?,- X TtS ..$t m '' rr$sm -,ji " ! fcwmtm Mttalb - PRINTS T! IK NEWS WI1IL1S IT IS NEWS - - v viv KLAMATH FALL' r OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , jr vj lUglilli Vmt.So, ,iiM7 Prtee, FltVCetr"- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1914 :Ak $ mh BIGGEST CROWD AT ANNUAL MEETING m:w nrrici.its not knows i n. hi. toMuur Tnd.i)' Srlnii of tin- Klnluttlli Wntrr I vrt lllii Willi u ir) Mu n-.. flit ',iiiir. llldlllllr S .-! ) nl h luting il Dflrgnlr In W nlilii. lull Will III ink' u If lliirlii. III.' mIiiii IihIii)", J II. I lin Ul ln Ibv illrnKit nl tltt Klamath Wntrr I's-m AsmkImUiim Mill noi tw kuuu until k clock Mil evening. '1'bo r?uit of din viae ltl tlini b? milKiunir.l m I lie roun Il0l"l, i' mltWttblllly of xmiiIuik u ilolr.. Knit, lu W'b.IiIiikiiui in viurk fur ilix 1'nnnE" uf tbv rMrimlnti bill u n quotum (tint I in ! titkcii ii( ll" IliU DfluriKHIII. Tln Ureml ltrinlaiir.j uf uy of lliu inrotttiKk uf tlio Klaumtli Wntr 'mif ,ixlnlll)l una (irmfiil wll.'ll Ib0 Hinuial UH'vlliie rnllrtl 10 r irr a( 2; 30 tbU nfl.iriioou In tint win lmup by I'rbtoiii Atl AO) I1' AlHiarenll) Illiuli Kli-utor lutti-iil l, .... . .. . - uclllit isfct'll ill inn oiinm-M ui ni .otlAllon by tli UHMtoliW (linn ba o-r bcu tldurVil in Ibo ) tl&lftod llio miliiB till ttfiornouii 1 tin- annual olntlou of urtlcctn, ftlul n tulvi wi. alio taken Oil two nmrtiillnriiU to tb b)-Utt, Kolloulnc I'"' follui; Ibv fomuilllr-u aiHilntit for tbat iur IN HISTORY im.t. rutlril to count tint ballot, tlur- lug whltjti tlnin tltr llltllu: 4 lUllf pl otr (or a Kcnornl .IIkiuhIoii of ijUMtlon of liiitrt to thi' UnJ-. owoori. Thr noiuliiallona for illrciora tarLy ibp four dUtrlciM frp folloa;l Klrt ttUtrkt. ot) to .-loci, J. It. Dhoti ami J. It. Klllott, ncconU Ultrlet. onp lo tUct, John Irwin, Jninv l.'icll ami Htcpbeu Orimib; tliltU dUtrlct. lo to lcl, C. A. Iluntlne. C. (1 Merrill ami J. 0. ttu; fourth illiirict. ono to lct, Abl Ally and Thaodor N. Caa. Of aeiitlonal bnont wm the momltiE hohIoii, which In rcnlliy a farrarr'a Imtlltuli!. The talki of I'rojiti Jdaimgrr Cm on 'HcoimKo and Iralnao." and Count)' Aitrlcul tur AKriit M. A. McCall on "Klam ath Holla and Crop," vent t'.pH:lally cood. and will bit of bcimnt to all for tunatn fliougli to lmv hoard tlmui. Two othor good number were tho talki of J. M. i:ull on co'Oprntlon. and I'maldcnl Abd Ady. vho took up "rollof iiiouauraii" nml uwd mtloii nt onco to aocuro tho pbihuko uf tlio cxtnalon bill. SEWER DISTRICT MEETS APPROVAL lly a vtilti of 2 to IU, tho pmpi.rtyj uwnem of Mill. Ilallroad and Second I urn ui.rt....M ...i.iiiinti ii im lii fiior of tho lonatnirllnn of thu lift It sewer district. This was shown nt last nlKlit's' meetliiK, when tho petitions! .i i ......i ......... k. i ir. m mtv i in nun. i is in !