If r ji ., , o xtminix Itteratf. PRINTS THIS NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Kighth Year No. a.wii KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1914 Friee( fit c; h GRANT & COMPANY PAY FOR BONDS WAN KLAMATH CO.'S DEBT IS BIGGEST E STATE: T KG BURS RANGE Albanian King, Whose Throne Totters WHOl FKIUil'lMiV maki:k IIKIHtHT MIS I'lltM" MalrmrlM ITiMtrr Urn Uniform At ttxtttUttry Ij hhoMa Tltsl Turn. lj.4W 0uullr Hum m Surplus Otrr All ii1rbiMnr JarWaon t'uiinly la llm Only Count) lit lltr Iwiie William of Albania, who wislalo wars In the southeastern nart n 'ttic ('nun' of Weld, In Germany, li;uropo, suggested tho formation o liuvtiid a fight for hi throne, which aii Indopendont kingdom. Ho was nls In- tin on iiiit for less than a year. 'named by Austria as tbo flrl mon Hulx'U frightened hi in and Queen .arch. Tho Albanians had for ear rin o imuijr wio oijiit nay mat in en practically unacr the control o t m: or WATIIll MAKCh 'IHC'ihey had to lake r'jfiiK m an llMlnti petty thief, who exercised power li I'lltr. I'ROtlKTiON nil'CltriU'ri1"'"' "' wnr- Tu)' la,,'r returned to nit much territory an they could hold their lapltal. but their soldier did and paid little alt'-nllon to the author ' "" (not neetn able to rou with tho mob, Ity of (lie Turkish Kow.rwnent Theli Ol' WATKIt Till. (OMI'AW rATIH THAT I'llOMHtot lluldlu: thul a renuli of the- con- itlinniii" un f water for lawn iril ration hi mant tKiiiple, tht Cnllfor- i t nU-Ort'Koii 'ui-r tomtaiiy l uu- able l kTi the renennlr tilled,' . . , i i i . , nun unii'inrt' maniug leaa riiieKiiii !thi r 1 1 ' lire tirnt-'dliiii. Kunrlii! M-tr Will. 4 IKNMlr.1 W.lr.lr.r-,ifnrl (Jt(fti , WMm - Kked Ihr city miumcII In lake tu Hum HAI.KM. Jun !. M.owlne thn J ',r r-Rulailni; lli hour for , , . , ,prltiMlni: r.naiirlnt rttiiillllon. I he inula mi hand THO IMiMrrr wlili h demanded their withdrawal. (hlefii have. tlrrcd up opposition to 'I'lic prlutc wn nl up ik klnic of tin new Mug because they don't want Albania nfltr Aimtrln, following the to loin' their power. err rra.-rrr: v- llm fuml mi hand ,.,.., ,1 IMP "' I tlMIIlIM P II.IKULIMII d lb. .M.,.I Of ludrblrdnra. of j,,,,,,,., , for MIlM,nR ,.,,... rompnn)'ft lrrli;:itUui tllr atnlx. Ibn tU.l III rllAltl llUllfrtltK' vuty oiiinty In MUatlrtl) lwlft CfliiimUalonrr J tat uw uniform ai-rouuiaui)" prliilrd and trndy lor dltrlbu Hon iod Thl l Inn rtii r-pti ol lb kind -it liaurd In tbi- aialc, and offrf a mean of rouiparlton bftwri-n Ihr tarlt-t'a rountl-. Xlw rvtri ,Oi Ibn rotidllloti of Ibn toiilitUn' nnanrra fur (he urtr rtidlnn on lir 3II lit latrb III all llir cotinllp of Hip lnV lb- ! ntid a m and ' and p m. Thn titilMiiitf iftioiirli uiilil W'utlmi. til,. V, IVreuM.u und.t ,,, i,m-ni. ii,u rnl. imwhv of law,IM)M .tnitilfii. waUir nit itav atnl nil. nlEbt, an a rult, dcntroylue ilx-lr' iii-lchbora" eardin and TillInK tludr tml-tnriit. "Tim iir-i'vt.t kh? of watrr In IJUm alb K.ill -r''dii 200 Kalloni. mr rnplla p-r da)." ld Walton. "In Hun rranrlico thr amount U !:' ol lima, and In moil rltlrn ISO Knlloim U fonldird -lraaKnnri u utrti-rcd HiUl umouul of fttnd on band Marib , m,,, ( amniitita to Ut) t-alton. , 51 a Ifi.flai.fcCI 71, tabjll? tllf Itllal ...... , .........in- ,m1.lrtiil watr nuutanillnit Indibti-dmiM wan 6,. , ao.ooo lubablfanlii. If Sl ;CJ.3 Tw.niyr.i-. r'"Hl',,r,,f). ,Ul.,. u rlChl now ho an a-tsrrfiatn drlirll of It.t.SC.. .ifllmr water to novera It wn up can- J llOUtK'K 3.