MQNliAV, jM) ,, U)) paobtwo THIS EVENING UKRALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON it s PROFESSIONAL CARDS t,jjH0njmjAAnr rmriraimiri TT"- MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic I'hyaMaji Salle IS and IS. Watt Uulldlag rt)o m The Evening Herald V. (). .SMITH Kdltor Backers of Invading Polo Team Published dattjr except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Compaaj At Klamath Kail, at 11 & Fourth Strwt CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY IMTftACItt iNHUKAV Memtwm Ortgoa AesocUUoa TlUt Ma Phone US OBee and Residence. NW cor. 7th and Main CL A YTON K. W H K K L K II PtiytlcUa aad Burgeon Osteopath SpoadjIothrnaptM I Spinal TreaUBtnt) OBce heuse: 9 to 11:30 a. o; I to t p m.: evenings, to S TBBKLAMATB FALLS LACXDBT Guarantees nrst elan work aa wall aa Brat claea service. If you nave occasloa to Mac computet aad do not gat tn nedlate atteatloa, phoae D. B. CAMPBELL Wood! Wood! BRAY BLOCK WOOD Block from local mill K-lach Body Wood .... ll-Uck Limb Wood 4-ft. Boiy Wood 4-fL Limb Wood .. Leave Ovate at Oarmfeakaa P. C CARLSON 1H WOOD Wa will basin delivering green lab wood Mar 23. Partlaa llrlng ok High School hill ahould bar before Third atreet improvement begin i Order now and be sure. la-tacti Oreea Slab . . . .t2.73 Murk wood, doable load . . .42S Block wood, load 93.00 lfhta Dry Slab $3JS0. Prlcaa quoted on other wooda oa application. KLAMATH FUEL CO.. O. Partem, Mar PbemeJvT. MBS. A. PETFJWTFIXKB'H CAFR 'ot bmmb) aarver. Bat plemty to eat. Kara two bU Iteaa't 190 tUxtli Htreet W Hbtb Uptown Agencies at tlie following idacm: CENTRAL IIARIIKR KHOI LOWERY'8 BAHUKR SHOP . STAR THLATKR CIGAR STORK SUPERIOR LAUNDRY ISIS Main Street Pfione J23 Knlercd at the postofS at Klra ath Fall. Oregon, for traasmtsslon Ithrouith lha mall J icorid-"la' matter SuN-crlptton term t) mll to nr vt ( drcs in th fnltrd Stt lOcjMr II 00 One month .... 10 A. 8. LOWMAN OHIROPRACTOH Boone II aad IS Ptral Natkmal Bank Bulldla: Klamath Falls, Ore. KLAMATH FALL. OUKflO.N Moim. .n m:k. iim i GRO H. HAYMKN. OpUdaa OBce. Koom 319. Odd Follows Building AND STOP AT KLA9UTH FALLS Weather IVnillllou for Juno 'Date. Max Mia. Wathr ' J 1 . . . .S! 13 Clear j 3 S3 49 Clear 3 35 73 Clear , I 39 35 It. ITdy I A a it. iim.. "..... ..... . .- it. ,i w 6 45 31 Cloud- Hotel Arrivals ' Hotel Hall John Marncs. J. R. lion-son. Aleo- ma; C. L. Ollhaia. Portland, F. II. 'ttrown. Crystal; Mrs. A. K. Halladay.' Spokane. Wash, Sunday J. K. Ilowison. H K. Oct. 'Gtanltao Dot. Atgoma; A. S. lloteh-; kiss. irJton Watson and wife. Agency; .Mrs. A. B. italladay. Spekane: A. D. CGyin, n. Donley. C. W. Wright, San iFranclseo; It. M Cotclough. Saera 'mento; I. W Mcomaw, Wra. 1. Fin- ley. Homer T Hohlman. Portland; K. A. Salisbury. L. C. Hutt, Kdurational Film company. Wliltr Pellmn Lionel Webster, A. M. Malone.l'ort land; C H. Johnon. A. A. Courtney. (F. D. Putter. F. J. I.ew!s. San. Fran- eUco; W. W. Hetskell, Seattle. BrA mBmamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamam. Bri:C- mmHamPlmmlmlmlm m- -m grnmlm nmWJ' al Bmammamam AtmmaaadmBmaW mamaV omamP !& mmaVl Lsj -.iJV ,,-,, 3p J VWKSr V. wl mamk TF t TT V VUHT'aV mW l? mamBBmBmaT 1B wf-4 ".l, jP A t !? 'ftSamw Sfcar J mamammamamamamamammt?vL-iT a ? " ViIV'tfcLi$r Gotham Department Stores Closing Early During Summer Biggest Shops in Biggest Cities Will Remain Closed All Day Saturday, and Will Be Open Other Days From 9 to 5 It) t Alll.lti.N TO KVCK p ttttlllrii for lli PmHiwI Pl'il , NKW VOIIK. Jau S.