- 1 I'ti ui iii nil"" '" ' ilii,i,lf Thi. matlor will now be laUen up with (ho city council. "Psychological" Panic Redfield Says Pessimists 4 UAhniOII, N, ( .liino C Secre tary Itedilold of (ho department of commerce, luldrusauig the local Cham ber of (lommurro lust night, support ml I he contention of I'lCHldont Wil son that niiy flimnrlnl i' lumlnraa preaslon now Ik psyohploBlcnl" not physical, "The uion who ar making tho most PMilnkitlo tpechM right now arorlpo for tho slcklo." McNary Wins Over Benson by 13 Votes liiiitil I'm flrrvlcn HALI.M. Jumt i Willi tlm receipt of ilu lnt rUil Multnomah county 'return from On- irrriu primary, tin j ki ttlttK run. but k pc ii Justin- Charles Mi.S'ary of Hnlm ml Jutle Henry I. I'riimin or Ktuumth I'dlln fur the Jiullrf (luirlr MrVnr) fou nli irinililir.iii iiouiiimtloii for Jim litre uf llip nuprt'lll.) iiiurt tnnit. to ;iu in.lii), wlili McNnry NoiiiIiihIcU. rbi'cK of I lie nlllclnl flKurm ty , HoCf.'tntv of itlfll.. Ili'ii H. Olrull run. - - 'r,"H, c.Nry'. l-mt of 13 vote. .McNary r.fHM-J3.lltolw. PMII l llllH w l.WVif MORE SPEECHES ON TOLL VOTE asiiimito.n mi:miii:u or tiikJ SK.VATK TOHAV IIWIA.V A HIT TKIl Altlt.Ha.VMi:.VT LA TOI.-j l.l.TTi: SI'I'AKS TO.MOItltOW. I United 1'rcu SttIc WABIIINUTON, I). C, Juno C l'roipvcta for a otu uu (ho repoat of tho frco tolli clauto of tlio Pnnamai iranal bill thi week faded today, when i 8enntor I'olndvxter began a loni; et prfch aenlnil the repeal Senator t.n I'olloltn announced to day thai ho expect tn upeak mot of tomorrow. ANOTHER PEAK Pi B it' Kr iJl hK?4, ' Br KK! KBkkHI-r ---H L - ? AB ------ 'rvt w M'-Bm TUuliliK1 I All A H'8" ,o lltt ,ho KKK,li- llllllllllJ LAVA Thi game, In conjunction wl(h (hu 'will be (be attraction at .Modoc l'ark Sunday afternoon. It Is hinted that MiaOlli: lli:roitTS THI.! OF A-V'(i,0 Cowboy outllold ploys ou horse- KIIUITIO.V O.V A HMALI. ISI-lXn.bock, but Klmor Lawrence U author- Miu i i lift at rtiniitAttt . ,u lilrli mnki ix thi: I'.iciric owned iiyi i HOLLAND U"t" Sorv,cop MANILLA, Juno .'.. A Hliort me- sk received today stales that euor- ,,uy without W. II. A. Uenner lu the moil diuiiiiKti has resulted from tho'iine-up, n (he printers Insisted that eruption of a volcano on the Island of !n ,ould lay aside for tho time being Hinntii r. a ii icn ioNneHiiiii, ...--.-.- i-- Tlio dispatch ntnlM Hint a hundred homes were destroyed. II carried no lldlnH as to fatalities. Are Most Prosperous nun who nro prosporoUH in pocket," Knld ho, "ThlnRs nro noi tied up bo torrlbly ilKhl when Now York and California lORlsUr more automobllefl than ovor hefino, por capita. Also from Cali fornia, Florida, Kansas, Missouri, No brcakn and tho other states comes tho glad cry of a bumper harvest, nil hut LINK RIVER BEAL OEAD FROM BLOW! though oi'i:it,vri:i upon, aged INDIAN lAH-SiO Hl'ltVIVi: Hi:. i.nu hit os thi: hi:.w wrni .t IIOIthKHIIOi: After being lu u cml.conclou tain for nliio day. Link HUrr Ileal, a I well known Klamuih Indian, died latt nlitbt nt ill.- Blackburn hospital, at I tlio nmilt or a blo mi (lie head from a lnr4lioc III .umallant. Tom Wil liam In In Jrt .,1 iln Agency. Tin kmI .iill:iii Him hinught hcr by III ton Ho Dim), ami (ho frnr (iin of i ho .Lull was trcputiiK'U b ' Or Mi'imiiiin tin failed to .unite i llnw.n. I BY MILITANTS M.. rosTI.V Itr.MOi, I.VCI.UI). i.mi cii.i.m:d iiiiii.i:. akk dk stiiovi:i iv thi: i.ati:nt mt. ntA(ii:oi'TKA;i: ( llin-,0niuu l't sicrvlco ni.'itiiv, kiikUiki, jum :.. iiin- laut nl IT ru Bet ten loilny burned llrend jinll iliiucli, built by (he Normans, dc fitroyliiK many prlrclcM nllcn. . Aiiiouk llK'o wus (bi famous I chained lllblc. TliU tcntampnt, rlt-j ten lu'loit. prlntlnK n known. Ii:m boil) (bullied lo I