-- 'rh1 a"""d vain, of all ,,, Mol prlnc addition and on iho uuablt. properly In all th roiinHm (; rHIM,, uw 0ttK to b. ron for liIS, a. ovt-r $064,000,000. ,, ,llr),lnis f ,ou w gK- Thlrtrfti of lb.. ibltD-tour roun- K,.n ta,at )ou would do. wi-'ll l llr bad ooutandlng liideblinlit.'H K4, m , airy It out If you will up ttralrr than Ibn iitn total ot all point an lnpctor with pollrc powora f Hilda on band Th-n dpflrlta raiiKi'd iirrl tho tlulatliiK tbeo ItniiK, i from II.UCC? In Conn rotiuty to Mr would bo w-llllnt: to pay hl sal-. H79.735 C7 In Klautalli On tb' olb. nr).( , ,.t tbo rinn ko to Hut city." er hand. Ibo aurplua balann- of Hit- Walton alo read a letter received oihrr twrtity-oni- rounlli rancd (010 )mtt ,. from ,., undcrwrltera, from Il9.ti6f..ir. In llenton to 193 J.- rPComm,.,)(-nK that the unnoceary life Tt-'Jl o aL:vs?3B IA alllMaVBBBBBBaBBK". .ilftm Bt.atiaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaa. S''i'.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaH C-iaaaBLK WktUi I w QVtUN SoPMt f I SEEK TO PUT H. 6. tlTY HALL BOND WILSOM AS INDIAN MONEY CREOITED 1 AfiFNT llNnf MI1RF Tnuiiuinininfu nuLinunuLinu..-. ,-j muniuirfliii I I IfirriTIONii AUK ADDRESSKB TO, THK OFKICIAUS TELEGRAM RECEIVED THIH AF- TERNOOX l'oK-ni Art? Addromctl to the Setre tnry of the Interior, Indian Com- iiiUxIoiut and Orexon Cingreatloaal Itt'lfKaliou. SlatlDK That WlUoa'a Rorord Was SutUfactory, and lie Is Wiinti-l Hark Agula. ' Advice yUken XcedletMi Actios of tfae Council la Stating That Either the Money or the Traaacrlpt Shottld Be , ForthcomlBg Thla Meauw t. Good- hiieil Addition to the Payroll TW Summer "O if?- - kimg William u? pRir4ctss MA.ra.ic. 0,t7 In Multnomah, Ouiabie or f w.,,r - ai.contlniicd, and Multnomah the blithe! nurplua '"JmnUm t,at there would bo no ro-' howu In Marlon, which had In It turtlon In Inmiranre rate until thla varloua fund al that time Ja-jwa don. I 3g,,, . Maor Nlcholaa baa aome ordl- Tbo Worry Over Twenty Year d:i nrrounlluK department baa Ma) or iinnrcs on thin .igrcgated the county fund Into ( hl,r vMf, raueitlon that are tiaed. They will be conald-' (Coutlnuad on page 4) ',ered by the council at a coming meet- Inr. Sunnyside Project Wants Delegate Sent havn ben removed from the auner-. tl vtnp.in hr h nrM,nt .dmlntiitra. the Sixth street lmproTeBiemt. tlon. J. t Smith Police Head Mayor Re-appoints Man Who Resigned Last Month 'Confidential Advices From the Capital Show That There Is Serious Need of Stirring Up Interest in Passage of the Measure 'Court I Sued. Through OncllI and Manning, suit was commenced against C. Lee Court this morning to recover 92,125 and costs. The plaintiffs are George Tay lor, J. J. Collins and John Reeder. They allege that the money Is due tor sums advanced, and for three years' rent on the Court ranch. The followltig nro tho appoint-( .. f.i t munta ho far maiio uy Mayor i, r, Nichelas: Chief of pollco Joaeph 0. Hmllli. ( Pnlwilman N'o 1 Hatll li. Wlllkr. 