- 4 r ' M Iteralifr PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS kLAMATH FALLS' y OFFICIAL NEWSPA?BR i:iiitiiti Ywir s, u.mxi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914 Price, Five Oaats h u0mtt0 SCHUMANN-HEINK AWARDED DECREE; ; THREE PROPOSALS t l ulY Mil: IS 'Mill (il.li IIIUMAHIi to Jiiil.r lilllrtli lillrili, I tic Jill) In Mr. turn it Yrrtllil tor Nnltil hiiiln-. In I It lllum Anion .iunliiti . ILxiii IU' Jr. ntlf i.t itlan. inil. iulle himI Ctilmiiii Mini lli in Mmr) I'm' )UiUim t IliliJ I'll .S liu CHICAGO, Jutio V Jiule.. 8ulli tan lU) mulaliHil i, nmlluii uf llin attorno; fur MaiUiiio He liiiiiidim llrllik, ami il I r v(i tti Jim to rind lpfdlrl (or Imr III Ittf illti.ii? .tilli'li .lu.t William Itapp Jr M a irnll, lltci iiidiIuiiix l JuIjiI ml tillirv il a ttuiniiinri.1 llui hc oulit cr ft ilt-(if, I ho ilie. ((- tinlJ melted thr-n piopiwal. One u iir-v rt)iul (riUU A 1 Illt.lCd nun. mill frrolted lit ixVgrniu Hutu U Alit. ninl I In- Until h ,sv Yorker, rall.il ui ii Un- t ! "I (lull not many (In, !! (lie madam IimU) ' am eiiliiK u alit I mn not 'Vii Kiting to nine much an mure, t bate riiuu.h tuuiic tu rr tr my children. I m entirely happ). now (tint I ru devote in) tl(r io my clilldrn od w) uiualr," Cumiuvulluc llo uulrumr of llio re lu frUltd. Wiu ltpp, the tiuituuj, remarked "I bad about a much chnci lu ptMiul tti dltorre a a celluloid cat rbl an a-bnati. rat lhrouh Aid. " .Will (or Vtlt. MUi HiMicr Itevd. I'ollie Jlldao Uav lift aiuUtant. hat gotio to I'ortUud to tt.nd the KlMfl Keltlval. At W-d j h mat MlH Carrie r'tnta'r, who ban' Im-vii tlalUki lb California, and to went nottk (ogothar. ii... (liurrh t'nUm Not IWwUdn In hi annual add rem to tbu dloctwo of MlMourl of the rrotratant EpUco- ll church, Itlght Itev. Daniel H Tut. tin, bUliop, declared that all hop" of t.'hrlatlan church unity wa vain. Th Hunan Catholic, ln utaied, rn utf blul.lU. . a a. ...bll Hit I bill tar at ft) jiomiu uu i up hib. "'-... othr churchra. Arrordlng lo '"'". V- m, V i.7 Vrne vlawa, church unity I. handicapped ln.l Kid Wllllnm. who l.aa prnc by bag. In" over money mallera.'UrMly eM-r, other man of 1,1. volgbt Jeedy amhlUon and the play of a.,- '" '"" ''k " ' w"rU: , tlinent to the parent n-llclon Coulon. frenh from tlmo eek In the ("nllfninla iiiouiilnlna. clulma to IMblle and private rorimrnto Im- ha renihed IiIh old tlmo condition. ITOvemunt .t..l..rtnkiiii nt Aalur A and under way aggregatt- H.Ooo.mitl. and will be imaliel to n fluUli within a ywir. Busy Meeting of Council NaimCAmmitlees: SliIiiiivovementMattenUp ' Tho following commllteo appoint..." " f"' Mo h l,l' "'J"0" " menta were mado by Mayor Nlcholiis list of all city property In tholr poa- Motiitny night and upprmud by . .. .!... council. Judiciary Tho whole council. Finance -Lollo Rogor. II. H. Ow ens and II. J, Lockwoml. HiieeU Hen Owen, O. D. Mat ihow and J. 11. Ilmnlllon, rlrn II. J. Lockwood, J. II Hn lljou and O. D. Matthew. Wtr O. . Matthew a, llJ l.ockwood and J, H, Hamilton, Light J. II. Hamilton, II. J. Louie wood and O, I), MuttheWH, Police II. J. Lockwood, J. II. Hamilton and 1). H. Owen. Pound 11, B, Oweni, Lesllo llngur 'ltd J. II. Hamilton. Wharf and waterfront H. J. Lockwood, J. II, Hamilton and Letlto Uogtra. K rtgolutloa waa puiad by tho council directing all tho department Dynamite Found Secretary w3""aBE gt .1HHiHMIll If I I WJf JIM i ' ' B ""'"a' I& E&1'P1 1F -V BE. Z? 