" L J 5 ,-' $ PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i:intli Yrar No. U.IWI fc sffr -a" 8JV u inrntg Uralh ' M KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH KALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914 Prteo, Fire Cents OVER 1000 DROWNED IN SHIPWRECK EMPRESS OF IRELAND, CANADIAN LINER, COLLIDES WITH COLLIER; SINKS AT ONCE -" - . Former Police Officer Is Given the Death Sentence VESSELS CRASH UNEXPECTEDLY IN DENSE FOG m:vi:imtv or tiii: coi.mmio.s ii:mkh the hakkty com. rAHTMMKNTM OF Till: LINER e-k dr. ib, .urUvura suffered tarrl.itmrr.itiiiK II,. nutl-prohlblllon ele (Wy ! miiujr wr ihm ilUil rron M-lnwit .nier the gubernatorial raw. P""1""- " II ' htcl possible that the elec- 1 '" "'' 'll W lut confronted with IIIMOI'HKI, May SK Tlio steamer il their vote for Kovcrnor l.dy Ktelyn, after mtumlng to the! With Hi" prohibition vote divided eviw of the dUsiter thU afternoon.' ""long f""r candidate, ami the mi- lrel.-l tin. nntlltiK of M'tontiMtn I""" vol concentrated on one, bin Ibodle rtOHlliiK on ih water 'ftiur.ee of election would be bright. Three hundred and thlrty-saveu ll ' ntaarlod urlur, pick.! up from ltr.boaU, This nmocluiliin In now obtaining left In a special Intor-Colonlal train mihuTlptloim for t u campaign. The today for Quebec plmi, It In said. I to ralno about IO.. Man) tiro nrrluiuly Injured an n re- u0" from the bop men In th valley, tilt of the rrtinli. and others are uf- an1 " " flisured tbe breweries of tho ferine from exposure, and will havei"1'" UI contribute ir.0,000, and to bo to lioapluli. Jthal tbe Iliuor Interests In tbe coun- Twenty-twodM of eiposure Home,r" wl" rHrlbuti nuftlclent to make PrUhd bh noon n picked up. Oth-' '""d nt 1100,000. tii-' o vhk whatkvkh, A VII it hpkkihi.v ooii Tt tiii: n, ...... -f W !' 11171 I BOTTOM. IVw are able to tell ronnected stnr- I". Tito people of tbe town opened Ibrir home to tbe survivor bolted I'reM IWrtlre MONTREAL, May ao.ArwnlliMlj United I'rea. Seme la Um boat Ogam atalUl.lc from o-l OTTAWA. May 30.--Federal offl- lUtlaoMrrrBilila afiemmi, orr l.woo'crta itear Ihe scene of the wrack re-1 Kr crtlcl a lite rra.lt of )" over a thousand people perished. Mhkm of .he Capita,, IJ,.rr Kmp.'0"'' l"'U' mn ?" Wd' " . L crdltiK to tbe ilUpatcben, wblcb Indl- re- of Irrl.n,! ,.Kh .,r llllrr .--,, ml lu ll)ajnrt- of Ibo.e ,nved Maili, llilrty anile off rather liln were member of Ibn crew. early lottajr, Mot of tbe paennera rre In, Tim IIWo ucrurml ilurlac (,'",r lia wbett tbe Kloraladl'a bow rea. Twenty nurvlvont died from ex- lnrlier, le lite lry fidloMut ponitre. While utalttK tltrtmsli the hear). Captain Kendall i nved. He it. Ihe lliiiprrk heit th ifilllrr'a W3 I'lclcetl up by a lifeboat aa bin ablp Irrn. C'aplaln Kendall onlrn.l lhe.uk tnath bla feet. Ilurr hoe to. the fi-K prrvnilrtl r. "The. ulllp'a Rone," wan Kendall' CMntle lelertiiltutlltm of Ihe Slor hronlp ulrnlera an tbe veiwel ent down lrevouly be bad given n dl treia rail, but ibo aK-ed ltli which lite eel tank cbniieisl tbe iienlenre to an niiiioiiiiccmcnt of tbe traitcdy DOMESTIC ART EXHIBIT MADE WOHK OK THK HIGH 8CHOOL, HTL'UKNTH IV IIOMK HCtKNOU AMI MAXUAI. TK.I.MX(1 H TO Hi: HMOW.V TOMDHT BP' , -&l. Kf &';P'1!L Bf MJt?j M ' flw miiivwPsiiH B4 r t B V-f3r Mif PiKlm,vlHHt pv ' ' iBW llm Ul ink j V9l k mk ISPt ,.v j Inmnrn in m nnr- ulURtu IU ULUut FOR THE PARAOE . TOMORROW A.M. i a JSATI'IIDAV TftADE PROHIBITS tO.VOER TIME AWWVWWVWVVVVMMWVVVVWVWWMWfkm SALOON MATTER MAY 60 BEFORE THE GRAND JURY jlitialaesa Houaea Have All 8imlAed Their Intcntloaji of Cloalna; Duriaf ihe I'roceaalon, oad for a While Artenrnnl, Hut All Will Be Opeaed In lite Afternoon to Attend to tbe I'eople'a Xeeda. CHARGE MADE THAT tXHI.VCTL MAN GOT MONEY (a t Be j On account ot Memorial Day being Ion Saturday, and the Increased vol iuffie of business on that day, both from city and country, the business j bouses of the city will be unable to lemaln closed all day tomorrow. The banks, postofflce, city hall and court Ihnilftn Urtll tin IK nnlw ...... -. - Hv n... w kMW wuij VAVJUUIia. AjmUmt RefMMrt Goes t Smj That- - Co-scilauHi Wm Offered See That the "Secoajd Cla-t" Pit OH o( Hnslneaa Poattlve St-tesaem Is Made That Um Graad Jar WIU Uveatic-te. Charges and counter charges are being heard on the street