. Gto ttmftta Utralii PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mt j.ijLi lUghtii Year No. JI.WW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1914 Price, Firs Crate Free Tolls Repeal Is Again a live Issue 1 mmtv in .- H W,,,..,,,,..,, , irn-i-j-LAj-ui I'W''N'IV'',NVS tfw,wwwwwwww PHILIPPINES AND " MAY COME U rf A nnftimr,s RphYw FORT AND DORRfS japs arf mixed ' 1 uutu :: r "v r,vm" to boast papers INTO TOLLS FUSSi -.;::;:: tiii-hi: i ark tiii: "hemcati." oj'khtio.nm IT MAY Hi: HO.VKII IIIIIIITIO.V WOltK MAW other cowboys aiii: whit, imi to acohd This Is Effective When the Country Is Peaceful! , Johnny Juili), expert ro.r, who wan mi attraction at tho Aral Elks' Mediators Say Matter Is Now Up toGCarranza FFAXK SI Ml DO IS SECURING i:QUIPIEXT FOR THE WOOD Hi Villi PUBLICATION BRAD. XACK TO UK EDITOR t SiMrtriitt- U'lii. r.iMtfi. .HimIpo, and wbu has domj inhibition i j.mr, lrMrll . l-t.rr'. III). rK , of )t b(( fn)n,r ,,, JllltTATOH H lilnlriirp Hill, Pmlrimt ami fur .audrvlllu and motion plcturp THU IIImi Ttirrt. At Kprnl ,Npi. cotupmilr. may tip drro again at the KnIImIIum Tnnllr. lu Hp Mn.lr Hp- " '" Aft Acorii U In cor-; fur il,r Hill 1. luinMlMrol, rr.PiwU.r -III. Judd, lio U now In ', V)oinln. ami III couiltiE I" do ex.' hlbliluu work ifi"!tuU latKfly utKiti, hplhpr lu KPt a contract at the' .HtocUon utiou Judd, In addition in ln'inu u roper if th firl unlnr. U ulo n clu.rr Hi:IK WORD THAT hi: is hiuhv to ti:i dowv whi: "Tin: tor vim is i. I.ITK'AI.I.Y laA(TFIi:ir in:. I.IKVEH THAT Tills .SOLVES tiii: liic i'icoiii.im TOLLS QUESTION UP TO SENATORS' VOTE THIS WEEK ( NO OTHEIt BUSINESS CAX INTER FERE tailed I'rv tvr.U WASHINGTON, II. U Juu S - Itirlp Mlf llldhalKni Hint tl.r ilnll Ml ftlfeUtl tJUct!otl" whclcto 'r. tUtlll Till I'crniitn I mi v. n initio, folio lli a iutfrrllt belMprti I'flHiJ.MIl WIUon and C.o:irriiuan William A Jotlr, u( Vlrclllln, wliil In tl Intro. duo tl.r. Filipino lltdpppmlPIH-p l.llt U'lUun made U plain thai beforo II lil IVfop Art tun MAOAItA FAI.I.S. Ulil . Jiiiip i Itici4i Wllmii alluded In .i. "tin! l.orM-man. Ilr- made mim brilliant ' 'u' ie.'r-eiiini. to.ln) nu tct,ar iii tougrr., mkltiK Itip fp- rlil-i liprv, ami lirnl orkid tiliiKolf juouncrJ to tlic muillatlon romiul.nloii l o( Hip Ifcp lull. clun in tlir l" 'ip fliiali, only tu tin thrown by Hut lluerta U rcjily m icilro Inn I'abaum 'nal bill trlrrrt.,) (.arily to "Wlilin l'cllran " If Umt bronclm llu. rumitry l politically jinclflfJ IU l'hllliin .i.r) n( lli nilmli.u- teoul.J Ik lounj It U br-llrvul that lliU i, i. bolletpd thai this meins t'rt oulil brt liii.litl viiiiUKh to brlliK . ... . . ,..,,,, . , ..... , AniPikit miiiii brlnK iipnurn to hc.r JuilJ lioff. an tip unnln to try It acnln, ami lirwte liu can rldv ' IVIIran" ,, laUu' t'urraiiM to iiKri'i- to hii In cn.P Jud.l .!. not mm,., u . oniiUUcp. which will ptrmit tLc liuld iilliln thai I'otp JoniK. no In '"K uf plirtlon. ami the reoric.iitla- rtoiilliPrn t'allfornU, will i .rnr'il Hon of th Mxiuni Kimrnnn'iit- l.p Clitwr. of prmllplon U nto It IfarmnJ Hint by "tmrlll.Ht.' ib. 1'hiih.i.i.,. i...U.w,n.in..rM IVIiik for an viinPimni. and l.inl, llupru mpiin. whwi !. I rpntor.d I. Introilud, AfMrrlr. mu.t obtain l. our uB -Hkrrtrr lllll" Hip orKanU.;l r.tuli -ruled, and ihf lb. n.iHralliatlu,, ,.f thr ,and .llh ". ' California. In th-r :rmlr Ml tl... t)ld. lb, ,tr rW ,IWP, inrludliiK n Tht lleomw HMiwklriK tho TIip lliirria Mvu- iai ilml itt,n vrlilrllni; Inmo tntn on rducatlon 'llut-rtn will nut utop down ami Icnxp ArorUlarperhlnelrttfM from row- '" m",1,,r t.