'V Baaaaal fir 5ra&l Mr Bi& Ktil!)- I H S-I. KFtJXaflaVaVaW. , ' 1-1 ir&' .aflaV aLLLLLLLW I aiaTaTaKiBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaW aTal avaVaVaVJBTaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaBaalMBV .iaLLLLLLLLLLLLLHI BrarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararJH ffarararaTararlrararararararararararararararararara1 9' aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTamarl ! L SLTaTaTaTJlVftZ. KMl B - BaBBBBBaTt') Tt BBBBBBBaT1''' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB It"! IL BBBBBBBBBaC V t M 111 K bbbbbbbbbbW4.AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI b9 Tb btilldliie ' th. iiKrH-iilt'iii'l ' . . -i.i.,. ... II.. .wn parimrnl In Waahlntcion m blow,, Into ..cltpmcnt r.rrntly by Hie ill.- covrry of run Mick of ilyimmtt In a room Imtniotlatety undrr th" oilier oi Kecrrlary David K llounlun A ttalcb- T TITLE AT STAKE fiiAJiriu.'x joii.i."'- WII.I. ENTER Till. RING AITER A YEAR'S RIWT. TAKING O.V Kill WILLIAMS llultvd I'm rtce I.OS ANGELES. June 9. After an iitmcnce from the rlllK of rW )'",'" llantamwolRlit Chnmplou Jnlinny Con- i ,.i ,m.. in..lirl.l Wlllllilui trniueit ni ui si-u n..v,.r. and he. too. iMina to bo lu perfect ahapo. The McCnrny diamond belt (Will go to Wo winutr. - I BANTAMWEIGH . ll.k. l t ilta u uiulnil ..( Tti.. mnvnr nllllOtl II111L II1U iHlrcct commissioner and llro chlof had I in.,. 1 mi. invmitorv of iironurtr In their ;i(.kiBloii, but that new Hutu could bo Hied, and theso .could bo checked with tho old ones, Tho bond of the city treasurer waa pluind nt fliMQU. This Im Iho Hamo niuiiiinl wai rouulroil during tho lust pint of thu pnst torui. A bond of f 10,000 was approved by tho council und iih tho blind favoring MM00 ro mnliider oxplroil nt tho Ih'kIiiiiIhk f thu prosont turin, u now bond will bo (urnlaliod by tho treasurer. A petition algnml by n number of clllions was presented to thu council nsklni: tho iippolntment of John A. 7,loii an paving Inspector on Third street. Tho city engineer . , . . a .i..k (Contluutd on page t) Under Houston's Desk m" ttr '"'"'K I'181''"1 "n,1"r orrt't l ll" WnnhliiKliHi pollr.-. roiifcMl , , f(j()m )n o((Jfir (() ,,,, fl llrro, After )l(. ,rll i( lf run ..cnwrnlnit tbrouuli tb bulldltiR Hint lit tmn louna a bomb. CIRCUS LICENSE FEE IS RAISED c;0UL0N'0LI ORDIVANCK IS REVAMFEU, T(l MAKi: THE CHARGE I0O A- DAY, IXSTVD OF A FOURTH OF THAT AMOUNT 1 Clrx'use win uareauer n,c iU n-, ,condk suicide within ten daya oc-, u llcan.o fee of X00 a day. lntead jcurrt,d flve , from nero at 9:3oi of $C, If an ordinance which faa 'lSimday mornlng. when Milton A. troduced Monday night la pawed. ,ook B aogo of strTcUnlM. Tho city ha bivn operating under ,onK n(, the two cn,ldren had nu ordinance regulating llcnw'',tftrtHl t0 ci,urch.. but only went about which wm imaaeu ' aj """ Klnmath Fall wan Uio town oi i.inn- vlllo. and oino Hum ago the old couu ell Inatructed the city attorney to draft an amendment to the ordinance, niUlug tho ItceiiHe of circuses from t5 a dny to $100, and nlso wordlug IL ho a to cover dog and pony shows iiporatlug In tents and cnclosurea. This ordinance was Introduced Monday night, and passed to IU sec ond reading, but will , prouaniy ue umonded. us It U bulleVed that tne wortllng of the portion covering dog nnil pony ahnwa la too uroau. n portion of the amendment now read iik follew: , "Nvery ouuuiua, ". . .... w Hpnft or arena, where team 01 u-i-1 maimhlp or ncrobaUo Ceata or eporia that ViUUlttllUlHlk mHViiw-p h. -.-- ho was afraid that thla might bo con Htrued to cover local ontortulumonts and ball games, and ho would aak to I Imvo It worded different beforo final pussngo. lieim for Trip. Miss Siullo Maxwell of Bonania left this mornhiK tor I'ortla-d, whore sho w 111 bo one of tho party of young wo men Phil 8. Rules of the Pacific North west will take tr Washington, D. (' Tho party will stop at all the principal plnres of Intoreat. going and roturn - lug by different routes, Mlaa Maxwell Iiiih u supply of advertising matter, and will boost Klamath Falla on r peregrination. . , . v.,..n. 1.. Auto ." r. ..., n m M-rv. ll,i r u iutg u - ,; "1' m l d to bStan- 1. ..,. utuvi...i rri ciiriiinu u . ;mat.tr. and ttk. In the ,Ko.e- Show, .MOVK.MKNT HTAII1K I'Olt ANOTHKH Tltr.V UAIKV Hup toward ankliiK the Soulh Tn I'acIDc to aKttIn put on tin afternoon train orrlco will b taken ut totilKbt'x meeting of tic Klnmntli ChBtnlur of Coru inurci'. Till U tbi member' inorilnK) mill many oiIht Import iinl multi-r will lie conrldrrod. ntimiii: otbrr lb lnn for tb trl-cuiinty mectlutj to b beld Inn1, at which thn bent mvthodH of nilwrtlilnn Sout(iern OrcKon' xcnlc point will to iluciiird, THE GRAND JURY witvkssi: FOit HfATi: s.w m: rM: twsr ihutU o.v amsovc. , i:VlllK.t'K l5 lTIU)IlL'('i:'l i. Tair; ii:fkxhi OluriO'd with aiaUHlriic J. II. An Kuti! wlili jt daunctftc t.cniion, John Idiiliain. nn employ of the LonKi l.liki. I.utnbor COIOP31. bmiiiil oVir to awalifllu' ai Ktund Jury. Tin hrlng ib last night aillou Of the wot beld In Juxlkc Uowcn'ff court, the hour U- Ink' onv that did not Interfere with Uk opcrntlon of tbokilll, wberu the a&nault occurred. j Snveral wltnemi re put ou the bland for the atata. . They tettlfled that Uonham attkF Amove with x nnthook at th Bill, knocking him tiom the carriace. No testimony wai lllroduCcd by tb a defense. MACDOELITE BOES BY POISON ROUTE ic SECOND SUtnDE THERE WITH- BONHAMBOUfSD TO IN TEN DAYS NO REASON AH-here lhU afternoon for tj,e Tenth N. CRIBED FOR THE SUICIDE OF.'tlonal Peace Congress ot Graat Brit M. A. LONG (Herald Special Service) MACDOEL Calif. June 9. The i,nif ,. lui when Mrs. Long decided to return to her uusoauu, wno unu been acting queerly during the morn ing. As sho neared the house her husband ran out und fell Into her arms, murmuring uu ii i? -- tor." Doctor was summoned, but death came before hi arrival. Thu deceased was a native of Iowa, lomlng west bevoral year ago. Ha owned a good farm, waa