The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 10, 1914, Image 1

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:IkIiIIi Vwir No, i!,lilM
Price, Five Cnria
icuettuut HraiJi
Carrying Bodies of Child Victims of
Empress of kelahd From Lady Grey
M ItOHL I'l'Mlf VMHl. ' lltf
UOsI ( t TN(, HinllM VsKK
Till. HlhMI.MI. (IT f'HAIHil.
.JMNr.rci(VKi.i, 4'ki:i:h iii.k.
t (it'll urn I mutton of lJUirU-i u
.Ut'M.I J, Jll.ll... .i lllMK-r Jollll If Will. Jllll( Of 111.
Mi.u WIhi I'rmri ,n,,'"f ,,0"M "" IK liii..i
w nmtee or iii.iiiiic iion a fpn--.-
mt which t. (), MniHii, Hiiitmaii
1 1, . uiLnii, III'
ll I Yum mi1
iif AH Heir I miii NiiMlurn IC11..1. !
. luriit... and Hill mill mm. to DIi. iritii
fiJll ull until l.r lrftri I'll I ll!
IX'M III lllillll
ss'im-coomy meet
BBraBMHlBrir?g6CTrSBa5BgarPpHC'- WKflQMi
.-Iflafllil?" 4F31flHfiHlr i'bHSHmBSE'73b HPVbHhb
3ioixc has rntrMTifliiTi.Vfj ap.
grand stand capacity to bk
(Herald Sjt-cln Service) ',
SHIPPINGTON, Juno 10. Joseph Aci,r1 nn,t Sl'"Pn Ho Secured a
Guthrie, owner and master of thct
tl, I'liMiijK I. MUiim. uf iin Mini. .,,ro fi'1 ''f llruti were at rem.
........ ! nl Crrinl iVek Tui.iln
I IlllnllltlllU III I 1. 1' I I I l fill tttlM, 1
. Till) iHroililntlun ut'Uii M. 1. ii,r
'Hit 1. jVfirrmn was Imihh) w mniiMi in
., 'M. Cora Wjlniid ht'Inm Attiinir ,
...,, . III. 8. Ualt, I nut urn! of thr- district l
It 0. Ilou.k, a ,.rom.,,cl, ,,',, ,or ,( m,idUirltilriH ,,, ,,,,, JJni w
u CtrMrni, irliJ t,.,M Ju.ilt. , ,,,, ,tl H h
0f ili IW I-. M. tlt. m rr..rt, ,., ,u ,,., , 4 ,
11 ni uil Aimiun tin n runreo ill mil-
me nf IIh hIkwiI fund uf Hit; ilUtrltl
Hr Ht4 bun ml ttr ( t'pnr I'lfnn
inn erainl jut)
lr KuuiLv a lit! hi alluinc). Vet-
til A. Korbc, acriiiiit
ivrtft, uwf In from
t.rlullK H tnkp l ho III
L iiruifcuiine iitlotni) Mr Ipm.
Chk Thillllmi nml Junie IHiVU. aim
UaJIrJ tht (.riitmutiun In iti Ju
tiiv tuuft ntii nUu liort', liatttti: ttimu
Juti h autu Tut-ilr allrrnuou. j
Tim eliat ealui Mr. Itourkc , jaikmin. jhm;iiiii: ami KI.A.M.
nut stem tu to vt) ilTtioc, bui a j
fat a nii ho UariioU tl;o trouble '
rcm to ho In tho uatui of a local j
Ihefv ha alviaxi tutu a cotuldvr-
Mr uriltlk III (lie OoKrtll CliUUl
Jlitrkt fuud. atiU aiiarvtillx It li
Ho Ihc tudluw of il:tt Kthoot tlril.
in lliu M(i tu Itian thl
lulcivit. ll i tlalmtitl dial IhU cua-1(jr lr.cqUiity hooitcr li. Al thai1
Um ia lircn lollottril If Iho (irvoiut ()m(, ,,ief0 w to tirrtrctctl an oruan-
flltr. Tl.Mtfrtn tu tknrl' tar lh tirlvarf iKlm?