-tUmcMt by UUor- hii). In all imilii of th Wm, wtiu r,,,lU"', '"""'" lntirppd In thu ronilni; liow. It " li-(il, R. thouh Ihr rldpr. biilldojf ,lp, 1'r,"rt ""'" Krn. .tc. Ii.Tp for Hip bis thtpp duy WAKIUNUTO.V. C. Juno J. will lp Hip jilck of tho nmntry .Oltlclnl now- bpioo Hint ttu- que. Hon of ppncp ncntu In MpxIco U up to Corranin, . Thoy think that tho atatomunt by I I lillf I I fll rrDil llluprtn him pin id tho way to n solu tion of tin. pprplexlUK Mo xl can titua- MODOC INDIAN'S BOOK IS ON SALE, MOIHK- WAH IIIO.M lilt: IMHAN hTAM)tl,NT IS THE TllrZHEl IIAMII.Ktl IIV JEFF HIIHH.K., WHO MAW HOME OF IT . THIRTY APPFAR IN THE RECITAL "Indian HUtory of Hip Modoc War and tho CaiUP That Led to It," writ ten by Jpff Hlildlo, n Modoc Imltuu, lui In a ion of Wliiciim, tho hcrolnn of tho war. hum ninilp Ha aliltpnrancp In Klamath Fall.. Tho book la lllun-j trated with ninety plcturm, many of I them reproduction! of mrr hUtorlcnl portrait. Kiddle, Who wan a youth at thn lliiiu of tho Modoc war, nw much of thu real driium, In IhU book ho pre noiita In u forceful nnd loitcal limn inr thu mory from tho alauilpolnt of thn Modoc Indlann, uvon lo Intor vluwa with aoiiio of thn loadom. Tho book U on mlo nt Itlchnntaon'it VOICE AM I'lAXO 1'UI'II.M OF MIW. K) J. 7.U.MWAI.T WII.Ii HE I'HKHK.NTKH 1-OMUIIT. I'tlHI.IO IS INVITEH About thirty of Hip puplln of Mr. Don Zutnwnlt wilt npppar In rvcltitl thin oVpiiltiK ul the opera houno. Thorp wilt bo both vocal nnd lu-tru- uiontitl numhom, nnd thu program llt tit'Kln nt Srlf. aharp. Mrn. Ziimwnlt hfiH pxtondod nn In vltntlou to nil frlunda of tho puplU, nn ull mi to llioao who may othor wlu bo IntprpHtcU. Hon. The ndmlulatrntlon In brlnglnc prcmiuro on the conntltutlonnlUn to accept the propotali of the modtatora. Tho Junta hero la mucli excited, ad mlttlnic that the rocounltlou of Car-' ranxix by tho mediator In the mont fnvorahlo tinpect. HtfHHMSSIlHVWSSi&AiHf l BBbpHImJv i BP' b BBi rv wwVi 9i HHv ' $r '' 'JH sm H Ik . a! lH M I RVH-ejVkcV 3lli-. M IIIIIEj w Jl9 &r BPsu HI-r NBSs9n Vm H h. V 'PSHHh 9i I Br?f )Mi 9HHHi H k' ' Tylll-I i .'- SbP-I If HTurr. mnr tnr a n nKtr .U, . nu M.W.C yuyto A.V IU IU4AI LUCif ,appearance In these parts. One of ' these la to be published at Fort Klam ath, the other will be a rejuvlnatlon 'of the OorrU paper. f Frank Salcldo, a printer known In these parts for many years. Is to run ' ithe Fort paper. At present, bo la' getting together the necessary equip ment, and he has received splendid' .encouragement from the Wood Ktvcr' Valley people. The Dorrls paper will bo revived Expected That Mglit SeaalOM WW He Held to Hmti Ttirooxh the Mmmhstc. Set .Speeches Closed Today 8U- mou3 and Vanlaiuaa Take Opposite ' Views of Tltls Question, the Latter Calling It "Cn-Afiiericaa." United I'ress Service WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3,- nnitar tlm ntirnopttklrt nf Clatwtwi np.irl.1 uek. who formerly was In business..0 on th.l0,, MPe here. He has a homestead Just over the line In California now. bill In the senate were closed today. F. M. Simmons of North Carolina,, who acts as the mouthpiece of Presi dent Wilson en this measure, made , bis talk this morning. ? James K. Vardaman, or Mississippi, took the opposite side, asd bitterly j assailed the bill, calling it "un-Amer- lean." and claiming tbat'It was noth- i Ing but a kow-tow to Britain and, the British politicians. At the conclusion of the speeches the pressure for a vote on the meas ure began, and Senator O'Corm&n an nounced that the senate would not allow any other business to be takes up until a final vote was had. Unless the vote is reached this week or early next week, it is possible , , that the senate will hold night ses- l nltcd I'ress Service glong unU the lg MMeA BELFAST, June 3. Two suffra- Leaders In the senato arc hoping gettes last