la connec tion with the action of the council relative to the refusal of the license to the Central bar. It la stated pos itive that the matter will go to tae grand Jury for an investigation.. The report is to the effects that ice other business houses wit! be proof has been secured that a noaey li'ulled Press Service lAdl'a ixmUIom. While Ihe Knipre- via allll, Ihe ndller rta.hnl Into ll, full forre. Hail lite rraali tun been ti eerr. the KiitprtW ufely rt)iniar1luettta ixiulil have kr lite ImmI fruit ulnk. ht. j There I only one hope that tbn, fnnuallle will be tea titan now ttcm, rertaln. Thla la that (hero may bo. mif aurvlvora aboard the. Htorstadt.j This la a alight hope, for of a total "I 1,307 aboard the Kinpreaa of Ire-' bud, the definitely known aitrvlvorsj number 337, leavlnx 1.030 Iimi, or mining. The Htomtailt U aluvtly koIiik up llt Ht. Ijtwrrnre lllver toward Que- 'eo. When the veaael atuppeil ati I'nt her I'olnt for n pilot, tbe oftlceraj mid 11 carried dead, but no living I IMfnengera from the Kmpreaa, The steamer Kvelyn and Kureka, which went in the rescue, landed tho ttirvlvors at Hlmomkl. and then loft a.aln for (ho aretie of the wreck, re mulnlng thero until nightfall In tho hoK of picking up additional aurvlv ors. As tho water's temperature I 3C SALOONS MAY PUT OUT CANDIOATE IIKKWKIIIKH HAY MI'lllNO ViVTU CAMHUATi: htlll (iOVKU.VOH AT GK.VKItAI. KI.KCTIOV THIH I'AM. I " In addition to the commencement exercises and tho address by Dr. lluihnell, president of the l'aclflc Uulversity. there will be another attraction at the Klamath county high vchool this evening. This will be an exhibit by tbe domestic science and manual training departments. The work that Is done by high jochool student lit these branches Is fpnirtlrnl, and wilt always bo of uso to them. Many of the school patrons do not realise this, so the exhibits lmw been arranged to convince these people. HAI.KM, May Si) Krom an authen tic suurcu It una lenrned here thnt a number ot tbn moving spirits back of the movement to prevent the stato from entering Hie prohibition column nt the coming general election are aerlottttly courilderluK tin- ndvlsablllty of hnvlitK mi Independent randldato Sphtalt Club to Meet. It was generally supposed that the ".Splash Club" would not hold IU reg- ulnr Friday nlchi plunge thla even ing, on account ot the declared Inten tion of some of the members to be out or town. As tbn out-of-town trip fell through, It has been decided to meet as usual. Thoso of the mem ber attending tho graduating exer- cIhi'x will bo expected Immediately af ter the exercises are over. Kiinmcn electrocuted several weeks NEW YORK. May fv. K.-Pollcejago, was expected to have great In- Muiwwub ruMiiw ,in.vfl w in. i.uvuki- iu ulut vecouQ iriai, nut tnet Ihe second time sententvd to be elec-;ionfosa!on failed to make any defl trocutod for the murder ot Herman jnltc statements regarding Becker's' Rosenthal, a New York gambler, who Innocence or guilt, and was a grevious , has been his partner in a rambling dlFsapoIntment for the defense, house operated in the Borough of' On tho other hand, "Bald Jack" MtitihuUati. and who was supposed to, Rose, tbe principal witness for the nc tunnelling Information to Prose- state, who had been a close associate cutlug attorney Whitman. of Becker's In various business ven- Tlie new evidence which "as to lures of shady character, was posl be Introduced at the n-roml trial ot tlve In hlH testimony, and the moat Decker failed to clear the former po-1 masterly efforts of the defense failed llreman, and ho won sentenced to be to shake him. Rose, at one time a ' electrocuted during tbe week begin- prominent character In tbe White nliig July 6th. Light life of New York, has, since the Every conceivable effort was made, murder of Rosenthal, become a char-' by Becker's friends to save the man actcr of quite the opposite descrlp-' from the chair. A supposed confee-,tlon, and now devotes himself to the' slon from Whltey Lewis, one ot the 'pulpit and to evangelistic work. open all afternoon. Some will re main closed all morning', but others. Including butcher shops, groceries, etc., will close shortly before the pro 1 cessions, and not resume business until after this. Tbe Decoration Day procession will! fornvopposite the court house