Mr Hi.urKe. itn.i uoic. ni -! tim tcmia auratiion. ot " '"Besides Cash Prizes Running Into Thousands, Many Valuable.
i.lic .iuiii niol hn rlnll-ia llml in la flr.'tMili nmt nlahfirnla lllsim Will ho. 1
ifaily ami Mine to lurti oicr all tlicl made for (ho tntortalnnieiit of the
fundi) ii f ilia ortUn tu liU turcMur Unltora.
tim Im suet mil of office. Tlin ernnd, i fi, iiivi'lltiK W. A. PvUuIl wa
Jurjr lll inrl xlthlit Uio next ftw '.,ltIod a director lit place of 0. It. I)o
ttayg, and If lu cato I not dUnon! , j,n.,. otlicr mattcra wcro tnkcu up at .
uf moncr ll vlll bo coiuldoffd at llial l(lo mating for tlio uibtilliIlnK of IhUi
t'int. riKlcn.
fiootl String of Mean Ilomca for Uif
f , - .
Mucking contcitsi, antl There Arc
gwamer Hooligan, Ii fitting up
'boat In line Rtyle as an excursion boat.
'The captain says lie baa already cx-t
tuded ,ooo iu refuting, and Is not
'through yet.
The captain's zon. 1, W. CuthrleJ
I will be engineer. Trip hoat U Ut be!
llo-chriMtncd before who coes Into I
(commission. A more thorough do-of a aictent number of good, hard
ucrlption of tho boat and her mission jbtickinK. horses and wild horaca t
Ion the lake will he given soon. m0 the coming July show a big
t n-i. .. ,-..- , .i . - iiucccas. Many osceptlonally hard
l'lcntj- of Itail lironctio Proralatil
lo Iake the Will! Horse Itacca nic
Tho Ilodeo Association la assured
''" . . 1 3 Mt.-
boat of'th Upper Iako. A powerlul c a"a "co.n ""
steam force pump, aa well as ample "" ula '" """"'" "D"r ""
Kre hoe has been Installed aboard thef Bodeo 6unds.
boat. t Art Acord has Jurft returned from
the Bly country and the reservation.
where he secured nine more mean
outlaws for the bucking contests.
Harry Etllta, who has charge of ae-
transit for Iramedlato action. At the curing the gtocK, cas arrangea wun
'Ore, with tho steam power of tho boat ! Mr Vinson of Langell valley for forty
concentrated on the numos. there !r nuy wuu norses. Vinson nas auoui
In case of a fire along the water
front any of the launches could tow j
the boat to the scene, while steam ,
3Jld be raised on the Modoc during i
Al taut liU'lit'il Ohambor of Coui
. mvrt mi-utlnr;. tho illrctuu uvt
fund uui t, Jon,, 33 M th, daio for the uinBtlus
tho imillin of the children who were
I me whim )!Hns cotitainCng fruii; 0 l.rtfy Gte cne of the rcscuo
i. :;i- ll ut went to the scene of the
tollmen blwc?n the collier Storstad
vitilnts of the wreck of the Kuipros aua U:o Canadian I'aclflc Railway
'of Ireland were landed al Montreal steamer A largo crowd stood about
thh gangway as tho were ear
ned down to he picked out by friends.
In some canes parents of the children
had been drowned also, and there was
no one to claim the bodies.
would be force sufficient to throw a
stream over any of the buildings or
factories on the shore.
Captain Wickstrom Is deserving of
highest commendation for his gener
our efforts In. behalf of tho public
Trophies Are to Be Given
MellliHI llrlo Noun,
1-aill.V Nlgl.t nt i:lk.
