5. H fEuttttna Utoalfr PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL , NEWSPAPER P iJHlWKa!IWIWWeftBWftif ' .''"fv" 2zl TTrj-3gg."TanBea- re- 3-- I..1.I.O1 Ymr-N. il.H-i1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1914 Price, Fire mh Canada Is Investigating the Wreck WWNM'wl'W SfcMVMS' PRISONER JUMPS : FROM PASSENGER I WINDOW; ESCAPES' VAH WANTED IN LAKE till NT run nivri.ivii Ju.l llrfl.fr llir 1ltlli ilt-Milml Mmil Mid r.iii, i.iii'ir) i..ani iiiinM-ir ill Hie ljnliu), awl lUWiiK Win iluit, JiiIiihI .Not Ml-il I "III Hie 'I Mill lleailtr.1 Miltli.ll Hen. tullmillle rirlll(IK vii,son Ari(.vovi,i:iMii:H iikci.iit of tixkoh.vm The Klamath Chamber of Cum inert,, tmln) riii'hi'il Hie ruling. IhK ucl.mi Ifilgiiicnt of (liti wire rtii'iilly Mini I'lfnliliiii Wllnim. lirKllIK III Mill III trUUlUR tll- ff nin-iilne of riprueue himI William kiiii river in IiikiMiik The While Hull-. ' (Irntlcmni 'ih ('resilient f 1 1 1 4-1 IIH' til Bfk till VI . t UK' rilit u( yimr irlicrim f Mil) 33 unit to any Hint li'- U In lur I lift II III till- Hill 14 1 ! It III I III- HIT- feint) llf )U lllli'lllir 'Him pfrly vuur. J I' 'IT Ml irv '8rffrtlir III tin1 I'lrxldeiil General Villa Enjoys a Cockfight .Wlif nVnrl llUIUlled llullalu bad btvn rVpelldnt li) l.al.e louiit) In litltit a built (Iip nrrot tit Uuik l.llnl rj at Allmii), no J Hr Deputy rfhef lit Waller Dcltl Itail gone to Albany tor lli prUuuer, and had him altnvtl 8fe, Mlldtry lt night til ml" III rtl-e by Jumplug I rum the Wain jut before It pulled lulu Klamath Fall. DU Jutt u few Mlaulr before tin vuuld have been lodged behind I lu ll I f Iti Klamath uiuiitr Jail Mr air k-ptug wr ulght. Uelfteeu Midland ft tut Klamath1 r'll, l.lbdey atked perialaalou tu go l&lu tlm lavatory ou tlio train, which tho orflcer granted. Tho prUoner opened tlio wluduw anil Jumped from tti train, and It a not "utll the lulu reached Klamath Kail tlinl the icaIo wii illC0rfcJ. Ttic aulliurlllp oio makltic a arrli fur tlio mk ami alt Hi" MfarUy autliorltlv liavr Imi IpIo liliobvd aud (vlrrapni. Tlio Mcap. luti. of l.linl"r U ri-aarilpil an rrrtatn LAKEVIEW JAUNT OF THE ELKS IS E I iF0ifiiiiiiiiiBHH i f'i LaSJimKKttfftKtl 'Pk' '1 Pvi llH iiH!iiaaHPiBliaUfSlW W f!IS fLSaHaHlppK'", '.'vpVJSI.VaVSSapVatfpMKaW f''' E' pKaabfliRiaWHliil ' k 1 aiAijiBBBtfliisiHBHa l-l-' JPE BPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHH 1 iX r ABBBVlBlHvaaBVvvaavaHilBwiBvVBVBSBSBlvBvVaYBafBBlB : WIIJ, TALK OVUK WOULEX MILI, 1'I.AX For tbc purpoiie of deciding what Klumnth Pall I willing to do tuti'urd eucouraglng a woolen mill here, and what the owners of the Ilandon Woolen mills be lieve they ure entitled to In or der to Justify them to mote their machinery ncro from Coos Hay, a main meeting of Klamath Kali people HI he held tonight at the Chamber of Commerce. All Interested people are urged to attend thH. Manager Uedll llon of the Ilandon concern, who leaves tomorrow, will be present to take tip matters for the wool en mill owners. The meeting bc b!m at fc o'clork : FINAL ESTIMATE OF THE MISSING PLACED AT 969 i DISCREPANCIES ARE NOTED IN" STOKIEi) Captaia or the Two Boat Tell Dif ferent Verahwa of FnUlltf 0 clI Are Taking the Testlmnnr of the ItMaetiRef Work of Ideati f jta the Victim Proceed Steadily at the Wbarf Morgue. MASON TO MAKE HIGHWAY GRADE HIGHLY NJOFD NimnuumiNw citv a hovai. i:v. TKRTAINKK t'lenerat Pancliu Villa the blKgent Hie fnrt Hint he I wholly Mexican, srapli shortly after the battle of Tor man In Mexlro today, In not anhnmed He an a bandit for many yearn, and reou. which made him the dominant to attend a cofktlght. which U tun ,hfl, , lhl. monntning, where he was character In the constltutlonalUt fac- more, at 'a national .poH In,. Mexico cnnH f()r , , b ,hc poorer on shou, becom6 ,.,.., .... i... .i. ... ,ii ....... .... i LOCAL CONTBACTOR OETS CON k .-.. mi in- i m- p.i,o remiiiivm, me ueuu vi me aaiion ue wouiu rroo- r. ... ....