7 ....... w-i I i;ity iiitgineer joiiii viiih. City Attorney J. . Ilulenlo. Htreol Huporlutamioiit Prod Htuhl man, roundmastor Kd Owoua. Health Offlcor. Ur. U. I'. Truax. i With tho eieonllon of Kd Owoim,, till uro ro-appolnted dlllcora. Owoiib, who In n aon of Councllmnn Hen J )wuii, aucceeda Wllllnm Hull, who has aervod tho city for aovoral yeura na puirolmiin and nH poundtunHter. Tho ro-nppolnlinunl of Hmllli cmiiu. u n aurprlao to ninny, uh Bmlth ro t'unlly re.lgncd, mid IiIh rolKntl' wna ncceptod by Mayor Nlcliolna. rlmUh'a reappointment followed the reading nf n lengthy petition signed by buslnusa men, osklng Hint 8mlth bo reappointed. MatthowH moved for tho confirmation of tho Mayor's appointment. The appointment of the varloua I'oimulttooi lu the council, and tho remaining members of tho police force was1 ooatlsued until Monday. liiiilui; tin. week this will bo tulkcd oor by member of tho council ami tbo mayor. Thorn Is expected n i.rmirii mi the number of policemen to be nnmed, Nicholas Insist that four men are necessary to properly imtrol the city, while, somo of the council statu Hint three nro plonty. Thero was much discussion about nit miestlon. and that of ro-nppolnt- ItiK Bmltli at Informal session of tho council held before tho regular meutltiK Inst night. At lust nlght'M miHitliiK Couucllmen Doty, tloeller, ' Townsotid, Under u.w.,1 n nd HiiVldKo stopped out ot lolllce, ami tho huRlno.H will bo eon- ducted by Councllmen ltogoro, ami theWH, TowfiHoml, Oweim and Lock wtioil. a board of 0o Instead of ton. i.nefewooil wiih oitortotl to his BOIlt by Doty, ami was sworn In by tho mayor. Nicholas wnH thon sworn in oy JndKo Loavltt. "I want to thank ovory member of tbo old council for tbo support you Imvo given mo," said Nicholas. "You uover sulked In tbo harness, and you did faithful committee work. You have my best wlshe." sout Commonwealth Day at Eugene con sidered a state industrial surrey. Tho following open kilter Is being should make It their business to find i now when It Is needed will be small nil the water users assocla- out. Icompared with tho benefits to the ... . ... . . . u-nlna iionfa Flin I nifiAif wtifh ulll tlons by tbo Suntoslde Water Users, " tnw mil noes not uecome a wwi- '"-""- "s ";". ".""." ' hiiiidreda of thousands of dollars will, " saved on tho deferred payments Associatien: . , , ... . .. llnn. If llm lilll hissm nt'thla hph. ue (luu aim p.i)uio iruiu uiu nuivi ..-... -- More Information as to tho opposl-Wis; can they pay It? Wo know ln, will moro than make up the lion to the reclamation extension blll'tbey cannot. What then? Will Sec-iProono.o .WUu.ire. oy .no asso- Unpels us ,o urge tho various asso-i Xt -! S.owlng Is from the letter elation to tako prompt and vlgorowi, l0, .u n BUre of u nnd ,g hQ 'received: action lu favor of Uio bill If they hnut n()t more 0y to grant an extension I You will notice that tho principal not dnnu so. iielow la a copy ot mo lf tx(l(t. 10 vu,ter users have mado opposition seems to be In Mr. Borland Intest udvlcus; ns thoy aro conllden- l( honest effort to socuro tho pass- from Kansas City, Mo., whllo Mr. iImI II... mtmn nf lli.i niitlinr In with rt.r. .f tl.. l.llt It llioii fnlla thnti tin l4)fnnti ntiriAnrft In lin In nnnnnltlon. but " "" - - ,'h" " " - "- --I - . I held. Thoy camu from a Western 'if w just lay buck and wait to see 'does not express himself doflnltoiy. i man who has been In Washington, I)., what will be donoT (Ho agrees, however, with Mr. aar- (',. now for some weokB, and Is thor-' think tho sugBostlou that thoiner that this bill, or something slm ouiibly lu touch with tho situation, J ftl,ier users have a represontathe In liar, ought to pass. Mr. norland Is a and wo hao full confidence that bo Washington Is a good ono, nud wo 'democrat, while Mr. Mann Is repub Is representing the condition as It hellevo th6 Hum bus arrived when wojllcan leader of the house. The best aitually exists. should have. This association Islchnmpton ot tho bill, you will notice, This bill came up lu tho bouse on wlUltui to send a man, but wo fool, is a republican, namely, Mr. Mondell ... . . .... ... . ...1.... ..nn.lnlt.n. nt.m.lil .1.' !3h. .1. n.l .A.Ma anmit atlrrltlfV lit the ISIh ult on unnnimons conseui. iuui me umor iuouvwhwh quuUu u From a perusal of tbo Congressional, tho st.iuv, uml that tboso which do Record for that day It appears that not, or cannot, should contribute of nil tho representatives from the MimethluK towards tho oxpensca of seventeen reclamation states, only, those who do go. Aro you willing to four supported tho bill: Mr. Raker, do thUT If .o, kludly'advlso us at CnllforiiU; Mr. Taylor, Colorado; Mr. ouco, ittatlnij w'i ether or not you will Contracts Cattle. Louis Gerber, local cattle king, has returned from a trip to the Burns country. While away he contracted for S00 head of beef cattle at SlWer Creek for September delivery to Abert Lake. In Linn county a sample of concrete road was laid on QoodRoadiDy. I Tbo entire floating debt of the state of Oregon, less sinking; fund aweU.U qudUd by a census bulletin at 10.04. Order a Railroad Strike Gamer, Texas, and Mr. Mondoll, Vy-,nond n man, and It not, the amount online. What wore tho otheri doing, )ou .H1 contrlbuto towards the ex and wbv did thoy not speak u Inlponse of tboso who do go. The ox- favor of tho hlllt The associations pense of doing some effective work Somebody needs some stirring up badly. Hvory representative from tho seventeen reclamation states should have been there, and should have been actlvo In the support of this rooasure. If tho representatives whose constituents are Interested will Insist upon Immediate hearing, I be llevo that the opposition will fall (CoBtlnueVbn pax ) & An effort to have H. G. Wilson re- .. . , . . , . , .. The 1GO.000 for the city hall bond turned su superintendent of tho , , . . , . , . . ,, ., . . Issue is now at the disposal of Klam- hlamith Indian reservation came to '" light today, when the following form D,h Fal'8' of petition was circulated: A telegram to this effect wasr- "WV. the undersigned residents of eelved late this afternoon by City Klamath County. Oregon, knowing Treasurer J. W. Siemens from a Chi- the excellent manner In which the "Eo banking house, stating tbafjbo affairs. at the Klamath Indian Agency r was placed to the credit of , were handled during the previous In- Klamath Falls by R. M. Grant & Co., cumbency of Mr. II. G. Wilson, and "e bond house buying the Issue. believing that