lu. iliHiicel mil for cuturl(ii, to protKi tho book from Ibrft. LOCAL KIDS WILL PLAY DAIRYITES tM)ltltlS TIM KINDS IT lMl'OS SI1H.K TO IIK 1IKKK. CONTEST .sCVD.w iiti:i.Li)i:i nv kihtoii iaWVI.lt (iAMK TbU f oi onoon Colo Oliver, mau aKer of thu Kaslu. rcceld word (bat It would bv lmpoulblo for the Dorr la ball team to como here Suuduy. Ha 'Immedlaiely koi buny with (ho phone, ami before uoou had mado arrauge Imeiita to brine lu tho Dairy "Cow- lly for (ho statement which makes It doubtful. i Meantime, (be lawyers and news papermen are working hard for the 'icnnto Sunday, which will he a curtain jralser to tho L'aglo lllRht (If they do go up). Tho llnrrlsiors will lmo to .ma menu lona.e, ieji uu uuu c. llrower use tholr crops of lichen to pull off tho old Kame or hiding the ball, llennor refuses, nml Instead, niiuounce.i that ho will go to Weed and soo it 1UCAL ball game. (Loud pedal on tho word procodiug "ball.") Tho print house denliens are get ting In ll form, In fact, so well pre pared that nil tho attorneys In town, sny tho prlnteis, will fall awful short of "pl-lng" It. t'uiinoit to Ituu Again Formal announcement has beeu I'lmlo that "Undo Joo" Cannon of Danville, 111., formor spoakor of the house, will bo n candidate for con gress from his old district. Tlio Denlnger laundry nt llaudon will bo rebuilt and equipped with modern machinery. Lumber shipments to San Francisco from west coast harbora aggregated 23,8r.0,000 for tho first two weeks of Hay. Coos Ray sout 5,170,000 feet. CHURCH BURNED Another Is Raised Akve Villa - General Natera Made KL lA0, Texas, June 3. Friends of General I'nncho Villa are worry Ins over the appointment of General INinolll Nntoni as rommauder In chief of Iho central military zone, making him Villa's simerlor In the campaign against ZacaUca Acuta Callrates, San Luis Tntoil and lelco City. At this (Imc Villa Is at Chihuahua umtiriMlni: (rentment for soro throat. A correspondent who has accompa nied Coiioral Villa In nil hU cam- pnlKiis since November predicts that Villa will make no protect nRdlnst the appointment of Natern. He said: "General Villa knew several days jfjirii"ii i --ii-n-ii - ijBw- !iHP'E-----!l -Hl f'a RrSRI BBI ' !-li f"m h t ' Xilii jHPli rm lB----------- ?yM iifeJf L t!----------R - U nlvwH F l-'l UHiraSir3 ! &$M h f,r Sir' -' i H if lSiilWi t c?n HRPi iiws iMf M w m!4 BI WAi '- 1fll &.J -v'-P1 y Ksii r$f iifS"i -r a lyiiHH i)G "1$ij&tfm&' ,' i HB H f,i ,iv2& t&t vitcRi H v ?F :p-iiV(xA f;itMH fl VyFvu VaTa 'vr I EmB ' '. . Ki ?ir k 2."4HHMI H '. 1 ifMBC V "yV 'rfzS i.ij hi. t&fffE i:Lt-HB- 9J f 7 rf " "gFBTTT t Vi "i H Of W i fiffir fIISF4 a -ij ly jsc1 dG3k'-I H w ' -i,i u SWHH-fffl----B B Lots of Fans Are Going to When tlio Sunday morning train pulls out of Klamath Falls It will carry a special coach filled with ball players, fans and boosters for the Elks ltodeo. Tho coach will bo dec orated with a full length streamer on both sides, nnnouuctng to tho world that tho biggest thing of the year will be the ltodeo nt Klamath Falls July 3, 4 and S. Just who will go fiom the Elks' ltodeo committee has not been made known, hut the number will bo sot loss than half a doren. Test wells will be driven by the government In soveral sections of tho Philippines to determine