V$ S Ul i "t $kwLi- aW lEuntng Mttalh PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIPAPKR c i:iitili Vir-Xii, .iwn KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914 Fries, ftra i mh FINAL VOTE ON ANTI-TRUST PROGRAM IS 10 BE FINISHED BY FRIDAY NIGHT hciiati: o.v mi: n.uiini its ttii.i. WILL III. tOMI'l.l.-ICK T.iXHJIir ,ll-.il ItMlU "IMllllIU" III .We I llrtl li) Srii-ml IUII. ritiKM-niiiii ., . . .... . , .. enlllK JlltlK Unwell' furl mippl) ,..h .' Ul...ln . !.- Hr.M.M,.(). k)K (i, cour fwl wnrm Wdy llir lliulntli. nf ItnllriHiil KIltullK- n Wrll 0Mrnlloi Ik Haiti)' NrMlrft. I'ulted I'liu Hemic W'AHIIINflTUN. It ( Juiip 4 Tin' nnal wtttt un i!ip nitlrp atill-lniat program ittillltivd by Dip WIWoii ad lilllllitfUtluil la mrlitxtulrtl fur tomor row In tlm liiiuoo f rpirriitnlltrt Tim ilctialp on tlm lilll f .iiiKrr man Hum lloyliurn i( Tea for llip regulating of railroad stork and tMuili will cliwe tonlilit, Tlm liny burn riul of the dt'lmtci wn oiip(1 (liU nftpriiimn by Cnsr-. man Karlt f WUroii.ln In lila argu ment hp cltd the dlecloaurr con netted with Ui "looting" of tlm New Jlarru, Frlaco, Porn Marquwiio, llttck laland mid lloalnn tin cmp reaxin why Iho InUralste Couunerrr Coin. " mlaalon ouM to hp tlm rrultloii,w.M ,, HKXNKIt ouw OXTO of rllroitd ntmhfa n Hrll n iIip oi rratlou of I tip fundi, UPPER LAKE ROW AIRING IN COURT HlNlXlltV lU THK CHVhTAI- Kl!l IN ItKINO lU'.IIAHHKI) tVi:it ItOAU IHHI'tTi:, WIIII.K .TTOIt. NKYrt WIU.NOI.f Whrthpr tlila wltnrM tpllfli?d lnat tliAl In a homratpml rontvat om ypr no, whriluT or not Hint wltnpM In At out with another t rouao tlipr dl4 not lr tilm tku wa ter fmm a rprtln illicit; wlii'tlmr tlil ircp of road I All talntilUtit'd ItlKll w tlirao nro nottip of tln i)ui(lon Hint nrp boltm iiroiiouudpil In Jtiatlio (lowrti'a couil lliU nfU'tnooii, durliiK tlm irorp of tin trlnl of V. K. Wylnnd anil Clnnnrp Hunt, on clmrKP of otiatructlnic a lilxliway Tlm hParlna In Hip rrmilt of iipIkIi bo r hood row In the Crystal dlatrlrt.jtha municipal plant. Need a Representative Unless 20-Year Bill Passes, Charges Soon Due A Mtlll further ovldenco of tho need of lejiiesontnthvs of tho water users lit Washington to urge tho early pass ago of the reclamation extension hill, Is shown lu tho following order Issued by Hecrotary Uno, a copy of which has Just been received by the Hurald: "No action under order of Juno 23, 111 13, will ho taken awaiting action of cougrcsa on extension bill. K .aid bill Is not enacted Into law by Aug ust 1, an order will ho mnilo requiring payment by August 16, If passed, an order will bo made by August 16 In conformity with the terms of tho now law " On June 83, 1013, lu order to tneot Hit noeda of many nuttlera on tho projoeta, Bojrotmy Uno l.iued an order which reduced by two-tlilrda the building charge last duo on tho wnhr right uupllrutlnii of oach wator user, uud ordered that thoro should bu no catirolluilon of eiittlei or wator right applications for delinquency In payinniits until nocember' I, it13. In anticipation of tha pawago of Iho propoaad twenty year eitonalon THE ENTIRE in whldi I lie llioti nml V)IhiicI nip) hit family urn eitibrollttd. All of the l.nrtlm toiict-mml ere already bound over lo the grand Jury un it tjii rlmitit ninilu by II nihil Allltt'll (l l tlllll IIKMIl III Hi" iiHelitKirliouit, (Ik oppuMnic atternrya. OWlrlH Alloriiny Irwin and lit) i, I l"r)iuin fur tint defctiiti. iitM (un- "If you try any more ImllyhiK of i our wltiirti-, you'll liRVti in lu ei-t-t Up Willi." lliuinlcrnl liny tills allrr-' iioim. I "That will suit m," i Irwtii ' retort. "Perhaps we'd lvttvr adjourn a! few uiluutf nn J aeltlo mine of lliU I uultlUr." atlKK-t'i (Jonrii t At another period, liny slated Uml j Irwlwrt had promUcd to "kefjt tlm rfttp ilrcnil, liut liU queatlona Itnll rnlrtl t tint he hnd fatlm! " ' Irwin Hkii infuritiril IU) Hint he i waa following liU model" ' NEW HAVEN ROAD HAS A FUTURE MWIMI rilOMWtTIO.V IIKCAI'Hi; II K CAN Ki:i: KILVKK I.IMNd TO ;MUI Of UfMT ASU TIUIUIII.K United t'rtMSrvlc WAHHINOTON. 