The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 30, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r am iron
HATtJKl.AV, may , u
zeT ftfakxeM Baxw73'' LEC'-:tBiBXBBXB tajJBP
xB I lBA I JrrrviW mifmi axew
Uln, Mr. Lor Hllyard, Mr. Curllt lecltal will bo tin promptly at 3:15.
Hcldrlch, Mrs. F. T. Mundy, Mrs. R. (Following U the program arranged:
C. Shipley, Mr. 11. J. Sheets, Mr. W.' Ptasto Number
IP. Johnson, Mr. II. Weedon, Mr. Un( ,a 1Uud Matvh Uuaiiaei
'O. V. Walter. Mr. Dca Townsend. .. .,, .
Miserere from "11 Truvatore"
Notice All Items fur the So
cial Department will receive at
tratioa If ten at Ttic llrrahl
office or telephoned to Main RH
bjr Friday uftcrnoon or before
10 o'clock Saturday morning.
Mrs. Will Hoiuton. Mr. K. D. North,
Mr. Vernle Houston, Mr. 11. J. Win
tern. I
Just as enjojable as It was unique
km the "Hawaiian Ta," glvn on
. Verdi
Mia Dorotha Martin
(a) "Long. Long Ago" Arrang
ed for left bawl alone by Kobler
(b)Mald of the Mill Horvath
MU llelvn Hamilton
Mr, llobcrl K. Wattenburg, or the
Ladle' Aid Society ot the Presbyter
Ian church, anil attended by upward
of eighty women. The Wattenburg
home was tastily decorated after the
lt.u.lla. .h,I K vyimlfiil
An exceptionally well rendered pro- -'.-' .v
gram, consisting of rocal .olo bf the cinc Island, was carried oven
Mr. Bert C. Thomas, reading by MU,ln, 1W refreshment. erv
Gall Ko and Instrumental sclecUons T0 tate"""" PPr
by Mb. Winifred Winnard. delighted W " "" nTT ,'
Thursday afternoon at the home ,() --rhe Chatterbox" .Burgtuutler
.Mrs. E.
an audience of music lover at the
Mr. Thomas, a new star la th. Iocs! ?.m!LS r.cnd.crtHl pUnd,d "1; "
R. Reamc and Mr. Louis
In addition. Mrs. Bert C.
musical firmament. Is a pupil or Pro
fessor Alfred Rogcrson Barrlngton of
Columbus, Ohio, and her few public
appearance her add greatly to the
a. a tocal Instructor. She Uo ud- "" " S,h: - a P'
vrell received readings were given by
Miss Gall Row and Mr. Elmer
French. The Hawaiian Tea was the
-ork of a committee composed ot
Mt. Wattenburg. Mr. Maxwell M.
led music under Miss Grace Chandler,
a alsger of national repute. Mrs.
Thomas has a charmingly unaffected
Stevart and Mrs. J. A. McLean
On next Wednesday afternoon. In
(b) The Joyous Peasant.. Schuwanu
Miss Esther Halne
Simple Confession Thome
MU Meta Chastaln
Coppella, Valse Lento Dellbvs
MUs Vera Martin
Fur KlUe Deethoteu
Miss lteatrlcv Walton
Venetian Uoal Song No. 3 . . .
Miss Octavla DeLap
Three Chopin uumber. showing
various moods of this most tem
peramental Polish composer.
(a) Nocturne, op. 9, No. 2.
Miss Margaret Wordcn
-Fautasle, Impromptu, op.
MU Fayo Hogue
Scherzo, op. 31.
Miss IajuIs Benson
Vocad Number
way of seeming perfectly unconscious honor of Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg.
ot her audience, and sings equally
well In three languages. MU Ross Is
well known here as a reader of great
ability, and her selections Tuesday
evening were up to her usual cleverly
given offerings. Miss Winnard pleas
ed hsr audience with three Instru
mental solo, proving herself an ex
cellent pianist. Following Is the pro-
ho last week was elected as grand
arden ot the Rebekah Assembly,
Mr. Nate Otterbeln will entertain
he Past Grands and officers of Pros
perity Rebekah Lodgo at an Informal
luncheon, at her home on Klamath
A delightful dancing party was en-
.oyed by the member ot the U 1 I
Marguerite Club as guests ot Misses Mabelle and
Old French Song 'earl Leavltt Wednesday night. Thej
larty was held on the spacious lawn
it the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ru-"
'.ell A. Atford on Conger avenue, and
the lawn was Illuminated with On
Anonymouj entol lanterns. Present were Mar
garet Worden. Marjorle Delsell. Ma-
La Cbarmante
ons Dansex, Marquise .Countess
tm tay Dancing . . .Gaston Lemalre
Hallull. Alack-a-day .... Coquard
Mr. Thomas
Th Carpenter Man . . .
