeting today was In tho na ture of a memorial In which progress was reviewed nnd plans for continued activity wero tourhod upon, ino northeastern putt of tho sltlo was moat Ktniimh- represented. Ijito this afternoon tho suffragists planned to go to Canton, whero a ban- quet was to bo hold In n holoi, nu lowud by entertainment provided by 11 committed of Canton workers for tho "cause." How to Borrow Money f ,. i-.-fMiimti 'TUffl.T'StZiUSStKKLiXA. .mwmw iliiKy I ifJ 6 ) Tho Goat I IMPERIAL VALLEY IN. DIRE DANGER lilt: VOI.CAXO liAKK I.EVKK COL li.ISi:S. AXI) UltlHGES AXIl 1H HIGATIOX I'KOJECTS SUUIM.Y FI.UMEMAYOttOUT BANDON SWEPT BY BIG BLAZE K1FTKEX UUILDIXGS AKE I1E- STHOYEU -UYXAMITE USED IX EFFORT TO CHECK FROT.RESS OF THE FIRE United Press Service ! I1AXDOX. Juno 11. Fire, orlg- I'uitcd Press Service inatlng In a restaurant, wiped out a EL CENTHO. Calif., June 11. .largo part of the town today. Fifteen (Tho collapse of tho Volcano Lake, buildings were destroyed, and the 'levee under the present flood of the property low I. estimated t f 500.000. Colorado threaten., scores of bridges' Dynamite failed to check the spread Ul k..U Mil. ,lutho Imperial Vnlley country. Tho gigantic Hume over New River. . Senator Chamberlain was instru- 1 ... x. ... 1 araiiior -iiuiuuci ...... - "" supplyit.g hundreds ot ranches with ,n seeiir,nK ?40oo,000 In ap- wnter for irrigation, is niso imperneu. propriatlons for tho Columbia In the Should this go out tho damage would. rivers and harbors bill. be1 great Indeed, as It would mean no harvest for hundreds of families un der tho project. UncleSamSays Some Suffer FromToo MuchCredit (Herald HjiecUl rJervIco) WAHIINKITON, . 0.. J""0 lll" Flvo' rule designed to wmvlwo tnrm its that thuro Is no imiK-i- '-"-l rr,,"1 uro set down In Fnrmcni llullotln 63, "How to Uso Flirm Cro-dlt," which the United Hltttoa doparttuent of ugrlntl luru hss Just published. Unless tint farmer who Is thinking of borrowliiK money fully understands thi-H.i rulea and Im willing l - Kuldod by them, Hut Kavwniuont'ii advUo to him In DON'T. As It Is, there 'nro probably nlmost nr suffering from loo much as from too llttlo credit. Of thoso rules, I bo tnreo "- portant nre: , uii Hum that tho purpose for which tho borrowed money Is to bo used will produce a return .. tlinu needed to pay tho dobt. 2Tho length of limo mo out . ... l M1.tllriH tl to tun should nnvo u ciom. ... - tho nroducilvo lira of tno impru,,--inont lor which tho money U bor rowed. . , . 3 provision should bo made in WMW., ,...K'.i -- FINLEY WILL BE FETED TONIGHT EMINENT ORNITHOMKHST I (iltMKIl (1AME WARIIEX WILL1 1 Xotlco is hereby given' that Elber- tus 11. Hall has this day been nppolut-i cd us Ills Ump for tho b.tcball cou-. tet to bo played Sunday afternoon m Modoc Park by tho Journalists and 1 Attorneys. All persons having claims 1 (against tho aforomontloued Elbertus, or who know thomsolvos to bo In-jucrdltE debted to him, nro horoby notiucu to i.r...iit thoso within the weolc, Iii or- '.im. 1.. .ilov clarity ot conscience at-l (il.'E HAS - ter tho obsequies. Flowors, etc., jiosltlvely not allowed CANAL VOTE MAY BE HAD T Tho New berg cannery run on straw berries is on, employing 100 women Head of ricture Coacero Which Umn lkcn OperatlBS Here Says Klswi otli Country Aboaade ht Scemlc, FarmlBg and Other PcsaHillNirw, and U in a CUa by Itaelf ao a Sportsman's Woaderlaad Wal Dooat V. By E. A. SALISBURY (Managing Director Educational FUm i Company) t I have been asked by the editor of - the Evening Herald to write a short article on my impressions of Klamath Falls and vicinity. Why he should have asked for a short article and ex peeled me to cover all the good polnta that hare Impressed me is beyond my comprehension. For the past six weeks we hate cot ered quite thoroughly the districts ot Unuer Klamath. Williamson, Spring Creek, Crystal Creek, Lower Lake, Aspen Lake and Clear Lake, taking moving pictures ot the animal and bird life, beauty spots, renowned Baa Ice streams, and I can trnthfally any that for variety ot scenery I know ot no place on the coast that can surpass lit. I believe tew people who lire her realize the beauties of the Upper Klamath and Its