' v,' -?."! ? lEuimmfl Uteratfi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER CLh jg-Egawt'BWMwafiwstw'jOTWwcriJWL jew t -Klgtitli Vmr No. 1I.MN All READY FOR THE WORLD'S GREATEST AUTOMOBILE RAGES AT 'I'ICK III' Till: MAt'lNO WOIII.il TO cwtkht ou riuzi.K in tiii: OOU MII.K CI.AMH H Addlitoa lo uw A.i.erir.n ,, Addition lo Hi American Hum! Detnuna, Knlriee Inrlatl Two Foreign IMrer. Who Ha-Cleared ' rp r.vrryiiun in r.-rov. "T HumluMn la KaprrUI tnr lo Drire Ilia Own Dulnd I'reea Hervlce INIiANAl'Ul.lri, May ao.Tho Kirlrt aggrrgBtlun of aut'iimitillc lu riT (nthrrrd lor oiip iar npun atiiitlid Uf Hm-1) oial f ablratt Ju.t IhIoio 1 it'rlorV IihU) brhllid ilt parftimkltK of Catl Klilicr, .ili Hit for hi plena! lo tli for md llitil thr wUAlillli' moloi rmr li l. TUIity drUnrn.ilio.ru lili rUui.f IJIp ItoiU Ibo ttnrld' brat. tuailttP'l (.toplfMl MilliK maoh.tii'- lliat bad fcil lrili'd III ""lbi ta for lb- l buudfrd lap. blrb nilghl W--M (ai .all Tt . buat rtKwdr focognllad 0n -orld' latpl motor rcnt, IJn- ( Mil -r i-rlll" lhoe of ll lorinvr yr. l.o lot. I. il diUnr. ut the ihrU ol loielgu -. bJrh nndrr tlilr ulJli h captund -er I UIO' ...,.,.,!, nf ttiutti value. er mut rad by lb- Ainefliali riiiltngMl Th-4- rr tloii and Colllel, drlv i Of l'UgJt rara the norr il - Kranr- In drlw and machlnp. Utmi un lb. rar last ar. but ibsr-d lib his racing partner th dlillnr lion of b-lng today'a favorite, for lialllat Is lh- premier drlv-r of Krance, lUnklng chr m the l Prcnrb man, and far orer-topplng tbw In ljpuar favor, were Bob Human, ih. "world's md kln." holder until rrceitlly of tho -pwdway Up record. who U driving his own car. lUmay OldlUld, lb- dvau of tho auto racing come and moat widely known of them all. Hp-nrer WUhnri, New Vork mil lionaire sportsman, who finished ncit to Oeui last year; Jo- Dawson, the Headway winner in 1; Uy IUr roun, Hpeed-ay winner In lU: rUrl Cooper, American road racing cham pion; fill Anderson. Kaateru road ihatupteu: Teddy TeltUff, holder of the world' road rtford, and Howard Wllcos, holder of tho world's mllo .lock slralghtawuy. Ralph lo Palma and lUlph Mill lord, promlueul American drivers, also were entered. Por Ihn first lime since the Bpeed way opened, every winner of thU vent In pasi years Is In the race to day. Hay llarroun, nM "a ,,u'. loininualcallve. kept secret until the u.i .nn..-i iii, itelnrtnlnalluu to I momoni rns """"""-'' ,..,. Automobiles hailing from every drive the third Maiwell. He wo n ll to '. wMUtJ , firs, UOOinllnHpeedway race In ''VouUIU. II.- Il for ad with the alarmon Wssp, '""".' . ., ,. .., nni .r. Joe Dawson, winner wh a Nation-,m L,B i"1:. 'J Z m Mlli 111 -UVenW ! -" to snatch the laurels from Do Plma when the laller'a engine went had In To Favor Homesteader Bonafide Settlers lo Gel PORTLAND, May 30. Autldpat lug a speedy e-ecullv order restoring lo homestead untry 100,000 ncrea of the beat government land In the re ceat Paullna-Deecbulea national for- ellmluatlon, Btate Immigration Afent 0. 