Miss Rocs
Vala. op, poth Chopin belle Leavltt. Pearl I.eavltt, Claudia
MU Winnard Spink. Clara Calkins, John Houston.
A Birthday Frederic H. Co wen Earl Everett. Tom Delxell, Graham
Job Alexander Mac Fadyen Klchl and Ernal Stearns.
Mammy's Song Harriet Ware'
Hayflelds and Butterflies ' Under the cbaperonage of Instruct-
Teresa del Rlego ors Miss Elmer and Mr. Morris, the
Mr. Thomas pupils of the Seventh grade of the
The Judgment Day .... Anonymous public schools held a picnic on Wed
MU Ross nesday on the shores of the Upper.
Still Wie de NachL Calm as th Lake. The young folks report a most
Night Bobm Joyous time, and are looking forward
Du Fragst Mich Taglich. The eagerly to another such day under
Dally Question . . Meyer-Helmund the care of such delightful conditions.
'Wanderer's Night Song ....
Sing. Smile. Slumber. .Gouuod
Chorus of Pupils
Mighty Lak' a Rose Bohannan
Miss Claudia Spink
(a) Say Ye. Mlgnon . . .d'Hardelot
(b) Violet Homa
MU Wilts Leonard
(a) On the Shore Neldllnger
(b) A Uanjo Song Homer
MUs Betty Bell
(a) Song of a Soul Brell
(b) Villa Lehar
MUs Marguerite Williams
Just a-Wearfn for You . Bend
Lullaby Vaanah
MUs Vera Houston
Duet O. That We Two Were May- 2!5HPH,!?!,,,,W!,IP,
log Smith Those there were Alice Duncan. Dor-
Mesirs. Klnnear and Mehaffey 0thy Weeks, Marjorle Weeks. Mary
(a) My Soul Bend Schubert. Anna Beebe. Pearl llolvln.
I Decoration Day in the North Memorial Day in the South
ssaH . II I I II". "II .S WWSlMBM
ssB m W
i Sacred to the Memory or Heroes
Whether 1 hey Wore tSlue or Uray
I sH
(b) A May Morning Denta
Miss Paye Hogue
(a) O Irmlngard von Flelltx
Ich Grolle Nlcht. I Chide Thee
Not ................ Schumann
The Nightingale's Song Nerin
The Sweetest Flower That Blows
Mrs. Thomas
A pleasant meeting of the Happy C. C. Hogue,
uouruiuo was tnoone Ueia this week
Dr. C. J, Busbnell, president of Pa
cific University, who delivered the ad
dress to the senior class of the Klam
ath county high school, left this
morning for Forest Grove. While
here he was the guest of Mr. and Mr.
Ktsle Imv, Hnsel Ilarnr. Illllle ton
ard. Winnie Wampler. Harold Kln
near. Lawrence Mehsffey, Will II.
Haymaking Needhamj,cnnt,t,( jiwr,.te Klnnear. Cecil
Mrs. R. R. Hamilton Wek. F. II, Pollny. Hnrbrt Barry,
(a) Lullaby from "Jocelyn." Godard Jonn Siemens. Mr. Myers. Dr. C. B.
(b) The Gypsy Trnll Wheeler. Dr. Cathay. Frank Noland,
Kipling-Galloway )r. Leonard and Warren Du hi
Miss Dorothy Darling
(a) Toreador's Song from Car
men Bizet!
fbt Vnlh.r a' Mln . Klntlnv.Tmir !
Mr. Ijwrencc Mehaffey ,B fcw dnJ,
(a) My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice I
(from Samson and Delilah I Mrs. 0. W. Cain was tht'happy vie-
Salnt-Saens '"m of surprise party Friday night,
(b) Kingfisher Blue FlndenKlen ur number of friends to re-
MUs IxjuIso Benson .mind hereof her birthday. Despite
A Birthday Woodman,0' unexctednes of the occasion, a
lliue UanilDe WalUe jTcry cunuio nine w unu wun
cards, roirwhaent and music The
Mrs. KrfJ Bcchdoldl of Donanul
visiting friends In the county "t for
. .. . ... .... i weiteriin-nirnus
urn noiae 01 irs. jonn jonnson. une ot the biggest musical ovenU ,,.. vti.,hti. u....o orlzes -rda worn taken br Perer
.i,e anernoon was spent m ine usual ,of the spring will be held Wednesday J (a)Ho!llng Down to Rio Wnij7s5" Mr. M. W. Coseboom
-.w, iu uamiy luncueon wa, evening, wnen tno pupils or Mrs. oon KlpIlng.OermatllPy bfiatiful and useful present
servea. Auenamg were airs. j. ii.u. Zumwalt will aonear In recital at ... , r. IJb. .i.n u.. r.i
Hamilton. Mrs. Claude Davis, Mr. Houston' opera house. This include
Jean Johnson, Mrs. Sam Summers, both tbo voice and piano pupils. Ow-
Mrs. George Biehn, Mrs. Chas. Mar-'lng to the length of the program, the
-Danny Decver
Klpllng-Damrosch lWrc Mr
Mr. Harold Klnnenr ind Mr.