many streams. I have watched the sunsets from Ingle Rldce and believe that In the luna I have taken ot them that I have pie- j litres mat will oring many ioan 10 this region. , ' Somn of the flshlna scenes that we ffcave taken on the Williamson. PeUcnn I Bay, Crystal Creek and Spring Caeefc win maice tne sportsmen s oiooa run jwarm with the desire to hie him to these cool, pleasant retreats. One thine I hare not been able to answer for myself Is why there, are not more people here to enjoy the op uortunltlcs that you have to oiler them. First, from an agricultural standpoint: In tramping over the large expanse ot tule lands, I hare kept in mind the agricultural possi bilities, knowing that similar lands In the Sacramento and San Joaquin val leys ot California are aeUlnx.for from 1E00 to S1.000 an acre. Celery, rhu- . barb, asparagus, peas and beans flour ish here, and a cannery could handle . most ot the garden stuff as they do In the San Jauquin and sacramenio. ioe Seld tor this product Is large, and if other localities can make big money growing these same products oa land that has a valuation of f 1,000 an acre, I cannot see why farmers" and home seekers could not be made to realize that here is opportunity await ing them. I have no doubt that as soon as the railroad la comrleted. making Klam ath Falls a stop on the main line down the coast, that you will have a great t Influx ot people, and I wonld set be -Lruinnjunnri rr fir ---. .. (Continued on Page 4) ONIGH ll , iiii ibo baseball corral. Tributes of . OUEST OF I.OUAI, HIMHITS. J ' " mny bo ,oft ftt ., .............. ...i ...at I ... .... ......1 .. I ....... ...Ill III MEN AT FESTIVE HOARD (Continued on Pf ) wiiitn Pullcuu hotel, whoro they will bo vlowed by tho tavern hooper before going to his demise. '- . ..... ...I. .... n, T.l.in A ft uateti mis xiiu uj ui duuv, -. '. COMMITTEE. A. miortsmoil's bauquut will bo glv 011 this evening at tho Whlto l'ellcau 19U hotel, lii honor of William L. FUilo,i former atato game wnrtlon, who isi ... 1.. 11... ini,,ruiM nfils (Jetliiig Heller. n... i.minalcal doimrlmont of tho Btnlnl M. I., rolimd, a well known Olene "v ' THE SEXATOltS CAX VOTE OX IT, THOUGH, 1UUX1H-- A TWO IIOUH SPEECH TO (JET HID OF Farm Institute Is Next Member oi Rural Credit Commission to Talk Here iiuii 11 nd annul commission. Mr, Fin ley and Herman liohimnn, u uoieii iihotogriiplver ot blnl life, nro duo to day from Eaglo Hldgo. rnuchur, who has been hero on'tho slok list for several days, Is rapidly Improving. Ho expects to go nuftq his ranch protty soon.' United Prcs Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 11. Tho funl vote on tho ropoal of the Panama cuiuil freo tolls clauso is ex pected tola o oulng. Two elements mny I'olny It. One 0.' these Is a speech ot Senator Brand egto In favor of the bill. Ho ox- pects 'O tall" two hours. Am Ihor la tho prospective light oior nrbltuitlon. Senator Norrls says lu will tight for tho Incorporation of a clauso providing for arbitration. A farm instltuto of unusual Inter est Is to bo held lu Klamuth county during tho week beginning Juno 22, according to announcement Just made by Couuty Agricultural Agent M. A. McCall. The dotails of thl3 are just being worked out by McCall. Meetings will bo held at Merrill, Malln, Mt. Lakl, Klamath Falls and elsewhere. The dates, otc, are to be given out lator. Ono of tho speakers who will be ii.n i Dr. Doctor McPhorsou. Dr. a yoar to tour Europo and make a study of rurul conditions and credit organ izations. Rural economic, problems will be taken up by Dr. McPhtrson while hern Ho has had esDeclal training In this, as well as other ilaes touching? upon tho welfare of the AiaverHan farmer. . .. -. . 'a...- ... 1 wuo tno outer memoera 01 me yut- , i ty will be has not been aaaoM4f ,,;' as vet. Tho lnstltutea are g.vs'iiv if ...... j...... .w- n..... LiM- s j: uer 1110 uireviiua im mo unfm - .. .... -x-'.Vfr cultural Colleca and the lUINIrKti Hi 1 . ... . ' .".'j.i MnPiini-unu -vna 11 member of the iDlant Industry Of the VnltM .sMM.UDnl American Commission ,namod last) department of agrleuMura, , iV.5? '?C V rl ., IS. fa m many farmora In tUlu country wu . f. , V-V '.' a.. I.'