0. Chapman has notified Judge Thomaa C. Durke. president of the Oregon state Immigration com ulHlon, that bona fldo hoaMkera would bo liven thirty days' advant age over timber speculators. Under present uutd laws Usee can acquire government lands by fllln script. IIMA IUDM 10 ODCCnUIAVlSalvation Army Man Saya There Was No Panic Among the NUlAlTOb OrhbUWAY Paggenger8 ;on Ae M.Fated Steamer PA.MOl H I'lUrTH IN TODAV'H JVOU ; 'WOK hoii IIUHMAN (lluniiau) Holder uf world' utile atralgtitnway ret unt of XllUUU'A. Hoeedway Upl , record (uttclal) 1:37. HAUNKY OI.Dl'IKI.D (HluLil Hold- ',...' .., , IMnU.,p, W second, and din of llie rnrtng world. Ill Itwl OU wUc. l,t,,) DKPAI.MA (Mcrecdrn) Won Klgln lOia, Vamlerblll 1U1S( hat 10111 IMH mite In laat inu U tt-muae of cnglnn trouble. Divide nllli lluniuiii and Oldftrld lionora of bring promlut-ni drlvrni of Aiorrtra. IIAI.I'II Ml l.roilll (M,,rr,.-.) Won Mill Vandeibllt. (ill. ,l.Mi:itMIV (Slul) liiurni mniiI inrliii; iliaiiiploii. Wliincr nl I Islll I IM .'I, btrAklll. trroril. Mill. I'OIII'llt (Slul) lull llitill lii.nl r .ii III. iliaiiiploii, KPlJM'l It WlollAlli' Xlllloimln- .Mil(lllnli (Mriiri) x.tniil In IUIII fpi- ilun) uir, l,l.ll IllHlilJ (Mi Mrr) liilirr IM immi iIi i Mllmiiiie nillllonalr-ilrlier. JK IMVM ( Mnrnum) U Inner MM- Hwrrthinr i'ei .mini Vnit itrHdll mp ir, l.nn llnd, Ti:ill Tirr.ll'l (Mnwrll lloliter of world' renuit mail rur. Ina, 7M.7'- mile- per hour, .sanln ..nba winner IUI-. IIIOWAHU WIMOX lit- l"t Holder ol the Motlil'- mile tk imltiaMa. Jl'l.t - S HH:. (ivnaeoii noiiier iii Horlit'a mile alralglilaway OrMMUlK IMMLMrT (IViigrol) W.m Orand PrU I0IJ and IOI.ii mmt frarrd of any forrlgn driver. AIITIHUt IUJIIAV (PeugrwO Hold- rr of MiH-ld'a kilometer rrront. mail at (Mend. Ilrlgtuin. .M.11KMT OUVOT (IWage) MnUli. eit -round l Man Orand Pri la IWI.1; nun fourtti dar 1018 Spent way. lUKSK THOMAS (IW-Uge) The ow llrbl of ttn Kuropmn mrlug game: u.ually rldea alone, UlN I'HAHHAONK (Huntienin) Holder of world, hour rroi vrdlcK 7A yanUi KnislUtiman " . U,lii HAItllV fllUNT w"nJcm' .,,' nrr of Vanderidlt lOOtt and 1010. the last two laps. Dawson recently lowered the track record to l;3fi 2-6. Fifty thousand dollars In rash prise were awarded the first ten to IlliUh today. Of this 120.000 will go to the winner. ItS.nOn to tho second man to llnlsh. and Mimller sums for Iho rest. The tenth driver wins 1. too. The Immense crowd was still streaming Into the gates ut 10 o'clock, tl had been coming ltp r''30 '" morning, when tho gates were open- on - ; ,n. tenr cars. Thl.no hegan to form jUUUUi.ln-.-i-1. "I"'"'" ill"" (Continued on page t) Best of ItinKlamathFalis .... . .. ..,.-.. r !!. ntitral Onw Tins new w.. -. --;" on situation was .--.. -- through co-oporetlon by Senator n ..i.nriaiu. flovernor West, tho .nnn l.v Henator United States reclamation service, tho Uiillod States land office and the Ore gon itato immigration commission. Tho tOO.000 news referred to had been withdrawn for reclamation and power site purposes, and consequently was not available for setUement un der President Wilson's order elimi nating 410,110 acres from tho two forest reserves. The Unds are the very best por- KLAMATH FALLS, SURVIVOR i:IPUK8H OP Ireland ly CAIT. ARTHUR MORRIS, HALVATION AltMV, TORONTO (Dictated to a United Press BUff Correspondent Copyright by the United l'res.) IIAMOfHKI. May 30. 