--0L1 Flhr,tMin: peppt inmut hlrirlin(i0 rni.. il ut h. . .,u,i, tu Km-iVerborkw eowtM! 0 rMiu ") Mlbll.hliirn.. .uth Mimai, ...,.!i,., ,h U . , ,. . . , ,1, iifMK iotf. ami un u'. in uiHsmimni iiMfMitt' w null mi Ytnt mm iw iuj mni" v . .... . ... .. '. A dull liny -tul lo HWa tHAjf lip UI Ii da)4 In rArli nwh Wl-ff tlKHirillhK ( "l4Ul II . Ib.V,. It mat or litar tin! bo tfilo tlittl elu. Mtml Clllltt I - r ( uhimiii ... fr Jilt ami JcV am HW trrnl p,0.M Uj,or , wmri mr nrahw lo . i. ..i , ,,,, Ui tl sraml iAtnU MJ aneln ami tUNAnt and UilhUiu utorr fur the III' liiuut 1 .!" jrt, . fttinu nud eola. Thai l. th Cltjr hlln uf thi-ir fiiuilt)p. but II ' Hf"" ' 'I Th. CtlUf f New YrV. h4 tli mtffthnt u fan hl thfj t-tlr thai rrir. f lli I'wir " lllt .f .e trlttt. bouhorii utMi iiIwa wa- ,u ( at4tluitilr nMTrrr It "Tliri u .in jm-k,,, etsjU, tiAtH of tfc Ur bft tm to Wnci" ,ir miHhr- ar wtruUtliK. Litl tirrt( that bofU mnr M xUn, thin their ,mtlty' tautt h ro-r j,,,, ( uml( M, fme , (, HurLltx rinl Mht Im Im iuiibiif4 ii U, Mto AriurUlncly otu of the Uri! toj.ln rl Urn Uimlil II l o rctit. (i,inut ror ( il U ( u (l aptlhielH Slortu It New Vrk tf ttlKt th bn4 Wnrkcr t thp (tl- tho llH-Mrtier rrvrr Ibil f t,. ! jtl to il tlu'ir bop n ,lf 4IJlj fouttttrtt itnknr, tbo ln-ollli) iflrt lelverjiph. rtriH) Ajih ilAturday a fll Hundaj dwrlue ,n, nirome woKrr A wu and mh .. for ii-m'l Uw M -, Hiw htltct h of iti uttun-r AUo woman maj b rumrllrtl tti fcork, of ihr b b rrr; tstm Ibry vlll Ul l'll until 9 o'ClixV tin 4,ni J,nu alt d; Vrrk. but that aUlUt lb trroM tif t! 0.Ultitrj. other daj. ami lll lio at S. ,mJt or man, bll h tr bn put on rntrti r ib vit4 t Uum Such an arraUKomuttl ll th the tu mure Um. will artnally do t. tbr ba lo o tu ibv WU tl. hiu KlrK a stehour day ami lo work In lino Iuhk rn tlut in of't. '? b t mt ti4 IU UU- nllr da ol rt b pW. With omnau bo hu .bufirf douri and mi"r tbt iet tb'rn boilf tt it n"day ek and "Uinkine hour" t,-ftil for rrrraiitn Thf tir rl. (aeo bn ih- ( (b mt .uilrm. tut ir Ki.rvine ia. u iiAri-'t.rK Arn Ml itrr, and dronlfntt tbot jprrul lor cmh) or b4 It lUt uu Iird WlmbornvandDukoof IVnarandrt. ho arc inkiuR inurv than n nr.Hl lr. oinpKijra will li nw lue thrtr mlrtKr it.Ptd. whll llm foible lb. im ..m4 U inn activ interest in tho (forU of the KtiKluu poloUU to rvt the -uj from the Americans. m u English Unions Fight L W. W. Organization hour to romplalM of. and tb Octlotf txxr tbtnueh tbrlr rt bmtta l,a aKaltnl thlf rmt'liitM rlUt it U uml playwrlshl Mil hv to o much to ittlrjrii thn and Ul U thin l l of II" Vlrhr for ibolr facKod and down- o,nlr mind from the fartorj or tor! n he ,tloft ,,,,. ,i8 mu tin4 trodden henlnc, thf thvy rom bart full nf crilbuil-'(,,, rimcn( ihlitrcn ui sin Tb UiPtter and mutlnc tltur ,m and aeemufluh i;ritrr rrxttlu arC,j ,ti bl M"ilflti t4 NVU nutwurr and thu f on.; Tlprc ,, h,w ft mtrWrlli 0. footjib. rntfluirornl of i.m !.( II i. Irrlaliunxiil at Coney and olbor ., met,c ,h ri,M,M f NV. York lo nlrht iMncri l:ubt .UK. Ut. ,u reor tretH the defartmnl jM,a1,h,h ,. gto..n,J at t, bouji,tad 31 ar. Xh At" limit for tMW H.rr aimontemni mm joy. u ,lf ),, ,r ,h rHi.j,, ( n,, mr,cfierr. Tb NationiiaiW U iiiistn n hrtet to lhm With lh riirfhb..ti..k.t ti.i it rk.i.t. -.,.,,. !ir .... mti I.- n.. i. nintt h Notice! Notice 1 hereby clrt-n that tteo. W tlnlled Press Service .. MANCIUXTElt. Knitland. Juno .. Wlille lias Mrrerrd lii rebitioii-i with .Thirteen nations nore represented at the Mile Sln roiuMiiy. ami i no tho opening session today. In tho Cen longer ronncctetl nilli niil romtianr liral Public Library of Htackpool. of fin any carorlty. 