'.." 'l,v "Wv 1 wywi rfstj'i . '- '-'?! .0M. iatnftm Itoalo 53 Aru Bit I li"H,T PRINTS THE NI5WS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSpAFtK K rriecflw Wgtilli Vrm N. .HH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE G, 1914 $h 4 J CARGO OF ARMS CAUSES BLOCK LAKE CO. ELATED OVER NEW ROAD MEDIATION iiriniTiHTArt k.v Tintv it.zi,i:ii ami: on rill: stiicsktii ill' n, , ft : mi:v m:.w. i;vi.ti: man hwk maw xi:v Hirrri.ciiK wim. wii.i. ce.Mi: wixr 7W on the White House Grounds That the President Works In --'" i Mill HI of ljfc vouiil) m ' ltrMrrlll.ll if MltliHtr lillc ..It ,. mlr ,t(,t.'il m,.r m. in.-. i;iUlinll"M I'mmii Itrjiin l li ihill Hit IIi)04m lukn Valli i i 'i ll. M.li Wn All......! ! l..r I't'-rf.) Uf 11 nw mill I u ' Willi IM-I .Mlintll Wlrr I'lK- ""Illlelllal Hlif lUnJwt.-l "" ' .... . .. , . Mmil.. Ill f'UII I'lMtrWro. it.M.ugb IliU llir ,llllUl'Mi Hi t .HKUM.tUl. Mnntaiu, Idaho, w corner "t Orptii In C.mfrtrn..--. mu, ,),rc, ,1,,, HcrirMi Vn" 1 ' II, A. I'll)", h l.iU'Yli-w rml etali I'nllnl Pr--Hrlr lmmi, h written from Kiwi. Mich. XIAdAltA KAI.1.H. Oill . Juun . Ilmt lie hn jcoltftl In lotirh n-lh n Tin iiprt,nlilU' '' Mni'iia hro number or (.iMperiUt now M-i'lcr cn-stly i,iiiir,rii"l rt th" n uiiu5 wiill he wm hi Halt Idil.e Cliv In i.( jWtrlary ill Hlit' llin. H'KJiil' 4aIi ho lcuiiii'l 'l ilKilniln plan- tnr tut lli" rtrmirw Hum N Vorl. ol u,,. roimirtit Unit of the lln. ' "'' lUfi.lwwrr Anlltla. lundd llh.rm Ollld rot 11:0.000.000. the llr.t ..... -. .1.1.,.. for il LWIIlu. ""I' wl,lft ih "l'l'l"'""' RH'I HWIMI't.lM.-" .-- IIuuaIM force l Tmilpltn. Thr)' nlMe Hint Ihey uiiil" l undrtvlall'i "liy AllllTlr ftll Ufttitl Ibp mmilmui t r.tv.' Um ('NrnuitUt itmlfllnn in th iiidlniliui r.mf.r tnt, iut Itu'ii iormlitMt ttn. Aiinlln i7r'lrr wlili rm. Tito tt-imri ilml llif ntii,r riun nblup liUfil unit aii'J ammiinUlou nl rniilfi wlilmul lnlrlr'itr from Itm Aiimrlrnn fK llitr lt mMi'il am0.r .1'nilil (Urratua l irylnc iUo iMllfiu" 'f U' mwllolir, itftltt' ifrfiruiallv.' Imvo ni .r(.tr.l ut irlinlln tin' ciMumtl !.-!. .Un fr ei'l Ahi"1 lit net on rl. MranHlill hip rMl iniRrr f mitUlliui I tiluckr.l. uf lllp ttlllt. Holrr tt WltiniMlllirnt rAllroml mIiihii ix ittnntlm hki If llif ih' Hiif l IIH mninl'iir In iW (limit inelinli'J In tli innji f nvlvlfyliiK Hi" II & W. """" wiuilil Im Hi.' li.Tnlimti.'r I O l.inut.1, mi Pinjlnirr. ftl.-d Hm i" l...r At Unix'. Imi In lint i fur r.' Jrnlncil Irnm lintlnillnr. lilt tmekins nBBHEHBBMBBflHHlHB'IVvBHMVIiliilrliVVI ?'"' ? A WHITE CINDY IS GIVEN LIBERTY l.'Vi:.STKMTIO.V AT TIIK AOKXCY I'ltOVKS THAT PHII.LIP8 WAS TIIK AOnilf-SSOIt. AXI) WOMAN' ' mn scrr cacsk his dkatii A ADY WILL GO TO WASHINGTON FOR THE WATER USERS! WIM. WOHK FOB THE KXTEN8IOX mxii I 5 White Clnda, the powerfully built iKIamnth squaw, who h& been belt! at the reservation pending an Investiga tion Into the facts connected with the death of I'eter Phillips, an aged In dian, Just before Memorial Day, has thcon liberated. Phillip died at thej reservation cemetery, some hours af-j 't.r ihn wnmn .nit lip hurt