1 bad reach- Tim Hit crow more perceptible an I but suddenly, I wai shot up to tbe ed lln deck mil iih IIih Kmtiresa ouleu'ran uii the companlonway. surface again. As I rose I wan struck ly rolled over on her side, and I wn carried down with tho sinking ship, Mow I mine up. I rniinul tell, but' hi ,1 am a tit out .winimer. I hnd no dlf- flrulty nfler tlmt There wan no panic aboard the ulnkliiK ti"'l It nil luippi'iii'il mi lP c(iilckl) i lut leti reallced they were fiu'lng u cntiikirophc. The iK-opln 1 encountered aboard the ship were more surprised than cited or frightened. The) whispered '" "" "' V "V peued l-ew were In more than their night clothes. l.i hiiIi ,illiH n.Vlluf Ulinl liflil ItnlU . 1 Hill 11 111 K M IhU 111 IIIS UVIIM. ....i i...nr.i ii... uiiUiiine l .11.1 not H ..- ...,.,.... , -, . . - think It wns an) thing uuunual Thou came a curious scraping uoifce,!berlnK to tho upper side hi an effort fniu) i . i. . . .. . . InlmoHt an Impact. 1 experienced no lo gel farther out of tho water nl' ,,Jliock from the collision, yet even my As I reached tho upper rail, the W .... i untrained ears told me that somo Jured ship quietly rolled the rebt of HilUfliilvti ui iuim v . .TMfts.w thing terrible had happened. 1 Jump- ed from my berth und ran out. Immediately, I fell thu deck till. tlous of the vllmluutlou. Itostoration i lo the public domain of nearly nil the lands withdrawu has been recom-j ..i...iil...l l.v ili. r.nlumtlntt unrvlce to Hie government, nnd It Is expectod ' that orders to that effect will bo ls Micd within n short time. When theso orders are entered they i will Include the thirty-day clause. Aa lliero uro more than 300 possible j. homesteads containing tillable lands, n this 100,000 acres, und as moro than that number of homeseekera are nlready In the territory, these will hot the, direct beneficiaries of tho nctlon. The Inlttntlvo In this matter wns taken by the Immigration commission I :. . :.:.:: . in seuu inc j. v. iirower. aiiiuuKe. u. Us form land bureau, to make local I (untuned this week In tho operating Investigation of tho entire clltnIim-'r0oms of Dr. Cln)tou E. Wheeler. The l.... II ll... Il...n f lP ItPAU'flr'iril.' I. .. ......I.... ...I itnMlti. In Willi. ,.......... num oi .--i-iiiuh uj. uuu ,iiinif, iu- I'OUUlry lUfll, aUU lb gOlllg OUt 01 tOWH , IIIO DKIiniUUtta r Hiku.j i- port only 51,000 acres of tlllablo pub-jgether was done under the dlrectlon'to gienn glory. Tomorrow the boys tractive and tastily arranged. 8us llc land was open to entry In tho en- 0r u, m. Freed, Roentgenologist wlthii journey tu Dorrls, to play a boys' 'pended over the rostrum appeared a tire IK.. 000 acres of elimination Now, In addition to this 51,000 acres, approximately 100,000 acres more of tlllablo homestead land of even super ior character will be available to homestead ontry. All now necessary Is for the vari ous government departments to enter their orders vacating tholr withdraw als. This course hnH without excep tion been recommended by aubordl-l ... ,..it.. .....t n .ai.aam.,j .m nam iinicn,,, , .... --" ihihiiiiik mo manor so uini mo - i. i ... .... ,. loratlon may bo made as early as1 possible. "Hello. U this tho Central garage? Well this Is Miss V nrlmiiier nnu in ink" ioi 7"" " "in "' "" i an Overland car right away." In a fow hours W. T, Lee had de livered an Overland ut the Van Brim mor homo. This happened Friday, and today Mlis Ruby Is mastering the art of manipulating bar now oar. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1914 TELLS GRAPHIC TALE Empress of i Ireland Reaching the deck. I saw another steamer backing away People were pouring up from below. I hurried hack to my cabin, pulled on trousers nttiJ n light pair of shoes, and went mi deck ngaln Tin pnirnK,w.ty u crowdwl witb ' 1 men, women ami children, going up to men took hold. It supported us until the deck. They did not teem to be a boat from tbe other bteamer picked .greatly excited. 1 passed Commls- jus up a little later, ex-Uloucr Itivs, who was supporting hlsi I wife. ( ("tilted Press Service "l'hl' U'rnliUiT" 1. u lilannr.il tr , me ' I am afraid wu struck something." II M IllBlllTICl- UAtft. When I reiiri.e.1 il,.f..ek l.hI ii ........,. , .. v .., ,, ,H.H v st was greater. People, were dnm-' r" sst uivm; iuiivm wic iroi ui.SKl, ITOIU OH r UlUCr 1 01X31 the way over, and. lying on Its aide. Captain Kendall of tl ,ank. I was carried down with tho essel, X-RAY MACHINE JUST RECEIVED KOUIPMKXT IS O.NK OP THK i I.AROKST AND MOST POWKR. Fill, OF ITS KIND IN TUP. K.V TIRK WKHT Tho newest and latest of Its kind Is . . . . .. : mio oit nierruni ess .x-ruv macnine the sciieiiiei-western company or uni-;iram there. fK- Tho Eagles will Hue up as follews: This machine is one of tho largest l.nwrenco pltchor, Floyd Sparks catch and mobt powerful In tho Western or, Humphrey first base. Winters sec country. 11 has tho high frequency 'ond base, Korr third base, Foster resonator, equipped with radiograph, bhortstop, Lester Sparks, Dow aud and so arranged that the operator can Wilson In tho outtlolu, and Moutgom- mnkn Instantaneous change from X - rny work to nctunl treatment. The WhWatono biereoscope, which Is u part of the miichlue, Is more pow - f , a mlloU ,,,,,.- mu ,. 0m. ...,..... , ,, .....n.i nfi nuniuoiieu ....0, ...... ....v.. w. requliiiiK from live to thirty minutes 'for making pictures, finishes the pic- '...,. t ... il.ti.lii iiAnnmlj nenl ttt t It I ur " l ' w " ; -- mo ut tho ennui time, locating exactly the j position of foreign substances nnd fractures. Work begins In June on the new Sutherlln, Coos Bay and Eastorn rall road. mitiI llmi.j hv iwullfn. mill wan null1 .... ...... . i iimi. i.n. ....., .... The lft tlmt, I r.tm'e tip I wan nmooth water, mi I (swam toward a Dtearnvr I Raw Home distance away. On the way th"r I encountered a piece of wreckage, and with two other . BBBaG. .tilMlum . a - . . -.( ... assSBf 'iiKi -1 JJtT,t SI --c3--H Kli in-L-n- f 11 M -I ? niy't -B viur-utu. .May o. ine loiat on nght. R. E. Enimitt was choaeS. aa board ,he ,leamer Empress of Ireland Noble Granj anj M, R, Doly M vice wag 1.3G7. as follews: Crew413.!rP,i Iflrut nnhln UT l.-imwhI an . i. U9 tl,..l I -,. .u '...,.. . . . ' 711. The number lost Is 931. Only 250 of the 931 dead have been recovered, according to wlrelea dis- th CnSU,nf l"m certaInly ,1k1 I??!""" column wlla tae 8lBMor.ts .vvu.r.vu, uvvuiuiiib iu "1H.H.-33 uia i.