out or debt, and seemed proauerous and healthy. No reason for tho raah act la known. " Undertaker Earl WhlUock or Klam ,.,.,! timk chareB of the remains AUTO ROAD SIGNS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE OF TIRE COMPANY INDUCES GOOD RICH FIRM TO MARK ROADS IN CRATER LAKE - oa,i from Klamath Falls to prAter !.., wilt be fully marked with U)llll gIW n,u ear. These road signs un, ,0 Du jU,i p n a short time by Jtlic Goodrich Rubber company, a well 'known automnbllo tire concern. ' The matter waa taken up with the Itoncem last year by the Dunham Uuto company, the local agent. Mop contract, (or the 1MB crop are jbelhg made at 18 c.nU. :l s'iiii i-r,l""tA,a' - ,s kctkd "ERve-Year-OId Strangles WILL MARK ROUTE CITY HALL WORK HELD UP A WEEK OltlllN.tVf I, WTHOItl.ISU f.. inM-r with rot'i'M i!UOTin:its wii.i. m:'.iiiTiu xr s.vrrit. imv xirairs simsiov . Work on the new rlty bull will not 'bcKln until next week, tut II waa ton- Id(ir'd loit to alt until after Satur- ,day nlebt, uhtn th-nnllunrirr nutlior 'izli'K a routract between tbe city anil Coler llrothera will be formally ulop 'ted, Tl.e ordinance wag Introduced Moivlwy "'K! ' ' J'-''ed It ec .iind icail'iiK. ml Wif" (oinicll then too a rt.--n until Saturday iiIkIii, ut wbErb time It will bo placed ou It flm I im'kdro and adopted, Unt-uhf tonirift betwten the cltj i nd irmtrartetB -aj reid to the coviirll and wiii favorably reo-lved TbI runt tint inotl.W for a penally of J2', a day for failure of the con traitom m complete the bulldlnK by iJimuiiry I. ll'ir. A number of rlnnnet; In the orig inal pl.tis .iinl sre."illcnilonH have been u?FeaieiJ by the ltj. and these charm-en, with the additions or reduc tloi 5 In com. will be drawn up a sup ples jental article! und attached to the contitct. PEACE C0N6RESS NOW IN SESSION TENTH ANNUAL SESSION IX GREAT BRITAIN WILL DISCUSS MANY WEIGHTY GUTTERS THIS WEK United 1'reaa Service LIVERPOOL, June . All klnda of political, aoclnl, religious, educa tional, labor and co-operatlva organ Ixatlon were repreacnted by the 500 dle nt who met nt th Church Hall ain, under the nrealdency of Lord 1.. . ......... L i Lnanning oi weuingourouBu. . Particular Interest attaches to thei Particular Interest attaches to tuei (congress this year ou account of the. visiting her daugnter anu son, Missjma(Je by 3 Browa. 4,j ! ProP-niUon " ls expected to make ln,Pcarl MTieeler and Dr. Wheeler, re-, june 4 The charge, of .Obstruct coBBecuua nu in- iuiuruuiius ii.iucu iuaj u " .uuw.. - ..v. conference at The Hague. return trip was made In Miss Wheel-f Among the special queitlous to bof's ew Studebaker car. and Miss dlscuaeed are: Immunity of private property In uaval warfare, floating mlnea. rlghu ot neutrlls. the effect of armament expenditure on commerce and Industry, the effect of militarism ou wages, and tho promotion of lu-( ternatlonnl peace through unlversl- ties and schools.- Tho congress will be In aeaslon four days. 'TEI!8nElL;Boy Dies Under EiKer DUAnu mtLio1 1DENT AND ALBERT E. ELDER i IS AGAIN SECRETARY OF THE ORGANIZATION The following oQlcers havo been chosen by tho now board of directors of the Klamath Water Users Associa- J tlon; President Abel Ady. Vlco President John Irwin. Socretary Albert E. Elder. Troasurer J. W. Siemens. 