at 9 a. ra., Saturday. In the following erder: consideration was offered to at least one member of the council, oa condi tion that the Central bar license be refused, and tbe saloon be pat eat of business. It was even charged tnaL one ot the eoaacUaMB bad rn-ltsd money, but his report could net be verified, and appears to he only one Sot the manyruaors. Firs .Section j Nutty Road Galdes. Marshal C. C. Low The count- mnrt ! tiulur Bill. Urand Marshal Captain O. C. Apple- Iconxellmann. foreman of th. L M gate and staff, mounted Klamath Falls Military Band County and City Officials Klamath Chamber ot Commerce Women's Civic League INTERCOLLEGIATE PETER PHILIPS CONTFSTS TODAY! DIES IN CEMETERY Second Section Marshal W. T. Lee Woodmen of the World Women of Woodcraft Knights ot Pythias Rathbono Sisters Order of Elks Order of Moose 1. O. O. F. SchoSeld Artificial Stone company, intake eight stone guide posts to be erected on the Lincoln highway. Tbe 'stones are about finished, aad are Tery attractive la appearance, with lettering easily read from moving vehicles. Re-Recording Brands. i Fred Stukel was In the county clerk's office today re-recordlas tbe Stukel Brothers' horse aad cattle brands. Mr. Stukel, with many otn 'ers. thought the time limit or regis tering under the new law extended to .,..w.w...wWW. ,............MWWW(WW I june i ut found that tbe time for (Continued on page ) jtree registration expired February It. Bar License Is in the Air Lakeview Party Made Up Fifty Elks and Twelve Autos to Make Excursion At least forty-six Klamath Fall booster and twolvo automobiles will inako the trip to Ukevlow on tho Elks' excursion. Two or the car loft K'day, and tint other wllf leave at 0 o'clock In the morning. Tho auto purlloH will bo mndo up n follews: Leslie Rogers. J. K, llodgo, K. 11. Hall and Chas, Ferguson. !hM. I, Martin, J, J, Parker, C. 11. Underwood, F, It. Olds and A. F. Hal Hrky. Fred Houston. O, W, Robertson, O. M. Hector and W. O. Smith. Austin White, Chas, Maauburn, 11, M, AckUy and O. M. fUmiby. Will W. naldwln, Fred Hngllah, A. ,'IC, Kent, Will W. Ilonnett and P. II. Hlliley, lluiiy Htllt. Mr. Stilts, Chester Avery and Mrs, Avery, (leorgn Chastiilu, Clint), F. Do Lap, Virgil De I .up and Chu. (1 raven, ICruin llosluy, A, U. UwU, Will Daltnn, Don Lytlo and Mr, Wilson. It, 10, lluiisnkor, Alex Davis, Bert Wllhrow and W. W. Smith, !:. II, Dunham, Lulco Walker, Earl Wulkor mid Ho Flnloy. Dr, Itnmbo and W, II. Shuw. Dr, Cathay will also make the trip mill will liuvo room for three passen ger. Auyono desiring to go should notify J, J. Parker tonight, Dotvu From Tmrrn. Mr. and Mru. Griffith came down from the Eagle Ridge tavern last n'Klit, and are texlstored at the White Pelican hotel. They will remain In the county eat for a short time only, us they are busy making preparations tor the opening of tho tavern to tho tourists. HARVARD'S FIELD IS SCENE OF ONE OF THE GREATEST OF THE ATHLETIC MEETS HELD IN THE COUNTRY WELD KNOWN l.VDH.V DROPS DEAD WHILE WORKING AT THE PREPARATION OF GRAVEYARD j FOR DECORATION DAY Council Bequeaths Crystal Matter to New Rep ca I United Press Service Peter Philips, a well known Klum BOSTON, May 89. Tho cream of atli Indian, died suddenly at the WU- college, athletes of the country today lllnmson River i-einetery Friday, prob competed In tho preliminary events of tho annual Intercollegiate Held and 'nitli fijm linotr liOAsiaav The Indians wore very busy getting Dredger at Work. The big dredger, Klutnath Queen, recently put to work digging tho en nal through Wocus swamp, Is now working full tlmo lifting mud. E. P. McCornack, who owns thousands of acres of land to be reclaimed by ca nal dralnnge, said today thnt It was Impossible to say how long a tlmo it would take to finish the canal, but that tho work would be steadily con tinued till tho canal was completed. Kuvon book sold for u total of $227,200 nt tho recent Hoc library sale, Two of these books were Bibles, ono of which, u Guttonberg fllblo, was prlntod on vellum, and brought tho highest price over paid for a single, book- 160,000. tho comotery tu order for Decoration day, and the exortton may have been too much for Philips, as his health that tho big event has come to tho has been poor for some time. Crlmsou. This ear the scoring will' There