1). 0.. Juno . William Hlilnnrr, one of tlm dlroctora of lli NVw tlnvrtt roiiiinny. I ml 1(1 oil I today tlmt ln lina faith In Hip future jot Hip Nw IUvpii rmd, In lila It-alimony lio aald that lu pltp of Hip fact tlmt lip la al pretont loatriR $40,000 annually on ula bold- lliti. Iip llltnnda to bold tbvm, and tlila lu fnrp of tlm fact Hint Hip atock la ftpndlly dPcllnliiR In value, bnvlnj Konn from 220 to 04. Kklnnrr mid lila family connection nrp tho Urecul bolder of Hie Now llavrn ham. In III teatlmouy lie defended Hip Inlerlccklim director ate. Ittnuln'M population la Increasing at tlm ratu of 2,000.000 u year. It U raid, It now stands at about 147. POO.000. Tho past week the streets of llaker erp lighted for the first time from bill, which would greatly relieve tho settlers as to their payments, tho secretary hint from time to time fur ther extended tlm date, for paymont until Juno 1, 1014. Tho present order Is to givo amnio notice Hint In ciieo of tho failure of congress to push Hid relief hill ap proved by the department, It will bo necessary for the mittlura to make tho pnymentn In question by August 16. Therio payinoula have remained un paid for much more thau a year, and tho secretary has postponed action from tlmo to tlino on tho assumption that emigres would coroo to tho ro ller of tho wator usors. Tho secretary rocognlxos fully tho necessity for tho relief which 1. pro posed In Hil bill, and which has pass ml tho senate. Ho has mado strong representations In urging Ita passage by tho house of representatives, and takes tho present action In order that payments may bo made this summer before tho altuatlon I. furthor com plicated by the falling duo of anothor Installment, Tr Mm, Cup Defender Candidate c 7 v -flSS Tt Vrf ' v-, Jfc JpiT'rvJ! . A& yJtM 3Bv rolHH3rr i-Lr stiJWbr Mila 'rim Dpflanco Is the second of the emi defender candidates to be launch- nl. Hhe lm begun her trials to test her speed. The moil who have built this ovl bellee that she U superior lor to the other two candidates, tlm the deck, and kKis the boat a pecu-lU-Kilutp and Vaultv. The races of liar appearauco at tint sight. Bourne Working Hard for Good Road Bill THOl'fill HANIl('AITi:i HV I.ACK OF VOICi: OX THE KMMMt. FOR MER SENATOR FROM Oltl'.CO.V 1H MAKIM; CHEAT PKOOHKSS WITH HIS UK) FKHKItAI, II Kill WAV IMPROVEMENT MEASL'Ki: WASHINGTON. 1). l, June 4. Consistently pursuing his policy of quiet, personal eiTurt, former Senator Jonathan Dourne li working up con siderable support for hia plan fur federal aid to good roads. Ilelng out of the senate, he litis no opportunity to make xpeeclie3 on the subject. Still fui titer hnndlaipped by the lack of picdllKe thui the sena torial tofc'it kInpk. lUiuriio Is working under grout dllllruliles, but Is keeping uverlastlttKly at the task lie linn map ped out for accomplishment. Tho billion dollar road scheme staggered many members of congress when Itwas first proposed. Sumo were Inclined to look upon It with levity, but when comment from road users ovor tho country showed no criticism on the score of magnitude of tho plan. tho projoct was given moro careful and favorable consideration. Though tho subject has not boon dUciiBsed on the floor of either house, It Is understood that Hon mo has tnk- J on occasion