-i-i,, hoth nro earnest Odd Pel- mwooowwioiwwoiwwim patches. Tho government vessel dy? L! nf;n t i (Continued on F-n'O lu-'Gray Is bringing the bodies to Rimou- l3 and 6mtnenUy fltted to lead' (Continued on Pagg ) . ski. from off Father Point I ,, , tho wrecked i steamer, U prostrated duo chiefly to exposure. at Rlmouskl, EAGLES lit! 10 TACKLE DORRIS l.OC.VI, ACOItKOATION OK YOUTH - L..,. ..,. -v, ..... ...... class, held In the high school auditor-J university, ttu uik. esuuec -.aw HUi llAlJi TOS.M-.lts WH.Ii Jum Pr,day. nlgnt wag ln the super-.Challenge of the Twentieth Century CROSS THK STATK 1.IXK FOR A lative. The largest class of the aweet-.to the Youth of America." waa bbIml CONTFST e8t Klrls and manliest young men, the OWly given, and contained aa abuad- Instead of sighing, like Mr. Alex - .,.,.i,. ,u,i r., ..., worlds to con - q,u,P( lll0 Ragles, a youthful baseball team of this city, has tho twentieth ' . . ciy utility. The Eagles huvo cleaned up several local teams, and are ex - .pected to give a good account of i themselves abroad. I Mrs. Jack Tutlock. formerly super- nlendent ot tho hospital, last night gave birth to a bouncing big S-pouud boy. Tho Tatlocks live on the Fort Klamath road. Visitiug Banker Ernlo Ilubb. cashier of the First National Bank of Merrill, Is In the county seat todny. He will return to - the metropolis of the alfalfa belt on Monday. NATION HONORS ITS DEAD TODAY1 Till: AHMNOTON NATIONAL CKM-t KTKHY 18 THK SCKXK OK IM-' IMtKSHIVK KXKIiCISKH J0U8BR-' VANCE AT PANAMA 'United Press Service I WASHINGTON. D. C, May 30. Arlington National Cemetery wm tbe 'official shrine today In observance off Memorial Day. Tiny flag waving over each of the ( I thousands of graves and garlands oft 'flowers testified a nation's remem hrance of lta dead, All dvrartmenta wore closed and f" biulncis shut down today. A brief parade up Pennsylvania "avenue and memorial aervlce at Ar Ilngton, with similar ceremonies at other umaller cemeteries nearby, was today's program. I'renldent Wllion did not partlcl- pate In the Arlington ceremonies to- day. lie also declined Inst year, plead Ing lrs of public buslnena t'n.tcd I'tns Servlns IllVilll U.v ? I'll., lu.r iif log places of canal' workers, repre- Mutlu more ,han a acore of nation- alltUs. were decorated today in the firt big Memorial Day ceremonies to be held under the Canal Zone's new form of government. Speeches eulogizing the "heroes of a peaceful army" that has built the great canal, were made by Zone offl- cials R. A. EMMETT AS NOBLE GRAND At the regular meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 137. I. O. O. F.. held last I "" Under the leadership of these two men thedestinles of the lodge for Splendid Commencement AD Numbers on the Program Are Perfectly (area Everything connected with the 'graduating exercises of the 1914 greatest attendance of parents an - friends, the nicest decorations, the. (prettiest display of graduating gowns iaua llle "csx rraoea program an. ithl8 conu'e(l t n,ake tne " "e best ,n tne hlstory ot tne Institution. m. . .1 ....... ....ull .1. gigantic "1914" of purple Psnsies,itrlhuted tna dlolomi surrounded by a rectangle or goiaen roses, with a bank of purple and gold en flowers for a background. Around tho entire Auditorium purple and gold streamers proclaimed the class colors. After the auditorium tilled with guests, the Seniors, led by Miss Louise Benson, marched from an adjoining 'room Into tho auditorium, urouuu