an fncoun-4 ter, i According to the officials, the tes timony of the Indians showed that ecverat hours elapsed between the stuffle of the two and the death of Phillips. The Indiana also said that Phillips began the trouble when he 'stopped Clnda. who then handled him roughly. Four of Ijwt Yenr'it Bonnl AJWHi Jected, and They, WKh J, G. SwMhji Xew Man. Are. Holdtec OrMl- Uon MeeUsg Totoy Vtatm Ammthi . ... tj-jif ,t mrai fa Water Cseri ByLW Al ' ' '.. v- '.' .1 .r Ailopleil "J ?tMiir- I'r.IUHU Wll.ou will do wui.li o' 1.H w ,rk In tho uicn air this silmrae r Uf has had erected for him a tent on il.n icroumk. nnd il.rr. he hit. worktU wl d,iyR nlrcidy. The tent U hidden from the public Rare l,- the .... ....ii.iii... ...! n,,, ahrubbfrv and trrm f Hie front lawn. This photo graph was tnUen from the State, Arm . and Navy building. . BIAI hlt rUDLIU !' , in i .. . beds of sTREAMMomestead Regulations Uut FLAG DAY WILL : BE OBSERVED KI.KS WILL HOLD A PUBUC OB SKItVAXCK AT HOCSTOX'S OP KltA HOUSE 8UXDAV PRO GRAM IS I1EIXG ARRAXGEH Abel Ady. 3. R. DixonJohn Irwla. C. A. Bunting and J. O. Swn wm have charge of the wmlr of Klamath Water Users AmocUUob. m they were elected directors t r- day's annual, meettnt; pftne stock holders. The three amendments to the constitution were adopted by the water users. One of the most important matters to receive tho attention of" the stock - . - I holders was the matter of Madia representative tu Washington to work! . .. . .u .-..-..,.... . A lor lue jiassaBe w mw fcwcfc-w. v -x tension bill, now pendlaff. lJe house, in view of the spleadld work j . n...u..,lkl Urlal Vuk; Ingtbn for the sjoelUi.JJr. again chosen'to go aB;fofk,,fir3tBi . nf thn mtiaaure. wklCB BMMB so much to the, lrrlgmtIeUb"ll oTerf the West. . Ady will leave as soon wr ho cmn I' It O I S I. l foXSTITtTIOXAI. AMHXMMKXT Wol'l.ll AI.SO ii.wi: thiwi; hi:i.i ix tki'.st roit I't'iu.it' imm'iw. im i l nlitxl I'itm Her vlrp WABIIISOTON. I C Junf (VntlllulliiitnlUl iK'niliiimitprn Ul ! .Iy lnnl tlm imi-ineiit Hiat t'arrnn- wu willlnc i.i 1-. rr.r-n.r. ... O.-IV,,,....... nsklnu (h, Slagarn Fall- rtml-rr m- r M m;ij(Ui( rf M ro,UMllllllll, umclalt n-MiMMi u. .m ":",,,,,,,.,,,. .(..flarltiRHwlM-U of nav had rh.NKHl hit nr K ..... -. .".- wM()fH f 0r,,wm , ,lBnk fuH ha .grrml to .imllalo all t Mim (( M. Inlirnnl affair. ,rrr. navlRatluu nml Improvement fcnv.i been llli'd with Hmvinry ol .Stale OlcnU. Slnittiuuvoiitly thero was nUo Hied "a petition anklne fur tho Initiation of n law nuthorlJluR rltles t nuim unu jmaliilnln ilockn mid wharves on such limvlcabU' Htroaum. Moth measure an. Inlllati'd by ('. K. Jftrkioi. '"! !