to explain all tho provl- alon of his plan, and to act forth the! proved roods that are desired, argumcntB In Its favor to many mom- iiourno's plan Is largo onough to bora of the senate and to somo niein-.8ecuro extensive road construction, bora of tho house. and, undor Its bonding features would Tho housu has already passed wliut la commonly known as tho Shackol ford bill, carrying an appropriation Officials' Meetings Resumed United Press Service AURUNR, N. Y June 4. Tho Now York Conference of Mayors and other city officials rosumod their sea hIoiih horo today, with much of tho work' of yesterday to be gono over. Further discussion of municipal prob lems, Including II ro protection nnd city taxation was scboduled at today's regular scs.lons, ilio urce to takn r' ,o soon will de tirm.'no which i'icl U to sail against tio boat Sir Thomas Upton sends tojtlon Is even better than expected, the I'nltrd Stnles, One remarkable. feature of the Dctianco Is the long malnmajii. It rises 103 feet above of $26,000,000 a year, and the bill Is now poudliiR lu the senate. It Is said that tho bill does not meet with much favor in Hint body, nnd, moreover, has the opposition of most good roads enthusiasts outsldo of congress. I It Is feared that such nn appropria tion, scattered nntong tho forty-eight ;HtalejJ wUh ,,rovsion for paying the money to local road officials at the rato of $C0, $30 o'r 16 per mlio, ac- cni-iiim? in Mm rhnrncter of the road. would not result In building much of tho hleh class of permanently Im- '......Li.. i... dIaIh. tn nnp fnr tlm rnnitn VllOUtU ,IIW W....V .w - " .- whllo using them, Instead of paying for them In advance. Mexico Declared War Ott Years Ago t'nltcd Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 4. Additional Interest, because of the present Mexlcau situation was lent to today by the fact that sixty-nine yoars ago today Juno 4, 1845 Mexico declared war against the United States. Today Is also the an niversary of the arrival of the Brit ish fleet In America la 1776. iHppigi kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsRVk'9 WaSBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFbbbV1'-'' bbbbbb g4g4g4g4gBtiiSBBBBH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbb? r's bbbbV ggggBBBBBBiBBBBF'-SBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBtT' 'BBBBBBBM BgggglgKJBWvVASBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeSbbbbI I glglBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBaBl FRACTURES SKULL E i JI.IXK ItlVKIt IHLI WKUt XVOW.V I.MIM.V, IH I.V A CKITI At. COS IMTIO.X AH Till-: III?. I.T Of AX ATTAI'K HV .,"' TlIKi: Link Klier Ik--' a t.i-ll known old Klnmuili Indian. St a Uic hogpltal, clorp to deatlt, with li. (k"ull fmc-' tuiud. Tl.omna Wllllnm l) I'.clil at WITH HORSESHO the Klamath Agency m,. ling the out-on 0; or fjuerson. demanded Im Vjine Thl la the renult of an aa-j mediate attention. r.uli upou Ileal by William last wtek. when Williams struck the ' t0 Merrill, and assisted In the opera lnK.-d man with a horseshoe. 'tIon- T'ePhoo advlcea from the ' . it ..... 'Alfalfa Cltr today state that Miss According to the Indian. Will am.,,, rchm , , returned to the reservation from, Kl- iith Kails Intoxicated, and had bottle with him. He was at Heal ears thciiif, and was acting so boisterous 'that Ileal cautioned htm to keep still or leave. After telling Williams this, the In dians say that the old fellow went to, his barn. As he was coming back, WllllamH struck him on the held with' the horseshoe, which he carried under! his coat. Since then. Heal has been In a seml- conscious state. He reeras unable to j speak, but apparently understand. I