Tlulrmlay ctonlng Mil bo l.u i",rK" s"p'imiii. unt yCr
MKlit at lh Clk Indite, and tlm ,-t,.'Kradtmlf from tho t-iiKlnoorltiR do
lortnliimuril commlttro Im. nrranucd U'aiimuit 11 tho I'liUfmlty of OreKon.
a ".lilrt wal.t" tlauro. with nsolltiil l rrnclcd Trlilay cvenlnR "'
mualo and rrrmbmiiia. All iho4 ,-' 'k oraployiiicnl on 1 he h. I'.
w., 11..- - .i .. .I,,,, far -tiriornncK lirujrvt i hihhiu
ro m for I lii ahlrt waUtn.
vral tlioutiaud acii'K of marsh land j
I IV......M l.'l.lll.ll. I t.t...
ailHIK ui'l't't iini"i " ...v...... jow
on lit nil Kltonil neri', na nu imenu
.t ii.,. i,trni dlinnlii tirfiini ptilerliie I
Mmubt-r. of tin, Klamath l,lt,.rary ,.. 1
('lull Mi'IiiImtm I'lrnli',
t'luli Irti ililn nfinrnouii fur tlm vlclu
lly of Bandy llr-arli, on thn MrComack
Aicordlug to the program Just ar- JSuo. first prlt 200, t,ecoud prize Conditions Only one man allowed Iu
Irani-mi In- tlin itodio Amuioinonl As- J100. Conditions Two miles each each chariot. Race to ho half mile
soclatlou, four thousand dollars In 'day. Kach rider to have four horses, each day. Teams to compete three
rash, besides a large number of val-'ltldcrs to xaddle, unsaddle, mount and days. Winner of first day to take out
uablu trophies will be distributed 'dismount unassisted. Change horses side of track next day.
among thu contestants In the Klks'Lach half mile. Full range rig, sad
It ml co, to ho held July 3, and t. dies to neigh not less than twenty
In addition to containing tho I let of ' flvn pounds. Ittdera to near range
crunts and prlres, tho program Just , costume with chaps and spurs. Same
prepared by the dlroctora of tho horses to bo used each day, barring
Ilodeo also t;lvea tho conditions that' accidents. Kach rider to lo two as-.with conditions required.
riicso fol-'slstanta, one to catch finishing horse ( potn'.o Race Purse $15 each day.
innd one to hold starting horso. All pour cowboys to team. Same condl-
Chauiplouslilii Ducking Contfbl changes to bo made on outsldo of'tolJ8 as other events as to rig and
Purse 00; llrsl jirUe J260, second frark. landing contestant In stretch rangQ dress. Riders to bo provided
jirUo 100, third prUo $50. Condi-, to hat right 01 trneK. Any Kind or , Wth prod poles and to start nt signal
Half-mile Dash (free for all)
Purse $130; first, each day, $25; sec
ond, each day, $15; third, each day,
$10. Samo conditions as quarter
mile dash; deposit of $20 to comply
I will govern each contest.
tlons One-half contestants entered , cinch allowed, nest total timo tor, frora sinrtor. Kach team to take no-
ranch on Upper Laki-, whoro they will "',k Vr"w Alilntttl. t rjj0 ttt day and one-half to rldo threo days wins. Deposit of $25 wlllatoos from tho samo box and place
hold ttiflr nnniinl plrnlr This picnic Tull Wcoden arrlM'd In uiamath t,econil day. Riders for each day totho required to tnsuro loams comroi- tjjem tner owrt D0 i00 feet up tha
l tho tliinlti of 11 hlKhly surcemiful I'tUU laU nlglil from a two month'a ',0 determined by lot. Horses to bu Ing nil three dns unless excused by track contest to last three minutes.
