MUMMY, JUNEN, Hill THE ISVKN1NG HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I'AtM n M; hakh M Vanguard of Women Is Active in Chicago PnlM Pres Hervlre Hi Y'urnti ,,ni,t t.ln.nm , j'HK'AMO, Juno fc. Tim viiiiijiitiHi t ii.uiouiit tiroiiriMi aiII ri..lrf i the 10.000 iir.iiji io Hut iw..inii ,,", "",i tiUniilxl einviiltn of llin ilMiitrnl A r"'llloii In honor uf Mrs. P.nuy-Pnli-raiiuii of Woman's lul. to h VV9T "'"' ' " Bolflra of railed lulu pluii iiunrriw nrrlwj.t ""1 '"dwailnii and i (tailing roe Hi I hirago today, l"r' "" w' M'' " "- llHlat Vnr or nulnmoliile. nihuy nf turlft i.vhiIiik. Juno n, l to in., tltrtn ilrlvt i) by Infnl . Inl) nw-n. "'" ,,,B ,IUl!,1 mm "' ,,,p '" l, tin. fair vUltor away from Uo" n J""" " "Hanwl Biimlny". llm v.tlmts rttlly station u. ih.. M '"'"''"I tvU( in honor nf Mm . litre"! miIiU lit ih loop iiuinu r... , M'' f l "of nf OenvpT nod, ...Mml for lite "tK. H.r.iriK '" ' tm,r" " ,,oM"r "f ll5o frill Pioi.i ninal! linmlxM In ll. laiK.Hi '"' ,,rM '" """ Auditorium Unlit w... ,llle In tho I'ultp.l Him.- lumii . '"" l'n,, '"" l"" " n U' of- mm I" 'arlli' lit U iXir,.. f,r "' "'" iln In Im tut"' f the mom liioiiiniiliinin l.'l.fiinti nf oUIi'm I trbeitnlrHi for calliprlne of fKitilnltip foU irr lnttil Titostlay, Jmm in. with titnuillallon . m Amrrlrn Tor ten dam the ion. ""untiles Uto following ilny. wbon rniltii l in lie In omuIoii m of "10 r,f' ttwl n' 'be tsirtUIr will IliC .) Ill b dnVlil.M to mtuMrlH. ,mr" ''" fnllllCil. lion of prating niieailtimi Of dm day 'I lie l.Ul two day. Jim 11 nud 10 Willi Mr IVrry V IVitiDpArker tll be i ov.r io minor nrlal si- nf Austin. Texas, pfeililrtit of tlm lair. WUi nn.i Him o lti). fotlrrnllott on liantl iMily in oviu Ml'lilgnn ' ' lli KMierftl urt inr.'-oiriil. hiiIi Mr lirorec !. rhnlfiiun nf Km loral "" " IilptiliUI niufu. uu ll .Irian ua. rillllln fur rOtttlllMllii; llir mOi.ln rli hi I lio ilaUltiitii'M f fin riiii-ncror)' Iiimii rori't. r iiiiiii Ithynlrlniia nl i .Viittllorlum llin.r. hrrn I ! t'oitvpiiiloti I in tin ii Tli" orMMn of tin frijrraiimi' riiilil' U lii liflliE III n Iikii. Hut i. Al Hull I'lmirUro Mornlm lOJ trrevtil mi 'I Imilliii tin. im nil " " iiillnii Affi-rllnr "Oman ili. ic, in !" Anr.fUm 8 1 IpIika lh.i urlhllli-t of Hi., ttiiitums Outlnllit 0 I tluti iltirliiK 1I10 prnttMlltiK iMr. Ita nn) Holm, flatimf. ICtIIIIr tnl 10 iimp MH n iirocrjin fnr mill- nni1 AltanJ.'r. 1 im nclliin in ticlirr ili niaiiu of Afirrnoon emim I oituoUliul. H. . I). ' Wdiif. Uvr.f), tiilulmuni acr for l AttKClrg I h 21 rniivri. ilrr fpform. crtiilrtr dama Onklnml Z S I uioksinc aiiiimIIiui in Dm lioinr. to- IIiikIk- ami llrookn; MnlnrK) ami tallfttial tialnlnc nml protlloil of Mill. t, iinmlcrntil jioiiicii fnun rxploiia. Al Um Anerl." - lion, am a fp f 11 iit.ji to m It Hi: on 1 by Hip coiivnilloii llsn KroitrUrn ..... .2 ' I l'ul.i hpalili. art Illriary Wnlro ' 'J I ilrntlmi orh ntnl roti'ratloti at I.IkIIi-IiI, llnilmiii ami S.'pnlril. aiimtie oilirr loplri in l.n liriuiKht in Kn ppor nml nilioti Starboard Bow of the Storstad as She Reached Montreal After Sinking Empress of Ireland 'an br law directed. Aai lh 'cccds ot mid Ml will b apftnMl iho payment of U diaaiM, coata cxpetKoii legally Incurred, aad la ,cm, If any, will bo retain