what Is said to him. Last night Ileal was brought here by his son, Ross, iand trepanning was resorted to by I Dr. Merryman. Advices from the hospital today state that bis condi TWO MORE KILLED IN AIR FLIGHTS 1SOMKTHIXG WKXT WRONG WITH THE WORKH. AND TWO ARMY I OFFICERS FALL. IX WATER AND AUK DKOWXED I , PORTSMOUTH England, June 4. Naval Ueutenanta Arthur Rice and T.I S. Chesswell were killed this after noon while testing a new aeroplane near hear. , The meu were flying over South ampton water when the machinery got out of order, and the machine and men fell Into tho bay. The men were 'drowned before assistance could reach them. IDAHO BUILDING NOW COMPLETED UTtli'.il MT.vir. iiuii.ui.un ,vt tttr. j FAIR GROUNDS ARE NEAH1NG, FINISH CANADA PAVILION WILL SOON RE IN READINESS Idaho was tho first of the states to complete Its state building at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Tho building was completed last month. Tho huge New York state building, to cost $300,000, Is structurally com plete, and the ornamentation will bo applied In the fall. The Canadian pavilion, which will also cost 1300,000, la now far toward completion. The pavilion is 480 feet long by 310 feet wide, with an aver age height on the main portion of 180 feet. Tho exhibit will bo under tho charge of the exhibition commission- or of Canada, Colonel W. Hutchin son, with a staff of officials. It will Include the products of every proy Inco, whether they are making exhib its or not Canada appropriated 1600,000 for Its display at tho expo sition and New York 1700,000. Strikes and lockouts la Rhode It land during 1913 caused a loss of 1188,855 to wage earners and about $350,000 In value of production to employers, accordlae to the report of the commissioner of Industrial sta-tUUox.1T 'MERRILL EDITOR OPERATED UPON IIH.S I'ltKI'?; OOKH UXDKIl THK,( KMI i: AT MK'ltltll.li Vim Al'-, I'KM-'ICITIH, IIUT IS ItKSTIXOI KAHfCi: TODAY Taken suddenly 111 on Wednesday, Mian Catherine Vr(.Vm, editor of the 'Merrill Record, wr.s ooeratcd upon for appendicitis at M rrlll last night. ' The case wan ter'i-t. and In the oDln- Dr. IlaxnUton of this city was called j iflrllirn nlfl fllflT A rWrH IIINIIill.l Wl-fiUll IIUII1IUI MEETING TONIGHT AT THIS TIME PROPERTY OWN ERS WILL SHOW BY WRITTKX SIGNATURES, THE SENTIMENT OP THE PEOPLE Another meeting of those Interest ed In the creation of the Fifth sewer unit will be held tonight In Mills Ad dition hall. At this time, the seatl- ment of the people regarding the con struction of the sewer will be shown. This will be done by exhibiting a collection of slips, either for or against the Improvement. These were secured by a committee which Interviewed the property owners. The big majority are In favor of the ewer system. , ' SPENCER BOUND TO GRANO JURY QUARTER BLOOD IS ACCUSED OP USING HIS ROOM IN LODGING HOUSE FOR ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN LIQUOR Charged with selling liquor to In diana, Charles Spencer, a quarter .blood Indian, was arrested last night 'by Patrolman Wilson. Today he ap peared beforo U. S. Commissioner Charles J. Ferguson and was bound oyer to the federal grand Jury, his Ibond belnr fixfed at tl.000. i Spencer is believed to have carried extensive liquor traffic with on an Indiana. Several Indians will appear as witnesses against him. University Honors Womaa United Press Service, DENVER, June 4. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bedford, state superintendent of public instruction, will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Denver to night. Tho degree will bo conferred at the meeting held to commemorate the semi-centennial of the university. Superintendent Is Oklahoma Man (sen t Wllllar B. Freer, at present super visor of Indian reservations In Okla homa, Is to succeed Edion Watson aa superintendent of the Klamath In dian reservation. Announcement to this effect has Just been received. Freer will reach here about the 1st of July, Ho will take charge as soon thereafter as details are arranged. Watson's leaving the Indian ser vice follows the request of tho In dian bureau tor his resignation, which ho tendered. Friends of Wataoa con COUNTY COURT IS OBLIGED TO HAKE A TIMBER CRUISE jftl'l'nKMK COURT HOI.IW RIGHT TO CONTRACT In DetMon Prepared by Jiiatk Hc Xarjr, It I Held That Eve jf Um jCoat)r la Cruiae b Over sVUMie li ftatjr If XeeeaMrT'te MakJaw EqtdtaMe DcdakMi Has local SALEM, Jose 4. Not only la It well within the provisions of the state constitution, but It la the duty of the county court to take the steps, srfea though Indebtedness aaay be incurred cx In excess of 15,000, to have the Has ber In the county cruised for the pur- ' pose of taxation. If that la required li order to obtain equality la taxation, according to aa opinion wrlttear.sy Justice Charles McNary and handed down by the supreme court Is the case of O. WIngate, appellant, vs. Clatsop county. WIngate sought to eajota the eoua ty court from abiding by a contract to have the Umber era teed so tin M sessor might have sesae kaewledfe upon which to make asi.mmiaU; and also to enjoin the court from eater? Ing Into a contract for the eeaotrue Hon of a pail, la bota laataaeea Wmj gate's coateaUoa being that sue, eeat tracts were la Ytolatloa of the preri sions of the coastltatloa which aro hlblt a county from lacurrlag Indebt edness la exeats of fS.Se except la certain lustiness. -" ' The assessor bad represented to the county court that' the timber land la Clatsop prebablr were uader vaJaed 4S,OOO.oee. and that It waa Imp seal ble to ascertain ta value at the lands without havlac tbem properly craleesi Thereupon the court catered lata a contract to have the work doaa. The circuit court sustalaed the county court's action, and WIngate appealed. Juatlco McNary points out that the constitutional provision brought late the case extends Its Inhibition only to Involuntary Indebtedness, and not He such as la thrust upon the county by operation of law. We think the testimony forcla? shows," says Justice McNary, "that "f It was Impossible for the awomor with any degree of accuracy .to list and as sess the Umber la the coattauous woods where rolls the Oregon, on t count of the Impenetrable, character the forests; the lack of eeseutiesl knowledge for an-undertaking of that kind, and the want of suitable equips ment; and la consequence thereof, a atutorr duty devolved upon the count Murt-M bu,n , ? the county, to take such means as Ita (Judgment would suggest more osjalt ably to apportion the toll of taxation which mankind has paid through the flight of centuries as the cost of civil ized society, "While absolute uniformity and exact equality of taxatloa la a base less dream in view of the Imperfec tions of humanity, yet, approximation Is not unattainable. Therefore; a su preme duty rested npoa the ai'Mtea (Continued oa Pets 4)' o Succeed Edsti Watiit tend that he to the victim, of latoraal pollUcs, and that he waa act to. biaaio for the ekaraasi -' ' t''-'-J- k Named r Jo which were acts of to-suborthWa.'f'''' about which he waa Igaeraf n rtty a , time iney were eommwsce. .v y., j The announcemeattaat Ffoer bo tho aaoat aaaiH movement startled -here a :'i Java iu'Io kavaiH O. Vital ""w "'" "" -TT'" ??' ZZTTf or ageat asm; aerw. is , of; arratloa. 'f 1-At , A 4 t-.V!i;4 M i. ' fi!S r .e. i i'