. . . ..1...... lit A lilrt till III, ilYllm'tll til .....!..!. ...I 1... mnnnrt.niAnl Vnl l,tia fli til H 11 II LTfltll fill I . IlDllOStt Will hi) l'Q- ! I, A...t A l.n , l.K..l.. .- ,
MlHOim WOrk tlUrlllK Vt UICII lliaiiy minimum hi ,n,.... -,- - ,iiiiiup'ivu uj iiminifti ... ... ..-w ,..- .-o - -- .fc. wuu ui muu luuui uuiiu bivuieak
20(1 wild horses, and he will pick out
a bunch of tho wildest and meanest
ho can And in the band. The wild'
horse races this year promise to be
even more exciting than last year, j .
Work is' to commence tomorrow on
tho grounds and grand stand. The j
boxes are to be removed and the '
scats continued on down to the j
iground. This will give additional I
accommodation In the main grand
I stand for "00 people. These seats
are to be numbered and 'can be re-
sorvod. j
The Judges' stand Is to bo mored,
opposite the grand" Btand and an"areiia '
(150 feet wide will be constructed Ire
itween them. Corrals will be built.
PATRIOTIC KXERC1SES WILL UE;openln& oa the arona on acn B,ae0,
HELD AT HOUSTON'S OPERA 'the judges' stand, so that the horsat
can bo in readiness for each event be-',
foro the last one'Ls over.; The track!
lltt, liiiilm nml lllnrnrv mihlccIS uir1 ; ICIIIllIll III
inkoii up inn! Klvt-n Inln.llK-'tii tudy .siiiuiiut.
this city the
Not less the management.
rest of thu ihini nix riders to lo chosen from llrsl .turned If conditions
!two days to rldo on last day. Kach. with.
. -
G. A. R. Boys 71 Years
contestant to rldo nuy horso aud as Steer Roping Contest Purse iuu;
often as tho Judges may deem noees-'llrst prlto $75, second prize $23. Con
nary lo tleloriulno winner. Riding to dltlons Contestants to rope one steer
bu donu with plain halter, two loins, 'ouch day for three days. Rest time
..I of inn., frmt. Chans nml spurs to during contest wins money. Steer to
All rid-
are compiled ,numuor 0f potatoes In its box wins.
.Teams to compete all three dajs un-
Average Age of Local Veterans Over 70 Years
A perusal of tho ioiiU.r f K. '. M. Hunt, ano 70, Company V,
prgu Post, dratid Army .C tho ZZcuy 0.
public, ahowa thai tho avoroso of U",N.U ,0Wft lntanity.
voteratiH nf tho War of tho Rebellion j M u 0laml. ngo 00, Troop A, Sov
rvililliiK In Kliintntli county Is 71 lcn, uiioilu Islaml Cavalry,
your mid K moiithu. Tho oldest U, (leorgu Noble, ago 70, Company II,
lleorKo M. (llffon, who has liassed tho Kurtmil Dolnwnro Infantry.
KUt mil., stono. and thu yuuiiKt ! Stopbon A. Ponny, ago 71. Dattory
10. ll, Ruuuby of tho flfo and drum
corpa, w)io has scon 00 years roll by.
The ages, regiments and companies
ot thu local (Iriind Army men, follew:
A, Koralinor, ugo 72, Company 0.
Eleventh Michigan Infantry.
O. A. Btonrns, ngo 71, Company I,
Klrst Oregon Infantry.
13. II, Uiimsby, n go 00, Comimny H,
Twelfth Indiana Infantry.
.Iiimea N. Adams, ago 70, Company
'I, Ktfty-thlrd Indluna Infantry.
Henry Nownhmn, no 70, Compuny
C, Porty-thlrd Wisconsin Infantry.
C, W. Shorraau, ago 73, Company
K, Third Iowa Cavalry.
loss excused for cause by manage
ment. Individual members may be
substituted for good reason If per
mitted by management.
Powclrls' Ouartpr-mlln Dash fulrl
bo worn. No quirts allowed. All riuiio gten start, riuor to hian iu .""Iridew only) Purso ?90; first, each
Ing slick. No saddle forks over fifteen -rope, throw mid tie steer unassisted. . J20 secoml cacn uay 10 Con.