night assaulted and serl- the vote will be taken on Saturday, ously Injured Editor Anderson of the News-Letter. They attacked him In his office, using tbelr lists and desk ornaments. Anderson Is in bed as a result of hU Injuries. The women were an gered at the anti-suffrage attitude taken by the paper. Managing Editor Stewart of the .Telegraph was previously assaulted 'by suffragettes. He was not serious 'ly hurt. THREE MEN ARE SUFF VICTIMS TWO NEWSPAI'EIt MEN AUK AS SACI.TKI. AND OFFICIAL OF 1IOLI.OWAV I'KIKOV IS WAY LAID AMI HORSEWHIPPED ACORO. SIMPSON START FOR BLY Presidential Bees Buzz Already, Several Men Talked From Three Parties United Press Sarvlce WASHINGTON, O. 0., June 3. Washington Is beglnnlug to speculate Horloutly ovor 1910 presidential pos nihilities. Incoming political bees from Indiana, New York, Idaho, Wis consin, Iowa and Kansas are begin ning to arouse tho capltnl, which for weeks past haa been honeycombed with possibilities of war. That President Wilson, his health Permitting, will be urged by many Democratic party leaders to accept u tecond nomination Is conceded. That Colonel lloosmlt, fresh from his conquest In South America, will gut hla bat la the ring la considered a good bet, That former Prealdeat Tuft la, out of all races for repub lican party honors Is tulmltlod by hla bust friends. Should these ludlcutlous become facta. Wilson will ho pitted against tho progreiiHlvo leader mttiln. Hut In the uoxt campaign tho Colonel's friends prlvotoly hopo Uooaovott will bo tho presidential choice of both progressives nnd republicans. Thoro Is a pretty big hive of polit ical bees, hnwover, who are doing their utmost to ellmlnato both Wll ten mid Itoosvvolt. Home of them, for Instance of course, thoy are all loyal to tholr present party chiefs luuinjiri -ij-iri--ri-. ---- w (Continued on pg I) United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 3. ' "There Is no crisis In tho mediation. conference." President Wilson told callers today. Ho admits, though, that he fools prospects of further drawbacks at Niagara Falls, though they will uot bo serious. "Mediation Is progressing satis factorily," said Bryan Hon ahead, too," said ono hearlug Bryan's remarks. J United Press Service senator aboard the Yplranga, which started! LONDON, Juno 3. Two suffra for Havana last night. gettes last night waylaid and horse- "o Know tnnt mo Mueria lamuy WhIpped Dr. E. E. Forward, deputy f MnYlrn Pltv nn n anrn!ft1 train ft' - . . . WILL GIVE BROXKS THERE THE "OXCE OVER" FRIDAY WILL ALSO LOOK OVER HOWIES OX THE RESERVATION i. . . , ... .-. . -i ----- -- -- - . ieu .moxico uuy on a special iraiu ajgovornor of Holloway prison. This I week ago Saturday," said one. "We j3 tne seCond time he has been at tacked. United Press Service VERA CKUZ, Juno 3. Refugees Unow is0 tnat Huerta left Wednes arriving from tho capital today bring day. Both of these trains were guard- very coulllctliiK rumors of conditions Clj vith soldiers." there. j These men stuck to their stories, A party of prominent Mexicans ur-j despite tho news dispatches Indtcat rled. ami wero astonished to find I iug the presence of Huerta in the cap- "There is still consldorablo media-that Huerta and his family were notltnl after Wednesday. BANK OFFICIAL COMMITS SUICIDE before going to tho hasoment to end his life. Nothing In bis manner when Inst seen Indicated that ho considered such n step. So fur as known, tho affairs of thu bank are In a satisfactory condition, and Luchslngor is rated as a millionaire. ARMING AGAINST Forward is blamed by the militants for the forcible feeding at the prison used with those starting hunger strikes. Two policemen rescued Forward and arrested his assailants. Tho