1 California AgentJ. J. Board. 1 Ady, Irwin and Elder aro all re- elected, as they havo all dono efficient work for the Irrlgutlonlsts for several years past. Monday uiornlug Ady leu for Washington, where ho goes to work for tho passage of tho extension bill which gives the water users twenty yoars In which to pay off the reclama tion costs. Over 100 airloads of machinery .went Into the now Are proof saw mill ut Springfield; tuat-wlll b operated entirely by electric power. . Governor of Sonora in a New Fight ftfMy HbbbbbV bbbbbKSA aBBBBat:5f; -:K BBgBJBBBHAy,SBBgii BBBaaBBBT'?;i-- yHBBBBBB ' aBaafflBaWiBBBBBB B?r &llwMBBBBBBBaT hu'aBBMBMBMj BBBaf BBbV wvv wvv bbbI bbbI BBBBBBBBBaBaLmlF BBaPIBBf bbT- y ' BBKBBP''vlgBBB.' BBaaBBBax - aeeHaLj.- BBFfiPjj'rMgBaVr v '' A rebellion wufln tho rebellion against the Mexican government has hroken out In Sonora. one of the pros-' leroiis northep Utes of Mexico, now under the control of the constitution - allsts. Friends of Governor Jose Maria Maytorcna, who has been con sidered very close to General Carran za, the chief of the constitutionalists, have been fighting with the followers of General Alavaaa UDregon. tne stltutlonallst loader. In Jaurez it was Mid that General Villa was planning .and C. O. Brown arrested, "charged to send troops" into' Sonora to restore, with assault without V-aeadly wea order. He also declared he favored ponT'complaJarBjady.by Coja VJyland. ..oiM.ni. laotirti Tmnm otntlnnnrt st Also arrested UDon charce ol robbery. Nogales and at Cananea were rushed to Hermosllo on special trains. It Is (Also arrested upon charge, or ait reported that tb Yaquls have de-!clous and wanton destruction, of a clared open warfare against the fac-,Ience, complaint made 'byCowrWy tion opposed to Governor Maytorena. I alnd. All bouporSrbe grand and that they are being supplied with Jury. v arm and rations by the federals at May 29 W. F. WylanU and Clar Guaymas. ,ence Hunt arrested, charged with ob- 'structlng highway, complaint made by jirtunis to nancn. Mrs. J. u. wneeier. wno nas neenjCommlgsjoa ot a telony, complalBV .' - "aruea. uo ou ov- "- P'"". accompanied them to -see that ," accident occurred. Returns to Fort. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Soulo returned to their homo In Fort Klamath today., n(,er a short business visit In the couuty seat. The following statement was glveu the Herald this afternoon by Elder 2 11 Tlarlnn rasrarrilni? thn am! death of hi. Uttlo sen: - "U Is my desire to have the pub- He know tho straight of how nyiInrian, who died Monday while com- little boy's death occurrea. as i"jlng 0t from under Uie Influence of, opinion seenia to have 6uj forth ' nueathetlcs. will bo hurled tomorrow that blame should be attached tOint , 0.C0Ck ,,, m, 'rnT'funeral ser some of tho four doctors In attend-. ycca w. bo conUuctea by tho Minis-" nnce. Doath was duo directly to term, Af:SocIatloTi. and thn slnglnrr strangulation. wm be by all the alngersjor ho city, "Tho administering of tho