U u rumor that tho well be dlftoreut from that of last year. I known Indian woman, White Clnda, Firsts will count 6, seconds 4, third 3, Jwlio was under tho Influence of liquor, fourth 2 and fifth 1. .had choked Philips, aud otherwise This year's events are In a way the.huudled htm roughly, an hour or so most Important slnco tho Inter-col- ,ocioro ins ueatn, ana tnis may nave leglates bogan. Pennsylvania, and 'M to his demise. Cornell each hnvo four victories to their credits in former meets, aud UiojAII HogUlered Pharmacist. coveted championship cup which bo- Tho addition ot Harvey Matthlea to comes the permanent property of thnltho Star Drug company's force gives team winning It five times, may bo-1 Klamath county a drug store with como the proporty of either the Itha- three registered pharmacists behind cans ot tho Quakers wuon the count is tho proscription desks. Mr. Matthles totaled tomorrow evening. is a graduate ot the Portland College ot Pharmacy, and finished his course track games In Harvard stadium on Soldiers' Field. This was the second successive year j The matter of granting a license toltcense to Crystal, as he did not wish a successor to Al Crystal in the Hous-jhlm In the building. " tou building was passed up to the Ca,llnK attention to the fact that new council, which will organize next I thore was a probability that all of; the Monday, evening by tho last meeting 8a,00ns mIht be put out of business of the old council last evening. ' af ter tne fal1 election, he argued A petition was presented for a i.ithnt thero WM n0 occ"'n tor tbe cense by Dan Corcoran, candidate lor I C0UncI1 l0 Pract,car confiscate Bla mayor at the last election. The grant- 'r0'ert5;at " "me for the beneJt ing ot tho petition was opposed uy'f 'he other six saloon, in the iity. Councilman Doty, who fought the re-1 , AUt,h. the present PP'tIon of tbe nowal ot tho license to Crystal. In'0 " eve aons were illegal, his argument Doty stated that Cor.!then ' . were Ju,t " '"W- " ..u..uw. iuii.io uu a iru;k uvtapiiaaee Moro I linn 00 pur cent of Alaska Is owned by tho Unltod State, and thla vast area was bought by the govern ment for less than 2 cents an acre. For doveloplng tho territory about 10,000 miles of railroad will be required, Peck Rack at Old .Tab, Austin White, of the Oregon Weld ing company, operating on Sixth street, has taken over tho entire busi ness from his former partner, Wm. Nichols. J. S, Peck, former owner ot tho plant, has accepted a position with White, and will bo pleased to meet his old patrons. with high honors. Hero From Slasoit. Barney Dee came in last night from his home In Slsson, Calif., to look over n business proposition In Klamath county. He will return to California Saturday morning, but expects to be back here In a week or so, coran was no better than Crystal, and that It a license was granted It should be to a man who was not a drunkard. Ho also objected to tbe granting ot t the license on the ground that there was already more saloons, than was authorised by the charter. It appears that the stock ot goods Is owned by the Jesse Moore-Hunt company, while tha bar fixtures and tho building Is owned by J, V. Hous ton, Mr. Houston has an investment of about 14.000 In fixtures, and he and Attorney Renner, representing Jesse Moore-Hunt company, addressed the council, urging tho granting of tbe license, In order to give them an opportunity to get at least a part or their money out ot the business. Mr. Houston stated that he was sat tatted with the council In refusing a with tho law, they would have cut oat two Baloons, otherwise they were 'dis criminating against his Interest. Dan Corcoran announced today that hot would withdraw his petition for u license. Mr. Becker of the 'Hmm Moore-Hunt companyTarrlvea ImCV- ., nliiK to look after the interests ot Ijto company. He will probably arraafn iur some t oca i man to taxe over tae) ,jl u s. ana aaotnor psiwisa ,k j for a license wlH be prsanted,s.W: 4 council Monday night. , ,,' .V4v It is reported that "Doc" Pmii4 MhJ to take over the business. Mr. : was tne owner of "Taa Smote".! a yyr number of years, waieh was oaaasf L'-js the best eaadastsd sisees in tbe Mr.'T It is believed 'that the wH'fiiU.'y: find no objection i grantta i liaison -'-. to Mr. Powell. 4 M i. 1 tij 1 H W