by , Oowon, JuttUo of ths Pec, or oucewsor In offlco for th period iIx month. And If aald aua ot aoi to field ihall not be called for Ik tlmo, iho name will be deposited a jiiaiuic in naid canes made and p rlded. ' DatrdMay 20, ihi. w W. L. MONTOOMERT.; 1 2C-3-10U eP-jH YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE RESULTS wmn 1 'At I'ortlaml -! No r.mi rain Al Han rriirln I 1 1 li t - -V Jf i3ataa3B&tiiajpj9a"!5B3BB if?. th r iii i fPr-B' igw':twffBBBigaMaMSSifiafc!Sfe"JTi T, JJiit-Tau-W.-j.'- 'jT -" g.e7fet.y,t-;r''?'?T" 'r;''PPBBaalBWaWaWaWaMtiiuJjiafti . w V'li tfc d? StJ .Notice to Credttera In tlm County Court of tbo Stat Otecau, In and for Kit on County, Vr.ll,... I. I.A..U -I..'- .u. ..... .rv .t..lku i.w.vv t'.BU llll. (IIQ umv ', having been duly nppolit? ed Ly order of tbo county court f Klinatli county, Orojon,admlnItr4 or of the fstatc of Eliza M. qulrab'y dofeau'd, l.avliiR qualified ita auch adj mlriltrutor, all person having clalMl ygalniit sM 'docfarod of whatsoovii iiitmo or nature is horcby directed aSdt required to present said claim diiW r t trrlCi-d ar hy law reaulrod, within a months from the dale of tbo 11 rut pub tlsetion of this notice to h.-ild admlia Utratnr for nllownnce and approval, Said claim' to bo filed with K. IJ8 ::il!ctt. altornry for ,ald estate, at$ 212 Wllllti bnlldlng. Klamatlr Pallid J3 Oregon, that b'elng, the place for tfcV ' trsnwctfon or the business of said e& , ,iatr,mt publcatldniof;tfilielcl atp.1 tlie CI h day or June illjj, J. W. JOHV, Administrator. i:. lr. ELLIOTT, Attorney. ffg e.I3-S0.S?.4h. . v,.iAt4 .- I A V , ft !f ?l ttSJiwM; BREATHE FREELY! OPEN NOSTRILS AND STUFFED HEAD-END World's Chamber ot Commerce in Session PABai, m I Equity No.58fi. Register Cp.lM) in Ui circuit Court ot the State of "T Oregon. ia and for 'the County . . of Klainath. , " ., ", ft iJo!m A. Myrrs. Plalnttfj ? ' vv "" v. - '"i? (Mary K. Meyers. Defendaut. iTo Mary B. Meyers, Defendant: j In the name of the state of Oregon, j you are hereby required, to appear and answer the complaint of plali jtirr filed in this suit against you om or before the 8th day of July, 1914. that belug the date set, In the order of .... - the above entitled court for your ap- 'rharacter) and with a view to pro-'the by-laws of the International Con-jpearance and answer In the order for mrlnc their phraslnR. sress of Chambers of Commerce asjpubltcatIon of summons. Issued 'la ti Project of type bill of lading. , voted at Malln In ISOS. .this suit; and, if you fall to so ap- . uniform n.i to general conditions, for (pear and answer, plaintiff will apply irasuui or regular lines 01 sieam navi- n-urate Information about the'1" """ cour Ior toc reiiei www i!ltfin In npilii. te tipmpiiI Kiran. I .... . - .. Kiln Vila uf.1.1 Mmnlilnl wur ffu'i n...,w... ... u.v. . ,'....., .v u.sw.u ..-. ,,-,,, ll.,n feM I'l.limiJ, lUUf". - " ., w... v v. nncles, deception or uncertainty. Main I 7 National and International iu-. ("jpjrijjhi. 