Those present
and Mrs. I'orcy Evans. Mr.
Sid Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
1303 Main Street
j-wpI Hnnr fmm Vnn.o nm.n.,,1 .John J. Maolil, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
,-. ..-.. .. . ...,, ,...HW .
(b) Good Bye - . . Tostl Parker. r,
I Mi
MUs Marjorle McClure
Mrs. II. S. Phillips was hostess to
the Art Needle Work Club Wednes
day afternoon, when Mrs. Robert K.
Wattenburg, Mrs. Carey M. Ramsby,
Mrs. J. Fred Gocllor, Mr. George
Hum, Mrs. J. S. Stubbleneld, Mrs.
Henry Newnbam, Mrs. C. C. Hogue,
Mrs. George A. Haydon, Mrs. R. H.
Dunbar, Mrs. O. A. Wlrtx, Mrs. W. E.
Faugbt, Mrs. George W. White. Mr.
George Chastaln, Mrs. Karl O. Cum
mlngs and Mrs. Phillips, members of
the club, were present, In addition to
Miss WIlEon of Pueblo. Colo.. Mrs.
Bush of California, and Mrs. Piel of
Wolf Creek.
MUs Hortenw Hoguo left this
morning for the north. She will
spend a couple of months visiting rel
atives nnd friends at Portlond, Alba
ny and other cities.
Mrs. Levi McDonald and little
daughter Joanna arrived Jn the city
Friday from their ranch home near
Bonanza, to spend a few weeks with
relatives and friends.
More than a quarter of a hundred
attended the regular "Splash Club"
meeting Friday night at tbo swim
ming pool, and many new and amus
ing stunts were pulled off. The ladles
of the club are fast becoming expert
at swimming and diving, and aro real
ly more daring on the "chut" than
the men. After the swim Friday
night Dr. Wheeler wblsked the mem
ber home In his new car, taking half
a dozen at a time. In about four
trip he had them all safely at bom.
and Mr. M. W. Cose
boom. Mr. and Mr. II. K. Dixon. Mr.
K- ;.. v ;.:i ' .. :
Mrs. Harry Richardson, Mr. and Mr.
George Belhn, Mr. and Mrs. Cofer,
Mrs. U. O. Thompson and Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Kane.
(Mis. of mm hmo
(Continued from Page 1)
start. Captain O. C. Applegate, tha
grand marshal, Is a stalwart military
man at all times, but ho never looked
so martial and Impressive as today,
as, wearing uniform and saber, and
. mounted on a spirited steed, be rode
like a centaur, marshalling his forces,
and arranging the start of the proces
sion to prevent confusion. Ills stand
ard Nearer, William Shook, Is, like
the captain, a veteran of Indian cam
paigns. Following the ijiarshal and his aide
enrne the Klamath Falls Military
band. After thl came the school
children, a wriggling, smiling, flag-
waving mass of bright little tot that
extended for nearly two blocks. The
Boy Hcoule alio made their first pub
lic appearance atjtbli tine.
Then came the military section,
with the Grand Old Boys, who suffer
ed hardships, hunger, disease and In
juries for four long years, la order
that the jnatlon be unified; with the
loyal Women's Relief Corps, which
has been silently and tirelessly work
Ing to nke tbe'remaJBlsg day f
"Blue Army, now" turned Gray" hap
py; with the younger grlisled pio
neer who fought the wily red maa;
with the younger, but sjoae-tbe-lee
trte4-ud-ivUd tolvrsb of the ashl
ing against Spaniards, Flllplntx, Juti
glea and malaria; and Ul mvulluuvd.
but by no mean tlm Imi. H, II
Itamsby's nt and drum curp, wih
Its screaming ud rattling of tho stir
ring old strains of the rampalan half
a century ngu.