'the ninth congress of the Interna S-2t MILKS Sl. CO. .tlonal Ft-derntlon of Textile Workers' n(lUonn arbIlrftt(an, I Association. shop pidrt bavins t0 U da ih Bfin.Ui In lh milrd fri. ainiMUb In olti racn rn for r-ruon, ino amu..iB . , . , . , . . , . . . .h.fim.Bi Ittahs , mt mm rlure.l that Ih-lr rrrlpt lpy n, lu UtpM r,lr, ,4 , ,. ,l)p4 Mld t- largely ltnrrrd, comlnc in b fmaiise.1 mot .rd .....r- i For eBrl yar. Hatutday allr-,,, , Krftra Wnntil ( tSv ). .. ,. .nmiit ba b.n a half holiday In down t y-fc,. il i"-rtr, Tt-.tli. 'town Nw York. Walt and lb; ' M. .S'ufml. t'ptlMir uf Nstsfi ''''ifliiuiieial dUtrlcl. tho bank, railroad baVri. I. -uffrdae llb Uilf nr,ts,n- 'ome ah.I urh .tabllhmnu bao JaJt till, who died lh.t other da) 'ultrraied tooth Tb Utlo' fh The tonKrws la ntptrcied lo proll cIim.I .it noon Maturda). and their a' bli roitntrr hoinm In Ma-ttnis-it., erriilj nvnllm Itorn the 4 iKorouly nsalnsl tho ece-ivp am) employe h had pUntr of rrt It a ono of iho erratett phltAntbro nrtri. And lt of sleep t Ji4u continually IncrcasinK Mpcn.llluro for U the opinion of sums that hfr. as !'! wbri rter lUrd In N'w York. aud'M trouble! arinarnenU and to declare for inter- In Knetland. Katurday will In limn l orkero' ori;anliatIuu In mo a general holiday, with ntory-, Hid. for Concession Among th various Important sub Notice is hereby given that blds'ecU for aucusslon tho llvltlst tnter will be received by the undersigned Ml probnbly will b centered tn the. ur to and including Juno 10th Tor q0e,tlon of whether tho industrial the exclusive concession for refresh- Workers r tuo World are tllclble to! rncnt stands at tho Ilodco grounds afj51latlon with the International Fed- j for Jnly - 5-3 1 3. I and D. 1911. n. CAMl'UELL. There are two Kinds of insurance. Chllcote writes tiie kind that pays. n:i-, Main. MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS eratlon In the same way as the Amer ican Federation of Labor, Some of the moro conservative unions are strongly opposedto admit ting tho I. W. W. on account of its avowed policy of syndicalism. There is also sharp division of opinion on thu question of raising tho legal (school age of children. On the contl (nnl most of the unions aim at re striding child labor. Instead of de fending it, as Is donu by the cotton i i Herald's Classified Ad vs. THE HOME CIRCLE Why Is It Todny We Seldom See n Complete Home Circle Like Thin? r&. s 1 vBt'ltt i I FOR RENT vs. Three rooms furnished for housekeeping; no children. Phone HW. C-tf ROOMSTho Clarouiont, Furnished rooms; eteam licat; hot and cold water. 2C-12f KLAMATH COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Wa furnish all kinds of help at abort notice. If you want work register at MRS. A. PIKTKKSTKLNKIt IM Sirth Sr. Phoae 244 . We are a nation of meat eater and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a veil known authority, who warns us, io Lie couaiauuy ou guaru against j..qj HK.N'T kidney trouble. The kldue6 do their utmost to fr-e th: blood of this irritating acid, hut become weak from overwork; they get sluggish; the ellminatire tissues clo and thus the waste is re tained in the blood lo poison the en tire sy tern. I FOR RKNT Two room house, fur- When your kidneys ache and feeli nlshcd or unfiinilshml. 711 Wal llke lumps of lead, and you have nut avenuo. C-0t ttinging palus in the back or the . -' urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or FOR SALE tho bladder is irritable, obliging you j jvwwa-. ...v.