19H, by I'ndcrwood & Underwood) Tim collier Storstad crept up tlip St. Lawrence llltor to Montreal Mowly after she had .unk the Hmpreas of Ireland with 3C7 passengers in the lower river Her marboard bow was turn away n th result of tlu collln'on. A hole large enough for several ram to enter gaped above the water line The Injury had not been so serious dial the water could enter her hold, as It did In the case of the Empress of Ireland. No sooner had the ves .d nrrlvid ibnn n ivnrrnnt v.a served on the captain, nnd she wn taken In chaw by the authorities of the Canadian government. The government will nauw a ri-iumiMioii to make n rlld inquiry Into tbo caunes of the collision. This will be composed of ome of the highest officials In the gov 'inuiMii servHe and H ili flu the blnmi after hearing all the witnesses bo can bo found. tal money orders. 8r-UnlflcatIon of legislation on CATARRH .checks (for report from the London ' committeo). ' tlubjcrlbe for the Herald, 60 cents month. I tilled l'irn Survlre I'AltlH, June S Ou of the great- on nrrangementa inciuun lunry ineetlug of the French commit- In March laitt. 9 Modifications and additions to HoutiekeepluK rooms, near bridge. lotUut llcf Wlirit .Mr ami Head ltlr n(itrll, inttralri and heals tlm ,i cotntnerclal KathnrliiKs Paris has Art. Uil Krwwi a Cul.l. Wop ltInjiinril, pollen uieuiltraoe blch', w.r H,,ir,ul,11.a convned hero today ,iay tiurnargra, i.uu iirauacue lurl ,(. nMa, u.B, and throat; vanulira. rleai air nnmliCfTi. stons nasty ills- I Itosult of iho bureau on tho ro-. ...1. j r.lil a I n ...I .... l.n r.idntlll 1111. . f It urn th.. opciilny. hi'Silon of the , ,, ., ' 1 ' ihv tireceillnir concrMm. nnrtlculnrly rharttr. and a filing of cleansing S!lUl liilcriinlloiuil ConBioor Cham- Qn Ul0 nll,.0l, relating lo tho dnte Try "Kly'a Cream tlalm " .ootlilnt. relief conirs Immediately u'r "r tommerco. t namucrkJJt urn- of ,;MU.r to the nxU). ot thli calendar llel a .mall bold, auy.ay. Ju.t ,o ., . , ,,,, l0UlKll, ,trUK. '"'"'J "" 'l""?, 6nJ 10 t0 staUs,,ro- tr, I.-Applr a ll..l In the Nostril. , for brwUl sll ll0acl ituffw,. y- ;; ,indu,fr; I, Zno Amcr:, ' -l',im' ot lh,s tornattonnl ac " '""" ...or rlo..d .,,,. ,, rlM.d. Ita king and Wooing JJ f u a, Sp" ,Un and BuSlah ,lon lmt wMr M- '" M.HVt,d.t,p air .masage. of die l,?d C-Urr , , w, u ,, " "' J, ..I.U a, d tng. ah icwo ot llStlns ,eBW.tIon. lll npxli, XIII litralliP irrvty ,. ,,,,... ,irnini, nln , . . 3 Pnlfleallon of lenlsliitloii rola- W FOR TIRED SORE.ACHINGFEET Legal Notices i . Katray Notice 'Stuto of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: V. 1,. Montgomery, One i. ..H.. r.....l. (.lies rumu iiiiijuiu iiiiu miivi muiuw. I.trallir frrvly. . . ...UP,)Ug .ironiilng into the ....,..,.. .lull I I....U.I.. .II..M,nr lit i . I"' " I.'" """ " " " :". ' tbroal. ami raw ur)Ues i nireing tuortilna. dn tatarrh. ro tl tflicatl or ... ,,. i mil iriiiy ih-cuit. ralarrbal sore throat will dlsappsr. , ., rui )uur iuiiii Tin. rongreus lit meeting In tho nm now rcuei. .o more tirea tees; vs. ' ? a UJ?'MF tfZU .,? l nknon Owner of Eatray: vU eaTlou or bunions. No matter what Krey gelding about U years old, alls your feet branded I on left shoulder. I or Uhat under .BV Tl,.,l mH U' I. lnnlnmrv illil nn tlvo to arbitral procedure for solving Jthe ; sun you've WW Ahrll sl, 19l4 ake up and at aU nnii.llh,.al(.r or tin. Snrbnrnno. U"P",P eeen ciuieiii m i"i '" ".".. i ,,, ,, M.n Wn In hi. nftaB. tltdt AHaa In 1'i. Iluf ,t n lt.k .ItiinilUSJAil fit ,OUIltrI?i. 1...L .... uTtr iXTsisssssiT '-t . !.. ....IK.J ..,.. m.w., K..d .tici .er ..i det n....... " '"""""'"..." z '. . v" v. ""z ".