the beat Interests ot This is welcome news in Klamath ' the Agency, as well as the United Falls, as it had begun to be feared . Stites government, would be conduct- that the bond'bouse was holdlnjf up j ' ed more satisfactorily under him, we this Issue. Last weok, a request was respectfully request that you use your sent for additional data, with the .Influence to secure the re-appolnt- promise that as soon as this was sup mint ot Mr. Wilson to Hie office ot plied and the house' attorney satis- t superintendent of the Klamath In- fled as to the legality of 'the issue, dlan Agency." the money would be forthcoming. ( ' The petitions are addressed to Sen- Last night, the conncit Instructed" ators Chamberlain -and Lane and Con- police Judge Leavltt to wire that the 'grcssmen Slnnott and Hawley. Sim-'money or the bonds and transcrlpT. Ilar petitions are addressed to Secre- mUst be forthcoming by Saturday. I tary Lane of the department of the ( The contract for the erection ot the interior, and Cato Sells, commission- building bas been awarded to Cofer ' er ot tbo bureau of Indian affairs. Brothers. They are ready to begin The circulation ot the petitions fol- work at once, and they will give a : i lows the announcement that Indian number of local men employment ' Agent Edson Watson's resignation during the summer and fall. ' was requested by the. bureau of In- dlan affairs, and was sent In by him. AsiCmeBt DUtrlct I wiison was lormeny ascui ui mo. ... . Klamath reservation, hut has since' Tne cltr counc la,:.nlnt1Ie!!2 been supervisor of reservations In tnat tbe aHlng halt of the Sixth , Oregon. The circulating of the peti- ,&l" improvement tuswiw. " "" tlons Indicate that Wilson may also efl tnree-nuna anu, ne oiuer u.lt - hv hn r.mn,l from th nrw,r. .the district tWO-fltth Of the COM Of J !P Woman Would Be CitUea. Application for full citizenship ha been died with Circuit Court Clerk t George Chastaln by Helena J. Heh- ' mann. The woman is a native ot Hoi- f land. She will be given a hearing at , the December term of tho circuit court s j Fifty-Five Thousand Trainmen Are Affected by b J .8.1 of uluety-slx railroads operaUnf win i of Chicago, the labor reprMtwlVM t last night ordered a strike vote taken WASHINGTON, D. 0., June 1. The Webb amendment to the Clayton anti-trust !U1 wa today adopted al. most unanimously by the house. This iimkex strikes, peaceful picketing and tiKsemblylng lawful. lu presenting tho NUiendmeat Webb stated that It embodiea the Ideas of both the president and the American Federation of Ibor. United Press Service CHICAGO, Juno 1. After nego tiations in progress three months be tween committees representing the trainmen and the general managers by 5f.,000 trainmen. I str .... ...-. , , . ..M...I... V. ' X 'ills Biriae, u it oecuiuaja ,niHini r ...111 ..M.. .....1.... ... 11dAAftMll.P will uuuvi )vuia.era wu lfj aiai of railway. They receive ovwr !7r 000,000 a year In wag., f r j J Tho trainmen demanded wtM41 te'n inv rmliieml hnuni ud titshsr ovatv. ' i' . . ', .-w-.-. . . - . . ", The manager refu4;HM : ..nH.Sb.l .. ( . m .1. .... --. ll,u. A.-m.Am .kU, uu iiuv anai iw,awa, wmmm i wouiu increase in MayrwHa, tmm lauroau as,wu, t Ur. t"3 1 V. A'&l f i I .., h h.