-.-.v.w-jrr to sefeK renei uunng the night; whtn.KOR SAJK I will sell tho Mills Ad-, you have severe headaches, nervous j dltlo grocery, 6th street, Including! and dlxzy spells, aleeplessness, acid .buildings and lot, COxl&O, for 3, COO, stomacho or rheumatism in badj3ni otoclc and fixtures at invoice; or weather, get from your pharmacist ! will rent building for 20 month and about four of Jad Salts; lakelicll Mtock and fixtures, will pay street u lablespooiiful in a glass of water improvements; 12,000 insurance paid before breakfast each morning and for 1AM; terms. W McCube, Mills In u few days your kidneys will act -Addition Grocery, i'liono 2USJ. , line. This famous salts is made of) 13-1 m , i grapes and lemon Juice, combined . ( with lithla. and has been ueu foriKOIl HALB ICC fuil frontage, cor-i generations to flush and utiraulato j ner Plum iind 'ifth stroots, two clogged kidneys, to neutralize the '''locks fiom new city nun; uiso good wrx I V 1 Ww i . ui .ii -1 . r.vt.fijviii i-si' t fcv &m fr.f - LaoaJ hii appaan Srat Is Tko Herald, 60c a Boats acids In urine so it no longer la a source of Irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder Disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lltula-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. AdvortlaemeBt. four-room houso clone In; by owner. Terms, but will sacrillco, us must lntvo cash, Call nt Tit, Main utrect. 3-Ct j To boon Klamath county sead Tim Herald to your Kastern friends. I LX V in. Ti wTWk.t1 . ."iw ',i74H nil 5 wavr'lBrv it flL m r' s . ? I ft V FlV I - Hi 2 f-el t''y ,JiiaPiv w" i "rsi m "..itww.1 L rm vig. izrr- mBT -vTTw "BmBSVSJ Ba Vs 'rr"- ii iBwlal . Fk..jy"r- '. . I K If ' Ejnfn I I I BWw!!rfml I 'J yf iirSa 1 1 1 ' TW'WSiafralkll.iL. r r, v t a'. i W. V WIS . IK-T'HiHsF'Mi "-ni aS,, ii ir MroRMV. ii vefiu: Tiiu:i oit. if ti' want to HWKTIMK. We'lTskc Your Meat Order Over the Wire ami mi:li:ct riNi: Ltrrn nut you. piiomit am oiu.iio mirvici: hv nt in pkrmis unti II.WII i.v IUM WITH OUR 111(111 OIIAIli: MIMTM, PRICIlH THK 'AIHIr l TtlW.V. TIWT I'S, KLAMATH FALLS MEAT COMPANY Why is father out nt loilijc or down town? Why is mother also out? Why is sister downtown, too, walking witlt her chum? And viiy, oh, why is little hrothcr playing on t'is streets? Wiiyarc some families' home simplya place to cat and sleep? house gen.iriilly (mint fev. IMiN J. IIM WALT. I'rr. , M. HUIIII. Vice Pr. a4 Tree IlKHT K, WITHKOW. NMYeiary Surveyor and Irrigation Engineer Klamath County Abstract Co. ANSTRArTINn .1 KLAMATH MIM HHaWW MAPH, I'UMH, Ml.llHPItlNTM. F.I. Ilehlml tho (loMcd iieans of ciliicatlrui mid ilooi of their nmiiHi'munt, If iho children do go wronn tho pnrei.l l.lanio I'licli other ami wildly try to right this wrong by thn mi i.ix limy slinuld liitw. employed when tho rhlldr"u were snmll unit tlirlr mmIimIh still loceptlvo to home Inlliioure Wo suggest that you do today Uwho things which It may Im too lalo to do tomorrow, Kluinatl! Falls, Ore, TAKi: A 1 Kodak WITH V0D Let phliiiiN tell iho Mory of tho motor trip, Iho liitnllmi "'P. !' .' " lil, or tho Iravel, Tim Kmlak way la Urn aiiru way, Hm slntl'W w llieconveiileiit way, .,t Kodak goods linvu u repulnllon for iimllty mid ho Iiuvm we, 'i" why wo carry tho kouiiIiio Bnstman producU. No chance for "' tlltlllg, KOIIAKN, ff.uo mill upward. IIIIOWNIKH, I.UO lo fU00 hi:aikjuarti:hh for kouak hui'I'MK" Corner Underwood's Pharmacy ner Mala and 71a Htiaia, KlaaMt Ii KalU, Oraaoa