- " ; : ii.n.,i nf .h.. ,,. ,i.,i '"Spi" ,?l aTsUB i! "' . c """ "?"" "!".!: r ' lIJ 1 li'Mlli ! li mms jwsss 4U'"IHir Jl n nvoiUMin tin ssiiii w .. - -' - - -- a 1 11 s sCTJ?iI ilUt UU UW U3CU Ult ICMWUIIUIU B- today T tiiienliiR nro evldnnce that l!t,o uock wurrants wtm u view to incni- " ""' "'?'' MMSbK iforts ,0 asrtaIn and ! the owner Importattco of tho preuont ronventlon .late, e.xtend and bettor to guarantee j t,on4 w,ich aQj 'fnwlB of ,ho Bame and ,aken al1 Iegal ,lepa will aitrpHHi oven that of two years credit on merchandise. t up u,e feet. M2R required by the laws of the state of ago, whou'repreiieulailvea of nearly f, proJet of comparative study of t "TI Is mag- CSja fcyL-A rj Oregon in reference to eatray s.- lift) clip's rtiiiveitiHl In Iloston Some! insurance policies In International anj. ttz" pV'jR- Now, therefore, to said unknown of ilpHt. Mtibjocta, choseii nt n prellm-ijirnttlr (with reference to documentary! wy c'ure 0U(, "s-aj icvner, and to any and all persons who . foot troubles so may be Interested therein, you are '"""' """" " " vnn'll nfiAr limn or trw .., vrtiir fius ..n.til..i i... ., .... irt..... ...vt.. In palm our shoes won't en tight Mn,n atreet , K,amath Pa. ,n gaW- small bod ip of "Kir's Omani Halm at an drug atom. ThU swrt. fra grant balm dlasolvts by the heat ot or catarrit win surety uiaai.iwar (Paid Advcrtlsment.) WHITE BREAD Sponge Method Ti) lite follovvliiK rtlw prrutiv.l It) Professor Jom.Ii llecker, 1 lltr. wwrltl'a Hrrnlral iltef. .Profiwor llecker nmilo iiinful let of OtATKIt LAKH riiinr for lis ntnl vt Kiniiiiiilee irattlla If hi Aim Ilium for ll iim art' fidloMtill decree dissolving the boadc " rtmony heretofore tad bow between plaintiff aad deftsuUat, ai" tor plaintiff's costs and dlabaraeamW herein. '' This summons la pabllshed la Um Evening Herald, a dally newspaper, printed and published aad.ef sjeawal 'circulation 1b the city of Klawath Falls, county of Klamath, aad state of Oregon, under and by virtue of am order ot the Honorablo Henry L, Sea son. Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon In and for the county 'of Klamath, made and entered oa tbs 19th day of May, 1914, th first pab- tication under aald order, to be oa the 26th day ot May, 1914, aad the last publication to be oa th 7th day ' of July, 1911, being for alz consecu tive and successive weeks. , B. U ELLIOTT, Attorney for PUUtlff, 211-4 Willlts Building-. Ktoauthc Falls, Oregon 26-2-9-16-J3-J0-7 a I On., cuke rielsi-liinniiitV jeitat. 1-4 '1'mrln lukowarm ler, 2 ItiblespoOiituU lard or Imtlor, I litblfapiion mill, K Vu timtrls sifted Crnler l.nko Hour, 2 tiilileaponufuM Hitgiir. IHsmiIvo iho yemtt uiul 3 sugar In one quiiii of iho luktiwaim wilier, ami mid to It 1 4 quurU of Miffed Crnler l.llKo Hour, or ttllltlrlellt to milko till otdlllUI) spoilgo. Heat well. Cover nml net mtldn to Use for tinoui t i-j itiiura hi .... g pine... When well ilf.m mill to II the pint or lukowmm will or, lard K ... i i i. .hf i.r th.. limit-, or tmmiKh to imtko n nunlri- J a 'i ill li U , li niiiniitiii i s-w ,. itlely II rm iloiigh, nml lastly, tho fall. Knead ilioioughl). plttfo In Kienseil howl. Cover uiul