Inches wide to bo used. No bucking Time to bo taken whon arms mions All riders to wear cowgirl
rollB nllnwctl. Rope or reins shall thrown in air. iimo umii, uireo uuu
not ba knotted or wrnniiod around tho, utes. Entrance feo of $5.
costumes. No saddles under twenty
pouuds allowed. Bridles to be rango
U also to be put Into first class com-j ,
According to Acord and Simpsosj
The observance ot Flag Day by the wj,0 returned 'today from a trlp.-ln'
Elks Lodge will be held at the opera searcu of bad mounts, there will be?
house Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The competitors from all parts ot KlaK-?
Elks will meet at the club rooms atfacounty at tho Rodeo, In addition,'
2 o'clock and march to the opera tne cowboys from other raatw.
house in a body. ;Thc Klamath boys have demonstarted;
The program for tho observance, their horsemanship in the past, and
will be completed at a. meeting ot the; can be depended upon to give as good
commltteo this evening, and will bo 'an exhibition as any. ,
published later. The regular officers , There are soveral relay strings be
of the lodge will put on tho ritualistic j Ing trained, and tho relay Tace to be
work. A special orchestra has been held during the three day show prom
secured and special vocal numbers lsos to be a hard fought contest, with
will bo given. The history of the : lots ot money bet on the outcome by
flag will bo given by Past Exalted tho ranches represented in the race.
Ruler E. B. Hall, tho tribute to the Great preparations tor the, .Rodeo
flag by W. O. Smith, and a patriotic
address by R. H. Dunbar.
A special Invitation has been ex
tended to the G. A. R., Woman's Re
lief Corps and the Veterans of tho
Spanish-American War, to attend. In
addition tho sorvlces will bo open to
the public.
II, Hatch's llatttiry.
l.nrliln Stucltor, ago 70, Company
C, Tlilrtecnlh Iowa Infantry.
John M, Corbell, ago 72. Coinpauy
I, Klrst Oregon Infantry.
CorVln K. Soil, ago 08, Company
II, Klfty-llfth Ohio Infantry.
(loo. M, Olffon, ngo 81, Company
1), Third Illinois Infantry.
K, V, Riley, ago 73, Company C,
Seventh West Virginia Infantry, Sec
oml Army Corps.
William lloylo, ago C7, Troop H,
Hovonth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Johu Bauber, ago 80, Fourth Wis
consin Uattnry, Mounted.
I .... . . i ,r,. .!..
ii.L.r'o i.,,,i, l.'rn. mini n ar bo WIHI liorso race i'ursu tinv, uiai . ,. ,,,..,,,,,, ,, tim..i .-
that tho Judges can see It. Pulling each day, $25; second, each day, $15; of flrat Uay ot t0 comi,ote seC0nd day.
leather or being thrown disqualifies, third, each day. $10. Conditions l)(j,oslt ot ?10 vequlred that riders
Ever) thing rider doos from tlmu ho' Vnbrokcn rnngo horses will bo fur- w,n comI,p(o ihlvlns c,Ure rodeo un.
starts until pistol wUl bo chockud for nlshe.l by tho mauagoment and riders ,ws wcused uy ,uaEoment. Deposit
or against him. jto draw for mounts. Each rider to vt b(J roturu0ll lf coudmon3 are
Steer liulliloggliig coutest Purso saddle and rldo once around tho track, con,llUcd wUn socond prize will not
$150; llrst prlzo $00, socond prlzoi loft hand to polo. Kach rider allowed ,)Q pad unless tUre0 UorgC8 conU)Cte.