-.... log. ''"" '""i"UK i me. r l . Villa willingly poed for this photo LS-3 C than bull flchlluK. EY0atlit meaiic! .Mexican may vv .tr mmmml, uiiiuiriii it an ex One reason for Vlj 'I t'nlted Press Service i QUKIIliC, June 1. Caaadlaa JP clllc officials today estimates the EaBfk rcsaof Irelamd death llat at 7 TMi UbelleredtobenaaL Jr, . , , The ideaUflcaUo of theloiliaa at RiwowU proceed raidir. H fci be liered that the todies mc leeated etc in the hulk of the tthuteK ohie. . ably think an Utile of going to cock- fight a be does now. I WORK ON THE KUmalli VLHom Arr Met u Mile Kr.Mii Town Willi a Hand anil Auto moltllra, anil a lllj ltrcriJon la iilrn Ttieiu by Hip Klka of That C!ly4j ()i,r Acrlitent Ocrurml on the Entire Trip. New Ci WJ Breaks biP6!m Out on LOCAL GIRL WILL THPUiuoTiucnon Lassen TRACT FOR EIGHT MILES OP ' ruimBm .United Preia Service r CALIFORNIA MONTREAL, Juae 1. lBTetle4 STATE HIGHWAY tton Into the wreck by the (OTenaeat has-started. Toaajr the wreck coai-' mission is securing the tcsUraoy of the surrivor. bat the matter will be finally decided by a royal coBaslMloa,' Including two Judgea of the admiralty1 court, who will arrive here Juae 8th -"tfj B' ll an a tlrrd bunch of Klka that l.lndoy It v. anted In Uko county trnKi;UI Into Klamath I'nlU .Sunday on a rhargf of ateallng hore In War tier Valley Koiir of Hie liomea hn I alleged to have taken are owned by the deputy aherlfl from whose rtittody ho rarnped. Undtey U about 30 yearn of bi. weigh about MU poundi, and l K feet I Inchon high. Ilia complexion U datk, and be haa blark hair. Until of bin oye teeth, are gold crowned, and itnllreable when he talk At tho llin of eacaplng he wore a Kray eater. dark Iroiuern, a white om.( night all the wn friiin I o'clock tilt II. returning from the eirurnlon to likevleH While they were all tired .! United Pre Service a n:iekf" ItKI) lll.l'KK, June I -A new cm- ThereM.l ter, 300 feet from tho top of Mount noliie. Oreat- !.:iitf.en. ami on the north Hide of the 'escaping. alone, broke out Kunilnv afternoon. A rorent rai It wa n happy bunch Hint brought Tl . crntl.r U 25 feet wld e and 10 feet crater vesterdalftl glowing account of the princely re- 0Bi ntu, hag (lpep mure$i uartlmuaqe shocka' mpllon ami entertainment given mem Hocks, lava mid ashei were scat- tho mountain. "$ by the peoplo or ikcviow itered to a, depth of two feet 200 feet Mount Lassen Is the. The excursion of autoi reached from the crater Hocks as large its enno In the stale. I3?i Lnkevleu- at I 30 Saturday Thev n half MISS MM.l.lK COGSWELL WILL BE AN ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR IN DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY ' IN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTION Will H. Mason of this city haa Just been awarded a contract for a portion ' of the work on the northern terminus ,ot the California state highway. He will begin work In about two weeks. I from London. - . The contract awarded Mason la for' Wreck Commissioner Llndsey Uj grading tbe highway from Hornbrook taking the evldenceof the membenr to the Oregon line, a distance of ' or tno crew, as wen aa tne survivora eight miles. The finishing of the high Today he report a grave dlacrep-; way will not be taken up until later. ancy between the stories of Captain: Kendall, commander of the Ill-fated, Empress of Ireland, and Captain An derson of the collier StorsUdt. which' 'Doc" Carter Here. ' Mra. Emma V. Cogswell and raaughter, Miss Nellie Cogswell, came University J. Hardin Carter returned Saturday' ..... .,h ,.-... evening from Los Angeles, where he( her Is taking a course in dentistry at the,,. . r cA. ... eniifnia - " " " ... -, .-v. ... v - - . couple of running horses which bej wanu to enter at the Klka Rede. He, were met abuut a mllo and from Ihe city by tlm Lnkevlew brass band and a reception committee In I. ....... ntwl Htrif,..! Ilirmiifh Inun to brero and Ian boots, bill mi coat or -"-'", nt , ,.. Club. Here they were given an opportun vet. 