The hearty applauso and cbrrlnr
that grctd this station came from
patriotic enthusiasm inspired from a
feeling as deep a that rernrrmt one
which caused the men to remove their
hat and bow their heads as tb col
umn marched by.
After the veterans came the city
and county officials and citizens In
carriage and auto.
Aflrr tho corrmonlos at the eere
tery and the bedecking of graves, the
procession returned, and tho veterans,
0. A. It. and of other war, were serv
ed a picnic dinner In the court house
park. This rrsolvd Itself Into a re
union, and tlm time passed quickly.
In the afternoon the exercises were
held In the court ho io square. All
of the numbers were rendered with a
I patriotic fervor, and (he day goes Into
nijtiory a one or the most luting ob
son tin ws In tho town's history.
The program follews:
Solo Mri. Don J. Zumwalt "Ten
der and True."
"lessons In American Patriotism"
Xev. J. 8. HtubbteBeld
Quartet Messrs. Mason, Walton,
Wlrtr and Mason "Garland Their
Invocation .... Rev. B. C. Richards
Quartet Messrs. Mason. Wallon.
Wirtz and Mason "Brave Hearts
Forever Btlll.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address ...
Mr. Kdwln Cox
Rev. ?,. D. Harlan
Memorial Address Hon. Herbert I).
Closing Prayer and Benediction
"America 'All, led by J. B. Mason
'JUL Mi FOR (MIS! (if MfS
(Cuniluued from pAg t)
- ' - ' - ."I
ItUaulilltu f l'Mcia
Nulic U bet-by ftB tut tt
ljMlnrbl t)foio(. ilntii U
ilkeon Austin Wbti a4 wittea
NkhoU, ii-mtl(u titter it Ins
rtamo uf Orison WelJInc tajaf,
ha tx-rn illl.t b rabltul resMl
fn-m and flr M i'. 1)11, T
butnr III U rihllo4 by Atsu
White, bu k (. tUlftiWMl
lltma lxtur doybicak. And lh rush si
tha III' It ill uf the Slr crel)tirt a
giivoriimmi Uml dreliis:
At nitUnlgbt a o'tupany tit nalluiml
guard na fiailtiiied In ibn grounds.
'At ilatlifrak I ti 1 b rtlHifiMh r.iniin.1 In
U long "sklrmub" lit, .frolchlhg "' 0, n"0 "' rt,l,w' '-
from ld to side of the big enclosure,' ' , ...,-
rau and boy who had crept into lb
grounds and tay htddcu In the grass
fniul behind lfr', hoping to Mfl
Jdtvctluti. The drld was thvo placed
tin battle trim. All tents re frmov-
Ird. No obtructlnti Were allowixl to'
stand to hinder the view from the1
lllilKiia aland, rtaliil l&ml mid tirr&ji
slatii, HnlrU stood all nlClll befnrn
the racing cars,
Arrunila lafunnsllua)
KUmalti w tl.Ufrtf.
North Bend Is going after n munlcl
pal water supply.
KtHtK! &
: 0
Vim jtmT
lUthlng U the clrinifsl, most
healthful, most enjoyable of
sports, isMclalty In our big pool
of nice warm mtimral water, . , ,
. . . .Tubs In Conilrctlou
Hot Springs NaUtorium
Theater Guide
"Tfm riprrlal 0rrr,"
Twixllrel Kperlal
"MJIIiiHMirv'a Ward,"
Pfltho Drama
'"lr. Tt' Toolli."
i K.IUou Cotnrdy
TIkhmi Delaly !
Nrw Plrlurrs
Tho good business manager always Inkin mlvniitiiui. of llm ills
count. That Is the reason he Is a aucress. Ii In the muuII snvliigj
that count. To unnblo our customem to ncqulnt Hut liubll, we
have arranged so that they can tako iidvniitago In ilui gri'Mtest
profit-sharing system on earth,
S. &. H. Green Trading Stamps
Will bo given with every cash iliirchnso. In this wny you will know
each month Just what you are Having by purchasing yoiir goods
from us for cash. Ut us tell you about It.
AdnilMlon U-V
"Tim llraae Hand,"
Kdlson Two-liei'i !"
Patlm Weekly.
current r.Teu (
'The Vllllaa HUM Pmul M,
Kalfm Comedy
Nundar f
allm Weekly.
Mexican War Number
"Three HcraUli Oae,"
sCaaaaay TwoOleel Hi
"Mtiaigr'e Ikhew,"
Vltaaraph Comedy
("IKxior'a Truet,"
Hlagrapu i