-' "W. MuMii-y uf I'cirtlanil. .! Tim riinsUliUliwtnl amcmlinonl pro- .vide. In lirk'f. Hint the tm.i i i. THREE CYCLONES SWEEP N.W. IOWA Deschutes and Paulina Reserves Open on Monday ... Supplementing the Regular Orders, the Government Hasj, Issued Some Special Instructions to the Nearest Land Offices i i Klamath Falls Lodge No. 127 B. P. O. Elks will publicly observe Flag Day on Sunday, June 14, at Houston's opera house. Heretofore the annual services 'have-been held by the mem bers In the lodge rooat- A committee has been appointed to arrance for the observance, and the i f tilt ritualistic ceremony of tho lodge will I... clven. Past Exalted Ruler possibly arrange his affair; r f SEAL'S ASSAILANT IN COUNTY JAIL has. J. Ferguson will b. one of ihe'IXUlAX WHO STKICK, OLO MAX speakers In addition to the regular, ox THK HEAII WITM MOR8E- ottlcers of the lodge The event will, oy A 4 bo open to the public. ; J Tin prettiest feature of the cere-, CHAKOE I mony will be the piittlng together of hKVF.IIAI. IIKAII IKTA1IJ TAIXAHLF. OWIXCJ TO THE TKI ixiuaph HKitvici: im:in 'T OF ()MMIHSION' sulmuTRfld land shall repose In I lie Mate, In irtmt fr Itto uuneiiioi ui public, and thttt any Kntni m inem whirl. Inierfi-reii Willi public mm tuerrit or nnvlgnllon I.H ' forltld Meii. Further. It I provided lhat .in.. mnv build mid imiiiitmi. " on such sirenms mid Hint where they ore mil nomlcd for docli purpones tnej United Press Service HIIKI.DON. Iowa, Jui" T.. Tlmu cyclone swept .Vorlliwesiern Inwn between r. nun h otiiick i"'- i ,1M ..,..,,.. One struck at llo.ra. aimllirr ni ' ,10WCver, U Is provided Hnnborn, mid Hie ihlrd rurlluT north. Hl ; J ,w,.ly.,,v0 Four are known to be .load, several mu I . " J ' ,,, , nni other death, are reimrted. and iwrnty- yy . l f ,u inbm,.rK. live am Injured. The whole dam... - J - ' , ' c,y will run into tho Hiouslnds. .' .1" ' . yens Urn rental for the As tho telegraph and telephone ' l b , ..ralHOd by a dUIn wire, aro down. Hie rttlall. ranno. - -.Sn.! iiuiuiiiu.i mini . of whether settlement Prepurnlory to the opening of lands iimpectlv. . -. m .. . llllAflltl In llio I'anllna mid liesciuiies iorci " ..... ...- .... i-- "Second iOrve .Monuii. uhj .....u.....h v..-. . . . . O Jln....l,,"", " " ' ". . I .Ml.nr I. lit .11.'.. .!.. Ml HI Vl....l.."" ; rt ....,,. DA..lAf...lf III' er Talliiian, and iml t" the DL'Irek: Is. lowing I. a model of tho liberty bell made from , ,. , , ' 1 (lowers. These segments, each form- Charged with the murder of Link e.I of red. white and bluo blossoms. River Meal, an old Klamath Indian, special instrucUons issued, L.m form part 0f tho bell. When these whom he struck on the head wltl i at . . . tUJ..n . . ii in li. .- nnfk inor u'na ir itiiiiiH-a nntit.ii . 'containing regulations " '""--1 parts are brought togemcr mey tiii-uuiwu -v. ------- - - ,. M nf renOletlne air.lM ,0 U, rclster aBd rclver al represent a likeness of tho old bclPallas Williams, was brought here .last In case of conflicting , nMn. nr inkeview. Or-1..., .... tnr,h h tiding or the night from the Klamath Ageaey; He . .. -. . ., ... ..... Im t,. i,ii.n in thn fderal nrlsoa at '...us niieces nrlor settlement, nisi' " -......., i,,.-.. ., rwi.nv it. s. Msnhal. ""'" ',.iieatl..ii ahall he allowed and tho . -In anticipation of the assertion o .onience. --- ' - - i .-- , , ....... .., ,.,. t-(.ii urn miviseu - ,.uvou .- - -r- -- . . 