whether petroloum exists In profitable quan Chief of Central Division ago that Qoneral Natera would receive k.. ....I..M..I U'hnn ..tail If Ihl, the appointment. When asked If this would cause him to change his plans he said It would not. He further said: " 'I nnlv desire Deace. If General rMHMHI.M h.lrHVAa ! -1. A ttnimlfll. ' ment of Natera will hasten peace I am tn favor of If " According to the correspondent the only alms of General Villa Is peace, ,way frequently used, and the defense and a government that will protect i witnesses testified tbat It had been the poorer class of Mexicans from the 'abandoned for some time. Justice of ravages or tho overlord. The peons I the Peace Gowen last night dismissed are his people, and to free them from' the charges against the defendants, their former slavery and poverty islthe hearing was finished at 10:10 tho only aim of Villa. '0. m. I This la only one of the many the Game Amoug those who are planning on making tho trip are Lester Terwilll- gor, F. H. English, Chas. Ferguson, It. Vnnco Hutchlus, Earl Hilton, Garry, Van ttlper, Virgil De Lap, Perry Do IP, "Hoppe" Bridges, Henry Ket- stover, Carl Youug, Arthur l.eavltt, Earl Elliott, Earl Whltlock, Bill Hous- tou. Hank Frio, O. Larson, A. F. 8al flcky. Will Wilson, O. M. Hector, W. 11. A. llennor, Joo Brett and M. J. Mc Douough, Before Suuday morning this list will probably bo Increased by fifteen more. Commercial Club of Clmarroa, Kan., has adopted the following slo gan; "The blamed fool didn't know It couldn't be done', bo he went ahead and done IL" USED AUTOS TO ; MAKE GETAWAY (HIOHWAY.MI..V IX XKW YORK I'UI.I. OFF TWO HCOCEMF-X AKS.WJLTS OX PAYMASTERS IX I IIItOAD4DAYI,iaiIT L'tilled I'rcs Kcrvfre NEW YOKK. Junn -At noon to - day highwaymen ued a blackjack on' the H)maur of Xlu Atnerlcan Can! compnny la frr-i of the company's i ofini'unJ tubbed him of 2,700, Tbey! (hen Jumpi-d Into a fast auto and made pimt, (heir escape. I Shortly after this has been report ed (o (he police headquarters came Jtlie word of a similar crime rommlt Med in Ilroaktyn, where the pay clerk of the John Masury Paint company ,vraj knocked down and robbed of t3,0()0. The robbers In this case es- 'caped in (be rame manner. W. C. T. U. WILL HOLD INSTITUTE ALL DAY SESSION WILL nE MELD AT r.HACK M. E. CHURCH WITH .......,.. ... .. .... DELEGATES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE couxrr i in preparation lor the coatla. caa - palgn. a Kliiaath'coujrtjr UMtttuteJof -mv uucu b xi ro. v a 1 1 m p 1 1 a M g lj Union will be held here Tuesday. Th sessions will be heJ4at Qraa M. E. , church tronao I&.4. aaherwUl, be a dinner served (herein " " A large attendance Is expected from Merrill and other outside unions. A splendid program has been prepared. WYLAND-HUNT ARE DISMISSED EVIDENCE INTRODUCED IX THE JUSTICE COURT HEARING FAIL ED TO SHOW THAT THE ROAD WAS BEING USED Because the evidence Introduced by the state failed to show that the road W. F. Wyland and Clarence Hunt are alleged to have fenced up was a high- 'charges ami counter cnarges uiea is the courts by the Brown Brothers and 'Wyland, his wlfo and daughters. Sev- iernl are awaiting the action of the igrana jury, usy -terryman ap peared for the defense In Thuraaay'a hearing. Eugene