'In Wink In Park. Arlln Worrol lias Lake 10 enter the- government em ploy. He will assist Superintendent rooms Will tl. Hleol In lh work at head quarters. Kiinn to Crater )H 'to remove somo of the dust of travel, nntl were tneu laaen iu 111 at the hotel and in private .juxrvvvVTJTjr'ijiJxrv'ttyyy (Continued on page ) uant to land for which t .... . j ru- m 1 1 no tirimiu opinion staw 1 "Tho contract does aoti l,tf1nl(o tliiip.vlinn n Rhn becomo liable for assess! ipenses, and It Is very npp ju tlmo should be fixed, bjf'l which In effect delgaU" CHIEF CJOUXSEL OF THE RECLA,tltm shall be whmij able from the SAY POE VALLEY DUES ARE VALID irarhant Arnnt Ir In ttlA eltr todaVt last night from Palo Alta. Calif., ' Carter Is well and favorably known . . . ,.h B ,, , J ere .urns LOgnweit IS avienaing uerv, uiiu is u Kiauuaic ui vue maw- ford University of California, ath county high school. He has ac- will spend the summer here, cepted a position as night engineer at Mrs. Cogswell has property In- the Ice plant during tbe summer va- :. cation. Cogjvvcll his Just been ap- , an assistant Instructor In tbe Standardized tests of the relative.' John Wannamaker announce -that- t of psychology. She U a intellects of children, age for age,, be will close hla Philadelphia Urea r of the Klamath county high made by Lewis M. Terman, associate on all Saturdays In July and August; f,belrK a membet of the class of professor of education at Leland Stan-'and at 5 o'clock on every business day ford Jr. University, California, show in the year. He will use hla inln-l girls to be smarter than boys. Pro-'once to have a nation-wide Saturday; may also gather up a string for the! relay race, which la to be one of the big local events of the July show. Water Users to Meet MATION SERVICE HOLDS THAT) THEY MUST UK PAID NOW THAT LAND IS UNDER WATER two clauses, one ei water Is nvalluMeii whose land vvatar I 1 "Available" disposal," . .. it ... tifiki ,1 in.... ..i.l I Arciiriuni. iu ... ... -Mi.h Tll0 auH-ctafj counsel 01 tne reciumuuou service, me between lands 'VI m. rkfv' .. :,T fs . SIX HUNGRY MEN HAVE TROUT FEEDE feasor Terman also Informed the San closing. It is probable the clerks wilt, Francisco Teachers' Institute that ' be paid on a five-day basis. work that Is the most rapid la thej most accurate. Children of 7 and 8 . LY CAFE CHEF PREPARES BIG bouellt of the which ennnotj Important Matters to Be Attended to at Session Tint lutrodncllon of talks on ler pertinent to tno water user iunl farmers, and Ihu question of sending representation to WiimIiIiikIoh t wrl for the passage of tho twenty-year ox tension hill aro two of tho features of ihu uiimml Minuting of the Mlockbold rs of the Klamath Water Users Asso ilutlou to Im held Friday l Hoiiston'H opera house. ' t Tho program of speeches will bo held Iu the forenoon, bfKliiuliiK nt 10:30, The list follews: "Dairying" , Prof J. (1. 8wim "Drainage and Seepage Projoct Mauager J, 0. Cauii "Co-operative Iluylng and Selling" ,.,,,,, , , J, M. Ktull "Itlaiuath Soil and Crops," Prof. M. A. McCall "Hsclamatlon Relief MatUra" . . . owners or lands In Poe Valley which are under the second unit ditches are obliged to pay dues to tho Klamath Water Users Association, Theso peo ple object lo paying these., assess ments, holding that they aro fur nished water this year upon a rontal basis, and not ns aro tho othor water Uhors. King's opinion in tlio mutter fat- ! ilm nfturnooii the business hos- owa. ,f 11... uim-kiinlili.m will bo hold. Tlio nttuiitton of this ollleo has been ,.eoud unit, Mai ni.i ... ...v . .... ....... , . ...Sl mat Abel Ady If tlmo pormlls, there will bo other talks. tw 1IVUU1 fc maniior of payi not cntor. The'e ' -'J cortniu lanu owi clnbslllcatlon, vta.1 water Is nvallabV The liingungo 1 lltli cii8o does net Humntlon. ?1 iws'rt Water is, in n lands under thodl Li CATCH &. NO.M1CAL ENJOYMENT HUNCH OF EPICURES FOR GASTRO- OF At this tlmo, directors will bo elected, plied lo tho lefusal of certain lundi There aro two tickets In tho field, one owners In Poo Valley to pay their Twthl) composed of tho preuonl admlnlstra- assessment ieuB on me smuim ii, ... 