1 tit'l I It'lIII'llL i,ititt(a j- - - cw,u ... . . c,.m tn the ,.i fnr ,h ftr ten miles of the. Smith Isalso an Indian. Siace.hPV "llerenfier when lands mmurveyed ' "Third If two or more conflicting, I1""" , ,. ., . , . nn. n,,..u,nran,0 Pn nnd crescent City rail- assault upon Beat he has been detain- .... ... .... J ,.-...... v rn.Ivn.l. each con.'0"" ul "'" """ "".. ". .- - . .. f.r wlthdrnwii or rosorveu nrv . uv- ..,.,. ..v....... .- "";"',-". !tional lands under the provisions oi roaa nas oeen oougni. " - --v. .. ,tw,, rum subject to dhnoalllon under H, ' ' ' '" " ,o act. of April 28. 1904 (33 S at.. . Ff1 .... . .... .,. .it .iiauii i niin - - r.- -.- i.si,r.mr in iiii!i :iit Mai.. ,.. appllra .e - "" rt,,ortao the priority of right, and;- . , jto make of a lownsiup Piu. oi ....., ... M,.t , ,10 rosirlcteu to u.ose ,b-,- ;ddlll ", cntry under either act iMlonitlou to entry from such win-tK such right. . rlorlty of sottlement on tlri.wi.U or resorvntlotw. nil nppuni- ..Fl,urth Where thero are appllca-i' ... thercto. secure a pref- .. nf..rt.lm.u lltnr.ror . ..... .. .. .. ...i...in ... ... ,... " -- - . iiiinn, iitiiiK Bi-.wt.. ....... ..." -, units couiiicung in w.hi.u ... ... .. :nny b.i executed In a manner requirem. wMl,u n0 ,,0 f tho several nppil 1 ...111. it... AMIlIf.Ill f HA I Choir Leader Is ...,.i with ilm reuulrod fee iv in n 411111a " ... - r.ntl ciininiliIon, be presented to Hie proper local land olhce In pewon, niittl or otherwUe, within the periou of twouiy dtiyi prior tiling tho Kiwnrhlii plat lerence right to mako such additional (ontrv. Suffrage Will Be I . . . . .n.-. ,.. Cm. t "Tho act oi .tuno i., iju -., .nuts claims nrlor scltlement, the register and receiver will write on 233),authorltlng agricultural entries ( cards the names of tho several np-t" ' , rMcrV0S- wlll bo treated as a the exclusion oil nntional forest and " ... ' tun iuu.ua -- - thero Is no distinctive or Identifying , m lwn, o cnrd l( mtuw of tho several P-IlforMirMcrw,1 . " '710' ipllcants nnd each of theo cards shall J acl upon to the date of ,)U p,accd , n, euvolopo upon which' landg iTom a na jt or of restor- ,,,. ,,.. .ii.tiuctlvo or identifying! . .,. , General Federation of Women's Clubs Is ..? ,i te i eirM !?B,cntryinen under such act wlll have' the A. ..... ,n,l nrlvllncpa as otu-: Ion to entry, unless the law or tlie mark nm, lU 2 o'clock p. m on the the 8amo rgUts nnd privileges as otu-; gulittloiis governing the disposition '(jn,0 of 01)CB to entry, it practlca-l noTOestcad entrymen within the ex-' ...i 1 . .. ....lUnl lit.. ni HlA Inllll .. .. . . .1. . ...... 1....h nm. u'aaL' l' . . ....1.. CH1CAOO. June 6.- VX WQ tMfrtfyfo, fff 1 -Looming blgh.and Influential women eaaorge.a! aPl I a run i.i.. ir not. at thnsamo hour ono wcoki ...... ' , ,v miiiittonal en inipr. nfter nil tho onvelopos contain-1 , . ,,, .fnrpcnt.i nets of Anrll wnmpn'n clubs convention here next .'.. i.iinritv wlll bu Hi'cureii nor hie tho names or tne Rovcrat aium-iaD ,nn, ,. vnhrnnrv 19. 1909. nnu iwk is that of woman sunrage. u iii i'i."." ..... - , ,,. i.in. Aijj-i.n --"" - .....