$10, third prlzo $20. Conditions ouo assistant to hold horso in snd-J Qartur-mllo Dash (free for all)
Ktu-ir to ho given fifty feet start of 'tiling. Kach rider to rotura his mount. ,,urgu $1C0; tirst, each day, $25; sec-
mounted contestant, contestant to to pauuucu nun .. -... ,onj oacn day, $15; third, each day,
Conditions All saddles to be
range saddles weighing not less than
for three days wins. Stoora drawn Riders not in 'mono) paiu - lo ' twenty-flvo pounds; riders' to wear
Up on Business.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Polndexter
aro In tho city today attending to
business affairs. Mr. Polndexter has
a ranch a fow miles down the river.
are belug made at the Llskey ranch,
In Swan Lake Valloy, where, four
mean buckers were tried out and ac
cepted by Acord and Simpson, la ad
dition to furnishing bucking horses,
tho Llskey ranch is preparing a fast
relay string, and will also have a
chariot quartet and t team of cow
boys In tho tug of war. i
Go to the I'estlvnl.
Henry Bolvln and daughtar, Mlta
Pnirl I.olvln, have gono to Pgrtl.-tri'd
Jto attend the Rose Festival.
Seven Perish Frora Fire
Contestant to to paddock utter race. Each rider
rutch and throw stoor with tmro hands to wear ninco costumo with chaps and . ?l0
and hold with toeth. Uost total time spurs, umitou 10 twenty nuum.
not In ' monoy paiu i to i
and furnished by management, Kach mount.
contestant nllowod ono holpcr to haze Tug ot War-Purso $15 each dny.
steer down track. Time to bo taken Conditions tour cowooys to team,
from drop of Hag until contestant's Kach team to start facing center. Not
hands mo In nlr Contestant mint to start pulling until starting gun.
eonipoto nil throo days unless oxcurod 'Teams to pull two minutes. Center
by iniinagouieut for reason. mark denotes winner. Teams having
Hull Riding contest Each rider to center mark on tholr sldo of lino at
tecelvo $5 per mount. Tlmo taken finish wins. Snmo horses and rldora
from tlmo bull la turned loose. Long- to bo In each team all throo days un- iimn on hull during any ot tlio, less excused for cause uy manage
throo days. First nrlzo. bridlo con
tributed by Farmers' Implement nml costumes with chaps and spurs.
smmlv House. i Chariot itaco 'teams oi i uorBes-
Holoy Race (3-day evont) Pure Purs $100; first $75, second 25
. ..oo wv'i -i - luitru prizu win uoi
'mont. Alt contestants to wear rnngo I fmir horses compete.
........ i . -" -
full raugo costumo consisting of rang
hats, chaps and spurs; winning horse
of llrst day's evont to lay oft second
duy and compute In finals In third
day. Deposit of $20 required that
horso will compete each day unless
excused by management. Deposit will
bo returned if this condition is com
piled with, Second prlxo will not bo
paid unless throo horsos competo and
be paid unless
Qu-irtor-mllo Indian Race (Indian
(Continued on page 4)
Many Others Badly Injured When Tenement Burns
United Prtjss Service
NEW YORK. Juno 10. Five per
sons were burned to, death, and two
moro were killed by Jumping from
tho Are escapes, while many moro
were seriously Injured during a Are
pltal, some ot whom are fatally a
Jurad. ' ,
Ono woman was found at a fifth
floor window with a child In her arau,
both burned to death. ' '
Colin. Shapiro, Hying on the first
floor, gave the ularm. a twojnlautes
which occurred In a tenement house tho flro CgCape3 on the bull'dlng, which
at No. 90 Essox street, In tho Last 1 vas a sample teneraont, weresMochsd
Side, whore New York's population, wttn the panic stricken "lBBtiM4Br
is densest.
Four women, two men and a child
are dead, two women, two chlldron
and four men aro In Qouvernor's Hos
time the-fire department hd ar- ; m
od, tho f ear-craaed h- -, ',
mini' to lumn from the bslldlair to '' ' I
ginning to Jump from the bslldusg to
llin nftVAtnnnt i H K ' 4
' j '"Huh t ifV -j