lei rlHt. for ftom 1 W lo 3 IniiirM. When llghl, mould Into loaves nml place In well KreiiHoil ImUlm: pans, cover 1 nml ltd i Iho ur.iiln for itboiil un hour. When light, hnUo 10 to Ml inlnutoH, reducing Iho li't of tlm oven ntiifr Hist 10 mlnuteH. This loclpo miikeH four IttrKo loaves. The whole prorenn I it ken from r.H , In (I l.tinrH, nml If followeil flnat'ly. will product, oxcollent ifHtills. Klamath Falls Flour Mills tlUATIill liAKIJ IIIWNH" Electric Toast Is Perfect Toast CI.CCTItlCAI.I.Y MADE TOAST DIKKEIlS PltOM THE AVKHAOE Kl.l AS I'ltESU CrtlTEE I'KOM STALK. IT NEEDS HUT A TIIIAI. TO CONVINCE. ICQUI1' VOUlt IHtEAKI AST TAULE WITH RADIANT TOASTER AMI I.EAII.V THE HELIOIIT tE CI1IM', fiOI.DKN TOAST MADE A'l' THE INSTANT YtllJ WANT IT, ritESH, HOT AND AP-PETIINU. and Tour feet will nerpr. never hurt or I get sore, swollen or tired. 1 Get a 25 pent box at any drug or I department store, and gvt relief. (Paid Advertisement) county and stnte, on the 20th day ot June, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ot aald day, when the aald eatray .-Ill be exposed and offered for sale, I.EP IS SHOW YOU THESE TOASTI',HS. ONE CENT TO MAKE TEN SLICES OP i:onill I'Olt THE AYEKAOB I'AMII.Y. IT COSTS YOU .HUT DELICIOUS TOAST- ALSO LET US SHOW YOU THE NEW COPI-EE POT COI'I P.E IO CO WITH THE PEHEECT TOAST. -PERFECT California-Oregon Light and Power Company Prompt Service Reasonable Prices I I ggg ggg aV aVi H III i f e.l ffx e e H I W.U.dnuuirnntinglo. I I Good Printing I I I SBBBBBsl 4 b SbH aV B l'ourtli bt., between Main and Klamath H H K& Beginning at th northeast eor NoUce of Peadeacy of Prtlles,U Vacate a Porttoa of FraaarMt . Street, ia Shlpptegtoa AtMttiea to KUmath Falls, Oregwa. ' Notice la hereby given that Ths? Klamath Development, coatpaar, a corporation, directly Interested thsref In, and desiring the vacation of a portion ot Frederick atreet la. Shlpplngton addition to the city of! Klamath Falls, Oregon, laid portion ot atreet named being described "aa, follews: That portion of lot nine (9),rsec-i. tlon nineteen (19), tswasblp 1 fi.j range 9 E.,, W, M., Klamath .couat Oregon. Included within the llatits af Frederick atreet. Shipping. adilUaa to Klamath Fall. Oregon.lajUaarU of tbe Shlpplngton spur, described a1 follews: ot block "A.", ShlppIwtoa,vddU to Klamath Falls, Oregon, oa west line of Frederick street; th north 89 degrees 23 minutes east, ' font, mnra np Iaui in thA wal tln . ---, m9J .W.., v ,MW WVWb .. m block "B" of said additien: theaaal south along said west' Una 44.3 ft1 more or less, to a point 13.6 ft? north of the centr Una Shlff. plngton spur; thence southvtari nnrnllal In a! .. amJ a b AiZ .,.v. .u.n.a ,r. ., m mm tance of 12.S faat frasa tka line thereof to 'the east llM'ef "A"; thence north a dtetia of 41.: feet, more or less, to oolntef -w' nlar. V ' :' Will, at the regular aUa tlUm summon uouncu oj ai iy, ta JW 19H to wltlaa.tbal 1914, prBt tkAV cirntoresaid.-a oeUt tha varatiaa 'f f M' erck strt ahov i .MtThaJUeWMfcl fy. WaT. ." W tfi h aW JakM - v Osaasaasi BaaaasV mfflmmJ mmxifrm y jg-IiBMjp0'- ' w ass aasi&.v aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " au 4J .1 s.:a:ia.a.'i. AVl.Af.',K' 77. -, f n ' .... ifff ft-' 1 .J?i,'?SiWfj ; . . ... 'u ?' . Xi ' -- -