---- of n particular application or tho Innd affected otherwise provide i.i... n n.hr niipstions llkelv to vorsal suffrage But, w, ao.avt ) . . ... . i .A mk lh.ni.vh o .AanlntlAa.ai't confront the uenerai reuerauon m nim i" "bv .-.-. - -. ....... ..f.,i...,i i. it... .ii-KAimtnttoii of ..,id uli.,11 Imvo been thoroughly nils- ' , - ,.,,ito liv nrl-!... n n!nti thnf wm worrying rtKoi iiiiiv.iv.. m ,.w ...ww. - ...in .n ... .-- ...... q secure iiiu.ui.'ii-o ..c...-- .--- , , ua .. H..v...w. .-. . ...... hitch application, filing or selection In ,,,( U iho presonco of such persons ns;orlt.. ot sottlemont. Applications to juoth national and state leaders of the ti... ...n.,ii.r nml within tho Huiu pro- ,,,.. ,ios no to bo present, ino smut, ,.,.tinnni entries under either ifil.ffraEe movement here today. ",v r . -...-. '. '. ....i . -.i- ti,.,1"1",vu "" - . ...... ...-I . . . .. Hcrlbcd prior to utu uiing oi mu un- l0 nrawn una nm-""i .., .... Indulge in any tactics that wlllcrsat animosity for the movemeaU UaUe circumstances and tho tlae'ieem pto-f, pltloua when the federation' - ship jilttt or tho restoration of tho J curds as numbered and drawn will be ChicagoJuryAwards$20,OOOtoBlondeWhoSued AAA United Trail Bervlce CIII0AHO, Juno tl. Tho Jury liear lug the ovldoiifo In Iho r.0,oiio breach of promise mill hrougljt iiKnliiHt llomt-r Hoilehenver, fholr leader for Hilly Humlny. Uio "IibmIiI iiviingollst," lodny roturned a verdict iiwardliiK 80,00 In Iho idnliilinr. Miss (leorgla Juy. Ilodoheavor was nbHoiil ffom '"" nl tho llnifl. Miss Jy was Immotwo. ly tickled, and nlfci'nl audibly. Ar tho adjournment lior friends crowded around her and kissed her. laud to entry, mid all audi itPPUca. BOcurely fastened H' IUdlcattoni !U,pllcatlon6." i A..I ,.l...tl .llh . m ... . ...HU. nnrurtlia llMil ( 1111 I iii... .!. unrf&ri uav rtk eiWafl aMOllEA WBL ffrage movement nere toaay. ,nu. St u. ""'twT-'-'r-Ti of said acts will bo governed by the whether tho foderatlon-admltted-l attempt ,o vo tne conYenu0 , -..i., n,..i -Bsnlntions annllcabie to ... ,h. inrnmnai hmiv of ronresentatlve I u -"'" i .-. - tU,V .- .-D - 1 ...w .-.-. T- , - --. .".!.. .. r Tho Kill I"'!"! Ihnl Hoilehenver wuh ton nllenllvn to her. nndor preloxi oi wmitliiKlotirrylnr. 'IVsilfyluK l hlH own hohiur m- lordiiy. Itodehonver uumimn v had hiiKKOd and KIhsihi .mi -j. Hull ho hold her hnnd novonil Hwoh S7i. live. weeltH' revlvnl l Hlmtr oily. Ilo ft'ilo'l '"il ho hud lltoiiisht of niiirrylntt lite ulrl, hut i'hnnii hi" uitml beforo li" priipoHou. Allomoya for Ihn ehorlilor Imvo ,... .. nil rial. TIlO ttrgllllielltH over HiIh will ho hoard next Hnturdtty, llllltl ill iiniry. mi" ...- hiuihj ....v,... - . tloitH illlngs and Bclcctlona ultall. with or tho respective porBons. nnd tho an- ,. . .... . (.....I.. a 1. . ......U.inl.i iilllitnlts the local flllH'O nl tuo Itour uu inuusinr. witero uio iiiii-t ... becotno auhject to entry, bo held nndHnin all the land appllod for by him tteate.l iirt Bltntillmioou.Iy ftlert. he will bo permitted to elect whether . . o ...i ..ft...- iimii.. will rein n tno inmi xe.m w .... '.Ill.III'IIIllIllrf I IfllUKtl ,..-,... . .'.'