world's production of gold la estimated at 1490,000,000. Art Acord and Earl Simpson left this afternoon on horseback for Bly. where there la to bo a ball game and a big gathering of the people of that section on Friday. All of the worst bucking and wild horses are to be gathered together, and will bo tried out. From Bly Acord and Simpson will cover the reservation and return by, way of Swan Lake to look over some of the Llskey horses for the Rodeo. FOUND HEAD IN IIAHEMKNT OF HOME WITH C1AH TURK IX HIS MOUTH NOT CAUSED IIV ANY BUSINESS TROUBLES United Press Service SAN FUANCI8CO, Juno 3 George II. Luchslngur, president of tho Hum boldt Savings bank, ono of tho bent known Institutions of Its kind In tho country, was found dead lu the base ment of hlu homo ut 7 o'clock this morning, with a gas tube lu his mouth. Luchulngor has lately be on u vie tlm of nervous depression, caused by too close attention to business, but his act of self destruction was a shock to his numerous friends, Tho condi tion of his bed Indicated that he had spont soverul restless hours Upon It Birthday of Jeff Davis United PresH Service WASHINGTON. D. 0., June 3. ! Confederate patriotic organizations I hero, and all ovor the South, will hold ceremonies today and tonight In commomoratlon of tho birthday an- ' nlversnry today of Jefferson Davis. Ho was born lu Kentucky, Juno 3, I 1S0S, Today Is also tho unnlversary of tho appointment by Davis of Gen eral Robert E. Loo, In 1862, to com mand the Confederate troops In Virginia. . W. W. VISITORS .NEW JERSEY TOWN PREPARES TO HAXD TROU1ILE HUXTERS WHAT THEY ARE AFTER, AND EXPECTS TO WIX OUT Saxton on the Way Here . r Incarcerated Man Has a Big Suit for Damaged Motorcyclists Hold Rnce Meet United l'rcea Service TORONTO. Ont June 3. Mem bers nf tho Toronto and Wanderers Motorcycle Club today are holding a dual race meet In celebration of tho birthday of King Qeorge of Bagland. TARHVTOWN, N. J., June 3. Scores of armed constables are pre paring to meet tho expected Indus trialist Invasion in such a way that tho peace and illgutty of tho town will uot bo disturbed. Tho roads leudluu Into tho city are being care fully guarded nnd watched. Fountain Square, tho towns forum, has Just been covered with fresh asphalt, and tho president of the vlllngo has Issued his ultimatum. "Thoro will he no free Bpeech meeting," he said,, "nor tv meeting of imv other kind in Fountain Sauaro. If nnd such attempt la made, we will area k up, wan nuui, n necessary. , That the thoughts of the seven months he was obliged to spend be hind the bars of the Klamath county Jail for nothing will always rankle deep In the heart of Eugene Saxton, Is evidenced by tho following letter recelvod by tho Herald: "Eugene Saxton drove Into Malln May 25, traveling over much of the same country ho went over last year. "He will later Journey to Klamath Falls, to meet Fred Morley and other Klamath grafter who handed Saxton such a beautiful package last year, "Saxton will be very ably assisted A o by three of tho best attorneys on, the It. .m .... " .. racio uoasc. l Saxton was arrested last July, la, ; Mineral, Idaho, by Fred MoriWI charged with the forgeries of which" I tho fedorai district court In PortkuUI recently found Frank Cacka of Malln guilty. Ho was held In the eavaty ii Jail for seven months before the af-' ter was taken up before a grant' Jiry, " when ho waa exonerated aa d twrrni 1 loose. Since he baa been released through District Attorney Hooper of Siskiyou em-r,4W.fl'i M' menced a damage auli again j-tfc- ;.-; First Trust and Ravings bank,iijltf'",; ,, Irtg malicious presewttlM, ?, ' ' n i .!' . fM v . " fctfdK , gait on, j,.f i fiwi'W.ff A .ft A .-. lg W "V y,J .$ '