iuu aisles ana upon me rusiruiu. were followed by tho faculty, led by Miss Gertrude Beales. While Miss Marjorle McClure was singing the opening solo, some one started the rumor that the building u ould probably not stand the tremen dous applause her singing was sura to evoko, and a messenger hastened on the platform with a warning to Principal Faugbt to suppress all demonstration. The uneasiness caus ed by this announcement made sev eral leave the building. .... ,-u Price, Fhro DEFENDERS OFTKE UNION HONORED IN KLAMATH FALLS PROCESSION, LUNCHEON AND EXERCISES BELD ' Veteran, School Children and MaV rial Marrh la Parade to CiaaiiHiJ, Where Qravea Are Decoratee aanl Upon Krtarn, "Boja of '!" Af' UucHm at Picnic Dil Thl Afternoon. We are tbe boys, tbe brave old boys Who marchad In llxtV-oaa. ... , . ,!,, j. .. I.IOIIMVV. w uhwv f w v-r When you and I were you." The old O. A. R. sons nerer nan a deeper meaning than today, whan a score of whlta-balred men, rem nan t of that vast army which fought for )h(. preaervation of the Un,0n( -.u, ered today for memorial exercises, and the residents of Klamath Palls fathered to do honor to them and ihiMe who have gone before. Many of the men are sole survivors of their om panics, some the last of their reg. mcnt-but today, they are livln, --" '" ....... . .' . ' " Ing again with "Uncle Billy," Grant, Sheridan, and others, at Gettysburg. Vfcksburg. Bull Run, The Wilderness And other sanguine fields. The "kid" of the party Is E. B. ltamsby, $6 years old, aad tbe patrl- Brch ,. Qeor.e Qr,m OM eftr nd the four-score mark. Thaiufea of the others follow:. h John Bauber SO. Cha.i. W. Shcrmsa 76. M. I,. Poland 7. Rev. U 8tnkr 73, J, W. Hed field 67,0., A. 3tara, 71. C.JK. BeTtz 70. W. H. Robertson SO. C. M. Hunt 71), E. E. Riley 73. Wb E. Reed 70. Joe Clair 67. W. H. (Xewnham 70. y ' Before the procetston foraMd. tsw 'fourth or military dlTla(e"aflU parade marched to.tJee arlaffe, Wkilfn r' the bealtuful trlntttei of the Orask Army and Women's IUe Cora were paid to the brave lads Who. partaken on the waves, were given, endta wtth the ttcatteiiDB of garhuada on the wa ters. The return of this section, to the .:. ViT i Tho address waa delivered by Dr; Ci J. Bushnell. prealdeat' of the Paclfte iance 01, woriar wnim vmii . i - young graduates, ( gam Evans awarded the prises to the winners or we mormwesi-rn a Contest of Curre 'al the time Just huin .nliielfl ! current tuvenis, expiaiaiag how the contest had been conducted and Its object. Judge Will S. Worden aad Judfe George T. Baldwin awarded and. dle- The following program gives the arrangement of the evening's sr clses: Vocal solo "Summer". .Chamlnade Miss Marjorle McClure f Salutatory Setma McKsynolds Piano solo "To a Watsrtlly,". ,f MacDoweU "Butterfly" ................ Ortog Neva Faught ... ... Address "The Challenge of, Twenuem ueaiury m israw i .... . .. w. of America," Dr. 0. J. Bunnell r VU..1 .nln "Ia luM i i. .';.'- . wv .,- - , ,, , m ........... . , 1 1 .WM . ..: ii m.. i n-f i V. T. .. -i, ww . - . -,j--, Valedictory ,N MslUssssVl',,;, Violin solo "Lov o-T,,i tyMm&t.i M-nnaPi " -""? mlgS ' Menuvi. ,.,,..,,.. a aa r Ante. PlIi'r . wardtic of DlilowiiV?-:jV' Judge WH . WH'imiy i "IK. lJ' o J Cf s --j.1 m t ( r"! , VA 'l