.. r '.. ...tu h..l.im..iiii bin iimil cation to tinibrucoj fmiltim'Ciimei.....j.-... ....... - "......,.. .." ,., .... ,.,Hllmr rtirelvcd nnd noted In tho oruer oi inner i.un.- ......-- -, - Sri n!" Any aPPlleallon, lUlng or nppllnitlons and otherwise sub ect Hi'ir uuir.. " ii ,,i...i.r.iit. when aiwi'li amended uppllca- iMccuonniHi ' " "' - ", , ' liriswlllH, or withdraw his inent iTl'.Ut will no hum.u.- ." . - "-; , , ... settlomeiit claims nsaer cd In tno cngmui npim.... ..-.......,., detlloimni in ....oio.'.tice. anil In tho event of such with., Sues on Note, mnnnor mium-.. .., "."; ...... ..... ,... ,! ..ommlsslnns wllli ...I...... ...in imenri it' iniii iii:i.ii i lit i -. ...,-.-.-- lor linil receiver ... ........ v -" '"'..... ... .., .,...,.. Alll,iU tt nniilleatliiiiH HluiUlliUieousiy it i.u.i..... " ""'-'..- '""'. "". . ...... .li........ .,H..i.tl.uia eoul let tie in WIIOIO Willi iuosm ' ::' I 3" "" .r.lo-y ""owed will bo rejected In, llltii ----' I iOoinK to Convention. Albert II. I-oowo leaves tomorrow morning for Portlaud, where he goes a n delegate to tho statu grand lodge of tin? Royal Arch Masons, Loewo wlll also utteud tho state convention of tho llluo Lodge, and Albert K. Elder will leavo Monday as another delegate to the latter convention. 1. IIDIIIII 111 II II !. .1 to .in .'.in ol."'" " - .he ao'n s UtraUowed i,! Under .ho dale of May Suit to recover $2G0 nnd Interest alleged duo o a "t waa commenced lu tho Circuit Court today by Dr. P. it Rwndeuburt;. an ABhland nhyslcian. I against li. . unu wrs. Aiao nou.. F. H. Mills roprcsenti tho, (ilalullff. irninon In th rniinlrv today Would como out flatly In favor of tho uni versal franchise, or coutlnue to side step tho proposition, was a mattor of grave speculation. Neither prominent suffragists nor delegates to mo xeu oratlon'a meetings would venture a prediction ns to the probable action that would be taken by tno national association of women's clubs.. Mrs, Grace Wilbur Trout, president ' . . .... i.ii..nl Vniuil Ruffrneo Asao- ,ot mu t. ..... i -- -- ..iRtlnn. was hopeful. Sho declared that If tho time "seemed propitious" an effort would bo made to navo a resolution fuvoring woman suffrage presented tQ the federatjou. "Wo aro anxious," said Mrs. Trout, that such a body of representative i. 4rl il Unue our campaign of education. Hu I must say that we aro hoeeful." - Miss Jano Addama, bead -of nutlonal woman suffrage uOVat. lu tho nbsence of Dr. Anna, Howard; Bhaw in isurope. anu otr'wnwii t nnd Btato officers of sutra oJa-"' . tlons bore, sulwcrlbo to the itUf; mont or irs. rroui. ,, j , "- .. ; .. .-; At tho last convention of the feier; l , .,-. kal.l in Ran 1frnel-oVufir,lel iVc'V previous meetings, thn mifr"iiiTT ItJrf&l Hon was-never perUted.t43Hie Itm," foro tho delegates! AeeCW-Hvl ,-..? - ... ... ." . .jt' j.,i i,w..i riiitiwiMMtl-h Bail 11 ..'. nursued la ..- ..'.. i coercing tue wtaoruy. -... ".- "The fedaUaa riijMieeJi wiaiai - ,t. V (ceaMd'eeVatii, i jjv-X i'V "'I . i'ut ', . - , . ( ." ('. .tfi -4 ? - . .j 'i.''iafM.la: i'4mlhPi: ' v,.w-. r..-.".-: 'r"r-!. ijj . "11V. 1"'J "Jv- fr1''