1 . I . I. ..,.1 ..ih.IIaI.I.v frtH ilinla Iniiiljl tlou. Theso tiiniliunuis ro as hh-mmu-i m ... . ..-. ...... "' ,f0und 1,300 CI Ml 11 UKiii seiin,, .. .., v....., .- ,(,io ,B( IhoiiKii wutor is iiiriiisiieu uu nm 1 1 mill it School emit -J. It. lews: FlrHt district, Klamath Falls Dixon and J. II. Elliott. Second District, Lost Hlver ami Poo Vnlloy John Irwlu, James Kioll ami S, II. (Irimtli. Third district, Merrill and Callfor nll 0. A. Ilimtlng, 0. (I. Merrill anil j, (l. Swan. Fourth district, Klamath project at largo Abol Ady and Theodore N. Case. lands on 11 rontal basis. Tlio doctslon In tho (Irlfflth caso Is given ns tho basis of such contention. Tho by-law of the association hero Involved Is as follews: "llovenuos necossary for tho ne cnmpllshmeut of tho purposes of tho association shall be raised by an as sessment from time to tlmo against tho shares of stock thereof appurte- lllucklmwk, lie mid is populated . I'ftlnu l.nnU 1.1a I..,..,. ..I.ll.lrn.i .'. Hl-.'li ........ V. Jftjj 1 V llert tu Cruise ' William Whltel wlth tho forestry 1 Medford, on his near Hand Creek. a third' which At uoou today U. J. Lincoln was tl basis. I host at a slx-plato banquet that would !b Qrlf-'m-he Dolmoulco'a swellest dinners an as- look llko it backdoor hand-out. The 'banouot was served at the Rex cafo. I nit.-.. .-.....-. a 1. . 1 . n ..-. n ! I if for all ii'ieo luuuiuiuiu puincio, i;a ,--. I VttllOy I "" 1'Ullvv.ll utunucu l,UU, ...w empiieu uy iiiu uuugry uuu m - ;L, 'Just one hour and sovou minutes, ine ..!. Itrnnl u'APn nanvlit RlllldaV at the ... . --- ..-. .o- "-! mouth of Surlna Creok by 11. J. Un- fChlcugo coi., rjr. Fred Wcsterfold and Clar- ! hlOCk, ,... Mnlsplimitiiiflier. DOO L'lalniB tO rUlon, nuvo iiookcU tho largest ouo, Lincoln treeta, 0vCn0.i 1,. numhera, and Motsy makes ffe,y Dy no claims at all. Isevon- Timort now full of trout are Ed 'Dodge, Joe Drett, Dave Lenox, War ' reu Dubl, Dr. Fred Wosterfold and II. 'J. Lincoln, lonuccted herefrom Four buffalo calves have Just been 10 timber 'boru ou the Wichita national forest, bringing the herd up to 51. i In co-operation with tbe weather ears, he says, should not be kept la, bureau, forest rangers are to measure school longer than an hour and a half, snow depths In the Western BJOUft- day. t talma. White Pelican Gone J lt Other Rodeo Outlaws Rounded Up for tbe SU "White Pelican." that meek, dirty- gray cuyuse. which bucgeu jonnny Judd out of his chances for first mon ey at the first Rodeo, and which acted up In tho samo manner at the last ltodeo, may not be ou the boards when the Elks' show Is staged In July. In fact, there Is every reason to be lieve that the renowned outlaw la a goner, for Art Acord and Earl Simp son went a couple of hundred miles out of their way In a hunt for tbe beast. The other Elk outlaws, Cheyenne, Square Deal and Pin Ears, are round ed up. Cheyenne was saddled; and mounted by Acord, and he found the old timer Just aa hard a bucker aa a before. Cheyenne, Square Pfel'hd White Pelican were attract&H, Rodeo In Los Angeles In 1913, Simpson and Acord ..have, J turned from trying out.horse. us far as Alturas, and working pt . Steel Swamp, the Dalton ranch, taef Carr ranch, Duncan ranch and the' Mitchell and JF ranches. Out el fbN. ty backers they selected a deeeCM the worst, and win use-the Jfr'.l (,. bucking contests. t ? " "J ? & .. ,...! .. . . hLi' . Jv audi .riua u m tmw mui .p a to Klamath Falls, the fatrwtlTab W , the reservaUoa and ttwrt owffKjV. Tk-e arottin IB'M1 MtmtM . i rounded for the, the rmrwui-. r $ i" o -. T-e..! '..II ,?! i 1 in?'' : HVV'i'". -P&ftt,- k y,:' r , ' 'if (