manufacturers are planning for a state wide exhibit of made-ln- Oregon products. Make Reduced One and TWrd Fare From Arrangements have been made with the Southern Pacific for one and one third fare round trip on all trains ia Oregon and California during the Elks Rodeo, July S, 4 and 5. A special train will be run from Weed with a one fare round trip from that point. The one and oitej. third fare will apply to all other polns, a A If satisfactory, to tha Weed peepla tf HIGHER SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM WILSON'S PLEA CALI-S .FORCES TOOLH OF-CIVtU tZATIOX- I lAddrw,a OW"-- VH HUtea Naral Aeademjr, .j (f -C vJ Urges Tttea to nenetaber TrM ,49Ihh0i. Hh Tbey Are Maaaplee of U WhM ADtcrican People, Not McteJyJ Par of the Xaikw't FghUai Feres United Prea-'Semev " ' V ANNAPOLIS, Md June 0. Ad dressing the graduating class at tk United States Naval Academy, before an audteacoI 5,000, Preal4Mt WU- Ison urged the eabryojidailral-, to. ea ter a sertlce tobuauiBlty, Uetead o "a deslro to fight at the. drop of a bat or some'sllght punctilio." Wilson predicted that'the Aeserlca occupation of Vera Crni wot leare "a different taste In the mo-tat of a people who haTe beea if eat lag and dcspialac AmerleaBe." , i X& ' ( "It oagat alw-ra to be aae,a your thoughts that "yon are a aaipl American? not Merely iw-tatn. i "- - . nti & i Rite m y hot merely aoldlere, atrpjjjjhaje I the point or view or American . , , imrr., ",In;rai;.amy and fpr& jprealdeat. "That ska Uta a-teg the inatnuneBta of .clvlUaatlea. aa t d'.' i t noi as laa-r-aie-w oi -r iiuu. ! "America's ldeaia to serve kuauuM jjty. Every UMe'yoa. let ta Jttara aai Striae flv ,f re to . tk wlad. TO- ought to rejOUe.tUarit ts la ltaelf Baeaaag. is you ,tnat you are on aa ei raad that other aaviahavc aome- Itlaee forgbttea BoT'abT erraaa--f conquest.'biitiaerraedef etvlce." J crater mm . DRAW $100,000 IF THIS AMOUNT IS IXCXVDaD IK THE SUNDRY CIVIL BELL IT MEANS ItRGHt FORCBtMOX ROAD WORST V WASHINGTON. D C..JttjtftJ6.- ia uaaaratood that, two ,Ceo it Items already passed by the commit tea and included In the fundryjtfvjl bill which will be reported next week, are 1100,000-for. Crater .Lake s-k- $15,000 tor the. Improvement of -the Clackamas salmon hatchery. K-V 1 Hi The above is received-here-wl much rejoicing, as, the, amount t highway Improvement la Crater. Lake National Park tblayear depeada uposx the amount of money appropriated. With this sum available there vrlH be employment for-over 300 -awa. and many miles of highway wlir'be constructea oy meiorce uaaer u-, E, Goodwlnt corps of eVglBeers. 1 f i Al J Warshtps'of all nation wlHba per mitted to pas through 'the Paj canal, but canaot llager mora tkafi twenty-four hours at' either ' fa time of war. o& '4 TF I All of OremMi" AfakiJV'ii tho special train will probably leae Weed at 5. o'clock in tha moralaa. ar- t- - -T-. . nif i -r - . t riving at Klamath rails at : From here the tral wlll'go'ft Kirk aad leave tkswe ai.l:4. M l Vl.n.ll. Valla ! mt 1t. '" - -M - '-,-- - I, This will give the. train erew an hour tor dlaaer.'ao they ca. LuHioVrjij.Tjtsl o' raaaiag wata eetwesm awamas Rates aMIf f MmM de.- --.T ' rt-i I. - f . V'fll 3 a crowd u.taka eaa jL,-" H. . r vfc . t vrt,s'r . --w '' v if-