aues-j xho singers, ot allurch'es are ln thetlc Mas entirely successful, the vlted to meet this' evonin "at the operation, also successful, was Christian church to nrratuw a pro nearly completed when the little mam for tho song service. Rar.jHar fellow, becoming uauseated by tliotau m8 received many telogramVto- anesthetlcs, began to vomit. Inhlaidny from friends nt hla old home Int seral-consclous condition, ho tried to brenthe, sucking some of thocpndolenco. m . MV .! ...klannA t a Im il ifnm .t nil Intn tlld mi.n .. .rA i.ifAlMi aaUn windpipe, causing strangulation, "I was present throughout the entire tlmo, and I wish to state that tho nttondlng physicians did every- .v.i ...ul.l k .nt nt hnmnn nnR. .mm -i.ui.u.r..-. - - . THREE ARRESTS MADE TODAY AL CRYSTAL CREEK THIS TIME THE IIKOWXS ABE IK IRXrfcWTf For the Fifth Time In the Laat-Few Weckx, Klauiath County la Fajrinic Officer Mllrneo to Serve Crlmlaa! WarrantN und Subpoenas la an jVp- I (tarently EncUeai Xetghborhood ! ' Squabble. ' '' ' , t ' For the fifth time In the laal two weeks an officer of thc'law- Jfturncyed to CrysUl Creek today to' serve war rnnui of arrcJt on aome of! the bellig erent In the Crjntal Creek feUd. Thla time S. A. Ilrown.'rtU. G., BroEttand O O. iirown aru the defendant, and they are, charged' with the" destruction of, a fence. They wH hAeiiid thla afternoon W BherlSC.fC?.Ucjw. These tasts are comlngj Into court regularly, and at et the" only thing 'that baa been accompllahed haa been 'the running up of mileage chargea "against the county by officer with 'warrants of arrest, 'officer' irRh aub tpoenaB to aervetand wlaeaaas sum moned to appear. j A synopsis of the troMe5heTT got Into court follews: """ May 10 W. F." Wylanit ntl 'CH r-. ence Hunt, greeted, ifilff' structlng a highway: Cor Wyfend, lliancn ana Irene uoage ana atiiarea Vose arrested, charged with threat ening and advocating the cemmhwloa of a felony. These arrettawere upon complalnU filed' by S.fA. 'Brown. All were bound to the grand jury. May 22 3. A.'Brown'.T.'G. Brown con-jwere uuuuu to m ra jury. j complaint .made bjr ,. Mlldredr yoae..r j . S. A. Brown. Also arrested on charge of advocstlns; and threatening the ing n jugnway agaiitst ti yrrB,T .t-1 Hunt dUmtssed by Justice qt Jhe Peaco c0wen after a hearing, t June, 8 Civil ault-brought against Mr and Mre.'D.i;BrWr)HS?C.?ll.lA. ana j-, 0 Brown. bf-rsWyli-d through Stone -f'Gal4, asking an In- Junction to' restrain' Brown9rfr0m,'go-',J Ing on her homestead. - June 9 S A. BrawnC P.J0IWA and Fred G. Brown arrested, charged .with wilful 1 destruction of fence.,, . . n ' While BeingOperated Oil , --Elder 8. p. HarlM. . r l - ' l.Ittlo Brooks Harlan, tho C-year- oW 0f Elder and Mrj, H(de?'9VP. (Missouri, oxtendlng '-yrapathyKandj ttlbllltles to save( the leUlo fellow's j life. It was one of thono accidents that nothing could haVeTirevent'ed.'' 1 operation at tho iliaehta"deth"'6'c5cl f ted. According to hla pareatg i.Myfffi! , v eleven hour9 had elapsed btw tir j&, tlmo'he Inst ate and. whehewjft M ; f thn nnnretlse table. ..V-i.U i.A'h " .- -' j -- .-- ,, ,,., T,,, ju.v. I i ?--t i . -1.2 v: tit'